#miles and phoenix are married or WILL BE married and there's no convincing me otherwise
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Apollo Justice is getting some kinda rerelease so perhaps it is time for me to play those games!! tbh every time i think about it i just end up going back to the og though... like now, when i ended up drawing these fools again ahhh sorry apollo
I had fun (and frustration argh) feeling out those flower shapes! Went through a few different iterations before deciding on these blobby rose-camellia things. I was looking up flower symbolism for like truth and justice for a while but sometimes simple is best
#ace attorney#phoenix wright#miles edgeworth#narumitsu#gyakuten saiban#miles and phoenix are married or WILL BE married and there's no convincing me otherwise#I don't usually go all in on shipping in any capacity but like...it's not subtext at this point right it's just text#unfortunately cmyk WILL destroy that blue in print alsdkfjsadf
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Team Foon or Team Spork: Choose wisely
#domestic narumitsu#this is exactly how these two live their married life you cant convince me otherwise#ace attorney#ace attorney fanart#miles edgeworth#phoenix wright#phoenix wright fanart#miles edgeworth fanart#narumitsu#wrightworth
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Episode Reviews - Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 4 (3 of 6)
Having taken longer than planned on the earlier reviews for season 4 of Stark Trek: The Next Generation, I am now going to make more effort to stick to my weekly schedule and get the reviews done more frequently, beginning with those I am posting now.
Episode 11: Data’s Day
Plot (as given by me):
Data, in corresponding with Bruce Maddox, outlines a typical day aboard the Enterprise, making particular emphasis on the aspect of friendship.
At the start of the day, Data is relieved early from his command of the night shift so he has more time to participate in the wedding rehearsal for Chief Miles O’Brien’s wedding to Keiko Ishikara, a civilian botanist assigned to the Enterprise. Data is acting as ‘father of the bride’, but when he visits Keiko, he learns she is calling off the wedding as she believes it will make her happy, and asks Data to relay the news to Miles. Data presumes this will make the chief happy if it is what Keiko wants, but Miles is inevitably upset. Later, Data talks to Lt. Commander George La Forge, who explains Keiko just has pre-wedding anxiety and the real wedding will still take place as usual.
As a Vulcan ambassador arrives on board with a secretive mission that takes the Enterprise into the Neutral Zone, Data proceeds on Geordi’s advice to act as if the wedding will still take place; he discusses the concept of wedding gifts and customs with Worf and enlists Dr Crusher’s assistance in learning to dance. At Chief O’Brien’s request, Data then attempts to convince Keiko to go through with the wedding, but she reacts angrily to his efforts, prompting him to seek advice from Counsellor Troi. She advises Data that Miles and Keiko need to be left alone to resolve the matter themselves. When their conversation brings up the idea that growing old together is a key component of marriage, Data reveals that despite his lack of emotion, he has never ruled out the idea that one day he might marry someone. However, given Data’s inability to age, he would never be able to ‘grow old’ with a spouse.
Data is then summoned by Ambassador T’Pel, who enquires about the Enterprise’s defence systems, but she drops the query when Data mentions he has the same safeguards as the ship’s computers and would be required to notify the Captain. The ambassador claims she was only testing his safeguards, so Data accepts this on the premise that Vulcans do not lie, though on some level he remains suspicious.
Later, Data is taught to dance by Dr Crusher; this initially does not go quite to plan as the doctor teaches Data tap-dancing before he explains that his intent was to learn dances appropriate for the wedding. She then begins to teach Data a slow dance, but this is complicated by Data needing to see Dr Crusher’s feet to emulate her steps, and the lesson is interrupted by a crew member going into labour, requiring Data to finish his lesson with a holographic partner. Data eventually returns to the bridge just before the Enterprise reaches its rendezvous with a Romulan warbird, and the ambassador prepares to beam over to discuss a treaty that would formalise relations between Vulcan and Romulus. However, an accident occurs mid-transport and the ambassador is seemingly killed.
After Captain Picard explains the situation to the Romulans, he orders Data to head up the investigation into the accident. Applying the Holmesian method of deductive reasoning, Data discovers that the Romulans actually beamed the ambassador over to their ship while leaving artificial organic matter in her place; in effect, faking her death to conceal an abduction. Picard orders the Enterprise to intercept the Romulan warbird to try and rescue the ambassador, but when they arrive, they learn the ambassador was actually a Romulan spy in disguise, now returned to her own people. As more warbirds arrive, Picard reluctantly orders the Enterprise to withdraw back to Federation space.
