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Flat pt 3
Pairing: Natasha x Reader
Genre: smut 18+, angst, fluff
Summary: You think this relationship could actually go somewhere. What happens when Natasha finds out the full truth of what you do for work and what it entails
Warnings: top!reader, bottom!Natasha, angry/make-up sex, Strap-on (r giving), oral (r giving), drinking, guns, and arguing (don't worry Alana is not affected I made it so she's away during the conflict.)
A/N: Hey sorry it took so long for this to be put out I just wasn't in the mood to write whenever I had time. Unless there are requests put in this is the end of the Flat series. I hope y'all like it I know part 2 was kinda dry but I needed it to get from part 1 to here without any big plot holes (hopefully no big plot holes at least). But I hope you like it. Also not proof read because who has the time.
Part 1 Part 2 Side part
Your week taking Alana to school had gone without a hitch. You were twice as careful to not be late and y'all had fun over the week. She went to her dad's on Friday to go on a week-long vacation with him.
It's now Sunday, you and Natasha are going on a date to a nice restaurant that you happen to own but she doesn't know that. You both decided to dress up for the fun of it.
The date is at 7 and it's currently 4 and you're panicking but luckily Wanda has come over to help you. "You're taking her to a restaurant you own. Damn, that's cheap." She says to you and you roll your eyes before looking at her. "Oh shut up, she chose it I just got lucky. Plus at least I know I like the food."
"Well, what are you going to wear? You only have a little under 3 hours you know." She tells you and you whip your head towards her and start pacing "I don't even know. What if I wear something and she thinks it's absolutely atrocious." You say starting to get even more worried.
In the midst of your panic, you didn't notice Wanda getting up until she places her hands on both of your shoulders. "Y/N it's fine I will help you. What color is she wearing, do you know?" You nod your head before telling her. "Red," Wanda smirks at you and turns to start fishing through your closet.
She emerges with a black button-up with red on the inside, black pants, and dress shoes. "She will definitely like this one. Why haven't you worn this before?" She asks you. "Uh, I didn't know I owned that." You say genuinely clueless to how that got into your closet.
"Well besides that start putting it on." She says walking over to where you keep your accessories and jewelry. You got dressed and as you were putting your shoes on she came over with a silver chain and a few rings. You put them on and stand up.
"Okay, so you're dressed. What about that rat's nest head of hair you've got going on?" She says with a raised eyebrow pointing at your head. "What do you mean rats nest I don't even have any knots. You're just a hater." You say going to get your product.
You spray your head (I have hair milk but you can pretend to apply whatever you like) and move your hair around to your liking before turning back to Wanda. "So?" You ask. "Good but let me see." She says pushing your hair around a little bit. "Okay better." She says and you turn back to look into the mirror. "It looks the same." "Yeah but better because I touched it." She says and you roll your eyes.
You spray yourself with cologne and head out the door leaving Wanda in your house to leave when she pleases. You decide to drive your dodge charger today because why not. On your way to Natashas, you don't forget to grab flowers obviously.
You pull up and walk up to Natasha's door. You feel nervous even though you've been on multiple dates before and you literally stayed at her house for a week. She just has that effect. You raise your hand to knock on the door and it swings open.
Natasha is wearing black heels and a red dress that stops just above her knees and also has a low neckline. You seem to be appreciated that low neckline for a little too long because Natasha reaches her hand out under your chin to lift your head up. You see her smirking and muster out a quiet "Hi baby."
You stand there for another few seconds before pulling yourself together. You stand up straighter and extend your arm to hand her the flowers. She takes them before turning around and walking inside with you close behind her. "You have to stop bringing me flowers I have too many." She says as she puts them into a vase that already has some.
"What do you want me to buy you instead then?" You ask her as she rounds the kitchen island towards you and wraps her arms around your neck. "Mmmm, I don't know you don't have to buy me anything you already refuse to let me pay when we go out." You place your hands on her waist pulling her even closer to you.
"Yeah but I like buying you things." You say trying to put on a pout even though yours will never be as good as hers. She brings one of her hands to the side of your face pulling you down towards her lips before just barely touching them together. Right, when you start to close the gap she pulls away and pats your chest. "Let's go we can't miss our reservation."
She turns towards the door grabbing her jacket on the way out and you jog a little to catch up with her. Once you do you grab her hand leading her towards your car. Once you get there you open her door as per usual. "Always such a gentleman." She says and you smile looking away to hide the redness creeping up your face.
You get in the car with Natasha control the music and start driving. You get to your restaurant and walk-in holding Natasha's hand. The second the hostess sees you she waves you over and takes yall to a private room.
After she leaves Natasha looks at you "You didn't have to get a private room you spend too much money on me." Before you can respond the waiter comes in "Oh hey Ms. Y/L/N what can I get you." Natasha looks at you with a raised eyebrow. "Vodka and juice." You say "I'll have an orange crush." Natasha says sending him a smile.
"Oh yeah, I actually needed to ask you about some time off." He says and your breath catches. Before you could pass as being a regular but now there really is no other explanation than you being the boss. "When and why?" You say as calmly as you can muster. "August 10th through the 18th for a family vacation." He says noticing he shouldn't have brought this up now. "If you can find someone to cover you then yes." You say and He smiles before walking away.
You all of a sudden feel Natasha kick you in the leg. "Why didn't you tell me you owned a restaurant? More importantly, the one we're eating at." She says glaring at you. "Uh, I don't know I didn't think it was very interesting." You say not meeting her eyes. She can tell that's not all but she doesn't push it for now.
You both order and receive your meals. You both talk the whole time about random subjects laughing. "So when are we going back to my house?" She asks you running her foot up your leg. "Whenever you want." You say with a smirk.
Just as you're about to stand up Bucky comes busting in the door. "They're here." He says before looking over to give Natasha a small wave. You throw your head back groaning "You're fucking joking." You say reaching for Natasha's hand. "Who's here?" She says scrunching her eyebrows, placing her hand in yours.
"Some.. unpleasant business associates." You tell her. You help her put her jacket on before grabbing her waist and giving her a quick kiss. "Can I have Bucky take you home and I'll meet you there after I'm done with this?" You ask her. She looks a little upset but nods. "Take her through the back. You don't let them see her." You tell Bucky sternly. "I know I know." He says throwing his hands up before grabbing Natasha's.
You end up having to fight Zemo and his crew along with some help from your men. The few left of them by the end started to run and you busted out the door after them. The only problem though was one of them waited for you to do that and shot you in the side near your hip.
Bucky came out after hearing the shot and saw you bleeding. He shot the guy running away before coming to your side. "Damn that looks like it hurts." He says with a smile. You give him a sarcastic smile before hitting him upside the head "Yeah you think." You say before starting to walk to your car.
You couldn't decide whether to go to your house or Natashas. You tried to tend to the wounds in your car. You try to stop the bleeding from your side and clean up some cuts on your face but you couldn't really tell if you did a sufficient job. Once you pull up to Natashas and hobble up to the door you find it unlocked. Your stomach is in your throat hoping she left it unlocked for you and it's not unlocked for other reasons.
When you walk in she's standing there glaring at you and you feel even more scared than before. "Hi, baby." You say trying to smile at her and make your hand on your hip look as natural as possible. "Don't 'baby' me what was that." She asks you stepping closer and you look at the ground. "Oh, it's fine just some people I don't get along with no big deal." Natasha doesn't respond so you look up at her. The second she sees the cuts on your face she walks all the way to you gently cradling it.
"What happened to your face? Come." She says grabbing your hand that was on your side. "You should see the other guy." You say. She leads you to the bathroom connected to her bedroom and makes you sit on the toilet. Sitting though doesn't seem to agree with your bullet wound and you try not to groan too loud at the pain.
Natasha grabs her first aid kit out from under her sink and that's when she notices the blood all over her hand. She holds her hand up putting the other on her hip "Where did this come from?" She asks and you stand up holding your breath to try and ease the pain. You walk up to her putting one of your hands on her face. "I'm fine baby really I can take care of this myself." You try to tell her. "Yeah no I'm not good with that now where did it come from?" She says again pushing you back towards the toilet.
You don't sit down and instead pull your shirt up to show her the wound. "YOU WERE TRYING TO HIDE A BULLET WOUND FROM ME?!" She yells at you. "It's just a flesh wound I'm fine." You say reaching for the first aid kit. "It's literally going through you. Turn." She says and you turn as told. "Lucky you, there's an exit hole. Now sit." She demands you.
"Aren't I usually the one telling you what you do after dates?" You say reaching for her waist and pulling her towards you. "Shut up." Is all she says before she looks away trying to hide her cheeks flushing. You reach up and bring her face down to yours. You softly kiss her rubbing her cheek with your thumb.
"Stop it I have to clean you up before you get an infection." She says trying to be as serious as possible. She starts softly cleaning and bandaging the wounds on your face. You stare at her the whole time thinking about how beautiful she looks when she concentrates. "Take a picture it'll last longer." She says trying to hide a smile."
Once she finishes your face she gets on her knees between your legs. Now you really can't stop staring and thinking about what's in your pants and how much you want to use it right about now. She unbuttons your shirt so she can get a better look. You bend down to try and kiss her but she pushes you away by your shoulder. "I'm still mad at you." She tells you with a hardened stare.
"I'm sorry I don't know what else you want me to say." You tell her reaching out to cup her cheek. "Nothing right now. Once I finish this you're going to bed." She tells you. "What why can't we deal with it right now?" You ask her. Instead of responding she starts putting a few stitches in the entry wound.
"OW. YOU COULDN'T HAVE WARNED ME?!" You exclaim gritting your teeth. She doesn't respond just pushing you so she can do the back. Once she's done she stands to start cleaning up and you come behind her wrapping your arms around her waist and placing your chin on her shoulder.
