rooigseix · 4 months
I can never find myself see the same perspective with the khr fandom of how the girls' role in the future arc is supposed to be misogynist.
Like, what's wrong with doing chores? What wrong with providing basic necessities like food and clean clothes? What's wrong with "We do our part so you boys can go fight in the battlefield"? What's wrong BEING THE SUPPORT IN THE REAR? Asking any generals from any countries out there, how important the rear detachment of supplying contribute to the overall win. Actually no, just reread the arc again and see how a mess it is after the girl boycotts.
And Kyoko and Haru are civilians. They don't go through Kokuyo arc. They don't go through the Ring Battle. They have zero battle experience. They are not reduced to the "housework", that implies they can do something else other than the housework. No, the housework is the ONLY thing they can do. Can they fight like Tsuna? No. (And remember at the strength level of Tsuna he still has fucking hell time with this battle) Can they activate their flame? No. Can they maintain or fix the weapon? No. What they can do is providing everyone with food so they have energy to be stronger to fight in this battle. If they are pushed to the fight with Millifiore their fate would be an absolute death. So really, forcing Kyoko and Haru to fight and it would result in: 1) their death or 2) the boys defending them which would lead to more burden onto the boys. (Bonus to this, stop dreaming of the girls being badass kicking ass. Natural born hitman like Yamamoto and monster like Hibari still have to train like hell to fight with the Millifiore. How many years would it take for Kyoko and Haru to reach 1/10 of their power? There is absolutely no way for them to be like hella fucking strong fighters in mere few days so they can stand side by side with Tsuna's gang on this)
1) Asking the girl to fight in the future arc is a hella impossible task.
2) They are doing what they can do. Underestimating their supporting role is an insult to every rear detachment workers in general and provisions department people in specific.
3) Underestimating their roles in the future arc because they do chores, the only thing they can do, and telling they have to fight in the front line aka something they can't do, is actually a mysogynist mindset itself. Also sum up as "if a female character can't fight and they can only support then they are fucking useless."
And finally: let supporter be supporter people. If you write an alternative universe when Kyoko and Haru being absolute monster from the very beginning, sure, do whatever you want with their role in the future arc. But let them be supporters in canon. There is nothing wrong with them being supporter, they are doing their best.
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strawwritesfic · 5 months
Vongola Guardians Taking Care of You Headcanons
Hey, guys! I'm sick again! So you know what that means...dopey headcanons about fictional guys taking care of you, their S/O, when you're sick!
I did it for the Avengers last time, so let's apply it to my current hyperfixation this time around.
Note that this is all regarding the adult versions of the cast, and we are not working with A) COVID (because it's too real) or B) The in-universe original TYL!Time Line (because I don't feel like dealing with the whole Millifiore situation).
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Tsuna Sawada
Tsuna's got a lot of work to do, running the Vongola, but that doesn't mean he's going to ignore you when you're sick. In fact, you being sick is probably enough of a distraction that he's not going to get that work done anyway--and he's definitely not above using you getting sick as an excuse to get away from his responsibilities for a little while. If it's really something important, of course he'll do it. Otherwise, he's with you all the way. Unfortunately, Tsuna's kind of useless as a caregiver. His heart is in the right place, but he's not entirely sure what to do, and if he tries to do something, it typically winds up spilled all over you. What he can do is that neat trick with his sky flame on his finger on your forehead. When you can't sleep, that's your ticket to dreamland. Except that once he did that, and you slept for two straight days. Everyone was very worried. Reborn congratulated him on sending his S/O into a coma. When you did wake up, you felt much better, but he's reluctant to try it again. Good thing that his company is enough to make you feel a little better most of the time.
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Hayato Gokudera
This is the guy that researches every single symptom you have. He's got medical textbooks. He's got WebMD's symptom checker. He's got...books on exorcisms? So not everything he's going to try is necessarily scientifically accurate. And he's not going to let you rest either, because he's got an enormous whiteboard covered in diagrams of all his research. He even wants to dictate the way you sleep, because he's figured out the only way to do it that will actually get you better! And if you don't let him try to get rid of the evil spirits inhabiting you at least once, you're probably going to wake up in the middle of the night surrounded by candles while he stands by the bed chanting. At least the minute Tsuna needs him, he's gone, so you'll get some peace and quiet.