With the crisis over, Data seeks out Keiko to apologise for his interference, only to learn the wedding will take place shortly and he needs to get dressed for it. Keiko and Miles are wed in Ten-Forward with Captain Picard officiating a ceremony based on the Japanese culture. Later, Data seeks out Dr Crusher to thank her for his dance lessons, but instead finds the captain looking in on the baby Dr Crusher delivered while the ship was confronting the Romulans. Finally, Data begins command of the next night watch.
This episode is the start of the one successful long-term romance in Trek history; from the marriage of Miles and Keiko we get a relationship that runs strong not only for all its remaining appearances in TNG, but also throughout the length of Deep Space Nine when O’Brien was made part of that spin-off’s regular cast. It’s great to see it begin the way it does, because the kind of less-than-perfect romance we see is not only more realistic than if we were seeing two people not fighting or arguing at all, it’s also vital to make a lot of later stories for these characters work. DS9, as I noted when I review that series years ago on Facebook, often did episodes that were known as ‘make O’Brien suffer’ episodes. For that to work, O’Brien had to be every inch an everyman with everyday issues, so his marriage had to be equally down-to-Earth. Otherwise, where’s the shock value in whatever’s traumatising him next?
Of course, the main focus of the episode is Data, and how he deals with the issue of friendship and understanding human behaviour. In his reasoning and actions, the idea of Data as a metaphor for the autistic mind-set comes across brilliantly. I can easily someone on the autistic spectrum like myself making similar social errors to Data in trying to navigate the sudden flare-up in the Miles-Keiko relationship. I say similar because autistic people are not emotionless as Data is, and for those of us “high functioning” (or masking to the nth degree as I think of it) and experienced enough to understand something of tact and diplomacy, we would probably avoid making at least some of these errors.
I’m also very touched by Data revealing his aspiration to one day marry despite his lack of apparent emotion; for autistic people, any form of relationship that goes beyond friendship and into the romantic can be anything from difficult to impossible. The social skills required and time commitments necessary are almost the inter-personal communication equivalent of tackling the tallest mountains in the world, and anyone on the spectrum who gets anywhere in this line has my undying respect and admiration. To see an autistic analogue like Data suggest a desire to one day get as far as marriage, and be treated with acceptance in that regard, is yet another example of Trek at its best.
My only niggle with this episode is that at one point when noting various events occurring aboard the Enterprise, Data mentions the ‘Hindu festival of lights’. Given that humans are supposed to now be an entirely secularist society in the world of Trek, why is any religious occasion of significance on real-life Earth being mentioned as if it’s still an on-going concept? Last I checked, the children on board the Enterprise aren’t going round the crew-quarters trick-or-treating, having Easter egg hunts on the holodecks or hoping for Santa to come down the Jefferies tubes once a year. That being the case, Diwali shouldn’t be getting a mention in that sort of context either. As such, the episode just misses out on top marks and ends up raking in 9 out of 10.
Episode 12: The Wounded
Plot (as adapted from Wikipedia):
While patrolling near Cardassian space, the Enterprise is suddenly attacked by a Cardassian vessel. Captain Picard is able to convince its commander, Gul Macet, to stand down, and learns that Macet's attack was in retaliation for a Federation ship attacking a Cardassian science station two days prior. Picard confirms this with Starfleet; he is told that the starship Phoenix, commanded by Captain Benjamin Maxwell, was responsible and ordered to locate the vessel. Picard invites Gul Macet and two of his officers to come aboard as observers to maintain the fragile peace between the Federation and Cardassia. As the Enterprise looks for signs of the Phoenix, Picard is informed that transporter chief Miles O'Brien was a former crewmember under Maxwell on the Rutledge during the Cardassian war, and invites him to join a briefing with Gul Macet. There, O'Brien reveals he still harbors some resentment for the Cardassians, revealing that Maxwell's family was killed by Cardassians. Gul Macet infers that Maxwell must be out for revenge, but O'Brien denies this.
The Enterprise locates the Phoenix on an intercept course for a Cardassian freighter, but they will not be able to reach it in time. Picard lets Gul Macet relay the position of the Phoenix to a closer Cardassian cruiser, but Maxwell outmaneuvers and destroys both the warship and the freighter, killing over 650 Cardassians across the two vessels.
