#mileapo future series
lostmykiliel · 1 year
MileApo Series Idea
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Scifi/Action/Thriller with romance:
A few decades into the future, scientists created the perfect killing machine: A cyborg assassin who is being controlled by an underground organization, set to get rid of criminals, rebels and oppressors on behalf of the government. Every mission a full success until the assassin meets someone who reveals the ugly truth about himself.
On the other side the boss of a former renowned security service, which once flawless reputation of protecting the clients from any kind of danger got smeared by the assassin. Driven by the wish to take the assassin down, he uses his old contacts to investigate about this seemingly perfect killer and discovers that the other isn't truly a full-fledged cyborg, but rather a modified human whose memories were erased after being captured as a kid. Determined to use that knowledge to his advantage he confronts the assassin with it, but things unravel way differently than estimated...
Because of the recent Twitter trend to write a concept/idea/wish for a new MA series, I thought about what I would see fit and share it here, because I like Tumblr so much more.
If anyone feels inspired by it and wants to create something, feel free to do so. I probably won't write a MA or KP AU fic myself, but would love to read it hehe.
(Most fitting KPTS screenshot as an eye-catcher. Who is the assassin and who the boss of the security service is up to you.)
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chicademartinica · 2 years
That scene in Bed Friend is really hitting me in my COLORISM RUINS EVERYTHING BECAUSE LOVERS WITH CONTRASTING SKIN TONES ARE THE SEXIEST THING ON THE PLANET spot. Let the melanated characters (and actors) get loved on ON GOD.
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nattaphum · 1 year
KinnPorsche The Series as a case study of a successful Thai BL series abroad.
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The Economy segment, ThaiPBS News (07/17/2023)
K'Siwat's Sawasdimaneekul (New), director and executive of Studio Wabi Sabi and Dr. Chakrit Pichyangkul, director of the Creative Economy Agency (CA) raised "KinnPorsche The Series" as a case study for Thai BL that became successful in foreign countries as it breaks all the rules that have ever been made.
Breaking out of the framework of plot that is only within the university setting to the mafia world makes it a success and is an example of how to make content differently.
Dr. Wit (Host 1): I would like to talk about a case that is successful in the ThaiBL industry, overseas, in terms of the plot because many viewers at home may not have been following much bl shows. They might have been following some… but which of them we should learn from, so that we can branch out? let's start with New first.
New: At the moment, it would be Kinnporsche The Series, we can clearly see that, I can say it since the moment I've been part of the industry, KinnPorsche The Series is a show that is tremendously successful, extraordinary, of a world-class level, honestly.
Dr. Wit (Host 1): Because?…
New: It's..
Dr. Wit (Host 1): Because we have many shows, right?
New: Yes, yes...
Dr. Wit (Host 1): So why does that show has the charm/power it has in drawing the audience?
New: One reason could be because it's different in terms of the plot. It came in a time when lots of people/shows have not been set outside of the university backdrop as much. And it's a mafia-esque world, it also has a very masculine vibe, and it has a beautiful production as well. Including the acting of the actors that are well-balanced too. Many of the elements complement, all of it complement each other to make the show a great success.
K'Watcharathit (Host 2): Can we say that it's one of the masterpieces within the ThaiBL industry?
New: Very much so
K'Watcharathit (Host 2): Really?
New: Very much so, and i believe that they, the production team, really put in their effort and commitment towards the show. No matter if it's the production itself or the financial investment that we can just tell that there's a lot of financial investment to produce that show... frankly speaking they just put in their all with that show, so, yeah, it's great, the result is what it should have been.
Dr. Wit (Host 1): The output is worth the input, right?
New: Correct
Dr. Chakrit: *replies to the same initial question* I would say KinnPorsche The Series as well, I think this show is a good case study because it's on the iQiYi platform, a large streaming platform that reaches audiences both in China and overseas. There's a lot of viewers, and a show, it's one of the first shows that can adjust, evolve the content from the norm that is within the university and university students or highschool, to a mafia world. There's action, as well. And a mix of comedy. So, when there's action-thriller added to a show like this… companies need to find new products, and this is the new product of BL series that came out in a style that is not traditional, with light-hearted humor, nor confined within the school or university setting. But it's set within the real world that more people could relate to and has action-thrillers that people didn't not expect that could be included in a BL series. I think this is an important aspect, that it could be done, and the financial income, I think there could be a collaboration with iQiYi as well, and with the larger number of viewers that is exponentially high, it's clear that the two male lead actors, both Mile and Apo are well-received at the world stage, right now with lots of fans. I think it's a great case and an interesting one. And I think that from now on, we'll see BL series that have other dimensions. It might be within another career, there might be a fantasy genre, or ghost, etc., we don't know what the future holds, so it could happen. There are many things to do and explore. There's another aspect that BL series could explore that doesn't have to be a light-hearted humor purely anymore. This is just the beginning.
