#milky way legacy challenge
altocat · 2 years
Prompt: Glory
Summary: A young soldier claims his legacy, his adulthood, his future. A creature of unyielding power and fire. And burning himself to cinders, little by little.
The silver streak of the Masamune touches the air, a gleaming ripple, the savage strike sinking hard and deep through bloodied, mangled flesh.
Fast feet, gaining, three at once. Three on top of him. Three more lives. 
He coils his body, the emerald storm of his eyes flashing through the smoky torrent of flame and shadow, arm flexing, the Masamune lurching again. 
“Three. Four. Five.”
He can smell it. Red and coppery, sticky against his long bangs, a splatter against his cheek and chin. But Sephiroth does not recoil against it, letting it paint his face, his gaze fixed ahead past the rim of the hill, the battlefield below alight with the sounds of battle. He can taste it through the ashes, raising his head as his feet all but float through the breeze, a silky, serrated trail of crimson with each pounding footfall. 
“It’s him!”
“He’s here!”
“Oh gods. Not him. Not now!”
He snarls at the voices, feral pupils in slits, a pale shadow against the milky surface of the moon, glaring down into the swell of bodies, insects at his feet. Eyes in the dark, panting, heavy breaths. Some run, as is natural. Some balk, twisting in place. And some advance regardless, armor glinting, blades raised in challenge.
“Six. Seven.”
Louder. The cocking of weapons, a smolder, whizzing somewhere past his ear. He turns his eyes to the blackened sky, an ugly inhale, somewhere between a moan and a roar. The head that rolls past his feet offers little in the way of confirmation, eyes glassy, red roots that stain the soil. Red on his face. Red everywhere.
“This is our land! Ours!”
“Get out!”
He closes his eyes. A ripple of motion, his legs charging through the spill of sensation and senselessness. The deceptively light gracefulness of his blade. Stale, hot air. And more red. So, so much red.
“Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve.”
A heavy mass tackling him, trying to throw him down. A swing. A gasp.
Three sets of wrathful eyes, hooked blades lashing, scorching. Limbs and teeth and streams, such pretty, patterned streams.
“Fourteen. Fifteen. Sixteen.”
“BASTARD!” A final, frayed actor, his feeble weapon billowing through the clatter of dust and slaughter. And silenced, all too quickly.
Screams now. Above. Below. Where do they come from? Himself? The wind? The night? Somewhere, something explodes, the rumble of debris scattered across the mud-soaked earth, raw and reeling. Momentarily, he loses his footing, the vibration sounding in his skull, ringing in his ears. He reflects, the shape of his expression unmoved, yet breaking, a haze, A maze. Amazing.
He feels as if he’s going mad.
Another explosion. The tumble of rock and steel skidding down the stretch of the hill. Hot breath in his ear. Reaching hands. Muffled voices.
He whirls around, the Masamune glinting, his smile vicious, profound, stretching the corners of his mouth, sharpened white teeth that glisten against the smear of crimson that stains them. He tastes again, feels it on his tongue, tainted and fallen and foul. A life. He is tasting a life. And part of him wants to shiver. And part of him wants to throw up. 
And part of him wants more.
Angeal’s voice is gentle through the chaos, the sound of the cannon quickening against the tall rim above him. Heavy boots that slide closer through the spill of viscera, that reaching hand still held between them, seeking, nearing.
“Hey. You okay?”
Those vast, otherworldly eyes, the sparkling emeralds flaring, Masamune fixed, nearly raised. 
“Seph? Are you okay?”
 Eighteen. Eighteen, yes. Here. Now. Just another empty face, an empty voice. Eighteen. A polished collection, trophies against his bookshelf. Medals distributed. Empty titles, empty words. Shinra’s finest. A golden, glowing beacon of light and promise. The greatest of champions. The greatest of killers. Glorious. Undefeated. And counting on and on and on until--
Angeal’s hand gently closes on his arm and he remembers again.
“You’re looking off. They’ve taken the fort. It’s winding down now.”
Sephiroth says nothing, the heavy rise and fall of his chest sounding between them. A slow blink. Words that slide between his teeth and tongue, unuttered. 
“Come on,” Angeal coaxes, pulling him closer. “Geez, your face is all bloody. Genesis will piss himself at the sight of you. This was a tough one, huh?”
He allows himself to be pulled along, linked arms dragging him through the squelching mass surrounding them, up the incline and towards the waiting fleet across the field. He can make out the dull glint of Genesis’ auburn hair through the fading light, the heaviness of his limbs growing all the more pressing, his eyes fluttering, a soft release.
Angeal blinks and props him up against the broad stretch of his shoulder. “Easy there.”
“I’m fine.”
“You’re tired.”
“I never get tired.”
“Well, you are now. Come on. Almost there.”
He jerks forward, pushing Angeal aside, a toss of dampened silver bangs and a low grunt. And the beginnings of a growl when Angeal only moves back into place again. The larger boy only shakes his head, an exasperated snort somewhere between amusement and pity.
“Just because you’re a big famous war hero doesn’t mean you’re not limping right now. Don’t be stubborn. You probably breathed a lot of smoke. Hell, I’m surprised you can still stand. Guess with you, I should know better. You really are something else.”
The clouds roll in, the rise of victorious voices clinging to the hot evening wind. He can hear it now, dull patches and tatters against the thick throbbing pulse of his thoughts. A rustle of bats overhead, scouring through the blackened trees in search of sweeter, safer shelters. The sounding of the cannon again, not in combat, but in triumph.
And his face. Hot and sticky.
And his mind, wandering. And tangled. And hollow.
You really are something else.
Red that trickles into his eye, down his lips. Red that beads in his dark lashes, bitter scarlet tears down his cheeks.
Eighteen. He is eighteen years old today.
And he feels nothing at all.
“Yes,” he replies at length, a coughing, cracking laugh. “Yes. I am.”
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Virgo & Scorpio: A Power Couple Forged in Mystery and Service
Forget fireworks and whirlwind romances, Virgo and Scorpio ignite a slow burn that could rival the Milky Way. This earth-water duo might not scream perfect match at first glance, but beneath the surface lies a hidden potential for a deeply fulfilling and mutually empowering relationship. Here's why:
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The Magnetic Pull:
Intensity & Loyalty: Both signs crave depth and commitment. Virgos, with their analytical nature, appreciate Scorpio's unwavering loyalty and passion, while Scorpios find grounding in Virgo's unwavering support and practicality.
Mutual Respect: Virgo admires Scorpio's strength and decisiveness, while Scorpio feels understood and seen by Virgo's attentive and genuine nature. This trust breeds a powerful synergy where weaknesses are covered and strengths amplified.
Shared Values: Both signs value service and making a difference. They'll find themselves tackling projects together, advocating for causes they believe in, and building a legacy of positive impact.
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Navigating the Rapids:
Control & Possessiveness: Virgos' tendency to micromanage and Scorpios' possessiveness can create friction. Open communication and healthy boundaries are crucial to avoid feeling suffocated.
Emotional Honesty: Vulnerability can be a struggle for both, but it's key to fostering a deep connection. Scorpios need to share their emotional depths, while Virgos need to loosen up and let their feelings flow freely.
Shadow Sides: Virgo's critical nature can sting, while Scorpio's manipulative tendencies can leave scars. Both need to acknowledge their darker sides and work on growth together.
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Beyond Romance:
This dynamic works wonders in friendships and professional partnerships too. Their combined strengths create an unstoppable force: Virgo's meticulous planning and analytical skills paired with Scorpio's intuition and strategic thinking can conquer any challenge.
Remember: Astrology can offer insights, but compatibility is built on individual choices and effort. Virgos and Scorpios can create a truly remarkable bond if they nurture trust, embrace vulnerability, and celebrate their differences. This isn't a love story written in the stars, it's one penned with open hearts and conscious actions.
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Bonus Tip: Explore your moon signs! Moon signs hold the key to hidden emotional needs and compatibility beyond the sun sign.
So, is Virgo and Scorpio a match made in heaven? The answer lies not in the stars, but in the hands of two hearts willing to navigate the depths together.