She straightens up crossing her arms and glaring at you through the mirror. "I'm sorry baby." You tell her softly. "Seems like that's the only thing you know how to say right now." She says before continuing to clean. "I don't know what else you want me to say. Tell me I'll say whatever you want."
When she's done picking up she turns to you and jabs her finger into your chest. "Why don't you 'say' how some 'unpleasant associates' showing up turns into you getting shot. Why don't you 'say' what you really do for work. Like really I have no idea what you do and we've been going out for months." She exclaims pushing you out of the way with her finger so she can leave the room.
"My job doesn't really have a title I just do what I do." You say and she turns to you throwing her hands in the air. "THEN WHAT DO YOU DO?" She says taking her dress off and you have to remind yourself now is not the time. "I have people that work for me and I own a lot of the city in some way. But sometimes people want some of my power in some way or some of my properties. People sometimes steal from me and I just deal with that. It's fine." You say and she turns to you in disbelief "You're a FUCKING CRIME BOSS?" She yells at you.
"Well, I wouldn't say that."
"Well uh, maybe an entrepreneur."
"Woah that's too far. You know I would never do anything that could put you or Allana in harm's way." You say starting to get angry that she would ever accuse you of such a thing.
"DO I KNOW THAT, BECAUSE I'M STARTING TO FEEL LIKE I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING?" She says and you try to reach out for her but she pulls away hurting you more than you'd like to admit.
"First off you need to stop yelling. Second of course I would never put you in danger." You tell her to try and keep cool. "I WILL STOP YELLING WHEN YOU STOP LYING." She says walking past you, shoulder checking you in the process. "Natasha I never lied to you." You tell her following her into the bathroom.
She doesn't respond and instead starts brushing her teeth. You throw your hands in the air shaking your head and decide to get ready for bed. You take your clothes off until you're left in your boxers. You walk back to the bathroom to find her putting her toothbrush away so you start brushing your teeth.
You come out of the bathroom and she's standing there waiting for you. "You didn't lie but you left things out on purpose and that's just as bad." She says with her arms crossed. You walk until you're a foot apart and try to reach out for her but she pulls away again. "I'm sorry, I am it didn't even cross my mind at first, and then once it did I wanted to establish us a little more before I told you."
She turns around and starts to walk out of the bedroom. "Natasha." That is all you say before you start to follow after her. "Natasha, can you stop and just talk to me please." She stops dead in her tracks and turns to you with tears streaming down her face looking even angrier than before. "Can you just get out of my house please?"
You suddenly feel the full weight of the argument including the lump forming in your throat. A small "What?" Is all you can muster. She sternly says "Get out." Starting to push you towards the door. "Natasha please."
"Get out, get out, get out."
"Get out, get out."
She just keeps saying it sobbing and the closer you get to the door the harder it is to keep the tears in. Once you're probably 10 feet from the door the tears come. She pauses for a second at the sight of your tears. You have a certain dad vibe that makes it extra sad to see you cry and she has to resist the urge to pull you towards her and rub your back.
You realize she probably won't change her mind about you leaving and if you stay you probably won't get much done considering all of the emotions. You drop your head and start walking to your car. Natasha watches you partially hoping you turn back around.
A few days pass and you haven't heard anything from Natasha but you also haven't contacted her. You have however picked up your phone around 100 times typing up messages you contemplate sending. You've obviously been in a slump barely keeping yourself alive without the help of Bucky. You're sitting there still sulking to yourself when your phone goes off. You grab it and your heart stops when you read who it's from. Natasha. "Come over at 6."
You immediately shoot up from your desk rushing to your house. You dress in a simple black short-sleeved shirt with black cargo pants that have a chain on the side. You stop to grab her a teddy bear on the way there not knowing what to get besides flowers.
When you arrive you knock softly on the door, the door opens and your head is hung low scared to face her. When she doesn't speak you look up "Hi baby." You say and she doesn't say anything turning around and walking away but leaving the door open.
"Uh, I got you this." You say walking up to her when she stops. You use the moment to take in her appearance. She's wearing your sweatshirt and some lounge shorts that you can barely tell are there. She reaches out and takes it looking at it instead of you. She wraps her arms around it and steps forwards pushing herself into you for you to hold her. "Why did you come?" She asks you catching you off guard. "Because you asked me to." You tell her confused and she's silent before pulling back to look at you.
"Why didn't you text me?" She asks you. "I didn't know if you'd want to hear from me." You tell her softly and she looks down, eyes brimming with tears. "You should've texted me anyways." She tells you furrowing her eyebrows and trying to keep the tears in. "I'm sorry baby." Is all you can think to say. "I know who you are. Fully." She says backing up.
"Baby." "No, why didn't you tell me. The true reason." She asks you. You hang your head low because you know the answer and you know she knows. "I've done things okay, and I do things but I'm not a bad person." You try to explain "I didn't ask for excuses about why I asked why." She says jabbing your chest with her finger. "Because I hurt people." You say still not looking at her. "Do you even care about me and my daughter or were you going to kill us too if I broke up with you."
"What, Natasha no I would never hurt either of you." You try to plead meeting her eyes and reaching out for her, grabbing her hand. "Well, how do I know that since I apparently know nothing about you." "Baby you have to believe me-" "No I don't because I don't trust you anymore. I don't know why I did I know better than that" She says pushing her finger into your chest harder. "I wanted to tell you I swear I was just scared, and those people are all criminals who have done far worse than me."
"The bottom line is you're violent. You've brought your violence and the people associated with it into my home, around my daughter." She says looking into your eyes like she wants you to drop dead, tears starting to stream down her face. "But that doesn't matter to you does it because you don't care." "No, baby-"
"WHY DO YOU STICK AROUND IF YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT ME." "Natasha what I-." "AM I JUST TOO GOOD OF A HOOKUP TO PASS ON?" "Natasha" "IS THAT WHAT I AM TO YOU?" "NATASHA" At that she bursts into harder tears and throws herself into you.
You immediately wrap your arms around her holding her tight. "I just wanted you to care about me." That is all she says before pulling away and you don't know what to do. "Natasha I do care about you." "Really it doesn't seem like it." That is all she says still walking away.
"Yeah, I do I don't understand how that's so hard to grasp."
"Maybe because you've been indirectly lying to me about being a murderer for months and that's not really what people that care do."
"I did that because I was scared of losing you and I'm not just some serial killer it comes with the job," You say sternly.
"What about my daughter?"
Natasha just stands in front of you before rushing at you and pulling you into a searing kiss. You wrap your arms as tightly around her as you can. She starts to untuck your shirt from your pants but you quickly grab her wrists "Natasha I don't know you're really upset right now." She brings her hands to your face holding your face just over hers. "Do you want me?" She asks her eyes boring into yours. "Natasha." You say trying to hold your resolve. "Do you." She says not breaking eye contact. You nod and whisper "Always."
She moves to leave open-mouthed kisses along the side of your neck. She gets your shirt untucked and touches your stomach with her cold hand making the muscles beneath it twitch. Noticing you're still holding back she grips your jaw pulling you to face her. "Fuck me. Now." She demands you and you can't help crashing your lips against hers.
You quickly wrap your hands under her thighs and lift her not patient enough to wait for her to jump. Your tongues fight for dominance with you coming out on top. You walk to her bedroom pushing her against the door. She drags her nails through your hair and down your neck.
You wrap your hand around her throat pushing her harder against the door. She lets out a moan followed by a whine trying to push her head forwards to continue kissing you. You move to her neck to leave open-mouth kisses along with it. "Mark me." She says making you falter. She takes the opportunity to grab you by the jaw and pulls you to look into your eyes. "And fuck me like you mean it while you're at it." She says rolling her hips and your self-control is completely broken.
You move quickly and start leaving dark marks along her throat, chest, and shoulders. She rolls her hips against you when she feels your piece. She starts grinding down hard searching for the friction she desires. You pull away from the door and start walking towards the bed.
You throw her down on the bed before you crawl up to her and place one of your knees between her legs pushing it into her core. She lets out a moan quickly starting to grind down. The second your head is level with hers she grabs your head to pull you back down into a heated kiss. Despite being caught in the moment you still know in the back of your mind that Natasha has every right to hate you and to tell you to get out right now so you decide teasing her isn't worth it.
You move to start kissing her neck again but after the first kiss, she's already impatient. "Y/N." "Yes, baby?" you ask snaking your hands up the inside of her sweatshirt as she squirmed trying to get away from your cold hands. "Please." She begs and you waste no time getting to work.
Later in the night you Natasha has fallen asleep but you can't seem to follow. You were deflecting earlier you really did put them into harms way and you can't stop from hating yourself for it. You can't decide if you could ever truly keep them safe from who you are. The monster you are.
You decide it's best for them to be kept as far away from the danger as possible. As far away from you as possible.
You quietly gather your things before writing Natasha a note and placing it on the nightstand. You lean down to give Natasha a kiss for the last time and kiss her on the forehead.
"I'm sorry." Is all you whisper before turning to walk out the door.
Taglist: @winterstorm311 @rice-wiife @lost-mortemanghel @r3dheadenthusiast @cd-4848 @diaryoflife
Part 1 Part 2 Side part
#natasha romanoff smut#natasha romanoff#bottom!natasha#natasha romanoff x reader#top!reader#milf!natasha#milf!nat#milf!natasha romanoff#natasha smut#natalia alianovna romanova#bottom natasha romanoff#natasha romanov#natasha x you#bottom nat#bottom nat is just so đ”âđ«đ”âđ«#natasha romanoff x dom!reader#natasha romanoff imagine
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Flufftober 2023!
