#miki thfl
sinfulforrest · 1 year
How do your ocs sign their names? :3
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- Maple does rounded block capitals, but it doesn't tend to write too often due to a lack of stationary in the forest
- Pelleas makes everything cursive and has to do loads of loops, it makes his writing hard to read
- Trace has relatively normal writing, it's easy to read and there's nothing standout about it
- Pillow makes her writing edgy and jagged on purpose, loves drawing lightning bolts and other silly things there too (her legal signature would absolutely have the lightning bolt there)
- Buttons cannot read or write at all, it's hard to keep their hands steady when they're full of so many friends! Bugsy tells them the letters to write
- Miki's writing is thin and harsh, he cramps their words together with barely any spaces so it's hard to read whatever they write
- Fiore's is neat and readable, but she tends to make the taller letters a lot higher than the smaller ones
- Nathan's writing is [[ R E D A C T E D ]] and it will often show interesting [[ R E D A C T E D ]] from [[ R E D A C T E D ]]
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sinfulforrest · 2 years
Hey, do your ocs have any games on their phones?
Some of them would, and some don't even know what a phone is!
Pillow for SURE has games on her phone and won't shut up about them, she'd be a sucker for popular gacha games and a lot of rhythm games I think, fast paced gameplay and anime hotties make the mobile gaming worth it! They'd be fun games to stream for her followers during a more chilled out stream night as well, so she's always on the lookout for new and engaging games to play.
Trace would have games as well, but he'd be more likely to have brain exercise games to play whilst he takes whatever public transport he's taking for that day to pass the time. He doesn't like cluttering up his phone with too many apps because he wants plenty of space so he can take sneaky little pictures and videos of his beloved to look at when he misses them.....
Pelleas is another one who definitely has games on his phone, and he'd be a sucker for cute creature collection games and would spend obscene amounts of money on them to get the cutest little critters that the game has to offer! If you see him play that though, you're as good as dead- you're not ruining his glorious image!
Maple and Buttons are totally clueless about phones but would be fascinated watching you play games on your own phone (though Maple would be a little spooked....how does this magic box w o r k ? ?), Bugsy wouldn't be too interested because it was surrounded by alien technology for all its life, and Miki only has a tatty old flip phone that can't run any game apps! They don't really see the point in all this newfangled stuff, a crusty phone gets the job done.
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sinfulforrest · 2 years
What Yokai tribes would your ocs belong to?
Oooo this is a fun ask and how dare you use my current Yokai Watch fixation on me!!!! /j I'm gonna do you one better and as well as list their tribe, I'll talk about what their abilites would be as yokai! As there's so many yokai there's a good chance the hypothetical inspiriting abilities might be the same as a canon one so apologies but there is a lot of them xD
To those that aren't familiar with Yokai Watch there's 8 different tribes, with each one specialising in a certain stat or playstyle-
• Brave yokai are physical attackers!
• Mysterious Yokai are elemental attackers!
• Tough yokai have high defense!
• Charming yokai have high speed!
• Heartful yokai heal!
• Shady yokai use debuffs!
• Eerie yokai can buff as well as defuff!
• Slippery yokai avoid debuffs!
Inspiriting is basically possession, and some yokai have positive effects that come from inspiriting, and some negatively affect the person that they inspirit.
Soooo with this lil lesson outta the way, here's what my ocs would be!
Maple would be a Tough tribe member as it's an absolute physical wall that's really hard to take down. Maple's inspiriting ability makes people have a desire to sunbathe no matter the weather. Having a nice sun (or rain) soak does the body some good after all!
Pelleas would be a Slippery tribe member. His slimy slippery merman form allows him to wriggle out of all kinds of trouble! His inspiriting ability would be to constantly make people's clothes damp even if they're out drying for ages just to be an inconvenience.
Trace would be a Charming tribe member! His love for running allows him to have great speed and stamina for situations where it's needed. His inspiriting ability would allow him to inspirit a person to let them become a master cook, even if they normally burn water!
Pillow would be a Brave tribe member, she constantly gets into fights and is proud of her strength! Her inspiriting ability gives the person a frightening desire to go to dangerous places and explore them.
Buttons would be an Eerie tribe member, their bug friends providing many good effects for them and their friends, and many bad effects for those that wrong them. Buttons's inspiriting ability makes the person they inspirit become obsessed with insects! They're a good shout if you need to help treat a bug phobia.
Miki would be a Shady tribe member, constantly using little tricks to gain the upper hand in combat and to drag their opponents down. His inspiriting ability lets people become a climbing prodigy just like him! They could scale totally flat walls with ease.
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sinfulforrest · 1 month
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some lil doodles I did of the THFL bunch whilst up the hospital visiting my dad x3
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sinfulforrest · 1 month
🚨🥊🍄 for Pillow, Miki, and Nathaniel? 👀
eee thank you for these! this is a bit lengthy so I do apologise 😅
🚨 (siren) - What’s your character’s relationship with the law? Have they ever been arrested? What for? What are their opinions on law enforcement?