Shortly thereafter, the Enterprise rendezvouses with the Phoenix, and Maxwell transports aboard, greeting O'Brien as an old friend. Alone, Maxwell asserts to Picard that the Cardassians are re-arming themselves; the science station was a cover for a military base, and the freighters are carrying weapons. Picard admonishes Maxwell for his behaviour unbecoming a Starfleet captain, and gains his assurance that he will pilot the Phoenix directly back to Federation space. However, en route, the Phoenix breaks course towards another freighter. Maxwell is poised to destroy the freighter, demanding that the Federation officers be allowed aboard to see proof of the Cardassians' deception. The Enterprise crew notes that the freighter is equipped with a field that blocks their scans. Picard prepares to fire on the Phoenix to maintain the peace, but O'Brien requests permission to beam over to the Phoenix, using a transporter trick to sneak past its shield, and talk to Maxwell. Aboard the Phoenix, O'Brien and Maxwell reminisce about their time aboard the Rutledge and sing a song from their past. O'Brien is able to convince Maxwell to stand down. Maxwell transfers his command to his first officer and the Phoenix starts its return to Federation space, while Maxwell returns to the Enterprise with O'Brien, confined to quarters pending return to Starfleet.
As the Cardassian observers are returned to their ship, Picard cautions them that while Maxwell's actions may have been improper, his suspicions are not without merit; the so-called "science station" is located in a strategic military position with little scientific value, and the shields on the freighters were specifically designed to block Federation scanning. He cautions Gul Macet that the Federation will be watching the Cardassians very closely in the future.
For the second time in as many episodes, we get more development of future DS9 fodder. In this case, however, it’s not just about developing Miles O’Brien and his new wife Keiko, though this is a significant part of the episode in terms of Miles. This time, we get the first appearance of the Cardassians, which substantially improves in time for their inclusion in Deep Space Nine, and Marc Alaimo makes a guest appearance as Gul Macet, setting up for his later long-time role in DS9 as the Cardassian arch-villain Gul Dukat. Throw in Bob Gunton of Shawshank Redemption fame and this episode really has some great guest actors in alongside the regular cast.
However, aside from great performances, great guest-cast stars and a lot of fodder being developed for the eventual Deep Space Nine spin-off series, this episode also takes an interesting look at how people react when a war ends and they have to act peacefully with people who they’ve had to view as the enemy for a long time. It’s another of those brilliant moves Trek started to make around this time as Roddenberry became less involved in producing the show due to his failing health. There’s only so far humanity will ever improve, and I think if we’re still having to get into wars in the future, albeit with alien species, we’re going to have the same kind of issues that come up here.
Between the various guest characters, the subject matter gets some interesting exploration; Captain Maxwell is someone so traumatised by the war that he can’t just leave it behind, Gul Macet plays someone feigning a desire to remain at peace while secretly preparing for the next scrap, and then you’ve got O’Brien, who still hates the enemy but for a totally different reason to what you’d expect. While most shows might have put O’Brien’s hatred down to something the Cardassians did, this show did something truly inspired and made O’Brien hate them for what they forced him to do. Nowhere else have I come across someone saying they only hate an enemy because that enemy forced them into committing acts of violence alien to their personal identity. In fact, I think this might even be Trek’s first stab at doing a ‘make O’Brien suffer’ episode even before creating DS9. After all, what could be greater suffering to a gentle man like O’Brien than to be faced by those who forced him to act against that gentle nature?
Honestly, I can’t find a single flaw in this episode, and so for the first time in a while I offer up top marks; 10 out of 10.
Episode 13: Devil’s Due
Plot (as adapted from Wikipedia):
The Enterprise receives a distress call from Dr. Howard Clarke, the leader of a Federation scientific delegation on Ventax II, where the population is in a state of panic, because they are convinced that their world will soon end. After the Enterprise arrives, they rescue Dr. Clarke who brings them up to date. A thousand years ago, according to Ventaxian history, the population entered a Faustian deal with Ardra, their mythology's devil. In exchange for ending wars and restoring the ecological balance, and improving their heavily polluted planet, the population would become the personal slaves of Ardra a thousand years later. As the millennium is about to come to a close, the planet has recently begun experiencing mild earthquakes, as well as seeing images of Ardra. These were said to be signs of her arrival.
As Captain Picard and Lt. Commander Data discuss the matter with the Ventaxian leader, a woman appears in the chamber, announcing herself as Ardra. She demonstrates her identity by starting an earthquake at will, and transforming into the Klingon devil-equivalent Fek'lhr of Gre'Thor. Ardra states that she has come to claim the planet. Picard is instantly suspicious and orders Data to examine the contract that supposedly was signed by Ardra and the leaders of the planet a thousand years earlier. Picard returns to the Enterprise afterwards, and Ardra appears on the bridge, sitting in the Captain's chair. Lt. Worf fails to remove her. Data returns just then and confirms the language of the contract as well as Ardra's claim to the planet and anything in its orbit, including the Enterprise.
