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leechan1018 · 2 years ago
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Happy Birthday Mitsuki  お誕生日おめでとう酒井参輝❤🍒 素晴らしい誕生日と最高の幸せをお祈りします これからの人生 今年が冒険と祝福とたくさんの笑いに満ちた年になりますように また、中邑真輔 両方の誕生日🤔 . Happy Birthday Miki Wishing you a great birthday and happiest life ahead may this year be filled with adventures, blessings and lots of laughs . Next is Shinsuke Nakamura on February 24  ( WWE New Japan Pro Wrestling )  Jin Hiramaki/Haru Tokashiki on February 26 ( Ressha Sentai Toqger )  Yukari Tamura on February 27  ( Navi from Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger )  . 2023年02月24日 2 / 24 / 2023 #己龍 #酒井参輝 #酒井参輝生誕祭2023 #誕生日 #おめでとう #みき #ギター #v系 #ヴィジュアル系 #いいねした人全員フォローする #フォローバック率100 #フォローバ100 #Kiryu #SakaiMitsuki #Miki #mikitan  #happybirthday #omedetou #Guitarist #visualkei #followalways @kiryu_mitsuki  https://www.instagram.com/p/CpCDjeVNLe4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hoory · 5 years ago
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RT @mikitan: ボーイングは2013年から昨年秋まで、社債を発行しまくりその現金で技術や開発ではなく自社株買取に$43billionを投入し株価を3倍に。737MAX事故で責任を追求されたCEOは膨れた自社株報酬と年金$60ミリオン以上を手にし退職。同情は真っ当な社員に対してだけかな。 https://t.co/ydWLCIh5n4
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drakeing · 3 years ago
Embarrassing policy sharp turn, the mistake of Kishida's economic policy?
Recently, the president of Japan's Liberal Democratic Party, Fumio Kishida, was elected the 101st Prime Minister of Japan through the named election of the Prime Minister of the interim parliament, and the second Kishida cabinet was formally established. Before that, Kishida served as Japan's 100th Prime Minister for less than 40 days, setting a record for the shortest number of days of a post-war prime minister. Previously, his core economic policy was one of the most controversial issues during his tenure.
During his first term in office, Japan's new prime minister, Fumio Kishida, launched his plan to redistribute domestic wealth and called it "new capitalism". However, some critics on social media believe that the plan is not enough "capital" and even has the shadow of communism in some aspects. Takashi Mikitani, CEO of Rakuten Co., Ltd., once wrote on Twitter: "does he know how capitalism works?" what makes mikitan most angry is that the prime minister proposed to raise the capital appreciation tax (CGT), which is a tax levied by the government on profits in the investment field, which is called "double taxation" in the industry.
Lotte's boss is not the only one to express dissatisfaction with the controversial proposal. Many people worry that it may soon kill the recent wave of small retail investors' interest in the stock market. When Ishida took office in October this year, the Nikkei average index fell rapidly for eight consecutive days. Now it has been called "Ishida shock". In response, Ishida quickly withdrew his capital appreciation tax proposal, saying that he would instead seek to adjust Japan's tax on capital gains and capital dividends, making an embarrassing policy sharp turn.
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estrikinia · 4 years ago
A crise de covid-19 que tornou Olimpíada de Tóquio indesejada no Japão
A crise de covid-19 que tornou Olimpíada de Tóquio indesejada no Japão
A reprodução deste formato de vídeo não é compatível com seu dispositivo A crise de covid-19 que tornou Olimpíada de Tóquio indesejada no Japão 25 maio 2021, 19:54 -03 Após o adiamento ocorrido em 2020 por causa da pandemia, a Olimpíada de Tóquio, no Japão, ficou para julho de 2021. Mas muita gente no país é contra a realização dos Jogos Olímpicos agora. Hiroshi Mikitan, CEO da Rakuten,…
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windsock · 7 years ago
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ipl2018live-blog · 7 years ago
Andres Iniesta says moving to Japan, expected to sign for Vissel Kobe
Andres Iniesta says moving to Japan, expected to sign for Vissel Kobe
By: Reuters | Barcelona | Published: May 24, 2018 11:03:05 am
Andres Iniesta shared a photo of himself with Hiroshi Mikitan. (Source: Twitter/Andres Iniesta)
Spain midfielder Andres Iniesta said he was moving to Japan and indicated he was signing for J-League side Vissel Kobe, posting a picture of himself on social media with…
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samipekkailmari-blog · 6 years ago
Sami Määttä 18.8.2019
Ekologisen kriisin synnyt löytyvät ihmisen mielestä ja sydämestä. Ongelmat ovat seurausta sellaisista asenteista ja ajattelutavoista, jotka johtavat luonnon kohtuuttomaan riistoon. Vastaus askarruttavaan kriisiin löytyy mietiskelystä, mielen muutoksesta.
