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polychromatiica · 6 months ago
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accidentally did the lineart for emma really thin as opposed to the bg so i hope i did a good job salvaging that by adding the thicker outline, anyway happy birthday to the coolest protagonist of all time, not feeling super great atm so its not as polished as i want it to be but oh well
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thathilomgirl · 10 months ago
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fullscoreshenanigans · 7 months ago
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aingeal98 · 5 months ago
Missing the greatest shonen protagonist Emma Mikhaylov tonight.
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vintage-russia · 1 year ago
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"Arrival of the bailiff in the house of the centurion" (1858)
Aleksandr Mikhaylov (1818-1860)
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bleebergeeber · 9 months ago
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my south park oc and damien (they are best friends :3)
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dare-g · 11 months ago
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Bipedalism (2005)
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sallertiafabrica · 2 years ago
Missing Connection
The hippocampus is where events in your life are stored. All the previous experiences that shape you. When you need something recalled, it is set into action, and the memory travels to your frontal cortex.
But what happens when that connection is severed?
A take on amnesiac Emma with a slightly altered reward.
(Ao3 link)
Welp, I got this outta my head. Now back to the usual (non)schedule.
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polychromatiica · 7 months ago
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finished this redraw, og is from "end of the f***ing world" I believe, anyway I saw it in a compilation of things to redraw and the second my eyes even glanced at it i knew who i needed to redraw this with lmao
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thathilomgirl · 1 year ago
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fullscoreshenanigans · 4 months ago
Something that I think is underrated in the fandom is the concept of the cattle children making friends their age in the human world post-canon. I like to think that the younger kids would have an easier time socializing while the older kids may be more withdrawn (especially with the adults), but get better with time.
Do you have any headcanons about their interactions with the human world? And where in the world do you think they settled down at? I’m guessing that snowy area Alex lived at may be what was formerly Russia/East Europe because of his last name, but idk.
I also find it odd that Shirai never told us what Emma’s ‘new’ name was (that becomes her middle name). Have any in mind?
I don't know if I'd say underrated? If asked I think a lot of fans are open to it/enjoy it, myself included.
Underexplored though, definitely, but I think this stems from how hard it can be to sell original characters in fanfiction the closer in proximity and importance they are to the main characters. This is also part of the reason I believe Matilda is Norman's biological mother and Sienna is Emma's biological mother are decently popular theories: it offers people the convenience of already having a minor canon character with a design and foundations of personality and history that can be referenced with greater recognition among other fans to project headcanons onto.
But if we're just talking about alluding to it happening in the background, one of my favorite Rayemma fanfics, She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not by groundedreamer, touches upon it in almost the exact way you describe:
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I didn't even realize it was a Rayemma fic at first (or a Hanahaki AU; I usually don't read those) because I zeroed in on it being in the Jemima tag with the entire first chapter being dedicated to Ray & Jemima bonding.
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Highly recommend if one's open to RE.
Do you have any headcanons about their interactions with the human world?
This is very broad and we could be here for a while, but all the cattle children aware of the truth before crossing over to the human world, including the Grace Field children who didn't escape but saw Isabella being murdered, have PTSD. This initially makes it rough for the older children to accept help from healthcare professionals and to navigate the best way to handle things for the younger children.
I'm always going to advocate for Norman and Ray going antiquing or to junk shops for items they can fix up and potentially gift to people, especially if they end up finding a duplicate of the music box Isabella gave Emma on her sixth birthday.
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(Mystic Code Book Chapter 1 Q&A | Questionnaire Translation Source)
I also talk about my preferred career paths for the trio here since I'm not fond of the path Shirai took with Norman and Ray, even if I understand why he did it. (I am 100% behind Nat becoming a famous pianist though.)
And where in the world do you think they settled down at? I’m guessing that snowy area Alex lived at may be what was formerly Russia/East Europe because of his last name, but idk.
I agree given that they start out in former New York City that the demon god would send her to the opposite side of the globe. And while Alex is fluent in English, I think it's sweet if the kids learn Russian to speak with him as he becomes integrated into the family as a father/grandfather figure.
I also find it odd that Shirai never told us what Emma’s ‘new’ name was (that becomes her middle name). Have any in mind?
With how cagey he was about confirming what a number of people had already suspected about Ray's bait note because he wanted to leave the door open for multiple possibilities prior to his health deteriorating, this doesn't really surprise me kfjdgvkj
I default to Wendy because of the Peter Pan connection, but I also gravitate a bit to Alice, Charlotte, or Jane.
