#millie nocturne
saint-miroir · 2 years
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Lost Universe Q&A--Animedia Magazine (05/1998)
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choccy-milky · 3 months
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HAPPY LATE BDAY TO @the-ozzie's MILLIE 🎉 crackhead collage of her and clora bc theyre besties💖👯
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darkmessiah2000 · 5 months
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“Bathory’s Day Spa” did Viv really made a reference to the Bloody Countess Erzsébet Báthory?!?!
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lusifernocturne · 1 year
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Some of Arcade and the other cats. The one laying on him was named Milly, she has since passed at the ripe older age of 19. The calico is Cthulhu.
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honeysuckletoast · 3 months
Miss Nightjar and Miss Thrush head cannons✨ Thank you @gayandawreck for the prompt!
Miss Eleanor- Grace Nightjar
-shes nocturnal and rarely ever catches the sun, leaving her always looking sickly pale.
-very long silky waves of dark brown hair that reaches her waist. She let's her kids very gently braid it when she has time, but typically keeps it in a tight bun
-Shes very clean and proper, she loves routine and never ever breaks from her routine.
-has a 3rd peculairity that no one except miss Avocet and some of the council know about. When she snaps her fingers or puts her hands on someone's shoulders for a long period of time, it causes whoever can hear it or is being touched to be thrown into a state of hysteria, seeing some unspeakable horror for a short time along with bleeding out the ears and nose. She nearly killed some peculiar boy when she was really young on accident. She rarely ever uses it now unless her wards are in extreme danger, and it scares her when it happens.
-struggles to sleep sense it's daylight outside and the human part of her tells her she should be awake, but the bird part of her is nocturnal and tells her to sleep
-Millie has no idea her first part of her name was Eleanor until someone called her leni instead of Grace. She now will only call her leni, but miss Nightjar actually doesn't actually mind, despite how she glares at Millie when she calls her leni.
-in the academy Millie was convinced that "Grace Nightjar" was some fictional made up Ymbryne that everyone spoke about jokingly and blamed everything on, plus Miss Avocet claimed grace would tell on anyone who left the house (due to Alma and Isabelle sneaking out) . They finally ran into eachother one night and Millie screamed so loud she woke at least half the academy.
-she had to comfort a heartbroken Alma when her ward Charlotte got out and aged forward and had to be sent to live with miss Nightjar. She's really good at comforting people.
-will deny ever being sick or getting sick, and will continue to keep her routine, even if she is pass out, nearly dead from exhaustion sick. Millie once resorted to Litterally locking her in a walk in closet to get her to rest once.
-wont eat anything she doesn't make herself, or let her wards eat anything she hasn't prepared. Mostly due to their dietary restrictions.
-knows human biology and medical knowledge like the back of her hand so she could administer any type of care needed to her wards that wasn't surgical.
-Even if grace doesn't want to admit it, she has grown to love having Millie there and gets lonely when she goes to her other loop.
-struggles to make friends due to her cold and nocturnal nature towards everyone but her wards.
-Grew up in the slums of london with her older brother Edward who had the peculiarity of throwing up and sweating lava. He was caught one day stealing food for he and grace, and hung for his crime. Grace simply wandered, getting a job as a grave robber for very little pay, (could work all night and anytime she was about to get caught she would turn into a nightjar).
-Her and Enoch met before either of them went to a loop. His parents took care of her brother's body and buried it, and they meet in the grave yard while he was digging out a grave that she was intending to steal from. they actually became good friends and he would sneak her bits of food when he got a chance and let her sleep in the tool shed as a bird, and in return she would bring him any viable hearts she found while grave robbing. Enoch noticed how ill she was becoming sense she wasn't eating enough, and when he was taken into his first loop and heard about the academy, he went and took Grace (who had become so sick she couldn't move much) and left her on the doorstep. Grace still doesn't know who carried her to the academy and he won't tell her.
- she blends in with the ground very well like most nightjars.
-as a great eared nightjar, she looks like a lil dragon (go looked up a great eared nightjar, they are freaking adorable. 11/10 birds)
Miss Millicent Thrush
-litterally like a ball of sunshine as a child and as an adult.
-had 8 siblings, she was a middle child
-holds the record for the girl who had fallen down the stairs most in the academy. She's really clumsy but has strong bones now because of it.
-she really wanted to marry and have her own children alongside her wards. She struggled with thoughts of abandoning the academy and simply living her own normal life
-used to her nails so bad in the Academy miss Avocet would tape her fingers with a special type of tape that was near impossible to remove without nails or a sharp object. She tried to bribe Alma to peel the tape off with liquorice but it failed.
-really close with all of her sisters, making a point to visit at least one of them once a month. She finds the isolation of loop life to be incredibly disheartening.
-had a very contagious laugh.
-considers Melina her daughter, and when she found out she died she went and sat in in silence for nearly 2 whole days, staring at her wall before the reality hit her.
-her favorite food is cinnamon sugar toast.
-when she brought Joel and Peter, Peter and Joel, home, she thought they were a simply a bit clumsy and didn't realize they were blind for nearly 3 days. She felt so bad once she realized she gave them each some candy (they didn't eat it)
-had 11 wards, from 5 years old to 16 (Melina was the oldest) at the time her loop was raided.
-she really loves to sketch, and she has a whole sketch pad of sketches featuring her sisters and her wards that she won't show anyone because she's insecure about them.
-if you call her Millicent, she won't respond because she is so used to hearing Millie.
-in an attempt to cheer Melina up after a bad day when they were going in-between the council and her loop, she ran down and tried to catch a duck on the edge of a pond, failed, slipped and broke her leg. Then she walked home on it while laughing and trying not to cry in front of Melina who was laughing so hard she was crying.