I hope this content is interesting and valuable. Build a relationship that lasts. Expert tips for happy couples💖💗
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lgcmanager · 2 years
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SCHEDULE TYPE: VARIABLE GIG SCHEDULE RESTRICTIONS: only applies to specific individuals, see below
first of all, we want to thank everyone who has volunteered to be a mentor! unfortunately, we had less trainees than volunteers, so some people weren't picked. however, even if your muse isn't listed as mentor, LGC ENTERTAINMENT will extend them an invitation to still attend the finale as audience. you may read more about the finale HERE.
without further ado, here are the mentors and their mentees:
as mentors, you will have TWO tasks:
DREAMERS and CHALLENGERS’ MENTORS: the primary tast of the mentors, is of course to provide guidance to the trainees. the girls are ENCOURAGED to ask questions to their assigned mentors. however, MENTORS are not here to do the work for them; they are here to give advice! prior to their first meeting, mentors will be given profiles and footage of their future mentee! the first meeting between pairs will happen during the week of FEBRUARY 27, at a place and time decided by the mentor. there are no set amount of meetings between mentors and mentee, and depends on the need for guidance and availability of both parties.
AHN JAEHWA and SON NABI: as NABI has already debuted and is already confirmed to be part of the group, rather than guidance for the survival, JAEHWA's role as a mentor will be more in the sense of a veteran advising a rookie on various subjects about being a group members, such as debut, stage exprience, managing group dynamics, working and living with other people, and so on.
** this part doesn't apply to AHN JAEHWA and SON NABI **
as mentors, they are helping shape the future of the trainees, guiding them along this arduous path, and thus help their growth! it's only fitting that they get to help fill the girl's WISHING JARS. these jars are currently only contain one or two origami stars, as listed below:
CHA SORI: one blue star, one purple star
KIM NAYOUNG: one red star, one white star
KIM YUJIN: one yellow star, one white star
KWON SENA: one yellow star, one red star
LIU YUXI: one red star,
NOH AREUM: one blue star, one red star
PARK JAEKYUNG: one yellow star
SEO MINSEO: one red star
WATANABE MIYU: one blue star, one white star
YANG AERA: one yellow star
YU MILAN: one yellow star, one orange star
each mentor will therefore, one by one, be allowed in the COSMOS ROOM; a room quite dark at first glance, with splashes of shades of purple, yellow, pink and blue on the walls. it is illuminated by small lights covering the walls and ceiling, giving it a magical atmosphere, reminiscent of the milky way galaxy.
the room itself isn’t big, and will have only one major feature; a table, on which crafting tools are displayed, as well as the muse’s mentee's jar. two types of crafting tools will be available to the mentors; first will be COLORED SAND that each girl has earned for passing the first round, and second will be TREE OF LIFE GEMSTONES that is to represent the MENTOR'S GUIDANCE. the mentors will have to pick which COLORED SAND to fill the bottom of the jar, as well as a TREE OF LIFE to place in the middle of it.
finally, on the day of the finale, the mentors will have a special role to play. further information about this will come on APRIL 2ND.
GUIDANCE: write a thread with 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) with your mentee for +4 SKILL POINTS +6 NOTORIETY ! 
WISHING JAR (except AHN JAEHWA): write a 300+ words solo about filling your mentee's wishing jar for +6 SKILL POINTS + 4 NOTORIETY !
make sure to use the hashtag lgc:futuredreams for your threads and solo. you have until MARCH 25, 2023 at 11:59PM EST to complete the requirements and validate your points. please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog.
TITLE: MUSE NAME · FD6 MENTOR - GUIDANCE : +4 skill points distribution + 6 notoriety [ LINK ] - WHISHING JAR : +6 skill points distribution + 4 notoriety [ LINK ]
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xasha777 · 5 months
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In the cosmic stretches of the Milky Way, somewhere between the sprawling arms of spiraling stars, a planet lay hidden—a forgotten shard of Earth that harbored the remnants of the Aegean Sea. This fragment of a once-thriving world, detached during the great celestial upheaval, found refuge in a pocket of space-time, creating an anomalous paradise where Earth’s history mingled with alien realities.
On this planet, Captain Rex, a German Shepherd of remarkable intellect and engineered enhancements, was a celebrated figure. Equipped with a high-tech suit and sensory headgear that amplified his canine senses to superhuman levels, he was the guardian of the Aegean Expanse, a stretch of space where time anomalies and gravitational distortions made navigation perilous. His mission: to protect and explore this oceanic relic, mapping anomalies and safeguarding the myriad of species that had evolved in this extraordinary ecosystem.
Rex’s ship, The Odyssey II, was a marvel of engineering, capable of submersible travel in the watery depths of the space-bound Aegean and swift flight through the stars. It was equipped with labs, observation decks, and even an artificial beach that mimicked the ancient Grecian coasts.
One day, while patrolling the outer edge of the expanse, Rex picked up a distress signal emanating from a nearby asteroid field. The signal was weak, interspersed with what sounded like ancient Greek, which piqued his curiosity. His suit’s translator, developed from Earth’s linguistic databases, identified it as a call for help against some impending threat.
Rex maneuvered The Odyssey II toward the source, his senses heightened, ready for whatever challenge lay ahead. As he approached, the sensors detected unusual readings—a fusion of organic and mechanical energies that did not match any known database entries.
Hidden within the asteroid’s shadow, he discovered an ancient ship, its design reminiscent of the legendary Argo. But this was no ordinary relic; it was alive, integrated with biomechanical enhancements much like his own suit, suggesting an ancient civilization that had mastered technologies blending biology with technology. Rex carefully approached the ship, his presence triggering an activation sequence that illuminated the craft with ethereal light.
The ship’s AI introduced itself as Argonaut, a sentinel left behind by a civilization that had thrived on the shores of the original Aegean Sea, now long lost to cosmic upheavals. The Argonaut had been guarding an ancient artifact capable of stabilizing time distortions, but its power was waning, and it needed assistance.
Together, Rex and the Argonaut devised a plan to rejuvenate the artifact using the energy cores from The Odyssey II. The operation was risky; without the cores, Rex would lose critical life support systems in his suit. Yet, the potential to stabilize an entire region of space outweighed the personal risk.
As they executed their plan, Rex felt a kinship with this ancient sentinel, a fellow guardian of history and protector of the cosmos. The procedure was a success, the artifact thrumming with renewed energy, its pulse synchronizing with the cosmic flow of the Aegean Expanse.
With the artifact stabilized, Rex took his leave, his ship slightly less capable but his spirit enriched. He continued his patrols, now with deeper knowledge of the cosmos’s intertwined histories and a reinforced commitment to his mission.
As Rex soared away from the asteroid, his thoughts lingered on the mysteries of the universe and the enduring legacy of Earth, encapsulated in this celestial fragment of the Aegean Sea, forever sailing the stars.