Näin kirjoittaa kontiolahtelainen teologian tohtori ja pappi Pauliina Kainulainen teoksessaan Suuren järven syvä hengitys*. Esittelen kirjan sisältöä käyttämällä hänen omia ilmauksiaan.
Pauliina näkee, että siirtymä kohtuuden kulttuurin suuntaan voi tapahtua muuttamalla maailmankatsomuksellista painopistettä. On päästettävä irti mukavuudenhalusta ja tarpeesta hallita luontoa viimeiseen asti.
On palattava tunnistamaan luonnon pyhyys. Siitä, millainen on ihmisen paikka osana luontoa, meillä on kotoperäistä viisautta, suomalais-ugrilaista sielunkerrostumaa.
”Minulla oli ja on hengellinen suhde maahan”, toteaa Pauliina. Maa on luonnonkokonaisuus: maaperää, vesiä, metsiä, eläimiä, ilmaa. Kristinusko on hänelle toinen tärkeä hengellinen virtaus. Hän pohtii näiden kahden spiritualiteetin suhdetta ja tuomista keskinäiseen vuoropuheluun.
”Sekä kotoperäinen vanha mieli että kristillinen mietiskelevä rukous vievät kohti minän rajojen hapertumista: syvä yhteenkuuluvuus ei-inhimillisen luonnon kanssa koetaan voimakkaammin”, Pauliina kirjoittaa. Yksi perustavimmista ajatuksista onkin, että mieli ja luonto eivät ole erillään toisistaan.
Pienet omakohtaiset kertomukset kuvittavat Pauliinan hengellisiä löytöretkiä. Sisältönä on esim. lapsuusajan luonnontaju ”lintujen ruokintapaikassa ja pyhässä paikassa”. Toinen esimerkki on varhaisaikuisuuden eräänä hetkenä tunturissa koettu ”mystinen kaiken yhteenliittyneisyys”. Kertomuksia riittää myös osallistumisesta ympäristöä suojeleviin liikkeisiin.
Pauliina kysyy, miillaisesta hengellisyydestä voi puhua järven ja metsän kielellä. Etsintä on vienyt kohti riittien ruumiillista kieltä.
”Arkisetkin pienet riitit — yksin tai yhteisönä — ovat alkaneet puhella minulle suurista asioista”, hän tulkitsee.
Riitti voi olla hiljainen mökille vetäytyminen, saunominen, marjanpoiminta, tuleen tuijottelu tai kosmisen yhteenkuuluvuuden kokeminen kuikan huutoa kuunnellessa.
Kirjan vimeisessä osiossa on mietiskelevään rukoukseen johdattelu ja harjoitteita.
Lopussa on kommentoitu, 20-sivuinen kirjallisuusluettelo. Lisäksi tarjolla on nettiosoitteita hiljaisuuden viljelystä ja muusta kristillisestä toiminnasta sekä kohtuudesta ja omavaraisuudesta.
Matti Pihlatien kameran kautta on saatu kaunis mustavalkoinen kuvitus.
Minun mielestäni Pauliinan kirja on rikas kuvaus kohtuullistamisen tilanteestamme. Kristillisen perinteen kannalta en osaa teosta esitellä, mutta vuoropuhelun rakentaminen luterilaisuuden ja kotoperäisen viisauden kesken on hyvä huomata.
Tarpeellliselta tuntuu myös resonointi syvällisten ajattelijoiden kuten C. G. Jungin, Arvo Pärtin, Valdur Mikitan ja Pauli Pylkön teosten kanssa. Oivaa ajattelun ja toiminnan apetta!
Mistään muotiasiasta ei näissä teemoissa ole kysymys. On merkittävä määrä ihmisiä, jotka ovat erilaisten ajatusperinteiden ja olosuhteiden johdosta eläneet kohtuullisesti kuluttaen, hiljaisesti, perinteitä ja luontoa kunnioittaen. Osa on tavoitellut muutosta yhteisössään ja yhteiskunnankin tasolla. Luulen, että hiljaista vaikuttamista omassa lähimmässä piirissä on ollut enemmän. Entisaikoina ja tänään.
* Pauliina Kainulainen. Suuren järven syvä hengitys. Luontosuhde ja kokonainen mieli. Kirjapaja 2019
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thanksgivingon · 5 years ago
Favorite tweets
— Mikitan (@mikitan) March 8, 2020
from http://twitter.com/mikitan via IFTTT
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gravesofheirscog · 4 years ago
Reactions of the CI for a Child MC overpowering a adult Mage? 🤧
Vitalius/Astasus, Elia:
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Bernadine, Nonnatus:
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Miki-Tane, Brigid/Hesychia:
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Eratine, Diacinth:
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Thank you for the ask!
