caandlle · 6 years
NALU One-Shot: Self-Control
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Lucy’s discovered Natsu has no self-control and well... She may not mind as much as she originally thought. 
They’re at a job when it first happens. It’s a sly touch, a little kind of thing that she almost missed, but it’s the start of many incidents (that progressively get more extreme) that eventually leads Lucy to one, simple conclusion.  
Natsu has no self-control when in public.  
Not that she didn’t know that already - honestly, why was she so surprised? - but Lucy didn’t know how little of it he has.
Her whip rushed through the air with a satisfying crack, ensnaring the tip around the current bad guy’s ankle, making the dark wizard tumble to the ground with a loud, startled shout. Natsu’s behind her, laughing gleefully, one fist aflame and rushes forward to pummel his face back into the ground as he tries to get back up – when it happens.  
A quick, barely there, squeeze to her behind that she doesn’t register until after he’d slammed the dark wizard’s face back into the mud – and only because of the lingering warmth of his hand.  
Lucy’s so shocked that her response to Natsu’s shout of “Lucy!” is delayed. A second bad guy, that they hadn’t known was there, swung a tree stump that he’d just ripped out of the ground, aiming for her head. She just managed to dodge the blow, ducking under the stump and giving a swift, spinning heel kick that had him drop the stupid stump, clutching his ankle in pain. It didn’t have the strength to knock him over – the guy was built like a brick – but it powerful enough that he backed off and Lucy was able to keep her head firmly on her shoulders. Her own ankle was left throbbing (seriously, what did this guy eat?) but it was better than missing her head.  
They’d finished the battle fairly quickly after that, Happy teasing her about her daydreaming during combat (he got a hissed “Shut it cat!” for that), and were able to go home after collecting the reward.  
Half of it was deducted because majority of the forest was demolished – some trees were still smoking when they’d left, Lucy really hoped it hadn’t caused a wildlife because she really did not have the funds for those expenses – but the leftover amount was still hefty enough she wouldn’t be behind on rent.  
The next time it happens is when they’re at the guild. It was late but Fairy Tail was still rowdy, drinks being chugged and spilling all over the floor, drunken shouts and curses being tossed up into the air. A typical Friday night for Fairy Tail wizards.  
Lucy was huddled up in a corner booth with a book, hiding tired yawns behind the back of her hand, tilting her head every now and then to avoid a flying missile – Gray's flaming underwear, Happy chasing after a fish Elfman threw, an empty alcohol barrel and she was pretty sure Jet had been chucked over her head as well.  
Natsu slides into the booth next to her. She knows it’s him even before she looks up – the heat rippling off the newcomer’s body like powerful waves can’t be anything but her partner. The warmth is as reassuring as it is relaxing and she leans closer to take all of it, greedy for the extra comfort.  
“Hey Luce.” His breath hits her ear, voice low and close. Lucy shivers at his tone and turns to face him before reeling back in surprise, not expecting how close he was. Natsu huffs a laugh, fingers grazing the hem of her short skirt.  
“Got tired of trying to beat Gray up?”
“Nah,” he murmurs, shooting her a toothy smile. “Ice Princess landed in Juvia’s boobs ‘n she passed out. That idiot’s just tryna revive her.”  
Lucy glances over to main floor where Gray is, in fact, trying to wake up a bloody-nosed Juvia, and shakes her head at the comical scene.
“Too bad Gray can’t enjoy his woman without her passin’ out!”
“They’re not together yet –” Natsu’s mischievous glint is the only warning before he presses his face against her cleavage, given easy access by her rather low-cut shirt, snuggling further against her breasts. Lucy’s face flushes, steam wafting off her skin due to how flustered she is.
“Natsu!” She hissed, pushing him off her. “We’re at the guild!”  
“So?” Natsu bats her threatening fists away, grinning wide. “I did this at the guild all the time before!”
“B-But we weren’t dating then!”  
“Why does that matter?” He whines, reaching for her. “Now that we are doesn’t that mean I can do it without you gettin’ all fussy?”
“Not at the guild!” Lucy eyes the hand he’s just placed on her upper thigh before nervously glancing around Fairy Tail. “I won’t hear the end of it from Mira and Cana!”