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spacenutspod · 7 months
Now it’s Intuitive Machines’ turn to try making history with a robotic moon landing.Today’s launch of the Houston-based company’s Odysseus lander marks the first step in an eight-day journey that could lead to the first-ever soft landing of a commercial spacecraft on the moon. Odysseus would also be the first U.S.-built spacecraft to touch down safely on the lunar surface since Apollo 17’s mission in 1972.The lander — which is as big as an old-style British phone booth, or the Tardis time portal from the “Doctor Who” TV series — was sent spaceward from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station atop a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket at 1:05 a.m. ET (0605 UTC).Liftoff was originally scheduled for the previous night, but was postponed due to concerns that arose while getting ready to load methane fuel onto the lander. The concerns were resolved, and tonight’s countdown proceeded smoothly.After launching Intuitive Machines’ IM-1 mission, the Falcon 9’s first-stage booster flew itself back for a touchdown on SpaceX’s Landing Zone 1, not far from its Florida launch pad. Meanwhile, Odysseus separated from the rocket’s second stage and pressed onward to the next phase of its lunar odyssey.Last month, a different company called Astrobotic had been in line to achieve the first commercial moon landing, but its Peregrine lander suffered a propellant leak after liftoff — a setback that forced the company to cancel the moon mission and instead send the robot to its fiery doom during atmospheric re-entry over the Pacific Ocean.“Landing on the moon is extremely challenging,” Joel Kearns, NASA’s deputy associate administrator for exploration, told reporters in advance of Odysseus’s launch. “You’ve probably seen that, over the past year, success of every landing was never assured.” (Those landing attempts included failures by Russia and a Japanese private venture, as well as successes by the Indian and Japanese space agencies.)Intuitive Machines CEO Steve Altemus said he’s confident his company’s attempt will be successful. “We learned from others … but in addition, we bring things together quickly. We bring hardware and software together in the early stages of development and testing, and we test often,” he said during NASA’s webcast.“Test, test, test like we fly — that’s the key to success,” Altemus said.If all goes according to plan, Odysseus will power its way to a Feb. 22 landing in Malapert A, a crater near the moon’s south pole. The south polar region is a key target for exploration because many of its craters are thought to hold reservoirs of water ice — a potential resource for future moon bases.Like Astrobotic’s Peregrine lander mission, the IM-1 mission is principally supported by funding from NASA’s Commercial Lunar Payload Services program, also known as CLPS. The program is meant to leverage private enterprise — and reduce NASA’s costs in the long run. Kearns said NASA has agreed to pay as much as $118 million to have Odyssey deliver its science payloads to the lunar surface.Those payloads include cameras that will document the plumes of dust kicked up by the landing, an experimental radio navigation beacon, a radio-based fuel gauge, a laser range finder, a set of laser reflectors and a sensor that will study the moon’s electron plasma environment. Data from the experiments will help NASA plan for the Artemis program’s crewed lunar landings, which could start happening as soon as 2026.In addition, Odysseus is carrying an array of commercial payloads. One payload is a camera system that will be dropped off during the lander’s descent to take “selfie” pictures of the touchdown. Another payload is a mini-observatory that could capture pictures of the lunar surface and the first image of the Milky Way galaxy’s center as seen from the moon.There’s also a miniaturized information archive from Galactic Legacy Labs, a digital data storage device from Lonestar Data Holdings, a box of 125 marble-sized moon sculptures created by Jeff Koons, and a test swatch of thermal reflective material from Columbia Sportswear.Odysseus’s science mission is scheduled to last about a week. The end will come when the sun drops beneath the moon’s horizon, cutting off the solar-powered lander’s ability to charge up its batteries.But that won’t be the end for commercial moon missions: Intuitive Machines is already working on another lander that will drill for ice in the moon’s south polar region. Meanwhile, Astrobotic is getting set to send NASA’s VIPER rover to a spot near the south pole, and Firefly Aerospace is due to deliver 10 NASA payloads to Mare Crisium aboard its Blue Ghost lander.The post Intuitive Machines’ Odysseus Lander Begins Its Moon Odyssey appeared first on Universe Today.
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adventuregirl2023 · 9 months
Borrego Bliss: A Camper's Haven in the Heart of the Desert
The arid landscapes of the desert often evoke a sense of awe and wonder, and nestled within the vast beauty of the Californian desert is borrego springs camping, a camper's haven that beckons with its unique charm and tranquility. From starlit nights to striking desert blooms, Borrego Bliss offers a captivating escape for those seeking a connection with nature and a break from the hustle and bustle of daily life.
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The Allure of Borrego Springs: An Oasis in the Desert
Borrego Springs, situated in the heart of Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, stands as an oasis amid the rugged desert terrain. Its appeal lies not only in the stark beauty of the landscape but also in the sense of solitude it provides. Away from the urban sprawl, Borrego Bliss becomes a sanctuary for campers, offering a unique blend of natural wonders and outdoor recreation.
Starry Nights: Astronomy and Astrophotography Delight
One of the defining features of Borrego Bliss is its exceptionally clear night skies. Far from the city lights, campers are treated to a celestial spectacle as they gaze upon a blanket of stars that seem to stretch into infinity. Astronomy enthusiasts and astrophotographers find Borrego Springs to be a prime location for observing constellations, planets, and the mesmerizing Milky Way, creating an otherworldly experience beneath the desert heavens.
Desert Blooms: A Kaleidoscope of Colors
Contrary to the common perception of deserts as barren landscapes, Borrego Springs experiences superbloom events that transform the terrain into a riot of colors. Wildflowers, including the iconic desert lilies, paint the desert floor, creating a breathtaking spectacle. Campers fortunate enough to witness these superblooms are treated to a once-in-a-lifetime display of nature's resilience and beauty.
Trails and Treks: Hiking Adventures Await
For those eager to explore the desert on foot, Borrego Springs offers a network of trails and treks that cater to various skill levels. From leisurely walks through desert gardens to challenging hikes leading to panoramic viewpoints, campers can choose their own adventure. The diverse flora and fauna, including the elusive bighorn sheep, add an element of discovery to every trek.
The Anza-Borrego Desert: A Living Museum
Borrego Bliss is a gateway to the Anza-Borrego Desert, which serves as a living museum of geological wonders. The park is home to unique features such as the slot canyons of Borrego Mountain, the towering Fonts Point, and the prehistoric sculptures of Galleta Meadows. Exploring these natural wonders is an immersive experience, providing a glimpse into the geological history of the region.
Campgrounds: Where Comfort Meets Nature
Borrego Bliss ensures that campers can enjoy the desert's wonders without sacrificing comfort. Well-equipped campgrounds offer amenities ranging from basic facilities to RV hookups, allowing visitors to tailor their camping experience to their preferences. As the sun sets and the desert night comes alive, campers can gather around crackling campfires, forging connections and sharing stories beneath the expansive desert sky.
Wildlife Encounters: Bighorn Sheep and Beyond
Borrego Springs is a habitat for a diverse range of wildlife, with the iconic bighorn sheep being one of the most sought-after sightings. As campers explore the desert trails, they may encounter these majestic creatures navigating the rocky terrain. Birdwatchers will also find delight in spotting various avian species adapted to the desert environment, adding to the rich tapestry of Borrego Bliss.
Conservation Efforts: Preserving Borrego's Natural Legacy
The allure of Borrego Bliss comes with a responsibility to protect and preserve the delicate desert ecosystem. Conservation efforts within Anza-Borrego Desert State Park aim to maintain the balance between human enjoyment and environmental sustainability. Campers are encouraged to practice Leave No Trace principles, ensuring that future generations can continue to revel in the beauty of Borrego Springs.
Conclusion: A Desert Sanctuary Beckoning
In conclusion, Borrego Bliss stands as a testament to the allure of the desert—a sanctuary that captivates the hearts of campers seeking a unique and rejuvenating experience. From the celestial wonders of starry nights to the vibrant hues of superblooms, Borrego Springs offers a harmonious blend of nature's beauty and outdoor recreation. As campers pitch their tents beneath the desert sky and embark on adventures through the Anza-Borrego Desert, they become part of a timeless narrative, where the magic of Borrego Bliss unfolds in every rustle of the wind and every step across the arid landscape.
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lunare-sims · 5 years
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Sul, sul, simmers! Yes, your eyes are not failing you, Lunare-sims has made a post! 
My hiatus is officially over, and I’ve returned to simblr after a few mental crises, the deletion of all my posts, and lack of motivation. 
However, I recently stumbled upon @volcano-pasta​‘s Milky Way Legacy Challenge, and I’ve been playing it non-stop since I found it! 
So, here I am to start a new gameplay following the challenge. Our founder is Aphelion Dawn, and her traits are neat, hot-headed, and self-absorbed. 
Look out and get hyped, gameplay posts will begin tomorrow! (11.30.19)
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lilacleni · 4 years
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Becomes Boyfriend and Girlfriend then after a few more romantic socials bam engaged too these two aint waiting long are they well looks we have our first marriage in motion.
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simsandstrawberries · 3 years
Welcome to the Space Legacy Challenge
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Hi! My name is Sof and I created a legacy challenge for all my space loving nerds out there. I created a version of this a while ago, but I decided to tweak it and repost it.
Welcome to the Space Legacy Challenge: A 10 Generation Sims 4 Challenge Inspired by the Planets in Our Milky Way! 🌌
Created By: @simsandstrawberries​
NOTE: I’ve gotten some questions about a potential Sims 3 version of the Space Legacy Challenge. I haven’t played much of the Sims 3, so I don’t feel qualified to make a version of this challenge for the game. However, if anyone wants to make a Sims 3 version, you are more than welcome to. Just be sure to tag me!