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gravesofheirscog · 4 years ago
How would the ROs react to a pretty and cold looking MC who turns out to be a warm and dorky person ? The only reason why they look really cold and act cold sometimes is because they’re the type to do things (even if they don’t like said stuff) seriously and gives their all, along with them being an awkward person with people they don’t really know.
Thanks a bunch for the ask!
Vitalius/Astasus: He's intimidated when he first sees you, and despite his peppy personality he still finds himself hesitating. When he discovers the real you he's so relieved he almost cries - he just wants to be you friend, and seeing how genuine and awkward you are makes you more approachable.
Eratine: Won't make an effort to get to know you past your outer shell - at first. He's somewhat intimidated and content to avoid you, but after getting to know you he's somewhat sad he didn't try sooner. He relates to you being awkward so hard.
Bernadine: She's similar in a way, so she understands you better than most. She's awkward and genuine to a degree that often hinders her, so she's made an effort to be open to everyone despite appearances.
Brigid/Hesychia: Thought she was dealing with another 'too cool for school' type and immediately took to dark humour and teasing you. When she's proven wrong, her disposition changes drastically, and she's eager to get to know you.
Miki-Tane: Was still warm to you despite the hard shell you appeared to put up. While they've lived a pretty sheltered life, they have a good eye for awkward people and off mannerisms - they're ecstatic when their hunch is proven right and will try to help you get more comfortable.
Diacinth: Can't seem to manage being around you - he bolts as soon as he can, and so that makes getting to know you difficult. That said, he's often a silent observer and ends up inadvertently seeing the true you through your interactions with others. Eventually he warms up to you, and things smooth over.
Nonnatus: Is almost immediately hostile towards you - he's hard to get along with on the best of days, and now he's outright an ass. He'll also avoid you, wanting to avoid the confrontation he's sure is bound to happen if you talk to him. It takes a long while, but he gets over his aversion and comes to really like you. Genuine people like you are his favourite kind of people.
Elia: Knows right off the bat - they're a social butterfly after all, and even if you weren't kind they'd have forced their way past your walls eventually. You're the only one who can see them, after all, and so your their only company. If you ask they'll attempt to coach you through your awkwardness and make you feel better.
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gravesofheirscog · 4 years ago
What happens if we address our rinant in front of everyone is insanely cute, but from the bottom of our hearts. For example, my beautiful flower, my precious doughnut, my little child (I do not know if the translator translated this correctly), constantly feeding him various treats. In general, everything is so sugary that everyone around purses their asses and falls out their teeth from an overabundance of molasses. How RO and the Revenant react to this?
Thank you for the ask! This was very cute!
Vitalius/Astasus: At first he'll think it's cute how much you dote on your pet. After a while however he'll start to get jealous and want your attention.
Eratine: Is creeped out by the revenant so he'll avoid it, and is genuinely disturbed with how taken you are with him. He's another one who'll get jealous though with the attention you're throwing onto your 'pet'.
Bernadine: Will watch you and smile - thinks it's really charming how well you take care of your 'pet' and will try to get involved, helping how she can.
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Miki-Tane: They'll also try to help and be kind about it, but they're really creeped out by the revenant and will also keep their distance.
Diacinth: He's entranced by how you lovingly take care of something so grotesque. While you may or may not know he's there, he loves watching you take care of the revenant. It calms him. It's like watching an asmr video or something.
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Elia: Is thoroughly unimpressed watching the revenant soak it up. They know he's a gremlin, and they know he doesn't deserve it lmao.
Revenant: Is living his best life - any and all attention/care you throw his way he's eating it up.
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gravesofheirscog · 4 years ago
How would ROs react to a shy MC who only has the RO as a friend? When asked, the MC said that being with them (the ROs) make them feel really safe and they like being around them 🥺
Thank you for the ask!
Vitalius/Astasus: He's really glad - he wants to protect you and feels like he's succeeded to a degree when you tell him.
Eratine: He'll huff and puff but he'll always wait for you when you fall behind with burning cheeks.
Bernadine: She's never really had a close friend so she's really glad she has you. Bernadine likes being around you too, and she'll tell you so often.
Brigid/Hesychia: She feels a great bit of pride when you tell her how she makes you feel - it feels like she's living up to a legacy in a way, and she makes sure she always wants you to feel that way.
Miki-Tane: They're relieved - while they may not show it, they really want to be someone you can rely on, and they're so glad you feel that way.