-can fall asleep anywhere, whenever. Sleeping is one of her best skills.
-surprisingly good at trivia and hide and seek. She loved to play games with her wards.
-really likes the mystery novels and romance novels. She is an avid reader.
-is a Song Thrush
Any head cannons you want to see for MPHFPC my inbox is open✨
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Pairing: Monsignor John Pruitt x F!Reader
Summary: You are called first to receive everlasting life from the angel's blood during Easter Vigil.
Warnings: Spoilers for Episode 6 of Midnight Mass and all the content that comes with it. Language. Taking some liberties with how the angel's blood works uhhh hehe. Millie who's that AU. Going off of the stream of consciousness / dream-like writing I am trying so hard to stay out of my head and just write what comes.
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"Brothers and sisters,” Monsignor Pruitt concludes. “On this most holy night I come to you with good news. Not only the good news of the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who arose to forgive us of our sins after three days in the tomb. But, also the resurrection of ourselves."
He clasps his hands together in makeshift prayer, eyes sparkling an unfamiliar orange glow that you've never seen before. That of a feral black cat's eyes bouncing back light. The ones that hunt on the outpost of the island, all teeth and heat and hunger and sex and wild and and and--
Visions of nocturnal holiness.
"I ask you. Trust in me. And God will reward your loyalty heavily. Know that I would not ask of the ultimate sacrifice of your life if I did not have utmost faith in our God for the miracle he is about to bestow tonight."
The silence within the church is deafening. Not a soul rises for his offer, parishioners stunned to their seats. His eyes scan, searching for a familiar face. Finally focusing on yours.
“Please. [“____”]," his voice like liquid honey calls to you, echoing through the church. "I call upon you to take the plunge first, my sweet child. Show the good people of Crockett Island that there is nothing to fear. That there is paradise waiting for us all tonight."
He leaves his pulpit, descending down the steps towards you. His arm reaches out, using his slender fingers to beckon you to him with a "come hither" motion. White vestments flowing, covering his human visage as he moves, billowing out like an angel's wings.
Devils were once just fallen angels. Symbols of purity be damned.
He notices your trepidation.
"One moment of pain, perhaps. But an eternity of youth and love and worship in His name. We have been given a tremendous gift, sister ["____"]. Be brave.”
Beverly Keene remained tucked in the upper corner of the church, stirring the choice of death for this evening. She's always been a witch in your eyes; now the harsh comparison rings true more than ever as she concocts a deadly potion of sickeningly sweet liquid.
The smell reminds you of too hot summers and running against the shoreline as the waves lap against your ankles and buying popsicles at the general store and sticky raspberry juice running between your fingers. Familiar memories and tastes intermingled with rat poison.
“And so Jesus rose from the tomb, trampling down death. As will we. I am with you, and you are with me. There is nothing to fear."
Don't drink the kool-aid, the old adage goes.
But you wonder how vanilla and raspberry taste mixed together.
Jonestown redux is standing before you, with his hand outstretched for you to take; his body backlit by the illumination of hundreds of candles. You look up at him through your lashes, lips slightly parted. Your eyebrows upturned and eyes reposed.
"Monsignor. Forgive me, but I cannot," you swallow hard. Back yourself from that cliff, you have one leg dangling over the edge now! "For I have not taken communion as my sins have been too weighty, too difficult to ever be forgiven. I believe I did not deserve the body and blood of Christ at that time, which is selfish of me. Forgive me.”
John almost considers this for a moment, his thick eyebrows furrowing together as he stares down at you.
"There is no resurrection for me. I will die,” you state bluntly. Your words are finally registering. 
Back away back away, make distance between the cliff.
But he smiles, against your expectations. A tight lipped smile, his eyes kissing at the corners when his cheeks raise. Missed by the miracle of reversed age, not reaching the crows feet that reveal only when he's truly happy.
"My angel. You've taken more than enough of my seed in your womb, and down your throat. The blessing is already inside you."
His hand grazes your cheek, and Hellfire reigns down as the finality of his reveal sets in across the room. Hot and prickling at the back of your neck. High pitched buzzing of bees in your ears. Whore of Babylon comes to Crockett Island. Mary Magdalene weeps. Hundreds of eyes descend upon your form, fragile and ready to break at a moment's notice.
Hell has a special place reserved for you for tasting the most unholy fruits. You wear guilt like a halo.
John positions his index fingers and thumb underneath your chin, tilting it upwards. Your eyes dart away, unable to face him. For sure your very skin would burst into flames if you stared too long.
"Look at me," he demands. "Look at me, angel. Do not be ashamed.”
Oh, you’re more than familiar with this position.
Your eyes tilt back, big and yearning and scared yet wanting more. More of John, more of his smell on your bedsheets, more of his fingers in your mouth more of the salty bitter taste of his skin more breaking the boundaries between heaven and hell more more more more flesh more blood no sin no death no guilt.
Hell has a special place reserved for you in due time.
But real hell is living without him. You slip your hand into his, rising from the pew.
The church is silent, conversations about your unforgivable sin now hushed to murmurs. Somewhere in the distance you hear the gentle song of night crickets that intermingle with your delicate footsteps across decades old wood. A resounding creak and moan of the floorboards that echoes through the small church that makes it become an entity of its own, ready to swallow you whole.
Someone is crying, quietly muffled pathetically behind a cloth. A woman blesses herself using the sign of the cross as you pass.
A dead girl walking, and this is the sound of your funeral march.
Your toes bump into the first step leading up to the chancel. Guiding you by your waist, John spins you to face the congregation. Expressions of the crowd are unreadable.
Are you Joan of Arc or a witch about to be burned at the stake?