Basic Rules:
-Start as a young adult
-Your sim can be any gender and have any sexual orientation 
-You can create generation one’s family (parents/siblings) beforehand but not necessary and won’t interfere with the challenge if you do or don’t
-Money cheats are allowed to get a house at the start, but try not to go overboard
-Mods and custom content are allowed 
-Complete the aspiration and challenge goals that go with each generation
-Incorporating the generation’s color into your sims’ clothing and house is encouraged but not necessary if you don’t want to
Mercury: Gen 1
Color: Blue Gray
Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system and closest to the sun. Mercury’s temperature fluctuates from extremely hot to extremely cold every day, due to its close proximity to the sun. Mercury is also the fastest planet, zipping around the sun every 88 earth days.
You are a bright-eyed freshly adult sim and you can’t wait to see the world! Your friends always joke about how you’re basically a human golden retriever. You love adventure and you are loyal to a fault, but you can also be hot-headed and cruel if done wrong. It’s kind of difficult to figure you out. You long to experience new things and see what the world has to offer you!
Traits: Active, Hot-Headed, Goofball
Aspiration: Renaissance Sim
Generation Goals:
Complete your aspiration
Go through multiple jobs before eventually deciding to be unemployed and do odd jobs in your free time
Master the mischief and charisma skills
Go on a jog at least every week
Have at least one best friend who isn't your spouse
Go on a vacation at least once
If you have height sliders, make your sim short: Mercury is the smallest planet!
Mercury is riddled with craters so add freckles, acne, or moles to your sim
Have at least one child
Venus: Gen 2
Color: Yellow and Orange
Venus, occasionally known as Earth’s twin, is similar in size and shape as the green planet. However, Venus is incredibly dense, the hottest planet in the solar system, and contains crushing air pressure. Venus was the first planet to be explored by spacecraft, and has gotten more than 40 spacecraft visitors. Venus spins in the opposite direction to most other planets.
Your parents always saw the best in the world, and you never understood why. To you, life is harsh and unforgiving, so to protect yourself, you become harsh and unforgiving in return. You grow up with an acidic tongue and push everyone away, preferring to focus on your career. The only problem? You’re the most attractive person in any room, and it becomes increasingly difficult to push away infatuated love interests.
Traits: Mean, Snob, and Perfectionist
Aspiration: Any
Generation Goals:
Complete your aspiration
Master the lawyer career; that biting attitude can be useful!
Go through multiple partners that you brutally break up with before a kind-hearted sim melts away your tough exterior 
Marry your one true love and throw a lavish wedding
Have at least one child
Live in the desert; you prefer the heat
Earth: Gen 3
Color: Seafoam Green
Earth is the only planet that we know of that is capable of supporting life. Most of Earth’s surface is covered in water, and is protected by our atmosphere. 
Growing up, you looked up to and adored your grandparent; you loved the way they saw the world and wanted to fix it! Ever since you were a kid you’ve always wanted to be just like them. You were always the most trusting of your family too. You have a natural green thumb, and love being outdoors and gardening. You have a strong maternal/paternal instinct and can’t wait to have kids. After failing to conceive multiple times however, you finally have a baby, and you vow to protect and love them till your dying breath.
Traits: Child of the Ocean, Loves Outdoors, and Family Orientated
Aspiration: Freelance Botanist
Generation Goals:
Complete your aspiration
Master the parenting and gardening skills
Master the conservationist career
Have a garden
Live in either Sulani or Evergreen Harbor
Either own a swimming pool or live on an ocean lot
Have only one child and become best friends with them
The Moon: Gen 4
Color: Silver
The moon is Earth’s only satellite, and an important feature in stabilizing the earth. The moon controls Earth’s tides and how it wobbles on its axis. The moon is the only place that humans have set foot on beyond Earth. It is also littered with craters and holes from asteroids, thanks to its thin atmosphere.
Your parent and you have always had a special bond. Since you have multiple chronic illnesses, you’ve been doted on since birth. You went everywhere with your parent, and now that you’re an adult, you’re finding it hard to fly the nest. You've been offered a position at your dream university, but can you risk breaking your parent’s heart by moving so far away? And even more pressing, will you be able to make it on your own?
Traits: Genius, Lazy, Family-Orientated
Aspiration: Academic 
Generation Goals: 
Have some kind of disability or illness (can be incorporated with custom content)
Have a pet; this will be your service animal
Have lots of freckles, moles, or acne, as the moon has many craters
Live with your parents until young adult, then join the university of your dreams
Maintain good grades throughout university and graduate with honors
Join and master your preferred career after you graduate 
Complete your aspiration
Master the logic and wellness skills
Call your parent every day
Have at least one child
Near the end of your parent’s life, move back in with them and continue to raise your family there
Mars: Gen 5 
Color: Red
Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun – a dusty, cold, desert world with a very thin atmosphere. Mars is one of the most explored bodies in our solar system, and it's the only planet where we've sent rovers to roam the alien landscape. These robotic explorers have found lots of evidence that Mars was much wetter and warmer, with a thicker atmosphere, billions of years ago.
As a child, your parents always taught you to stick up for yourself. They wanted you to be ambitious and self-assured. You grew up in the suburbs and you loved it, but you have always been the wild child of the family. You long to explore the vast universe and make it your goal to discover universes that no one has seen before. Even though you’re a hyperactive coffee addict with a taste for adventure and freedom, you also want to find someone who understands you. Maybe that special someone lives among the stars?
Traits: Ambitious, Self-Assured, Romantic
Aspiration: Soulmate
Generation Goals:
Complete your aspiration 
Join either the astronaut or scientist career and master it 
Master the logic and rocket science skills
Go to Sixam and befriend an alien 
Marry your alien friend
Complete the space prints collection
Have three children at most
Optional: Solve the Strangerville mystery
Jupiter: Gen 6
Color: White and Coffee Brown
Fifth in line from the Sun, Jupiter is, by far, the largest planet in the solar system – more than twice as massive as all the other planets combined. Jupiter’s iconic Great Red Spot is a giant storm bigger than Earth that has raged for hundreds of years. Jupiter also has rings, but they're too faint to see very well. Jupiter has more than 75 moons.
Your parents have always been obsessed with space. They always made you watch sci-fi movies as a kid, enrolled you in astronomy classes, and dressed you as an astronaut every Halloween. The rest of your family loved it, and you didn’t really mind it too much, but you were more interested in keeping your head out of the clouds. You much prefer reading over science and rainy days with tea over flying through outer space. All you’ve ever wanted was a quiet life, free from the chaos of your family. To put it simply; you are the embodiment of dark academia.
Traits: Bookworm, Cat Lover, Art Lover
Aspiration: Bestselling Author
Generation Goals:
Own a cat
Go on a museum date every week
Write books and sell them for a living or officially join the author career
Complete your aspiration
Master the writing, piano, and archeology skills
Have a birthmark (Jupiter’s Great Red Spot)
Own a coffee machine or tea maker
Have a room dedicated to the artifacts you have recovered
Optional: Become a spell caster and reach the top of your preferred magic path
Have at least five children (Jupiter has a lot of moons!)
Saturn: Gen 7
Color: Light pink
Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second largest planet in our solar system. Adorned with thousands of beautiful ringlets, Saturn is unique among the planets. It is not the only planet to have rings—made of chunks of ice and rock—but none are as spectacular or as complicated as Saturn's.
You were raised in a very hectic household. You have so many siblings that your parents didn’t always pay that much attention to you. And you love attention. You and your siblings get along, but you can’t stand that they got more attention than you. Once you become a young adult, you move out and decide to make something of yourself. That’ll show them! You hide behind an overly confident exterior in order to hide your true feelings. You just want someone to love you for all of you- even the ugly parts. But true love is harder to find than you thought. And it doesn’t help that the paparazzi keep eyeing every person you go on a date with. (To be honest, you don’t mind the attention that much).
Traits: Materialistic, Outgoing, Self-Absorbed
Aspiration: Party Animal or World-Famous Celebrity
Generation Goals: 
Complete your aspiration
Join the social media or acting career and master it
Master the acting, media production, and charisma skills
Reach at least three star celebrity status
Wear lots of jewelry, especially rings
Always be overdressed
Have five good friends
Get divorced or leave someone at the altar at least once
Have at least four children with at least two different partners
Get married as an adult for the last time to a co-star that understands you fully, and fell in love with you no matter your insecurities and faults
Uranus: Gen 8
Color: Light Blue or Icy Blue
Uranus is an ice giant. Most of its mass is a hot, dense fluid of "icy" materials – water, methane and ammonia – above a small rocky core. Uranus has 13 known rings. The inner rings are narrow and dark and the outer rings are brightly colored. Like Venus, Uranus rotates east to west. But Uranus is unique in that it rotates on its side.
