#millennials for Bernie
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classic8media · 19 days
A Normies Guide to the Alt-Right, the New Right & Their Tactics for Recruitment
OPERATION PULL OUT THE WEEDS AT THEIR ROOTS Be warned: This is for research purposes only. Some of this content may be traumatizing as it shows extremist views and explains acts of violence. Originally published on Medium on Aug. 24, 2017, as a warning to all who had ignored the warning signs before the Unite the Right Rally, which ended in the brutal killing of Heather Heyer. On Aug. 12, 2027,…
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medievalwife · 10 months
the millenial democrats on here are like “ZOOMERS ARE SO NAIVE AND ONLY CARE ABOUT PALESTINE BC ITS AN EXCUSE TO HATE JOE BIDEN” ok well you guys are using palestine as an excuse to suck joe biden’s dick what if you just killed yourself !!!!!
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tchaikovskaya · 2 years
in spite of their flaws I do think that bernie and aoc and the like, etc etc etc, deserve most of the credit for pushing the Democratic Party marginally leftward. especially since they are the reason many millennial/gen z leftists did not eschew electoral politics altogether. like… liberals will argue that it’s just that it’s 2022 and not the early mid 00s anymore and “the times have changed” but change doesn’t happen in a vacuum and popular opinion doesn’t become more tolerant/liberal as a function of the “passage of time” on its own. you would have to be deliberately refusing to throw them even a tiny bone to deny that talking about these things on nationally televised and widely watched debate broadcasts and news shows, and social media, even if their electoral campaigns failed, has made an impact
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misscoolisback123 · 1 year
Greg Heffley from the "Diary Of A Wimpy Kid" series is not a sociopath. He's a 13 year old kid and an asshole. I think the trend started when a YouTuber called "Bedhead Bernie" created a psychological analysis book, and people hopped on the Greg Heffley sociopath bandwagon either for shits and giggles or they were serious. By that, I'm talking about people who mocked him or they wholeheartedly agreed with him. Of all the characters you could write a psychological analysis on, you chose Greg Heffley. There are characters that you feel like they genuinely need a reason as to why they're evil, but there are others that don't. It's not just antagonists, either. It can go for protagonists and even background characters. But Greg Heffley is just a zillennial (millennial and gen z mix) 13 year old who's an asshole towards his friends. There are a ton of characters that you can write psychological analysis on, but at the end of the day, Greg Heffley is just a young teenager.
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slickbackdani · 1 year
Of all the lies and fallacies that Bill Maher spews on his show nowadays, none frustrate me as much as his repeated insistence that nothing about him has changed. He’s still the same angry pothead he’s always been, so he says, and it’s the Democrats that have gone too far left for him.
I know this is a lie because I’ve followed him for years — from 2011 until 2017 — and I can assure you that he has changed exponentially.
He went from calling out racism to smearing BLM activists as evil and insane.
He went from speaking out against homophobia to saying we shouldn’t care about the Don’t Say Gay bill because there are more important things to worry about.
He went from attacking the NRA and demanding strict gun control to attacking the Parkland survivors as traitors to America because they boycotted pro-NRA companies.
He went from calling out corruption to saying that Money in Politics is good, actually.
He went from promoting intellectual curiosity to saying we should get rid of NASA because there’s nothing to do up in space.
He went from saying we need socialism to getting angry at AOC for saying we should tax the rich.
He went from saying billionaires shouldn’t exist to being friends with Elon Musk.
He went from saying CEOs and banks are the enemy to saying Lazy Entitled Millennials are the enemy.
He went from supporting Bernie in 2016 to supporting Amy Klobuchar in 2020 to saying Joe Biden is a radical leftist in 2022.
He went from calling out right-wing scare campaigns and moral panics to saying “woke mind virus” without a hint of sarcasm.
Every time he says he hasn’t changed, he is deliberately lying to you.