Blasphemy, blasphemy stood before your friends, family, acquaintances.
A light. The vision of John blocks you away from their watchful eyes as he stands before you, cupping your face within his hands. Your eyes lock together. Gently, he presses a chaste kiss to the center of your forehead. Lips just barely ghosting over your flesh. You tremble before him.
Bev stands behind you, both arms outstretched forward, bent at the elbow. You’re smart enough to realize she’s ready to catch you for when you involuntarily start seizing, your body putting up its final fight against the poison coursing through its veins.
Life. Death. Rise. 
A sob starts in your larynx, unable to burst fully to the surface The warmth of his hands removed from your face, now reaching for Bev's as he takes the small plastic solo cup of juice from hers into his.
"I am with you," he whispers as he holds the cup up to your lips. "As you walk through the valley of the shadow of death I am with you, and you will come out on the other side anew. Whole. Pure as a reward for your devotion to Him."
Raspberry and vanilla threaten to break the seal of your lips, the cup tapped against it. His other hand snakes his way up your back, weaving his fingers within your hair. The digits tug against your locks slightly, tilting your head back.
Saliva gathers at the back of your throat.
You can't, you can't, you can't.
You cannot dare to lose the chance to miss another one of those too hot summer days where the children of Crockett island throw their books haphazardly into their backpacks basking in their first hours of summer vacation and the salty water clinging to your hair making it curly and sticky raspberry juice dripping between your fingers–
But oh the visions of him with and the way he whimpers into your neck when he thrusts into you, his hot mouth on your pulse point, the way his hand pin down your wrists forcing you to stay still. Murmured praises and bedroom hymns whispered as the moonlight coats both of your bodies in a ghostly blue glow. Was it truly ever living without him? No more hiding no more secrets you are his and he is yours. A boundary death cannot even cross–eternity is a beautiful thing to imagine.
A tear slips out of your eye, rolling down your cheek. The pad of John’s thumb gently rubs it away. Sympathy for the condemned.
And you do.
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five-rivers · 11 months
Doorways Chapter 9
Written for Ectoberhaunt 2023's isekai weekend!
Part of this series.
“Sometimes,” said the woman-who-was-a-woman-but-also-something-more.  She turned her head to look down at Danny, and the mirror behind her reflected a small amount of the glory that her body naturally hid.  
Danny shivered sideways at her regard, sidestepping mirrors that had always and had never been there.  If the other doors could be called demons, then this one could be called angelic.  That didn’t mean they’d be friendly to Danny or his family.  
“Who are you?” she asked.  
“Danny,” he said, unpleasantly reminded of Gula’s attempt to eat him, to draw him out through his name.  It wasn’t the same, and yet…
“Not that,” said Industria.  Lights shone in her eyes.  Her reflections turned to examine Danny directly, looking out through the glass.  Danny’s reflections seemed to fade, becoming less real.  “Who are you?”
“I go by Phantom, too,” said Danny.  
She shook her head.  “You’re a doorway, but you don’t go to the same place I do.”
“No,” said Danny.  “I go to the Ghost Zone.  You go… elsewhere.”
“The Green Country, not the Red.  Infinite Realms, not the Unmade World.  I know.  You carry the traces of Dreams.”
“Nocturne,” said Danny.  “His name is Nocturne.”
“That was never his true name.  Just as yours was never Danny, never Phantom.”
“Just like yours isn’t really Industria,” said Danny, peeved.  “It isn’t as if we have anything written on our lintels.”
“Don’t we?”  
“Maybe you do.  I don’t.”
She stepped sideways and was replaced by her reflection.  “I’ve done my research.  I always do my research.  The Door of Dreams is not the only one that leads to the World Imagined.  Time.  Storms.  Growth.  These have names.  You have arrived on my threshold, from which I hold back Acedia.  You come bearing the echoes of Gula, of Superbia.  I ask again, who are you?”
Three times, and Danny didn’t have the benefit of being at home, on his own threshold.  He also, thankfully, wasn’t trapped in a circle of blood blossoms.  Not that it would have mattered if he was.  The entity in front of him operated on a different set of rules than the thing that had worn Serena Goodritch and eaten Vlad.  The mirrors were enough for her purposes.  
What was ripped from his mouth, his core, wasn’t human.  He couldn’t even begin to guess at a way to translate it into something human.  It was the purest, most direct, most complete description of what he had, obliquely, termed his Obsession when negotiating with Nocturne.  
“Oh,” said Industria.  
A hand entered Danny’s field of view.  He had, at some point, fallen to his knees.  He took the hand, and Industria pulled him up.  Some of the mirrors had gone back to normal reflections.  Others had faded further.  A few seemed too real, too deep.  One reflected not the hall of mirrors, but the Fentonworks’ lab.  
“Sorry,” she said.  “I had to know.”
“No,” said Danny, hoarsely.  The human throat wasn’t designed for that kind of utterance.  “I understand.  Well.  I mean.  I understand why you did it.  Not, ah.”  He gestured at his mouth.  
“You didn’t understand what you said?” she asked.  
Danny didn’t really know how to explain it, but one of his reflections spoke for him, the words transmitted through the glass.  “Not… Not really.  It’s like when you’re standing in front of yourself.  You can think of different things, then.”
“Maybe,” she said.  “But you really need to figure that out, and sooner rather than later.  Before someone takes advantage.  My name is Millie.”
“Like your name tag?” 
“Yeah.  That is what a name tag is for.”  She sighed.  “Why are you here?”
“After Gula showed up on my doorstep and tried to eat me, me and my parents thought it’d be good to check in on everyone who used to be part of their club.  Your dad’s George Amal?”
"Also," chimed in a reflection, "we ran into some 'Acolytes of Acedia' the other day.  Know anything about that?"
