chapter one - the end of our peace
mike dodds x oc (cecilia “cecily” elizabeth sinatra kennedy)
warnings :: mentions of death, gun violence, blood, loss of family, curses, pregnancy, ect.
request :: none bby. I’ve been mentally writing this for a few weeks now and i intend to make it a full series, so i hope you like it! cecily is the fictional daughter of the late jfk jr. from before he was married to carolyn bessette-kennedy and married to a fictional wife. i love mike so strap in, ladies, gents, and my nonbinary friends. not my gif btw
song of the chapter : paradise by coldplay
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cecily grew up much better off than most; from the moment she was conceived she was famous, being born to the beloved son of jfk, jfk jr, and beloved daughter of frank sinatra, elizabeth “betsy” sinatra. she had been born two years before her favorite cousin, jack, who would be her beloved confidante, for her whole life. when she was brought into the world, her father whispered that she was so perfect, something had to give. and that thing was her mother, who died half an hour after, due to a hemorrhage they didn’t catch until it was too late. days after she was born, john had to bury his first wife, and brought his newborn into the limelight for the first time. cecily became the face of the newest generation of kennedys, whether she and her father wanted it or not.
so when carolyn came into her life, cecily took the maternal love and attention, never wanting to let go. she was the flower girl at her father’s wedding to carolyn, which made her the most happy little girl. No one thought that just a few years later, that happiness would be robbed when her father, step-mother, and step-aunt were killed going to a wedding. The little girl was supposed to attend, but started running a fever, leaving her aunt caroline to take care of her.. luckily she had, otherwise she too would have perished in the crash. her godmother got custody of her and for a time they lived in australia, before returning back to the apartment she had lived in with her step-mother and her father. when she turned eighteen, she met a handsome older boy who stole her heart. he was one of the first and only people to understand her and her life. that man was called mike dodds. and he came from a similar family: one with high ambitions, him being from a police family. the two married secretly, with their closest friends and family there. The following year, a daughter, eliza, was born, followed by a son, john,  two years ago, and most recently their newest addition would join them in the next few months. cecily’s relationship with her father-in-law, william dodds, was warm. him seeing her as the daughter he never had. but he knew only to call her from his work phone for emergencies. so when “wills - work” popped up on her phone, she dropped everything, including the clothing she had been folding. she could feel her heartbeat beating faster than it should have. it seemed her newest addition noticed to, as they started to kick. the young kennedy picked up the phone, and the words said would forever haunt her: “mike was shot.” cecelia got the children in the car and quickly dropped them off at her aunt caroline’s. luckily for her, her cousin, jack, was home from college, so he drove her to the hospital. she waddled over to the nurse's desk and was about to speak before she heard her first name being called. mike’s team sat with her father-in-law in the waiting room, one of them being covered in blood. His team looked at her quizzingly, not knowing why a kennedy was there. mike had kept her and their children a secret for their safety, and had planned on telling the team about them once he had properly settled into the team. but those plans were ruined by an attack of her family curse. “he’s fine. Just a gunshot to the shoulder. He will be fine and can leave in the next few hours…” cecilia let out a sob as william opened his arms, letting out a cry himself. “mrs. dodds...?” a nurse called for her.
please let me know if i should continue with this story or not! This is my first time writing for mike and think he is so underrated. xoxo, gracie
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paradise - chapter four
chapter four - a documentary
mike dodds  x oc (cecilia “cecily” elizabeth sinatra kennedy)
warnings :: mention of death, loss, airplane crash, hemorrhage mention
song(s) of the chapter : cardigan by taylor swift 
word count : 1,740+
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“all i’ve ever known is loss…” cecily told the camera that sat in front of her. she had been asked to make a documentary about her life thus far, and they got some old videos and photos of her from her aunt and her godmother. “fifteen minutes after i was born, my mother died of-” she hadn’t noticed that she had started to cry, until she felt the droplets fall onto her shirt. “-a hemorrhage. so for the first few years of my life, it was just me and my father.” a producer handed her a tissue box. “thank you.” she told him, wiping the tissues away. “i loved my father. he was the first great love of my life, i always say. because like i said, it was just us for the first few years of my life. then, he started bringing this pretty lady around the apartment. i loved carolyn! i never had any female presence besides my aunt caroline. so i was always in love with carolyn. she gave me love and attention and cookies. god, she made amazing cookies!” cecily started to laugh at what she had said. “and i got to be the flower girl in their wedding. i was just happy the two people i loved most were getting married! and that i got to wear a pretty dress. and then…” her face fell as she thought of their end. “i got sick from my school friend, josey. it was a bad stomach bug. like i was throwing up, and when i wasn’t, i was so incredibly nauseous. my father almost didn’t go to the wedding. i remember he was adamant on staying home to take care of me. but my step-aunt, auntie lauren, talked to my father and step-mother, who were fighting. their perfect marriage wasn’t as perfect as i thought. in my mind, they were the king and queen of the castle. but...they weren’t. and yet, there was so much love between them. my aunt caroline ended up taking me to her place until my parents would come back. normally, i would’ve slept with my cousins, but because i was sick, i was put in the guest room.