Hey yâall! Enjoy all of the fluff!
Decorations: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Heroics: Firefighter!Natasha x Reader
Family Fun Day: Milf!Wanda Maximoff x Reader
The Sweetest Treat: Kate Bishop x Reader
Pumpkin Pie: Florence Pugh x Reader
Happy fall yâall!
#natasha romanoff x reader#wanda maximoff x reader#kate bishop x reader#florence pugh x reader#elizabeth olsen x reader#milf!wanda#firefighter!nat#Iâm open to more!#carol danvers x reader#jennifer walters x reader#chris evans x reader#steve rogers x reader#miguel oâhara x reader#tom holland x reader#spider man#togrowoldinv flufftober 2023
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Adult Taissa at the reunion... save me...
#need that#same with Nat and Shauna honestly#i love milfs#give me my middle aged women#yellowjackets#yellowjackets showtime#taissa turner
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Me: connects deeply to the mentally ill quiet girl who doesnât want to be a leader but feels so much pressure to be more and to do better by those around her that it eventually makes her sicker and sicker
Also me: it probably doesnât mean anything though Iâm fine
#yellowjackets#lottie matthews#I FEEL so much for lottie it consumes me like the wilderness has consumed her#I just want so much better for her#I almost wish we didnât have the adult timeline so I could pretend her life does get better. she is happy. she does find peace#but NOPE the s2 finale just shat on those dreams#was she a cult leader? yes. was she harming anybody? only sorta#then five milfs walked back into her life and destroyed her grip on reality#let her kiss Nat in the woods to make me feel better about her life
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there is no way u write for gunnar and TRICIA?? like they're so got damn underrated and when i looked to see if anything was written for them i was a bit sad but i came across ur page like MONTHS LATER TO SEE U WRITE FOR THEM OMG YOU'RE MY FAV WRITER.
I love them, they're both very interesting (and hot) characters and like you said VERY underrated. And Gunnar is such an interesting character to write about, I haven't written anything about Tricia yet but I plan on doing so soon AND I'M VERY EXCITED.
#nat speaks#nat answers#LOVE THEM#nothing is more special than the bond of a teenage girl and a fictional killer and his mom who is also a killer#i đ«¶đ» milfs#REQUESTS ARE VERY OPEN BTW#gunnar albright#tricia albright#orphan first kill
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Growing A Family
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Milf!Reader
Word Count: 1451
Warnings: Smut, Intersex!Natasha, P in V, Nat really wants a baby, a bit of a breeding kink, Belly bulge, kitchen sex, Unprotected sex obviously, maybe other things.
Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4
A/n: Been sitting on this idea for a while. Just Nat being cute and deserving a family. This is just nice and cute and soft. Did I mention Nat is adorable.
Your soft hums fill Natashaâs ears as she enters the kitchen. She leans against the door frame admiring your form as you clean up. Your jeans hugging your hips perfectly, your plush thighs, and how they accentuating your ass deliciously. You havenât even noticed her return as your mind stays focused on the task in front of you. Nat pushes herself off the frame and makes her way over to you. She tightly grips your hips as she presses her front against your back. You gasp in surprise but relax in her hold. âMmm your ass looks delicious in these jeans.â Nat kisses your shoulder as she pulls you impossibly close. âThank you baby.â You giggle as a blush spreads across your cheeks.Â
Nat has just returned from dropping off your daughter at Yelenaâs place wanting to give you a break and spend some quality time together. Setting her plan in motion. Her lips trail to your neck nipping at the skin as her hands slide up under shirt cupping your clothed breast. âNatty.â You try to swat her away but the moan you let out as she sucks harshly on your pulse point has you faltering. âHave a baby with me.â She whispers in your ear as she pulls your bra down causing your breast to spill out giving her access to squeeze them.Â
A whimper falls from your lips but you try to compose yourself. âN-Natty. We talked about t-this.â You stutter slightly. You two have had this conversation before, no kids until she retires. Youâve been a single parent before and said you wouldnât add another child to your family if you had to do it again. Nat understood this and accepted your conditions. She wasnât ready to give up that life before but now she was ready. She wanted to settle down with you and raise a family together. She loves your daughter as if she was her own and wanted nothing more than to give her a sibling.Â
âI had a meeting with Fury this morning.â Nat mumbles against the skin of your shoulder. You give her a hum, encouraging her to continue knowing she is leading this somewhere. âIâm done detka. No more missions, no more being gone for weeks on end. I want to be here with you, with Elizabeth, to grow our family. He offered for me to train recruits as needed, so Iâll only have to be there a couple days a week.â She kisses your shoulder softly as she speaks and softly massages your breast. You try to turn around in her hold, but she holds you tighter, pushing you further, pinning you between her body and the counter.Â
âIâm going to put a baby in you.â Nat bites down on your neck. You canât help the moan that slips past your lips wanting nothing more than to feel your wife filling you up. You can feel her already hardened cock pressing against your ass. âPlease.â You whimper. One of Natâs arms wraps around you tightly as the other moves down. Her fingers find the button to your pants and undo them, the zipper following soon after. Her fingers hook into the waistband of both your jeans and panties as she pulls them down. You help shimmy them down until they are around your knees.Â
Nat then moves that hand between your bodies, pushing her sweatpants and boxers down to her thighs. She nips and sucks at the skin of your neck and shoulders. Her cock slaps against your ass before she humps you slightly. Her cock already getting coated in your arousal as she does so. âFuck printsessa you're so wet for me already.â You nod. âPlease Natty want you to fill me.â Nat groans. âOh detka Iâm going to keep filling you until you're pregnant with my baby.â She lines her member up with your entrance slowly pushing into you.Â
When the head of her cock fully presses in, Nat moves her hands back cupping your breast in each hand. She tweaks your nipples the further she presses into you. Both of you moan at the feeling of her filling you up. âAlways so tight for me printsessa no matter how many times I fuck you.â Your walls deliciously squeezing her the further she pushes in until she is fully sheathed inside of you. You let out a gasp at the feeling of being so full.Â
Nat lets you get used to her size as she continues to massage your breast. âFuck I canât wait to see these grow. Your belly swollen with my baby. You will look so fucking hot.â Nat mumbles against your skin. You nod along with her words. âF-fuck, please Natty want it so bad.â You start pressing back into her letting her know that she can move. She starts to slowly pull out before pushing back in. Her thrust starts off at a slower pace as she builds up speed. You let out small gasps and whines as her pace builds.Â
You let your head fall to the side giving Nat more access. One of your hands moves up and behind you as you lace your fingers through Natâs hair as she litters marks on your skin. Her thrust finds a steady pace as her cock plunges into your hole. Your walls are sucking her in with every thrust of her hips. Your moans grow louder as they bounce off the walls of the kitchen. Your body is still pressed against the counter as Nat holds you up. âSo good.â You slur your words as the pleasure courses through you. Your grip on Natâs hair tightens, causing the woman to moan and bite down harder on your skin.Â
As Nat thrusts into you, you press your body back into hers, matching her pace. Her cock reached depths that you didnât know where possible. One of Natâs hands slides down your stomach until she feels how her cock fills you up. With every thrust pressing lightly into her hand has her moaning loudly in your ear. She presses down on the spot causing a gush of arousal and your mouth to hang open in a silent scream. âFeel how deep Iâm inside you. My big cock filling your tiny little hole to the brim.â You nod and moan. âY-Yes, fuck.â She smirks.Â
The closer you grow to your release, your walls squeeze and suck Nat in. Her thrust are starting to become more erratic as she chases her high. She presses down harder on your abdomen, causing your grip on her hair to tighten her scalp, burning with a mix of pleasure and pain. You donât know how it is possible as her thrust speeds up. Your orgasm is quickly approaching, and so is Nats. âMmm wanna cum.â You whine already teetering on the edge. Natâs thrust are sloppy and you can feel her cock twitching inside of you. âHold it printsessa.â She murmurs in your ear.Â
It takes everything in you to comply with her words. You're so close to letting go that you donât know how it hasnât washed over you yet. Nat keeps thrusting as your walls clamp around her, desperate for release. It doesnât take long before Nat is also on the edge. âCum detka.â She presses down again on where her cock fills you causing you to let out a scream of pleasure. The pressure causes you to release all over her cock. Your whole body trembling in her hold as the powerful orgasm washes over you. Her hips stutter at the same time as she releases inside of you. She paints your walls white with her cum, filling you even fuller than you already were. She groans as your walls milk her dry. Nat ruts into you to prolong both of your orgasms. She slowly comes to a stop when you whimper a bit from how sensitive you are. She doesnât pull out wanting to keep her cum inside of you for as long as possible.Â
âAre you okay detka?â Nat asks as she holds you gently in her arms, keeping you upright as your legs shake. You hum as your head falls back on her shoulder and you relax back into her. She peppers you with soft kisses as you both calm down. âI love you.â You mumble tiredly. Nat smiles. âI love you to printsessa.âÂ
A peaceful bliss washes over you as your mind wanders to the future. Growing your family with the woman that you love seems to come at the perfect time. A new journey for you to take together, but you're both excited for it. To finally have all that you could have ever wanted with the perfect woman.
#natasha smut#natasha romanoff#natasha romanoff x reader#natasha romanoff smut#natasha romanoff fanfiction#natasha romanoff fanfic#natasha x reader#natasha x you#natasha romanoff x you#natasha romanoff x reader smut#natasha x fem!reader#natasha x y/n#natasha romanoff x female
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Kinktober Masterlist 2024
Welcome to Kinktober everyone! This is the list and descriptions of all the Halloween fics I have managed to write involving either Wanda, Nat and, in some chapters, even both of them :)
All chapters include 18+ smut and something relating to the spooky season so I hope you all enjoy.