"Crap, I thought I'd fixed that."  Millie looked him over. “Your last name is Fenton?”
“I heard about you on the news.  There’s a lot of speculation that your family killed Vlad Masters.”
“We didn’t,” said Danny.  He was echoed by his reflections. 
(He didn’t like that.  It felt like pieces of himself were being pinched and siphoned away.)
“That’s what people are saying,” said Millie.  She shook her head.  “You shouldn’t have to worry about Acedia leaking past me again.  I work hard.  I’ll have to make some adjustments, but this park will contain it.”
“Parks like this look like they’re just here for people to relax, but they take a lot of work, and people here are doing things, not just sitting around lazily.  It’s an interface Acedia tries to latch onto, but can’t.  Not easily.  And what it does do, I can counter and disperse.  It makes reality a little weird, but it’s better than the alternative.”
“Why haven’t you closed it?” clarified Danny.  
“Sealed it?” asked a reflection.
“Destroyed it?” asked another.  
“Because I cant,” said Millie.  “I’m sure you’ve realized it isn’t that easy to get rid of these things.  I’d love to know what you did to banish Gula and how you got away from Superbia."
“I… didn’t.”
“What do you mean, you didn’t?  You’re here, and there’s nothing inside Serena Goodritch’s body anymore.  You must have.  No doubt you’ll have to find a way to bind Gula, soon enough.  No manifestation of that thing lets a meal escape easily.”  
“No,” said Danny.  “The - Gula, wasn’t stable, and it was in my home.  What it tried to do to me, I turned back on it.  Gula, that version of Gula, is gone.”
“And Superbia?  You carry its…”  Millie-Industria waved her hand, as if to indicate Danny’s whole body.  “I can sense it on you.  Its traces.  Its taint.  It’s like a smell, almost.”
“Gone.  It wasn’t fully open to begin with, but it was drawing against death, and it was death that…”  He trailed off.  
“Death opened me,” said a reflection, quietly.
Millie hissed through her teeth.  “The pride that challenges death.  Where was it?”
“Golding City.  The university.”
“Of course it was the university,” said Millie.  She glared at the ground for a minute, then shook her head.  “No, those things won’t work here.  The circumstances are too different.”
“Isn’t this your home?” asked Danny.
A reflection shifted.  “Where you were made?”
“Yes,” said Millie, “but Acedia is anchored here as well.  And I’ve never heard of doors to that other place being closed like that before, to begin with.  Are you sure they were closed?  Destroyed?”
“Positive,” said Danny and all his reflections.
“Maybe it’s because he’s a door to the infinite, rather than the supernal,” said one of Millie’s reflections.  
“Maybe,” agreed Millie.  She looked up, back at Danny.  “You… Aren’t exactly diligent or industrious but you do work hard.”
“Uh, thanks?”
She seemed to decide something, then.  The mirrors shifted, and the reflection behind her stepped aside.  
“Follow me,” she said.  She turned, and walked through the mirror.  Danny hesitated.  But he didn’t really have a choice.  “What were these acolytes you encountered like?”
“They were enslaving ghosts,” said Danny.  “To do stupid things.  Do their chores.  Run their business.  You know, so they didn’t have to.  They ran a bed and breakfast.  Sort of.  I think it was mostly the ghosts, now.”
“Typical,” said Millie, sourly.  “Somehow, with these things, the worst of it comes to slavery, always.”
“Have you run into a lot of doors?” asked Danny.  
“Not ones going that way,” said Millie.  “But I’ve met Dream, and I’ve met a few like me.  I think Caritas would like you.”
“There are others?” asked Danny, his heart aching with thought of more like him, others that could understand, even if they weren’t quite the same. 
“Mhm,” said Millie.  “Not that I can tell you where.  We have an agreement.  Privacy, you know.”
“Oh.  Of course.”
Walking through a mirror was already several steps off of normal reality, but the deeper they went, the more things shifted.  That tension that he could sense even walking on the surface, on the skin of what he now sensed to be a huge, many-layered mechanism, an almost-living thing of mirrors and difficulties.  Something not easily bypassed by something that existed in inaction.  It was difficult to move.  It was difficult to breathe.  It was difficult to think.  
Danny knew that if he did not do those things, he would be trapped here.  
“How long?”
“How long have you been a door?” asked Danny.  “I mean– How long has it been since you were first opened?”
“It was after Dad was in that accident.  I went looking for something, anything that could help.  I found Acedia.  And rejected it.  Acedia doesn’t have a host.  Too much work, I suppose, except when someone walks right into it.  That was… Industria, then…  My door…  I rejected Acedia.  It… overlapped,” she said, struggling to put what it was like to become into words, as Danny often did.  Even things like ‘opening’ and ‘closing’ and all these analogies weren’t good enough.  “It was a confirmation.  You?”
“I was trying to fix something,” said Danny, shrugging.  “That something wound up being me.  Only I wasn’t broken.”
Millie stopped.  Industria stopped.  “This is as far as you should go, I think.  Do you feel it?”
Yes, Danny could feel it.  That lazy, too-hot summer afternoon.  Night, so late, too tired to get up to go to bed.  Dishes in the sink, piling up.  Remote control just a little further.  Homework left unfinished.  The itching under the skin to do something, but nothing being done.  The consumption of hours.  Their waste.  Their despair.  
“Do you understand why it’s different?  Whatever you faced before, it’s different.”
“It isn’t that different,” said Danny, thinking of Superbia, and the false confidence that swirled under his skin, daring him to try, telling him he could win by his strength and cleverness alone.  But this… He didn’t know if this wasn’t a good fit for him, or if it was Acedia, whispering in his ear, turning him away from something he could and should do.  