K'Watcharathit (Host 2): Period, historical ones, right?
Dr. Chakrit: There'll be more...
New: Yes... this year has a lot of period BL shows... yes, both films and tv shows
K'Watcharathit (Host 2): Oh..
Dr. Chakrit: The person who did KinnPorsche The Series, is also doing a period piece, 'Man Suang' that opened in Cannes already.... it's showing around the end of August, right?
New: end of August, yes
Dr. Chakrit: In August it'll be released in Thailand. It’s another film that is worth watching, and is played by the same actors, Mile and Apo. Which I think, from the trailer, oh wow, they really were determined/put in the effort in producing it. Like the filming set looks like it's around the reign of King Rama III...
Translation by mileapo SP
Video here
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yujeong · 17 days
does boc stick with its branded pair? or do they switch switch off their actors with others bcos ive seen really some potential chemistry between other actors 😭 im sorry. ive just started 4minutes and i know im late to the news but bas and fuaiz are really compatible? hello? never thought of that? i hope we'd get more basfuaiz pairings in the future and i don't think people would agree w this but also, bible and jj HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH like 😭 one of my "ghostship" idk of other people find them okay too let me know hwhahaha
Anon, besides MileApo for which Pond has made a million jokes and statements about them being inseparable , everyone else is basically fair game in my opinion. Meaning, Mile and Apo will always be a couple in BOC's productions, but every other actor could potentially be romantically/sexually involved with any other actor in future shows. As you said, Bas and Fuaiz was a big surprise to all of us, even the older fans like myself. BOC also surprised us with Ta and Barcode being romantically involved in Dead Friend Forever; they'd probably seen some fans being interested in those two from the KinnPorsche The Series days. Good for the MacauChay fans honestly, I was very happy for them. So yeah, BOC clearly doesn't care about branded pairs, at least not in the same way GMMTV and the rest of the industry seems to do. As someone who mostly cares about the shows themselves and if they're, well, enjoyable to watch and consume, I'm very happy with their approach. Oh and btw, Bible and Jjay is an inspired choice and one I haven't seen mentioned anywhere before. Live your truth, anon!
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howdaretrashships · 7 months
9 Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better
Tagged by @bbcphile and @thesilversun. Thanks!
3 Ships You Like: lol, only three? (You're kidding right? Right? *sigh* Fine...) I'll go with the three most current I guess. Feihua from Mysterious Lotus Casebook, Wangxian from MDZS/CQL, and Merthur from BBC Merlin.
First Ship Ever: Technically, an argument could be made for Jack/Rose from Titanic (I was, like, 8 at the time). But if you mean the ship that actually got me into fandom spaces, and reading and writing fic then Janto from Torchwood. (CoE broke my heart and is the main reason fix-its are always at the top of my list.)
Last Song You Heard: Phantom by Rina Sawayama
Favorite Childhood Book: I Rode a Horse of Milk White Jade by Diane L. Wilson. I unfortunately have a hazy memory of most of the book, but I remember the last scene very clearly. Also the Song of the Lioness series by Tamora Pierce.
Currently Reading: Not currently reading many books, but I'm planning to start Guardian by Priest in the near future. I've seen the series so I'm interested to see the differences from book to screen. I just finished And Time is But a Paper Moon by sami for the fifth time, and am about to start Bad Bet by luckydragon.
Currently Watching: I'm between shows at the moment. I just finished Tale of the Nine Tailed, and enjoyed it. I'm mainly waiting for Man Suang to drop on the 28th, and will be watching as soon as feasibly possible. (They said it was an international movie to come out last August, and then only released it in Asia. I have been waiting, and trying to avoid spoilers while also surviving on crumbs of information.)
Currently Consuming: Coffee
Currently Craving: Inspiration to write. I have a fic that is nearly ready to post, and I would like to to be able to finish the last scene.
Tagging: @seventh-fantasy, @wildelydawn, @foxymrfox, @wuxia-vanlifer, @koaly-ty, @mwfangirl, @difeisheng, @thebeingofeverything, and @mileapo. (No pressure, and feel free to ignore if you've already done it! Also if you weren't tagged and want to do it, take this as your invitation.)
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discluded · 1 year
often I see people saying MileApo are different from other couples, do you mind to explain what makes them standout ? what makes their relationship special from others?
Hi, not to sound purposefully obtuse, but do you mean Thai BL actor pairings that promote together? I know "couple" is often what they call those too, but just trying to make sure you don't mean like, people who are dating or married. 'cause that I can't answer.