Natsu only shrugs and before she can react, pulls her onto his lap, hand on her hips in an iron-clad hold – not enough to hurt her but enough that she can’t get off. Lucy only splutters as he presses his nose against the crook of her neck, breathing in her scent deeply. “Let ‘em. Wanna show everyone ya mine.”  
His words, despite her encompassing mortification – she did not miss the way Mira’s head immediately snapped over to them from behind the bar – sent a familiar jolt of pleasure throughout her body. “Natsu,” she whines, wriggling in his grasp. “Let me go. This is embarrassing.”
Natsu laughs against her throat and moves his way up on her skin to nibble at her jaw. “Nobody cares.”
“I’m pretty sure Mira is taking photos of us right now.” Lucy says dryly, still squirming, and despite herself, stretches her neck to allow him easier access.
“Good,” Natsu purrs, “Get her to send them to me later.”  
Lucy rolls her eyes before going still in his arms as he presses a kiss behind her ear, withholding her gasp of surprise. “Natsu!” she hisses as his fingers edge the hem of her shirt, warm against her skin. Her breath hitches in her throat as he trails kisses along her jaw, up to her cheeks and at the corner of her mouth.  
She knows her face is practically radiating steam – as if she was the one with fire magic – and they really shouldn’t be doing this in public, let alone the guild (sure, everyone’s pretty open around here but they’ll never let her live it down!), but Lucy can’t help but melt in his arms at the attention she was receiving.  
Natsu grinned against her skin, and moved to cup her cheek, angling her head to pres their lips together. His mouth was hot against hers, and the kiss was eager, a little messy but Lucy didn’t mind that much. She gave up on telling him off and gave into the feeling of him under her. Natsu’s hands burned as they moved along her body, making her gasp at the feeling. 
There were loud hoots and raunchy hollers erupting behind them (along with a scandalized “Wendy close your eyes!” by Carla) but Lucy paid no attention to them as she wound her fingers in his hair, tugging him closer.  
Natsu may have no self-control but Lucy found that she didn’t mind too much.
I hope you liked this @millennial-star-gazer ! I’m so, so sorry this took so long. It’s been in my files for ages but I’ve only just completed it. Admittedly, I’m not sure about this one & I’m not that proud of it, but I couldn’t leave it in my files to waste away! asdfajk sorry this was kind of terrible. (also I meant to add another incident in there but I gave up ashfkah)
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kiliinstinct · 5 years
Hey Mira, hope you’re doing well! How about 12, 14, and 24 for the honest answer ask if you like 😊?
I’m doing all right, thank you! And Yay, I get more things to answer!Ask Me And I’ll Answer Honestly!
12: Do you prefer tea, coffee, or cocoa?Says this while I’m drinking coffee- It depends on the situation. Coffee for writing. Tea for Hot days. Hot Cocoa for when i’m sick. 
14: Would you rather be a vampire, elf, or merperson?Which one gets me out of having to work for the rest of my life while still able to write stories to post on here?  Probably an Elf actually- I like Forests and Mountains, I’m sure I’d enjoy life up there as long as I could still write up in some nice log cabin with internet access. 
24: Favorite constellation?Orion because it always tells me when Fall/Winter are coming. Seriously, when I see it in the Sky, I’m always that weirdo looking up and waving like, “hey nice to see you orion! Summer’s over? excellent!”
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Tantric Flames (Reupload from previous accounts): Chapter: 3
Tantric Flames
Originally for Nalu Week/Fluff Week/Lovefest 2017 (on previous accounts)
Genres: Romance, Humor, New Adult Fanfiction
Nalu Lovefest 2017 Prompts: Lust, Stockings/Lingerie, Sweets (Implied) Dreams(Implied) Games and Roleplay (Kind of Implied in Form of Teasing )
Upcoming Nalu Love Fest 2018 prompts: Kiss/Makeup (kind of) Playful, Desperate, Unbearable, Estatic ,(Implied) and Teasing 
Pairing:Nalu (Natsu x Lucy)
Rating: M for language, steamy and mature adult sexual content (all consensual) in these and future chapters. Reader Direction is advised.(You’ve been warned!)