Your parent was obsessed with the spotlight and their image in the media. They weren’t the worst parent, but they weren’t always around for the things that mattered. You got all A’s and exceeded at your extracurriculars, but nobody ever seemed to notice. You’re fine with it, honestly. Maybe it’s best that you fade into the background. You try to become a politician like your family expects of you, but it doesn’t feel right. It’s only after you reach half way through your career do you realize that all you’ve ever wanted was to help people and make a bigger impact than your parent did. Sure, passing laws and campaigning can do some good, but you have a better (and more action packed) idea to help the world.
Traits: Loner, Good, Gloomy
Aspiration: Any
Generation Goals:
Complete your aspiration
Master the parenting skill
Master the fitness skill
Get all A’s in school
Join the politician career until level five and then join the detective, secret agent, or military career and master it
Donate to charity and volunteer often
Have all of your children grow up with at least one good character value
Have at least two children
Have some kind of defining physical feature that makes you stand out (i.e. colored hair, tattoos, a birthmark, etc.)
Neptune: Gen 9
Color: Royal Blue
Dark, cold, and whipped by supersonic winds, ice giant Neptune is the eighth and most distant planet in our solar system. Neptune has at least five main rings and four more ring arcs, which are clumps of dust and debris likely formed by the gravity of a nearby moon.
In your family, you’re kind of known as the perfectionist. You’re extremely blunt to the point of hurtful but you have good intentions. Some people describe you as cold, but deep down you have a heart 3 sizes too big. You like being known as the intimidating goth of the family, which is why no one can know you run a cutesy pastel veterinarian shop, which you co-own with your cutesy pastel partner. You insist to your family that you work as an accountant, which is just an excuse so that they never see you in your cute pink vet outfit.
Traits: Perfectionist, Vegetarian, Dog/Cat Lover or Animal Enthusiast
Aspiration: Friend of the Animals
Generation Goals: 
Dress in dark clothing; you look pretty intimidating
Have a fun loving partner that is the total opposite of your dark aesthetic that you love dearly 
Own a vet clinic
Complete your aspiration
Master the veterinarian and pet training skills
Never tell your family about your vet office; if they autonomously show up, make sure they don’t see you
Own a couple of pets
Have at least one child
Pluto: Gen 10
Color: Purple
Pluto – which is smaller than Earth’s Moon – has a heart-shaped glacier that’s the size of Texas and Oklahoma. This fascinating world has blue skies, spinning moons, mountains as high as the Rockies, and it snows – but the snow is red.
Growing up, you were surrounded by love. Your parents were total opposites but they loved each other dearly. When you were a teen, you had a few people who became romantically interested in you, but nothing ever felt right with them. You try desperately to find the love your parents had, but to no avail. When you become a young adult, you start to realize that maybe… Romantic love just isn’t for you. Instead, you pour your heart into your relationship with your friends. Hey, platonic love is better anyway!
Traits: Unflirty, Cheerful, Foodie
Aspiration: Friend of the World
Generation Goals: 
Complete your aspiration 
Run and own a shop of your choice (could be a restaurant or a retail store)
Master the singing, baking, and gourmet cooking skills
Move in with five of your closest friends into an apartment
Decorate your apartment with super colorful furniture
Always go to the flea market and buy a new piece of furniture every chance you get
Never marry or have a romantic partner 
Never have any kids
And that’s it! I tried not to make the challenge super difficult since I want players to make their stories unique and be able to create different storylines. Feel free to add on to this challenge, tweak it, and make it your own! If you want me to see how you’re planet inspired sims are doing, tag me @simsandstrawberries or tag your post with #thespacelegacychallenge or #tslc. I hope you enjoy and happy simming!! 
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fatehbaz · 3 years
Global conceptions of Antarctica are dominated by colonial narratives [...]. The politics of Antarctica remain firmly rooted in notions of discovery and sovereignty on a ‘tabula rasa’, where the intersection of nationalism and resources leads to particular challenges and consequences. [...] [These] dominant historical Antarctic narratives and claims [...] have far-reaching consequences for present policy and governance. [...]
Despite Indigenous involvement in [...] science in Antarctica, scientific practice, state-centric governance and decision-making has excluded Indigenous knowledge, interests and aspirations [...].
In the Southern Ocean, the migratory pattern of whales, and the humans that have charted and followed them, is just one relationship that connects Indigenous peoples and Antarctic seascapes. Humpback whale migrations through the seascapes of Tahiti, Tonga and other Polynesian islands across the Pacific have led to strong cultural associations and non-human kin relationships with migratory cetaceans that are embedded in many Polynesian stories.
Human voyaging into Antarctic waters by Hui Te Rangiora and his crew on the vessel Te Ivi o Atea in around the seventh century may have followed cetacean migratory routes from Rarotonga in the Cook Islands. In so doing, they were perhaps the first humans to set eyes on Antarctica; evidence of their likely discovery lies in its name Te tai-uka-a-pia which denotes the frozen ocean, as well as oral accounts handed down through the generations.
Similarly, accounts of the flora, fauna and physical geography indicate sub-Antarctic as well as likely Antarctic visitation by Hui Te Rangiora and his crew; thirteenth century Māori sub-Antarctic exploration is well-established [...].
Other noted Māori explorers of the Antarctic region include Tamarereti, who pursued the origins of the aurora australis.
These traditions record enormous ice cliffs with towering mountain ranges behind them, with nowhere to gain a footing, and suggest that those with Tamarereti gained an understanding of the physicality of the Antarctic region, including the Antarctic Circle. Hui Te Rangiora’s descendant Te Aru Tanga Nuku hundreds of years later also journeyed far into southern waters.
In Aotearoa New Zealand, these explorers are of such importance that they remain commemorated in elaborate carvings and recalled in navigational and astronomical knowledge. 
For example, Hui Te Rangiora’s voyage and return are depicted in carvings at the source of the Riuwaka River at the top of the South Island, as well as on the meeting house of the Ngāti Rārua people. For Māori, the Milky Way in the night sky is more than a navigational system; it represents Tamarereti’s seafaring vessel, or waka, Te Rua o Maahu. In this visualization of astronomical knowledge, the Southern Cross is the anchor and the two pointers the rope for the waka.
These visual memory aids underscore the skills required to navigate southern oceans, and place Māori firmly in relationship with the southern oceans. [...]
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[A]n Indigenous paradigm from Aotearoa New Zealand offers a relational perspective [...]. By highlighting Māori connections with Antarctica the continent, Antarctica the seascape and Antarctica the living entity of human-kin relationships, we challenge the intellectual legacies of Antarctica framed within existing mindsets and expand these to grow alternative conceptions of human relationships and responsibilities to Antarctica and the seas that surround it.
Figure, captions, and all text published by: Priscilla M. Wehi, Vincent van Uitregt, Nigel J. Scott, Tasman Gillies, Jacinta Beckwith, Rata Pryor Rodgers, and Krushil Watene. “Transforming Antarctic management and policy with an Indigenous Maori lens.” Nature Ecology & Evolution 5, 1055-1059. May 2021. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me.]
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askvectorprime · 3 years
Dear, Vector Prime.
I heard about the universe dying in the battle against Unicron where Ultra Prime took in Matrix, but was Unicron eventually defeated? Has a future arrived where Cybertronians can live in peace without fear of Planet Eater?
Dear Hunger Halter,
In one particular reality, Hot Rod unleashed the power of the Matrix within Unicron. But this Matrix contained a perpetual matter-generating white hole, which perfectly balanced Unicron's hunger. No longer burdened with a ceaseless desire to feed, Unicron thought for the first time about a life separate from consumption. Unicron thanked the young Autobot, and remade him into a timeless, perfect form: Rodimus Unicronus of The Touch.
He saw the ruined Cybertron, destroyed by war and his own actions, and sought to make amends. He invited the Cybertronians to live on his surface and his rings, and the majority did so, with Rodimus their leader. And for a long age there was peace on planet Unicron.
Over time, the Unicronians became spacefaring again and spread technological influence across the Milky Way Galaxy. But Unicron noticed a terrible turn of events: these young Unicronians were devouring the energy resources and pillaging whole planets. The legacy of Unicron spread through the stars, and he could only blame himself for creating such a swarm.