 i sat in bed after a long ass nap. i had written my father a letter, and i had planned to give it to his assistant, so when he next went to work, it would be a nice surprise on his desk. but...as i placed the letter inside the envelope, my aunt caroline walked into the room and just...wrapped her arms tightly around me. that's when i was told the people i loved most...were dead. and again, i became acquainted with loss. i remember nothing of the night after that. i guess my mind blocked it out. but i do remember waking up the next morning and everyone was treating me like i was a porcelain doll that was gonna break, if they so much as breathed heavily towards me. i stayed with them until the day after the funeral. at the age of seven, i was alone. i was an orphan. until my mother’s best friend and my godmother, alix, came to america. she packed everything i owned and shipped it to her home...in france. so, she uprooted me and brought me to reims, where i would grow up. i love my aunt alix, i do, but i wouldn’t have taken me across the pond. because, in a time where i was so fragile, she took me away from my family and friends. i understand she wanted me to get away from all that...but i needed to hold onto whatever sense of family and normalcy i had left.” she started to cry harder and harder, until her best friend, and possible cousin, ronan farrow walked over and hugged her. “you’re okay...you’re okay… deep breathes.” he whispered to her. “let’s take five.” he said to the producer, who nodded and left with the camera guy. “sweetie, it’s only been a few weeks since you gave birth. you need to relax.” she wiped her eyes and blew her nose into the tissue. “i’ve been on the go since i was seven. i need to do this. it will help me process a lot.” he nodded, starting to understand what she was getting on about. the girl had so much that she had never worked through, but now it wasn’t just her. she was a mother of four now, and still never came to terms with a lot of her demons. “can we start again?” ronan kissed her forehead and left the room to grab the producer and camera guy. “are you okay enough to continue?” she nodded as they started rolling again. “what was the last thing i said…?” she asked the producer. “your godmother taking you away from normalcy.” cecily nodded and took a drink of her water. the babies started to cry down, but mike quickly tended to them, so not to interrupt. he had been so good with taking care of her, and agreed that it would be good to get it all out there. “so, i never really made friends after that… because i was terrified of losing them because of all the loss in my life. i’ve hated feeling so alone. and i was alone...until i came back home to new york. then, six weeks after...i met this boy.” mike walked into the room with the twins, causing her to beam at him. “sorry to interrupt… teddy wants you.” she held out her arms, giggling softly as the baby was placed in her arms. “i just got to the best part in the story.” she told her beloved husband. “which is?” the baby latched onto her hand, nuzzling against her chest. “the part about me meeting this cute boy.” he leaned over and kissed her forehead. “he sounds...amazing.” she let out a melodious laugh, which seemingly echoed through the room. “trust me, he is. he’s the love of my life.” she smiled down the camera lens. “obviously...that boy became my husband the following year. we got engaged about eight months in and we just...couldn’t wait too long. about two months after that, we got married. luckily due to our family connections we got a wedding thrown together rather quickly. i had felt it coming on-” he looked at her shocked. “you did?!” cecily nodded and laughed again. “i did! one day you came into my apartment- which is the same apartment that belonged to my father- and what we live in now. and you just...seemed so sure about us. and i knew...i knew i was right for letting you into my life.” he moved and rested his forehead against hers. “i love you…” they said softly to each other. “you’ve been the light of my life.” cecily told him. “you and the children.” the both babies in their arms were fast sleep, loving being held by their parents. “then, on our wedding day, my cousin jack led me down the aisle. and we got married. and that night, at the reception, i told him what i had found out a week before.” her husband smiled at her, then the camera. “she was pregnant with eliza.” she giggled and nodded. “hell yeah, i was.” he looked enamoured by her laughter, by her, by the children they had made together. “it explained a lot. and after that, i knew i had to open up. so, he came with me to see a therapist. after all, he had some problems as well.” mike nodded and sighed softly. “before we met...i had been in the army. and i had seen so much. and i knew that we both had to work through some stuff.” cecily leaned over and wiped his tears away and kissed where