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ coupla what durr hurr hurr
Thailand seems to have a film/media culture where there are actor pairings that often work together and those pairings are really well loved by the public in terms of their chemistry. This was an old Hollywood standard that doesn't happen as often anymore, but they still exist even in the west, for example, with Drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler's work, Margot Robbie and Ryan Gossling already cast together on a Ocean's franchise movie, and also Ryan Gossling with Emma Stone.
One such popular Thai couple is Mario Maurer and Mai Davika whom Apo has both worked with before, and Mario one of Apo's good friends. They've appeared in a number of films and projects together, though they often do work separately as well. Like the aforementioned Hollywood pairings, Mario and Mai are are also openly dating other people. Apo is good friends with Mario's partner Junji too!
The QL/BL industry has taken this and set it up where often, successful partnerships will involve the pairing working together across multiple projects almost exclusively. The standards for getting into acting into a QL/BL project are also not very high, which contributes to the Thai general public's perception of the quality of work and the actors' skills among those who participate in BL projects.
As such, a lot of people who want to get into acting see doing BL as a stepping stone into a more "respected" acting career, such as doing lakhorns. Oftentimes, these pairings will work together for a few projects and then like, sometimes part on bad terms. Often times, if the first project is super successful, they might not even pair in the projects even if they're both in the series or show (See: BrightWin).
MileApo differ in terms of that because Apo started out as an lakhorn actor and was relatively acclaimed as an actor on a local level. He's appeared on magazine covers, both for the series he's starred in and solo prior to KinnPorsche.
For actors who achieved such the level of success they have in their first series, many similar actors would decide to part ways and pursue more "respected" roles/projects, like BrightWin have. Part of the reason there's so much toxicity and infighting between solos and couple fans is that has been the precedent set for among BL fans, and solos were expecting them to part ways as acting partners with their own projects.
In fact, I've read quite a number of not-so-nice tweets implying Mile was "relegating" himself to BL roles when he doesn't have to do "that kind" of project anymore. (ah the inherent homophobia of people choosing to consume BL shows... 😑)
So they're mostly different in that they're actively choosing to work together across multiple projects even when they have the opportunity to pursue solo projects given how famous their first project made them. Of course, none of us expect this to be forever since Mile will have to return full time to his sexy CEO job at some point... but the future isn't written in stone.
But yeah, toxic solos be big mad that Mile and Apo genuinely love and respect each other and want to continue working together despite having multiple options otherwise. LMFAO.
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itsmelb · 2 years
2022 - the year I discovered BL!
(The master post no one needs but everyone gets anyway haha)
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1. I fell in love with...the passion!
What you have to know about me is, that I love realness in series. Emotion vise. Like real anger, sadness and passion. I love it when you feel the chemistry. And it hit me like lightning when I saw MileApo play the Kinnporsche. If you know my blog you know that I wasn't interested in Asian TV/Music or anything related to such series. But I couldn't help myself (like many other people haha) bc of the sexiness of them boys (I mean look at them omg) and I fell deeper than I dreamed of.
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2. I felt that...in my heart and soul!
It's no secret that I am obsessed with Kinnporsche. I fell in love with Mile at first sight. I love his old soul sm. And you never ever can oversee Apo with his tiny waist and bright aura. I struggled with Vegas at first. But Bibs had me from the moment I saw everything in his eyes. And him with Bui hits different. But now it's like Jeff Satur everywhere. And Barcode grew sm on me that I can't look away when they are together. And just like that all the boys grew on me like...like a family I might never see in person (sobbing) but I love them sm and cherish the moments through my phone. I don't know how you guys feel about this but it's just not explainable how much I could smile, cry and scream for them. My heart is full..
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3. I feel like...I am stuck in a love circle!
And in this mood I came here. Tumblr. And the gate of BLs opened wide...haha. I got many recs. Like Cutie Pie, Lita, Unforgotten night, the eclipse, viseversa, between us,...or the slightly older ones like Tharntype, don't say no, 2gether the series... so much happend. It felt and still feels like a love circle (like the devils circle just with love haha). And the obsession grew so far that I couldn't and still can't focus on other series anymore. It's really bad. (..but so f***ing worth it!!)
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4. Feeling...the music!
I love music. Show me a good sound and I am obsessed with it. And all the BLs have music! What a nice discovery! I fell for Jeff's voice like Lucifer from heaven. With no turn back. Hide isn't my most listened song of the year for no reason haha. And at all the send offs and tour and collaborations made me feel the Thai Music sm. I can't sing the lyrics well but I try haha. It was an eye opener for a new genre of feels. I especially love the rock versions of songs. The Tharntype theme song is really good also. (Give some recs pls if u know good songs though 😁)
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5. ...and we all felt that!