He wondered to Rodimus: Was I fated to die that day you saved me? Can you save them, like you saved me? Rodimus and Unicron knew what had to be done, and challenged the Swarm. As they returned to Unicron and began to consume him, Rodimus unleashed the Matrix into their midst. Though Unicron and Rodimus were consumed, the Swarm was purged of its endless hunger at last.
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the-telescope-times · 4 years
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Where are stars made? NASA's Spitzer spies a hot spot
The nebula known as W51 is one of the most active star-forming regions in the Milky Way galaxy. First identified in 1958 by radio telescopes, it makes a rich cosmic tapestry in this image from NASA's recently retired Spitzer Space Telescope.                                                                                          
Located about 17,000 light-years from Earth, in the direction of the constellation Aquila in the night sky, W51 is about 350 light-years—or about 2 quadrillion miles—across. It is almost invisible to telescopes that collect visible light (the kind human eyes detect), because that light is blocked by interstellar dust clouds that lie between W51 and Earth. But longer wavelengths of light, including radio and infrared, can pass unencumbered through the dust. When viewed in infrared by Spitzer, W51 is a spectacular sight: Its total infrared emission is the equivalent of 20 million suns.
If you could see it with your naked eye, this dense cloud of gas and dust would appear about as large as the full Moon. The Orion Nebula—another well-known star-forming region and a favorite observing target for amateur astronomers—occupies about the same size area in the sky. But W51 is actually much farther from Earth than Orion and thus much larger, and it's about 75 times more luminous. While Orion contains four known O-type stars—the most massive stars in the universe—W51 contains over 30.
"Star factories" like this one can operate for millions of years. The cavernous red region on the right side of W51 is older, evident in the way it has already been carved out by winds from generations of massive stars (those at least 10 times the mass of our sun). The dust and gas in the region are swept around even more when those stars die and explode as supernovas. On the nebula's younger left side, many stars are just beginning to clear away the gas and dust in the same way the stars in the older region have done. It's apparent that many of these young stars are in the process of forming bubbles of empty space around themselves.
This image was taken as part of a major observation campaign by Spitzer in 2004 to map the large-scale structure of the Milky Way galaxy—a considerable challenge because Earth lies inside it. Called the Galactic Legacy Infrared Mid-Plane Survey Extraordinaire (GLIMPSE), the survey also turned up valuable data on many wonders within the Milky Way, including images of multiple stellar factories like W51 that were hidden by dust from visible-light observatories.
"The really spectacular images provided by Spitzer via the GLIMPSE survey—in concert with data from many other, complementary telescopes—give us insight into how massive stars form in our Milky Way, and then how their powerful winds and radiation interact with the remaining ambient material," said Breanna Binder, an assistant professor of physics and astronomy at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, who studies the life cycles of massive stars. "We can't observe star-forming regions in other galaxies in anywhere near the level of detail that we can in our own galaxy. So regions like W51 are really important for advancing our understanding of star formation in the Milky Way, which we can then extrapolate to how star formation proceeds in other, nearby galaxies."
Image: The star-forming nebula W51 is one of the largest "star factories" in the Milky Way galaxy. Interstellar dust blocks the visible light emitted by the region, but it is revealed by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope, which captures infrared light that can penetrate dust clouds. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech The star-forming nebula W51 is one of the largest "star factories" in the Milky Way galaxy. Interstellar dust blocks the visible light emitted by the region, but it is revealed by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope, which captures infrared light that can penetrate dust clouds. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
~ phys.org
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shark-myths · 4 years
@alienfuckeronmain tagged me to deep-search my soul with these questions, and it is the exact distraction I was looking for! no pressure to do this one, pals, but i tag @carbonbased000 @leyley09 @shoeboxofphotographs12 @glitterandrocketfuel @allkindsofplatinumandpercocet @setting-in-a-honeymoon @toorational and anyone i’ve forgotten!
1. Do you prefer writing with a black pen or blue pen? does anyone like blue pens? who is this product made for
2. Would you prefer to live in the country or city? the city, cuz i spent 7 consecutive years very broke in rural areas with homophobia neighbors and having things to do is so thrilling. but i imagine one day retreating into the desert and living far from my nearest neighbors
3. If you could learn a new skill what would it be? I have learned all the skills I am interested in right now, because learning new things is an a+ quarantine activity. maybe the ability to do physics? i would like to be proficient in physics and i am deeply not
4. Do you drink your tea/coffee with sugar? Never
5. What was your favourite book as a child? all of them! I have always read like i’m running out of time and often get stressed when i think about how few books i will be able to read in my lifetime. as a child I reread Lord of the Rings and Robin McKinley and the Holly Black Tithe series the most, and i was OBSESSED with those gold-paged books with ribbon bookmarks that were diaries of girls from different historical periods, and i have never been able to read historical fiction since.
6. Do you prefer baths or showers? I hated baths passionately until my chronic pain reached a tipping point, and since then i have learned to really enjoy the long hot soak with a drink and a book. (i didn’t like showers either until very recently. life support tasks felt like a huge waste of time until i got a partner who helped me figure out how to enjoy them)
7. If you could be a mythical creature, which one would it be? i have always wanted to be one of tolkien’s elves! I want a long life filled with learning languages and reading books and existing in green peaceful spaces, and then i want to be able to die when i am done.
8. Paper or electronic books? I like paper better--I’ve been building a library slowly my whole life--but my kindle has been life-saving during the pandemic when i couldn’t go to the library.
9. What is your favourite item of clothing? right now i’m doing all my work remotely and clothes feel meaningless, but i have a plain black tank top that i feel really comfortable in
10. Do you like your name or would you like to change it? I don’t like my name at all--it’s Kaylie--because it is so aggressively peppy and feminine. it doesn’t sounds like an adult’s name; it evokes exclamation points and pigtails. i have always wished for a severe, no-nonsense name like joan, or a pretty but to-the-point name like eva.
11. Who is a mentor to you? Leslie Knope
12. Would you like to be famous and if so, what for? I used to fantasize about being a famous writer, and now in my field i do wish i had a name that mattered or was considered esteemed or expert in something in some way. I would love to have a research job where i had paid time to publish! but i don’t want it enough to work on it outside of my capitalist mandatory labor hours, because i don’t have enough time for my loved ones as it is
13. Are you a restless sleeper? lately yes, since my cat died in january i have slept like absolute hell
14. Do you consider yourself a romantic person? not really, but i am a thoughtful one
15. Which element best represents you? earth
16. Who do you want to be closer to? physically i want to be closer to my long-distance pals like @alienfuckeronmain @newleafover @time-less @immoral-crow @leyley09 (leyna let’s have a movie night when i’m done moving???)
17. Do you miss someone at the moment? pretty much all my friends i used to regularly hang out with, sam who moved to seattle, sam who lives in madison, all the people i listed above
18. Tell us about an early childhood memory. I used to play going to work. i’d pack up a backgammon case as a briefcase, grab my stuffed gorilla, and go write in notebooks and move pieces of paper around
19. What is the strangest thing you have eaten? I am an extremely boring person and all I eat is popcorn and bread
20. What are you most thankful for? having an able body that works to support me and keep me whole, having a partner who makes me feel truly cared for 
21. Do you like spicy food? yep!
22. Have you ever met someone famous? once at c2e2 i met george r.r. martin and no one else cared he existed because got wasn’t a show yet, so i awkwardly went up to him and proclaimed my love for his work, and then he trapped me in a long conversation about vampires
23. Do you do you keep a diary or journal? a journal! i have since i was pretty small, they take up a full shelf of a bookcase
24. Do you prefer to use a pen or a pencil? pen, and i have lots of Special Pens that i only use for a particular purpose or project, because i am a huge raging...