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maurypovichofficial2 · 4 months
The people acting like trump and Biden are exactly the same too…
Listen…….i need my Millennial people to get over the fact that Bernie didn’t win and look at the bigger picture
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This day in history
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For the rest of May, my bestselling solarpunk utopian novel THE LOST CAUSE (2023) is available as a $2.99, DRM-free ebook!
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#15yrsago Congress proposes anti-DRM law for cars https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2009/05/right-repair-law-pro
#15yrsago Bush cronies land jobs charging for advice on not getting eaten by the monsters they created https://web.archive.org/web/20090523162034/https://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2009-05-19-newjobs_N.htm?csp=34
#15yrsago Search Engine podcast is back on TVO https://web.archive.org/web/20090522054021/http://www.tvo.org/cfmx/tvoorg/theagenda/index.cfm?page_id=3&action=blog&subaction=viewPost&post_id=10253&blog_id=81
#10yrsago NSA records every cell phone call in the Bahamas https://web.archive.org/web/20140519224819/https://firstlook.org/theintercept/article/2014/05/19/data-pirates-caribbean-nsa-recording-every-cell-phone-call-bahamas/
#10yrsago U of Saskatchewan fires tenured dean for speaking out against cuts https://artssquared.wordpress.com/2014/05/18/canadas-academics-invited-to-sign-on-to-open-letter-to-university-of-saskatchewan-board-chair-ms-susan-milburn/
#10yrsago Nutritionists’ professional events catered by McD’s, sponsored by High Fructose Corn Syrup https://www.motherjones.com/environment/2014/05/my-trip-mcdonalds-sponsored-nutritionist-convention/
#5yrsago Bernie Sanders’ “Thurgood Marshall Plan for Public Education” will desegregate schools, defund charters, pay teachers, end the school-to-prison pipeline https://berniesanders.com/issues/reinvest-in-public-education/
#5yrsago Judge recuses himself from health insurance cancer-denial case because he considers the company “immoral” and “barbaric” https://edition.cnn.com/2019/05/16/health/judge-proton-beam-therapy-recusal-unitedhealthcare/index.html
#5yrsago Wil Wheaton’s “Dead Trees Give No Shelter”: terrifying tale, beautifully told https://wilwheaton.net/2017/04/dead-trees-give-no-shelter-audiobook/
#1yrago Venture predation https://pluralistic.net/2023/05/19/fake-it-till-you-make-it/#millennial-lifestyle-subsidy
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dhaaruni · 2 years
what are your critiques of Jia? curious because everyone loves her and I haven't encountered many nuanced takes
Jia Tolentino writes for a very specific cohort of college-educated but downwardly mobile millennials and Gen-Zers, which isn't bad in itself, but she then pretends her experiences at UVA and then writing for Jezebel and the New Yorker are universal and she actually is ~one of the proletariat~, which drives me bananas.
For instance, she was a Big Bernie Sanders girl, and rhapsodized about Medicare For All but I really really doubt that when push comes to shove, Jia is would give up that health insurance to be on a government plan that hasn't been tested with no other options, but she pretends she would be, which drives me insane! I wouldn't give up my employer plan to be on a government plan either, but I don't pretend I would and she does.
Also, you could not pay me to read what Jia thinks about a weight loss drug lmfao. I already am extremely triggered by that topic and reading her sanctimonious and holier-than-thou "I was a size 4 when 9 months pregnant" take on it will absolutely make things worse but you can read it if you see fit! Edit: she DID work it into that piece that she was a size 4 because of course she did :)
Plus, I think her writing is really inconsistent in quality and meandering, although she's got some good phrases here and there.
(All that aside from the human trafficking allegations lmfao)
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millennial-review · 1 year
New podcast on RFK Jr, Marianne Williamson, and Cornel West and their candidacies for president wherever you find podcasts. It includes a discussion of the candidates themselves, their platform, and their posture within and outside of the Democratic Party, whether they’re worth supporting and what to make of them in light of the successes and failures of the Bernie Sanders campaigns. Listen wherever you find podcasts.