Summary: One look, one smouldering hooded gaze, one word, one fiery kiss, one magnetizing touch was all he needed for her to completely unravel at his mercy alone, succumbing to the sinful temptation of her inhibitions, his love, his feral passion, his raw, insatiable desires, his "Tantric Flames". Originally an Submission (slight Au) for Nalulovefest 2017 (on previous accounts) in which Natsu gives his mate a tantric massage-after much persuasion- she won't soon forget when it turns into so much more. Also previous featured in Nalu Week , and Fluff Week with first two chapters.
Chapter 3:Play With Fire
A/N: Hey guys, the former cosmicdragonwizard/ celestialgeekmage here with another installment of Tantric Flames (originally for Nalu Lovefest 2017) to be enjoyed! I've been working away at this latest chapter for just over a month and I must say I'm fairly pleased with how it all turned out so for which I hope you all will be too!
Special thanks to @soprana-snap/soprana and  @wildrhov whose suggestions along with their guidance and feedback were a great help for an upcoming scene in the next chapter! ( I also owe my gratitude to @not-just-any-fangirl and @rivendell101 whose various fantastic Nalu fics also served as a phenomenal resource guide in helping me write this chapter.
Now without further ado, here's Chapter 3!
Disclaimer: You know I unfortunately don't own Fairytail which belongs to the most Hiro-sensei instead!
Read More Here:
1.Tantric Flames
A. Tumblr
Chapter: 1 (Click Here:)  (or here:https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/179863946153/tantric-flames-reupload-from-cosmicdragonwizard/amp?)
Chapter: 2  (Click Here:) (or here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/179864399283/tantric-flames-reupload-from-previous-accounts/amp)
   Chapter: 3    Chapter: 4   (Click Here:) or here: (https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/179871908778/tantric-flames-reupload-from-previous-accounts/amp?)
Chapter: 5  (Click Here:) (or here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/179872139218/tantric-flamesreupload-from-previous-accounts)
Chapter: 6 (Click Here:)   (Or here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/183149105838/tantric-flames-chapter-6-despojado-stripped) 
Chapter: 7 (Click Here:)  (or here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/185033161848/tantric-flames-chapter-7-what-belongs-to-a-fire)
Chapter: 8 (Click Here:) (or here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/188352271948/tantric-flames-chapter-8-tantric-art-of)
Chapter:9 (Click Here:)   (or here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/624402662880854016/tantric-flames-chapter-9)
B. Fanfiction (Click Here:) (or here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13114990/1/Tantric-Flames-reupload-from-cosmicdragonwizardaccounts)
C. A03 (Click Here:)  (or here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17063882/chapters/40123739)
2. The Draconic  Demon Within
A. Tumblr:
Prologue and Chapter: 1 (Click Here:) (or here:https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/179816192273/the-draconic-demon-within-reupload-from/amp?)
Chapter: 2 (Click Here:)  (or here:https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/179816192273/the-draconic-demon-within-reupload-from/amp?)
B. Fanfiction (Click Here:) (or here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13113898/1/The-Draconic-Demon-Within-Reupload-from-cosmicdragonwizardaccounts)
3. Grey Days
A. Tumblr  (Click Here:) (or here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/179767381833/grey-days-reuploadfrom-dragon-shield-maiden/amp?)
B. Fanfiction  (Click Here:) (or here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13112482/1/Grey-Days-Reupload-from-dragon-shield-maiden)
4. The Rest of My Writing
A. Master Fic Rec Post (Click Here): (or  here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/179665258923/master-fic-rec-post
Italic: Song Lyrics
Bold: First Person Thoughts
Bolded Italics (Within and Outside Bracket) including for author's side notes also known as (A/N:) within brackets (though none for side-notes in this chapter ).
"A house of red light
Burns like your wanting eyes
The rain is away
And we say
We will play with fire
We will play with fire..."
(The Birthday Massacre: Play With Fire)
"Thanks Cancer."
" Anytime - my pleasure. Enjoy your special romantic spa date with Natsu-aka your main squeeze baby.
"Thank you, I'm sure I will- talk to you later.