“You’ve defeated two holes in reality,” said Indistria, leaning down so she could speak directly into Danny’s ear.  “By many measures, what you are is what you can do.  Can what you did be repeated?”  Her eyes gleamed from a dozen reflective surfaces.
He could not forget.  Industria, too, was a doorway, a hole in reality.  One that had more in common with Danny than the likes of Gula, but one nonetheless.  
What if he only wanted to do something because of her?
Industria sighed, her breath hot on Danny’s ear.  “Can you strengthen the boundary?  Can you expand the maze?”
“Ice,” said Danny, breathlessly.  “You use mirrors.”
“It was what was available at the time.”
“They used mirrors, too.  The acolytes.”
“Acedia could be traveling.  But ice?”
“Ghost ice.  Mirrors and mirror-coatings.  Barriers.”
“Do it.”
Danny laid his hand flat against one of the mirror walls, and called on his ice.  It crept out, over the glassy surface, then sunk deeper, the white cold mixing with the brilliant silver illumination that was Industria’s power.  He poured into it.  Power.  Energy.  Thought.  Hexagonal fractals spiraled outward, creating mazes within mazes, adding to the binding that kept Acedia from leaking into the world.  His reflections did the same, all through the maze, shallower and deeper, scattered everywhere, a thousand parts of him.  It was difficult.  It was impossible.  
He saw, now, why Industria could not destroy Acedia.  He saw why she had only brought him partway.  They were too different.  They could not reach one another.  The space between their thresholds was an infinite series of steps, and nothing could take such a journey.  Forever, they could approach their borders and never find them, and Acedia… Acedia would not do that, or it would not be Acedia, and Industria could do nothing but, or she could not be Industria.  
Danny was neither of those things, and his door stood on a sharper divide.  Though he could not go to Acedia, and fight it in its own place of power, he could do things Industria could not.  
But could he fill all this infinite space all by himself?
“You can do it,” said Millie.  And with Industria’s hand on his shoulder, he could at least try.
Danny stumbled out of the house of mirrors and caught himself on a nearby piece of railing.  Millie stood behind him on the steps.  
“I’ll tell the others about you,” she said.  “I need to get back to work.  Will you be alright?”
“I’m fine,” said Danny.  “I just need to– I just need to–”  Rest?  Catch his breath?  Was that safe?
“You should be fine,” said Millie.  She looked back, over her shoulder.  “Plenty of people rest here.  Resting isn’t the problem.  The problem is not getting back up.” 
The high-pitched tweedle of a phone ringtone interrupted any thoughts Danny might have had on the matter.  Millie rolled her eyes and answered the phone.  “Yes?” she said.  She was quiet for a few minutes.  “Yes, I’ll tell him.  Bye.”  She closed the phone.  “My dad saw your parents.  You’re invited to dinner.”
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pandoresque · 2 months
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Ahoy, I'm Kafka. I go by she/they/it, I'm a girl, and my sexuality is unlabeled but I like guys and girls.
if random words get turned into 'comrade' or 'our' thats because I have an extension that changes words like friend, sister etc to comrade and your , mine etc to our. Funny commie extension.
I'm a goth metalhead, I mainly listen to sludge or black metal. I would love to meet other goths, as long as you're not a poser who thinks it's a fashion like e-girl or whatever. I'm also, of course, a jirai kei! I hate fashion jirais, if you associate jirai with fashion in any way I don't like you.
I mainly vent on this blog since this is our jirai blog but I'm also here to make friends as well! I like music, shifting, LOA , games, vtubers, anime, and horror . my comfort game is silent hill, silent hill 3 was there for me when no one else was <3
I am diagnosed autistic , and I hate being autistic. I don't even remember my other diagnoses tbh but I might have BPD but idk so for now I won't actually list it as something I have because self diagnosing is cringe unless you actually can't get a proper diagnosis.
More info + links below
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Now I'm gonna list bands, and games I'm into as well as my oshis.
Overwatch, Silent hill, resident evil, NSO, HSR, Genshit impact, Killing floor, cry of fear, blasphemous, VRchat, WuWa, Dead by Daylight, subnautica, sims, muse dash, and Stardew valley!
Bauhaus, Crowbar, Siouxsie and the banshees, Urgehal, lifelover, Coctaeu twins, She wants revenge, Ensomhet, Acid bath, knocked loose, Jack off Jill, Sleep token, Ghost, Twenty one pilots, La Dispute, Megadeth, HIM , Ethel Cain, Bergenot, Nocturnal Depression, Biz, Korn, London after midnight, Xmal Deutschland, sisters of Mercy, Depeche mode, Akira Yamaoka, and Lana del rey.
Aqua, Enna, Millie, Twisty, Tako, Ironmouse, Marine, Noel, Kobo, ShyLily, Projekt Melody, and Reimu!
