#millon men
Yandere Chishiya x Reader - Your best option -
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Summary: coming from a rich conservative family you did your best to complete your dream and study...just for a men to ruin it.
Notes: conservative family - mysogyny - manipulation - toxic behaviour - toxic family - physical abuse - emotional abuse -
You could never say you lived a bad life, in the economic aspect at least. Your father was a CEO, he worked hours to bring millons of money into your home. Your mother, a quiet woman, dedicated to her husband and kids, she used to be your favorite person when you were young, then your older brother, your second favorite person who used to play with you a lot during your lonely afternoons.
Your older brother, was a promising lawyer. Studying abroad, being top of his class with the best scores and a secure post in a law firm once he returns to Japan (thanks to your father).
And you, you were the doll, the princess, expected to marry a rich man and be just like your mother. Lower your head when your husband screams at you, doing the house chores and of course having his kids.
But that was not your dream, your dream since you were a teen was to study to become a Doctor. Of course your father was against it from the start, you had to beg him for months till he accepted under one condition.
You accepted it and started to work, your weeks were a blurry of books, mental maps, coffe and snacks.
"But you will have to get the best scores, just like your brother, or you will have to leave"
You did get high scores but not the highest so you promised to do better next semester, begging for a second chance, even if you were tired like hell.
He came to you during one practice to help you. He was kind, a bit cold and insensitive, but smart. He helped you during your semester and quickly became your best friend.
It was then, when you met him Chishiya.
He was the professors assistance and just by looking at him you could tell he was going to be a successful doctor.
But he stopped helping you when your finals came. You were not angry at him by this, you knew he was as busy as you. Saddly your scores (still high but not enought for your father) dropped.
Your father took you out from college the next day. His face with no emotions other than shame, but you knew deep down he was happy about all of this.
You cried a lot for the next weeks, your mother comforted you for awhile but never went against your father. Your brother called you but offered not a lot of support and even told you "dad just wants the best for you". You ended the call right there.
One monday your mother called you, gave you a beautiful dress and called a professional makeup artist to prepare you for dinner. You knew what all of this was about and just went with it.
Your last attempt to change your fathers plans for you had ended in him slapping you and calling you a disgrace, so your spirit and will to fight was done.
When you went down to the dinner table you never expected to see who your soon to be husband was.
Chishiya never liked rumors, well more like he never cared about them. Then one day the rumor of a famous CEOs daughter was coming to the school went into his ears.
He saw you first, saw how much work you put in your career, how much you seemed to really love the subjects and how compassionate you were with the patients during practices.
Half of him hated you for it, how you were able to connect with people with no problem, he struggled a lot with it. The other half however felt....enchanted in a twisted way. You were so cheerfull and positive. Alwyas open to learn from your mistakes.
When you told Chishiya how you had got a crush on another student he went wild. Of course he kept his usual self, the one where you never tought he was thinking why not him?, when you told him that, his composture never flattered when you would tell him how much you liked this guy and how you got the gut feeling that he liked you back. You never saw how jealous he truly was.
Thats why he went to you, why he started to bestfriend you. He needed to see if he would hate you more or like you. And ended liking you. You saw pass his calculated self, you treated him as another human, not "the school genious" or something like that. You two truly connected. And you opened up to him, about your fears, doubts. You never got a friend besides Chishiya during your school time. You were never sure why, maybe thanks to your fathers reputation and how no one wanted to mess with his daughter and ruin their future or their own family.
But with Chishiya it was enought.
When your test scores went out he had a meet with your father, just as he as planned. Where he sold himself as the best suitor for you, having his school background to respalde him and the professors recomendations for high respected hospitals.
Chishiya could not see you with someone else, he was sure of it, he wanted to be with you, you get both of you a nice home where no one would be a bother.
Thats why he decided to take the matters on his own hands. You had told him your fathers plans for you if your scores went down just a bit, and he saw an oportunity. He managed to get a hold on your fathers phone and made himself a candidate for you. He then abandoned you in the hardest part of the school year.
"You are good, I will tell you that. But I have men with more money than your own family owns, so...what can you give my daughter that these men cant?"
Chishiya was relaxed, he expected this to come.
"I know your daughter from college, and I know what she thinks about it"
Your father did not show emotion towards Chishiya when he said he knew what you tought about his plans for you.
Chishiya took a sip from his coffee, keeping eye contact.
"And I know she wont like this, i believe she may have already show how much she dislikes it, and I dont want to enter into personal matters but, I believe picking me may help you keep your relationship with her in a relative good way".
"And what could you know about my relationship with her?" Your father asked siping his own coffee.
"I was his friend during her time in the school. She told me a bit"
"And you believe because you used to be her friend, that puts you above everyone else?"
"I believe she and I have a solid floor of a relationship and she would be gratefull towards her father if he pics someone she already knows as her husband". Your father was going to give him a sharp reply but Chishiya kept talking.
"And I think the same as you" Chishiya took some cold water to prepare for his next words.
"When I saw her I tought how she should not be there but in a good house, making dinner, playing with the kids and waiting for her husband. I respect women wishes to work and advance in society but she, she seems just like a perfect housewife. And I saw her interacting with kids, i believe she could give you such good grandchildren that would make you proud. She may not see it now, but getting her a good suitable partner is the best for her".
Your father eyed Chishiya, considering all his words. He tought of your tricky relationship with him. How much you hated him for what he wanted for you, so...maybe this Man, this Chishiya with a promising future, plus being someone you already knew could be the safest option to save what little love you could have for him.
The dinner went uncomfortable to say at least. Chishiya bowed at yourself and your mother who loved him since minute 0. Your father just accepted him as his best option.
"Next week, you will recive a call, be ready" standing up for father left Chishiya there. Not a single goodbye or signal of approval.
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You could not speak during all of it. Chishiya wore a smoking with his hair pulled back. He looked so handsome but, how? And why? How did he end here and why?
When your mother went to the kitchen and your father to take a business call was when you asked.
"Chishiya, I need answers right now, what are you doing here?"
Chishiya took your hand in his, his tumb caressing yours. He drunk your beauty, how your skin looked, so soft and inviting, the dress hugged you in all the good ways. And your eyes, they looked at him with such a lovely confusion.
You felt heartbroken, you trusted Chishiya, you tought you could tell him everything. God you even told him how you planned to scape the city.
"Im here, as your future husband. I talked with your father the past week and we agreed this was the best of you, im the best for you".
"I told you, I told you I did not want this" you replied to him, tears falling down your face.
"Shh" he took your face in between his hands. "You did not want this because you did not know it was gonna be me. But now you do. We will have such a beautiful family, god I cant wait to see you all round up with my kids. You will be such a good wife and mom".
"Dear look, your daughter its crying over happiness" your mother called over your father, her delusional mind making all seem perfect.
Tears continue to fall but Chishiya kissed them, loving their taste and wondering how the rest of you would taste when he had the chance to devour you.
In that moment your mother returned with a big smile on her face.
Your father returned but say nothing. He just took his seat back.
"So Chishiya, what do you think about kids?, I alwyas wanted little (y/n) running around" you mother asked him, not caring about you anymore or how twisted and disgusting this all was.
"Well, I believe (y/n) and I can raise and give you the best grandchildren, I also know a few pediatric who....
But you no longer listened. Your mind clouded and shouted down. That night you lost your freedoom thanks to Chishiyas obsesion.
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longliveblackness · 1 year
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With 10-15 million Congolese murdered and countless others brutalized in Belgium's Congo Free State between 1885 and 1908, why isn't Belgian King Leopold I as reviled as slave traders, Stalin, or Hitler?
Treating the entire country as his own personal rubber plantation, Leopold forced even the children to slave away for his personal enrichment - and took their hands if the didn't work quickly enough.
Leopold I was the owner and absolute ruler of the Congo Free State from 1885 to 1908.
In 1885, the colonial nations of Europe authorized his claim by committing the Congo Free State to improving the lives of the native inhabitants. Leopold ignored these conditions and ran the Congo using the govt mercenaries for his personal gain. He extracted a fortune, initially from ivory, and later, by forced labour from the native population to harvest and process rubber.
Leopold's rule was characterised by atrocities, including torture and murder, from systematic brutality.
In 1890, George Washington Williams coined the term "crimes against humanity" to describe the practices of Belgium's administration of the Congo Free State.
The hands of men, women, and children were amputated when the quota of rubber was not met and millions of Congolese died.
In 1908, the reports of deaths and abuse, and pressure from international groups and the Congo Reform Association, the first mass human rights movement, caused the Belgian government to take over the administration of the Congo from Leopold.
