#military auto transport company
bekolxeram · 3 months
7x03 analysis part 1 — Everything Air Ops
I promised helicopters, so now we get helicopters. I want to look into how Air Operations work in the 9-1-1 universe, in comparison to its real life counterpart in this first part. Then, I will try to figure out the location and intensity of "hurricane Ethel" during the clandestine operation in the second part. And finally, I will prove how risky it is to fly a helicopter into a storm and why Tommy deserves every bit of his Medal of Valor.
Real!LAFD Air Ops operate (Station 114) out of Van Nuys Airport (VNY/KVNY). It's not only one the busiest general aviation airports in the world, it's also smack dab in between major green areas of the city of LA itself.
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This location makes perfect sense in real life. Air Ops might get the occasional highway car wreck or urban structural fire calls, but most of their missions still consist of wildfire suppression and rural search and rescue. Being based at Van Nuys makes sure they can respond to emergency in a timely fashion.
in the 9-1-1 universe, the LAFD Air Ops are based at "Harbor Station", or Station 217. (Harbor and 217 are the same station, Chimney especially asked if Tommy was still at the 217 in 2x14 when requesting air support, unless the 911-verse LAFD has 2 different air operation units, which I highly doubt.) Obviously it has to be at an airport, because that's where the hangers and helipads are, and going by "harbor" I can only speculate that it's in the Harbor Region of LA.
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The only non-military airport in the LA Harbor Region is Long Beach Airport (LGB/KLGB), but it's quite a busy commercial airport, probably not a good one to run emergency services from. There's also the Zamperini Field (TOA/KTOA) nearby in Torrance, although not exactly inside the Harbor Region, it's coastal and close enough to the 2 LA ports I guess? Feel free to create a whole new airport using your imagination though, as you know 9-1-1 is set in an alternate universe where geography and physics work differently.
The LAFD Air Ops have 5 medium (FIRE 1-5) and 2 light duty (FIRE 6/7) helicopters, you've heard Tommy in 7x04. Everything applies to the real world counterpart, but the medium type that real!Air Ops operate is AgustaWestland AW139, the Italian-made medium sized twin-engine helicopter with a 5-blade main rotor primed for emergency response and off-shore oil rig transportation.
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It has auto-pilot, an anti-icing system for harsh weather and even auto-hover suitable for hoist rescue missions. In a passenger transport configuration, it can carry up to 15 passengers in a 3 row seating plan. In an SAR (search and rescue) configuration though, the middle row can be removed for gurney space. It's big and powerful enough to transport multiple patients, but at the same time, light and agile enough to get into difficult terrain.
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The AW139 is designed to be flown by 2 pilots, flying solo is also possible, but only under VFR (Visual Flight Rules), with an additional certification, which LAFD pilots can and do. To fly it under IFR (Instrument Flight Rules), it always requires 2 pilots according to the FAA last time I checked.
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The light helicopter type real!LAFD flies is the Bell 505 Jet Ranger X, a single engine twin-blade made in Canada. It's an relatively new airframe, set to replace the aging Bell 206, which the LAFD used to operate. It's quite a bit smaller than the AW139, it can only fit 1 pilot and 4 passengers.
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While it's perfectly capable of carrying a Bambi bucket to assist with aerial firefighting missions, it's mainly used as a training aircraft for new pilots and HLCO (Helicopter Coordinator) when there is a major catastrophe that requires on-the-site air traffic coordination.
These are all brand new and sophisticated aircrafts that a mere TV channel can't get their hands on without a government budget. So for 911!LAFD Air Ops, ABC went to their usual helicopter service company for prop aircrafts.
Helinet Aviation provides all sorts of helicopter services from aerial journalism, medevac, delivery to regular chartering. All the 911!Air Ops scenes in 7x03 and 7x04 are naturally filmed in the Helinet hanger, for convenience's sake, at VNY, just a runway across from real!Air Ops.
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911!Air Ops
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Helinet hangar Street View
I believe I've identified all the helicopters shown in 7x03 and 7x04, but let's get the 2 in the background which probably do not belong to 911!Air Ops out of the way:
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N72EH, a Sikorsky S76C++, still in its Boston MedFlight livery. Sold to Helinet in 2022, possible used as a medevac vehicle currently? Unlikely to have anything to do with 911!Air Ops, probably just happened to be in the background to make it seem like there were many helicopters.
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The one Tommy flies Eddit to Vegas in is N67TV, an Eurocopter AS350B2 Écureuil (aka squirrel). No fire department would ever let employees take their expensive equipment out for a joy ride so it's likely that in universe, Tommy rented it from somewhere outside of the station. IRL though, according to this forum post, it's used as a backup helicopter for all its customer news stations, but also any TV or film production purposes outside of journalism.
Now, for the one seen in the hangar, therefore explicitly belonging to 911!LAFD:
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N29HD, also an AS350B2, also a news helicopter. According to this reddit comment, it used to be shared between CBS and FOX, but now it seems to be configured as a dedicated aircraft for ABC7.
The one the who cares gang stole to rescue Bobby and Athena though has a fake registration number on it:
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You just have to look up Helinet's fleet, and you will see this is obviously a DHL livery, and it's quite easy to find out that this is actually:
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N211FN, an AS350B1 (so an even older variant than the previous two), operated on behalf of DHL for package delivery service.
Don't get me wrong, the AStar (how the AS350 is called in the US) is a versatile and reliable aircraft. It the 4th most produced rotorcraft in the world, someone even managed to land one on top of Mount Everest. But it's kind of small? It can seat only up to 5 passengers with 1 pilot, and there is hardly room left for any gear. There is also no space for stretcher, so anyone they rescue would have to sit upright. It's just not very realistic.
I have no idea what medium duty helicopters 911!Air Ops operate, we're unlikely to see them in the future. There is this Bell 205 in 4x12 Treasure Hunt, but it clearly says L.A County Rescue on the tail.
Real!Air Ops pilots wear beige flight suits, it's the aeromedics who wear blue, and helitac crews wear orange. I'm not complaining too much though, Tommy looks good in blue. (I think the chief pilot wears dark blue, but I'm not sure.)
Helicopter pilots in general usually wear helmets, in case a particularly strong pocket of turbulence slams you against the body of the aircraft, or a bird decide to fly through the windshield into your face, but I get that it gets in the way of the camera, so I'm just gonna enjoy Tommy's beautiful face.
Real!Air Ops pilots work on a 24/48 shift schedule just like any platoon firefighters. Due to the danger of pilot fatigue on aviation safety, they do try to limit their continuous flight time to 6 hours before taking a prolong break.
There are 5 levels of pilots: pilot I (trainee), pilot II (probational), pilot III (full pilot), pilot IV (lead pilot) and pilot V (chief pilot). The chief pilot oversees the entire Air Ops and work on a 10 hour per day, 4 days a week schedule. The rest of the pilots are put into 3 shifts, each shift with a pilot IV, 2 pilot IIIs and 2 trainees/probies, together with 4 aeromedics. (Can't find the most updated version, the lastest one I can get my hands on is from 2022, so good enough?) Therefore Tommy's Bobby would not be a captain, it would be a lead pilot.