Happy Halloween everyone! <3
 All of these fics contain 18+ smut (so MDNI) and all have specific warnings/tags at the start of each so please read these carefully before reading. Some of these one shots contain dark themes so please consider the warnings/tags specified.Â
1) Madness -Admiring your girlfriend tied up, blindfolded and waiting eagerly for you to play with the new nipple clamps adorning her body, has only one thing filling your mind: how to drive her mad with your touch, how to engrave the feeling of your tantalising lips, teasing fingers and torturous tongue in her mind for weeks. (Dom Reader X Sub Wanda)
Madness G!P Reader Version
2) Pumpkin Carving: Carving a pumpkin with your girlfriend was supposed to be a fun and easy task, well, that was until you got distracted by the sight of her toned arms and her seductive hands, unable to stop your thoughts from remembering how her fingers felt deep inside you. (Dom Natasha X Sub Reader)Â
3) Trick Or Treat: Knocking on your neighbours door, you were hoping to receive a âtreatâ from the older woman before her husband and children came back from their trick or treating trip. (Milf Wanda X Reader)Â
4) Whatâs Your Favourite Scary Movie?: Whilst on the phone to your girlfriend, the conversation starts off innocently with favourite horror films before escalating down a more sinful path. You tell her how you wish she could be here with you, unaware of the small camera she had hidden in your room, watching as she guides you slide your hands under your panties. (Dark Natasha X Reader)Â
5) The Devil Made Me Do It: After an unusual dream and the darkhold corrupting her mind, Wanda canât help but look over at your form, soundly asleep, and wanting to make that dream a reality. (Dark Wanda X Reader)Â
6) I Promise I Wonât Bite: Ending up in the Maximoff-Romanoff Mansion, you canât help but be nervous in the presence of both powerful women. Wanda assures you that you had nothing to fear, that she wouldnât bite, but the same couldnât be said for her wife, Natasha, whoâs smirk showed off her subtle fangs, desire evident in her lustful gaze. (Vampire WandaNat X Reader)Â
7) One Day A Year: A girl can dress up like a total slut and no other girl can say anything about it. Whilst at a party with your two girlfriends, dressed up in your sinful costumes, the three of you find yourself on the sofa with a blanket over you laps, the two women intending to take advantage of the privacy and how drunk everyone else was, too distracted to notice how your cheeks flushed with arousal. (WandaNat X Reader)Â
I have not finished writing all of these so Iâm not sure what the upload structure will be like. My plan is to post the first fic on Friday and hopefully write the rest of them so I have them all finished by Halloween! (If not I will still write them and just post them as soon as theyâre written)Â
Let me know which chapters youâre most looking forward to! I hope you all enjoy <3Â
#wanda maximoff#marvel fanfiction#wanda x reader#wanda fanfic#wanda x you#eventual smut#wanda maximoff x female reader#wanda maximoff fanfiction#smut#mommy wanda#kinktober#kinktober masterlist#kinktober 2024#kinktober prompts#natasha romanoff fanart#natasha romanov#natasha romanoff fanfiction#natasha romanoff x reader#rough smut#smut prompts#dark wanda x reader#dark natasha romanoff#wandanat x reader#mommy k1nk#knife k1nk#vampire natasha#vampire wanda#masterlist#stalker#halloween
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hey I saw ur request was open and I was thinking about how milf!nat meets young+rich+hot R and gets pampered and fucked like shes never had before. with secret dates and late night meet ups where f!reader just doing absolutely everything they can to please mommy!nat. nat is a powerbottom in this
đ I've actually been working on a similar scenario for a fic, you all need to stop hacking into my drafts please đ
But your idea is a little different, so here are some thoughts on it:
You just bought the biggest house on the block and when Nat comes by with a homemade lasagna to introduce herself, you're having more than the lasagna for dinner that night. đ
Nat is divorced but still living with her ex while they figure out their new housing arrangements, but you invites her over every opportunity you can, and Nat helps christen in your new home by letting you fuck her in every room and on every surface imaginable.
You buy her jewelry, treat her to spas, take her to the most expensive steakhouses in the area, and basically worship the ground she walks on. Nat is obsessed with the way you treat her, and shortly after her divorce is finalized, her neighbors see her sporting a shiny new engagement ring.
AN: Please like, reblog, and comment! Follow for more content. đ„°
#anon ask#vulture answers#natasha romanoff smut#natasha romanoff#black widow#natasha romanoff imagine#natasha romanoff x reader#natasha romanoff x you
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My Favorite QL Couples* of 2024 đâš
Welcome to Babyangelsky's 2024 Wrap Up! To commemorate my second year of watching QL dramas, and my first year of actually talking on my blog, I've compiled a series of lists to celebrate all the QL things I loved this year!
My only criteria was that the show had to have either aired entirely in 2024 or had the majority of its run in 2024. No other limits at all (except for tumblr's photo limit). Please feel free to take my categories and make lists of your own and tag me in them if you do! I'd love to see what stuck out to everyone this year đ
đ All the lists can be found here! đ
Without further ado, I'm going to kick things off with my favorite couples of the year!
⥠Tongrak and Mahasamut (Love Sea)
My darlings. My absolute loves. I knew Fort and Peat were going to deliver something special when Love Sea was announced and I am so glad that I was right. My love for them is as boundless as the sea that bonds them.
⥠Almond and Latte (Knock Knock Boys)
These two snuck up on me something serious. I never expected them to be this sweet and soft and bring such comfort to each other. They were my unexpected delight this year and I'm so happy I got to watch them fall in love.
⥠Yu and Ai (I Saw You in My Dream)
These two snuck up on me too, honestly. Never ever thought I would love them as much as I do considering how late I came into this show, but I cherish them very deeply. They're the sweetest childhood friends to lovers and they love each other so much. I don't think I've ever been prouder of a confession than when Yu finally confessed to Ai.
⥠Ken, Seiji, and Japan (Deep Night)
*Not a couple, but a THROUPLE! 2024 was a year of many, many BL blessings, one of the best of which was the fact that we got CANON POLY SIDES COURTESY OF CHEEWIN! We all hoped, we all prayed, we all looked at the workshop photos and thought 'surely we cannot be wrong', and when it came right down to it, we all got exactly what we wanted! I only wish that we'd gotten more of them.
KenSeijiPan you will always be famous.
⥠Ozone and Pie (Battle of the Writers)
Speaking of wanting more, I cannot believe it took this long for Mark Sorntast to get to kiss a boy on screen but damn, was it worth the wait. I want an entire spin-off of daddy Pie and his puppy Ozone because they were truly the best part of this show.
⥠X and Namping (Every You, Every Me)
Thanks to its format, Every You, Every Me gave us lots of great couples and fun dynamics but X and Namping were my favorites, even though their story ended tragically. The love was brief but it was beautiful and real.
⥠Meiji and Freya (Deep Night)
As if giving us canon poly wasn't enough, Cheewin also decided to bless us with milf yuri and then stacked one more blessing on top and gave them their own spin-off miniseries so we could have more time watching them fall in love. They're beautiful and I love them. This is how it feels to win.
⥠Yuan and Qian (Unknown)
I can't think of anything to say about these two that doesn't involve making dying animal noises and gesturing helplessly and maybe crying so just imagine me doing that to convey how I feel about this couple BECAUSE THAT'S ALL I GOT FAM THAT'S ALL I'M CAPABLE OF I'M SURE SOME OF YA'LL UNDERSTAND
⥠Tai x Kram (Two Worlds)
These are by far my favorite roles Max and Nat have played to date. The utter soulmates of it all. The every version of me will love every version of you in every universe of it all. Perfection. I only wish the show had been longer so their love really got a chance to breathe.
⥠Anin and Pin (The Loyal Pin)
Now, if a love ever got a chance to breathe, it was this love. They made you feel it. The yearning, the joy, the sweetness, all of it. We followed it all the way from childhood and it was such a satisfying experience. I will always have a soft spot for couples that are deranged about each other, however loudly or quietly they may go about it, and my girls are no exception.
⥠Phee and Non (Dead Friend Forever)
*scream singing* WE COULD'VE HAD IT ALLLLLLLL, ROLLING IN THE DEEEEEEEEP *cries on the floor*
⥠Tan and Fang (We Are)
AouBoom are never not a delight when they're on screen together, and TanFang were a delight in a veritable sea of delights. They got together early on and spent the rest of the show giving nothing but the best most delicious established couple goodness.
⥠Muenfah and Teerak (Your Sky)
At the time of writing we've only had these two for a few weeks but that's more than enough time for their adorable sweetness to land them on this list. They're darling. The relationship may be fake (for now) but the love is real.
⥠Sun and Junior (Caged Again)
The same goes for these two, and isn't that just the surprise of the year? HOW DID THE PANTHER AND PENGUIN TURN INTO PEOPLE SHOW END UP GIVING US SUCH AN ADORABLE COUPLE?
⥠Shao Peng and Zi Xiang (See Your Love)
They're just so soft and so gentle and they make each other feel heard and understood and I love them so much. Their boyfriend era may actually kill me.
⥠Jack and Joke (Jack & Joker)
*gently shakes Yin and War* Would giving us just a little more horny, loving boyfriend era and fewer horrors have been so hard? Do ya'll think you can get away with it because you're so pretty and so beloved?
Because they are. And they can actually. And they did. I adore them.
⥠Yak and Dee (Wandee Goodday)
One of my favorite things in this life is when a fake relationship slowly turns into a real relationship and two people who think they can be casual about each other are actually completely incapable of being so. Yak and Dee gave me exactly that and I love them for it.