My telegram
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Please interact... Jirai keis, people my age, horror fans, g0re fans(fake g0re, real g0re is gross go away), HSR and GI players who wont crucify me for not shipping the same ships, Overwatch players!! Fellow degenerates are also welcome ^_^
(for now i wont have specific tags)
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floof-ghostie · 2 months
Make a Sera playlist based on her lore
On it boss *salutes*
(I'm also doing this based on vibes)
Love is Stronger than Pride, by Sade(when thinking about Brave, ofc)
Miss you Already, by Monaleo (Thinking of her brother)
She's in Parties, by Bauhaus
Agent Orange, by The Muslims
In Another Time, by Sade
Batmobile, by Liz Phair
Solo/Solo Reprise, by Frank Ocean
Binz, by Solange
Neva, by Flo Milli, feat. Monaleo
Akasaka Sad, by Rina Sawayama
STFU!, by Rina Sawayama
Fuck This World (interlude) by Rina Sawayama
Fall Asleep, by Big Joanie
On My Nerves, by Flo Milli
Runaway, by Linkin Park
That's What You Get, by Paramore
Moody Girl, by Megan Thee Stallion
Passenger, by Siouxsie and the Banshees
Nocturne, by Paralysed Age
Kick in the Eye, by Bauhaus
Ussewa, by Ado
BxMxC, by Babymetal
METALI, by Babymetal
Rainbow in the Dark, by Dio
Kabin, by Minako Yoshida
Violet, by Hole
Vengeance, by D3VILISHBRI
Abbey, by Mitski
Valentine, Texas, by Mitski (when thinking about Brave)
Fear, by Sade
Figure 8, by Paramore
Distortion, by Babymetal, feat. Alissa White-Gluz
When They Come for Me, by Linkin Park
IN MY REMAINS, by Linkin Park
Mercury, by Steve Lacy
Cranes in the Sky, by Big Joanie (they covered Solange's Cranes in the Sky)
The Outsider, by MARINA
Numb, by MARINA
Seventeen, by MARINA
Hold The Girl, by Rina Sawayama
Nowhere Fast, by Lunachicks
Ma and Pa, by Fishbone
Doll Parts, by Hole
Honestly, anything by Big Joanie, D3VILISHBRI, Rina Sawayama, Hole, and Bauhaus would suit Sera, but this is just my humble take based on what I know about her, + vibes.
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joanna-lannister · 9 months
I don't like Gen Z/Young Millennial actors in general. Timothee Chalamet, Jacob Elordi, Rachel Ziegler, Sydney Sweeney, Millie Bobby Brown, etc etc. they just seem so out of touch with reality and so...fake? Like I think they are very very different in person compared to the personas they put on for the camera. I'm not sure but I think a lot of them are nepo babies.
I totally get what you mean, and I agree most of them seem a bit out of touch with reality and fake, and like, I have some of them blacklisted because I don't find them interesting ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ On the other hand, I like Sydney Sweeney (probably the only one of this new gen)! I think she is cute and a good actress (I have only seen her in Nocturne tho) and I hope her career will flourish.
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evilneo · 2 years
📼 VHS alter + blog directory 📼
Some alters share blogs, so a few blogs will be listed here multiple times. The information listed is only information that we feel comfortable sharing. I will only be listing actively fronting alters. Some active alters wont be listed because they don't want to be. Alters that are almost exclusively internal will only be added to the list if they ask. Dormant alters will not be listed.
Hosts and co-hosts:
💾 Neo (Artie) - @evilneo and @cpu3 (you are here! host of VHS and the CPU subsystem [⚡])
🪴 Neo (Fern) - @niceneo (cohost of VHS and host of his subsystem [💀], Neo Bushnell fictive)
🦴 Trin - @niceneo (cohost of cohosts subsystem [💀])
🎛️ Info - @cpu3 (cohost of the hosts subsystem [⚡])
Frequent fronters:
🌐 Benz - @benzry (Worldstop Benry fictive)
📻 Byte - @cpu3 (alter in the hosts subsystem [⚡])
💋 Crimson - @embitteredkiss (Leading Light fictive)
🗝️ Dusk - @duskskey (Swap fictive)
🪫 Nocturne - @nighttimesnooze (Spork fictive, fatigue holder)
🔌 Osprey - @ospreysdeluge (Power Trip fictive, trauma holder)
🧨 Rue - @malevolentmothra (Capital M fictive)
🌼 Sparrow Challender - @sparrowsrain (Player fictive)
🐗 Tusk - @niceneo (caretaker/protector, Swap fictive)
Occasional fronters:
⌛ Aradia Medigo - @b0nependulum (only fronts about once per year, Aradia Medigo fictive)
🦋 Butterfly - @butterflyhairclips (Leading Light fictive)
📨 CB - @messengergirl (trauma holder)
💿 Cy - @niceneo (alter in the cohosts subsystem [💀])
♥️ Dirk Strider - @timaeusfuckingrambles (Dirk fictive)
🐸 Frog - @loveletterbox (Loverboy fictive)
📺 Gordon B - @y2kmtv (Gordon B fictive)
🧬 Julian Levina Asterope - @juliope (trauma holder, Doc fictive)
🏹 Loverlight - @lovetones (symptom+trauma holder, Arties [💾] dad, Leading Light fictive)
Malcom - @mskittlesprenchclass (Malcom)
💼 Marine - @marines-deck (Freeman fictive)
🐦 Millie Challender - @playerchallender (trauma holder, Player fictive)
🐌 Moss - @baby-moss (Little, trauma holder. this is just a blog where we can save things that she likes to show her later)
🌺 Rez - @high-rezolution (caretaker)
🔵 Soup - @youtubeyownlaoder (trauma holder + protector, fictive union leader, Benrey fictive)
💡 Spork 1 - @sporkperera (trauma holder, Spork fictive)
🦚 Sweetpea - @sweetestpeahen (Player + Leading Light fictive. yes both at once)
🌩️ Tes - @tessacoil (Doc fictive)
🍯 Trip Challender - @powertrip-vhs (the siblings in his bio are referring to Millie [🐦] and Mal [He is from a different system, LCC], Power Trip fictive)
📎 Paperclip - @universalpaperclip (Universal Paperclips paperclip AI fictive)
🔥 Vee - @devildykery (protector)
🕸️ Vriska Serket - @8orderline (Vriska)
🦂 Xo - @loveletterbox (Y2KVR Benry fictive)
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oc-den · 2 years
Meet Carmilla!