I've already explained in detail the timeline of Tommy's career as a firefighting pilot, but here is the short version of it: Once accepted into the LAFD pilot training program, he would have to train with the LAPD for 180 hours then back to the LAFD for 200 hours, that takes around 2 years, and by then he would be a probie. After that, he would have to slowly build up flight hours then train and certify for all types of missions on the medium duty helicopter, that would take another 2-3 years, and after that he would be promoted to a pilot III, which is probably the rank he holds now.
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We can see from the form Hen submitted in 7x03 that she initially asked for Lucy as their pilot, as she's forgotten that Tommy also worked there. Fortunately Chimney called Tommy, as Lucy most likely would've still been a probie if not just a trainee.
I have no idea who he is.
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I can sort of see his badge says "firefighter"? At real!Air Ops, everyone wears a flight suit as uniform, so that they can hop into a chopper in an emergency. I don't know what a dude in a regular uniform with the regular LAFD patch on his arm doing there.
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Tommy's arm has the Air Ops helicopter patch on it.
Real!Station 114 though do have a crash unit staffed with regular firefighters, maybe Melton is with them? But then, why is he doing with Hen's helicopter requisition?
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mariacallous · 27 days
With the Olympic torch extinguished in Paris, all eyes are turning to Los Angeles for the 2028 Olympics.
The host city has promised that the next Summer Games will be “car-free.”
For people who know Los Angeles, this seems overly optimistic. The car remains king in LA, despite growing public transit options.
When LA hosted the Games in 1932, it had an extensive public transportation system, with buses and an extensive network of electric streetcars. Today, the trolleys are long gone; riders say city buses don’t come on schedule, and bus stops are dirty. What happened?
This question fascinates me because I am a business professor who studies why society abandons and then sometimes returns to certain technologies, such as vinyl records, landline phones, and metal coins. The demise of electric streetcars in Los Angeles and attempts to bring them back today vividly demonstrate the costs and challenges of such revivals.
Riding the Red and Yellow Cars
Transportation is a critical priority in any city, but especially so in Los Angeles, which has been a sprawling metropolis from the start.
In the early 1900s, railroad magnate Henry Huntington, who owned vast tracts of land around LA, started subdividing his holdings into small plots and building homes. In order to attract buyers, he also built a trolley system that whisked residents from outlying areas to jobs and shopping downtown.
By the 1930s, Los Angeles had a vibrant public transportation network, with over 1,000 miles of electric streetcar routes, operated by two companies: Pacific Electric Railway, with its “Red Cars,” and Los Angeles Railway, with its “Yellow Cars.”
The system wasn’t perfect by any means. Many people felt that streetcars were inconvenient and also unhealthy when they were jammed with riders. Moreover, streetcars were slow because they had to share the road with automobiles. As auto usage climbed and roads became congested, travel times increased.
Nonetheless, many Angelenos rode the streetcars—especially during World War II, when gasoline was rationed and automobile plants shifted to producing military vehicles.
Demise of Public Transit
The end of the war marked the end of the line for streetcars. The war effort had transformed oil, tire, and car companies into behemoths, and these industries needed new buyers for goods from the massive factories they had built for military production. Civilians and returning soldiers were tired of rationing and war privations, and they wanted to spend money on goods such as cars.
After years of heavy usage during the war, Los Angeles’ streetcar system needed an expensive capital upgrade. But in the mid-1940s, most of the system was sold to a company called National City Lines, which was partly owned by the carmaker General Motors, the oil companies Standard Oil of California and Phillips Petroleum, and the Firestone tire company.
These powerful forces had no incentive to maintain or improve the old electric streetcar system. National City ripped up tracks and replaced the streetcars with buses that were built by General Motors, used Firestone tires, and ran on gasoline.
There is a long-running academic debate over whether self-serving corporate interests purposely killed LA’s streetcar system. Some researchers argue that the system would have died on its own, like many other streetcar networks around the world.
The controversy even spilled over into pop culture in the 1988 movie Who Framed Roger Rabbit, which came down firmly on the conspiracy side.
What’s undisputed is that, starting in the mid-1940s, powerful social forces transformed Los Angeles so that commuters had only two choices: drive or take a public bus. As a result, LA became so choked with traffic that it often took hours to cross the city.
In 1990, the Los Angeles Times reported that people were putting refrigerators, desks, and televisions in their cars to cope with getting stuck in horrendous traffic. A swath of movies, from Falling Down to Clueless to La La Land, have featured the next-level challenge of driving in LA.
Traffic was also a concern when LA hosted the 1984 Summer Games, but the Games went off smoothly. Organizers convinced over 1 million people to ride buses, and they got many trucks to drive during off-peak hours. The 2028 games, however, will have roughly 50 percent more athletes competing, which means thousands more coaches, family, friends, and spectators. So simply dusting off plans from 40 years ago won’t work.
Olympic Transportation Plans
Today, Los Angeles is slowly rebuilding a more robust public transportation system. In addition to buses, it now has four light-rail lines—the new name for electric streetcars—and two subways. Many follow the same routes that electric trolleys once traveled. Rebuilding this network is costing the public billions, since the old system was completely dismantled.
Three key improvements are planned for the Olympics. First, LA’s airport terminals will be connected to the rail system. Second, the Los Angeles organizing committee is planning heavily on using buses to move people. It will do this by reassigning some lanes away from cars and making them available for 3,000 more buses, which will be borrowed from other locales.
Finally, there are plans to permanently increase bicycle lanes around the city. However, one major initiative, a bike path along the Los Angeles River, is still under an environmental review that may not be completed by 2028.
Car-Free for 17 Days
I expect that organizers will pull off a car-free Olympics, simply by making driving and parking conditions so awful during the Games that people are forced to take public transportation to sports venues around the city. After the Games end, however, most of LA is likely to quickly revert to its car-centric ways.
As Casey Wasserman, chair of the LA 2028 organizing committee, recently put it: “The unique thing about Olympic Games is for 17 days you can fix a lot of problems when you can set the rules—for traffic, for fans, for commerce—than you do on a normal day in Los Angeles.”
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elyglobaltrading · 3 months
What are the Uses of Custom Plastic Manufacturing ?
In this day and age, custom plastic manufacturing has turned into a foundation of current industry, giving custom-made solutions across a wide cluster of areas. From medical services to auto, the versatility of plastics and the accuracy of custom manufacturing methods have made it conceivable to address explicit issues with unmatched productivity. We should probably dig into the main purposes of custom plastic manufacturing and grasp its effect on different businesses.
1. Medical and Healthcare Applications
Custom plastic manufacturing is reforming the medical services industry. Medical gadgets, prosthetics, and parts of symptomatic machines are progressively being produced using custom-planned plastics. A plastic manufacturing company offers a few benefits, including solidness, lightweight properties, and the capacity to be cleaned. Custom plastic parts are utilized in creating needles, IV cylinders, catheters, and, surprisingly, perplexing parts of medical imaging machines. The accuracy presented by custom manufacturing guarantees that these parts fulfill severe medical guidelines, adding to better understanding consideration and results.