Diacinth: He's confused - why him of all people? He's probably the least reassuring person he knows, so Diacinth doesn't really understand why you feel that way. Still, he'll do his best to make sure you continue to feel safe around him.
Nonnatus: Doesn't really know why, but he's happy all the same and will always go out of his way to make sure you feel comfortable whenever he can.
Elia: Knowing how shy you are, they try to stick with you whenever possible. If they're presence is reassuring to you, they'll go out of their way to spend as much time with you as they can.
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gravesofheirscog · 4 years ago
How would the CIs feel about an MC who never appears to be studying, always slacking off or playing, yet always appears to effortlessly rank in as one of the top in the class? (My isekai academics dreammmm!! class, sob)
OMG mine too lmao 😭😭 Thank you for the ask!
Vitalius/Astasus: He's impressed - doesn't suspect anything, and he's not jealous. He thinks you're just that amazing, and he's not surprised.
Eratine: He's beyond pissed. How the hell do you manage it? He suspects any and everything, borderline stalking you to try and figure out how the hell you're doing it because it's clearly not hard work!
Bernadine: She's less impressed than Astasus, but she's not suspect of you. She was the top of the class before you showed up, but she's not particularly pressed about it. She'll ask you for tips on studying and other things.
Brigid/Hesychia: She's mildy miffed, she'll snark you whenever the marks come out and somehow you managed to snag the top spot once again. She's suspicious, but she's not bothered enough to look deeper.
Miki-Tane: They tell you they're proud of you, but on the downlow they want to know how you do it. Miki's grades are always somewhat atrocious, even at Ehrenreich, and anything they can do to help and stop getting nagged at is something they'll jump at.
Diacinth: Admires you for your apparent effortless genius, and wishes he could match up. Feels intimidated around you because of it, though.
Nonnatus: Is pissed - he struggles so much with even the basic questions and you're just breezing through. He won't investigate though like Eratine. Instead he just stews in his bitterness and snaps at you whenever he can.
Elia: Offers to cheat for you but is genuinely surprised to see you don't need them. They'll pick your brain for fun-facts and interesting conversation whenever they can.
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gravesofheirscog · 4 years ago
What if Smol MC tried to head pat the kids but couldn’t reach?
Thank you for the ask! This was so funny!
Vitalius/Astasus: He bends down and is well mannered about it.
Eratine: Laughs in your face and leans back so you definitely can't reach him. He's lording over your and he's fully aware of it.
Bernadine: She'll ask what you're trying to do and will obediently bend down when asked.
Brigid/Hesychia: She'll smile and tease you, but she'll still bend down to your level, asking if that's better.
Miki-Tane: Laughs but doesn't bend down - says you'll just have to get tall enough to reach them.
Diacinth: If you can't reach him he'll just run away.
Nonnatus: "Serves you right," he'll say. He's actually really pleased that you're shorter than him.
Elia: "Did you just try to punch me?" They'll ask - because you can't their head your hand will glide through their chest. When they piece together what you were trying to do they loose their mind laughing.
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gravesofheirscog · 3 years ago
Lmao Miki-Tane's unpopular opinion is liking shitty movies and Brigid/Hesychia's is fucking imperialism I'm dying
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I only just realized this now lmao. Thanks for the message, Anon! 🤣🤣🤣
No one:
Nonnatus and Hesychia: Imperial and Church oppression ftw!
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leechan1018 · 3 years ago
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Happy Birthday Mitsuki  お 誕生日 おめでとう 酒井参輝 ❤⋆☽︎︎·̩͙ 毎日たくさんの愛と笑いの幸せで満たされることを願っています。 特別な日をお祈り申し上げます。 今後ともよろしくお願いいたします また、中邑真輔 両方の誕生日🤔 . Happy Birthday Miki I wish you every day to be filled with lots of love, laughter happiness. My warmest wishes for your special day! Thank You for your continued support . Next is Shinsuke Nakamura on February 24  ( WWE New Japan Pro Wrestling )  Jin Hiramaki/Haru Tokashiki on February 26 ( Ressha Sentai Toqger )  Yukari Tamura on February 27  ( Navi from Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger )  . 2022年02月24日 2 / 24 / 2022 #己龍 # #酒井参輝 #酒井参輝生誕祭2022  #誕生日 #おめでとう #みき #ギター #v系 #ヴィジュアル系 #いいねした人全員フォローする #フォローバック率100 #フォローバ100 #Kiryu #SakaiMitsuki #Miki #mikitan  #happybirthday #omedetou #Guitarist #visualkei #followalways @kiryu_mitsuki  https://www.instagram.com/p/CaV_dr6rEAm/?utm_medium=tumblr
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