The Congo was given independence in 1960.
Leopold's legacy has been debated frequently, but as late as 2010, Louis Michel, a Belgian member of the European Parliament and former Belgian foreign minister, called Leopold Il a "visionary hero."
In 2020, King Philippe released a statement expressing his "deepest regret" for the wounds of the colonial past, and the "acts of violence and cruelty committed" in the Congo during colonisation but did not explicitly mention Leopold's role in the atrocities.
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Father stares at the hand and foot of his five-year-old.
He hadn’t made his rubber quota for the day so the Belgian-appointed overseers had cut off his daughter’s hand and foot. Her name was Boali. She was five years old. Then they killed her. But they weren’t finished. Then they killed his wife too.
Con alrededor de 10 a 15 millones de congoleños asesinados y muchos otros brutalizados en el Estado Libre del Congo de Bélgica entre los años 1885 a 1908. ¿Por qué el rey Leopoldo I de Bélgica no es tan denigrado como los esclavizadores, Stalin o Hitler?
Tratando a todo el país como su plantación personal de hule, Leopoldo obligó hasta a los niños a trabajar como esclavos para su enriquecimiento personal y les cortaba la mano si no trabajan lo suficientemente rápido.
Leopoldo I fue el dueño y gobernador absoluto del Estado Libre del Congo desde 1885 hasta 1908.
En 1885, las naciones coloniales de Europa autorizó su solicitud al comprometerse con mejorar las vidas de los habitantes nativos del Estado Libre del Congo. Leopoldo ignoró estas condiciones y gobernó al Congo utilizando a los mercenarios del gobierno para su lucro personal. Él extrajo fortuna, inicialmente del marfil y luego por medio del trabajo forzado de la población nativa, quienes cosechaban y procesaban el hule.
Las reglas de Leopoldo estaban caracterizadas por atrocidades, incluyendo tortura, asesinato y brutalidad sistemática.
En 1890, George Washington Williams utilizó el término: “crímenes contra la humanidad” para describir las prácticas de la administración Belga en el Estado Libre del Congo.
Se le amputaban las manos y los pies tanto a hombres, mujeres y niños si estos no cumplían con la cuota de hule y millones de congoleños murieron.
En 1908, los reportes de los abusos y las muertes, y la presión por parte de los grupos internacionales y la Asociación de Reforma del Congo, el primer movimiento de derechos humanos masivo, causó que el gobierno Belga le quitara la administración a Leopoldo.
Al Congo se le dio la independencia en el año 1960.
El legado de Leopoldo ha sido debatido frecuentemente, pero en el 2010, Louis Michel, un miembro belga del Parlamento Europeo y previamente ministro extranjero llamó a Leopoldo un “héroe visionario”.
En el 2020, el rey Phillippe emitió un comunicado expresando “profundo arrepentimiento” por las heridas causadas por el pasado colonial y “los actos de crueldad y violencia” cometidos en el Congo durante la colonización pero no mencionó explícitamente el rol de Leopoldo en estas atrocidades.
Se puede observar a un padre viendo la mano y el pie amputado de su hija de cinco años.
Su nombre era Nsala y no había cumplido con la cuota diaria de hule, así que los supervisores puestos por los Belga como castigo le cortaron la mano y el pie a su hija. El nombre de ella era Boali, tenía cinco años de edad y la mataron. No solo lo dejaron ahí, sino que también mataron a la esposa.
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forjongseong · 1 year
meet cute // jay (ENHYPEN)
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pairing: secretary!jay x CEO!fem!reader (minisode part 10 of the series)
genre: office!au, fluff // warning: older reader; Jay calls reader “Boss” // wc: ~1.3k
previous chapters:
part 1 - carmesí part 2 - mi reina part 3 - millones part 3.5 - hasta los dientes part 4 - vente conmigo part 5 - tusa part 5.5 - apaga y vámonos part 6 - versos de placer minisode part 1 - cuando nadie ve part 6.5 - yo te quiero más minisode part 2 - la niña de mis ojos part 7 - aeropuerto minisode part 3 - falling autumn minisode part 4 - night night part 8 - ambulancia minisode part 5 - subtítulos part 9 - al caer la noche minisode part 6 - after last night part 9.5 - the way you look tonight part 10 - mon soleil minisode part 7 - daylight minisode part 8 - subside minisode part 9 - your princess, my queen part 11 - qué bonito part 11.5 - enchule
next chapters:
click here for the masterlist
summary: on one of your little outings during your stay in NYC for New Year's, you and Jay bumped into strangers who were curious about your first meeting.
author’s notes: ladies and gentlemen, my carmesimps, I present to you, our tenth minisode!!!
I did tell @excusememissiloveyou that I had ideas for three minisodes, and she thought I was crazy, so here's the first one out of three (expect two more to be released soon).
this is HEAVILY inspired by the cute Instagram account that has been in my orbit lately, meetcutesnyc, and given the natural and spontaneous nature of CEO!yn and sec!Jay's relationship, I thought it would be nice to give this idea a spin.
no song inspiration, just that Instagram account. hope you like this one too!
taglist: @thots4hee @jayked @end-hyphen @nyanggk @yoursjaeyun @maggstar @bucketofhiros @dimplejaehyuncutie @excusememissiloveyou @shinkenprincess-oh @mochimchimo @jongseonglogy
(send an ask if you want to be added or removed)
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You were busy paying attention to the lights, waiting for them to turn green. Your fingers were intertwined with Jay’s, and he himself was focused on his phone, making sure he was navigating you both to the right place. Once you both crossed the roads safely along with other people, Jay lifted his head from the phone to look at the road.
At the same time, you caught two men in front of you—one holding a phone up and the other eyeing you carefully—and you tugged on Jay’s hand a bit tighter before the man not holding the phone smiled and greeted you politely.
“Excuse me, are you two a couple?”
You found it quite odd that the man asked you that, given that everything about your appearance basically screamed that you were a couple. Jay was wearing a thick denim shirt over his black slacks, with a heat-tech shirt underneath to keep him warm. His coat was hung on his free arm where his phone was. His hand that was holding yours brushed against the sleeve of your beige coat, and underneath you were wearing a black top with blue jeans that matched the shade of Jay’s top.
Even if you weren’t holding hands, you’d think that everyone else could easily tell that you were a couple.
Jay’s eyes flickered towards the man, and you answered ‘yes’ out of reflex. Within a second, you looked at Jay to gauge his reaction to determine whether it was safe to interact with the polite stranger, and you noticed that Jay was not on guard. He took off the sunglasses he was wearing and smiled, so you looked back at the stranger and smiled too.
“Would you mind telling us how you met?” He continued.
At that moment, it clicked, and your face immediately lit up. Jay looked at you expectantly.
“Oh, is this for Instagram?” You asked back, and the man smiled at you before confirming your guess. You then had to explain shortly to Jay that videos of people retelling their meet cute had appeared on your explore page for a while.
“There was actually nothing cute about our first meeting,” Jay started. You snorted. “I work for her.”
You nodded and picked up the story. “He’s my assistant, and we’ve been dating for a while. What happened was, one day I was feeling a little all over the place, and he kissed me to shut me up.”
Jay chuckled nervously before continuing. “My intention was to comfort you, actually.”
You widened your eyes as if asking him ‘Oh, really?’ with your eyebrows. Jay shrugged and brought one hand to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear that had made its way to your face because of the soft breeze.
“I’ve actually admired her for a while, and that was just my way of making a move, I guess,” Jay said, looking at the man with a smile.
“Do you remember what your first impression of her was?” The man asked again.
“Oh,” Jay sighed and stared into the distance dramatically. “Boss. Like, absolute boss.”
You chuckled before attempting to explain. “He’s the only one who calls me that at the office, by the way. He started doing it ironically.”
“Because I don’t think there’s any other title that suits you, Babe,” Jay replied, looking at you. Then he looked back at the man interviewing you. “She has a huge presence.”
“And what was your first impression of him?” The man continued.
You paused for too long and Jay pretended to clear his throat. The man laughed.
“He had nice hair,” you finally answered. With that, Jay cackled, and wrinkles appeared on the corner of his eyes.
“Do you remember what happened on your first date?”
You and Jay looked at each other and both squinted your eyes, thinking hard of a solid answer. This time, the interviewer laughed because it seemed like none of you were able to recall when it was or what happened.
“I’ve just been around her 24/7, I actually don’t remember when our first date was,” Jay explained.