⥠Oyei and Cher (Wandee Goodday)
Another side couple for which I would absolutely love a spin-off, but we did get to see them have their wedding (the first GMMTV wedding since the marriage equality bill was passed!) which is just as good. The love they have for each other, the support they give each other is top tier. They have my heart.
⥠God and Diew (Monster Next Door)
If I were to give an award for amazing communication between a couple, I would absolutely be giving it to these two. It was so refreshing to see them not only love and support each other, but talk and listen to each other. They were a delight.
⥠Myung Ha and Yeo Woon (Love for Love's Sake)
They were so sweet and so sad and they saved each other by loving each other so much that it broke reality and I just love them with my entire soul.
⥠San and Vee (Century of Love)
When this was airing I talked a lot about how it didn't actually matter whether Vee was Wad or not and that what mattered was San making a choice but for the record? Vee was totally Wad. He and San were SOULMATES!
⥠Neil and Sea (First Note of Love)
What if a couple was so gentle and soft that it made you wanna cry? What if they saved each other with music? What if they made each other brave?
⥠Moo and Kang (Only Boo!)
My darling boys. My sweetest most adorable boys who make me wanna curl into a ball and cry happy tears because I adore them so much. Moo's singular desire in this life part from becoming an idol is to save up enough money to marry Kang and NOW HE CAN AND I'M IN MY FEELINGS ABOUT IT EVEN MONTHS LATER.
⥠Karan and Achi (Cherry Magic Th)
They're perfect. In every conceivable way. Their love was just so lovely, it was such a joy. Everything about it and about them was so lovely to watch.
⥠Haruki x Jin (Our Youth)
These two have so much potential to hurt me. In fact, I'm almost certain that they will. But they just --*gestures helplessly*--you know? They hit exactly right for me.
#babyangelsky's 2024 wrap up#love sea#knock knock boys#i saw you in my dream#deep night#battle of the writers#every you every me#unknown the series#monster next door#caged again the series#your sky the series#century of love#love for love's sake#wandee goodday#jack and joker#see your love#our youth#first note of love#we are the series#dead friend forever#the loyal pin#two worlds the series#only boo#cherry magic th
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SoâŠ. Nerdy!Nat x MILF!reader (are we fucking with that?)
#lana thinking too much#natasha romanoff x reader#natasha romanoff imagine#black widow x female reader#natasha romanoff smut
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Day 1. Pretty New Toy - Dom!Reader x Dom!Nat x Kidnapped!Wanda
Day 2. Like The Mutt You Are - Vampire!Wanda x Pet!Reader
Day 3. Monster Fucker - Monster!Wanda x Fem!Reader
Day 4. Do As Mommy Says - Dark!Stepmom Wanda x Fem!Reader
Day 5. Use Me, Iâm Yours - Stalker!Wanda x Fem!Reader
Day 6. Now That Iâm With You- Serial Killer!Wanda x Innocent Fem!Reader
Day 7. Praise Be, The Scarlet Witch - Cult Leader!Wanda x Fem!Reader
Day 8. My Wanda - Dark!Mafia Wanda x Fem!Reader
Day 9. A Very Happy Halloween - Milf!Wanda x Fem!Reader
#kinktober#Iâll update this as I post them#wanda x reader#wanda maximoff x you#wanda maximoff imagine#wandanat x reader#wandanat x you#wanda maximoff x natasha romanoff x reader#wanda maximoff x female reader#wanda maximoff x y/n#kinktober 2023
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Gingie's Kinktoberfest

Hey awesome people, this is my first ever Kinktober event and I hope you all will enjoy what I have in store with a range of characters from Lizzie with appearances of Nat and Maria too. The list and dates they will be released are as below.
1st: MILF Wanda Maximoff x GN! Reader (Amab! R) Summary: It has been a while since Wanda has had an orgasm so she asks her best friend for a helping had.
3rd: Natasha Romanoff x Porn Star Avenger (Amab! R) Summary: Reader is a porn star and Natasha is a secret fan, especially when she learns that the masked crusader on the hub is indeed her fellow Avenger
5th: Therese Raquin x Fem Reader Summary: Therese is unhappily married to Camille and she has always had feelings for reader who was also part owner of the pub. So one night when Therese decides to let loose and have some fun, she finally takes what she wants.
7th: Gerri Fields x GN! Reader (Amab! R) Summary: Gerri Fields still goes to college a virgin where she meets an old school friend she used to admire before graduation. The two soon start to date and Gerri asks them to be her first.
9th: Maria Hill x Lower Level Agent Reader(Amab! R) Summary: Maria is on a mission with reader who makes one tiny mistake and she is fast enough to berate them on the way back to headquarters. But Reader stands up for themselves which soon turns into something more ;)
11th: Step sister Wanda x GN! Reader (Amab! R) Summary: Wanda visits her step sibling in the city and they offer to take her to a club. The two soon get drunk and Wanda finds herself dancing seductively which doesn't help with the tension that was between them before ;)
13th: Jane Banner x Mob Reader (Amab! R) Summary: Jane Banner was always the one who wore the trousers but that was until she met Y/N. The mob boss who she was trying to take down. Soon finding herself tied to their bed as they used her for their pleasure.
15th: Natasha Romanoff x GN! Reader (Amab! R) Summary: Readers favourite place to be is between the Infamous Black Widow's legs. Pleasing her until she squirts.
17th: Step mom Wanda x GN! Reader (Amab! R) Summary: Wanda overheard Y/N screaming her name only to walk in on them jerking themselves off to the sinful thoughts of their step mom.
21st: Innocent Wanda x Step Parent GN! Reader (Amab! R) Summary: Wanda comes home after being dumped by her boyfriend since high school in search of comfort. Soon receiving more than she never knew she needed from Reader
23rd: Maria Hill x GN! Reader (Amab! R) Summary: At one of Tony's parties, exes bump into each other and soon fall into old habits.
25th: Assistant Wanda x CEO Reader (Amab! R) Summary: Reader requests a little bit more off of their assistant and she is more than ready to comply as they bend her over the desk.
27th: Bratty Natasha Romanoff x GN! Reader (Amab! R) Summary: Natasha decides to be blunt and abrupt with reader who doesn't care for it, especially when she is cocky and disrepectful in front of their friends.
29th: Wanda Maximoff x Stripper Reader (Amab! R) Summary: Wanda hires Reader claiming it is for a Bachelorette party which turns out to be sex party for all of her friends.
31st: WandaNat x GN! Reader (Amab! R) Summary: Both Wanda and Nat are persuing reader thinking they are clueless but they are loving the attention a little too much.
#wanda maximoff x reader#wanda maximoff#marvel#elizabeth olsen#elizabeth olsen x reader#wanda x you#wanda x y/n#wanda x reader#wanda maximoff x you#natasha romanoff#natasha romanoff x reader#gerri fields fanfiction#jane banner x gn! reader#maria hill x reader
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GOOD MORNING REMI!! Have you thought about gp!R x SingleMom!Natasha x Stepdaughter!Wanda?
I've read a thought somewhere that innocent Wanda wanted to wake up R like how Nat does. By rubbing her ass into R's groin. R thinking it's Nat slowly fucks Wanda half asleep. After finishing inside Wanda, R turned her over about to kiss her but got surprise when it isn't her wife... Could you pls add your thoughts on this? To further my FANTASY? OR JUST SOMETHING?! AHHHHH I'M GOING FERAL AT THE THOUGHT OF MILF AND PREGNANT WANDANAT!! IDK WHAT YOU'LL DO BUT PLS HELP A STARVING MILF ADDICT đ!
Anyways how are you today?đ€
Iâm actually pretty sure Iâve written something similar? I can repost that fic! Although I am not sure if it was stepmom Nat or stepmom Wanda with the other as a stepdaughter-
As a fellow milf addictâŠI HEAR YOU! Just imagine walking into your house one day to hear moans coming from your bedroom. Only to open the door and find Wanda bouncing on her stepmomâs strap, while Natasha grabs her hips and guides her. âThis is how you like them to fuck you, huh? I know, Wands, you donât have to pretend,â Natasha tells her.
You cannot help but be in awe at the sight, instantly growing hard and needing to relieve yourself. So you jerk off to your wife and your shared stepdaughter being fucked dumb. Eventually, of course, being caught and asked to join in.
And I am okay! JustâŠgoing thru a hard time haha- this helps tho!
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- Emotional -
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Pregnant! Fem! Reader
Genre: smut, fluff
Summary: Nat supports you through any of your moments of doubt caused by your pregnancy.
Word count: 1608
Warnings: bottom! Reader, top! Natasha Romanoff, Nat has a penis, kissing, SMUT, brief riding, clit stimulation, vaginal penetration, cumming inside, cum eating, brief mention of a blowjob, literally one slap on the ass
A/N: this story contains smut so anyone who isnât 18+ DNI. I wrote this in a frenzy and itâs garbage, so Iâll probably go over it one day. (Of course I didnât finish the milf wanda one so donât be angry, Iâm sorry!)

The creaking of the bed syncs perfectly with your movements as you try to gather the little strength you still have in your legs to keep moving up and down Natâs cock buried deep in your pussy. You thought that taking breaks and catching your breath could help you out, but it only ended up making you feel more and more tired each time you started moving once again. The long pauses you take, sitting still with all of her inside of you only make Nat go crazy and closer to the edge, but of course sheâd never let go before youâre done yourself, especially now that you need all of her support.