I met @librariesperson here and we both knew that we share the same thoughts immediately. We joke that it's destiny. Kinnporsche did that. It gives us an obsession to share. Like we all are close friends. Like the cast is. And I just wish that we all stay together and be a Fandom they can be proud of. ❤️
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6. I will still feel it...in the future!
I just became obsessed in the right time. The filmography and acting got better. The realness and passion on NC scenes are top tier. And it will get even better next year! The trailers of gmmtv, dmd are out and promising...and Boc hasn't even give us some trailers! The expectation is high. I am praying for a Jeffbarcode series. (With an happy ending ok!!!) And BBB will have projects. And MileApo for sure. And all the other ones. I just wanna see them happy. And Jeff will give us some good songs I know it just now...
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...oh and @ all the writers of FFs. Thanks for your hard work. I/we see u. We love u. We don't know what we will do without u. Pls write more Kimchay pretty pls 🤞🏻😁🙏🏻
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And that's my year with BL. My opinions. My wishes. And for the last one..
I wish you all a great new years eve! And a happy, healthy and lovely new Year 2023. Enjoy your time! See ya soon 🤞🏻💜
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absolutebl · 1 year
Hello ABL- I thought of you right away when reading a post on Ask me about BL shows. My question is a little long here.
Do you have any of your favorite shows that you think the main (or second leads) actors could swap rolls and the show still be one of your favorites? Or do you have a show that rates lower but would be improved if they had swapped?
I thought of Sam Lin and Yu Teng in We Best Love. The strength of their acting abilities and the chemistry could lend Yu being Gao Shi De and Sam being Zhou Shu Yi. The scenes that were pivotal in the series would still stand up to scrutiny. The bridge confession is a the first thing that comes to my mind.
Another one that amuses me at this thought is Semantic Error. The height difference would lend to such a cuteness in the aggressive pursuit Jae Young for Sang Woo. The lettuce scene with Jae Chan throwing a fit.
OOoo, what a doozie of a question.
10 BLs where the leads could swap parts & the show would still hold
Our Dating Sim
Roommates 304
Wish You
About Youth
Bad Buddy (BITE ME)
Big Dragon (bite each other)
Don't Say No (bite everything)
Mr Cinderella
Word of Honor
Pairs I think could switch up any of their roles, at any time, past or future:
ForceBook -> BookForce
TayNew -> NewTay
JeffGame -> GameJeff
MaxTul -> TulMax
MileApo -> ApoMile
PondPhuwin -> PhuwinPond
JimmySea -> SeaJimmy
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negrowhat · 2 years
so i just finished watching between us and kinnporsche, and was kinda corious about news and what the actors are gonna do next. like i was really sad that between us is over, but then i saw some people say, that there is gonna be a special ep in march, about them getting married...do you know if thats true? Also i heard that bounprem is gonna have a new bl together (is there out what its about,and when its going to happen?) and that they are gonna be in different (movies/shows) like prem something thriller like and idk about bouns tho.(do you know?).im really curious about this, and im exited for them!
And i thought for sure that kinnporsche is gonna have a season 2. Like its such a popular show, and the show kinda ended on a cliffhanger, so i thought for sure there is gonna be a annoucent about it. but the show aired 6 months ago, and there are still no news :( i just heard about the actors having new bls together. (Im not totally familar with the names yet) . like the actors from every main couple is gonna have a series together. vegaspete, kinnporsche, and kimchay (where im corious about, how this will look, since im not sure if they are going to have much romantic scenes, like a kiss scene, because of the age, they didnt have on in kinnporsche) like is there out, about what this shows are about? and when they will come out? Im really exited to watch this shows, even thought i would have preffered a season 2 of kinnporsche. Do you think there is still gonna be one in the future? (im sorry for this long ask, but im not really in the fandom, and i think you probably know this things....anyway i love youre blog!)
Hello Anon! Thanks for dropping by! I do have answers for you but it might not be the answers you want. I'll put a "keep reading" because this will be a long post.
As far as the Between Us Special Ep goes, it hasn't been officially announced by Studio Wabi Sabi if there is going to be one or not. The reason everyone is anticipating a special wedding ep is because there is evidence of an upcoming wedding in the final ep and also a few of the actors had posted similar content on their social media. We're assuming March 2nd because that is the date we saw for their actual wedding.
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There hasn't been any announcement for a s2 of Between Us either, though it is totally possible considering the source material is still ongoing and there is already some chapters written about after Win graduates. I'd say keep hope alive but I don't know if that is actually going to happen or not. It took us a very, very long time to get Between Us.