But Gokudera does make some amazing okayu. It's the worst okayu you've ever tasted. At first, you might wonder if Bianchi's the one that made it. But even though it tastes incredibly awful, it does actually make you feel better. it almost makes him playing nurse worth it from time to time.
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Ryohei Sasagawa
Ryohei has probably never had a sick day in his entire life. If he had a cold, he just EXTREMED it out of his system, and that's exactly what he expects you to do, too. You can't let the cold win! You have to get up! You have to get up before sunrise! You have to go for a ten-mile run before sunrise! You have to go for a ten-mile run while carrying cinderblocks in both hands before sunrise! Show your illness how EXTREME you are, and you will never be sick again a day in your life! He's not making you do all of this alone. Ryohei is right there with you, doing the exact same thing but with a lot more enthusiasm. It's exausting.
Thankfully, he's got Kyoko around. Once she realizes what's going on, she can rescue you. She knows how to take care of sick people, and she'll get you set up in a nice, dark room with whatever you need, and she and Haru will make sure that you eat healthy and get plenty of rest--because, let's face it, you're probably worse off now than you were before Ryohei got his hands on you. You will live, but it might be a good idea in the future to call in sick to your S/O next time you've got a tickle in your throat.
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This 15-year-old guy has literally no clue what to do with a sick S/O. Heck, he has literally no clue what to do with himself when he's sick. He's so covered in girls your age anyway, so what are the chances that he notices that you're slogging your way through your day? Well, he does. That doesn't mean he's going to do anything about it...until I-Pin notices as well and chastises him for being so heartless.
And the truth is, he cares about you, and he hates to see you sick. He's not great at doing much more than playing gopher...but, again, he's 15. What else is he supposed to do? So at least for the day he'll get you whatever you want. Chocolate ice cream? Done. Ramen from I-Pin place of work? Absolutely. He consumes half of it, too, and he moans a lot about how gross it is, but ultimately you'd probably be a lot more lonely recuperating by yourself than with him around.
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Takeshi Yamamoto
Does Yamamoto even realize you're sick? That is the question. He's known you long enough to know when something's up, but he also trusts you. When you tell him no, you're fine, please just go get beaten up by an Italian man with a sword like he planned, he's not going to argue. Yamamoto knows that you're tough, and if you don't want his help, he's not going to force it on you. He respects you too much to baby you.
On the other hand, on his way home from sparring with Squalo, he's going to pick up a few things. First, he's going to go to the store, and he's going to grab a couple boxes of medicine that sound like they'll help what he thought you sounded like you had that morning. Then he's going to go by his dad's restaurant and pick up a ton of sushi. If you're still not feeling well when he gets home, then he's got you covered. But if you still want to pretend that you're fine, then he just keeps the medicine in his coat pocket for later. He's fine pretending that you're fine if that's what you want. At least there's good food for a quiet night in so you can rest.
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Mukuro Rokudo
I mean, as long as he needs you for something, he'll probably care that your sick. Your organs are still in the right place. There's probably not a good way to illusion away your cold and flu symptoms. So if you're fine, he's probably got better things to be doing, like plotting how to finally possess Tsuna and start a war within the mafia!
Oh, what? Really? You want him to say? Well, then, maybe he can put off the whole bloody war within the mafia thing off for another day or two. After all, it's been ten years and he still hasn't got around to it! But hopefully you know that you're in for a lot of getting your own juice bottles, or at least having him torment you about getting your juice bottles until your fever breaks.
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Kyoya Hibari
Hibari doesn't get sick, because being sick is weak. But now that he's older, he can appreciate that no one is as strong as he is, so even his S/O is going to get sick from time to time. He is not going to baby you for choosing to be so weak as to catch a cold, however. You probably won't be seeing much of Hibari while you're ill. He's got important business to attend to.