Later, in a meeting with the senior staff, Picard expresses his belief that she is a confidence trickster and points out that all of her alleged powers can be recreated with theatrically delivered technology. After the meeting, Picard goes to bed for the evening. As Picard sleeps, Ardra appears and tries to seduce him, but he rejects her. She transports him to the planet dressed in his pyjamas. Data comes to collect Picard by shuttle after Worf is unable to transport him back the normal way. When Picard and Data attempt to return to the Enterprise, the ship disappears. In light of this, they return to the planet.
Citing old legal precedent, Picard calls for a Ventaxian arbitration hearing, to which Ardra agrees, provided Data acts as the arbitrator, as he will act with impartiality. Picard explains to the leader of the planet that the people had actually improved their planet by themselves, through their own gradual hard work, ingenuity, and dedication. However, continued demonstrations of powers further the claim that Ardra is indeed whom she says she is. During the course of the hearing, Chief Engineer La Forge and Clarke discover that Ardra has a cloaked ship nearby, that she is indeed using technology to simulate magic, and that she is a known criminal. Picard sends an away team, led by Commander Riker, to take control of Ardra's ship, giving Picard control of her powers. He demonstrates the technology-based fraud and she is taken into custody by local authorities.
This is an episode I find fun because among its various plot elements is a bit of a dig at buying too readily into certain aspects of organised religion. Here, we see someone is basically a criminal try to exploit and enslave the population of an entire planet by twisting its beliefs to her own ends. This is not unlike many real-life followers of many, many religions that will twist those religions to excuse and fuel bigoted and divisive viewpoints, often leading many to assume they are a true reflection of that faith when they are not. Frankly, I think many people ‘of faith’ could learn a valuable lesson about taking care to really learn their religion to avoid just this sort of deception by watching this episode.
However, the episode is really meant to be more about how technology can appear to be magic if it is sufficiently advanced, and to be fair it’s a fun exploration of that idea. However, the same thing was done the season before with ‘Who Watches The Watchers’, and it’s also been used with greater theatricality by the Marvel Cinematic Universe to explain the likes of Thor and Doctor Strange in an otherwise science-based superhero action universe. By and large, the idea of ‘believer beware’ seems to hold the greater weight than the intended focus, and it’s got some decent comic relief-type moments in places.
However, I disagree with the assessment some others have made that the episode is somehow ‘Picard trying to act like Kirk’. Kirk, being the degenerate woman-of-the-week phaser-happy space cowboy that he was, would more likely have given into Ardra and then stunned her with a phaser when proving her deception. Picard acts like Picard from his resistance to Ardra right up to the court-room scene. There’s nothing all that Kirkian about this episode, even though it originated as an unproduced story from that era, and to believe otherwise is to be as gullible as the Ventaxians. Overall, I give this episode about 8 out of 10.
Episode 14: Clues
Plot (as adapted from Wikipedia):
The Enterprise investigates a T Tauri class star system with a single Class M planet that was picked up on a long-range sensor scan near the Ngame Nebula. As they approach the planet, the ship encounters a wormhole and everyone except Lt. Commander Data briefly loses consciousness. When the crew regains consciousness, some of the ship's sensors suggest it has been nearly a day since the wormhole encounter, but Data states they were only out for moments and the ship's instruments were affected by the wormhole. Following Data's suggestion, Captain Picard decides to send a probe into the system to avoid further harm to the ship. The probe reports only the presence of a frozen gas giant instead of the Class M planet from before; again, Data attributes this to the effects of the wormhole.
As the ship moves away from the system, the crew begin to find evidence that does not support Data's claims that they were unconscious for only 30 seconds. For example, Dr Crusher has found moss samples that show a full day of growth, and has found that Worf, complaining of a sore wrist, actually had his wrist broken and reset by a medical professional. Picard begins to suspect Data's claims, and believes the rest of the crew is suffering from missing time syndrome. Picard confronts Data on the issue, but Data cannot provide a rational answer. Further studies of the crew by Dr Crusher show that Data's explanations are impossible; they have lost a day from the wormhole encounter, and there is evidence that Data tampered with the probe's readings to mask the Class M planet. Picard recognizes that Data's actions may be for the protection of the Enterprise, but orders the ship to return to the system.
When they near the Class M planet, ounsellor Troi is taken over by a mysterious energy pulse from the system, and starts to speak to the crew with a different voice. The entity that has taken over Troi informs Data that the plan has failed, and that their people will prepare to destroy the Enterprise. Picard learns from Data and the entity that they are in the space of the Paxans, a highly advanced but very xenophobic race who have kept themselves hidden by firing a stun beam at any ship that nears their system and then moving it away; crews of such ships normally associate it with the effects of a wormhole. However, in the case of the Enterprise, the stun beam did not affect Data; Data had revived the crew as the Paxans were attempting to move the ship, and forcing a physical encounter that led to Worf's wrist being broken. Picard was able to offer the Paxans a deal as to attempt to conceal their previous meeting, using memory-wiping technology from the Paxans to forget their encounters with them, and ordered Data to behave as he did to protect the ship.