As of right now, there has not been any announcements on any new BounPrem (the actors who play WinTeam) series. Boun (the actor who plays Win) is going to be in a zombie series though. Hopefully Studio Wabi Sabi will post a 2023 project video so we can know what to expect this year. There are some Between Us Special Episodes on YouTube from last summer. There's 6 eps, they're really short but oh so cute and features them as an already established couples.
BounPrem do have a few other series they've been in together and if you'd like I can make a list or give you some recs! Just let me know. The actors the played DeanPharm (OhmFluke) also have a few series out together as well. The actor that plays Manaow (Sammy Coates) has an extensive credit list too.
As far as the KinnPorsche cast, a lot of things have happened since the main couples' new projects were announced. I'm not going to get too heavy into it but I will give you a short update.
First the KP cast is still doing their KinnPorsche World Tour and I don't know how long that will go on for, I think their next stop is Hong Kong.
JeffBarcode, the actors that played KimChay will be getting a Korean based series called WuJu Bakery. Jeff's character will be some sort of alien and Barcode will be a bakery owner but that's really all the information that was given though there is a very tiny trailer.
MileApo, the actors that played KinnPorsche, are going to be in a movie together and it will be call Man Suang. We did get a trailer for that a few months back. It's gonna be a period piece so expect lots of pretty costumes. Tong who played Tankhun and Bas who played Arm will be in it too.
BibleBuild (VegasPete) WERE supposed to be in a series together called 4 Minutes. Idk what the actual plot of the series was supposed to be but I know it's supposed to be written by a famous writer. I don't know if the series will still be happening because Build is no longer working for Be On Cloud because he was accused of some really messed up stuff by one of the KP writers. (I won't get into this one because I am NOT part of the majority that believes Build is innocent)
If it is still going to be happening then they will either recast Build or wait for the verdict on his pending case. Idk how long BOC willing to wait because Build no longer works for them and I hope they don't make Bible wait for this mess to end because it's not his fault.
As far as a s2 for KinnPorsche....I doubt we're getting one. The writers for the novel were really disgusting to actors....like really, really disgusting to the actors...so they have been fired from Be On Cloud. Also they were going to ruin everyone's characters in their new novel anyway. It was just awful and I'm glad they got booted because the just did some horrendous stuff to the actors.
And now that one of them has accused Build, they will both be going to court. I think at this point, if we would be expecting a KinnPorsche s2 it would be written by all new writers and would either not feature Pete OR they would recast him. I personally think with all this mess that we don't need a s2 and to just let it be. Things have been ruined Behind the Scenes.
I'd be happy to suggest a few other series that have been circulating or if there is a certain type of plot you're looking for in a series or character dynamics. It really just depends on how interested you are in the world of BLs or if you're just interested in the casts for Between Us and KinnPorsche. LET ME KNOW! AND I HOPE THIS HELPS!
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ladymcres · 2 years
My mind being absolutely swept away by the bbb show announcement, it’s going to be so fucking angsty, i love that (also the aesthetic of that teaser? I’m in shambles).
My heart being completely torn because i won’t be seeing vegas and pete for the foreseeable future and that’a just sad (on a healthier note, the cast not having to work with daemi is actually a blessing).
And Jeff and Barcode got their own series too, i’m so happy for them!
What actually leaves me kind of baffled is mileapo having only the movie lined up? So that brings me to think that either they won’t work with boc anymore or kinnporsche isn’t as dead as they want us to believe
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talkingbl · 2 years
Top 6 Most Anticipated [Confirmed] BLs of 2023 (so far)!
If I can speculate...I'd add something something Semantic Error 2, something something Bump Up Business, but I'm tired of looking stupid. DMD had me placing Bed Friend as a most anticipated BL for damn near two years now and stayed coming up short. This time, I'm sticking to what I know. So, here we are--my top 6 most anticipated BLs of 2023 (thus far)! -
6) HIStory5: Love in the Future | LinusSean & JasonAnson
lbr, this is a 2023 bl trapped in a 2022 bl's body. Either way, I love a good time travel theme (gives fish out of water--my favorite trope!!) and the HIStory series usually gives us a good main couple.
5) Love Upon a Time | NetJames
Either DMD really believes in NetJames or they feel bad for cucking them in favor of ZeeNunew this past year. Either way, I am somewhat seated for this. Wild, I never expected this from NetJames or DMD more generally, but the historical portion of the story is giving everything I've been begging for from Thailand since I started watching BL. While it's not giving MileApo's period piece trailer in terms of care and attention to detail, it seems very interesting to say the least.