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haberdashing · 11 months
Indie Music Rec: Carsie Blanton
I wanted to promote an independent musician I'm a fan of, so here's a music rec post!
Music: Folk, country, punk, maybe pop with some songs if you squint? Some love songs, some protest songs. Tempo varies wildly based on song. Definitely catchy. Some are sing alongs.
Vibes: Leftist, anti-capitalist, clearly channels her rage at the system into much of her music. Funny. Genuine. Passionate. She might just be on tumblr now actually it looks like the url is taken and probably actually by her but not used since 2018
Identity: From the American South, Jewish, Millennial-ish. Doesn't really center her own identity or story in most of her music.
Carsie Blanton... where do I even start in recommending her?
There's how she's about as far left as my own corner of tumblr tends to be. (I swear I heard her describe herself as politically "somewhere between Bernie Sanders and Karl Marx" but now I can't find the quote. It sounds about right, though.) How she refers to herself as "socialist" unabashedly and rails against the excesses of capitalism. How one of her songs has the lyric "you're just a Democrat, I'm a revolutionary".
How she has a song inspired by her response to the Charlottesville rally, and how the rally hit home for her, as she grew up in central Virginia as one of the only Jewish kids around.
How her songs channel her leftist rage, advocate protest, tear apart the system we're living in.
But importantly, she's not just writing protest songs, she's writing catchy protest songs that are genuinely quality pieces of music to boot.
When I saw her in concert a couple months ago, she mentioned how Dolly Parton's "9 to 5" is great because it's about as far left as you can get while still being a catchy pop song, and I think Carsie Blanton's own music fits that pretty well too.
I posted not too long ago about how my mom saw her posting something pro-Palestine and thought she was going too far because of it. I looked up the post in question; it had the caption "Free Palestine" along with some informative text that wouldn't look out of place in a tumblr post. Nothing radical, nothing anti-Israel. Just support for the Palestinian people. And while that might cost her some fans in and of itself--I think my mom's lost some interest in her because of it--I think it's a good example of how her leftism isn't just an act, or deployed just when it's popular. She speaks out for what's right, regardless of what the rest of the world thinks.
Now, that's enough of an introduction, I think. So I'll leave you with some examples of her music, and a quick blurb about each song I'm linking.
This is the one in response to Charlottesville, and it's the sort of fast-paced, angry song you might expect:
This one's also very anti-capitalist but a bit slower and more mellow, though that's not to say it won't get stuck in your head fast:
This is the one that first got her on my parents' radar, a fitting tribute to beloved country artist John Prine:
Apparently this one's big on Tiktok? I believe it, it's got the fast pacing and witty lyrics for that crowd. (Age-restricted because it uses the word "bitch" a lot, I imagine. Title is "Ugly Nasty Commie Bitch".)
This is the one with the lyrics I quoted above, despite being not generally a political song, just a fun silly listen:
Not quite as upbeat as the title might make it seem, but very fitting vibe for the current moment given, y'know, everything:
Are you an American with deeply divided feelings about what that means given your place of privilege in the world but being stuck in a system that keeps causing harm? Carsie Blanton feels that too:
Another slower, mellow one, and not political this time, but this one's gotten stuck in my head a few times lately:
And finally, a sing-along that seems like the perfect way to wrap things up:
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loneberry · 2 years
“It was still dark when I woke up, so I lay there and recalled the dream I had and what the elder had told me. I found myself thinking, God knows whether it was the soul of the elder which I saw or perhaps just my imagination since I think so much about the elder and the Philokalia. At dawn I got up with this perplexing question in my mind and to my astonishment I saw on the stone which served as my table the copy of the Philokalia opened to that very page which the elder had shown me and the section marked exactly as I saw in the dream, and even the charcoal was lying beside the book. I was completely amazed, as I remembered distinctly that the book was not there the night before; it was closed and was at the head of the bed; and I was also sure that there was no mark of any kind in that section before. This incident strengthened my faith in dreams and in the holiness of my departed spiritual father.”