Picard is able to convince the Paxan in control of Troi that the previous plan failed because they left too many clues on the Enterprise that piqued human curiosity to solve the mystery and that if the Enterprise vanishes, it will cause others to come investigate. The crew of the Enterprise, with the help of the Paxans, work together to completely eradicate any possible clues; once completed, the crew is stunned again, and the ship moves away from Paxan space. When the crew revives this time, they accept Data's explanations without question and continue on their mission.
In addition to this episode having a lot of similarity to ‘Thanks for the Memory’, an episode from the second series of British sit-com Red Dwarf, it’s also notable for bringing us a little more Picard-as-Dixon-Hill. However, in this case only in the opening teaser segment is Picard doing this as a fantasy on the holodeck. The rest of the episode has Picard, and indeed most of the crew, playing detective in the ‘real world’, making the episode a kind of exploration of the human fascination with mysteries and puzzle-solving. It’s not a bad episode, by any means, but it’s fairly shallow in its issue exploration, and the whole alien possession thing near the end is kind of a needless bit of weirdness. This was a bottle episode, granted, but would one guest actor in a bit of prosthetics really have killed the budget compared with the visual effect they used? Overall, I’d give this 7 out of 10.
Episode 15: First Contact
Plot (as adapted from Wikipedia):
The humanoid race of Malcor III is preparing to develop warp drive technology. Captain Picard and Counsellor Troi suddenly visit Science Minister Mirasta Yale, lead researcher on their warp experiments. They calm her and explain that they come in peace. It is normal Federation policy to make first contact with a world when it reaches this level of technology. However, they have had to move ahead of schedule because Commander Riker, disguised as a Malcorian, has gone missing. After touring the Enterprise, Mirasta agrees to help and arranges a private meeting with Chancellor Durken. After the meeting, Picard returns with Durken to the Enterprise and explains the benefits of a relationship with the Federation. Durken expresses some concerns, most notably with the Federation's unwillingness to share their technology, as well as how their arrival will change his society. Picard assures him that how contact proceeds will be up to him, and if asked to leave, the Federation will do so.
Meanwhile, Riker has been detained by security forces in a hospital, where he is barely conscious following an accident. Differences in Riker's physiology make the hospital administrator believe that he is an extra-terrestrial. Riker is aided in his escape by a nurse who expresses her wish to "make love with an alien". Riker accepts her offer, but the escape attempt fails: he is spotted, and the guards catch and beat him, worsening his condition. Riker's presence at the hospital is reported to Security Minister Krola, who accuses Durken of hiding the truth about the "alien" presence. The Chancellor expresses his concerns to Picard about the Federation's covert intrusions, but accepts Picard's explanation of why the Federation does this. Krola, fearing a hostile invasion by the Federation, endangers Riker's health by reviving him prematurely so he may be interrogated. He tries to frame Riker as a murderer by shooting himself with Riker's phaser. Meanwhile, Durken is made aware that Riker is in danger of dying and tells Picard where he is. The Enterprise crew bring both Riker and Krola back to the ship. They are able to save Riker's life, and discover that his phaser was only set to stun, so Krola was in no real danger.
After Krola is returned to the planet, Durken regretfully tells Picard that he feels Malcor is not ready for first contact. He fears his people are not mature enough to handle the startling announcement that they are not alone in the universe. He requests that the Enterprise leave the planet, in hopes that they may be able to return at a later time. He agrees to delay Malcor's development of warp drive technology until its people are ready. With Mirasta's project postponed, she asks Picard if she can join his crew, and Picard agrees.
Apparently, this episode was only possible by breaking one of the ‘rules’ of Star Trek established by Roddenberry, namely that episodes always take place primarily from the point-of-view of the main cast. This time, however, the episode takes the point-of-view of the alien race who is being approached by the Federation as they reach the point of warp travel. It’s a great episode, and not only because of the superb guest actors (including George Coe, who had a notable guest presence in The West Wing as Senator Howard Stackhouse, and Bebe Neuwirth who played Lilith in Cheers and Fraiser). It’s also great because it’s the first look at not only how first contact missions actually happen, but the point-of-view of the aliens is probably not too dissimilar to how humanity would act right now if we were ever in that situation.