Lucy bade a fond farewell to the dissipating spirit she summoned, who had been gracious enough to fix her blonde tresses into a stylish French-tendril-style bun for her date, before making her own way down the stairs into the library basement library. Burning candle-herbal incense of the soothing nature-type variety co-mingling with the all-too-heavenly fragrance of vanilla and lavender-quite the divine combo really- parading across the blondes senses was the first to greet her ;  along with the lovely sound of an ethereal voice of singing over familiar melody of a sensual synth-pop song floating in the air through the guild's lacrima speakers; that she'd so often heard  on Magnolia's beloved, cult-favorite, alternative, radio station .
"A house of red light
Burns like your wanting eyes
You The rain is away
And we say
We will play with fire
We will play with fire..."
What a lovely song to greet me on the way in... Lucy mused in awe, pausing a  moment to fully revel in the sights and sounds before her. And the scented candles with the incense... God the scent is to die for!
Honey -brown eyes were scanning the room to fully take stock of the sights and sounds before her : where dimmed lighting set the mood for scented lacrima candles illuminating the path along hardwood by bookshelves to a rose-and cherry blossom petal covered-leather massage bed with twinkling, fairy lights overhead . In the centre of the chestnut surface of a small , adjacent end table nearby was a twine basket overtop with a whole assorted collection of goodies ranging from massage lotions to oils; above a compact cloth bag on the shelf containing God-only knows what though enough to pique the celestial Mage's curiosity .
All in all quite the impressive display of effort Natsu went into setting this up if I do say so myself-though wonder where he is?
"Natsu, you there?" Lucy called out, liquid brown eyes searching the space for where her elusive- if-not-also-drop-dead-sexy pyromaniac- she was more than-proud to call her soulmate.
"In here Luce- coming out now."
Natsu's sunny voice floated in from the adjacent room he emerged from, a warm smile lighting his emerald eyes dazzling enough to for Lucy's breath to catch in her throat.
A simple, meek, "Hey" , was all Lucy could manage in subdued earnest to pass her lips, after her heart was too busy doing backflips as he sauntered over to close the gap .
"Hey yourself, beautiful- glad you could make it" came his soft, gravelly rumble before touching his lips to hers in a the briefest, most delicate of kisses sending a rush of warmth through her bones when gathering her hands to clasp in his at the same time. It was after Natsu pulled away just enough a moment later, that it dawned on Lucy he was shirtless-save for his scarf- much to her delight ; liquid- brown roaming over exposed chiseled grooves of corded, lean, muscle that she longed to run her hand along; accentuated by the defined v-flare of his hips in distressed navy denim which didn't seem to go unnoticed by the subject of her not-so-discreet fond admiration; whose corners of lips were pulling up into that trademark-devilish-crooked-little of smirk of his.
"Like what you see , I take it then Lucy?" Natsu drawled out , roguish words laced with a languid purr, throwing in a wink as if swiping the tounge across his canines for good measure wasn't enough;which her eyes caught. "Figured you could use some sexy  eye candy  to feast your eyes on your date courtesy of yours truly.."
"Well it is a pretty nice view after all,  if  I do say so myself," Lucy offered demurely in somewhat not-so-unabashed admission, trying her damnest not to think about how hot and bothered I am by this hot and drop-dead sexy piece of perfection standing in front of me right now when her throat ran dry. " though am I correct to assume you did that whole swiping your tounge across your canines to draw attention thing just to tempt me?"
"That you are Luce-guilty as charged," Natsu admitted, emerald eyes sparkling with mirth . "Though if I recall correctly i believe someone here has a thing for my teeth when they once said and I quote: 'Oh Levy.. I don't know what it is but I swear to God I have a thing for Natsu's canines ... There's just Something about those -especially when he flashes them in those little wicked little grins or come-hither-kind-of smirks of his- that makes him look even more drop dead sexy and dangerous than he already is.. like he promises to do bad-very -bad-but-fun-things to me if I just let him."
"Shut up," The summoner mumbled in a faint quip, trying as she might in vain to completely ignore the flaming sensation of heat spreading across her flushed cheeks . She was seriously wondering if it was possible in any way, shape or form for a person to be driven to early an grave from their own shame-no matter how minor; not to mention turning over the notion of summoning Virgo in her mind to dig up a large hole-at least-for me-to-crawl into after hearing the details of my not-so-secret-kink brought up.