—The Way of a Pilgrim
How marvelous, that in dreams we receive guidance from the dead, that the echo of the elder still reverberates there, like the indissoluble voice of Obi-Wan Kenobi, like Bernie Sanders’s no-frills Jewish grandpa talk, how, when he is gone, it will ring in the sleeping minds of millennials who reclaimed the word “socialism” through that tender yet consistent curmudgeon. When we are dead we’ll continue to live in the dreams of those we knew until the last person we have touched dies and that sweet-toned note that is given to every life fades to silence. We fade. Like the echo. In the cave. The world will go on dreaming.
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mariacallous · 2 years
on GenZ as we've said many times, they've been "taught" marketed to really, that engagement is... consumption and aesthetics, that they can post from their bedroom and thats the height of political engagement
part of this is companies and brands selling themselves as "woke" we mock the Kendall Jenner Pepsi ad but it was only the worst and most in your face version of a thing going on at every level of the market and so many young people bought what was sold
but also we have to blame Bernie. For many many Millennials the Obama campaign in 2008 was their first campaign their first engagement, for many GenZers 2016 Bernie was the first one, it spoke their language, memes very on-line etc. and From day 1 it was two things, that mainstream Dems are the worst and really the true enemy. I tell this story all the time, but one of the only Bernie vols to come work for HFA after the primary, and he was hardcore, he drove from NH to SC to knock doors for Bernie, and after deciding to help us most of his Bernie friends wouldn't speak to him any more. Any ways he joked that the Bernie office they used to say "Trump voters are just Bernie voters who need to be educated" that was the world view. The second thing was the idea that it was "rigged" that the system all of society is "rigged" against you and the need for a "revolution" Bernie doesn't mean a Marxist overthrow of capitalism when he says "Revolution" but he boosted and platformed a lot of people who did mean that and is verbiage really tells a young person "there's no slow change, there's no working toward change, there's revolution and status quo and your life will suck till revolution" and also that Democratic systems are rigged, the vote is rigged, Progressives can't win because it's rigged and there's no point voting for a normie and "shit-lib" whatever because they're the real problem.
So thats why GenZ is the least involved, least engaged even while being on paper most progressive, most queer, and in terms of LGBT GenZers, some of the most targeted and I guess on the abortion issue as well since they're of childbearing age and most likely to need and abortion.
And then they get stuck in the echo chamber and get it reinforced...
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bunkerblogwebradio · 13 days
Como a obra "O Caminho da Servidão" tornou-se relevante novamente
Vou falar sobre como O Caminho da Servidão de Hayek – infelizmente – tornou-se muito mais relevante novamente nos últimos dez anos.
Digo "infelizmente" porque preferiria viver em um mundo onde "O Caminho da Servidão" não é mais relevante. Onde poderíamos tratá-lo como um livro do século XX sobre um conflito ideológico do século XX, talvez interessante historicamente, mas sem implicações óbvias para os dias atuais.
Este nem precisaria ser um mundo em que os liberais clássicos tivessem vencido a discussão. O objetivo de "O Caminho da Servidão" não era defender o melhor tipo possível de sociedade. Era apenas para defender o tipo mais infernal de sociedade. Vencer nessa frente não significaria que o trabalho dos liberais clássicos está feito; significaria apenas que estamos fora de perigo.
E houve um tempo em que parecia assim. Por cerca de um quarto de século, após o fim da Guerra Fria, parecia que havia um amplo consenso, na maior parte do espectro político dominante, de que uma economia moderna bem-sucedida tinha que ser, em geral, uma economia de mercado.
Nunca houve uma "hegemonia neoliberal"; isso sempre foi um mito completo. Mas houve um tempo em que as pessoas que rejeitavam o capitalismo de imediato e que defendiam abertamente uma alternativa não mercantil estavam em desvantagem.