4) Bed Friend | NetJames
After 2 years of blue balling viewers, DMD is FINALLY giving the girls Bed Friend. I am so excited to see an office romance with actual tension between the leads and that forbidden love vibe I love so much. The story is so classic and seems entertaining from beginning-to-end. Hopefully the writing is good and the acting takes a step forward from what DMD has given so far. That said, the trailer looks promising, so fingers crossed!
3) The Next Prince (....what? It gave budget....) | ZeeNunew
Listen, I am not a zonzon or bonbon or ztormborn or whatever they call ZeeNunew stans, but I am SEATED for this. In my last list, I included Cutie Pie in my most anticipated list. Unfortunately, it didn't hit like I thought it would. But I'm willing to give them another chance as this trailer is intriguing. They're hitting budget, royalty AU, enemies (??) to lovers, direction, cinematography, etc. with this one. And the fact that the trailer was mostly silent gives me hope that maybe, just maybe, they will take the show-don't-tell subtext-led approach to acting and writing. Just hope it's not wasted on a terrible plot that goes nowhere and grating acting. S/n: Zee doing stuff w/feet again??
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2) Cherry Magic (Thailand) (stfu GMMTV antis and jbl elitists, I'm tryna see sth...) | TayNew
She has no trailer and I'm already here for her.
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Per MDL -
Adapted from Japan's 30-sai made Dotei Da to Mahotsukai ni Nareru rashii. Adachi Kiyoshi [Achi in the Thai version] is a regular salaryman who, at the age of 29, was still a virgin. On his 30th birthday, he suddenly finds himself acquiring a new power - the ability to read other people's minds whenever he touches them. Shocked and unnerved by this new ability, he struggles to cope. That is, until one day he accidentally touches the handsome and popular fellow office-worker, Kurosawa Yuichi [Karan in the Thai version], only to find out that [Karan] actually has secret romantic feelings for him. How will [Achi] cope with this new revelation?
Look, I tried the original Cherry Magic and while the concept was appealing, the execution wasn't for me. Ngl chefs, I was bored a bit. But I still love the concept and am interested to see if and how GMMTV and Taynew can handle this. It better give budget at the very least (probably won't lol). Perhaps we'll also see Newwie grow into a more serious BL role. But honestly, even if they turn it into a rom-com, I think this can really work. Either way, they have a lot of eyes on them and a lot of folks predicting their downfall. They must deliver.
1) Only Friends | NeoMark, ForceBook, FirstKhao, ForceNeo, to say the least
Where do I even start with this? Who in the fresh hell could have predicted GMMTV to come through with this? ALL the pairings are intriguing, MANY of the actors can ACT (or at least try to), THE PLOT is something straight out of my romance dreams!!! We love hotties being messy!!!! I am incoherent at this. How did GMMTV manage to outplay the player (ME)?
But to be serious, this is the most interesting BL plot in awhile... And it gets at a real part of the 20/30-something hookup culture that we have (and that people are afraid to show in the context of LGBTQ+ relationships). It's also breaking the mold and allowing actors to explore characters outside of their established ships. It's not adapted from anything (that I know of), which is, like, a first for a GMMTV BL. It includes pairings that are either on the rise (FirstKhao) or that no one could have ever seen coming but somehow feel just right (NeoMark, ForceNeo) (btw, NeoMark are up next in this industry ;)). Plus, it's directed by Jojo Tichakorn who directed and wrote for 3WBF (one of my favorite Thai dramas with a strong BL theme), and has his hands in Never Let Me Go and The Warp Effect (both with strong showings thus far). I trust him but it's gonna really come down to the budget, post-production, and, most importantly, the acting.
Thing is, Neo and First are going to show up and I trust Khao to give a strong effort. Force, I'm not too sure about but the trailer doesn't give me high hopes to be honest. Still, I'm willing to forgive if he can fuck Neo like he means it if the rest of the cast can pull their own weight. And for Mark, I'm willing to bet he'll improve from My School President (which he already is showing promise in). I'm mainly weary because the story looks to be told from Mew's perspective, who is played by Book. IMO Book is not the best....so I'm hoping he shows up. I just need it to really come together and Book holds the key to it in his hands. GMMTV already is a sketchy company for other reasons, don't waste my fucking time with yet another good concept gone by the wayside b/c y'all wanted face over talent.