The fetish in question was in relation to the motion of Natsu's tounge sweeping across his sharp incisors to draw attention to his teeth she so often could recall dragging along the pulse point he sucked on whenever it got hot and heavy between them. The ever brash-if-not-also untamed dragon slayer seemed to  revel in the love bites as much as she did receiving for jewel-like marks to decorate her skin which was often enough to send endorphins pumping through her veins; not mention a electrifying jolt down south.
The hickeys are definitely part of the reason for one of my fetishes, though how they seem add an extra sexy touch in a feral-wild-child kind of a way to his already drop-dead good lucks which  definitely doesn't hurt.
"I don't see why you need to bring it up ---or be gloating about it for that matter either."
"Cuz you love it and we both know it" Natsu fired back without missing a beat, baritone coming out as unapologetically smooth- not to mention smug, if not also flippant; not sounding repentant at all really.
"That I do."
"My thoughts exactly and sides' it's nothing to be embarrassed about-we all have our kinks. Anyway,no use dwelling' on what those may be for other people now . How bout' we get this romantic party for two of ours started- though I believe I'm entitled to a sneak peak to what's under your robe?"
"My sentiments exactly-you took the words right out of my mouth and I think you'll be quite pleased with what I see."
"I'm sure I will, now why don't you show me?"
Lucy's hands working to unfasten her belt, she pulled open the kimono to reveal a flame-encased starry print on midnight-blue Demi- bra with periwinkle lace trim paired with matching tanga-style panties. Smouldering emerald raked over her lingerie-clad taut form, drinking in the sight of Natsu's beloved soulmate before him sending a thrill down her spine at his appraisal ; which earned her a low whistle in the back of his throat.
"Sexy!" Her hot -headed pyromaniac-of a boyfriend murmured, his words thick with praise-laden desire ; while his heated fingers reached to caress the skin just above the swell of her breasts shooting heated tendrils of embers through her nerves. "Did'ya throw this little  number on just for me?"
"Indeed I did," Lucy replied, practically melting under Natsu's simmering emerald gaze along with his feather light-touch."though not just for your benefit, but for mine as well. I really love the design on this piece which just so happens to be one of my favourite sets from the Heart-Cruz Lingerie intimates collection-especially since the star-encased flame print really seems symbolic of our love. Kind like a celestial maiden and a fire dragon prince coming together, you know? Plus I figured it would be to quite to all your liking , what with how it looked on me and the connection to our relationship."
"Well it definitely is and I really appreciate how much thought you put into your outfit" was what Natsu hummed in in awe," tucking a stray blonde tendril behind her ear with such soft, tenderhearted abandon that her fluttery heart skipped a fluttery beat. "Though that's only part of the icing on the cake considering how I seriously can't get over how much I love this little number on you. Seriously Luce, you look hella gorgeous-not to mention incredibly sexy right now!"
"Why thank you, Natsu and you don't look so bad yourself-really appreciate the view," came the summoner's coy response, emboldened by her boyfriend exultant praise to the point of a running a hand down his chiseled plains; the action only seeming to serve to act as a catylst for a shudder to rack his frame before the next thing she knew he was claiming her petal-soft lips in a series of light taps: one, two, then three, growing firmer with each pass until he deepened the kiss with a smooth texture that tasted divine. Robust hands meanwhile pressed on the curve of her spine arching into Natsu's touch a moment later to pull her more flush against him , molten-electric heat thrumming under skin where his fingers danced; when her hands twined together around the nape of his neck at the same time .
Lucy swore she could see sparks flying in the heat or the moment when he was hooking a hand under her knee to hitch a leg over his waist lifting her hips up against him, while the other skated along down to palm her ass through her panties for a squeeze. The action was bold enough to coax a keening noise somwhere between gasp and airy moan as follow up out of the enraptured Mage swallowed by a more-than-eager- fire wizard high off the thrill of the moment, nipping then tugging her lower lip in retaliation to her nails scoring down his back (no doubt leaving a trail of marks). The sound was further dampened by Natsu's scorching- velvet tongue coming out to play by slipping past her parted lips to massage hers , drowning out the eratic beat of her heart hammering away in her ears like an eightway over the music.