2. Automotive Industry
In the automotive sector, custom plastic parts are fundamental for both execution and style. From dashboard parts to many-sided motor parts, custom plastics give arrangements that assist with lessening the general load of vehicles, further developing fuel efficiency. They also offer resistance to corrosion and wear, enhancing the longevity of parts. Custom plastics are used in manufacturing bumpers, interior trims, and even under-the-hood components. Their versatility, akin to the innovations seen with plastic bottle manufacturers, allows for innovative designs and improved safety features, making modern vehicles more reliable and efficient.
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The consumer electronics industry depends intensely on custom plastic assembling for making solid and smooth items. Cell phones, workstations, and domestic devices frequently consolidate custom plastic parts that are intended to fit definitively and capability perfectly. These parts need to withstand day to day wear and tear while keeping an engaging look. Custom plastics are utilized in housings, buttons, connectors, and different inward parts, offering both underlying respectability and plan adaptability.
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newstfionline · 6 months
Monday, March 18, 2024
Trump Says Some Migrants Are ‘Not People’ and Predicts a ‘Blood Bath’ if He Loses (NYT) Former President Donald J. Trump, at an event on Saturday ostensibly meant to boost his preferred candidate in Ohio’s Republican Senate primary race, gave a freewheeling speech in which he used dehumanizing language to describe immigrants, maintained a steady stream of insults and vulgarities and predicted that the United States would never have another election if he did not win in November. While discussing the U.S. economy and its auto industry, Mr. Trump promised to place tariffs on cars manufactured abroad if he won in November. He added: “Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a blood bath for the whole—that’s going to be the least of it. It’s going to be a blood bath for the country.”
A Shooter’s Parents Were Convicted of Manslaughter. What Happens Next? (NYT) When the prosecutor Karen McDonald decided to press criminal charges against the parents of the teenager who carried out the deadliest school shooting in Michigan’s history, even some members of her own staff expressed doubts, fearing the case was too ambitious to win. “It seemed a huge reach to try to hold the parents responsible,” said Linda C. Fentiman, a professor emerita at Pace University who is an expert in health law and criminal law. “This was new legal territory.” But in the end, prosecutors were able to convince two separate juries that they had met their burden of proof. Now the question is whether the cases will affect the legal terrain around criminal law, parental responsibility and gun legislation.
Musk’s SpaceX is building spy satellite network for US intelligence agency, sources say (Reuters) SpaceX is building a network of hundreds of spy satellites under a classified contract with a U.S. intelligence agency, five sources familiar with the program said, demonstrating deepening ties between billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk’s space company and national security agencies. The network is being built by SpaceX’s Starshield business unit under a $1.8 billion contract signed in 2021 with the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), an intelligence agency that manages spy satellites, the sources said. The plans show the extent of SpaceX’s involvement in U.S. intelligence and military projects and illustrate a deeper Pentagon investment into vast, low-Earth orbiting satellite systems aimed at supporting ground forces. If successful, the sources said the program would significantly advance the ability of the U.S. government and military to quickly spot potential targets almost anywhere on the globe.
Driving With Mr. Gil: A Retiree Teaches Afghan Women the Rules of the Road (NYT) Bibifatima Akhundzada wove a white Chevy Spark through downtown Modesto, Calif., on a recent morning, practicing turns, braking and navigating intersections. “Go, go, go” said her driving instructor, as she slowed down through an open intersection. “Don’t stop. Don’t stop.” Her teacher was Gil Howard, an 82-year-old retired professor who happened upon a second career as a driving instructor. And no ordinary instructor. In Modesto, Calif., he is the go-to teacher for women from Afghanistan, where driving is off limits for virtually all of them. In recent years, Mr. Howard has taught some 400 women in the 5,000-strong Afghan community in this part of California’s Central Valley. According to local lore, thanks to “Mr. Gil,” as he is known in Modesto, more Afghan women likely drive in and around the city of about 220,000 than in all Afghanistan. For many Americans, learning to drive is a rite of passage, a skill associated with freedom. For Afghan immigrants it can be a lifeline, especially in cities where distances are vast and public transportation limited. So when Mr. Howard realized the difference driving made to the Afghan women, teaching them became a calling, the instruction provided free of charge.
Looting is on the rise in Haiti (AP) As Haiti once again spirals into chaos with another wave of gang violence, a number of government and aid agencies reported Saturday that their facilities and aid supplies have been looted. Gangs have raged through Haiti in recent weeks, attacking key institutions and shutting down the main international airport. The chaos has pushed many Haitians to the brink of famine and left many more in increasingly desperate conditions. On Saturday, UNICEF said one of its containers containing “essential items for maternal, neonatal, and child survival, including resuscitators and related equipment” were looted in the capital of Port-au-Prince’s main port, which was breached by gangs last week. That same day, the Guatemala’s Foreign Ministry said that the offices of its honorary consul in Haiti was ransacked.
Russian exiles bring banyas and blinis to Buenos Aires (Reuters) When Ilia Gafarov and Nadia Gafarova host the grand opening of their “banya”, a traditional Russian sauna, in April, they hope it will help make a permanent home of their adopted city of Buenos Aires. The couple, a former banker and recruiter from Russia’s eastern port city of Vladivostok, moved to Argentina with their two daughters nine months ago, part of a wave of migration from Russia to Latin America since the 2022 invasion of Ukraine. As Russia’s war in Ukraine enters its third year, a growing number of Russian families are putting down roots around Latin America, according to previously unreported residency visa approval data from five countries and interviews with a dozen exiles and experts. Argentina, Mexico, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay, granted temporary or permanent residence last year to a total of almost 9,000 Russians, the data show, up from just over 1,000 in 2020.
A volcano in Iceland is erupting for the fourth time in 3 months, sending plumes of lava skywards (AP) A volcano in Iceland erupted Saturday evening for the fourth time in three months, sending orange jets of lava into the night sky. Iceland’s Meteorological Office said the eruption opened a fissure in the earth about 3 kilometers (almost 2 miles) long between Stóra-Skógfell and Hagafell mountains on the Reykjanes Peninsula. The Met Office had warned for weeks that magma—semi-molten rock—was accumulating under the ground, making an eruption likely. Hundreds of people were evacuated from the Blue Lagoon thermal spa, one of Iceland’s top tourist attractions, when the eruption began, national broadcaster RUV said.
Millions Battle Long Covid Aftermath (Spiegel) International Long Covid Awareness Day marks the focus on the plight of individuals with Long Covid and the lack of effective treatments. An estimated 2.5 million patients in Germany suffer from Long Covid, experiencing symptoms that last over four weeks post-infection, including breathing difficulties, fatigue, and neurological issues. The German government has earmarked up to 81 million euros for Long Covid research and patient care services between 2024 and 2028, but no treatments for Long Covid have been approved, highlighting an urgent need for more specialized care and support for those affected.