25. What is your star sign? virgo
26. Do you like your cereal soggy or crunchy? crunchy and without milk
27. What would you want your legacy to be? personally, that I wrote things that meant something to the people who read them; professionally, that i removed barriers to accessing healthcare for trans and gender expansive people
28. Do you like reading, what was the last book you read? see above--I completely adore reading. last book was Sisters of the Vast Black and currently i’m reading The House in the Cerulean Sea and it’s totally charming. I’ve been reading really quality science and nonfiction writing too, please send me your recommendations
29. How do you show someone you love them? I make them breakfast, I tell them so constantly, I send them things in the mail, I bring them small interesting gifts, and I say every nice thought I have about them out loud 
30. Do you like ice in your drinks? not especially, but it’s fun to chew on 
31. What are you afraid of? surgery
32. What is your favourite scent? smoke from blown-out candles, lavender, laundry detergent my loved ones use
33. Do you address older people by their name or surname? whatever they’ve told me to call them? this seems like common courtesy
34. If money was not a factor, how would you live your life? I do so much less clinical work and work fewer hours in general, I would run for office so I could influence policy and stop wasting my fucking time on the ground level, I would spend more time writing, I would spend so much more time with my family, I would devote the time to running longer distances again in a way that doesn’t aggravate my busted knee
35. Do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean? the ocean!
36. What would you do if you found £50 on the ground? oh i would definitely spend that on something stupid and self-indulgent i wanted, like a pete wentz hoodie
37. Have you ever seen a shooting star? YES! when i was kid every summer i’d be sent to jesus camp, which thank god because that’s what got me into fanfiction, and it was in the middle of nowhere, wisconsin, and you could see the entire milky way and shooting stars blaze across that thing ALL THE TIME, and it shook me to my foundation every summer and for a time i mistook that feeling for faith in god instead of wonder at the infinite being and possibility that is our generous universe
38. What is the one thing you would want to teach your children? i have none of my own but my partner has a 5 year old, so quite against my intention i have become a parent-adjacent person. i try to teach him about emotional accountability for the effect of his actions on others
39. If you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it? the next tattoo i want is a big snake crawling up my mostly bare left arm
40. What can you hear now? my laptop fan
41. Where do you feel the safest? when i’m protecting someone else
42. What is the one thing you want to overcome/conquer? my relationship with my body
43. Of you could travel back to any era, what would it be? i’d really like to be a gentleman of leisure in a jane austen novel
44. What is your most used emoji? the purple heart
45. Describe yourself using one word. earnest
46. What do you regret the most? not going to a 4-year university and having a #college experience. it’s one of my most stinging regrets because it was not a decision i got to make for myself
47. Last movie you saw? what is a movie theater? what does it feel like to be in one? the last movie i watched is charlie’s angels from the early 2000s because that was an unexamined sexual awakening for me--lucy liu being efficient in leather has never left me, efficiency is the single trait i most attracted to--and i wanted my boyfriend to see how bad it is
48. Last tv show you watched? either Kipo and the age of the wonderbeasts or star trek tng!
49. Invent a word and its meaning. instead i will say that i think the most beautiful english word is ache. my favorite way of creating things is transforming and remixing what already exists, which makes writing with words someone else invented the ideal challenge and pastime 
(i really loved doing this! it was nice to talk about myself at the end of a workweek. thank you @alienfuckeronmain !)
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spaceexp · 4 years
NASA Telescope Named For ‘Mother of Hubble’ Nancy Grace Roman
NASA - WFIRST Mission patch. May 20, 2020 NASA is naming its next-generation space telescope currently under development, the Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST), in honor of Nancy Grace Roman, NASA’s first chief astronomer, who paved the way for space telescopes focused on the broader universe.
Image above: NASA’s Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST) is now named the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, after NASA’s first Chief of Astronomy. Image Credit: NASA. The newly named Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope – or Roman Space Telescope, for short – is set to launch in the mid-2020s. It will investigate long-standing astronomical mysteries, such as the force behind the universe’s expansion, and search for distant planets beyond our solar system.  Considered the “mother” of NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope, which launched 30 years ago, Roman tirelessly advocated for new tools that would allow scientists to study the broader universe from space. She left behind a tremendous legacy in the scientific community when she died in 2018.
Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST) wild-field instruments. Animation Credit: NASA
“It is because of Nancy Grace Roman’s leadership and vision that NASA became a pioneer in astrophysics and launched Hubble, the world’s most powerful and productive space telescope,” said NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine. “I can think of no better name for WFIRST, which will be the successor to NASA’s Hubble and Webb Telescopes.” Former Sen. Barbara Mikulski, who worked with NASA on the Hubble and WFIRST space telescopes, said, "It is fitting that as we celebrate the 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage, NASA has announced the name of their new WFIRST telescope in honor of Dr. Nancy Roman, the Mother of Hubble – well deserved. It recognizes the incredible achievements of women in science and moves us even closer to no more hidden figures and no more hidden galaxies."
NASA's Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope: Broadening Our Cosmic Horizons
Video above: Scheduled to launch in the mid-2020s, the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, formerly known as WFIRST, will function as Hubble’s wide-eyed cousin. While just as sensitive as Hubble's cameras, the Roman Space Telescope's 300-megapixel Wide Field Instrument will image a sky area 100 times larger. This means a single Roman Space Telescope image will hold the equivalent detail of 100 pictures from Hubble. Video Credit: NASA. Who Was Nancy Grace Roman? Born on May 16, 1925, in Nashville, Tennessee, Roman consistently persevered in the face of challenges that plagued many women of her generation interested in science. By seventh grade, she knew she wanted to be an astronomer. Despite being discouraged about going into science – the head of Swarthmore College’s physics department told her he usually dissuaded girls from majoring in physics, but that she “might make it” – Roman earned a bachelor’s degree in astronomy from Swarthmore in 1946 and a doctorate from the University of Chicago in 1949. She remained at Chicago for six years and made discoveries about the compositions of stars that had implications for the evolution of our Milky Way galaxy. Knowing that her chances of achieving tenure at a university as a woman were slim at that time, she took a position at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory and made strides in researching cosmic questions through radio waves. Roman came to NASA in 1959, just six months after the agency had been established. At that time, she served as the chief of astronomy and relativity in the Office of Space Science, managing astronomy-related programs and grants. “I knew that taking on this responsibility would mean that I could no longer do research, but the challenge of formulating a program from scratch that I believed would influence astronomy for decades to come was too great to resist,” she said in a NASA interview.
Nancy Grace Roman. Image Credit: NASA
This was a difficult era for women who wanted to advance in scientific research. While Roman said that men generally treated her equally at NASA, she also revealed in one interview that she had to use the prefix “Dr.” with her name because “otherwise, I could not get past the secretaries.”
But she persisted in her vision to establish new ways to probe the secrets of the universe. When she arrived at NASA, astronomers could obtain data from balloons, sounding rockets and airplanes, but they could not measure all the wavelengths of light. Earth’s atmosphere blocks out much of the radiation that comes from the distant universe. What’s more, only a telescope in space has the luxury of perpetual nighttime and doesn’t have to shut down during the day. Roman knew that to see the universe through more powerful, unblinking eyes, NASA would have to send telescopes to space. Through Roman’s leadership, NASA launched four Orbiting Astronomical Observatories between 1966 and 1972. While only two of the four were successful, they demonstrated the value of space-based astrophysics and represented the precursors to Hubble. She also championed the International Ultraviolet Explorer, which was built in the 1970s as a joint project between NASA, ESA (European Space Agency) and the United Kingdom, as well as the Cosmic Background Explorer, which measured the leftover radiation from the big bang and led to two of its leading scientists receiving the 2006 Nobel Prize in Physics. Above all, Roman is credited with making the Hubble Space Telescope a reality. In the mid-1960s, she set up a committee of astronomers and engineers to envision a telescope that could accomplish important scientific goals. She convinced NASA and Congress that it was a priority to launch the most powerful space telescope the world had ever seen. Hubble turned out to be the most scientifically revolutionary space telescope of all time. Ed Weiler, Hubble’s chief scientist until 1998, called Roman “the mother of the Hubble Space Telescope.” “Nancy Grace Roman was a leader and advocate whose dedication contributed to NASA seriously pursuing the field of astrophysics and taking it to new heights,” said Thomas Zurbuchen, NASA’s associate administrator for science. “Her name deserves a place in the heavens she studied and opened for so many.”