You nodded. “Since we’re always together at work, and sometimes off work, more often than not it’s always just the two of us so it’s like we’ve been going on dates for longer than it became official.”
“So, how long have you two been together exactly?”
“I’ve been working for her for more than two years, and we’ve been together for…” Jay looked at you for confirmation. “I don’t know, almost a year? More than that?”
“Probably,” you replied, also unsure.
“What’s your favorite thing about her?”
“Oh, I love that question,” you cut Jay off before he had a chance to answer. The interviewer laughed. “Go on, Babe.”
Jay grinned. “She’s a strong woman. I like how she doesn’t need me, but she still wants me around.”
You pouted, feeling all gushy at Jay’s answer.
The man smiled at you. “And your favorite thing about him?”
“He brings me comfort,” you replied without missing a beat. “I can always be myself when I’m with him and I know I’m safe.”
You and Jay continued to throw compliments at each other and for a while you almost forgot that the men interviewing you were still there recording everything. The person holding the camera looked at you and then Jay, back and forth like it was a tennis match. The man interviewing you chuckled along and was looking at you both with full adoration.
“So, what would you say is the secret to a year together?”
“Always prioritize your partner,” Jay answered, beating you to it. “Understand that they have needs and that communication is also very important.”
“That,” you agreed before adding on to Jay’s answer. “And trust. You should be honest with your partner and trust that they will do the same for you.”
“And a lot of kisses,” Jay continued, pulling you by your waist and landing a hard kiss on your cheek. You squinted your eyes and grinned happily at the gesture.
“That’s amazing. Can I know your names?” The man asked, looking at you.
“This is Jay,” you said, leaning your head on Jay’s shoulder.
“And this beautiful woman is Y/N.”
The man thanked you both for your time before leaving, and for a moment you both just stood there staring at the two men as they walked away and disappeared behind a corner.
“We don’t have a meet cute,” you sighed. “Isn’t that sad?”
Jay shrugged and took your hand as he continued to walk. You followed right beside him.
“Are meet cutes really that important?” Jay asked, genuinely curious.
“What if someone gets an idea to make a rom-com movie about us? What will our meet cute be? Meet cutes are a necessity for a good rom-com, you know.”
Jay chuckled at your comment and squeezed your hands. “Baby, our life is better than the movies.”
He turned his head to look at you and your face was scrunched, slightly bothered by the non-existent first-time meeting story with Jay.
“I actually lied a bit,” Jay said, whispering. “About my first impression.”
You frowned as you looked at him. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, I do think you’re amazing, but the first thing I thought when I saw you for the first time was,” Jay paused for an added dramatic effect, “you were absolutely the most beautiful woman I had ever landed my eyes on.”
“Haha, bullshit,” you laughed dryly, pulling your hand away from Jay’s and walking ahead of him.
“Y/N!” Jay called. “Baby, I’m serious!”
When he caught up to you, he nudged your shoulder to make you look at him, and when you did, he made this stupid ugly face that made you giggle, so you melted into his arm when he offered it to you.
“I also thought you were pretty handsome,” you said softly.
“Yeah, I got that from how you said I had nice hair,” Jay replied nonchalantly.
You smacked Jay’s arm and again went speedwalking ahead of him. Jay chuckled as he tried his best to regain his rightful place to walk—beside you.
© forjongseong 2023, all rights reserved
read the next part: dive
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shoppinghauer · 29 days
On one hand its pretty dope in general to have a female president. On the other hand.... mexico's gvt sucks. I really hope i dont regret voting lol...
Men are throwing tantrums because Máynez didnt win lmaoooo ni a putazos gana ese perro, ese wey no juntó sin 100k votos. Sheinbaum juntó millones. Pinches chillones
She promised reverting the neoliberal frame of retirement funds... Please please let this be real
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The Case for Klay Infantes x Placido Penitente
Maria Clara at Ibarra came into my radar when I was obssessed with El Filibusterismo and the works of Jose Rizal in general. When I first read the twitter post announcing the new historical portal fantasy, I was a bit skeptical. Maria Clara at Ibarra is about a Gen Z who is also named Maria Clara, nicknamed “Klay” who time-travels into the time period of Noli Me Tangere to learn about nationalism, patriotism and all that jazz. 
By the time the show tackled El Fili, viewers noticed the lower episode count compared to Noli and the some glaring exclusion of scenes from the book. Despite the lower episode count, I’m surprised by the impact a lot of the scenes had on me as a viewer. In my opinion, the writers did a fine job adapting the parts of El Fili. I’ll go as far as to say the lower episode count benefits El Fili for me as a viewer. This is mostly personal bias but I found a lot of scenes in Noli to be a bit dragging at times. The lower episode count demanded writers to be more careful with their time. However it can still feel rushed in some parts.
One of the significant changes in the adaptation is the absence of Placido Penitente’s character. From a plot perspective, even for someone who liked El Fili, Placido Penitente is almost a useless character. Rizal added his character for symbolism. Readers remember Placido Penitente for standing up to Padre Millon but beyond that, the character disappeared after teaming up with Simoun and the readers know little to nothing beyond that.
I’m not mad at the show runners for excluding Placido Penitente in their adaptation. The writers of Maria Clara at Ibarra are free to write whatever the hell they want. Instead, I want to make my case for the ship of Klay Infantes and Placido Penitente and why I think not making the 2 characters meet or even interact is a missed oppurtunity. Think of this meta as a thought experiment or speculation. Because Placido Penitente never happened, the meta will be based on not only the original El Fili and MCI but also on lots of speculation. I’m not going to hate on Filay. I think Filay is cute but I’m also a sucker for possible ships beyond the canon ones and how it can narratively impact the story. 
Now on with the meta...
Maria Clara “Klay” Infantes, The Gen Z Fighter
Klay, the main protagonist functions as the audience’ self-insert. She is the Gen Z character stuck in the world of Rizal’s novels. As the audience self-insert, she says the things the audience is thinking in their minds as they watch events unfold. I like that her status as a self-insert is informed by her present characteristics. Klay being outspoken is part of her character along with her fierce love for her mother and brother. There were times her outspoken mouth grates on my nerves as a viewer especially when she preaches feminism seemingly out of ignorance of the systems that oppressed these women in the first place.
To the world of Noli and El Fili, she is a peculiarity. A woman who speaks her mind about women being as capable as men? That is preposterous. (sarcasm)
Since her real name is technically, “Maria Clara,” she is also a foil to the Maria Clara of Noli. Maria Clara and Klay are almost opposites in terms of characterization. Maria Clara’s meekness and quiet nature is there to contrast with Klay’s more outspoken nature.
Another important thing about Klay is her background. Klay defined herself by her struggles even before she came into the world of Noli.
She is a struggling working student who aspires to graduate from Nursing to support her family without her stepdad. She is not the person to back down in the face of adversity especially when her loved ones are at risk. Because of it, she has to create an outer shell to cope with the burden of studying in school and being the breadwinner of the family. She is a girl from a broken family who cries when no one is around because she has to appear strong for her family. Her outspoken nature came from her intolerance to injustices.
At the start of the series, she can’t bring herself to care about the lofty ideals of nationalism as a Filipino because of the struggles she faces everyday. Like the audience, the narrative pushes her to care about her country more and to open her eyes to the injustices that many Filipinos experience. Over the course of the story, she begins to call out the systems that oppressed the Filipinos and pushes for reform and change in the town of San Diego.
By El Fili, she is determined to change the fates of her friends to prevent the tragedies that will befall them in El Fili. She also grapples with the mystery of the fates of the other characters such as Elias and Fidel.
Placido Penitente, The Ordinary Filipino In the Olden Times
I think Placido Penitente is one of the most relatable characters in all of Jose Rizal’s writing. Every teacher would point out Placido Penitente means “Silent Suffering”. Placido Penitente is a poor Indio who was able to attain education in Manila and at UST no less. The narration mentions he is very focused on his studies to the point of not having time for other past times his classmates normally have. He is considered one of the most intelligent by both the characters in the story and the narrative.
As said by his namesake, he silently endures the discrimination of the Dominican priests in UST. His mother instilled to him the value of meekness because of their poor status despite his intelligence. To his classmates, he is very silent. They wouldn’t expect him to stand up for himself. Deep down, anger boiled within him as he endured the taunts of the priests and the mindless lessons he is forced to learn.
To a lot of readers, the struggle is relatable and understandable. If you ever encountered the El Fili fandom, Placido is a sort of fan favorite. I enjoy scrolling through Tumblr to find a lot of content on him and how many fans could relate to him even in the modern age. There are moments in life when we silently suffer to not disrupt the peace of other people. Rizal used Placido Penitente as an allegory for regular Filipinos during the period of the Spanish era. If Placido’s anger is a Filipino’s anger, his suffering is a Filipino’s suffering.
