youcantstandit · 4 years
Milkshakes? Sex? (Mikey Way x Reader)
Mikey Way x Reader (gender neutral)
Basically : short imagine , all fluff , day in domestic life w Mikey
Warnings! mentions of sex, light cussing
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  “I’m bored.”
 As an attempt to gain his attention, you poked your boyfriend’s cheek. He made no move to respond, as he was too busy trying to finish his school paper.
  “Hey, Mikey, Mikey!”
 You had moved to sit on his lap, and acted as a barrier between him and the dreadful paper on his dining room table. Ever since Mikey received the acceptance letter to one of the local, but more prestigious universities in Jersey, he’d spent all of his time trying to keep his grades up so he could have a go at a scholarship.
 Although you knew it was important to him, the studying was almost taking over his life. You thought Mikey worked hard, and you were sure he would get the scholarship he deserved. He just needed a little break every while, and thankfully, you were there to give it to him.
 Finally realizing that you were trying to get his attention, he glanced up at you through his thick glasses. His bubblegum pink lips were slightly parted and he had a dazed look on his face as so smartly mumbled,
  “I’m bored,” you nonchalantly repeated while throwing him an annoyed look.
  “You’re always bored,” his add and raised eyebrow didn’t help.
  “And you’re always writing a paper.”
 The corner of his mouth tilted up cutely, as he knew you had a point. You had won him over.
  “What do you want to do, lover?”
 You marvelled over the options: get milkshakes, have sex, watch a movie, have sex, go out for a stroll, or have sex.
  “Let’s fuck,” you bluntly stated.
 He briefly choked on his own spit at the abruptness of your statement, and you giggled at how flustered he suddenly got.
  “I-uh, I mean, like right now?” A dusty color shadowed over his cheeks.
 You giggled even more, and Mikey suddenly beamed at how beautiful you looked. Your smile lit up his world and he would do anything for you. He mirrored your smile and chuckled a little bit too.
 He then leaned forward and slowly captured your soft lips in a sweet kiss.
  “Maybe later,” Mikey thought aloud, “I’m actually kind of hungry right now.”
 Milkshakes it is, you thought.
 You grabbed his hand as you stood, pulling him out of the dining room and into the kitchen. Once arrived, you placed your hands on your hips and looked at him pointedly.
  “We can make something, or order,” you ran a hand through while pondering.
  “Yeah, you know what happened last time we tried to make something,” Mikey shook his head with a slight chuckle.
 Both of you shuddered a little at the mention of how horrendous the mess his kitchen was after the catastrophic previous event. The food was shit too.
  “Order it is,” you decided quickly.
 Mikey made his way up to his room so he could set up some video games, while you moved to call one of the local shops that delivered. You followed him upstairs once the call was done, and found Mikey bent over while putting Call of Duty in his X-box for the two of you. As per routine, you sat down on his bed, patiently waiting and enjoying the view.
  “You know, you should stand like that more often,” you smirked, giggling slightly when he jumped a little and hit his head on the shelf above.
 He turned around slowly and carefully stood up, rolling his eyes but smiling a bit in the process.
 You took in his appearance as he did so; his auburn hair was standing up and flying everywhere, while his face tinted a shade of pink from the position he was in. His shirt had also risen up at the bottom, and some smooth pale flesh of his midriff was exposed. His eyes were twinkling just at the sight of you.
 He finally smiled a full grin, crooked teeth and all, and you were momentarily stunned at how attractive he was.
  “I love you, even when you say stupid stuff like that,” Mikey mumbled.
 You grinned at his confession, not missing a beat in your response.
  “Good, because you’ll be hearing a lot of it.”
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