He then seized the opportunity to drag his tongue along the roof of her mouth with a heady suck for good measure firing wave after rapturous wave of ecstasy through her nerves. One of Natsu's roving hands moved to cup Lucy's breast under her bra, only for her to brain to short-circuit when stars danced in her vision at his touch from his blazing fingertips brushing the tip of her now-pert nipple ; which was in tandem with the electric sparks from the friction of his hips rocking against the mage's still-covered core sending a delicious jolt down south now soaking through the mage's already-dampened panties along with her pleasure through the stratosphere; signalling her leg to tighten around his waist, all the while serving as just cause for her to not only crave her hotblooded-fire dragon-demon-prince's touch, but also his essence as well even more so than before.
Blazing digits were now rolling Lucy's rosy bud at the same time of Natsu's other hand kneading breasts as a double whammy stimulation for blinding white light to explode into star dust across her then followed suit with by giving her mound a rough squeeze along with the swell of her supple ass cheek igniting the blood, of said stellar the stellar mages's blood fanning the flames of her desire humming in her veins ;which emboldened her for what she would do next. She was slipping a dainty hand into waistband of his jeans without a so much as a single thought of hesitation to cup the dragonslayer's hardened arousal a moment later, a staggered groan resounding low in his throat at her touch when her fingers skimmed along the shaft. Natsu pulled away from Lucy with a hiss from her hand running along shaft to tip she tapped for good measure of only for a moment to utter a few simple words.
"Lucy... hold on just a sec..."
To Be Continued
Fic tag squad:  @writer-appreciation​  @fuck-yeah-nalu @soprana-snap  @phoenix-before-the-flame     @nunnatheinsanegerbil @mautrino @rougescribe @goddesofimortality @phoenix-before-the-flame  @nalufever  @petri808 @thecelestialchick @nalu-natic  @superdomo360 @pyroandtheprincess  @rayhneatess  @nothingbutwordsstuff  @petri808  @thecelestialchick  @chiire  @nalufever @shootingstarssel  @chamilsanya  @rougescribe  @lover-of-the-light117  @rougescribe @narutoyaoifan
A/N: Whew(fans herself ), it sure as hell got hot and heavy fast between our Favourite Fairytail couple, didn't it? Hope you enjoyed Chapter 3! Originally, I had more content planned for this chapter , but ended up deciding to break it up two chapter in lieu of my ever-expanding creative network of ideas, not to mention the time constraints from when I initially submitted this to Nalu lovefest 2017 on a previous account . Anyway, feel free to let me know what you think and don't forget to like, share or reblog and follow me! Oh and be sure to keep an eye on my profiles (on here and tumblr ) for more reuploads of fics and new content!
Don't forget connect with me (See above for links if on tumblr and my bios ) Until next time, take care- ta ta for now!
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Offense, Defense
A strange phenomena in modern political discourse -- particularly online discourse, but this applies to other media as well -- is that everyone seems to wish to ascribe a weakness to their opponent by saying that they are too easily offended.
Yes, I am talking about the far-right which is constantly mocking “SJWs” who are offended by reality. But I am also talking about figures such as Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro, two pseudo-intellectuals who have made careers out of claiming that those who argue that they are wrong are too easily offended. This manifests itself in complaints about “political correctness” and the cultural construction of millenials as effeminate.
But this is not limited to the political right. The left, too, often mocks the right for being offended by everything from coffee makers to people not standing during the “Star-Spangled Banner”. I do not mean to promote ‘both-siderism’, or to equate these phenomena. Yet they are both fundamentally about mocking others for being offended. As a form of taunt, it is clear that this discourse has largely emerged from online discourses and has been spread through the meme format, which is often used to portray strawman arguments. An irrationally emotional or ‘offended’ figure is an easy strawman, and through this the state of being offended is construed as a state of weakness.
I hope I have made it sufficiently clear that there are significant gender dynamics at play here. Especially in right-wing discourses, the underlying claim is that those who disagree with the speaker are too feminine. In left-wing versions, we also see that the implication is that right-wing men are not masculine. Once someone is constructed as stupid and impulsive, they are emasculated; this is a direct counter-discourse to right-wing discourses through which men attempt to portray themselves as hypermasculine by posting pictures of themselves with trucks or guns, insulting or objectifying women, and posting about what ‘real masculinity’ looks like. This has prompted a response, with many groups devoted to mocking particularly bizarre instances of men making statements about what is or is not masculine and posts which make them appear more childish than masculine. And this is precisely the process of emasculation which is leveraged against the right.