It pains her to see you struggling to do some of the most simple things and, despite it not being of any importance to her, she knows of your deep frustration for physically not being able to satisfy her like before all of this and despite her countless reassurances of you indeed being able to do so in any way, even more limited ones, you still feel so much guilt. She can see the slight tremble on your legs from your tiredness and when she gently takes your hands in hers and once again repeats, well, starts to repeat the same question sheâs been asking almost as long as youâve been going at it, you finally look at her for the first time since youâve started taking your breaks
Her soft raspy voice and green eyes hold so much love in that moment that you canât help but pout as you feel (the now more than usual) tears welling up in your eyes, blinding you for a moment before falling loose down your cheeks
âIâm so sorry Natty, I canât do it, Iâm sorry, Iâm sorryâ
Your meek voice breaks her heart so much sheâd hug you and squeeze you as tight as she can, but she knows it would be impossible to do, so she lifts herself up on her elbow to reach for your face with her other hand and wipe away another tiny tear that escapes your eye before caressing your cheek as softly as she can
âDonât ever be sorry for any of this. This is bullshit compared to what youâre doing for us, for me too! Thatâs what really matters to me, that you two are okâ
She searches for your eyes and once you make eye contact she expectantly nods and waits for you to nod back, indicating that you understood. Your small answer helps comfort her a bit as she reaches for your hand once again to kiss your palm before holding it
âAnd donât worry, my cock is definitely not sufferingâ
Her words take you off guard and once you look at her and see her stupid cheeky grin you canât help but burst out laughing, she can be so silly, especially when youâre a bit down, but she always helps lift your mood. Once you stop laughing you squeeze her hand, still intertwined with hers, and lean as down as you can to connect your lips in a soft kiss before resting your forehead against hers and looking into her beautiful eyes and then her plump lips. Sheâs even more lost looking at every little detail of your face and only gets out of her trance once she feels you grinding on her very slowly, making her eyes get back on yours and finding them already looking back at her. The feeling of her hand moving to gently hold your hips makes you suck in a breath and your walls clench around her for a second, getting a small hiss out of her. Itâs just then that you really notice how on edge she seems to be, her abs clenching hard, brows furrowed and slightly shaky breathing, could you really have gotten her close with your pathetic attempt at riding her?
âLie down, let me take care of you, please babyâ
Her whispered words succeed in getting you out of your own head once again and she doesnât receive an answer before youâre fully lifting yourself off of her, letting her cock slap back against her lower abdomen (youâre sure you heard a small âshitâ when you pulled her out of you but you donât question it) and sitting next to her, giving her another deeper kiss to thank her for being so amazing as usual. You donât even realize it when you start fully making out with each other, getting small whimpers out of you as your breathing quickens, even more so once her hand sneaks between your legs and lazily rubs your clit, making you moan out loud and break the kiss
âSo wet and so close, fuck baby, youâre so needyâ
The things she tells you while making you lie down next to her make you sob and clench hard around nothing, so you reach for her cock, still wet from being inside of you, and jerk it with your hand a couple times, savouring the way her head falls back and she moans loudly
âPlease Natty, I need to cum so bad! Please make me cum!â
The way you practically cry out the words gets something going inside of her and she suddenly moves to kneel between your legs, aligning her cock to your entrance in a frenzy, finally pushing inside of you and caressing your belly all while looking at your expression of pure bliss and savouring the small whimpers you let out while she keeps pushing more of her cock inside, seemingly never ending, until you can feel her balls pressed against you, finally letting you take a deep breath and languidly moan at being full once again.
"Shit baby, you feel even tighter!"
She doesnât waste any more time and immediately starts thrusting more and more quickly, finding a pace that pleases both of you. She knows you wonât be comfortable for long lying on your back, so she tries her best to make you get closer and closer to the edge, successfully doing so very easily and consequently feeling herself close too, thanks to the way your pussy repeatedly squeezes her cock so hard she feels like she could cum each time. Your breathless moans are certainly not helping her either and her frustrated grunts do nothing but turn you on more and make you even more wet for her
Your big desperate eyes tell her everything she needs to know and she immediately moves a hand to press her thumb on your clit and rub it, seeing your eyes unconsciously close as your bliss approaches
âCum for me babyâ
As soon as she says those words you feel your overwhelmingly hard orgasm wash over you, fully knocking your breath away and making you grasp the pillow under your head so hard your knuckles turn white. Your loud moans echo through the otherwise quiet bedroom, if not for the sound of skin slapping and Natâs laboured breathing, and your pussy squeezes Natâs cock so hard sheâs barely able to move in or out of you for a bit, effectively getting her even closer to her own peak and making her curse under her breath multiple times. Once youâve been able to calm down a bit she stops rubbing your clit and grabs your waist, getting better leverage to go back to thrusting her cock deep inside of you and working herself to her orgasm, reaching it also thanks to the sight of your now bigger boobs jiggling in tandem with her thrusts, your tired eyes lovingly looking at her and the way you clench your pussy on purpose, making her hit her peak and cum deep inside of you, filling you up to the brim, how she cums so much has always been a mystery to you. Once her cock stops twitching and sheâs mostly caught her breath she opens her eyes and sets her gaze back to you, feeling her heart warm up at the sight of your small smile and sweet eyes filled with pure love and adoration for her
âI love you Nattyâ
She can barely hear your small, tired voice, but understands you nonetheless
âI love youâŠmy babyâ
Her cheeky smile makes you let out a giggle, only to be interrupted by your own whimper when Nat pulls out of you, dragging her cock against your now extremely sensitive walls
âI know baby, Iâm done. Youâve done such a good job for meâ
Of course she finds herself entranced by the way her own cum starts slowly seeping out of you and canât help but groan when you purposely push more out to scoop it up with your fingers and taste it with a languid moan, savouring her dumbfounded expression looking at the action
âFuck, baby, arenât you a naughty oneâ
âYouâre the one who makes me act this way, Natty!â
âOh itâs my fault, I seeâ
âAbsolutely!âŠ..maybe you can do something to be forgivenâ
Youâre now lying on your side, holding yourself up on your elbow, thanks to your back killing you, looking at Nat still kneeling on the bed
âPlease tell me, babyâ
The excitement makes you smile as she briefly kisses you after speaking
âGo get me a couple of pillows so I stay comfortable while I suck your cock to clean it upâ
She fails to hold back a small grunt at your words and immediately jumps off the bed to run to the living room, slapping your ass when she passes by you, and eliciting a giggle from you, oh the way you love this woman!
Tags: @fxckmiup @natashasilverfox
#natasha romanoff#natasha romanoff x reader#natasha romanoff x fem!reader#natasha romanoff smut#black widow#black widow x reader#black widow x female reader#black widow smut#marvel#mcu
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not a back story but i would really like to know what is happening with milf r and nerd nat right now that nat is in her household with her sons...
i love your work so much and all i can say is youre underrated, thank you
After seeing Nat, r never stopped squirming. Having to have the welcome home lunch with her sons and of course, the one she had a one night stand with that turned out to be her son's bestfriend.
She did her best to avoid Natasha or be alone with Natasha. You are welcoming to her and very accommodating but only when you are around your sons.
That summer was supposed to be a bonding season for you and for your children but now you try to avoid home as much as possible so you wouldn't have to see or have an interaction with your second born's bestfriend.
You told Thena all about it and all she did was laugh at your face about how odd and how small the world is for you. You would always spend your time with your friend that your children are becoming curious onto why you're always gone.
One time your Bruce had to ask you why you were not home the whole day, he asked you if you were seeing someone. And you froze on spot, holding tightly on your cutlery as you eat dinner with them, you saw Natasha looked at youâall three of them were looking at you. You let out a chuckle wishing it didn't come out nervously as you intended it to be. And, you said, yes. Lies.
Tony saying, "Can he take a punch?" And Natasha almost choked her food. You blinked as Tony laughed at his bestfriend. "I...he can, Tony." You said, hoping that he won't notice the lies that lay beneath your words. You only said yes, so whatever hope you see in Natasha's eyes whenever you look at her would fade.
They only stayed for 3 weeks, painful 3 weeks having not to spend so much time with your sons and having to see your son's friend that gave you mindblowing orgasm that the father of your children couldn't even give you.
The night before they leave your place, Tony told Natasha to accompany you to the market to buy some stocks like foods and toiletries for their apartment. You refused, almost scolding your son telling him that you don't want his friend to be tired and you have a long travel tomorrow. Natasha took that as a chance and told you that it's not a problem. Now, you can't refuse.
The drive on the market was painfully silent, Natasha was the one to push the cart, being a gentlewoman she is as she took the liters of water you were carrying, your hands grazing at each other before she placed it in the cart. She also took it to herself to carry everything to the car especially the heavy ones.
The drive back was full of tension unlike the drive on your way back to the market. It is the only and last moment you would be with Natasha, alone. "You're really seeing someone?" You nodded, lies. "Good for you." Because if you are, now there would be a reason for Natasha to move on.
You really tried not to talk or utter a single word with her but the feeling of being guilty walking out on her is eating you. "You're young, Natasha. You'll meet so many people along the way." You spoke after her little talk with you. "You're a big, smart girl. I know you know how much I love my children." She know what your words were hinting. She could only nod, suppressing the tears that are threatening to fall in her eyes.
"C-can...can I kiss you? One last time? Please." Fuck being in your driveway as she asked. You saw her reddened eyes with tears. You cupped her face with one hand and planted a chaste kiss on her cheek, she expected a kiss on her lips but you draw the line there. Your foreheads and noses touched for a brief moment before you pulled away. You have to, because if you don't you won't let her go neither will she even though you had painfully missed how her plump lips felt like on yours and as it travel on your body.
You didn't know that Bruce and Tony planned a surprise for you that's why they let Natasha go with you. The little celebration went well, filled with so much tension and stolen glances between you and Natasha. At the end of the night, you all took a photo together, one with Bruce, one with Tony, one with the two of them, and one with the redhead.