A New Portrait of the Cosmos is Coming
Video above: The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, formerly known as WFIRST, is an upcoming space telescope designed to perform wide-field imaging and spectroscopy of the infrared sky. One of the Roman Space Telescope's objectives will be looking for clues about dark energy — the mysterious force that is accelerating the expansion of the universe. Another objective of the mission will be finding and studying exoplanets. Video Credit: NASA. What is the Roman Space Telescope? The Roman Space Telescope will be a NASA observatory designed to settle essential questions in the areas of dark energy, exoplanets and infrared astrophysics. The telescope has a primary mirror that is 2.4 meters (7.9 feet) in diameter and is the same size as the Hubble Space Telescope's primary mirror. The Roman Space Telescope is designed to have two instruments, the Wide Field Instrument and a technology demonstration Coronagraph Instrument. The Wide Field Instrument will have a field of view that is 100 times greater than the Hubble infrared instrument, allowing it to capture more of the sky with less observing time. The Coronagraph Instrument will perform high contrast imaging and spectroscopy of individual nearby exoplanets.
Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST). Animation Credit: NASA
The WFIRST project passed a critical programmatic and technical milestone in February, giving the mission the official green light to begin hardware development and testing. With the passage of this latest key milestone, the team will begin finalizing the mission design by building engineering test units and models to ensure the design will hold up under the extreme conditions during launch and while in space. NASA’s Fiscal Year 2020 Consolidated Appropriations Act funds the WFIRST program through September 2020. It is not included in the Fiscal Year 2021 budget request, as the administration wants to focus on completing the James Webb Space Telescope. Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST): https://www.nasa.gov/content/goddard/wfirst-wide-field-infrared-survey-telescope and http://www.nasa.gov/wfirst For a statement from Nancy Grace Roman’s cousins, Laura Bates Verreau and Barbara Brinker, go to: https://go.nasa.gov/2WREEtz For more information about the Roman Space Telescope, go to: https://www.nasa.gov/roman Images (mentioned), Animations (mentioned), Videos (mentioned), Text, Credits: NASA/Sean Potter/Felicia Chou/Elizabeth Landau/GSFC/Claire Andreoli​. Best regards, Orbiter.ch Full article
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xasha777 · 5 months
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In the dwindling light of a far-off world, the last beams of the sunset caress the features of a figure both strange and haunting. He stands as a lone sentinel on the arid plains of Eridani IV, his skin etched with the crimson and ochre hues of an ancient warrior race, the Tarquinians. This is Jareth, the Last Scholar of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill—a name now as alien to this world as his own history.
Earth had sent its children far across the stars, carrying the torch of human knowledge and tradition. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, having embraced the challenge of the stars, established a branch in the cosmos, an extraterrestrial campus designed to spread enlightenment across galaxies. When the darkness of war fell upon the Milky Way, this outpost of learning was among the last to remain alight, a beacon in the cosmic void.
Jareth, originally a professor of xenoarchaeology, now bears the scars of many battles—not against flesh, but against the ignorance that had threatened to engulf the known worlds. He was the custodian of the Great Library of UNC-Chapel Hill, the repository of universal knowledge that survived Earth’s twilight and the subsequent years of turmoil.
The Tarquinians, once a proud civilization famed for their knowledge and arts, had fallen into savagery when their sun began to die. It was Jareth who found them, half-mad with despair, and it was Jareth who remembered the teachings of his own forsaken Earth—of empathy, of education, and of the inexorable pursuit of hope.
Adopting their markings as a sign of respect and as a bridge between cultures, Jareth became both student and teacher. He learned their ways, their language of colors and patterns, and in turn, taught them the vast histories and sciences stored within the walls of the UNC outpost.
He stands now, a figure of convergence, the synthesis of human legacy and alien tradition. His eyes, still human in their depth of emotion, gaze toward the horizon where once, long ago, he would have seen the soft blue curve of Earth.
In his hands, he holds the Tarquinian staff of wisdom, a symbol that the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill no longer belongs to a place or a planet, but to the cosmos. And as the two moons rise to herald the night, Jareth begins the sacred chant, a verse of remembrance for a home world lost, and a verse of hope for the future of all worlds to come.
As the stars wheel overhead, the story of Jareth—the Last Scholar, the bridge between worlds—becomes a legend whispered across the universe, a reminder that knowledge and compassion are the truest forms of light, cutting through the darkness, guiding the wayward souls of the cosmos home.
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spacenutspod · 10 months
3 min read Webb Telescope’s Marcia Rieke Awarded Catherine Wolfe Bruce Gold Medal Dr. Marcia Rieke, principal investigator for the Near-Infrared Camera on NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope is the Astronomical Society of the Pacific’s (ASP) 2023 recipient of its most prestigious award. ASP’s Catherine Wolfe Bruce Gold Medal honors Rieke, a Regents Professor of astronomy and Elizabeth Roemer Endowed Chair, Steward Observatory, at the University of Arizona. Rieke’s award and achievements will be recognized at the ASP Awards Gala on Saturday, Nov. 11, in Redwood City, California. Marcia Rieke, Regents’ Professor of Astronomy at the University of Arizona and principal investigator for the near-infrared camera on the James Webb Space Telescope.Credit: George Rieke / UAZ Rieke’s research has focused on infrared observations of the center of the Milky Way and high redshift galaxies in the early universe. Rieke is considered by many to be one of the “founding mothers of infrared astronomy,” and it is for her groundbreaking contributions to astronomical research at these wavelengths that she is being recognized and celebrated.    “I owe a debt of gratitude to my team that made all this possible. I am humbled that I’m on a list that includes the founders of infrared astronomy, Gerry Neugebauer and Frank Low,” said Rieke. Rieke served as deputy principal investigator for the Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (NICMOS) on NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope and co-investigator for the multiband imaging photometer on NASA’s retired Spitzer Space Telescope. Rieke was also involved with several infrared ground-based observatories, including the Multiple Mirror Telescope Observatory in Arizona.  Rieke’s nominators credit her leadership for the success of Webb’s Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam). As one of her nominators stated, “NIRCam was the Webb program’s most challenging instrument development effort. The instrument’s outstanding performance is due largely to the outstanding performance of its principal investigator. Marcia’s consistent focus, diligence, and ‘lead from the front’ approach under extremely difficult technical and programmatic circumstances presents an example for others to follow.” Marcia Rieke, Regents’ Professor of Astronomy at the University of Arizona and principal investigator for the near-infrared camera on the James Webb Space Telescope.Credit: George Rieke / UAZ Rieke has authored 310 refereed publications, which have over 30,000 citations. Her deep knowledge and expertise were put into service as vice chair for program prioritization for the Astro 2010 Decadal Survey Committee’s report, “New Worlds, New Horizons.” Her landmark contributions to astronomical research and instrument development, as well as her service to public policy and public outreach, have been recognized nationally. She was elected a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2007, a fellow of the National Academy of Sciences in 2012, and a legacy fellow of the American Astronomical Society in 2020. Rieke has also been the recipient of numerous prestigious awards, including the NASA Distinguished Public Service Medal in 2023 for her contribution to the field of astronomy and key role in the development of cutting-edge instruments for Webb. About the Catherine Wolfe Bruce Gold Medal ASP is an international non-profit scientific and educational organization, founded in 1889, that works to increase understanding and appreciation of astronomy. The Catherine Wolfe Bruce Gold Medal is the organization’s highest award given annually to a professional astronomer in recognition of a lifetime of outstanding achievement and contributions to astrophysics research. It was established by Catherine Wolfe Bruce, an American philanthropist and patroness of astronomy.    The James Webb Space Telescope is the world’s largest, most powerful, and most complex space science telescope ever built. Webb is solving mysteries in our solar system, looking beyond to distant worlds around other stars, and probing the mysterious structures and origins of our universe and our place in it. Webb is an international program led by NASA with its partners, ESA (European Space Agency) and the Canadian Space Agency. For more information about NASA’s Webb telescope visit: www.nasa.gov/webb Media Contact Rob GutroNASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland Keep Exploring Discover More Topics From NASA James Webb Space Telescope Webb is the premier observatory of the next decade, serving thousands of astronomers worldwide. It studies every phase in the… Hubble Space Telescope Since its 1990 launch, the Hubble Space Telescope has changed our fundamental understanding of the universe. Infrared Waves What are Infrared Waves? Infrared waves, or infrared light, are part of the electromagnetic spectrum. People encounter Infrared waves every… The Electromagnetic Spectrum Video Series & Companion Book Share Details Last Updated Nov 14, 2023 Editor Marty McCoy Related Terms Goddard Space Flight CenterJames Webb Space Telescope (JWST)People of Goddard
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