While I do not wish to put too much weight on psychoanalytic speculations, it is worth noting that the gaze works differently online, and this is what lends an emasculating (castrating, in psychoanalytic terms) dimension to the mockery of people whom are offended by things. Content can be endlessly reproduced and distributed, and the decontextualization of a post, the reposting of a post in a group politically opposed to the original author for the explicit purpose of making the author’s views seem nonsensical, is what allows that community of gazers to imagine a castrating effect of their gaze on the author. To take offense is to exhibit emotion and to display weakness in discourse; it permits the gazers to imagine that they have the power to conjure negative emotional responses from the author. So the gazers stand in unison against an exposed author, whose decontextualized protest stands alone as a testament to their weakness and not to the content to which they were responding.
Here, too, lies the current oppositional framing of political discourse, where there are no parties or positions, only anti-parties and anti-positions. The Democratic Party platform amounts to the statement ‘we are not the Republican Party’, and vice versa. (I do not mean to exempt other political parties; most socialist groups, for example, are equally guilty of this in slightly different ways, usually in relation to the Democratic Party.) It has been argued that the internet permits the formation of communities of ever more like-minded people, and that this is a detriment to political discourse. I would argue, however, that this is not a problem because it limits cross-party discourse, but rather because it constrains all positive political imaginaries. All political expression on the internet either takes the form of reaffirming social membership in some group or critiquing another group’s lack of internal consistency. One cannot, on the internet at large, object to a position based on a clear set of assumptions, because that makes one vulnerable to offense, to being gazed upon and emasculated. Further, the allowable amounts of information which people often transmit and read are not very large, and this makes it difficult to articulate a coherent, independent position. So the only allowable form of argumentation becomes an argument against someone based on their own internal inconsistency. Therefore, one’s own personal views become increasingly relegated to private and social discourses, limiting the exchange of ideas and the creation of a positive socio-political imaginary. Within politically homogenous groups, conflict is discouraged; and if you do disagree too strongly with some post, why don’t you just create your own splinter group for people who think even more like you do.... So these become sites for social belonging rather than the creation of a shared political imagination. It is not insignificant that many groups define their own identities by mocking other positions, other things to which people take offense, and therefore the creation of an online space is inherently differential and negative, not only in the purely formal sense, but also in the sense that it creates its antagonists -- those to be gazed upon -- as part of its own formation.
I have attempted to articulate some of the reasons why ‘taunting’ has become such an important form of contemporary discourse, and the reasons why I find this concerning. It is worth noting that the process of emasculation which I have described is not literal, in the sense that it does not consist of ascertaining the gender of the author. It is purely cultural, the process of attaching non-masculine cultural codes to the author and the author’s relationship to the specific text. While some would argue that this process actually consists of a recourse to Enlightenment discourses about reason and knowledge, I maintain that the Enlightenment discourses are a purely secondary cultural reference in the construction of the author as non-masculine. It is the implication that the author is insufficiently masculine which is more rhetorically effective in the formation of negative political communities than the direct statement that the author is not masculine.
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unashamed-shipper · 6 years
Hey it’s Sarah aka l the former cosmicdragonwizard/moonlight-Titania/dragon-shield-maiden/star-crossed-dragon back with new name —life in pieces/uprooted
Hey Sarah! I wondered where you went—I apologize it took me a little bit to answer this.
Hope you’re doing alright, and I hope that your life will get less crazy/in pieces! ❤️
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kiliinstinct · 5 years
Happy belated fanfic greater appreciation day you wonderful person and writer who rocks my socks! Oh and loved your warm comforts nalu fic by the way! It’s on my queue
Awww, Thank you! And I’m glad you liked it!  Happy Belated Fanfic Greater Appreciation day to you too!(i’m going to be honest i didn’t think there was a day for this and i’m feeling the dumb now cause I’m seeing everyone was posting about it yesterday- how the frick did i miss it? oops)
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caandlle · 6 years
*squeals* ooh Grace I absolutely loved your self-control fic and I love you—girl who rocks my socks? The fic is on my queue again— thank you so much!