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aingeal98 · 3 months ago
Emma taking everything Isabella taught her and using it against her. She's smart she's ruthless she's able to craft plans by knowing her enemies she's willing to lie to everyone she loves to achieve her goals but unlike Isabella she has two lines. She will never give up and she will never sacrifice others to save herself. She will go to any extreme but those two lines are what she clings to. She will not be her mother. She refuses.
You are the god of this world. You meet a girl and hear her plea, her dream of peace for everyone by letting the humans go home. You tell her the cost is her entire existence and she weeps with joy because she thought the price would be much crueler. Anyone else, for example, would be too much. But this girl? This girl will erase all her memories gladly if it means achieving her goals.
I think that might have been the first time The Demon God looked at his opponent and couldn't fully understand what He was seeing. Humans and demons are predictable yes, but this level of determination fuelled by kindness yet paired with zero hesitation for how her sacrifice would hurt her loved ones? I think the only one who could fully understand Emma's decision would be her mother. Isabella would not make the same choice, but she would fantasise about being someone who could.
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salsdemonposting · 1 year ago
Echoes Chapter 4: No Matter What
Em has a stroll with Gilda and Phil, and Ray is left to deal with important conversations.
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vintage-russia · 2 years ago
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"Prayer" (19th century)
Grigoriy Mikhaylov (1814-1867)
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itsnotbird · 5 months ago
Orphic ~ File 6
Kalon (adj.) ; Possessing a beauty that is more than skin deep
Bucky!Barnes x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of violence, trauma, Bucky slowly growing crazy, obsession, alcohol, tw
Previous Part
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It’s a slight twitch, one that contorts your sleeping face. You spiral into a dream.
“Head Father won’t be happy.”
“He’s never happy.”
Fifteen is a strange age to be covered in blood, but here you are in the shower room, getting your hands scrubbed by 502. A deal gone wrong, that’s going to earn you three days in the pen.
You talk in hush whispers, if anyone finds you talking in English, you’ll be in bigger trouble.
“I’ll be in trouble when he returns from Siberia.” You exclaim, pulling the gun from the holster tucked into the back of your pants.
“We’ll be in our way to Miami before he returns, it’ll buy you some time. Listen to what Mikhaylov tells you, be obedient and maybe Father will go easy on you.”
She pulls your hair from the braid it was in, then points to one of the showers.
“I’ll stand guard.” She promises.
That was a moment of peace before agents were taking you to the lab.
“Hello, 505.”
You sit in the metal chair, completely silent, just staring at the badge on his dirty white coat.
Jon Petrov.
Your eyes open, staring at the window. Quickly before you forget, you throw the covers off of you and rush to your desk in the corner, pulling out a notepad and writing down every detail. Still in your pajamas, you rush out of your room, down the halls, searching for someone to show.
Your mouth opens, one single noise comes out as if you were to call upon someone, but then you remember they’re all gone.
They left for Vermont early in the morning.
They couldn’t have left you alone, could they?
You shut your eyes, seeing if you can locate an energy close by.
Dr. Banner is in the lab.
“Jesus, kid.” He states in shock as you stand in the doorway, completely silent. “It’s crazy weird how soft you walk.”
You give a sorry smile and hold your notes out. He takes them with a curious look, then looks them over.
“Did you just remember this?” He asks.
You nod your head.
“Good, I’ll send it over to the team, maybe it can help.”
You don’t stick around, you go back to wandering aimlessly, trying to decide if you actually want to get dressed.
Most would argue that today was a day that you make the rules.
Because today is your birthday, and you are alone.
You do get dressed, knee socks, skirt, top, nothing extremely interesting, but you glide around the halls effortlessly, entertaining yourself while the entire floor is empty for once. Pushing random buttons on the stereo until music plays, you recognize the song.
You and 503 were in a Los Angeles strip club for a mission three years ago, dancing to this song. She looked over at you with a grin, enjoying the exotic dancer life a little too much.
You shake your head, trying to get rid of the memory. Into the kitchen you go, and decide you could easily figure out how to make a birthday cake.
As awful as that place was, if you were good, those in charge of your division would bake you a cake and reward you with gifts- gifts they’d take away as soon as you slipped up.
And even though you have directions pulled up on your phone, the mixing of ingredients doesn’t exactly go smoothly. It takes probably double the time it would normally take to pour the batter into a cake tin and put it into the oven.