Placido didn’t exactly start out with patriotic ideals or even the moral framework to correct the injustices he sees. I’d argue he also represents the apathetic Filipino. He cares about injustice when he experiences injustice. He didn’t study to become a lawyer out of a sense of justice, rather he did it out of obligation to his parents. Whenever I read chapters focusing on his point of view, I notice a selfishness within them. He quits school because his intelligence is not appreciated. He doesn’t like being insulted and humiliated. These traits were never shown in relation to his relationship with other marginalized groups. Unlike Isagani, Placido is a pragmatic, not an idealist. I’ll even go as far as to say he is apolitical as Klay was in the beginning of her story.
Same Struggles, Different Timeline
It baffles me when people say El Fili is more boring than Noli. My old tutor said she preferred Noli over El Fili. El Fili has a much darker and more political tone than Noli but as a student, I find El Fili more relatable than Noli. El Fili is not only a dark political novel, it is also a novel that places emphasis on the youth characters than Noli did. While Simoun plots to take his revenge, the college students plan to establish a Castillian Academy. I don’t like that MCI lessened the emphasis on the youth characters which I think would’ve been as relevant to Klay.
Now why Klay and Placido? They’re more similar than you think. They’re meant to be relatable characters to their respective audiences. It baffles me when people say the texts of El Fili and Noli are not relevant to the struggles of today’s generation. Klay and Placido are both struggling students. Klay may not have the intelligence of Placido and Placido may not have Klay’s selflessness but in them, I see a similar grit that almost mirror each other.
Although their situations are not the exact same, the issues remain. Placido may not be a working student but he is actively disrespected by the Dominican teachers in his school that more often than not tested his patience. He is in a position where he can’t speak up for his rights out of losing his education. His mother even pleaded him to go the priest’s way despite the humiliation Placido was put through because of them.
Klay doesn’t experience this situation in school but in her everyday life before the events of MCI, she is pitted against authorities that try to belittle her at every opportunity. This is exemplified in her part time job when the café owner forced her to pay for the food the customers didn’t pay. She lost at least 3 days of wages because of them but she can’t speak up.
Placido and Klay were in a situation where they are encouraged remain meek and quiet by their society and peers. And their mothers want them to employ said traits for survival. They are the characters written to be relatable to their audience. If the characters meet, perhaps the audience of MCI and Klay herself may discover that the past rhymes with the present more than they think.
Finding connections and similarities between the past and the present is one of the main themes of MCI. By looking at the past, one can better appreciate the present. This is also the main reason why the professor forced Klay to live the experiences of Noli. A character similar to Klay in terms of situation and struggles can be an eye-opener for Klay herself and the audience.
Yes, I’m kinda salty that MCI didn’t include Placido Penitente in the final product but the writers are put into the position of fitting all of El Fili in like 20 episodes when Noli had 70+.
A Potential Enemies to Lovers Pair?
Hot take: the pair has as much enemies to lovers potential as Filay. An enemies to lovers pair as defined by a lot of people is the pairing of 2 equally strong-willed and proud people unwilling to back down. From the previous parts of the meta, it is clear that both Placido and Klay are proud individuals who suffer the brunt of unfair authorities. What elevates the pair for me compared to Filay, is their similar characteristics and backgrounds. I’m sorry I can’t think of a ship name…
I admit Filay is cute and even an endearing ship. As a viewer, I didn’t expect them to get together but they worked. Their dynamic started out with a sort of rivalry wherein Klay argues with Fidel about gender equality. Over the course of the show, they begin to form a bond which eventually evolves into a full on romantic relationship. That’s cute. It is the ideal progression of enemies to lovers.
Like Filay, I imagine Placido and Klay to have an enemies to lovers dynamic. Placido will find Klay annoying because of her impulsive mouth. She goes against what he was taught since he came to Manila. Seeing someone speaking their thoughts freely for Placido can trigger a nerve in him. The same could also be said for Klay but in an opposite manner. Klay may despise Placido for his arrogance and his quiet nature in the face of the enemy. Similarly, this also goes against her core belief to stand up for what is right.
Placido can be quiet to a lot of his peers but he is also a raging teapot ready to burst. He will sass the hell out of Klay and Klay will bite him back. There will be times he can be the same brand of misogynist as Fidel because of the time periods but I don’t think that should be the main impetus of their rivalry like Filay.
To me they already have a compelling reason to be the bickering lovers: their similar backgrounds and different approaches to dealing with them. Fidel and Klay have different backgrounds with Fidel hailing from a rich family and Klay hailing from a middle class family. Fidel, a rich Ilustrado doesn’t face any social discrimination as Klay does (I meant this in context of the Spanish era). An enemies to lovers type ship with Placido and Klay will have the added dimension of them coming from similar backgrounds. It is not that similar because of the time periods but I think it is close enough.
The tension in their dynamic will stem from their ideologies when dealing with the problem and the conclusion should have them ultimately relate to each other and support one another in their struggles. Speaking of development…
Klay and Placido’s Development
Enemies to lovers implies character development from one or both parties. Part of the appeal of the enemies to lovers ship of Filay is Fidel’s growing awareness of the injustices around him. There is a great tumblr meta made on Fidel’s character development here. Filay also pushed Klay’s development as well. She learns how to be vulnerable in front of others especially Fidel. And she also learns the value of patriotism through her experiences in Noli. By El Fili, she seemed to have already completed her character arc. She comes back to the world of MCI to prevent the tragedies that will befall on her friends.
Once she is in the world of El Fili, she will meet the new characters in the book. One of those characters will be Placido Penitente. The interactions of Klay and Placido would be for Klay, a reintroduction of her past self before the events of MCI. As established, at the start of MCI, Klay considers herself as an apolitical figure. If we follow the same path as the show and Klay comes back to the events of El Fili with newfound knowledge she learned from Noli, then meeting Placido will be meeting her past apolitical self again.
Most of the development will be on Placido. Placido seemed to be the more flawed one in the pairing. Even to the average viewer, his development is obvious. Like Klay, he will learn how to care for fellow Filipinos and gain a new sense of patriotism for his country. Klay can also teach him how to use his voice by example as what happened for the other characters around her in Noli. Their bickering and arguments can force Placido to reconsider his single-minded point of view. At the end, aside from gaining patriotism, he can comfort Klay in her struggles even if he doesn’t understand them fully.
I have to admit, Klay’s development in this pairing is tricky because of Filay. Aside from a technical standpoint of her witnessing the life of ordinary students like herself during the Spanish era, it is almost hard to find a point of growth she could gain from interacting with Placido. For the most part, Klay seemed to be done in her character arc after the events of Noli. When she comes back to El Fili, she does it with the intentions to prevent the tragedies that will befall her on her friends. As she comes to El Fili, I think she also brought with her the idealism and patriotism she had from Noli. She is no stranger to calling out the bigoted men of the past on their narrow-mindedness. Since Placido is a lawyer and said in the narration to be one of the most intelligent students, I think he can meaningfully challenge those views with her.
The Possibilities of Fanfiction
I have to reiterate we are in fanfiction territory and those 2 characters never actually meet in canon so their story can go multiple ways. Ideally, I would want Klay and Placido to develop feelings for each other that is why I wrote this meta in the first place. Despite this I can also see a version of the ship with Filay still being the endgame. For their dynamic to be effective, the show should’ve dedicated more episodes to El Fili. As I write this meta, I composed a series of events and a couple of what-if scenarios of a longer El Fili or even a separate season dedicated to the book.
One of those plot points would be the audience and Klay not knowing where Fidel is so the audience has no choice but to follow Klay as she witnesses the events of El Fili first hand. I’m also a sucker for long winded suspense so in my ideal version, she wouldn’t meet the relevant Noli characters at all. She would’ve met Placido Penitente by accident in Manila while searching for Basilio. I find it strange that even if she supported Ibarra’s efforts of free education for all, she doesn’t seem to care about the characters’ plans to build a Castillian Academy like Ibarra once done in El Fili. Basilio is one of the supporters of the academy so she might have to interact with the student activists (e.g. Isagani, Macaraig) to meet him. To be fair it can be a repetitive plot but with good writing and more time, it can work as a parallel to the events of Noli. 
On an additional note, I would’ve also expanded Placido’s role in the novel especially on his collaboration with Simoun. 
