#mikotos a v happy mum
zokucho · 6 years
THE DETAILS WERE VAGUE    /    but the overall message was clear     ---    for however long  ,  the village expected the Uchiha to take this boy in as one of their own. It was definitely a surprise  ,  && seemed more than suspicious  ,  but not even the main family were in any place to refuse the desires of the village. Not that Mikoto refused  ,  of course. She had been the one to insist on raising him herself  ,  after all.  If he was to be considered an Uchiha  ,  then she would make sure he was treated as one. Under the care of lesser members of the clan  ,  Yuki would undoubtedly face all kinds of issues. With Mikoto && Fugaku  ,  however  ,  not a single person with any sense would dare treat him badly simply because he was ‘foreign’. 
THIS WAS STRANGE    /    it had been easier with Itachi && Sasuke simply because she had been with them since they were born. With Yuki  ,  it was different. Introductions  ,  ice breakers  ,  analysis. Mikoto had never needed to go through these with her previous sons. She sat on the floor carefully  ,  but purposefully kept her posture open && non-threatening. Mikoto always had the Uchiha && her prestigious parents to keep her out the claws of the village  ,  but she had heard of    (    && seen    )     the misery children with no such protection suffered. She didn’t know what he had been through  ,  but she assumed the worst && acted accordingly. 
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“     What kind of dinner would you like tonight  ,  Yuki    ?      ”
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shadowlink720 · 7 years
FE: Birthright Randomised Chapters 5 and 6
(aka ‘Felicia’s throwing shade at everyone, please stop her’)
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Time to get into Birthright and hopefully not break the gaaaaaame >:3
Time to get right into it with a cutscene with me mum talking about a fancy chair and all that yadda yadda convenient Conquest plot point all that stuff to regain true form and mind and stuffffffff
ayy it’s Ryoma! :D
..... oh my Farore
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He’s a butler, oK THEN- At least it.... looks like a butler I can’t really tell- Yeah he’s a butler what were the chances, right?
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it’s so weird that he’s not calling Corrin his sister lmao;;;;
ayyy there are the royal sibliings! (including Felicia)
oh man are u ready to see Felicia being salty to Corrin? I’m not-
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Takumi as Hinoka is great b/c of how much nicer he is to Corrin now ahahahh Oh hey! Kagero’s there too!
holy hylia
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The salt begins >:3cccccc
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She’s so cute I’mma Die aahhhh
There they all gooooo
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.... ya know what? I’m perfectly ok with Butler!Ryoma then again I just love formal attire like tailcoats also please stop yelling Ryoma, use ur inside voice
off to the castle tooowwwwnn! with so many people wearing kitsune masks and that woman with her potatoooes We’re gonna see a lot of Kagero in this randomiser, so that’s super neat
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I could get used to it, I like Kagero :D oh man here comes Felicia with that shade again
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Ya know, Felicia; your voiceline of ‘It’s my pleasure’ really begs to differ about you not trusting me
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Felicia! Don’t be mean to Kagero! >:c
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Well gee, thanks Felicia o<o I’m sorry I’m taking so many pictures of Felicia’s dialogue because it’s just so great honestly her as Takumi is just so out of character but in a way that I love-
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Yeah, she should go spend some time with the Ice Tribe and learn to chill like Flora :’D I love these Hoshidan siblings ashdauihdiausd
cutsceeeeeeene mysterious hooded person is lurkin’ and schemin’ exploooosioooooon
Nooo, mum! oAo ok but the voice acting is pretty darn good in this cutscene, just saying-
Dragon time! >:D
Hey, Felicia; Flora’s back in Nohr so she can’t hear ya-
time to properly start the chapter! >:D ah yeah, Wyrmslayers for the obligatory bonus damage tutoriaaaals
hey we can see Mozu and Kagero’s stats now!
Let’s start with Mozu
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ok so she’s an Apothecary, pretty neat her personal skill is Countercurse which is actually pretty neat, it makes an attacker who uses magic against Mozu suffer half the damage they dealt :V of course that’s only useful with magic users, who would probably go for other units who can’t retaliate or smth ANYWAY C rank in bows :o pretty sweeeeet base stats are pretty low (she is level one tho) but she’s got a lot of strength :V I’ve never really used Apothecary units much, since the only one you can get without capturing one is Midori hahah;; (growth rates: HP - 40, Str - 50, Mag - 55, Skill - 20, Spd - 50, Lck - 35, Def - 30, Res - 30, basically really darn mcfreaking good)
anyway let’s have a look at Kagero!
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ooOOOoo Hunter’s Knife :o that’ll be usefuuuul
She has Playthings as a personal, which means adjacent enemies take 5 hp damage at the start of the Player Phase; niiiice (it could be useful when paired with Jakob’s Pragmatic too :o) and she also has Wary Fighter, preventing either side from performing followups :V not... all that great b/c she has amazing speed and would double most people I’d think but we can remove it later if need be also YO LOOK AT HER SKILL AND SPEED WOW-- she has pretty bad strength.... and a lot of other stats aren’t great either, but that’s ok! :O I’m beginning to think that C rank in weapons isn’t randomised or smth-- (growth rates: HP - 40, Str - 60, Mag - 25, Skill - 15, Spd - 25, Lck - 30, Def - 55, Res - 60)
aaanyway let’s goooo
Azura still showing up as a Swordmaster lol I’m gonna keep everyone together because there still isn’t any healers, only 6 vulneraries between us and I don’t think Corrin can trade when she’s a Feral Dragon heck
wait nvm, we can still trade with her
Kagero, you aren’t a songstress; you can’t sing to let people move again- also Saizo isn’t here yet ausdaiusdauh
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Oh man, Azura’s not gonna take shit from anyone .... kick their ass, Azura >:V both of them missed, ok
level up for Corrin!