Putin is poised to rule Russia for 6 more years (AP/WSJ) Russian President Vladimir Putin is poised to extend nearly a quarter century of rule for six more years on Sunday. The three-day election that began Friday has taken place in a tightly controlled environment where no public criticism of Putin or his war in Ukraine is allowed. The 71-year-old Russian leader faces three token rivals from Kremlin-friendly parties who have refrained from any criticism of his 24-year rule or his full-scale invasion of Ukraine two years ago. Analysts who follow the country’s politics say Putin needs to win big if he wants a free hand in reviving what he says are Russia’s conservative Orthodox traditions and, ultimately, prevailing in Ukraine and in his broader confrontation with the West.
U.N. Documents More Than Two Dozen Attacks on Gazans Waiting for Aid Since January (NYT) The United Nations human rights office has documented more than two dozen attacks on Gazans waiting for desperately needed aid since January, with hunger spreading as a result of Israel’s near complete siege, preventing most food and water from entering the tiny enclave. In a number of U.N. reports and statements, the office has documented at least 26 such attacks since mid-January. They include Thursday night’s attack on hundreds of Palestinians who were waiting at the Kuwait traffic circle in Gaza City for an expected convoy of aid trucks. Gazan health officials accused Israeli forces of carrying out a “targeted” attack on the crowd that killed 20, and three witnesses described shelling at the scene. The Israeli military blamed Palestinian gunmen for the bloodshed and said that it was continuing to review the episode.
As Gaza war rages, U.S. military footprint expands across Middle East (Washington Post) Lt. Col. Jeremy Anderson tilted up the nose of his U.S. Air Force C-130 and tipped 16 pallets of emergency food aid out of the cargo bay and into the sky above northern Gaza. Thousands of miles away, off the coast of Yemen, U.S. fighter jets and attack helicopters roared off the flight deck of the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, often just minutes apart, to combat Houthi fighters attacking ships in and around the Red Sea. In both places, U.S. service members said their missions were unexpected, changing as the White House has moved rapidly to contain wider fallout from the Israel-Gaza war. But now, along with a U.S. Army crew on its way to Gaza to build a floating pier, they are firmly part of the U.S. military’s expanding footprint in the Middle East. It’s a region President Biden had hoped to de-emphasize—and one where American involvement has often been devastating and costly. The war in Gaza and worsening humanitarian crisis there have taught Biden a lesson many presidents have learned before: It’s not so easy to quit the Middle East.
Niger junta announces end to military relationship with United States (Washington Post) The military junta ruling Niger—which until last year was seen as a major ally of the United States in West Africa—announced Saturday on state television that it was ending its military relationship with the United States. The announcement by a spokesman for the junta government, which overthrew Niger’s democratically elected president last year, came directly on the heels of a visit to the capital Niamey by U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Molly Phee, the State Department’s top official for African affairs, and Gen. Michael E. Langley, who heads U.S. military operations in Africa. That mission was among diplomatic efforts by the United States to find ways to work with military governments in the region. But in the statement read on television, Amadou Abdramane, the junta’s spokesman, said the Nigerien government “denounced with force the condescending attitude” of the head of the recent U.S. delegation, which he said had undermined the long relationship between the two countries.
South Sudan shutters all schools as it prepares for an extreme heat wave (AP) South Sudan’s government is closing down all schools starting Monday as the country prepares for a wave of extreme heat expected to last two weeks. The health and education ministries advised parents to keep all children indoors as temperatures are expected to soar to 45 degrees Celsius (113 Fahrenheit), in a statement late Saturday, They warned that any school found open during that time would have its registration withdrawn, but didn’t specify how long the schools would remain shuttered. Civil conflict has plagued the east African country which also suffered from drought and flooding, making living conditions difficult for residents.
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diytransport · 2 months
Affordable Wheels: Your Guide To Low-Cost Auto Transport Options
When moving your vehicle, the cost can often feel daunting. Whether relocating for a new job, selling a car online, or buying one from across the country, finding affordable auto transport options is crucial. With so many choices available today, navigating through them can be overwhelming. But fret not! There are plenty of budget-friendly solutions that will maintain quality and safety. This guide will help you uncover low-cost auto transport options that fit your needs without breaking the bank. Let's dive in and explore how you can save money while ensuring your vehicle reaches its destination safely! Low Cost Auto Transport
Affordable Options for Car Shipping
Several low-cost auto transport options can help you save money. One popular choice is open-car shipping. This method allows vehicles to be transported on an open trailer, significantly reducing costs compared to enclosed transportation.
Another budget-friendly option is terminal-to-terminal shipping. In this arrangement, you drop off your vehicle at a designated terminal and pick it up at the destination. It's often cheaper than door-to-door service since it minimizes the carrier's travel time.
If you're flexible with dates, consider using a transport broker. They connect you with various carriers and can find competitive rates based on available capacity.
Don't overlook seasonal discounts or promotions from shipping companies that align with your transport needs. Keeping an eye out for deals can yield surprising savings!
Tips for Saving Money on Auto Transport Services
Being proactive can lead to significant savings when navigating the world of auto transport. Start by comparing quotes from multiple service providers. Each company has its pricing structure, and with just a bit of research, you might find a better deal.
Consider booking during off-peak seasons. Demand fluctuates throughout the year, and transporting your vehicle when fewer people move can lower costs.
Another smart move is to choose terminal-to-terminal shipping instead of door-to-door services. While this may require extra effort, it often comes at a reduced rate.
Remember discounts! Many companies offer promotions for military personnel or students.
Be flexible with your pickup and delivery dates. Flexibility can result in significant savings and better availability among carriers looking to fill their schedules.
Safety Measures to Take During the Auto Transport Process
Safety should always be a top priority when transporting an auto. Start by researching the company you choose. Look for reliable carriers with good reviews and proper insurance coverage.
Before handing over your vehicle, document its condition. Take clear photos from multiple angles to ensure you have proof of any pre-existing damage.
Remove all personal belongings from your car. This will not only lessen the chance of loss but also reduce the weight, which can affect shipping costs.
Communicate clearly with the transport company about pickup and delivery times. Make sure they understand your schedule to ensure timely and clear understanding.
Stay in touch during transit. Many companies provide tracking services that allow you to monitor your vehicle's journey in real-time, giving you peace of mind throughout the process.
Conclusion: Finding the Best Affordable Option for Your Auto Transport Needs
When it comes to low-cost auto transport, the options are plentiful. It's all about researching and understanding what works best for your situation. Consider factors like distance, vehicle type, and desired shipping speed.
Look into various carriers that offer competitive pricing. Comparing quotes can help you find a deal that fits your budget without sacrificing quality. Remember to read reviews to ensure you're choosing a reliable service provider.
Consider flexible shipping dates or terminal-to-terminal services, as they often come at a lower price than door-to-door delivery. With some patience and planning, affordable auto transport is definitely within reach.
By keeping these strategies in mind, you can navigate the world of car shipping confidently and efficiently while ensuring affordability remains at the forefront of your choices. Whether for relocation purposes or purchasing a vehicle from afar, finding cost-effective solutions is critical to making the process smooth and stress-free.