Durante a segunda metade da última década, porém, vimos um renascimento do socialismo. The Economist, New Statesman e outras publicações falaram sobre "a ascensão do socialismo millenial".
Esse fenômeno destruiu completamente a ilusão de que "somos todos capitalistas agora". Uma enxurrada de pesquisas mostrou que milhões de pessoas não o são.
Na década de 2010, o socialismo millenial foi envolvido com projetos eleitorais, a saber, o corbynismo no Reino Unido e a candidatura de Bernie Sanders nos EUA. Esses projetos acabaram não se concretizando. Mas os movimentos socialistas mais amplos que surgiram em torno deles não desapareceram depois. Eles apenas se dispersaram e assumiram outros movimentos. Por exemplo, Black Lives Matter, Extinction Rebellion, Just Stop Oil (Vidas negras importam, rebelião contra a extinção, basta parar o petróleo) etc. podem ser justificadamente descritos como movimentos socialistas. Eles não precisam ser. Não há nada intrinsecamente socialista nas causas com as quais eles se preocupam. Mas na prática - eles simplesmente são.
No ano passado, uma pesquisa mostrou que mais da metade dos Millennials e Zoomers (adultos) na Grã-Bretanha acreditam que o socialismo é "o sistema econômico ideal".
"E daí?", você pode pensar. Essas pessoas provavelmente estão apenas confusas sobre o que significa "socialismo". Elas acham que isso significa gastar mais dinheiro na saúde pública e ser legal. Elas não estão falando sobre o marxismo-leninismo.
É aí que o estudo é interessante, porque eles também tentam descobrir o que as pessoas querem dizer quando usam essa palavra.
Eles fazem isso de duas maneiras. Em primeiro lugar, eles simplesmente repetem a mesma pergunta, mas substituem a palavra "comunismo" pela palavra mais ambígua "socialismo", para verificar se o apoio cai quando o fazem.
O que acontece - mas um em cada quatro Zoomers e um em cada três Millennials ainda dizem que o comunismo é "o sistema econômico ideal". Isso não é uma maioria, mas são milhões de pessoas. É uma opinião dominante.
Em seguida, eles perguntam diretamente às pessoas. Eles apresentam três descrições possíveis do socialismo e perguntam aos entrevistados se elas descrevem com precisão o socialismo. Uma delas é uma descrição simplificada de uma economia estatal, na qual o estado possui os meios de produção – a definição clássica de socialismo.
Entre a população como um todo, os resultados não são claros. Quatro em cada dez pessoas concordam que, sim, esta é uma descrição precisa do que significa socialismo, mas três em cada dez discordam. Mas se olharmos especificamente para os autodenominados defensores do socialismo, obteremos uma imagem muito diferente. Mais da metade deles concorda com a definição clássica de socialismo e apenas um em cada cinco discorda.
Então, resumindo: todos que afirmam apoiar o "socialismo" querem uma economia totalmente estatal e planejada pelo estado? Não. Mas muitos deles sim.
Nenhum desses resultados da pesquisa é surpreendente se você foi a uma livraria recentemente. Você deve ter notado que a seção "Política" está cheia de livros pró-socialistas: How Degrowth Communism Can Save the Earth, Towards the Idea of Degrowth Communism, Karl Marx’s Ecosocialism, Vulture Capitalism, It’s OK to Be Angry About Capitalism, Understanding Socialism, Time for Socialism (Como o comunismo do decrescimento pode salvar a Terra, Rumo à ideia do comunismo do decrescimento, Ecossocialismo de Karl Marx, Capitalismo abutre, Não há problema em ficar com raiva do capitalismo, Compreendendo o socialismo, É hora do socialismo), e assim por diante. Parece haver uma demanda infinita por isso. Nenhum desses livros vai se tornar o próximo "Código Da Vinci", mas eles estão se saindo muito, muito melhor do que qualquer livro pró-capitalista. Estamos perdendo a batalha das ideias.