Ultimately, the show is a work of fanfiction itself. We should be free to do whatever the hell we want with the source material but at the same time we should respect the message of Rizal’s original works. Again, I didn’t write this meta to downplay Filay but rather explore the possibilities of what could’ve been in the El Fili canon of Maria Clara at Ibarra. I’m glad Maria Clara at Ibarra encouraged young people to read the books and pay attention to the themes of Rizal’s novels. Feel free to think of ship name for Placido Penitente and Klay Infantes.
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duckyface27 · 1 year
ah... Tumblr, el lugar en donde nadie me ve
I mean, sure, cualquier persona con habilidades pasables de casual stalking me podría encontrar, but it's not like anyone wants to do that anyway
se aproxima el 8m. El día en donde millones, tal vez miles de millones, de personas --mujeres, personas trans, aliadxs, papás y hermanos de desaparecidas-- se juntan. No se juntan juntan como tal, pero se unen. Because there's one thing that took a very important thing away from them, one thing that they fear may take something away from them tomorrow or the next day. The patriarchy.
El 8m-9m me cambió la vida hace 3 años. Yo no fui a la marcha y regresé quemada con ácido. Yo no fui a la marcha porque mi hermana fue asesinada el año pasado. Yo no hice paro porque mi trabajo invisible es vital para una compañía dirigida por hombres. No, yo nada más estaba ahí, medio ññd out porque ugh, being surrounded almost exclusively by men in school was,, ppmhnb...
Like I was thinking the other day. Talking to Ahnaf in my head. Why are we here? Why are we here, and not nibbling on a half-dry, half-rotten piece of lamb from a sheep my father raised, who had no choice but to watch as my brother uttered a silent prayer and, with eyes unfocused by tears, tore down on its abdominal wall? Why are we here, on a country where worry is not the norm? Why are we here, and not fighting for our rights, hoping that this time they will listen instead of try to silence us?
Es que el mundo no es real. That's what it is for me. No puede ser real que, en otra parte del mundo, un tercio de un país haya estado bajo el agua. No puede ser real que, en otra parte del mundo, un terremoto más o menos igual de fuerte que el que yo sentí con mis propias piernas hace unos años haya matado tanta gente. No puede ser real.
Shit, so much talk of how fantasy is actually real... when actually, it should be the other way around. At least I know that fantasy is not real. And that's a comfort????
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1happycustomer · 2 years
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Padre Rico, Padre Pobre. Edición 20 aniversario / Rich Dad Poor Dad (Spanish Edi
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Padre Rico, Padre Pobre. Edición 20 aniversario / Rich Dad Poor Dad (Spanish Edi
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Product Description:  El libro #1 de finanzas personales. Qué les enseñan los ricos a sus hijos acerca del dinero, ¡que los pobres y la clase media no! Una nueva edición revisada y actualizada del bestseller que revolucionó la forma de entender las finanzas personales. Las premisas que Robert Kiyosaki estableció en esta obra –primera de una serie de más de 50 títulos– han trascendido hasta hoy. Trece años después de su lanzamiento, sigue siendo el libro de finanzas personales más vendido. El autor y conferencista Robert Kiyosaki desarrolló una perspectiva económica única a partir de la exposición que tuvo a dos influencias: su propio padre, altamente educado pero muy inestable y el padre multimillonario, sin educación universitaria, de su mejor amigo. Los problemas monetarios que su “Padre pobre” experimentó toda la vida (con cheques mensuales muy respetables pero nunca suficientes) rompían con lo que le comunicaba su “Padre rico”: que la clase pobre y la clase media trabajan por dinero pero la clase alta, hace que el dinero trabaje para ellos. Con ese mensaje clavado en su mente, Kiyosaki logró retirarse a los 47 años. Padre rico Padre pobrepresenta la filosofía detrás de esta relación excepcional con el dinero. Este libro aboga de manera convincente por el tipo de “conocimiento financiero” que nunca se enseña en las escuelas. Basado en el principio que los bienes que generan ingreso siempre dan mejores resultados que los mejores trabajos tradicionales, explica cómo pueden adquirirse dichos bienes para, eventualmente, olvidarse de trabajar. Robert T. Kiyosaki es un inversionista multimillonario, emprendedor, educador, conferencista y autor bestseller de la serie Padre rico Padre pobre. Después de retirarse, a los 47 años, fundó CHASFLOW Technologies y creó la Compañía de Rich Dad, que hoy en día ofrece a millones de personas en el mundo consejos para ser financieramente independientes. Robert ha escrito 16 libros que han vendido más de 27 millones de ejemplares en todo el planeta. ias para la marca Padre Rico Padre Pobre. Es autor de 15 libros, pertenecientes a dicha marca. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION It's been 20 years since Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad Poor Dad first made waves in the Personal Finance arena. It has since become the #1 Personal Finance book of all time... translated into dozens of languages and sold around the world. Rich Dad, Poor Dad is Robert's story of growing up with two dads--his real father and the father of his best friend, his rich dad--and the ways in which both men shaped his thoughts about money and investing. The book explodes the myth that you need to earn a high income to be rich and explains the difference between working for money and having your money work for you. 20 Years... 20/20 Hindsight In the 20th Anniversary Edition of this classic, Robert offers an update on what we’ve seen over the past 20 years related to money, investing, and the global economy. Sidebars throughout the book will take readers "fast forward"--from 1997 to today--as Robert assesses how the principles taught by his rich dad have stood the test of time. In many ways, the messages of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, messages that were criticized and challenged two decades ago, are more meaningful, relevant and important today than they were 20 years ago. As always, readers can expect that Robert will be candid, insightful... and continue to rock more than a few boats in his retrospective. Will there be a few surprises? Count on it. Rich Dad, Poor Dad... - Explodes the myth that you need to earn a high income to become rich - Challenges the belief that your house is an asset - Shows parents why they can't rely on the school system to teach their kids about money - Defines once and for all an asset and a liability - Teaches you what to teach your kids about money for their future financial success About the Author Robert T. Kiyosaki es un inversionista multimillonario, emprendedor, educador, conferencista y autor bestseller
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wegkreuzer · 2 years
Declared as a deep-issued muddle
I was pleased with their blatant malice
And as the horror of a role model
I started to build my lavish palace.
In the muddy dirt, the dark pity,
I unveiled my shameful grace
became the pulsing life of my city
with a bold yet sexy face
And though so wantonly desired
Solitude keeps me content
By millons of men I'm admired
Still poetry's my only boyfriend.
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soyamuleto · 1 month
Imagínate ser joven de derecha, sin conciencia de clase y aspiracionista. ¿Por? Ignorancia política o tu familia te heredó el pensamiento. ¿Lo peor de todo? No ser consciente de la historia política de este país. Abre un libro güey, la historia está escrita y al alcance de todos. Real es bien fácil entender el clima político y social de la estructura de México: el fraude electoral a Cardenas en el 88, que llevaba la ventaja en las votaciones porque el pueblo así lo decidió. ¿Qué pasó? Una falla técnica a mitad de las votaciones, entiéndase caída del sistema (como en los oxxos 🤣) y por arte de magia al ser restablecido, revirtió la tendencia y le dió el triunfo al PRI. Un chiste que debería ofender la inteligencia de cualquier ciudadano.
Ya no hablemos del asesinato a Colosio, de su mismo team. O peor aún y en temas mayores: la desaparición de los normalistas de Ayotzinapa, todo el país o al menos los que tenemos un poco de conciencia de clase y humanismo, chillamos  hasta el alma. Fox llamando a los que menos privilegios tienen “huevones y mantenidos”. Pero entiendo que el privilegio de ser politólogo de sofá, no nos da para ver mas allá de nuestro propio egoísmo. Este eterno desapego de que esto no se trata de ti. Se trata de la gente que no tuvo las ventajas, los privilegios y las comodidades que tú si. ¿Por qué? Porque te reconozco como igual. Habra que recordar cuando de 1988 a 1997, la derecha intensifico sus persecuciones contra la oposición y fueron asesinados mas de 500 militantes del PRD. Salinas vendió los bancos, el petroleo, privatizó todo. Dónde anda el men? Viviendo como rey en España.
O bien, en tiempos mas contemporáneos, La Casa Blanca de Peña Nieto que costó millones, dinero que tú ni yo, por mas aspiracionistas de unidad habitacional de clase media, vamos a ver en nuestra pinche vida. O los antiguos aguinaldos y primas de los diputados y senadores: un chequesito mínimo de 1 millon de pesos por bono navideño, que obviamente ellos mismos se inventaron LOL. El fraude al Peje por parte del PAN. Taboada y su cartel inmobiliario, el hijo de Xochilt con cargo publico y ganando dinero del erario público llamándonos nacos y jodidos. En fin, harta historia.