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Title: Navigating the Auto Transport Landscape: A Comprehensive Guide
In a world where relocation, cross-country moves, and online vehicle purchases are increasingly common, auto transport services have become a vital aspect of modern life. Whether you're moving to a new city, purchasing a car from another state, or sending a vehicle as a gift to a loved one, understanding the ins and outs of auto transport can make the process smoother and more cost-effective.
The Need for Auto Transport
The need for Auto Transport arises from various scenarios. Individuals relocating for job opportunities, military transfers, or personal reasons often find it impractical or inconvenient to drive their vehicles across long distances. Similarly, online car purchases have become prevalent, with buyers frequently sourcing vehicles from different states. Auto transport services cater to these needs by safely and efficiently moving vehicles from one location to another.
Types of Auto Transport Services
Auto transport services typically fall into two main categories: open transport and enclosed transport.
Open Transport: This is the most common and cost-effective method. Vehicles are loaded onto an open-air trailer, exposing them to the elements during transit. While this option offers good value for money, it may not be suitable for highly valuable or classic vehicles that require protection from weather and road debris.
Enclosed Transport: Enclosed trailers provide a higher level of protection for vehicles during transit. They shield cars from the elements and potential damage from debris. Enclosed transport is often preferred for luxury cars, classic vehicles, or high-value automobiles where pristine condition is paramount.
Factors Influencing Auto Transport Costs
Several factors affect the cost of auto transport services:
Distance: Longer distances typically result in higher transportation costs.
Vehicle Type: The size, weight, and value of the vehicle impact the shipping cost. Larger vehicles or those with special modifications may require additional fees.
Transport Type: Enclosed transport tends to be more expensive than open transport due to the added protection and specialized equipment.
Time of Year: Seasonal fluctuations in demand can affect pricing. Summer months, for instance, are often busier and may incur higher costs.
Pickup and Delivery Locations: Remote or less accessible areas may incur additional fees.
Selecting a Reliable Auto Transport Provider
Choosing the right auto transport provider is crucial for a smooth and hassle-free experience. Here are some tips for selecting a reputable company:
Research: Look for companies with positive reviews, accreditations, and a proven track record of reliability.
Get Multiple Quotes: Obtain quotes from several providers to compare prices and services offered.
Check Insurance Coverage: Ensure the company has adequate insurance coverage to protect your vehicle during transit.
Ask About Delivery Timeframes: Clarify the estimated pickup and delivery times to plan accordingly.
Review the Contract: Read the terms and conditions carefully before signing any contracts, paying attention to cancellation policies and liability clauses.
Preparing Your Vehicle for Transport
Before handing over your vehicle to the auto transport company, take the following steps to prepare it for transit:
Clean the Vehicle: Wash the exterior of the vehicle to make it easier to inspect for any pre-existing damage.
Document Existing Damage: Take photographs of the vehicle from multiple angles to document its condition before transport.
Remove Personal Belongings: Clear out any personal belongings from the vehicle to ensure a clutter-free transport experience.
Check Fluid Levels: Ensure that the vehicle has adequate fuel and other fluid levels as per the transporter's guidelines.
Disable Alarms: If your vehicle has an alarm system, disable it to prevent any disruptions during transit.
Auto transport services offer a convenient solution for individuals needing to move vehicles over long distances. By understanding the different types of transport, factors influencing costs, and how to select a reliable provider, you can ensure a smooth and stress-free experience. Whether you're relocating for a new job or purchasing a car from across the country, auto transport services provide a safe and efficient way to get your vehicle to its destination.
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stateautoshipping · 6 months
Motorcycle Shipping for Military Personnel: A Guide by State Auto Shipping
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For military personnel, relocating due to deployment or permanent change of station (PCS) orders is a common occurrence. Along with the logistics of moving personal belongings, transporting vehicles like motorcycles can add an extra layer of complexity to the process. Fortunately, companies like State Auto Shipping specialize in providing reliable and convenient Motorcycle Shipping Services for military members across the United States.
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stateautoship · 6 months
Shielded Rides: Top-tier Enclosed Auto Transport Services
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In the fast-paced world of vehicle transportation, the demand for secure and reliable services has never been higher. For those seeking top-tier solutions, 'Shielded Rides' stands out as a premier provider of Enclosed Auto Transport Services. Specializing in motorcycle transport, military auto shipping, and door-to-door car shipping, the company has earned a reputation for excellence in safeguarding vehicles during transit.
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williamhammel · 7 months
Clearing the Confusion by Answering Your Payment Queries on Auto Shipping
Auto shipping is always a convenient solution when you need to transport your vehicle across long distances. However, it's normal to have questions about the payment process. Here, we address some frequently asked questions regarding payments in auto shipping.
1. Can I pay the full shipping cost with a credit card?
Absolutely! Car shipping companies typically accept credit card payments for the full shipping cost. Once you've made the payment, they'll handle the logistics of paying the carrier after your vehicle reaches its destination safely. This ensures a hassle-free transaction for you, allowing you to use your preferred payment method without complications.
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2. Do you offer a Military discount?
Yes, many auto transport companies extend a discount to military service personnel as a token of appreciation for their service. If you're a member of the military, inquire about available discounts when obtaining quotes from different shipping companies. It's a small gesture of gratitude from these companies for the sacrifices made by our service members.
3. Is there a discount for shipping multiple vehicles?
Indeed, there are discounts available for shipping multiple vehicles. The specifics of these discounts may vary depending on factors such as the number of vehicles being shipped and other factors of the transaction. When planning to transport multiple vehicles, ask about auto shipping prices and discuss your requirements with the auto transport company to explore potential discounts and optimize your shipping costs.
4. Will I receive a vehicle shipping contract?
Absolutely. Reputable auto transport companies prioritize transparency and professionalism. As part of their standard procedure, they will provide you with a comprehensive shipping contract outlining all terms and conditions of the service. This contract serves as a legal document protecting both parties' interests throughout the shipping process. Additionally, you should receive a receipt for your payment and all relevant information about the carrier assigned to transport your vehicle.
Going through the payment process for auto shipping doesn't have to be overwhelming. By addressing common concerns and providing clarity on payment-related questions, we aim to give you the power to make informed decisions when selecting an auto transport company. Prioritize transparency, reliability, and excellent customer service to ensure your vehicle reaches its destination safely and efficiently. With the right knowledge and guidance, you can continue on your auto shipping journey with confidence, knowing that your vehicle is in good hands.
By addressing these common concerns, we hope to ease any concerns you may have regarding payments in auto shipping, allowing for a smoother and more informed experience. When selecting an auto transport company, be sure to choose those who have been in the industry for many years as well as good customer reviews from past customers. 
There are a lot more frequent questions for auto shipping and the car transport industry, the good thing is, that customer inquiries can always be answered through company hotlines, phone, email, and through their websites with sections for questions that can be readily answered. Do not hesitate to call or send them a message if there are still questions left unanswered.
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exoticcartransportus · 8 months
Who Can Benefit from Auto Transport Services in Orlando?
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Auto transport offerings in Orlando are not only for vehicle dealerships or luxury automobile proprietors; they cater to a wide variety of individuals and companies. Anyone transferring to or from Orlando, snowbirds heading south for the iciness, university college students moving for school, or people shopping for or selling vehicles on line can gain.