Also NeoMark please don't be problematic. I want to love Badminton shawty and the best actor at GMMTV not named Gun ATP 😢
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surrealsunday · 1 year
Omg you finished your fic I’m going to read it now i was waiting for it to get finished cuz I get antsy, if I have to wait 😩🙈. I’m so excited for ManSuang to get released I’m going to be looking at my fav fic writers including you to see any future KP, CK, or MA, fics. So many possibilities I’m literally dying (no pressure tho) like MA have the big potential of a red string of fate fic, and then they also gave another possibility of a guitar dude falling in love with a cat dad lol and then with MA new series im so excited as well. I wish to see roles reversed tho in the sense of a more serious and uptight character for Po and a funny goofy character for Mile (ya know Miles character teaching Po’s character the various ways of letting go and receiving….out of this world sensations) anywho im just so excited!!!!
And as your fan I’m excited for any future work you have planned out ❣️❣️
Ahhhhh that's so nice!!! I'm truly so excited for Man Suang but I also am aware I'm unlikely to get access to it initially and I don't think I'll be able to avoid spoilers and 😩😩😩😩😩. Just give us an international streaming option with subtitles!!! I will pay I s2g!!!
I agree about MileApo in general tho and there being so much potential in their stories for other aus. I am super curious to see what sort of a series they do together after Man Suang. The one thing I feel confident about (and god help me I hope this is true) is that MileApo will pick quality. I think they've leaned well into what comes naturally to them - like an aura of power and authority comes very naturally to Mile, but I agree it would be interesting to see them in completely different characters. Truly I'll take any content I get with them.
And I hope you love the fic!!! 💞💞💞
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insomniacpreacher · 2 years
KinnPorsche World Tour Day 1 Feels
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After watching all these breathtaking performances, I'm just sitting here thinking about the amount of effort it must have taken to set this up. When you are carrying a team on your shoulders there are chances someone or the other may feel neglected but the way these 16 of them got a chance to show case their talent has left me in awe. Maybe it was just a hobby of theirs like TA DJing but they were given a chance to amplify it by working on it and believing in themselves.
Not only that, other actors playing the role of Kan, Korn and Nampheung were also a part of the tour. It is never easy carrying everyone forward but KinnPorscheTheSeries is doing such an outstanding job in this area. I don't know who is the great mind behind these actions but since a lot of them have mentioned P'Pond, a HUGE SHOUTOUT to him for showing the world that you need to build things from scratch to produce GOLD like this.
I really really want to go home and GIF these outstanding moments but I cannot as of now..I experienced an array of emotions an ended up shedding happy and sad tears both...Went absolutely FERAL when the minor family dropped their bomb performance with all 3 of them blazing the stage and then major family made it all soft.
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The leads foreshadowing their emotions of the show was a clever move all while sticking to their situation post the series..Like we know its a happy ending for KinnPorsche so some of their key moments and recreation of Porsche's dream about owning a beach bar was so darn wholesome. VegasPete began all angsty and they still have a lot of things to resolve so watching them go through those emotions again in those SEXY costumes..*HYPERVENTILATING*
Build and US killed it with their duet performance..OH AND when Build Twerked HOLY COW, that was it..He had 2 moods today, either he was shaking his arse off or crying happy tears about all the love and support that has been showered on him..Welcome Back Build Jakkapan Puttha, we missed you..
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Bible, Tong, Build, and Apo's individual gigs..What do these studs even eat..Absolute Greek Gods..
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Ahhh they are gatekeeping KimChay moments so bad, we were expecting a side story but ruthless ughh..*fingers crossed* that we may get it tomorrow..Jeff singing WHY DON'T YOU STAY Eng Version was exactly when my adrenaline rush went over the moon..Absolutely surreal y'all..
They have planned everything and will keep us waiting for more..Mile Apo's Period Movie teaser..eeeekkss.
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I don't think any show has this kind of power over me even after it ended and there is a reason for it. Their consistency in delivering towards all the expectations of present and the future..I feel like I'm living this journey with them, even without being there physically. When almost all of them were in tears watching the kind of support they got, I was screaming internally you guys deserve it BBs..stop crying we are not the strongest soldiers here..I love love how things are never taken for granted..They work hard and then it is so natural for them to get emotional because this is all they expect and then when they receive it the emotions just overflow..Special shout out to Tong and Mile for being the caretakers of the fam..Tong was distributing tissues, water and hands of comfort every time someone broke down and Mile cracking his dad jokes was so heartwarming..
They helped me go through a very very tough phase this week and I'll forever be grateful to them about this..The last picture is me giving a tight hug of love and appreciation to each member who made this happen..
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What are we expecting from them tomorrow?