Y please, nunca olviden que la desigualdad social es más violenta que cualquier clase de protesta.
No es lo mismo reivindicar a la clase oprimida que a la opresora. Nunca en tu vida has leído sobre supremacismo negro, pero si de supremacismo blanco, que es violento, xenófobo y racista. El supremacismo negro es mínima decencia y respeto a los derechos humanos.
Nunca es peligroso hablar del oprimido, del humillado. No le estás dando más poder al poder, le estás dando voz a quien históricamente le han dado en la madre: a la clase obrera.
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futebolaovivonet · 2 months
¿Cuáles son los emparejamientos de la Champions League 2024 y qué equipos se enfrentarán en la próxima fase del torneo?
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¿Cuáles son los emparejamientos de la Champions League 2024 y qué equipos se enfrentarán en la próxima fase del torneo?
Sorteo Champions League 2024
El Sorteo de la Champions League 2024: Todo lo que Necesitas Saber
El Sorteo de la Champions League 2024 ha generado gran expectación entre los aficionados al fútbol de todo el mundo. Este evento determinará los enfrentamientos de los equipos en la fase de grupos, marcando el inicio de una nueva edición llena de emociones y competencia.
Este año, el Sorteo de la Champions League se llevará a cabo en un ambiente lleno de anticipación y emoción, con los mejores equipos de Europa listos para enfrentarse en la búsqueda del codiciado título. Los equipos clasificados han demostrado su valía en sus respectivas ligas nacionales y ahora se enfrentarán entre sí en un desafío aún mayor.
Los aficionados están ansiosos por conocer los emparejamientos que surgirán del sorteo, ya que esto definirá el rumbo de la competición y las posibilidades de cada equipo de avanzar hacia las etapas posteriores del torneo. Los encuentros serán clave para determinar qué equipos avanzarán a la siguiente fase y cuáles enfrentarán mayores desafíos en su camino hacia la gloria europea.
El Sorteo de la Champions League es un evento que reúne a los mejores clubes y jugadores del continente, ofreciendo emocionantes partidos y momentos inolvidables para los aficionados. Desde los grandes derbis hasta los enfrentamientos entre equipos de diferentes países, la Champions League siempre ofrece un espectáculo deportivo de primer nivel.
Los aficionados están listos para presenciar el Sorteo de la Champions League 2024 y seguir de cerca a sus equipos favoritos en esta emocionante competición. Con grandes expectativas y la promesa de emociones inigualables, esta edición promete ser una de las más emocionantes hasta la fecha.
Equipos clasificados Champions League
Los equipos clasificados para la Champions League son los mejores clubes de fútbol de Europa que compiten en el torneo más prestigioso a nivel de clubes. Cada temporada, los equipos más destacados de las ligas europeas logran asegurar su lugar en este torneo, donde se enfrentan en emocionantes partidos en busca de la gloria.
Entre los equipos clasificados para la Champions League de esta temporada se encuentran potencias como el Real Madrid, el Barcelona, el Bayern de Múnich, el Manchester City, el Paris Saint-Germain y la Juventus, por mencionar solo algunos. Estos equipos cuentan con jugadores de clase mundial que deslumbran a los aficionados con su talento y habilidades en el terreno de juego.
La Champions League es un torneo que despierta pasiones en todo el mundo, con millones de espectadores siguiendo cada partido y apoyando a sus equipos favoritos. La emoción, la intensidad y la calidad futbolística que se vive en la Champions League la convierten en una competición única y especial.
Los equipos clasificados para la Champions League se preparan arduamente para cada encuentro, con la esperanza de levantar la codiciada copa al final de la temporada. La competencia es feroz y cualquier cosa puede suceder en el emocionante mundo del fútbol europeo. ¡Que comience la Champions League y que gane el mejor equipo!
Partidos octavos de final Champions League
En los partidos de octavos de final de la Champions League, los equipos de élite del fútbol europeo se enfrentan en una emocionante fase eliminatoria que deja a los aficionados con el corazón en un puño. Los octavos de final son la etapa en la que se separa a los verdaderos contendientes de los que no tienen lo necesario para llegar a la gloria final.
Los encuentros de ida y vuelta enfrentan a equipos de distintas ligas, lo que añade un elemento de emoción y competitividad a cada partido. Los favoritos a menudo se ven obligados a pelear contra rivales menos conocidos que buscan hacer historia y superar todas las expectativas.
Con estadios llenos de pasión y emoción, los partidos de octavos de final de la Champions League son una muestra de la excelencia futbolística a nivel europeo. Los jugadores estrellas brillan en el escenario más grande del fútbol de clubes, mientras que las sorpresas y los momentos dramáticos mantienen a los espectadores al borde de sus asientos.
Los aficionados de todo el mundo esperan con ansias cada partido de octavos de final, sabiendo que cada minuto cuenta y que cualquier error puede resultar costoso. La Champions League es el pináculo del fútbol europeo, y los partidos de octavos de final son el primer paso hacia la gloria eterna.
Predicciones fase eliminatoria Champions League
En la emocionante etapa de eliminación directa de la Champions League, los aficionados al fútbol de todo el mundo están ansiosos por conocer las predicciones para los próximos encuentros. Los equipos más destacados se enfrentarán en una batalla épica por el codiciado título de campeón de Europa.
Los octavos de final han dejado a los fans boquiabiertos con sorpresas y partidos intensos. Ahora, con los cuartos de final a la vuelta de la esquina, las predicciones están en boca de todos. Equipos como el Barcelona, el Real Madrid, el Bayern Munich y el Manchester City están entre los favoritos para llegar lejos en la competición.
Los expertos en fútbol predicen que veremos enfrentamientos apasionantes y llenos de emoción en esta fase eliminatoria. La calidad de los jugadores, la táctica de los entrenadores y el factor sorpresa serán determinantes en el resultado de los partidos. Los aficionados están ansiosos por ver si sus equipos favoritos lograrán avanzar hacia las rondas finales y quién se coronará como el campeón de la Champions League este año.
Con cada gol, cada atajada y cada jugada brillante, la emoción y la tensión se intensificarán en cada partido. Los fanáticos no pueden esperar para ver cómo se desarrollan los encuentros y si sus predicciones se hacen realidad en esta emocionante fase eliminatoria de la Champions League. ¡Que comience el espectáculo!
Favoritos para ganar la Champions League
Los clubes de fútbol más prestigiosos de Europa se encuentran actualmente compitiendo para alzarse con el codiciado trofeo de la Liga de Campeones. A medida que avanza la competición, algunos equipos destacan como favoritos para ganar la Champions League esta temporada.
El FC Barcelona, con su historia de éxitos en esta competición, es uno de los principales favoritos. Con jugadores de la talla de Lionel Messi y Antoine Griezmann en su plantilla, el equipo catalán cuenta con una combinación de experiencia y talento que lo convierte en un contendiente temible.
Por otro lado, el Real Madrid, otro gigante del fútbol europeo, también se perfila como uno de los favoritos. Con jugadores como Karim Benzema y Vinicius Junior en gran forma, el equipo dirigido por Zinedine Zidane busca añadir otro trofeo de Champions League a su impresionante palmarés.
El vigente campeón, el Bayern Munich, es otro de los equipos que no pueden ser descartados. Con un equipo formidable y un estilo de juego agresivo, los bávaros buscan revalidar su título y demostrar por qué son considerados uno de los mejores equipos de Europa.
A medida que la emoción y la tensión aumentan en los partidos de la Champions League, estos equipos favoritos buscarán demostrar su valía en el terreno de juego y lucharán por alcanzar la gloria europea. Los aficionados de todo el mundo están a la espera de ver quién logrará alzarse con el trofeo más preciado del fútbol europeo esta temporada.