But without saying it, he does make it clear he cares. He'll adjust your pillow in the morning before he leaves. He'll make sure there's plenty of tea in the cupboard. He'll send Kusakabe to check on you regularly. And since you did decide to throw your lot in with Hibari, this radio silence isn't exactly unheard of or unwelcome. Just make sure none of your other friends are around for a visit if and when he decides to come look in on you himself.
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cloudvaria · 24 days
Ngl if this wasn’t a specific celeb mascot,
Yoshikitty would’ve suited Naoya so much.
Especially a certain time.
(I know it looks like Millifiore but no! Naoya is never gonna be Milli xD)
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ursulakoenig · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: SOLD Rosarito Heart Necklace: "Taken".
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zoroara · 3 years
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Alright now that I have the Flames posted it’s time to info dump about an oc I made! also link to the Flames just in case: (x)
This person here is Vittorio, They use the Flames of Stagnation I made. They have 2 box weapons though he uses that little Axolotl(Alba) more often than the Vulture(Avo) box weapon he has because Avo can be difficult to deal with. Additionally the weapon they are holding they made themself and can be charged with his flame to shoot out a large blast of it. the end of the weapon can switch position so it can be used as a very sharp bat or “sword” as they call it for lack of a better term.
They are part of a faction they independently created and lead, that preys on weak families and those injured in battle to get weapon scraps so that they may resell, fix or create new ones to sell or keep to himself. For this reason they are known as the Avvoltoi Di Scarto which is simply “the scrap vultures”. They stayed clear of the vongola at least until the future in which they became a plague to the fights between them and the Millifiore, often picking off any surviving member of either group.
When Everyone got back their future memories the Varia decided to take matters into their own hands and tried to disband them. Succeeding in doing so by catching Vittorio, not without heavy injuries on both sides however. Though they would have killed Vittorio their skill with technology proved incredibly useful, first making them create new varia uniforms that had heightened protection against flame and better overall defense, and much later they succeeded in improving the varia rings to have better cambio formas. (or in most cases to actually have one, like damn why’s xanxus the only one with that. AND WHY DOES THE ONLY NEW THING IT DOES IS MAKE HIS FLAMES LIGER SHAPED, IT’S NOT EVEN NOTED TO BE MORE POWERFUL)
Vittorio themself is an eloquent speaker and often goes with whatever is going on more or less carefully shifting people into doing what they want by mere suggestions. though they are not as prone to violence as those currently surrounding them so they often watch the chaos in severe confusion. They have an obsession with freedom that prevents them from being tied to anyone even as friends, so when they are no longer forced to be there they pretty much disappear for large periods of time unless they desperately need help. Also they flirt a lot, and get crushes a lot. he hates it, and will be instantly destroyed if you figure this out.
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indigosprite · 4 years
The one where ...
Ghosts cell is right next to Mukuros and Mukuro goes over there to introduce himself in true Mukuro fashion. This means he’s really just going over there to torture them until he’s bored but the second he enters he just gets morbidly creeped out. He has no idea what ghost is and the fact that he’s not even from this world makes his aura so fucking creepy. He’s scared yet intrigued but he’s like “lol no” (the same kid who said yes to birds and the twins is creeped out) and tries to leave but Ghost is still adjusting to this world and somehow is making his cell an enclosed space like Byakuran did his office. Once Mukuro finally manages to escape he adds ghost to his list of things to figure out. All in all his New neighbor is eventually how he ends up mixing with the Millifiore Family on his own accord because he tracks him back to Byakuran.