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Pretty decent :V
still misses all around from Azura and the hooded persooon
and a level up for Rinkaaaah (who kicked one of the Mercenaries’ asses w/ Mozu)
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pretty deceeeent, I wonder what her growths are :V
anyway, we gooooo
ooh hey a dodge from Azura and she managed to hit the hooded person :D and again! :D ohh, nvm, they’ve hit her now misses all round again
...Seal Defence from Rinkah is really good when following up with Kagero because of her shit strength--
ok but have I mentioned I love Spear Fighters? because I do, one reason being that their animations are cool :V
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yikes, there goes Azura oAo she got quite a good bit of the mystery person’s health down tho (i keep calling them mysterious person b/c spoilers for Revelation, if memory serves, so uhh.... yeah)
yIKES no one seems to be able to hit this guy (0 damage AND low hits rates aihifiudfsudh) except for Corrin uahfiuhds but I wanted to give it to another person to get them more exp >:V fine then
welp, they dead .... as much as they can be, at least lMAO
more cutsceeenes oh hey, Azura; I thought you had retreated :V aaaand i’m back to being a hooman and ANOTHER CUTSCENE this time the lowkey disturbing cutscene hey at least they didn’t show Sumeragi probably getting his throat slit open with that huge ass axe o<o;;;;;
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Well, you’re awfully forgiving, aren’t you Kagero? :V
aaaand erryone’s ded
Azura being all ‘oh yeah, this is what the Nohri-asses do, so uhh.... yeah King Ganon- GARON set up the whole thing lmao’ AZURA, SAYING GARON MASTERMINDED THE WHOLE THING IS NO LAUGHING MATTER--
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oh boi here comes Felicia I’msorry ;;A;;
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I said I’m SORR Y (Felicia saying Takumi’s lines are pure gold, tbh)
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Leave Kagero alo n e--
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Yeah, you said it, Takumi :’’D i’m taking so many pictures of this cutscene lol;; here comes Ryomaaaaa
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it’s so weird seeing him call Mikoto ‘Queen Mikoto’ and not ‘Mother’ lol
oh yeah, we need another sword after we lost Ganglari when it... exploded :’D so time to get the Yato! :D (or as I like to call it; ‘The Chainsaw’ b/c of the Omega Yato-) it would have been cool if all of the royal siblings had special weapons, tbh; like why did they brothers get the special treatment? >:V
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Oh hey! I think Felicia’s a Sky Knight! So she has a chance of wealing the Fujin Yumi as a Kinshi Knight! :U
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dang it, Felicia--
oh yeah, Corrin’s just not paying attention lmao;;;
welp, here comes the Nohrians oh man
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I... I don’t even have anything to say to this it’s just Azura couldn’t have been randomised into a better person-
ah yeah, obligatory cutscene to give Corrin the dragonstone yadda yadda lol, Kagero did the animation of catching the Yato, except now it’s a Dragonstone the sound played and everything hahah
Time for Chapter 6, awwww yeeeaaaahh! >:3c
ah yes, vanilla Nohrians ‘why are you invading hoshido bro???’ all that stuff
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If Takumi actually accepted you being his sibling in the early game lol
cutsceeeeeeene that makes little sense out of conteeeeext because ryoma, hinoka and sakura aren’t actually supposed to be heeeeeere
time to choose!
hah, there’s absolutely no message for saying that there is no Conquest data on the system I never want to play Conquest again anyway lol-
hah, lyrics for the song ayyy //finger guns
oh yeah, Xander throwing a temper tantrum and all that ‘And Father will forgive you, I know it.’ yeah, actually he wants me to Suffer if I go there, bruh XANDER GDI YOU KNOW THAT HE’S MESSED UP MAN, YOU’VE NOTICED THE CHANGE IN HIM- ya said that your siblings are at least just as important as the people of Nohr >:V
well, Corrin’s Dead Here comes Azuraaaaa
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And boi is she Ready to Fite
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It seems like none of the Hoshibros have any chill lol and she had a fitting voiceline of ‘I’m gonna BREAK you!’ as well holy heck
time to start the chapter- AYYY it’s Kaze! :D
.... Felicia you had a 90% chance to hit that guy HOW COULD YOU MISS, YOU HAD THE FUJIN YUMI--
anyway, level up for Jakob instead
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auhfiudhfsdud I should be happy given his poor HP and Skill growths tho ayyy he learned Nobility >:D
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rest in pieces, Bohrther
Ayyy Kagero levelled up!
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I’ll look at her growth rates after and add them in when I was looking at her stats and stuff- ayy she learned Locktouch!
welp, Xander’s dead again HAH, it’s showing Ryoma, Hinoka and Takumi instead of Azura, Takumi and Felicia hah
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Kagero, I’m pretty sure the correct grammar is ‘Azura and I’ but w/e lmao ‘I know this is the right choice’ what if I told you that you could refuse to pick a side, Corrin-
time for the intro that we’ve seen before :’D and here’s Lilith!
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.... why is Jakob showing up and not Kaze, lol
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HAH Obligatory SECOND explanation of the astral plane ya know, just in case you forgot and a tutorial on how to place things and stuff geh-
it’s still Jakob that’s up at the top lol right time to fix up this mess and make it more organised because blech- let’s ALSO change our hair since we’re now officially playing Birthright :’D
.... heck it, I know I wanted to keep the symbolism of the change of hair length for Revelation but
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I just really like the short hair :’’’D
anyway, I think this has been going on for long enough so I should stop here hahah;;;
I’m still having so much fun with thiiis, and next time we get to see who Silas is as well as who Mozu’s retainers are! ouo
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