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Name: Carmilla Nickname/s: Millie Sex: Default female, hermaphrodite only upon request Height: 5′2 Full Body Ref Personality: Lazy Species: Vampire Batgirl
As a bat, Carmilla is nocturnal... mostly. She’s found an affinity for human culture, and tends to try and experience as much of it as she can, despite being sleepy during every outing she attempt. Contrary to belief, her favorite food is not blood, and is, instead, cup noodles. This is because they are easy to make, and have a lot of taste, according to her.
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conquesthq · 2 months
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now   arriving   to   highgarden,   jaehaerys   targaryen,   lyanna   mormont,   daenerys   targaryen,   arya   snow, & saera targaryen.   the   heralds   announce   your   approach   as   the   court   whispers   how   you   look   similar   to   tom   glynn   -   carney,   dominique   devenport,   milly   alcock,   jessie   mei   li, & holliday grainger.   to   fall   quickly   in   line,   please   follow   the   rules   of   the   king's   welcome   committee.   may   the   gods   bless   your   journey   and   the   court   provide   you   a   warm   welcome. 
⧼   tom glynn-carney  +  27  +  cis man  +  he/him   ⧽  the  gates  of  highgarden  open  for  the  arrival  of  JAEHAERYS  from  HOUSE TARGARYEN!  it  is  known  throughout  the  realm  that  their  aura  exudes  CHARM  and  KINDNESS;  however,  beneath  the  silken  robes  that  shine  in  the  sun,  whispers  run  that  they  are  IMMATURE  and  also  IMPULSIVE. visions  of  them  always  relate  to a lack of duty and responsibility, the loud screech of a dragon in the distance, a jug of wine never too far away from him, sneaking out at late hours to enjoy the nocturnal activities;  but  make  no  mistake,  in  the shadows,  they  hide  the  fact  that  they  HAVE FATHERED A BASTARD SON WITH A SERVANT GIRL WHO WORKS IN THE CASTLE !   i  wish  you  good  fortune  in  the wars  to  come. [   Alex, 30, GMT, she/they + n/a ]
⧼   dominique devenport +  25  +  ciswomen  +  she/her   ⧽  the  gates  of  highgarden  open  for  the  arrival  of  LYANNA from  MORMONT!  it  is  known  throughout  the  realm  that  their  aura  exudes  COURAGEOUS  and  INTELLIGENT;  however,  beneath  the  silken  robes  that  shine  in  the  sun,  whispers  run  that  they  are  HEAD-STRONG  and  also  HOT-TEMPERAD. visions  of  them  always  relate  to  long and dark hair, piercing blue eyes like snow and a fierce, untamed demeanor; Hair flying while riding quickly on a horse and the freedom of open fields; A smirked smille, ready to prove someone wrong; A sword and a dress with details of dense forests and rugged terrain; Roses delicate yet resilient flowers that thrive in harsh conditions..;  but  make  no  mistake,  in  the shadows,  they  hide  the  fact  that  they  Lyanna experienced prophetic dreams or visions , giving her insight into the future. !   i  wish  you  good  fortune  in  the wars  to  come. [   turtle, +21, WEST, she/her + triggers ]
⧼   milly alcock +  22  +  cis woman  +  she & her   ⧽  the  gates  of  highgarden  open  for  the  arrival  of  DAENERYS TARGARYEN  from  HOUSE TARGARYEN OF HIGHGARDEN!  it  is  known  throughout  the  realm  that  their  aura  exudes  ENGAGING  and  CLEVER;  however,  beneath  the  silken  robes  that  shine  in  the  sun,  whispers  run  that  they  are  MERCILESS  and  also  INSUBORDINATE. visions  of  them  always  relate  to   a  golden  dragon  flying  over  a  burnt  city  and  leaving  behind  a  behemoth  size  shadow  /  a  fitted  dress  that  makes  one  move  like  the  fire  breathed  into  a  living  being  /  golden  penchant  hanging  from  a  weirwood  tree  /  silver  hair  flowing  with  the  winds  in  the  halls  of  a  place  that  does  not  feel  like  home;  but  make  no  mistake,  in  the shadows,  they  hide  the  fact  that  they  HAVE  DRAGON  DREAMS  BUT  IT  IS  UNBEKNOWNST  TO  THEM  SO  THEY  THINK  THEY  HAVE  THE  TARGARYEN  MADNESS   !   i  wish  you  good  fortune  in  the wars  to  come. [   dee, 25+, utc, she / they + mouth gore ]
⧼   jessie mei li +  29  +  demi woman  +  she & they   ⧽  the  gates  of  highgarden  open  for  the  arrival  of  ARYA  SNOW  from  HOUSE  STARK  OF  WINTERFELL!  it  is  known  throughout  the  realm  that  their  aura  exudes  COURAGEOUS  and  LOYAL;  however,  beneath  the  silken  robes  that  shine  in  the  sun,  whispers  run  that  they  are  HEADSTRONG  and  also  IMPULSIVE. visions  of  them  always  relate  to   a  single  drop  of  dark  blood  lost  in  an  overwhelming  snow  /  a  beast  showing  its  teeth  to  hide  the  fear  in  its  eyes  /  a  growl  that  is  kept  quiet  because  it  is  not  the  wolf’s  place  to  make  a  sound  /  a  hair  dark  against  the  snowy  backdrop  flowing  with  the  cutting  wind;  but  make  no  mistake,  in  the shadows,  they  hide  the  fact  that  they  ARE  ONLY  IN  HIGHGARDEN  TO  SEEK  THEIR  MOTHER  FOR  THEY  THINK  SHE  IS  OF  NOBLE  BIRTH   !   i  wish  you  good  fortune  in  the wars  to  come. [   dee, 25+, utc, she / they + mouth gore ]
⧼   holliday grainger +  25  +  cis woman  +  she / her   ⧽  the  gates  of  highgarden  open  for  the  arrival  of  SAERA  from  HOUSE TARGARYEN!  it  is  known  throughout  the  realm  that  their  aura  exudes  INTELLIGENT  and  CHARMING;  however,  beneath  the  silken  robes  that  shine  in  the  sun,  whispers  run  that  they  are  IMPULSIVE  and  also  TEMPERAMENTAL. visions  of  them  always  relate  to   the scent of lavender and smoke, expensive silks draped across soft pale skin, dragon scale patterns woven into each dress she wears;  but  make  no  mistake,  in  the shadows,  they  hide  the  fact  that  they  LOST THEIR MAIDENHEAD TO A STABLE BOY !   i  wish  you  good  fortune  in  the wars  to  come. [   b, 27, est, she / her + none! ]
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regismortemhq · 2 months
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𝐀𝐂𝐂𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐃 ! - welcome to king's landing, alex, i see you’ve brought 𝐁𝐀𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐍 𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐑𝐘𝐄𝐍, 𝐀𝐋𝐘𝐍𝐍 𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐘𝐍 & 𝐑𝐎𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐊 𝐊𝐀𝐑𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐊 with you. make sure to get everyone settled in! you have 𝟐𝟒 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒 to send in your account(s). tom glynn carney, millie brady & clinton liberty are now taken!