Then it occurs to you that you’ve never used an oven so it takes a moment to understand the entirely too high tech thing.
All these simple things, and yet you have no clue. You’re a trained assassin with altered abilities, you will not be defeated by things of a 1950’s housewife.
Now you aren’t exactly sure how you get here, licking a spoonful of frosting while standing on top of the grand island. Like a trance, you dance to the loud music, nursing the power coming from your finger tips, letting it mist around the room.
How free you feel.
The timer goes off and you pull the perfectly round cake from the oven, frosting it. There’s no candles laying around, so you use matches.
You smile to yourself, then blow out the flames. You eat a slice, then put it in the fridge with a note that says ‘Not poisoned, enjoy’, making sure the others know it’s trustworthy.
That might not be normal, but it’s always been a concern of yours when eating things.
Dancing into the living room, you lose yourself in the beat, not really concerned about anything else.
The team returns from the leads in Vermont with not much success, only a few things they can work with.
“Is that music?” Steve asks as they enter the living quarters. The doors open upon their arrival, letting them follow the beats in the air.
“Aren’t you supposed to have enhanced hearing? Yeah, it’s music.” Tony rolls his eyes.
It gets louder and louder, a trail that leads them to the show.
A bottle of champagne in one hand, you twirl around, hips swaying, good footwork, hair falling messy in your face. You look a little messy, eyeliner smudged, lips red from sucking straight from the bottle.
Bucky’s heart stops in his chest.
You’re gorgeous.
The team just stops and stares, frozen in shock.
You choke and sputter on your next drink, finally seeing the group watching you.
You immediately halt in your movement, then flick your hand in the direction of the stereo to turn it off.
They have no words, of course you don’t either.
Nat bites her amused laugh back, taking pleasure in seeing you so care free.
“This might not be the right terminology…” Steve starts. “But why are you…busting a move?”
Everyone groans.
They exclaim things like ‘Steve, really?’, ‘That’s so dumb to ask’, and ‘Okay, Grandpa’.
Mood deflated, you just turn and walk away.
“You pissed her off, good job, Steve.” Sam says, monotonously.
“Was that not what people say?” He asks in genuine confusion.
As the group argues, Bucky watches your retreating frame until you disappear entirely.
“She’s not needed for the debrief, let’s get a move on that.” Tony finally says, ending previous conversation. But as Wanda returns from the kitchen, holding your cake, she wears a frown.
“It’s her birthday…”
Everyone’s expressions fall.
- - - -
The water’s cold as you sit at the dock, feet in the lake, bottle in your lap.
The wind blows, sending a shiver through you. Your body temperature might drop significantly, but you choose to stay seated. Your lips make a pop noise as they come off the bottle, and behind you comes footsteps. You’ve learned how everyone’s feet sound as they strike the ground.
You also know his boots sound different than the others.
“Hello, James.” You say, not turning to look at him.
He smirks slightly to himself, feeling extremely special. He is still the only one you talk to, and that possessive part of him wants it to stay that way.
You didn’t need to speak to anyone, anything you needed, he’d do for you. He’d want you to save that pretty voice of yours for him and him only-
He shakes his head free of those thoughts.
“You don’t want to know how the mission went?” He asks, looking down at you.
“How did it go?”
“Dead end.”
You hum, then take another drink.
He sighs at your defeated face, then decides he has enough self control to sit by your side.
“Why didn’t you let anyone know it was your birthday?” He asks, feeling relieved when you don’t move away from him.
You shrug. “There are far more important things than my birthday.”
Bucky scoffs. “Well that’s a depressing attitude.”
No smile, he feels defeated.
“Happy birthday.” He says next. “What, you nineteen now?”
There it is, that smile.
“Twenty five.” You correct, lifting the bottle back to your lips, though some of it spills down your chin.
His eyes watch it, how the champagne slips down the skin of neck.
He swallows hard.
Quickly, he tries to come up with something clever to say so he can distract himself from the urge to lean forward and taste it on your skin.
Christ, Sam might be right, he might be obsessed with you.
“Twenty five…I don’t remember being twenty five.” He says, and he watches as you turn to him.
“You were still a sergeant.” You say. “…I guess you’ll always be a soldier though, right?”
His head cocks in question.
“I read your file.” You admit. “I’ve read it a few times.”
He stares at you, trying to read your expression. What did you mean you’ve read it? Did that mean you knew everything? …What do you think of him now?
