#mikey in a dino suit jumping on a trampoline
ghostlypanda · 2 years
reasons to watch rise: "dinosaur trampoline always cheers you up, so i thought i'd try it on baron draxum."
please support rise of the tmnt by watching the show and movie over on netflix!! 🙏❤️
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keysszz · 4 years
Dr. (Dino) Positive
He always loved dinosaurs.
He even wanted to be one when he was a child, and he was very disappointed once he learned that it wasn't possible. Sure he was the oldest (and now that he looked back on it, it was kind of nice to think like that), but ever since he was young he always had a big imagination. 
(Donnie didn't have to tell him dinosaurs were extinct back then, but Raph didn't like to think about that…
He was young, ok?! Donnie didn't have to go full science on him!!!).
Dinosaurs were the one thing he talked about as a kid, and he even got his brothers to partake in his dino-talks. He could spend hours talking about his favorite dinosaur, what they ate, how they lived; the list was endless. Splinter had even been nice enough to go and buy a DVD with a dinosaur documentary.
Yeah, dinosaurs truly were amazing.
But what the snapper couldn't understand was why his younger brother was currently dressed like one…
Mikey was in Raph's doorway smiling as he showed off his new look. With a tilt of his head, Raph finally decided to question it.
"Uh, Mikey, what are you doing?"
"It's a new look!" Mikey beamed. "I bought it online."
"Why?" Raph asked.
"Because it's a dinosaur costume!" The young mutant exclaimed. "You always loved dinosaurs."
He does have a point, Raph pondered. But he still couldn't understand the meaning of all this.
"So, are you feeling upset or anything?" Mikey asked randomly.
"No…" Raph said with a questioning stare. "Why do you ask?"
"Cause feelings are a good thing to talk about," Mikey answered.
"Is this a new look for Dr. Feelings?" Raph asked. He heard about the session Donnie had with Mikey's "new persona", and he was surprised to hear that Donnie had actually talked about his feelings for once.
"Nope, it's something better!" Mikey beamed. "Introducing-" 
He waved his hands before he continued.
"Dr. Positive!"
A large smile appeared on the box turtle's face as he completed his name reveal with jazz hands.
Raph couldn't help but smile a little.
"Alright Dr. Positive," Raph started. "I hate to tell you, but I'm feeling just fine. I'm in a really great mood."
"Oh," Mikey frowned slightly before perking up. "Well, how about I demonstrate what I can do if you were sad?"
"Sure," Raph chuckled. "Knock yourself out."
Smiling, Mikey put his hand on his chin to think about what he could do (which was surprisingly hard to do with the dino suit on). His smile then grew as he ran out of the room, leaving Raph to stare blankly at his doorway. A couple of seconds later, Mikey had returned with-
"A trampoline?" Raph asked as he watched his brother push it to the middle of the room. "What's that for?"
"Just watch," Mikey told him as he climbed on the trampoline. He started to jump around, causing the ground to shake below him. A smile slowly appeared on Raph's face as he watched his younger brother. He didn't know why, but it was funny to see Mikey in a dino costume while jumping around.
"Now what was that one song I made up?" Mikey questioned out loud. "Oh, yeah!"
He made sure to get a high enough jump before he started to sing.
"Tutant Meenage Neetle Teetles, TUTANT MEENAGE NEETLE TEETLES!" 
Raph chuckles had started to turn into full-on laughter as Mikey continued.
"Ooo, or how about…" Mikey smiled as he changed the lyrics. "Tutant Meenage Neetle Dinos!"
Raph had lost it completely by now; his laughter echoed throughout the sewers, making Leo and Donnie come to check on him. They stared in confusion as they watched Mikey bounce on the trampoline.
"Dino taught them to be ninja dinos!" Mikey sang. "Dino leads and dino also does- oh, hey guys!"
"Why are you wearing a dinosaur costume?" Leo asked with a smile.
"Cause I'm Dr. Positive!"
"I thought you were Dr. Feelings, who was formerly Dr. Delicate Touch?" Donnie questioned.
"I can have more than one doctor persona," Mikey answered. "But none of them would have worked like Dr. Positive does. Just look at how happy Raph is!"
"I was never sad in the first place," the snapping turtle replied as he wiped his eyes. He couldn't believe he was laughing this much over a dinosaur suit.
“But Mikey in a dinosaur suit is kinda funny.”
The twins looked at each other before shrugging, deciding that it was probably best to stay quiet. It would be better not to question it.
“You guys wanna watch?” Mikey asked in excitement. “Trust me, you won’t regret it!”
“Sure, I have nothing better to do today,” Leo said as he walked towards Raph’s bed.
“I guess I could spare a couple of minutes,” Donnie agreed, following the slider towards the bed.
“Ok, watch this!” Mikey exclaimed as he started to jump around. As he jumped higher with every bounce, Raph began to crack a smile. 
“He hasn’t even done anything yet,” Leo chuckled.
“Look, I don’t know why but it’s funny!” Raph said as he lightly punched Leo’s arm. “Just let him do his thing.”
“Raph, what was that song I was singing?” Mikey asked. “The one with the dinos. I can’t remember it for some reason.”
“Something about one of them being a leader,” 
“Oh yeah! Dino leads and dino also does machines!”
Donnie and Leo watched in confusion as the oldest turtle laughed.
“I don’t get it,” Donnie whispered.
“Me neither,” Leo smiled. “But I think that’s why it’s so funny.”
“-TuTaNt MeNaGe NeTtLe DiNos, TUTANT MENAGE NEETLE DINOS! Dinos with a spiky tail, DINO POWER!”
The twins couldn’t help but chuckle a little at the performance Mikey had just given them.
“So?” Mikey asked as he hopped down, trying to regain his breaths. “Did you enjoy it?”
“It was something alright,” Leo grinned.
“Yeah, it was funny,” Donnie added. “But Raph looks like he’s gonna die of laugher.”
They all looked at Raph, who was currently crying from how hard he was laughing.
“Yay, Raph liked it!” Mikey beamed.
“You really like dinosaurs, huh?” Leo smirked.
“I honestly don’t know why it’s that funny,” Raph said as he wiped his eyes. “It’s something about the dinosaur suit.”
“I’m gonna use this every time you guys feel sad,” Mikey told them. “Well, at least every time Raph gets sad. I might still have to use Dr. Feelings on Donnie.”
“I told you, I’m getting better at feelings,” Donnie groaned.
“The last time you said that S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. ran away.”
“Wasn’t that a couple of days ago?”
“Ok, I get it!” Donnie muttered. “I’ll work on it.”
Raph chuckled as he listened to his brothers lightly argue about the genius’ feelings. Dinosaurs were definitely his favorite animal; he admired them in every way.
Even if one of them was his brother on a trampoline.
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