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anytafernandez · 7 years
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#Repost sarahsthimble: Look at this beautiful finish by @kmillman 😍 She was part of our shops #eppbeehive and this is her #smittenquilt. Pattern by @lucycarsonkingwell ❤️ It was #handpieced and #handquilted using #martimichelltemplates and #paperpieces. We are gearing up for our next round of #eppbeehive where we are working on #glorioushexagons and #millifiore from #katjamarek book #thenewhexagon 😇 Sign up today to quilt along!! #localquiltshop #sarahsthimble #englishpaperpiecing #fabric #notions #quiltersareawesome (en Community of Madrid)
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rjoazgallery · 7 years
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Only one hour remaining on the Special Ladies Night Auction on Cabs and Slabs on Facebook. Erin Dana Balzrette, Nancy Antley Markham, Sherri Dougan and myself have brought out some of our best. www.facebook.com/groups/539242229527605 #ladiesnight #designercabochon #handcrafted #wirewrap #silversmith #mcdermittpetrifiedwood #carrassite #burrocreekagate #mossagate #namibianshattuckite #candyappleredcuprite #gunnerymountainpicturejasper #owyheejasper #millifiori #millifiore @cabsandslabsgroup
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Millifiore Heart Sterling Earrings, Colorful Red Blue Yellow Orange Floral Millifiore Italian Glass Heart Earrings ON Sterling French Hooks by VintageAtTheRitz http://dlvr.it/SVY7Bq
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strawwritesfic · 6 months
Future Arc AU where Yuni and Tsuna swap roles. TYL!Tsuna gets drugged, so the Vongola Rings are distributed through the Millifiore, and some of his Guardians become Black Spell. Aria gets shot after destroying the Mare Rings, and Yuni has to convince the past versions of the Giglio Nero to help her fix the time line.
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chameleonglass · 3 years
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Piece of the Day 02102022
Today's Piece of the Day is a colorful 4 section dry,  lay back Calabash Sherlock Pipe. This one of a kind creation features 2 sections (bowl and mouthpiece) of reverse axis wig wag of Jailbreak (colors bracketed by black and separated by white) Aqua Azul, Orange and Red Orange Crayon. The body is a two section Purple Lollipop fabrication. The extended left carb is clear and is opposed with a kick stand and standard style millifiore marbles.
Piece of the Day 02102022 is the latest addition from a collection of very unique one of a kind Chameleon prototypes alongside local Arizona artist pieces that we've conserved and curated over the years. We're now releasing them back into the wild. Each day I will load one on our website. Search Piece of the Day and check them out!
Hand Made in USA
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ursulakoenig · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Rosarito Heart Necklace: "Taken".
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stringsofstarlight · 3 years
        Continued from the other day…
     Since most of the artists were very protective of their Japanese “angels”, as some called the groups, many did not want to sell to another group.   It wasn’t until many years later that the whole concept of the ““hobbit people” became known, as I was told about the movement many years later.   The thing is the economy in Japan has been in this kind of stagflation for so many years that there began to be a backlash to the typical ““life path” and stress of achieving in the traditional fashion.   The group I became involved with handled the licensed merchandise for Phish and Grateful Dead production (GDP) for sales in Japan.  (An aside, GDP and Phish merch enforcers are famous for hunting down counterfeits in the parking lot and online…even to this day they will rightly confiscate any licensed gear or apparel).  The group, Zendo, took the new designs and other ideas to the Magic shows in Las Vegas every year.         I had started making glass pendants because all of the glass blowers I worked with began to complain that they could make pipes faster and pendant making, especially the little mushrooms, took too much time.    Enter the gentleman Joe, who colearned with me how to make pendants.   Needless to say, there was a skill curve to learning how to make any glass…period.   The hands have to gain this awkward kind of ambidextrous movement, plus one must do a full day of prep work to ensure, keep the risk of burns or cuts down to a reasonable amount.   It is nearly impossible to keep from getting burned with glass, one learns to drop an item immediately.  I still have a few of the blobs from that period, these mutant mushroom pendants and millifiore that are all stretched out oddly into nearly unrecognizable colors.  I did get much better to be able to ship them off…eventually.        The groups I designed the pendants for and made the hemp necklaces needed to be driven to S.F., presumably to go back to Japan.   As it turned out they were building a big supply of unique ideas to present at the Magic show in a couple of months.   