Busy professionals, military employees, and families moving across the USA Can also save time and hassle through using vehicle shipping services. With handy door-to-door transport and alternatives for each open and enclosed shipping, auto delivery services in Orlando provide a convenient answer for absolutely everyone wanting to move vehicles properly and effectively.
Whether it's a unmarried vehicle or a fleet of vehicles, these services provide peace of mind and dependable transportation.
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impeccablehr · 8 months
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Due to rapid technological advancement across all industries, particularly the automotive sector, vehicle production is rising, and skilled professionals are in demand. Due to talent crunch, the industry wants to hire the best by partnering with automotive recruitment consultant. What strategies does the auto industry use to recruit and retain skilled workers for these positions? In today's competitive job market, automotive hiring strategies are crucial because the industry struggles to attract and retain top talent. This article will discuss everything about automotive companies' job market and how to hire the best one with the help of an HR recruitment consultant.
Impeccable HR offers the best services:
Impeccable HR is more than just a recruitment agency; they are your strategic partners in this age of critical expertise. They become your go-to recruiting partner for electric vehicle (EV) tech, lithium-ion battery (LIB) innovation, and semiconductor (SIM) manufacturing because we know how much demand there is for experts in these fields. They are experts in our field and can help you succeed as a company by guiding you through the complex and ever-changing industry landscape.
They are experts in
1) Automotive OEM
2) Vehicle part
3) EV
4) Power Source: Lithium-ion
5) Engineering and research centers
6) Transportation, Aircraft, and Military
7) Mining and Construction Tools
8) Consumer Goods
Excellent Talent acquisition specialiasts go beyond the limits of conventional hiring practices. With expertise in all areas of operation, they are actively influencing organizational trajectories in the dynamic automotive sector.
Recruiting Strategies for the Automotive Sector
Get in Touch with Prospective Employees and Have Conversations
Knowing a candidate and building rapport early in the automobile hiring process is a smart move. Understand their industry knowledge, goals, and whether they want to learn on the job. Stay in touch before, during, and after the interview to keep them engaged during the whole process of hiring.
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tazzanews · 9 months
"Jupiter Wagons Lands Rs 100 Crore Contract for Revolutionary Double-Decker Auto Carrier Wagons"
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On Monday morning, investors will be closely monitoring the shares of Jupiter Wagons, a company that offers mobility solutions for rail, road, and marine transportation. The company recently announced that it has secured a substantial contract from a top automobile manufacturer to manufacture and supply four double-decker automobile carrier wagons, with a total estimated value of approximately Rs 100 crore.Jupiter Wagons said in a filing to the BSE that these highest Double Decker Automobile Carrier Wagons will have several cutting-edge features including articulated bogies and reduced idling time due to sick wagon substitution. They will also be able to load SUV models on both the bottom and top deck. The maximum moving dimensions of these wagons, which not only fit the Dedicated Freight Corridor (DFC) but also a sizable portion of the existing national railway network, are being brought to Indian Railways for the first time, the statement said.According to Arihant Capital Markets, Jupiter Wagons' order book was valued at Rs 6,755 crore in the second quarter, roughly 2.25 times its revenues over the previous 12 months, indicating a strong commercial outlook. "At the end of FY24E/FY25E, respectively, the company plans to execute approximately 800/1000 wagons each month, up from its current pace of about 700 wagons per month. Future cost reductions and increased margins would result from the capital expenditures for brake systems, wheelsets, and foundries. We believe that the stock is doing well," it stated."This achievement not only highlights our manufacturing prowess but also reinforces our commitment to contributing to the nation's railway infrastructure development," stated Vivek Lohia, Managing Director of Jupiter Wagons, in response to the order. We're prepared to use our knowledge and assets to deliver these wagons and make sure they fulfill the highest requirements for performance and quality.Additionally, last week, the Ministry of Defense placed an order with the company for the production and delivery of 697 Boggie Open Military (BOM) Wagons. The deal was worth 473 crore rupees. The specialized wagons known as Bogie Open Military (BOM) wagons are essential for the mobilization of armed troops. According to Jupiter Wagons, these wagons are essential for moving a variety of military equipment to combat zones. According to the company in a BSE filing, this vital rolling stock guarantees the quick and simultaneous induction of units and equipment and makes their mobility for military drills and station transfers easier.This historic deal, according to Jupiter Wagons, is a critical step in supporting domestic manufacturing and encouraging private sector involvement in defense manufacture.
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exoticcartransport · 9 months
6 Essential Steps to Successfully Ship a Car: A Comprehensive Guide
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Shipping a car can be a daunting task, especially if it’s your first time. There are a variety of factors to consider, from finding a reliable auto transport company to understanding the insurance options available. Yet, with the correct knowledge and preparation, this process can be streamlined, making it a smooth and hassle-free experience. If you want to ship a car that is too deary to you, better make your decisions carefully.
This comprehensive guide sheds light on the essential steps to successfully ship a car. It will provide insights into why one might need to ship a car, the factors to consider, and an understanding of the entire process. By the end of this guide, you will be equipped with all the necessary information to make informed decisions about Auto Transport Services.
Remember, the goal is not only to ship your car but to do so efficiently, economically, and safely. Let’s dive in.
Why You Might Need to Ship a Car
There are numerous reasons why one might need to ship a car. Perhaps you’re relocating for work or family reasons and need your vehicle transported to your new home. Maybe you’ve sold your car to someone who lives in another state, or you’ve bought a car online and need it shipped to your location.
Car enthusiasts who attend car shows or races may require their vehicles to be transported safely to the venue. Similarly, snowbirds who migrate to warmer regions during the winter may want their cars shipped to their seasonal homes.
Lastly, businesses may also need car shipping services. Car dealerships frequently ship cars from one location to another. Military personnel, too, often need to ship their cars when they receive new assignments.
Factors to Consider When Shipping a Car
There are several factors to consider when planning to ship a car. First and foremost, the cost of shipping is a significant consideration. The price can vary depending on the distance, the size and weight of the vehicle, and the shipping method used.
The shipping method is another crucial factor. There are two primary methods: Open Car Transport and enclosed transport. Open transport is the most common and affordable method, but your vehicle is exposed to the elements. On the other hand, enclosed transport offers more protection but is more expensive.
The shipping timeframe is also essential. While most auto transport companies strive to deliver within a stipulated timeline, it’s crucial to understand that delays can occur due to unforeseen circumstances like bad weather or breakdowns.
1. Understand the Process to Ship a Car
The process to ship a car starts with getting quotes from different auto transport companies. Once you’ve selected a company, you’ll need to schedule a pickup date. On the scheduled date, the transporter will inspect your vehicle for any existing damage and load it onto the transport truck.
During transit, your vehicle is covered by the auto transport company’s insurance. It’s a good idea to understand the details of this coverage. Once your car reaches its destination, it will be inspected again for any damage during transit. Any discrepancies should be noted on the Bill of Lading, a legal document that outlines the terms of car shipping.