Eu diria que, até meados da década passada, a ideia socialista ainda estava um pouco manchada por sua associação com o socialismo realmente existente. A ideia de que os sistemas do antigo Bloco Oriental não eram apenas um socialismo "adequado" não é nova. Foi o que me ensinaram na escola, na década de 1990. Marx tinha todas essas ideias maravilhosas sobre uma sociedade igualitária e democrática, e então pessoas más como Lenin, Stalin e, mais tarde, Walter Ulbricht e Erich Honecker, apareceram e perverteram tudo. Essa ideia sempre esteve lá. Não há nada de novo nisso.
Mas a questão é: isso soa um pouco vazio quando o fracasso do socialismo realmente existente ainda está tão presente. O que foi o caso, nas décadas de 1990 e 2000. Mas durante a última década, desapareceu da memória popular. Tornou-se história. Contra esse pano de fundo – a alegação de que os regimes socialistas anteriores simplesmente não fizeram o socialismo "corretamente" e que devemos tentar novamente, parece mais plausível para muitas pessoas.
E é essa afirmação que está realmente no cerne do renascimento do socialismo.
O socialismo significava essencialmente democracia radical. […] Não uma ditadura autoritária; Marx descreveu uma democracia igualitária e participativa.
Você pode facilmente encontrar centenas de citações desse tipo, mas não vou aborrecê-lo. O ponto é que os socialistas millenials veem a natureza totalitária, de cima para baixo, de comando e controle do socialismo realmente existente como uma perversão da ideia socialista original. Não há nenhuma razão particular para que o socialismo sempre tenha sido assim, além de que as pessoas no comando queriam que fosse assim. Foi simplesmente uma escolha.
Isso é, obviamente, o oposto do argumento de Hayek em "O Caminho da Servidão", que era de que os aspectos totalitários, de cima para baixo, de comando e controle do Socialismo Realmente Existente eram uma característica, não um bug. Os sistemas socialistas sempre acabarão assim, mesmo que não seja isso que seus proponentes queiram. As intenções de seus proponentes são completamente irrelevantes. Eles podem ser as pessoas mais adoráveis do mundo, mas o sistema que eles querem ainda produzirá resultados terríveis.
Esta é a parte que os socialistas millenials ainda não entendem. Eles acham que é tudo uma questão de intenções. Eles acham que "sua" versão do socialismo não poderia produzir resultados ruins, porque eles não têm más intenções. Eles veem uma crítica ao socialismo como uma crítica às suas intenções.
Não é assim. Hayek disse em "O Caminho da Servidão":
Para alcançar seus fins, os planejadores devem criar poder - poder sobre os homens exercido por outros homens - de uma magnitude nunca antes conhecida.
E ele também disse sobre a URSS:
Não há outro governo no mundo em cujas mãos o destino de todo o país esteja concentrado a tal ponto. […] O governo soviético ocupa em relação a todo o sistema econômico a posição que um capitalista ocupa em relação a uma única empresa.
Ou na verdade - ele não o fez. Esta última citação é de "A Revolução Traída" (1936) de Trotsky. Mas está correto, e poderia facilmente ter sido de "O Caminho da Servidão".
Sobre a possibilidade do socialismo democrático, Hayek disse:
Elaborar um plano econômico dessa maneira é ainda menos possível do que, por exemplo, planejar com sucesso uma campanha militar por meio de um procedimento democrático. […] Seria inevitável delegar a tarefa aos especialistas. No entanto, a diferença é que, enquanto o general encarregado de uma campanha recebe um único objetivo, [...] não pode haver esse objetivo único dado ao planejador econômico.