I had found all of the rarest designs, and collabed with at least ten artists, including myself, on creating these hundreds of pendants in 30 or more images in glass.        It was the following summer, when they had stopped calling me for orders, as I found out my co-glass creator had gotten their number somehow and was now selling the design to them.   Going back a little bit, it turned out that during the night time after the preview for the show and set up, somehow had identified all these glass pendants as being so far ahead of it, they said there were many compliments, since few had seen such items before.  LSS…during the night of the opening day the whole display, all the hemp necklaces, and loose pendants were stolen.   It was so funny in way to me because I didn’t know how far ahead of the curve it all was at the time.   I just knew I wanted to make other things than pipes like everybody else.   Of course there way more to it all, I put most of the bullet points into this synopsis.     Oh, my darling, I love you so much.❤️‍🔥
Blessings and love to the family.💐🌹
eternal love,
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headyhawaii · 3 years
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🥳🙌🏽Don’t sleep, our massive 710 STEALS are still going strong over at headyhawaii.com! ♾🍾Score this jaw dropping new UV reactive multi chipstack Lava “Infinity Bottle” recycler made by @earljrglass & @crunklestein that was made for our Crunk’s Critters show for a deal and send it flying right to you today! 🥳🙌🏽🚀🧑‍🚀 #crunklestein #capncrunkglass #capncrunk #crunkglass #earljr #earljrglass #infinitybottle #recycler #headyrecycler #chipstack #millie #millifiore #murrini #murrine #headyart #headyglass #glassart #boroart #functionalart (at Pipeline, HI North Shore Oahu) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRU67gGHmEa/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mafiabosstsuna · 7 years
Prompt 11: Heat preparations are as domestic as they can be when your Alpha is a mafia boss
Enma remembers his lessons in Secondary Gender Dynamics course on Omega heats. He knew about nesting, he knew about the hormone changes, and he knew about the scent changes. Everything about taking care of an Omega was something he knew because he figured he would have to take on an Omega as a partner to continue the Shimon line.
What he wasn’t taught in class about were the logistics of preparing for a heat.
“Granola bars and water bottles,” Enma asked incredulously when his Omega gave him a list of things she needed for her heat. “Are you sure that’s all you need? The cooks can make something with more substance and more than likely with more taste than granola bars.”
She gave him a blank look. “Babe, have you ever spent a heat with an Omega before?”
He nodded his head, “Yeah, but I never helped them prepare for it.” Previous Omegan lovers had everything planned ahead of time before approaching him to spend their heat together. He never had to help with the actual preparations.
“As you know, heats come in waves of lucidity. I’ll be lucky to eat something more than granola bars in-between heat hazes. It’s a lot different from Alpha ruts” She paused before taking the list from his hands and writing down numbers for who much granola bars and water bottles she wanted. “Your cooks can probably make us soups? That’s what the heat hotels offered during sessions.”
Enma thought about it and made a note to ask his chefs to prepare non-fancy soups to eat during the heat and rut sessions. “What else do you need?”
The Omega hummed, thinking about what else she needed. She went through her lists and through an ordinary heat session for her. “I brought my toys already so we’re fine in that department.”
Mentioning the sex toys she brought to Shimon HQ for her heat had Enma feeling mildly warm. It was a backpack full of toys she used when she couldn’t afford going to heat hotels - plugs, vibrators, beads, and wands of all sizes. Some of them had inflatable knots, some had attachable tubes to stimulate ejaculation. A lot can be said about a person’s kinks and tastes based on the toys they used.
“You won’t need to use them,” Enma growled. His Alpha bristled at the idea of the Omega needing to use toys to satisfy herself. “I’ll be more than enough for you during your heat.”
She gave him a sad smile. “My previous heat partners would say otherwise. We can try without the toys but they’ll be there just in case.” Leaning over, she brought him into a heated kiss just in time to swallow the possessive growl he gave at the mention of other people sharing her heat.
A cell phone began to ring, the tone cutting sharply through the air before the kiss could go anywhere. They pulled apart, a sigh escaping the woman’s lips as Enma walked over to pick his phone up.
“This better be good,” he snapped. The time for the heat and rut was closely approaching, less than three days away and Enma was on edge. He had already snapped at a couple of Alphas in their class who had approached the scentless Omega in hopes of asking her to explain a class lesson. During the spars with his guardians, Enma was a little more brutal than usual and his attacks twice as strong.