The day after, you never tore away yourself to your children. Hugging, kissing and babying them. Your children never stopped asking you about the one you're seeing but you would try to avoid the conversation by scolding and reminding them about stuff when they finally go again to the university. Meanwhile, Natasha never dared to look at you even before they leave the house.
After they leave, you took Natasha's shirt and the photo you had together where you two stood awkwardly with enough space between each other. A tear fell down your cheek as you put it on a box. You know that as you close this box the feelings you had with the young girl will forever be hidden with it. You two cannot be together, you love your children too much to be with herâbut a part of you wished for the situation to be differentâyou wished that maybe in another universe her star would align to yours.
Author's Note: Sorry guys, this is not a sad ending, this is a realistic endingđ€ thank you for this request, nony! And thank you for the kind words, I appreciate itđ«¶
Fic link: Toothbrush
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Mess is Mine - Milf!Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Summary: Being divorced from Wanda Maximoff implies never getting over her.
Warnings: (+18), language, brief smut, divorced ladies who are very still much in love with each other, unspecified age gap, marriage going wrong, hopeful ending, mild angst, fluff.| Words: 3.949k.
A/N-> There's this divorced couple in a Brazilian soap opera with so much chemistry in their scenes together because of the intimacy gained during marriage (even though that didn't work out) and they won't leave my tik tok ; at some point, my brain thought about this fic. I would love to write more of this trope in the future.
General Masterlist | AO3 | Wattpad
Wanda had a persistent migraine, and the pile of work in front of her was not helping.
Still, all her stubborn brain could focus on instead of her real job was the stupid headline of the gossip magazine on her desk.
A cheap and badly angled photo of her ex-wife with colorful captions that read 'The newest business killer couple?" and dozens more insinuations about a secret high-society romance made her stomach churn.
Wanda tried not to be affected by the gossip, but you looked so happy in the photo that she couldn't help it.
The sudden opening of her door made Wanda jump in her seat, in one quick pull close the magazine and sigh with relief when she saw it was only Natasha.
"Why are you here?" Her long-time friend and co-worker asked. Wanda frowned in confusion.
"It's still my company..."
Nat rolled her eyes, walking into the office and taking long strides to her desk. "I meant in here, smarty-pants. The event is starting in an hour, the staff wanted some words of encouragement or something."
Wanda sighed wearily, massaging her forehead with one hand. "Can't you do that for me, Nat? I gotta make some calls."
Nat hummed in agreement, but her gaze caught the closed magazine on the table and she raised a brow at her friend. "One of those calls includes your ex-wife, I suppose."
Wanda chuckled dryly, taking the magazine out to one of the drawers and adjusting herself to reach the desk phone. "There's nothing else for me to say to her."
Her friend hid a smile that said that she didn't believe this one bit. "Okay, whatever you say. See you later, boss."
Wanda waved goodbye, with the phone to her ear. Her immediate instinct was to dial known numbers but she shook her head to push that ridiculous idea away and went back to work.
Several hours after the peak of the event when the company was filled with guests, from potential clients to journalists looking for any news like vultures at the carrion, Wanda was at her second glass of champagne, trying to keep the rest of her patience intact after having answered so many questions for gossip magazines regarding the headline from earlier in the day.
She absolutely did not want to discuss a possible romance between her ex-wife and the heiress of Bishop Industries.Â
Years before, any of them would have been afraid to question her about something so ridiculous, but that was before you came along. And melted your way into the Business Ice Queen, the untouchable Wanda Maximoff, or whatever insensitive nickname they invented about her back then. Before breaking down all of Wanda's walls, making her a better person, and of course, before you left her.
It was definitely the alcohol's fault that she was thinking about this, and with these stupid tears welling up in her eyes. Wanda swallowed all the emotion, burying it deep and making sure that no one had noticed her broken expression. With an excuse to a group of investors who were boring her into a corner, she retreated to an area far away from the company's outdoor gardens, taking a deep breath to calm herself. The beautiful view of the state lake was most welcome.
So of course the reason for her almost minor breakdown had to show up wearing her favorite suit.
"Are you running away from your guests, Maximoff?" Your tone was casual, the smile provocative. She snorted to herself, crossing her arms and keeping her eyes on the lake. You didn't mind, walking over to her at a slow pace until you were beside her on the edge.Â
"I just needed some air." She merely replies. With one hand in your pockets, you adjust your own hair, and Wanda hates that she can smell the shampoo, her body betraying her and shuddering as if your scent were addictive.Â
"You're avoiding me today." You comment lightheartedly, studying her face. "I arrived an hour ago and it took me almost all this time to find you."
Wanda forced a smile, finally facing you back, but her angry look made you hesitate. "I thought your chaperone was keeping you busy."
You glanced back at the party, stealing a quick check on Kate at the food stand, chatting with a blonde girl, before turning your attention back to Wanda.
"I forgot how hot you get when you're jealous."
Wanda huffs away, her cheeks burning which she tries to hide by staring at the lake. "Don't even start." She warns between teeth.Â
You chuckle, rolling your eyes, but don't insist. You turn your attention to the lake as well. "I wanted to let you know that the boys have already arrived in King Cross. I spoke to them and Charles on the phone."
"I know, Pietro texted me." She retorts more harshly than she meant to and bites the inside of her cheek as she sees you lower your head in upset. With a sigh, she mumbles, "I meant, thanks for letting me know."
You smile, nodding before turning your gaze back to the party. "What do you think of Miss Bishop?"Â
Wanda locks her jaw; How dare you honestly. A list of curses lays ready on the tip of her tongue, but she remembers where you two are, and takes a deep breath. You were clearly trying for some kind of reaction from her, and she's not going to let you have this victory today.
"She's beautiful." Wanda replies. "As young as you were when I met you."
You chuckle shortly, raising an eyebrow at her. "What are you implying, Maximoff?"
Wanda shrugs her shoulders softly, turning to leave. "You're quite clever, Y/N, I'm sure you follow." She hits back, but you step forward into her path. You are suddenly too close, and Wanda finds herself holding her breath. She needs to take a step back to avoid stopping breathing for good.
Your eyes stare into theirs. "Not that this is any of your business, darling, but my relationship with Kate is strictly professional."
You assure her in a low tone, and Wanda swallows hard as your gaze moves down to her lips for a long moment before focusing on her eyes again. A smile forms on your mouth next. "Besides this, I've always had a thing for older women."
Wanda sighs heavily, using all her mental control to pull away at once. "Go pay attention to your chaperone, Y/N. Especially if she's a potential client."
You roll your eyes at the business tip; you already know them by heart, the vast majority learned from Wanda. And your ex-wife makes mention of leaving, so you slide your hand down her forearm gently, taking some amusement in seeing the way she shivers.
"I wanted to talk to you about something, Wanda." You let her know, with a serious tone but a tender look. The redhead swallows dryly at the closeness of your faces now that you're standing side by side, your hands connected. "Later, after the party, okay?"
"It's important." You assure her, knowing her hesitation is so as not to break your agreement about relapses. With a gentle expression, you insist, "Please, it won't take more than five minutes."
She licks her lips, and you almost kiss her. Lucky for her she agrees and walks away because God knows you would have done it, right there in that garden for all the New York reporters to have a week's news about.
Without Wanda's perfume around you, you take a deep breath and try to clear your mind, having to wait a few more minutes in the garden for your heart to stop beating so fast.
As the event nears its end and Wanda needs to give a closing speech, you say goodbye to Kate before the parking area. You ignore all the journalists who try to insinuate something about you having taken the girl to the car and exchange a glance with Wanda in the small crowd before moving toward the elevator.
Wanda has always known you so well, and with a nod, she knows exactly where she has to go.
Her work floor is completely deserted as she makes her way to her own office. But she still closes the door as she enters, letting out a tired laugh at your figure sitting on her armchair.
Her smile fades when she sees what you are reading.
"Headlines nowadays are getting creative..." You wryly chuckle, laughing at your ex-wife's caught expression. "It says here that I might have an eye to the Bishop's fortune. How silly, you gave me almost half of yours in the divorce, why would I need more money?"
"Very funny." Wanda dryly retorts, reaching up to snatch the magazine from your hands with a tug, and raking the item into the trash afterward. She crosses her arms as she looks at you. "What did you want to tell me?"
You flashed a small, sideways smile. "You used to be more polite when you wanted to sleep with me. At least offer me a drink."
Wanda chuckled dryly, rolling her eyes and begrudgingly moving to the personal bar in the corner of the room. If she leaned over more than necessary to grab one of the whiskey bottles, aware that the position in the chair gave you a full view of her ass, neither of you said anything about it. She hid her satisfied smile as she heard your breath hitch at the image, and you hid your own reaction as you cleared your throat and looked away.
Shortly thereafter, two shots of whiskey were served on the glass table in front of you. But before the toast, you declared:
"I'm leaving."
Wanda frowned, and when you made mention of taking the glass, she placed her hand on your forearm. "Speak."
You chuckled, staring her in the eyes. "I closed a contract with the Ten Rings folks. They want me in Korea for the next four months."
Wanda lets go of your arm as if she had been burned and steps away from the table with an indecipherable, but very disturbed expression.
"B-but the boys.." She tries to formulate, but you rise from the armchair with a sigh.
"They'll be at school." You retort, even though firm, your gaze is almost pleading. For what, Wanda doesn't have the heart to wonder. "It's not as if they stay with us all the time, Wands. The boarding school takes up this time quite well. It will only be four months, and they've already invented the telephone and internet, you know?" You try to joke, but Wanda hugs her own body and faces you.
"Why are you here, then? You've traveled before."