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acapulcopress · 2 months
“Deadpool & Wolverine”, (casi) lista para sacudir el Universo Cinematográfico de Marvel
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LOS ÁNGELES * Abril 26, 2024. ) Ap Shawn Levy no es un novato cuando se trata de rumores en torno a sus proyectos. Hace años “Stranger Things” le enseñó a desconectarse del ruido. Sin embargo, incluso él se ha sorprendido por el gran volumen de especulaciones en torno a “Deadpool & Wolverine”. “Los rumores alrededor de esta película son abrumadores”, dijo Levy en una entrevista reciente con The Associated Press. “Pero también lo es la anticipación, lo cual es bueno”. La anticipación podría ser un eufemismo para una película que está a punto de ser el evento cinematográfico del verano, cuando se estrene el 26 de julio. El primer tráiler, que se emitió durante el Super Bowl, fue visto un récord de 365 millones de veces en internet en sus primeras 24 horas. El segundo adelanto, que se estrenó esta semana, rompió otro récord: la mayor cantidad de groserías en el MCU (seis en menos de tres minutos). Gran parte de esa emoción se debe a que es la primera vez que el malhablado Deadpool/Wade Wilson de Ryan Reynolds y el Wolverine de Hugh Jackman se incorporan al Universo Cinematográfico de Marvel de Kevin Feige. Ambos personajes existían anteriormente bajo la bandera de 21st Century Fox. Cuando Disney adquirió los activos cinematográficos y televisivos del estudio a principios de 2019, Wolverine ya había muerto en “Logan”, un tercer “Deadpool” estaba en desarrollo y Marvel todavía estaba firme en el negocio de películas para adolescentes, una clasificación que permite solo una grosería. En una llamada con inversionistas mientras se realizaba el acuerdo, el director general de Walt Disney Company, Bob Iger, aseguró que, bajo Disney, Deadpool seguiría teniendo clasificación para adultos. Poco después, Reynolds también publicó una foto en redes sociales que mostraba a su personaje con orejas de Mickey Mouse en un autobús escolar amarillo con la etiqueta “Disney”. El humor autorreferencial, al parecer, también estaba firmemente intacto. Pero, ¿cuál sería la historia? Levy fue anunciado como director de la película a principios de 2022, llegando como fanático del tono sarcástico de Reynolds y la ruptura de la cuarta pared. “No había forma de que fuera a inventar un tono que funciona tan bien”, dijo Levy. “Tanto Disney como Marvel, a lo largo de toda la cadena alimenticia, nos dieron a Ryan y a mí el impulso para hacer esta película exactamente como soñamos”. ¿CÓMO LLEGÓ WOLVERINE AQUÍ? Las cosas realmente comenzaron a tomar forma cuando Jackman firmó a finaes de ese año. Sería la primera vez que los personajes estarían juntos en una película desde “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” (“X-Men orígenes: Wolverine”) de 2009. En los años transcurridos desde entonces, Reynolds y Jackman han protagonizado una “pelea” muy irónica y divertida en redes sociales, jugando con la idea de volver a compartir la pantalla grande. El sueño parecía haber muerto después de “Logan” y el retiro de Jackman como Wolverine. Pero la muerte nunca es exactamente definitiva en el multiverso y, prometieron, que esta película no interferiría con “Logan”. “Están hechos para un gran conflicto entre sí porque son muy diferentes individualmente. Pero eso lo convierte en una historia muy interesante”, dijo Levy. “Porque las mejores historias a dos manos, ya sea ‘Midnight Run’ o ’48 Hours’ o ‘Planes, Trains and Automobiles’, están plagadas de conflictos. Pero, en última instancia, también se trata de algo más y eso es lo que el público verá”. La dinámica también fue alimentada por la amistad en la vida real entre Levy, Jackman y Reynolds que se remonta a una década fuera de la pantalla e incluye películas como “Free Guy” y “Real Steel”. “El verdadero beneficio de ser amigos fuera del set es que puedes probar cosas locas sin miedo a caerte. Porque algo de eso no funcionará y eso será momentáneamente vergonzoso, pero si estás entre amigos, está bien hacer el ridículo en la búsqueda de algo sorprendente e inesperado”, señaló Levy. “Esta película está llena de momentos, tanto cómicos como basados en personajes, que no esperábamos y que fueron el resultado de una libertad que vino de ser amigos”. ES VERANO, NO ES NECESARIO HACER TAREA. El multiverso de Marvel se ha vuelto un poco abrumador en los últimos años para los fanáticos más casuales que pueden haber visto la mayoría de las películas, pero casi no se adentraron en las ofertas de Disney+ que regularmente introducen nuevos conceptos y personajes que eventualmente encuentran su camino en las películas. “Deadpool & Wolverine”, por ejemplo, utiliza la Autoridad de Variación Temporal (TVA, por sus siglas en inglés), una parte importante de “Loki” pero nueva en las películas, para ayudar a llevar a Deadpool al MCU. Levy promete que disfrutar “Deadpool & Wolverine” no requiere ver horas de producciones anteriores ni hacer un estudio previo. “Fui un buen estudiante en la escuela. Haré mi tarea como adulto. Pero definitivamente no busco hacer la tarea cuando voy al cine”, dijo Levy. “Hice esta película con un respeto y gratitud saludables hacia la base de fans férreos que tienen la máxima fluidez en la mitología y la tradición de estos personajes y este mundo. Pero no quería presumir eso. Esta película está hecha para el entretenimiento, sin obligación de venir preparado con una investigación previa”. ESPERANZA EN LAS HUELGAS Múltiples producciones como “Deadpool & Wolverine” se vieron afectadas por las huelgas. Primero los guionistas se fueron a paro, incluyendo a Reynolds, quien aparece en los créditos en el guion, y después hubo un cierre completo cuando los actores se sumaron a la huelga. “El impacto fue real”, dijo Levy. “Para mí, como director y productor, la pausa de varios meses ocurrió justo en medio de la filmación. Todo lo que podía hacer fue editar y revisar el metraje. Pero me enseñó sobre mi película, y realmente reveló lo que estaba funcionando y lo que la película quería ser”. Cuando reanudaron la filmación después de la huelga, Levy no entró en pánico por correr hacia el final. En cambio, sintió que había regresado con un conocimiento más profundo de lo que necesitaban hacer. “Realmente enfocó nuestro trabajo y creo que mejoró nuestra labor en la segunda mitad”, dijo Levy. “Ese no es un lujo que tengamos en el cine de acción en vivo”. ¡AH!, CLARO, LA PELÍCULA... Entonces, ¿qué pasa en la película? Bueno, eso es algo de lo que Levy realmente no puede hablar. Por un lado, está ocupado terminándola (“se está armando muy bien”, dijo). Además, “Deadpool & “Wolverine” no necesita desentrañar tramas para avivar el entusiasmo, ¿qué pasa cuando hay artículos casi diarios especulando sobre un cameo de Taylor Swift (y una página de Wikipedia que tiene casi 5.000 palabras)? No está claro cuál es el punto en común para los Swifties y Marvel, pero una cosa es evidente: Unidos son un grupo poderoso. Marvel ha tenido algunos baches en su Fase 5, con películas como “The Marvels” con un rendimiento financiero inferior y otras decepciones para los críticos. Y fuera del MCU, la industria está sintiendo los dolores de la llamada “fatiga de superhéroes” que ha enviado a DC de vuelta a las mesas de dibujo para comenzar de nuevo. Pero “Deadpool & Wolverine” no debe ser subestimada. Podría ser la primera película del MCU desde “Spider-Man: No Way Home” (“Spider-Man: Sin Camino a Casa”) en superar los 1.000 millones de dólares en taquilla, lo que también la pondría en la carrera para convertirse en la película con clasificación para adultos más taquillera de todos los tiempos. Ese título pertenece actualmente a “Joker” con sus 1.080 millones de dólares. “El público está hambriento de pasar un buen rato en el cine”, dijo Levy. “Quieren estar encantados, transportados y entretenidos. Y cuando se les da eso, ya sea ‘Barbie’, ‘Oppenheimer’ o cualquier otra película reciente, aparecen”. Y agregó: “La película está construida para el deleite de la audiencia. Creo que les espera un viaje muy divertido”. Read the full article
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yo-sostenible · 3 months
