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You must try this milktea shop! #milketea https://www.instagram.com/p/CXyN5T5ppkP/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Send 🔑 and my muse will reveal three secrets they are keeping from your muse
“I have to admit deep down i did not believe Angels were real. I wanted to hope, but i did not believe.”
“I was once in love with a woman who had similar wings. So from time to time when is see them it get a bit sad.”
“My final secret is that i am far from a normal priest. I am over nine hundred years old.”
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🔍搞搞炒飯 - 這個就是這個,收藏很久~終於吃到的巷弄美食🤤 認真跟你們說炒泡麵的味道跟 #老麵攤 一樣是我喜歡的☺️ 收藏起來後,可以吃上好幾回🙈 - ➿蝦多多蛋炒飯🅝🅣🅓₉₀: (+蓬裙蛋🅝🅣🅓₂₀) 鮮嫩的鮮蝦,貼心的老闆連殼都先處理好了,這個很加分餒! 帶有辣度的炒飯,越吃越唰嘴的過癮 多加一顆蓬裙蛋,流出濃郁的蛋黃搭著炒飯一塊品嚐~齁~我又要流口水了🤤 ➿泰式炒泡麵🅝🅣🅓₇₅: (+蓬裙蛋🅝🅣🅓₂₀) 酸辣香三層次的滋味,就是這個味道讓我想到老麵攤,讓我一解去台北的相思苦😍 Q彈的麵條跟著高麗菜、肉絲大口大口的吃~很滿足很過癮 這個我回訪會再點來吃的好味道,夏天吃也很開胃的說👍 💁🏻♂️此外打拋豬肉蛋炒飯也是不少回訪的客人有推有喜歡的另一道喔!立馬筆記下來下次也要點來吃😋 ➿皇家泰式奶茶🅝🅣🅓₇₀: 不會過於甜膩卻保有茶香奶香的皇家泰式奶茶,喝完一杯會想再外帶一杯回家慢慢喝的好味道 內用搭上炒飯一塊享用是個不錯的選擇 - 📍台南市中西區河中街55號 💈11:00~14:00/17:00~售完為止 🚷週日公休 ☎️06-2286768 - #amos食遍台南 #amos吃鹹食 #搞搞炒飯 #炒泡麵 #炒飯 #泰奶 #打拋豬 #荷包蛋 #台南 #台南美食 #台南早午餐 #台南晚餐 #台南炒飯 #台南炒泡麵 #台南小吃 #台南必吃 #台南一日遊 #巷弄美食 #food #rice #noddles #milketea #egg #eeeeeats #popyummy台南 #tainan #tainanfood #iseetainan #instameettaiwan (在 搞搞炒飯) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAjfdNWjiRC/?igshid=1cpp229pmyj43
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patakas hin milketea . . ☺️❤️🥤 @happylemon_ph #TheGuyInWhite (at Happy Lemon - Robinson's Midtown) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5Rr0J0hPGWRXM0n1FDSqYouJFTmB0NbDGFfV00/?igshid=14e07vqbvtszp
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Well i consider myself not a picky customer when it comes to milktea. But then the milketea served at the coffee shop KHUfee at student center was terrible. SERIOUSLY. The tea smell too strong it irritated my nose and the milk (I don't know what kind of milk they put into) was super artificial sweet that felt bitter aftertaste. And before drinking this cup, I got lots of stuff to do and I did not really like iced milktea so I let it melt and stirred it with my straw before drinking it. But still, there was some kind of powder (I guess that the tea powder lmao) in the bottom of the cup. Shortly sum up, bye. Never buy milktea at KHUfee anymore. Maybe never buy anything since I hate coffee :) But still, at least the milktea made my hand didn't shake when pippetting PCT. Everybody, if your hands shakes when pippetting, remember to eat or drink something sugary before doing pippetting 30 mins. It helps. A lot. #khuglobalcampus #KHUfee #milktea #nah