2. Preparing Your Car for Shipping
Proper preparation is crucial before you ship a car. Start by cleaning your vehicle thoroughly, both inside and outside. This will make it easier to identify any existing scratches or dents during the pre-transport inspection.
Remove all personal items from your vehicle. Most auto transport companies are not licensed to carry personal items, and these may not be covered by insurance. Check your car’s fluid levels and ensure the battery is charged. Disable any alarm systems to prevent them from going off during transit.
Lastly, make a note of your car’s condition. Take photos of your car from different angles, focusing on any existing damage. This will serve as a record and can be useful in case of any disputes.
3. Choosing the Right Auto Transport Company
Choosing the right auto transport company is crucial to successfully ship a car. Look for companies that are licensed, bonded, and insured. Check online reviews and ratings to gauge the company’s reputation.
Ask about the company’s shipping options and delivery timelines. Get a detailed quote, understanding all the costs involved. Don’t be swayed by low prices alone; the quality of service is equally important.
Ensure the company offers adequate insurance coverage for your vehicle during transit. Finally, check their customer service. A company that offers prompt and courteous service is likely to provide a positive shipping experience.
4. Understanding Auto Transport Insurance when you Ship a Car
Insurance is a critical aspect when shipping a car. While all auto transport companies are required to have insurance, the coverage can vary. It’s essential to understand the details of the coverage, including the deductible, the limits of coverage, and what kind of damage is covered.
Ask the transport company for a copy of their insurance certificate. You can also contact the insurance company directly to verify the coverage. In case of any damage during transit, the auto transport company’s insurance should cover the repair costs.
It’s also worth checking with your own auto insurance company. Some policies may offer additional coverage for car shipping.
5. Tracking Your Vehicle During Transit
Most auto transport companies offer some form of tracking during transit. This can range from regular updates via phone or email to real-time GPS tracking. Tracking your vehicle can offer peace of mind, knowing your car is safely on its way.
It’s a good idea to stay in touch with the transport company during transit. This will allow you to raise any concerns promptly and get updates on the delivery timeline.
6. What to Do When Your Car Arrives
When your car arrives, it’s important to thoroughly inspect it for any damage. Compare the condition of the vehicle with the pre-shipment photos you took. Any discrepancies should be noted on the Bill of Lading.
If there is any damage, report it to the transport company immediately. The cost of repairs should be covered by the company’s insurance. It’s also a good idea to take your car for a short drive to ensure everything is in working order.
Conclusion: The Importance of Planning in Car Shipping
In conclusion, planning plays a crucial role in successfully shipping a car. From understanding why you might need to ship a car, considering various factors, to choosing the right Classic Car Transport Company, each step requires thought and consideration.
Remember, the goal is not just to ship a car but to do so in the most efficient and secure manner. Armed with the knowledge from this comprehensive guide, you are now well-equipped to navigate the process of car shipping.
Exotic Car Transport offers the best shipping options for all types of vehicles across the state or country. Whether you’re shipping a classic car, a luxury car, or any other vehicle, trust us to deliver it safely and promptly.
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Title: Navigating Auto Shipping: A Comprehensive Guide
In a world where relocation, online car purchases, and even seasonal migrations are increasingly common, auto shipping has become a vital service. Whether you're moving across the country, selling a vehicle to someone out of state, or sending your prized possession off to a car show, understanding the ins and outs of auto shipping can save you time, money, and headaches. In this guide, we'll delve into the essential aspects of Auto Shipping to help you navigate the process smoothly.
What is Auto Shipping?
Auto shipping, also known as car shipping or vehicle transport, is the process of moving a vehicle from one location to another using specialized carriers. These carriers can be open or enclosed trailers, depending on the level of protection desired for the vehicle. Auto shipping services are utilized by individuals, businesses, dealerships, and even military personnel who need to transport vehicles over long distances.
Reasons to Consider Auto Shipping
1. Relocation:
Moving across the country? Driving your vehicle to your new destination might not be the most practical option, especially if you have multiple vehicles or a long distance to cover. Auto shipping allows you to transport your car safely while you focus on other aspects of your move.
2. Online Car Purchases:
With the rise of online car sales platforms, purchasing a vehicle from another state has become more common. Instead of flying out to pick up the car or arranging for a long-distance drive, auto shipping offers a convenient solution to get your new vehicle delivered right to your doorstep.
3. Seasonal Travel:
Snowbirds, vacationers, and travelers who spend extended periods in different locations often rely on auto shipping to transport their vehicles between seasonal homes or destinations. This saves them the hassle of driving long distances multiple times a year.
Choosing an Auto Shipping Company
Selecting the right auto shipping company is crucial for a smooth and hassle-free experience. Here are some factors to consider:
1. Reputation:
Research the company's reputation by reading reviews and testimonials from previous customers. Look for companies with positive feedback regarding their reliability, professionalism, and customer service.
2. Licensing and Insurance:
Ensure that the auto shipping company is licensed, bonded, and insured. This protects your vehicle in case of any damage or accidents during transit.
3. Services Offered:
Different auto shipping companies offer various services, such as open or enclosed transport, door-to-door delivery, and expedited shipping. Choose a company that offers the services that best meet your needs.
4. Cost:
While cost is an important factor, it shouldn't be the sole determining factor. Be wary of companies offering significantly lower prices than their competitors, as this could indicate subpar service or hidden fees.
Preparing Your Vehicle for Shipping
Before handing over your vehicle to the auto shipping company, take the following steps to ensure it's ready for transport:
Wash the exterior of the vehicle to facilitate inspection for any existing damage.
Remove personal belongings and valuables from the interior of the car.
Document any pre-existing damage by taking photos from various angles.
Ensure that the vehicle's fluids are at appropriate levels, and the tires are inflated to the recommended pressure.
Disable the car alarm to prevent it from going off during transit.
Auto shipping offers a convenient and efficient solution for transporting vehicles over long distances. Whether you're relocating, purchasing a car online, or heading to your seasonal destination, choosing the right auto shipping company and adequately preparing your vehicle can ensure a smooth and stress-free experience. By understanding the process and following these guidelines, you can rest assured that your vehicle will arrive safely at its destination, allowing you to focus on the next chapter of your journey.
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williamhammel · 7 months
Recognizing Those Who Serve Through an Auto Shipping Military Discount
Our service members are always on the frontline in protecting our nation, the courage and pride they carry show how much they love their country and fellowmen. Different types of discounts are offered to them as a show of gratitude and support for their undying service and commitment. One of which is the auto shipping military discount from auto transport companies. 
Service members often move, relocate, or even be assigned overseas along with their families for their duties in the military, but the most common reason for moving every few years is because of a permanent change of station (PCS). With moving service members, the government would not cover all expenses, there are weight limits on how much they can carry, and even the cost of transporting their pet would not covered. This is where the special military discount comes in.
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The Importance of Auto Shipping Military Discounts
Military life often involves frequent relocations, and moving a vehicle can be a logistical challenge. Recognizing the unique circumstances faced by military members, auto shipping companies have introduced special discounts to make the process more affordable and convenient. These discounts not only reflect a company's commitment to supporting the military but also demonstrate a sense of appreciation for the sacrifices made by those in uniform.