1. Cumulus performance
2. KimChay Side Story
3. Season 2 Official announcement
4. VegasPete on a Curry Date
5. MileApo Movie Teaser
6. Tankhun's skit finding out about VegasPete dating
7. Macau Chay becoming besties (They were roommates for a reason right?)
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nattaphum · 1 year
Mileapo’s interview with WorldY [08/29/2023] - highlights
*translated by google from thai tweets*
MileApo talked about KinnPorsche and their direction after that
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Apo: i don't feel that there is anything in me that has changed from the KinnPorsche era. Porsche is still in my flesh with his determination and ambition. When I finished playing KinnPorsche, I said to myself that I would no longer play roles that I didn’t like. I will only accept the roles that I feel like doing. Because during this lifetime from today until the last day, we don't even know when we’re gonna die, so I think that, from now on, I will only do what I want to do.
Mile: The more I listened, the more I understood in which direction my ideas were going. Now, like Apo, I just wants to play in the roles I’m interested in. Be with a team that feels comfortable while working and has the same passion.
Host: What has changed for you after becoming an actor?
Mile: it helped me to understand myself better, understand what comes in during filming and after filming, making it possible to increase my performance skills.
Host: Apo's near and long-range goal as an actor is…?
Apo: I want to be a world-class actor. If it happens or not, it doesn’t matter. But I just want to dream because I feel that dreaming is not a waste of money.
MileApo talked about ChatKhem
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Mile: Chat is a calm person. He has high survival skills and can overcome any difficulties,
Apo: Khem is a good-looking and talented person, but people only pay attention to his appearance.
Apo gives 80-99% similarity between himself and Khem’s character. The other 1% may be the difference in the context of the social environment. Khem is not playful but bright and serious. The difference is about the impatience, Khem is more impatient.
Host: what kind of tv series/movie would you like to try in the future?
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Mile and Apo both reply a ghost movie.
(Ps. In the past Mile said his dream was to act in a ghost movie and Apo said he wanted too but only to make Mile happy because Mile made Apo happy accepting to play in a period movie with him)
Apo: I often listen to ghost stories.
Mile: I listen to them often too 🌚
Host: What kind of fashion has Apo never tried but wants to try?
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Apo: Drag, I never tried it.
The clip below seems insignificant but i think it means a lot <3.
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Mile was talking seriously when Apo suddenly teased him by imitating his gesture. Mile was focused on the topic and his eyes were focused on the interviewers in front of him but he still hinted a smile to validate apo. This is sooo subtle but so important 🥹
On intimacy and closeness (x)
Host to Mile: what level of intimacy do you have with Apo, from 1 to 10?
Mile: more than 10
Host to Apo: what level of compatibility do you have with Mile, from 1 to 10?
Apo: more than 10 *laughs*
MileApo: *shake hands*
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ghcstvalleychief · 2 years
Honestly despite the hinted cliffhanger I think it ended nicely to the point theres no need for a s2. Its the type of cliffhanger that you can push for more or leave it as is for the audience to make their own theories or stories. Kp had a happy ending that was the main point of the plot to me. So mileapo next series when? I just want more acting from them whether together or individually especially in movies. They have a bright future as actors.
Yes, I know expecting a new series from them is putting the cart before the horse. Believe me you, I'm not that delusional. We're just thirsty for more! We want more. I want to see what else these two could do, because it's obvious they have the acting foundation to make anything work at this point.
Anon, we're in total agreement on this. The finale tied up enough loose ends and left some open enough to leave the door open for a second season if TPTB decided to order another season. That's what I mean by the perfect ending, you know? It's not so ambiguous that it's nebulous. The main points were resolved and acknowledged, and that's what I consider to be a perfect ending. Did it end exactly the way some people would have liked? Maybe not. But it ended in a way where you're not left scratching your head and overtly confused. The arc of Porsche's mom may be a little confusing, but it's not enough to overshadow and negate literally everything else that happened in the episode in my opinion.
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nattaphum · 10 months
Pond did a second IG live today in the dark of the car 😅
In this video a fan asked if there’s a new couple series coming for MileApo. Pond said the series already exists ‼️‼️‼️‼️ and that the project is not far away in the future. He added: “They are already a couple. Have you ever seen them separated? Mileapo is not gonna separate from each other” Apo confirmed. niceeee
The script has already been written but they don’t know when the series will be filmed!
Others things they said:
Mile is so sleepy. Last night he slept at 8pm.
Apo doesn’t want to go back to Thailand until he has bobble tea.
They went to talk and deal with a Taiwan agency for a big project in Taiwan.
Apo said he wants to do also other work other than shooting dramas because he thinks this kind of projects are not gonna happen twice.
Many projects in Thailand already exist. One of them is in April, during Songkran 2024 and it’s related to Man Suang.
Oh and Apo said that Mile is handsome AGAIN ahah
source, source
+ bonus: dark Mileapo :D
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