The episode runs the gamut of possible reactions; the positive reaction of the forward-thinking scientist, the negative and regressive attitude of the xenophobic and paranoid security minister, the even-handed and considered approach of the head of state, and everything from general panic to alien kink among the general population. Right down to the whole thing ending up being dismissed as a conspiracy theory while social reforms are brought in to try and enlighten the population, it all says ‘yes, this is just how humanity would react in that same situation’.
For me, all that spoils this episode is that bit where the alien nurse seduces Riker and he agrees. I mean come on Will; I know you’re the one member of the TNG crew who is frequently obligated to act like Kirk and have a woman-of-the-week moment every chance you get, but frankly I think it would have been more appropriate to go for a low phaser stun burst on her and the guard, then hop in the guard’s uniform and slip out. Overall score here is about 8 out of 10.
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favorite headcannons -
trucy’s middle name is artemis (https://phoenixwrxght.tumblr.com/post/186290522530/aa-headcannons-23)
apollo being trans is literally like, my favorite thing i think it’s rad
i really like the idea of phoenix being some portion of hispanic? i think it’s cool
athena,, with freckles,,
klavier and ema are super close you cant convince me otherwise
kristoph probably had naturally blonde hair but when he was younger, klav wanted to be just like kristoph so he bleached his hair (he REGRETS IT)
i’m pretty sure that trucy already fucking knows about her and apollo like cmON?? shes not dumb, thalassa probably mentioned her first marriage at one point
larry and trucy are really close
unoriginal but phoenix with heterochromia is rAD bro
maya is probably chubby tho like cmon that girl fuckinng inhales burgers like there’s no tomorrow (and there’s nothing wrong with that!)
godot? more like goDONT
franziska’s older sister ran away from home when fran was really young, she hasnt seen her since
i really like the idea of gregory edgeworth being the estranged son of manfred von karma, i know it makes literally no sense but cmON
franziska’s mom died shortly after she was born
gregory’s wife died shortly after miles was born and her name was melanie fuck you i like angst
manfred probably loved his wife
i know hes a souless asshole but,, cmon
athena probably has some form of autism, i know its a far stretch but her breakdown reminds me of a sensory overload
raymond emits bi + trans energy
tyrell badd is ace
simon blackquill is ace
aura is canocally a lesbian idc what u say
metis probably had autism
one of my favorite headcannons ever is that miles thought he was aro and ace his entire life but turns out he was demi - he figured this out when wright came back into his life
the reason why gumshoe and maggey arent in the latest games is because they got married and are busy trying to raise their twins :)
the judge has a wonderful wife and daughter who happends to be a defense lawyer and will brag about his family and his grandkid at any moment possible
kay breaks into mile’s chief prosecutor’s office sometimes and leaves little gifts and notes and it makes miles smile
franziska wears louboutins because she’s a badass
franziska adores trucy and often sends her very expensive gifts from germany
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Fake Marriage part 6
Now that you’ve “married” Miles Edgeworth, it’s time to go hang out at an exclusive and fancy resort a few hours outside of town. (The more exclusive the resort, the harder the press works to sneak in, and the more convincing the resulting photographs will be after all.) I’m sure that won’t cause any problems for you. Oh wait, as the person writing this story, I know that there are actually many proble---nevermind. It will all go smoothly in the next couple of chapters. Yep. (Also, I want to give a thank you to the four people who liked various chapters of this story so far. It may not seem like much, but each one brought me happiness.)
Word count: 592
The resort you would be spending the next four days at was the fanciest place you had ever seen, which you found both intriguing and intimidating. You spent most of your time holed up in your suite, Edgeworth working on his laptop, while you played on your 3DS, read, stretched, practiced your martial arts katas, watched anime, and passed the time with other solitary pursuits. Unfortunately, the two of you did have to leave the room and make sure to be seen a few times, since you suspected multiple parties were keeping tabs on you, and the two of you really did have to sell this thing until you had used this marriage to investigate the murdered prosecutors. During your final day, you noticed Edgeworth scowling at his laptop. “What’s wrong?
“Someone I once prosecuted for the theft of a priceless work of art was released from prison a week ago for good behavior, and no one informed me until today.”
“Were they guilty?”
“I believed so at the time, although the defendant claimed otherwise, and their attorney put up a decent fight.”
“Was this before Mia Fey’s murder?” you were attempting to be tactful while asking if the case happened before Phoenix Wright ended his perfect record and caused him to begin reassessing his values as a prosecutor.
“Yes, I believe the trial occurred soon after the SL-9 incident.”
“Do you need to worry about a revenge plot from this guy?”