Benefits of Auto Shipping Military Discounts
Military personnel often face financial constraints during relocations. Auto shipping military discounts help ease some of the financial burdens associated with moving by offering special discounts on vehicle transportation services.
Peace of Mind
Military life is very unpredictable, with frequent moves and deployments. An auto shipping special military discount provides service members with a convenient and reliable way to transport their vehicles, offering peace of mind during times of transition.
Flexible Scheduling
Recognizing the concerns of military life, some auto shipping companies extend flexible scheduling options to military customers. This flexibility accommodates last-minute changes or unforeseen circumstances that may arise during the relocation process.
Dedicated Customer Support
Auto shipping companies offering a special military discount always provide dedicated customer support tailored to the unique needs of military personnel. Customer service agents ensure a smoother and more personalized experience for service members.
Priority Service
In appreciation of the sacrifices made by military members, some auto shipping companies extend priority service to military customers. This may include expedited shipping or preferential treatment to accommodate tight schedules associated with military relocations.
An auto shipping military discount plays an important role in recognizing and honoring the commitment and sacrifices of our military personnel. By offering cost savings, convenience, flexibility, dedicated support, and customer service, these discounts contribute to a smoother and more manageable vehicle transportation process during times of military transition. Service members are encouraged to explore and take advantage of these special offers as a token of appreciation for their service to the nation.
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 11 months
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October 23, 2023
OCT 24, 2023
The word of the day is “conversations.”
The White House and the Commerce Department announced the designation of 31 communities across 32 states and Puerto Rico in the first phase of the Regional Innovation and Technology Hub Program (Tech Hubs Program). The CHIPS and Science Act, signed into law in August 2022, authorized the creation of these hubs, where private industry, state and local governments, colleges and universities, labor unions, Tribal communities, and nonprofit organizations work together to innovate, create jobs, and protect our supply chains.
The administration explained that because economic growth and opportunity has been “clustered in a few cities on the coasts,” the tech hubs selected were spread across the country. Nearly three quarters of them are in small cities or rural areas, and more than three quarters of them directly support historically underserved communities. The government will invest $500 million of public money in these hubs to attract private investment, hoping to create high-paying jobs and support innovation across the country. 
The hubs focus on autonomous systems for manufacturing and transportation, drugs and medical devices, healthcare, clean energy, semiconductors, and so on. They “will boost U.S. manufacturing, create more good-paying jobs and bolster U.S. global competitiveness,” said Deputy Secretary of Commerce Don Graves.
The administration is trying to sell the idea of investing in America rather than turning the economy over to the operation of markets. The latter has been the nation’s focus since 1981, but that ideology has not nurtured the economy so much as concentrated wealth among a few individuals. The White House has called instead for government investment in new industries, and it noted today that such investment has prompted record private investments in clean power and job growth in clean energy. 
Private companies have announced investments of about $133 billion in clean energy production, which has in turn helped to spur the strong job growth and robust economic growth. Employers have added about 260,000 jobs a month this year, on average. 
Today the ongoing United Auto Workers strike spread to a key Stellantis plant, where 6,800 workers walked off their jobs making Ram pickup trucks, Stellantis’s top-selling vehicle in the U.S. The strike will cost the company an estimated $110 million a week. There are now more than 40,000 UAW workers on strike. Ford, General Motors, and Stellantis have offered what union leader Shawn Fain says are record contracts but still not in line with the company’s record profits. 
The UAW has reached a tentative deal with General Dynamics, covering about 1,100 workers who make military vehicles at defense contracting facilities. Union members still have to approve the agreement. 
Conversations continue in foreign affairs as well. 
Today is the fortieth anniversary of the 1983 bombing of the Marine Corps barracks in Beirut, Lebanon, that killed 241 U.S. military personnel in the single deadliest day for the U.S. Marine Corps since the Battle of Iwo Jima in World War II. Minutes after the first bombing on that day, a second suicide bomber killed 58 French paratroopers. Six Lebanese civilians also died. Today, Secretary of State Antony Blinken recalled that tragedy and blamed it on Hezbollah militants, a charge Hezbollah denies. 
“As we reflect on this day, and in light of the ongoing challenges in Lebanon and the region, we remain committed to building a brighter future for Lebanon, the Lebanese people, and the broader Middle East,” Blinken said. 
Attacks from Hezbollah on Israel and Israeli retaliation have been increasing since the October 7 attack by Hamas on Israel, and the U.S. Embassy in Beirut has told American citizens who want to leave that they should go now. The Biden administration has warned Israel not to launch a preemptive strike against Hezbollah as the tensions on the border rise. The U.S. is also sending more air defense systems to the Middle East and is moving the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower carrier strike group to the Middle East to discourage attacks.  
President Biden, Secretary Blinken and their teams have been talking constantly with those involved in the Middle East and elsewhere, trying to build coalitions to stave off an expansion of the conflict between Israel and Hamas, backed by Iran.
On Sunday, after Biden spoke with Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Pope Francis, Biden spoke with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada, President Emmanuel Macron of France, Chancellor Olaf Scholz of Germany, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni of Italy, and Prime Minister Rishi Sunak of the United Kingdom. The latter group issued a joint statement reiterating their support for Israel’s right to defend itself against terrorism and also called for all parties to keep within the bounds of international humanitarian law, including the protection of civilians. 
Today, Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan submitted to the Turkish parliament a bill approving Sweden’s bid to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), a step he has been delaying to pressure Sweden into clamping down on members of the Kurdistan Workers Party in Sweden, a party that aims to create an autonomous Kurdish region that would include parts of Turkey. 
While taking pains to emphasize that it is not making decisions for Israel, the U.S. has been stressing to Israeli leaders its discomfort with what seems to be a lack of a plan for a careful ground invasion of Gaza or for what would come after the ground operation. State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller today declined to detail private conversations but offered: “[I]n all of our conversations we continue to talk to them about the importance of having meaningful goals, meaningful objectives, and a plan to achieve those objectives.” 
Miller used the word “conversation” twenty times in his press conference.
Tomorrow, Secretary Blinken will travel to New York City for a United Nations Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East. He will also meet with his counterparts and with officials of the United Nations. 
As Israeli airstrikes pound Gaza and Hamas rockets fire back, relief trucks continue to trickle across the Egyptian border into Gaza. Fourteen crossed on Sunday; another small group today. Fuel, which is necessary to take the salt out of water as well as for medical care and transportation, is still embargoed out of Israeli concerns Hamas will take it for military purposes. Also today, Hamas released two more hostages, elderly Israeli women this time, for a total of four so far.
Conversations of a different sort are going on among the Republican members of the House of Representatives, but they are unwilling to talk to their Democratic colleagues, who have repeatedly offered to work with those Republicans who reject MAGA extremism. 
Republicans remain unable to agree on a candidate for speaker. So far, they have shut down the House for three weeks, eating up 20 of the 45 days the continuing resolution bought for them to come up with measures to fund the government.
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