The voice on the other line, however, was strong and mildly amused. “Hey, Enma,” greeted Tsuna. “Am I interrupting something?”
The Shimon boss took a deep breath before exhaling loudly into the speaker. “Yes, you kind of are, Tsuna. What the fuck happened t being my wingman and not a cockblocker?”
Hearing Tsuna’s name, the Omega bounded over before loudly greeting Tsuna on the phone. “Hey, Tsuna,” she yelled and returned back to the desk to continue preparing for the heat.
“Hey,” Tsuna chirped, his smile obvious in his tone before returning back to addressing Enma. “Are heat preparations going swell? Did you guys discuss kinks and toys yet?”
Enma wanted to bang his head on the wall. Tsuna meant well, he knew that. But fuck if he didn’t ruin a moment. “Yes and yes. Is that all you needed to call about?”
Tsuna hummed. “I see your rut is coming soon. You tend to get more snippy the few days before. Timed it together, did you guys?” His voice betrayed the amount of glee he had at making fun of his friend. He eventually turned serious though. “Jokes aside, I’ve got a problem.”
“Don’t we all,” Enma muttered. The amount of information his Omega had shared with him about her heat was driving him crazy with need. There’s only so much a guy can take and there’s only so many times he can go to the bathroom for long periods of time when she’s around to discuss her heat. “So what’s the problem?”
“The Balbi family has been spotted near Vongola territory. They’ve been doing small attacks and retreating whenever I send some men to investigate.”
Fucking Balbi family. A group of upstarts trying to strongarm themselves into the uppercrusts of the mafia. Instead of starting off small and taking over the smaller families, they decided to go big or go home by targeting the Vongola. This also meant they were targeting the Cavallone and Shimon as well.
Everyone knew better than to mess with the Millifiore and the Giglio Nero. Going for those families meant automatic death by the Vongola, Cavallone, and Shimon.
Enma had to hand it to the Balbi family though. They had tenacity, which would take them far if they weren’t such fucking idiots to try for the Vongola so soon after their founding.
“I’ll send some of my men your way,” Enma offered. “They can help flush the Balbi out. I can come over next week to help flesh out a plan better to eradicate those bastards, but this is the best I can do unless there’s an emergency.”
Tsuna sighed. He was grateful for the help regardless. “That would be great, thanks. I’ll take with Dino to get together next week as well.” He also gave the Balbi credit but they were being incredibly annoying. There was no time on his schedule to deal with this nuisance as he was also keeping an eye on some unknown family that was targeting his technicians for whatever reason.
“Did you receive my package yet,” Tsuna asked, changing the topic. “I’ve been meaning to send this to you both after I knew you had sex already but since you’re sharing her heat, I figured now would be the best time.”
Knowing his friend, Enma was a little wary to reply. “What’s in the package, Tsuna?”
The Vongola Decimo hummed, pleased to have turned to a lighter conversation. “Oh nothing much. Just something I thought you guys would like. It hits some of your kinks, Enma. To be fair though, you d have a lot of them so I figured anything would be good.”
“Goodbye, Tsuna,” Enma deadpanned. Leave it to his friend to send him a package of sex toys and probably costumes just as a present for having sex with his lover. “Thanks for nothing.”
“Let me know if you want more! I can send you the link to the website I ordered the stuff from,” Tsuna offered before he was cut off by Ema ending the phone call.
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sparkles-a-lot · 4 years
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This #layerednecklace in #white #red and #blue sends a message of #peace in my #etsy shop: Layered Statement Necklace in Red, Blue, White, and Silver using Murano Millifiore Beads, Peace Charm, Filigree Pendant, Unique Gift for Her #floral #statementnecklace #Sparklesalot2 #jewelrydesigner #jewelrymaker #etsyhandmade #smallbusinesswoman #doingwhatilove https://etsy.me/33Bn1S4 https://www.instagram.com/p/CGA3wUkhLS3/?igshid=1j8w975ins2q5
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