Edgeworth smiled and shook his head, “The records indicate no violent tendencies or verbal threats during his prison sentence. And his location is being monitored by the police.”
You should have realized if nothing was wrong he wouldn’t have looked so serious while reading about it. Instead, you asked no more questions and resumed entertaining yourself until the two of you decided to leave the room.
There was a decadent lounge in the main resort building, where you found a fancy chess set. Edgeworth suggested playing a game, and you agreed. Unfortunately, the pieces’ design was too elaborate and abstract, and the game had to start with deciding what each piece was. Of course, the games themselves were short, since you were not good at chess and your opponent was quite skilled. Another couple came in and enthusiastically snuggled together on one of the nearby couches in such a way as to be in a constant state of almost-making-out. Looking over at the couple, you asked, “Do you ever wonder what it’s like to be ‘in love?’” You added a terrible French accent to your last two words.
“Occasionally.” Edgeworth moved one of his knights.
At this point you had given up on ever winning against him and were playing a very defensive game of chess. The result was you merely trying to keep as many of your pieces alive for as long as you could. Moving a pawn to protect your bishop threatened by the knight’s new position, you gave your own thoughts on the matter. “Falling in love seems like a disease that robs people of their sanity.”
Edgeworth nodded, but before he could reply, a square pillow crashed into the game board, compliments of the now-making-out couch couple. Honestly, you weren’t mad about the game ending, but the fact they were so wrapped up in each other they didn’t even notice what they did was irritating.
“Would you care for a walk outside before dinner?” asked Edgeworth as you both collected the scattered pieces.
“Yes please. I don’t think I can take much more of those two.
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GOT7 Hogwarts Moodboard AU Introductory Post
Jackson Wang : Gryffindor
Fifth Year | 10″ English Oak, Phoenix Feather, Solid | Quidditch Chaser | Ferruginous Hawk (Patronus) | Pureblood | Animagus (special ability, takes on the same form as his patronus) | Defense Against the Dark Arts, Care of Magical Creatures, Charms (best subjects) | Mark Tuan (boyfriend) | Im Jaebum, Kim Yugyeom, Bambam (best friends) | Member of the Silver Spears
Okay, so let’s talk about Jackson for a minute.
Jackson Wang is one the one hand the most Gryffindory Gryffindor you will ever meet.
He is loud and rambunctious and you’ll know if he’s coming from like a mile away. Okay? Jackson has a fucking presence.
You just met him five minutes ago? Congratulations. You and him are BFFS now.
This is probably one of the kindest and most genuine souls you’ll ever meet in your life.
But he’s also a little Hufflepuffley. The Sorting Hat was rather torn on which house to stick him in.
“Hmm, interesting. Are you a badger or a lion?”
“Well, people say I’m more of a puppy? Where does that get me? OH! Do you want to be friends? Is it weird to be friends with a hat? I don’t care. We could be friends for a long time. How old are you? What do you do when you’re not sorting? Don’t tell me you just sit on the shelf, that would be TRAGIC. As your new best friend, I think we gotta get you --”
That’s pretty much how that happened.
Jackson is brave...sort of. He’s brave when it comes to big things, I suppose. In the face of danger Jackson would be the first to defend you. He isn’t afraid to stand up to anyone and he doesn’t give into peer pressures.
However, if you sneak up on him or if he realizes he’s rather high up in the air, he’s going to scream in terror until his voice gives out. He also doesn’t like the dark and he does not like horror movies.
Yes, he is afraid of heights.
Yes, his patronus and animagus form is a bird. He is aware of the irony, thank you very much.
When he first transformed into his animagus form he refused to fly to a good solid week until Mark finally helped him to think of it like when he’s playing Quidditch and he’s on a broom. He could fly after that, but he still tries not to look down.
Speaking of Quidditch, he’s a chaser on his team and one of the best the school’s ever seen. He could very well go pro if he really wanted to (and he’s considering it - he loves Quidditch). Also odd since he’s afraid of heights. But he’s also highly competitive, which kind of out weighs his fear. He’s got a game to win, okay!?
Speaking of Mark, Jackson is in love.
Like full on heart eyes every time Jackson so much as thinks about Mark or even glimpses at him. He is fairly certain that Mark hung all the stars in the sky just for him. And you can’t convince him otherwise.
He wants to marry Mark. He’s wanted to marry Mark since he became friends with him during his first year. He was pretty much enamored with him the second they met.
Jackson believes in true love and fate. He’s not sure what the hell he ever did to deserve Mark but as far as he’s concerned it’s true and it’s real and he’ll die defending him.