Em outras palavras, mesmo no sistema atual, não temos uma democracia "pura", onde tudo é decidido por representantes democraticamente eleitos. Mesmo no sistema atual, delegamos tarefas altamente especializadas ao que hoje chamaríamos de tecnocratas. Em algumas áreas, isso não é um problema. No caso de uma campanha militar, quase todos nós concordamos com o resultado que queremos ver, e não estamos tão preocupados com a forma como exatamente esse resultado é alcançado. Portanto, podemos deixar os detalhes para os tecnocratas. Ainda é democrático de uma forma indireta, porque os tecnocratas ainda são responsáveis perante os políticos democraticamente eleitos.
O planejamento econômico, no entanto, não é nada disso. Não concordamos com os resultados. E não podemos separar o quadro geral dos detalhes. Somente as pessoas no comando dos detalhes técnicos podem tomar decisões significativas sobre o quadro geral.
Hayek também disse sobre o sistema de governança da Grã-Bretanha:
A máquina parlamentar atual é bastante inadequada para aprovar rapidamente um grande corpo de legislação complicada. O Governo Nacional [...] admitiu isso implementando em sua economia [...] medidas não por meio de um debate detalhado na Câmara dos Comuns, mas por um sistema geral de legislação delegada.
Ou, na verdade, de novo - ele não o fez. Esse foi o socialista Harold Laski em 1932. Mas está correto, e é por isso que Hayek o cita com aprovação em "O Caminho da Servidão".
Mesmo os arquissocialistas concordaram com partes importantes da análise de Hayek. Eles simplesmente não conseguiram juntar os pontos e tirar as conclusões certas.
Quando Hayek escreveu "O Caminho da Servidão", não havia muitos exemplos de economias socialistas. Haveria muitos mais, nos anos subsequentes: Albânia, Vietnã do Norte, Bulgária, Polônia, Romênia, Coréia do Norte, Hungria, Tchecoslováquia, Alemanha Oriental, China, Cuba, Iêmen do Sul, Somália, Camboja, Moçambique, Angola...
Todos eles saíram do jeito que Hayek disse que fariam. Assim como o próximo. E o seguinte.
Não me lembro quando li pela primeira vez "O Caminho da Servidão". Lembro-me vagamente de que não gostei muito no começo: não é realmente uma leitura divertida. Mas é um bom investimento. Como as lições ainda não foram aprendidas, o livro não perderá sua relevância tão cedo.
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tik4tatthetat · 1 month
Breaking News!
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Revolutionary Ruling: Supreme Court Strikes Down Student Loan Debt for Millions of Americans In a landmark decision, the Supreme Court has abolished student loan debt for millions of Americans, citing unconstitutional practices by the Department of Education. The ruling, hailed as a major victory for student rights, declares that the government's handling of student loans violates the Constitution's contract clause. "This is a monumental win for our generation," said Sarah, a 25-year-old plaintiff. "We've been saddled with crippling debt, unable to start our lives. Today's ruling gives us a chance to breathe again." The lawsuit, filed by a coalition of student advocacy groups, exposed widespread abuse by loan servicers and the Department of Education. "The system was designed to fail us," said plaintiff Jake, 28. "We're not just talking about debt forgiveness; we're talking about accountability." The Supreme Court's decision has far-reaching implications, affecting over 45 million Americans struggling with student loan debt. "This ruling is a beacon of hope for those drowning in debt," said Senator Bernie Sanders. "We must continue to fight for affordable education and economic justice." As the nation reacts to this groundbreaking news, young people are celebrating their newfound freedom. "We did it!" exclaimed Emily, 22. "We stood up to the system and won. This is just the beginning." The Department of Education has been ordered to develop a plan to discharge student loans and provide restitution to affected borrowers.    
tik4tat.com, Gern Zs and  Millennials Safe Zone
Read the full article
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deblala · 1 month
Wealthy ‘democratic socialist’ Bernie Sanders praises Kamala’s price controls, econ policies as ‘strong’ and ‘progressive’ | The Post Millennial | thepostmillennial.com
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