#miles globin
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maliciouskorpses · 7 months ago
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His name is Miles, and he’s a red blood cell sickle, aka a mutated red blood cell that can cause harm to the body. Not being able to carry oxygen, and being rejected by most of the society, he teamed up with Thrax and together they both worked to destroy bodies and get themselves a page in the books. I’m hoping to make some comics with him and Thrax soon!
Feel free to ask stuff about him and his lore :3 also his voice claim is Jonathan Davis. 😭
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qwertyu858 · 3 years ago
I must thank miles morales and the spiderverse movie for killing 80% of the talk of character coding on tumblr.
Before "I belive miles is poor and steals art suplies bc he uhhhhh..." was accused of racism (which was truth lets be honest) and killed the mainstream "coding" of fictional characters, I was forced to read "jason todd was a homeless kid that is now a drug dealer that beheads people, so ofc is latino. I also decided he is stupid and sexist, even if thats against all canon" and "this character looks like an angry monkey, ofc they are black coded" and "this character is a promiscous pervert, ofc they are bi" and the best one: "damian wayne is half arab and grew up in a terrorist group, ofc he is muslim".
Sure, you can still find those takes (I particulary hate the "jason is latino" ones, that are still very comun. And others are still super mainstream, specially the "orcs are black coded" "globins are jewish coded") from time to time BUT before "miles steals art suplies bc he is poor", you would find those posts about coding characters in literally all over the tag of any character and posted by everyone. Now is certally way more weird.
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theultimateegghead-blog · 6 years ago
100 FOLLOWER MEGA SPECIAL AWESOME 10 PART EVENT TOP 100 ENEMIES                                    PART 5.
Hello everyone! Happy new year, we are half way done with this special! Sorry for the gaps, this is harder than I thought to write. That and the whole tumblr’s change in content has gotten some of my artist friends down so ive been spending time with them to help cheer them up.
Gentlemen - Tales of Series
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Enemy Status – Bizarre well mannered creature.
Before you say it, yes, it is slenderman. However, I should mention this creature was introduced years before Slenderman. So, who is copying who? The gentleman is an odd creature encountered in the Tales series. These foes are large people in black suits and elongated limbs. Their faces have little to no features and they attack in strange ways. They are some of the more dangerous creatures in the series, and precaution should be put into consideration before engaging one. They give a good amount of EXP though. They win the list for just being so eerie.
Shaydas - Super Smash Bros Brawl
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Enemy Status – Sentient swarms of darkness.
The Shaydas is a dark creature that comes from subspace. More dangerous than the standard primid footsoldier, these creatures are armed with dual blades. They can warp around and can deliver devastating attacks with their swords. They seem to prefer dark areas such as mines and such. They can string combos, levitate and counterattack as well, making them a skilled opponent. While they are not the hardest to take down, they can serve a decent challenge. They win a spot because of their cool design and fighting style.
Enforcer - Duke Nukem 3D
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Enemy Status – High Ranking alien soldier.
The Enforcer is an enemy I both love and hate. These mobile aliens are cool looking. They are among the elite in the enemy forces and appear more frequently in later levels. They are infamous for their hitscan chain guns that can tear away at Duke’s health. They are also very mobile and can easily ambush or escape Duke. They may be a nuisance, but they are still very cool foes, and taking down a group of them unscathed feels amazing.
Gazing Globin - The Binding of Isaac
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Enemy status – Regenerating monster.
Its not the most intimidating or disgusting creature in the Binding of Isaac. These creatures  simply run after the poor crying child, often in groups. Their sing massive staring eye and their low growls make them spooky. They can regenerate unless their remains are destroyed, and this can be tough if four of them are barreling down on you. They are easily the most memorable enemies in that game for me, and that is with some heavy competition. They are creepy ghouls that win a spot on the list.
Shambler – Quake
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Enemy Status – Incredibly dangerous blind monster.
The shamble is among one of the deadliest foes in FPS history. These monsters are large and blind, and very lethal. They can deal massive damage with melee and can shoot lightning at a distance. They are relentless predators and are often best avoided. Even on the easiest settings these guys are a tough challenge to overcome and are easily the most memorable enemies from the original Quake game. These deadly foes win a spot on the list.
Stranger - Cry of Fear
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Enemy Status – Strange mind manipulating monster.
Facebook, corrupting the minds and driving people in ruin….no not that facebook, this guy. The stranger is one of the creepiest foes in cry of Fear. They don’t rely on jump scares or loud noises. They are soft and quiet monsters that linger in the darkness. They can attack with weird psychic powers while they shuffle around. Slaying them causes them to spasm and flicker out of existence. What is this creature? This ghostly monster wins a spot on the list for sure, it may look goofy as just a photo, but in game it’s a whole different story.
Dodongos - Zelda Series
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Enemy Status – Large fire breathing reptiles.
A classic foe, and one of Link’s oldest enemies. The Dodongo’s are large dinosaur like creatures that seem to prefer places of extreme heat, or in Majora’s mask case, extreme cold. These beasts can breathe fire and can sometimes attack with their tail. In most cases their tail is their weak spot. They can vary in size to that of a small horse to that of a full building. They are not very smart and will eat anything put in front of them, including bombs. These classic foes win  a spot on the list.
Assassin Nobody - Kingdom Hearts Series
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Enemy Status – High ranking nobodies.
Every member of Organization XIII has a nobody that represents them and their powers. The assassin nobody is a representation of Axel and is the first high class nobody encountered. These foes loom about and attack with their sleeves. They can defy space and time and merge into the ground to avoid taking damage. It is almost as if they can swim through the air as well. They drift about, waiting to strike and are often accompanied by other nobodies, waiting for Sora or Roxas to be distracted. While they are not the hardest to dispatch, they are easily the coolest for me, and thus they can represent the nobodies on this list.
FROGS - Metal Gear Solid 4
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Enemy Status – Elite female soldiers.
These elite units serve directly under Ocelot and are the pinnacle members of his army. Nanomachine fueled ladies. These ladies are armed to the teeth, armored, acrobatic and cannot feel things such as fear or distress. They are incredibly skilled warriors that will give snake a run for his money. These elite members sometimes serve as sub-bosses when they ambush Snake, but become normal enemies towards the end of the game. These are some super soldiers you don’t want to mess with.
Allonne Knight - Dark Souls 2
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Enemy Status – Loyal guards of the old Iron King.
The Aloone knights are the royal guards of the old Iron king. They wear sturdy armor and guard the old keep even after it falls to ruin. They wield bows and katanas, and often attack in groups. Their armor is pretty cool, but it isn’t the best there is to offer. Aesthetically they fit their given role well and are fun to fight against. They also give a good chunk of experience, making them optimal for souls grinding. They are a bit annoying in the DLC though, as their numbers are great, and those pesky archers can see you from a mile away. These guys are easily my favorite enemies from Dark souls II.
And that concludes part 5, lets keep on going, this glass is still half full! See you next time.
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