They’re a little obnoxious but Jackson doesn’t care. They work. Jackson is super loud and wants to be around everybody. Mark is on the quiet side and really just wants to be around Jackson...and maybe Jinyoung. Except Jinyoung gets all bitchy when Jackson can’t keep his hands to himself which is always because, let’s be honest, Jackson can NEVER keep his hands to himself.
As far as his animagus skill is concerned, he knew going INTO Hogwarts that he wanted to become one. So he kind of started teaching himself early on. He didn’t really get into it until he became a first year but he worked extremely hard at it and finally succeeded in the middle of his third year.
He is registered. At first he thought he might not register because it seemed kind of badass to be able to do this and have nobody know, but Jackson’s overall moral stance was like, “Nah bro, you gotta!”
So he registered like a good boy.
Jackson is also in love with magic. Like he is so amazed all the time of the world he lives in. He could have so easily been born a muggle and he would have known NOTHING of magic or this amazing world and he’s extremely grateful for it.
Jackson is an extremely lively fellow. He lives very loudly - it’s just who he is. It’s also why Mark loves him so much. Jackson is vibrant, the very definition of loyal, kind, genuine, and wears his heart on his sleeve.
This of course means that sometimes he gets hurt. Really hurt. He puts so much faith in people and those people (unfortunately) let him down and he’s left in a puddle of his own feelings and disappointment. Part of him is just upset at himself for expecting so much. The other part of him tells him to keep trying and to not give up hope. He just sees so much potential and goodness in everyone around him.
That’s one of the reasons why his best friend is a Slytherin. He’s aware that Jaebum comes off as your typical Slytherin but he can see the good man that Jaebum is. Even when Jaebum sometimes can’t see it. Jackson’s the kind of kid that is cherished by the people he’s close with.
So messing with him is pretty much a death sentence.
Jaebum has given plenty of bloody noses to people who try to hurt Jackson. And Mark will just flat out knock you on your ass. He won’t even use magic, I’m not kidding. Mark will kick your fucking ass. Jackson is his sun and stars and he will literally beat your ass into the ground if you hurt him.
For the most part people don’t mess with Jackson though. Partially because his friends are terrifying (the look Jinyoung gave to this one kid almost petrified him on the spot). But most people don’t mess with him simply because there’s no reason to. Everybody loves Jackson.
He’s got the biggest social circle of all of them. He’s friends with everybody. Even the professors. Even the freaking paintings, the ghosts, and EVEN PEEVES.
Like...Peeves LOVES Jackson! Mark is like what EVEN!? And Jackson is just like, “Yeah we’re friends!” And he’s not kidding. Peeves thinks Jackson is just SO MUCH FUN.
He’s super into eating healthy and only organic stuff. Mark is not amused. “Jackson if you put any of that shit on my plate ISTG I won’t touch you for a week.” “A WHOLE WEEK!? I just want you to LIVE FOREVER. Is that so wrong!?” “What is life without sugar and carbs?” “Carbs can make you unhealthy and fat....okay well they don’t make YOU fat. Nothing makes you fat.” “You saying you wouldn’t love me if I was fat?” “Mark, please. I would love you if you were the size of a barn. You seriously wouldn’t touch me for a week if I put this on your plate!?” “Not even a little.” “UGH. FINE.”
People make a lot of assumptions about his relationship with Mark. Jackson is so loud and rambunctious. He’s screams alpha male and he looks like one to. He must be on top, right? Jackson must always be in control, right? Wrong.
You’re so wrong. Mark makes Jackson so weak. And so very pliant.
Jackson will let Mark have his way with him whenever and wherever the fuck he wants. Jackson is very much in love with Mark but is also physically obsessed with him. He might top every once in a while when they’re both in the mood for it, but for the most part Jackson just wants Mark all over him. All the fucking time.
This is getting long. I should end this. BASICALLY Jackson is just...well, he’s Jackson.
Jackson is the life of the party. He’s a brave heart. A champion. Your best friend. The guy you wanna go to war with. He’s a social butterfly. His laugh is infectious and he makes it his personal mission to make people happy.
So he’s your best friend now, right!?
I hope you like organic tea.
*pictures and gifs aren’t mine. i made the moodboard but the pictures i got off of tumblr and google. credit to their respective owners.
#3 of 7#got7#igot7#ahgase#moodboard#moodboard au#got7 moodbard#kpop moodbard#kpop#harry potter#harry potter au#harry potter moodboard#moodboards#jackson wang#wang ka yee#wang jia er#wang puppy#jackson#jia er#ka yee#baby bird#hp#jackson wang scenarios#jackson wang imagines#jacksong wang reactions#kpop scenarios#kpop imagines#kpop reactions#got7 scenarios#got7 reactions
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