You can feel his anxiety, that’s why you are quick to continue.
“You’ve been Steve’s best friend since day one, they declared you an expert sniper, they scratched out the label of potential threat and wrote in ‘handy to have’.”
The champagne was really getting to you now, or was it because he is looking at you so intensely?
“Did you study everyone or am I just special?” He says with sarcasm.
“I’ve read everyone’s file, figured I should since everyone’s read mine.”
“I haven’t.”
He’s quick to say it, but you know he means it.
His blue eyes are soft for a man so adapt to killing.
Your breath comes out of your parted lips. Suddenly, the bottle is pulled from your weak grasp.
“I don’t think you’re supposed to be getting drunk.” He says, taking a drink for himself before setting it down away from you.
“I have free will now, more than I know what to do with.” You state, gazing deeply.
He feels like he’s been drugged, but really it’s just that you’re right beside him, shivering, smelling like vanilla and cherries. It makes him a little woozy.
You blame your forwardness on the sugar and alcohol in your system. Your fingers reach to run against the cool metal of his dog tags that have fallen over his shirt.
“I like these.” You say softly, like you don’t even know you’re saying it.
“Why?” He asks, hoping you can’t feel the way his heart is pumping way too hard.
“I like the idea of having a name.”
Fuck. That’s heartbreaking.
Bucky furrows his brows. “You had a name once…didn’t you?”
Your finger twists around the chain of the tags, completely absentmindedly. “I had a lot of things once…a name, a home, a mother…they were all erased from my brain when they chemically altered me.” You explain, pulling your hand back. “They took it all from me…all I got out of it was murderous talents and a brand in my skin like I’m cattle.”
Bucky stays silent for a moment, watching as you think back. A dry chuckle leaves your throat.
“убийца. That’s what they used to call me with a smile on their face, like it was a compliment. God, I want to end them so bad.” You say, nose sniffling as you look away from him.
“Killer.” He translates. “Yeah, I know something about that.”
The two of you sit there, staring out at the water that falling leaves are slowly landing on top of. Bucky can’t stand to watch you shiver anymore, and the fact you’re just enduring it honestly makes him annoyed, annoyed at you lack of self preservation.
“You’re freezing, maybe you should go find Steve, get warm?” He says, trying not to sound bitter or worse, jealous.
Without one single word, you shift closer in one fluid motion and lean your head on his shoulder.
“Steve isn’t the only one with blood that runs hot.” You say softly.
Pressed right into his side, you continue to look out into the distance. He doesn’t know about this ability, but you can feel how his heart beats hard, and you know that if you concentrate, you can slow it down. Not lethally, not in the way you always dis, not to kill. Just to ease.
- - - -
“Your 11 o’clock is already here for you.”
Dr. Raynor thanks the front desk assistant and lets confusion over take her.
What was he doing here early? He always puts the sessions off to the very last second.
“James-” She hardly makes it into the office before he’s urgently standing from the couch.
“I need drugs.”
“What? James-”
“I know I said no to whatever you offered me before- what was it? Zo- something? PhantomZo or something? It doesn’t matter what it is, a damn horse tranquilizer would do, but I need something.”
Raynor calmly sits behind her desk. “Let’s slow down, yeah? Sit down.”
Bucky obeys.
“Now, why do you want the prescription? Why now?” She asks, not realizing she’s just opened a can of worms.
“I need my mind to go blank, I’m tempted to chew on a power cord to make it happen. Shock therapy did the trick before.” He says in a dead serious tone, making the woman look at him unamused.
“Humor helps you cope, so I’m not gonna tell you why that statement is severely wrong, but how about you tell me why you need your mind blank?”
He groans, running his hands through his hair. “The damn thing won’t stop. It just goes lightening speed all the time, so I need to shoot the hamster up there that won’t stop running on the wheel.”
Raynor looks at him, puzzled and worried that he’s regressing. She pulls out her notes from their first sessions.
“What thoughts are you having? Violent ones? About harming yourself or others?” She asks.
“No, no.” He grunts. “It’s this- it’s not violent. But they’re so annoying, I can’t even sleep. Blue, she’s-she’s there, all the damn time! I shut my eyes and she’s- and I can’t even speak sometimes- am I having a stroke? The age is really catching up to me, huh?”
She could dissect all of that and spend an hour talking about each thing.
But her first question, the biggest question, is the one she persists with.
“Who’s Blue?”
Next part
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bleebergeeber · 11 months ago
entry 01
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