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asdghjkl thank youu... honestly expected you to hate it tbh LOL glad you liked it!!
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kiliinstinct · 6 years
Nalu/endlu (set in original universe but semi au) where natsu/e.n.d is dominant in kinky sex and claims Lucy as his mate/queen (maybe in a forest at night lol?) there could be some dirty talk and cuddling. And/or natsu consensually jumping his mate Lucy on Halloween at a guild party due to being in heat and aroused by Lucy’s costume. It’s up to you :) thanks so much!
Mira’s Halloween Drabble Requests:This probably isn’t going to be exactly what you expected since I’m only doing short drabbles right now, but I gave it a shot!
She was dressed like a dragon.On a normal day, he would have found this hilarious- but just for right then- it was mesmerizing in the strangest of ways. He wasn’t sure how he could explain it- but the fake jewels she’d placed on her arms and face to represent red scales made a heat fill up in his stomach, hotter than his normal flames. A possessive touch?  It matched him. That’s what it is- and while she danced with Levy and moved around the party for drinks, he couldn’t take his eyes off her. He’d gone with his favorite “demon lord” outfit- it felt perfect and he enjoyed cackling as he jumped through the shadows of pillars, freaking out other party goers as he went. (Also getting punched by a few, but that was the glory of Fairy Tail, right?)Natsu had figured, after jump scaring Gray, Wendy, Bisca (accidentally Azuka- he had to make a run for it when the Sharpshooting Mother threatened to shoot him.) and even Freed, why not slowly make his way towards his blonde team mate? She deserved a good stare, right? Though, as he moved through the crowd, advanced behind her- his initial plans of whispering fake curses into her ear changed.  He’d caught whiff of her scent- suffused in the scent of pumpkins and spice- from the pie she had ate earlier? Possibly. What had started out as a prank turned to one arm slipping around her waist as he leaned in, ignoring the way she tensed in surprise- and whispered darkly into her ear. “Ever wonder what would happen if a Demon took over a dragon, Lucy-?” Somehow, he felt the words were ironic, but ignored in favor of smirking, one fang poking out as he lightly nipped the shell of her ear and chuckled when she shivered.  Oh, this idea could be far better than his original one.With a gasp, the blonde in question spun to face him- cheeks flaring bright red (from more than just the party) and her eyebrows knitted together. “Hey- watch the tail! It took forever to make it look right!”Another intake of breath was started when he pulled her closer against him- chest to chest and mouth splitting wide open as he cut off her shrill words with another nip- only this time it was to her lips.  Before Lucy could say much else, his hand lowered, looking more to brush along the base of her prototype tail, but really was used to feel the swell of her hips as he dragged her through the crowd- closer and closer to the doors.Maybe it was the thrill of a relationship that had grown so much more through the years, coupled with the high intensity of the party, but she REALLY looked too good for that costume. He really wanted to take it off.“Come on, Lucy- let’s go have our o w n party. “ At first, she sounded like she would argue, but with another look into his eyes, something told him she liked his costume just as much as he liked hers- and with a sultry smirk of her own, the Celestial Mage finally relented. One hand moving to brush her nails behind the shell of his ear and she winked. “All right, Demon Lord- show me what you got.”Leaving through the front doors, he growled darkly, mouth angling and taking over her own the moment they left the hall.  Teeth clacked on teeth, tongues mashed together, and the moment the Slayer felt her knees go weak- he released her, arms holding her close as they continued on the well-lit path.“Think this demons got him a dragon to play with tonight~”
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🌞🌠🌸💐 + 💝💝 some extra love 😊
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💕💕💕💕 omg thank you are too sweet— this made my day! I feel the exactly the same way 🤗!(Oh and I totally feel bad for asking— but don’t think we ever exchanged names lol. Mine’s Sarah by the way).
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kiliinstinct · 6 years
Loved, loved, loved chapter 1 of the stone prince which is on my queue—can’t wait to see what happens next! Also, get ready for that sexy Nalu/Endlu teaser I mentioned(which is one of multiple projects I’m writing, editing or plan to write 😅) lol.
^^ aww thanks a lot. Can't wait to see what you do!
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