La nueva encuesta de Ipsos sobre qué debería incluirse en el tratado global para detener la contaminación por plásticos muestra un gran apoyo público e inequívoco a la prohibición de productos plásticos peligrosos e innecesarios en todo el mundo  Una nueva encuesta realizada por Ipsos a más de 24.000 personas en 32 países y encargada por WWF y Plastic Free Foundation, concluye que, en promedio, el 85% de los encuestados a nivel mundial considera que un tratado global para detener la contaminación por plásticos debería prohibir los plásticos de un solo uso inncesarios y dañinos, que actualmente representan más del 70% de esta contaminación en los océanos. Estos resultados cobran especial relevancia ya que del 23 al 29 de abril en Ottawa  (Canadá) se celebrará la cuarta y penúltima negociación del tratado global para detener la contaminación por plásticos.  A nivel global se estima que se producen más de 430 millones de toneladas de plástico virgen cada año, de las cuales el 60% son de un solo uso, y solo el 9% de este plástico se recicla actualmente en todo el mundo. Estas cifras alarmantes ponen de manifiesto, y así se refleja en la encuesta, la necesidad de prohibir a nivel global aquellos plásticos de un solo uso innecesarios, evitables y peligrosos.  Otras prohibiciones con amplio apoyo incluyen aquellas dirigidas a productos químicos nocivos utilizados en el plástico (con el respaldo del 90% de los encuestados) y a los productos plásticos que no pueden ser reciclados de forma fácil y segura en los países donde se utilizan (87%). Además, los resultados evidencian un amplio consenso en torno a la insuficiencia de aplicar solamente prohibiciones para abordar la crisis de contaminación por plásticos. Los encuestados a nivel mundial también respaldan firmemente la necesidad de rediseñar el sistema actual de plásticos para asegurar que los residuos puedan ser reutilizados y reciclados de manera segura. Respecto a temas más específicos, medidas como exigir a los fabricantes que inviertan y proporcionen sistemas de reutilización y de recarga de envases obtuvieron el apoyo del 87% de los encuestados, mientras que el 72% apoya el establecimiento de garantías para que todos los países accedan a financiación, tecnología y recursos que permitan una transición justa En España, el 86% de los encuestados están a favor de reducir la cantidad que se produce en el mundo y prohibir los productos innecesarios de plástico de un solo uso que más pueden contaminar, como bolsas de la compra, cubiertos, vasos y platos. Asimismo, el 89% está a favor de prohibir las sustancias químicas utilizadas en el plástico que son peligrosas para la salud humana, la vida silvestre y el medio ambiente.Además, el 74% respalda responsabilizar a los fabricantes de plásticos de la reducción de los residuos y la contaminación por plásticos de sus productos. Estas son algunas de las cuestiones que se analizan más en detalle en el informe.  Hacia la cuarta negociación global Queda muy poco tiempo para que los negociadores concluyan un acuerdo significativo (se espera que las negociaciones del tratado terminen a finales de este 2024), por lo que los países deben tomar medidas inmediatas para hacer avanzar el proceso de manera decisiva. La encuesta demuestra que la ciudadanía a nivel mundial tienen un alto nivel de conciencia, preocupación y compromiso sobre lo que se necesita para poner fin a la contaminación por plásticos, y rechazan un sistema de plásticos contaminante e injusto, que se les ha impuesto a través de leyes laxas y negocios con poco o nula responsabilidad.  En este momento, nos encontramos en una encrucijada. Las próximas negociaciones en Ottawa determinarán si obtendremos o no el tratado prometido para finales del año 2024. En base a la experiencia con otros tratados ambientales, sabemos que definir reglas globales y obligaciones vinculantes a nivel mundial en toda la cadena de valor de los plásticos puede detener el problema. Conformarse con men...
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jaenense · 3 months
Top 5 de mejores videojuegos de guerra para PC  
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Traemos un top 5 de los mejores videojuegos de guerra para PC que puedes usar en cualquier momento. Algunos de ellos los debes conocer, pero también sirve como recomendación en caso de que estés entrando en este mundo.   Más allá de los móviles y consolas, muchos gamers prefieren vivir la experiencia de los juegos dentro de su PC, y los que se basan en guerras son de los más famosos del planeta. A continuación, te detallamos los más conocidos y con millones de usuarios.  
Conoce los 5 mejores videojuegos de guerra para PC  
Te presentamos una lista con 5 de los mejores videojuegos de guerra para PC que debes conocer. Son excelentes para pasar el rato, e incluso varios fueron lanzados hace años, pero se siguen usando en todo el mundo.  
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1. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare   Esta versión de COD salió en 2019 y desde entonces se ha convertido en uno de los videojuegos más vendidos. Uno de sus fuertes son los gráficos innovadores, que si los pruebas dentro de una buena PC, pueden aportar una experiencia única.  Dentro de su modalidad se encuentra la posibilidad de entrar a un campo de combate muy grande y con más de 100 jugadores. Es una aventura que todos los gamers deberían vivir si se inclinan por este tipo de juegos.   2. Commandos 2: Men Of Courage  Ahora seguimos con uno de los mejores videojuegos de guerra para PC que fue lanzado a inicios de los años 2000. Se enfoca en guerra estratégica y tiene mucho entretenimiento. A pesar de que lleva varios años en el mercado, todavía gana seguidores por ser todo un clásico.   Dentro de este mundo puedes cumplir misiones, entrar en bases enemigas, verificar artefactos y un sinfín de actividades que te mantienen pegado al juego. Todavía lo puedes conseguir y descargar en tu computador.   3. Men of War: Assault Squad 2   Esta versión fue lanzada en el año 2014 y se puede jugar tanto online como offline. Se trata de un juego estratégico donde debes usar tus habilidades para sobrevivir en el campo de batalla. No es solo disparar o correr, sino analizar muchas opciones con obstáculos en el camino.  Aunque hay otras versiones parecidas a este juego, pocos de ellos han logrado posicionarse tan bien como Assault Squad 2. Puedes buscarlo e instalarlo en tu PC para pasar un buen rato mientras intentas salir ileso.  
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4. Battlefield 1   Esta saga es muy famosa y este juego lanzado en 2016 se considera uno de los mejores ambientados en guerras. Todo se inspiró en hechos históricos ya que nos guía hasta la Primera Guerra Mundial y sus diversos conflictos.  Hay opciones de multijugador que te pueden gustar, además una gran cantidad de armas donde debes analizar tus opciones para avanzar. Sin duda es un videojuego que te permite rememorar uno de los momentos más duros de la humanidad y al mismo tiempo entretenerte.   5. Brothers In Arms: Hell’s Highway   Para finalizar, tenemos uno de los videojuegos más mencionados, Brothers In Arms: Hell’s Highway llegó en el año 2008 para ganarse un buen espacio en el mercado. Todo está basado en la historia de una división durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, otro de los principales hechos históricos del mundo.   Aquí podrás presenciar una narración interesante, pues se desarrolló con el fin de que puedas entender su contexto mientras aprendes sobre estrategias y usas las armas disponibles. Anótalo en tu lista porque no puede faltar.   Estos son considerados unos de los mejores videojuegos de guerra para PC en el mundo, varios de ellos siguen estando vigentes por su increíble desarrollo y las emociones que te hacen vivir.   También te puede interesar: Top 5 de los mejores videojuegos del mundo Read the full article
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forjongseong · 2 years
“Crimson red,” he answered. The color of your lipstick. The color of his chin after you first made out with him in your office. The color of his intense feelings for you.
Yeonjun should be awarded loudest employees of the month.
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FULL PACK OF FLUFF SMUT AND COMEDY -- omg thank you SO MUCH this means A LOT TO ME are you ready for some angst in the next part? BHAHAHAHA
BEOMGYU appearing as unemployed is honestly a scene stealer for me i love his chaotic ass
and OF COURSE I INCLUDED Y/N KEEPING HER SHOES ON! it was in your reaction to carmesi it was a genius idea and I GIVE YOU CREDIT FOR THAT
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lgdeantonio · 4 months
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corporativoarcanos · 6 months
BIKKURI-MEN HD Anime Japonés Eps. 1 al 12
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Finalizamos BIKKURI-MEN HD Anime Japonés Eps. 1 al 12 Descripción: La historia se desarrolla en un mundo donde el valor de las pegatinas de Bikkuri-Man es tan alto que hay que transportarlas en un vehículo de transporte de efectivo. También estuvo el famoso caso de robo de hace un año, llamado "el caso de los 300 millones de pegatinas de Bikkuri-Man". Un día, un repartidor a tiempo parcial de la escuela secundaria llamado Yamato se ve involucrado en una batalla por calcomanías entre dos tiendas de conveniencia que compiten. El Angel Mart, propiedad del gerente de la tienda de Phoenix, es famoso por sus pegatinas brillantes fáciles de usar. La Devil Store al otro lado de la calle también intenta atraer fanáticos de Bikkuri-Man a su tienda. Los antiguos camaradas se dividen en aliados y enemigos y comienza la batalla del destino. Disfruta de nuestro contenido y entra a nuestra web como redes sociales para ver mucho mas..  El siguiente contenido a ver no es de nuestra autoría los derechos están reservados al autor de la obra y al estudio de la adaptación #BIKKURIMEN #SeriesdeAnime Catalogo 2023 Series de Anime Esperamos que les guste el contenido recuerda compartir lo y dejar tu DONACION eso nos apoyara Read the full article
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