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Nice to see you again @luckybobazapote #bobamilktea #milketea (at Zapote Road, Camarin, Caloocan City) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXyMEKBJVAw/?utm_medium=tumblr
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🔍Kanokwan 老麵攤 ก๋วยเตี๋ยวต้มยำ-ป้า ตัง.อร่อย-泰式米粉 - 終於又回訪老麵攤了,念念不忘的炒泡麵可不能少,還有那咖喱飯跟牛肉湯也都是我的愛💕 經典必喝的泰式奶茶~欸~一杯絕對不會夠🤣 - ➿打拋豬肉飯🅝🅣🅓₁₀₀: 鹹香夠味的肉末帶上辣度的調味,跟著白飯一塊入口,很過癮很唰嘴,這個二訪吃到有喜歡餒! ➿酒鬼炒泡麵🅝🅣🅓₁₀₀: Q彈開胃的酒鬼炒泡麵,帶些微辣的FU在,一口接著一口真的可以給他一個👍 ➿紅咖哩豬肉泡麵🅝🅣🅓₁₁₀: 重口味的捧油,這紅咖哩豬肉泡麵應該可以擄獲到你 濃郁的滋味,份量不算少的豬肉,一碗這樣吃完對女孩兒來說飽足感算有喔! 🥣喜歡喝湯的,來這牛肉湯是不錯的選擇,一訪的時候,我自己就有點來喝,味道確實美賣餒 🥤還有那甜香、茶香跟奶香都有的泰式奶茶,邊吃邊喝邊享受,一個不小心主餐還沒吃完反而奶茶先被喝完了😆 - 📍台北市南京東路二段21巷24號(近捷運松江南京站8號出口) 💈10:30~21:00 🚷週日公休 ☎️0960764116 - #amos食遍台北 #amos吃鹹食 #kanokwan老麵攤ก๋วยเตี๋ยวต้มยำ #老麵攤 #อร่อยมาก #ก๋วยเตี๋ยวต้มยำ #炒泡麵 #打拋豬 #牛肉湯 #泰式奶茶 #台北 #台北美食 #台北早午餐 #台北晚餐 #台北旅行 #台北グルメ #台北一日遊 #台北必吃 #泰式料理 #南京東路 #food #noddles #rice #milketea #taipei #taipeifood #iseetaipei #instameettaiwan #Taiwan #ชาไทย (在 Kanokwan 老麵攤 ก๋วยเตี๋ยวต้มยำ ป้าตัง - 泰式米粉) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_Bobg1DbJe/?igshid=nmoepwuprghs
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🔍Kanokwan 老麵攤 ก๋วยเตี๋ยวต้มยำ-ป้า ตัง.อร่อย-泰式米粉 - 三碗低卡~終於吃到傳說中肯特每天吃都不會膩的老麵攤🤤 連妮妮來也有推有喜歡,平價好吃擱唰嘴~啊嘶~連我也愛上它了😍 - ➿酒鬼炒泡麵🅝🅣🅓₁₀₀: 帶點微辣滋味的酒鬼炒泡麵,唰嘴到一口接著一口的停不下來,搭上一些蔬菜跟一顆荷包蛋,簡單平凡吃出快樂Very Good👍 ➿紅咖哩豬肉飯🅝🅣🅓₁₀₀: 萊恩每次來必點的紅咖哩豬肉飯,味道蠻濃郁的說,醬汁很下飯很夠味,連我都蠻喜歡的,辣度算偏微微辣,對於不吃辣的也都可以接受,份量對食量小的捧油來說剛剛好👌 ➿牛肉湯🅝🅣🅓₁₀₀: 誠意十足的牛肉湯,牛肉給的不小氣餒!滿滿的肉塊,光看到就覺得有值得,牛肉肉質鮮嫩不帶什麼筋,挺好咬的說,湯頭帶點香料味,喝上一碗絕對能滿足口慾,這碗我喜歡💕 ➿泰式奶茶🅝🅣🅓₆₀: 甜味有夠且茶香奶香都有出來的泰式奶茶,無論天冷天熱,每個人來一定會點上一杯,這誘人的魅力,奶控們一定會愛❤️ - 📍台北市南京東路二段21巷24號(近捷運松江南京站8號出口) 💈10:30~21:00 🚷週日公休 ☎️0960764116 - #amos食遍台北 #amos吃鹹食 #kanokwan老麵攤ก๋วยเตี๋ยวต้มยำ #老麵攤 #อร่อยมาก #ก๋วยเตี๋ยวต้มยำ #炒泡麵 #咖喱飯 #泰式奶茶 #台北 #台北美食 #台北早午餐 #台北晚餐 #巷弄美食 #捷運美食 #南京東路 #food #noddles #egg #rice #curryrice #milketea #taipei #taipeifood #iseetaipei #instameettaiwan #Taiwan #Thailand #ชาไทย #igfood (在 Kanokwan 老麵攤 ก๋วยเตี๋ยวต้มยำ ป้าตัง - 泰式米粉) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6zR_00jD_W/?igshid=1blsi34a4qflq
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