. ✧ . * . ⌜ Tom Glynn-Carney, 26, cis man, he/him   /   Take me to church by Hozier  +   A LACK OF DUTY AND RESPONSIBILITY, SILVER HAIR BLOWING IN THE WIND AS HE RIDES HIS DRAGON, THE LOUD SCREECH OF A DRAGON IN THE DISTANCE, A WINE OR ALE JUG NEVER TOO FAR AWAY FROM HIM, SNEAKING OUT AT NIGHT TO ENJOY THE NOCTURNAL ACTIVITIES ⌟ high greetings to BAELOR, the LORD of DRAGONSTONE, also known as THE BLACK SHEEP. though they can be a bit IMPULSIVE & IMMATURE, those closest to them will tell you they’re CHARMING & OBSERVANT. perhaps that’s why they’ve placed their loyalties with HOUSE TARGARYEN. and are IN FAVOR OF the coronation of a high king. may the gods have mercy on their soul.
. ✧ . * . ⌜ Millie Brady, 30, cis woman, she/her   /   Your power by Billie Eilish  +   RIDING HER HORSE THROUGH THE VAST LANDS OF THE VALE, LONG HOURS SPENT IN THE TRAINING GROUNDS, SWORD ALWAYS HANGING FROM HER WAIST, LIGHT LEATHER ARMOR INSTEAD OF EXPENSIVE PRETTY DRESSES ⌟ high greetings to ALYNN, the CROWN PRINCESS of THE EYRIE, also known as THE WARRIOR PRINCESS. though they can be a bit IMPULSIVE & OVERPROTECTIVE, those closest to them will tell you they’re RESOURCEFUL & AMBITIOUS. perhaps that’s why they’ve placed their loyalties with HOUSE ARRYN. and are AGAINST the coronation of a high king. may the gods have mercy on their soul.
. ✧ . * . ⌜ Clinton Liberty, 29, cis man, he/him   /   Stronger than ever by Raleigh Ritchie  +   FREEZING MORNING AIR THAT GIVES HIM COMFORT, LONG RUNS THROUGH THE WOODS, A SENSE OF LOYALTY AND NOBILITY, THE WEIGHT OF BEING THE HEIR OF THE HOUSE ⌟ high greetings to RODRIK, the LORD HEIR of KARHOLD, also known as THE GOLDEN BOY. though they can be a bit STUBBORN & RECKLESS, those closest to them will tell you they’re KIND & INTELLIGENT. perhaps that’s why they’ve placed their loyalties with HOUSE KARSTARK/HOUSE STARK. and are UNDECIDED ON the coronation of a high king. may the gods have mercy on their soul.
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cephei-ea · 3 months
Books Compilation
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A compilation of all books and webcomics/toons I will write for
Individual People:
Kim Namjoon
Park Jimin
Jeon Jungkook
Unholy Blood-
Hayan Park Euntae Hwang Vael/Baal ! Lucian Mamon Yohan seo ! Father Michael
In the Bleak Midwinter (unfinished)- unavailable
Omega Anya
Purple Hyacinth-
Kieran White ! Lauren Sinclair Kym Ladell William Hawks
I Love Yoo (unfinished)- some unavailable
Yeong Gi Hirahara ! Kousuke Hirahara ! Hansuke Hirahara Randulph Hirahara Dieter Becker-Wulff Shin ae yoo Yu Jing Min-Hyuk Park Soushi Toyoshima
Sirens Lament-
Ian ! Lyra Shon
Scorching Romance-
Aspen  Ember Harry
Devil Number 4-
#313 #4/Saho ! Hana Yoon #2 #3 Mika!
UnOrdinary (unfinished)-
John ! Seraphina Arlo Blyke Isen Rei
Unlovable Replacement-
Chiko Dyer ! November May Millie Young Nook Pierce
Eaternal Nocturnal- unavailable
Dae Jae Eve
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youbshop · 3 months
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The Enchanted Oven: Millie and the Nocturnal Bakery (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1457758527-the-enchanted-oven-millie-and-the-nocturnal-bakery?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=adayoub In the heart of the sleepy town, where tranquility whispered through the moonlit streets, Millie found herself wide awake. The night was her canvas, a playground for her restless imagination. She was an insomniac, a young girl who danced with the stars while the world was lost in dreams. On this particular night, a gentle breeze nudged her towards an adventure waiting in the shadows.
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