Pillow has a rocky relationship with the law, having almost been caught a few times trespassing on abandoned property whilst she's been filming content for her streaming channel and youtube page and she finds them to be an annoyance, especially when they unknowingly drive away the inhuman beings that Pillow desperately seeks. She hasn't been arrested (yet) for her crimes, and she always keeps a wary ear and eye out for cops when out and about- if they found the true extent of some of her crimes, she'd be locked away for good.
Miki is another one that hates coppers, they're always trying to uncover the organ trading that's been going on around town and that simply won't do! The organ trading business is how Miki gets their meals- he's way too lazy to hunt for his own food...they've worked out an agreement with the gang though which involves Miki isolating and killing police officers who get too close to finding the ringleaders, and the gang provides Miki with good, fresh organs as payment! They suppose law enforcement isn't so bad, after all...
Nathaniel doesn't really care about the law- he's a deity above all on Earth, a devourer of countless planetary systems and galaxies. He's law abiding though and causes little to no trouble when roaming the earth. He finds them amusing, especially when he hears about officers who think themselves above the law and who appoint themselves as higher beings by mistreating weaker beings. If only they realised how small they were in the grand scheme of the universe...
🥊 (boxing glove) - Has your character ever been in a fight? Did they win? Do they fight often? Are they professionally trained or self taught? Do they enjoy fighting or only do so when necessary?
Pillow has been in a lot of fights as a child and as an adult and is entirely self taught. As a kid she'd get into fights with other kids that lived on her estate that thought that they could tread on her turf and her friends. Once she got into a really bad fight protecting a new kid who'd moved to her school from older kids, and she got battered pretty badly, but her friends were able to drive the older kids away. That kid would later become her best friend, Trace!
As an adult she's a lot more viscious, and enjoys the thrill of fighting for her life against the inhuman. She has killed people that have jumped her whilst she's been exploring, choosing to bludgeon them to death with her crowbar.
Miki has been in fights and dislikes them, they end up becoming exhausted after them and they're too much work sometimes. He picks his fights wisely, choosing to pick off people weaker than himself so he doesn't have to make so much of an effort- he's not the strongest demon in the world and he knows it. They just wanna head back home and laze around...
Nathaniel doesn't enjoy the idea conflict, especially in his human form. For Nathan, if he were to have a conflict with some other higher being, that would mean that whatever it is would have to match his own world ending prowess, which he's confident that there's no other being more powerful than himself. Still, the thought that there's something like that out there is frightening to him, so he'd be absolutely brutal in getting rid of competition in his true form.
🍄 (mushroom) - Does your character like being in nature or do they prefer the indoors? Do they have any outdoor hobbies like camping or fishing? If they prefer the indoors, why?
Pillow loves the outdoors! The outdoors is where she can explore and gather her thoughts if there's a lot going on in her life, and she finds comfort in the endlessness of nature. She'll often drive down to the forest outside of town to research monster leads, or to just take a walk in the outskirts to chill out. Every now and again she'll join Trace for a run through the local park as well- it's important that she keeps in tip-top form if she has to outrun an adorable monstie!
Miki likes viewing the outdoors from indoors, and just staying inside in general. They like to keep a low cover from humans, and they like to stay away from the noises and smells that are much more sensitive to them. Still, they find beauty in human life, and he loves to peoplewatch from his dingy apartment and to watch the weather and seasons change from the comfort of his lair.
Nathaniel has learnt to love the nature of this planet since descending from the coldest reaches of space to observe you. The life of plants and creatures around him are fleeting, yet there's so much beauty that each little life has, he can't help but allow himself to open up to more knowledge, and with that knowledge, that horrible feeling of fondness when observing life around him. He enjoys watching animals and learning how to identify species that he sees, with each new discovery further cementing his desire to protect this strange little planet that you call home.
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sinfulforrest · 2 months
I don't really know who or what to doodle atm...so I figured that I'd ask you lot! Whoever wins the vote will be the one I doodle a page full of sketches of!
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sinfulforrest · 1 year
Writing Requests: Open!
Hi all! I'd like to get into the swing of writing some more versatile drabbles for my OCs, so I've decided that I'm open to take some writin' requests with them!
Just send the name of the OC of mine that you'd like to see and a general prompt/scenario that you want to see and I'll see if I can work my magic on it!
I'm happy to take requests involving the following dynamics-
OC x Reader
OC x Reader x OC
General information if you want to get to know them better!
I just want to clarify that the OCs in question here regard my own THFL OCs, I don't feel too comfy writing for other people's OCs yet.
The list of writable ocs I have are-
Maple (it/itself)
Pelleas (he/him)
Trace (he/him)
Pillow (she/her)
Buttons (only for fluff and gore drabbles) (any pronouns! feel free to request whatever pronouns you want for them)
Miki (they/he)
Nathaniel (he/him)
Home (it/itself)
For everybody (except for Buttons in the case of smut!) it can be as fluffy, smutty or as gory as you'd like! I'm down to write for any gender of reader too.
I will not do topics like scat, eye trauma, gross underage stuff 'n' whatnot so please don't request that. Aside from those topics, most things are fair game!
Have fun requesting!! :D
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sinfulforrest · 1 year
So....today marks one week till I'm free from written work like, forever, and I thought it'd be fun to host a lil' poll to see what nasty blorbo content y'all would like to see from me once I'm able to get back into the swing of doodling!
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