"Not for that long." You say, taking steps toward her, and mentally thanking heavens that she doesn't pull away. "And not... not since we made the divorce official."
"I know, I know." You murmur with a sad smile, raising your hands to her arms uncovered by her dress. "Maybe it's stupid, but I wanted to make sure we're okay. That it won't be something...I don't know, that hurts us."
"More than a divorce? I find that difficult." She replies with restrained emotion in her husky voice. You sigh.
"No, you're right. It was stupid." She cuts off, pulling away so you don't see the tears welling up in her eyes. "Of course it's okay. But I appreciate that you respect the concept of shared custody. I imagine the kids already know?"
"Yes, I told them before I took them to the airport." You mutter upset, watching Wanda walk away to the window. "But Wands, I wanted to tell you in person..."
"And why is that, huh?" she retorts with an impatience that makes you flinch. And for this, Wanda loses it for good. "You know, I don't understand you! You left me! You filed for divorce, you wanted to break us up. But you keep showing up here, and at home, and everywhere, and now you want to come here and say you care-"
"I care, Wa-"
"Then why did you leave me?" she shouts back, almost regretting it when she sees the tears in your eyes. You laugh tearfully, shaking your head.
"We've had this conversation dozens of times, Wan." You say, much calmer than she is. "But you just can't accept that you're wrong, can you?"
"Right, I forgot that I'm the villain in your story." She sneers, wiping her face with the back of her hand. You give another sad laugh.
"I wish it were that simple, darling." You tell her, taking slow steps toward her. "If you were just the villain, the bad wife, the evil boss, everything would be easier. I could hate you, curse your names to all my friends, and spend all the divorce money on expensive, empty things out there, but it's not like that. You forget the part that I love you and tried to fight for us until the last second."
Wanda sobs quietly, looking down at the floor, "Don't do that, Y/N."
"But it's true, baby, you know. I'm not the one who broke any promises, Wands. I just got tired of begging for crumbs of attention from the person who swore to spend the rest of her days with me."
Wanda lifts her chin, and the determination in her gaze doesn't do justice to the tears. "You knew how much my career meant when you said yes."
You smile sadly, taking one last step to get close enough to hold her face. Wanda shudders as you wipe away her tears, as you have done so many times before, as if no time has passed and everything was fine.
"I am so proud of you, Wands, for all you have accomplished with your work. I only wish I had been as important as this building."Â
You place a long kiss on her forehead, pulling away afterward. You offer her one last sad smile before closing the door on your way out. Wanda starts to cry as soon as you have done so, even though she tries very hard to keep her tears away.
You burned a pancake to answer the door, but all the irritation over the ruined dish vanished when you saw Wanda standing in front of you.
It had only been a few days since you had last seen her, and now all the furniture in your apartment was already packed away and covered with rags, prepared for the time you would be away. Wanda's party dress gave way to a casual suit that made you swallow dryly and become self-conscious of the sweatpants and sports top you were wearing. Wanda wouldn't have picked anything better.
"Are you going to let me in, detka?" Wanda asked with some teasing for your moment of shock. You immediately recovered, making room for her to enter and closing the door once she was in the hall. "Sorry for disturbing your breakfast. I wanted to see you before your flight."
"Oh, don't worry about it. And I'm not going until the afternoon." You clarified somewhat clumsily by her presence, one hand still holding a spatula and the other adjusting your hair. "I made pancakes if you'd like..."
"I would love it." Wanda assured with a smile that made your stomach twist. It wasn't fair that your ex-wife got more beautiful every time you looked at her, honestly.
Wanda followed you back into the kitchen, and to both your surprise, you fell into a light conversation about work and the boys while preparing and serving food, completely different from the tone of the conversation the last time you had seen each other.Â
But it was a time bomb, of course, so you weren't surprised when Wanda suddenly bit her lip, assuming a more tense posture.Â
Finishing chewing your pancakes, you asked:
"Why are you here, sweetheart?"Â
Wanda raised her eyes to you, and you stared back at her, patiently for her to clarify.Â
"I wanted to say goodbye to you properly." She said, spinning her own stool around first before tipping her hands around yours to spin you toward her. You raise a brow in curiosity, but the question of what she was doing dies in your throat as she leans in and brings your lips together.Â
It has been exactly three months, eighteen days, and sixteen hours since you last kissed Wanda, and you only realize how much you missed the feeling when she does it again. It's as intoxicating as it is overwhelming, and you gasp into her lips, breaking the kiss at once as you stand up, taking good steps away from the countertop.
"Wanda, we talked about this." You remind her in a husky voice, pressing a hand over your face. It's ridiculous how much your skin is burning and your heart is racing for something that lasted less than three seconds. "No relapses. You promised-"
"It's not a relapse." She assured, reaching up and grabbing your hands to place them around her waist. You grunted at the sensation, closing your eyes as Wanda slipped hers over your shoulders, too close for you to think about anything other than her. "It's a parting gift. So you'll have a reason to come back."
Wanda presses closer and brings her mouth to your ear. "Just stop overthinking it and accept the gift, detka."
With encouragement, she bites the lobe of your ear, and you give up resisting.
With a tug on her waist, you bring your mouths together in a kiss much hungrier and more passionate than the first, which elicits loud, almost primal moans of need from both of you. Wanda pushes and pulls, and by the time you stumble to the back of the living room couch, your pants are already open and there's nothing covering your torso; much like the woman in front of you, who as soon as she throws you sitting up against the cushions, your breathing out of rhythm and your lips swollen from kissing hard, makes a show of removing the rest of her clothes.
She has time to smile mischievously at your look of pure adoration at her completely naked body in front of you before you pull her onto your lap by her thighs. Wanda climbs on you with a needy grunt, burning from the inside out in anticipation for you to touch her again.
Your touches are almost desperate, your kisses mark her skin. It is your gift, but you also seem determined to make sure that Wanda has the memory of this morning for quite some time.Â
When your mouth closes around her nipples, she whimpers to the ceiling, arching her back and steadying her hands in your hair, a soft plea that you not stop.
"Yes, baby, just like that." She encourages over the stimulation on her nipples, breaking into an excited whimper when you simply use your free hand to masturbate her. At any other time, you would have taken your time to work her up until she was begging for your touch, but now, in the urgency you two were sharing, it wasn't necessary. She was ready for you.Â
Your fingers penetrate her without delay, and Wanda digs her nails into your shoulder, breaking into a breathless moan. You give one last hickey on her hardened nipple before you move your face back up to hers, kissing her with intensity as your fingers dance inside her walls with the mastery of one who has done this a dozen times, one who knows her like the palm of the hand she so deliberately grinds against in the intention of relieving herself.
"G-god, detka! Right here!" She breaks the kiss into an affected moan, practically meowing as you repeatedly hit that sensitive spot inside her. The wetness grows in your palm, Wanda oozes into you, and to help her, you bring your free hand to her hip, coordinating her movements as she begins to fail. "I-I'm going to..."
"Don't talk, show." You interrupt her with a proud little smile, moving your mouth down to bite the sensitive spots on her neck. "Come to me, baby, I've got you."
That's all she needs to reach the first climax of the morning, and she is not surprised that you don't stop at the first. Or the second, or the third.
You are on your knees on the living room floor when your first alarm goes off. Breathing as out of breath as Wanda, on the couch with her torso exposed and her legs spread from which you against your will need to remove your face to turn off the alarm when you pull away.
She covers herself when you disappear to the kitchen because she knows it's because of the flight, and when you return, the cell phone goes on the coffee table and you sit on the floor next to her on the couch.Â
There is a long silent pause, where only your breaths can be heard. Wanda skirts a hickey on her own thigh and you sigh.
"We shouldn't have..." But you can't complete, it because your voice fails you as if you are going to start crying. You look away, and Wanda lets herself fall to your side on the floor, where she reaches for your hand.
"Detka, look at me." She asks, and you have to wait a moment until you sniffle and do so with difficulty.
"I told you it hurts me, Wands. I can't-" You take a deep breath. "I can't heal if this keeps happening. Thereâs no getting over you if we keep doing thisâ
She shakes her head. "I don't want you to get over me." She says and you huff, trying to pull her hand away, but Wanda squeezes. "I love you, you know I do."
"Love is not enough." You retort bitterly, your eyes filled with tears. "Loving me doesn't mean you won't hurt me. Nor that you won't ignore me. Those are just words, Wanda. I haven't felt loved by you in a long time."
She releases your hand from the shock of your words, and watches you create a physical distance between you as you walk away. You slip away to the bedroom, muttering that you need to get ready for the flight, and she tries to make a decision the whole time you are in the shower.
When you return to the room, wearing a set of travel clothes, Wanda is wearing your sweatpants and her own dress shirt. Your chest aches to see her wearing your clothes again.
"Wanda, you'd better go, my flight-"
"I love you, detka." She cuts you off with eyes bright with determination as she stares at you. You swallow dry, but can't resist when Wanda reaches up to touch your face. "I will make sure you know it. You'll know it so deeply that you'll be able to feel it in your bones. And you'll never doubt it again."
You sniffle lightly. "Wanda..."
"Don't worry about it now, detka." She interrupts you more gently, caressing your face. "Have a great trip. I'll be here when you come back home."
You sigh, and Wanda doesn't let you say anything more, kissing you in a calmer, but somehow much more intense way than before.Â
She leaves the apartment before you, with a wink and a request that you call the boys before and after the flight.Â
And even before she gets to the first floor, Wanda has already texted Natasha about her early retirement procedure after her well-deserved family vacation.
#wanda maximoff x reader#wanda x reader#elizabeth olsen x reader#wanda maximoff oneshots#marvel imagines
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