they had been. “and we did it how we’ve done everything.” at the same time, they said, “together, or not at all.” they had added that into their vows last minute, and since then, it was a promise they kept. “and now that we have six dozen children-” this caused her to let out another beautiful laugh. “we- gladly- don’t have that many. we have four.” he smiled at her again, loving the sound that came out of her mouth. he could live on her laugh alone, if possible. “-yet. but!” this caused her to playfully hit his arm. “play nice, monkey!” the twins had woken up due to their mother’s laughter and looked up at them. almost if he understood, cassie started to make monkey-like noises. “oh my god!” the entire room fell into laughter at the two newest additions. “please tell me you got that on camera!” she was given a thumbs up from the camera guy. “can you please send me that bit?” once again, she was given a thumbs up. “thank you, timmy! but oh my god, we have a whole zoo in this apartment.” teddy started to babble to his mother. “yes, you too. yes, you too!” the two older kids waddled into the room, jack following behind them. “it seems the rest of our zoo is home!” the two children brought stools and sat next to their parents. “we missed you. kisses!” both children leaned in and kissed her cheeks, then their fathers. “wanna introduce the kiddies?” the producer asked them. “this is elizabeth jaymes. she’s five. we call her “eliza”. this is john fitzgerald, he’s four and we call him “john john” like how the media called my dad. and these two are the newest. we thought we were having one more...then it seems we got a two for one deal. the one i’m holding is edward arthur. we call him “teddy”. and last but not least, this is cassiopeia star. we call her “cassie”. and the twins are about a month old now.” the two older kids waved to the camera. “what does you daddy do for a living?” the producer asked the older two. “he keeps the bad guys off the streets!” eliza answered before her brother could say anything. “and mama?” he asked john john. “she makes houses!” cecily giggled towards her son. “i’m an interior designer.” she told him. “thats what i said!” another round of laughs came from the room. for a moment, their lives were peaceful. but cecily knew it wouldn’t last.
hey everyone! i hope you’re having a good holiday season and that you’re all staying safe! here is chapter four, which i actually wrote on christmas eve, but didn’t have time to post it until now! i love you all! 
tag list : @evans-dejong​
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paradise - chapter three : into the unknown 
mike dodds x oc (cecilia “cecily” elizabeth sinatra kennedy)
warnings :: mention of blood loss, mention of the dead and death, mention of death, fear, ect. please let me know if i’ve missed any. 
song of the chapter : la vie en rose by aniela andrade
tag list (comment if you wanna be added) : @evans-dejong
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the second the elevator doors shut, she let out a scream of pain. mike took her hand and told her to squeeze it. cecily did so, hurting his good arm. “i’m sorry, baby… i didn’t mean to do that…” he reassured her it was okay. the doors opened again and she waddled onto the labor and maternity ward. a nurse came and took her to a free room. cecily happily changed before getting into the hospital bed. her beloved sat besides her and held her hand as the nurses started to get her hooked up to the different machines. cecelia had a terrible feeling in her bones about the birth, but she didn’t want to tell her husband that. with every contraction, mike held onto her hand and let her scream about him never touching her again, but they both knew they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. he would whisper kind words into her ear about how good she was doing. “cec, you're doing amazing. soon our little girl or boy will be here.” unlike the last two pregnancies, they decided not to find out the sex of the baby. they were more worried about it’s health over anything else. “something bad is gonna happen!” she managed to scream through a contraction. “i feel it! it hurts more than normal!” mike’s face fell and he looked to his father, flashing him a scared look. william dodds slid out of the room, cecily too wrapped up in labor and her husband to notice. she let out a sob into mike’s neck. he held her the best he could with his injury. mike hadn’t been scared many times in his life, but in that moment, he was absolutely terrified. over the course of fifteen minutes, she had gotten deathly pale. cecily looked up at her husband. “i can’t do this mike....it’s too much.” mike leaned over and kissed her forehead, caressing her brunette locks softly. “you can, cec. i believe in you. do you remember our wedding…? our first dance?” she smiled softly and nodded over to him. “i whispered in your ear that i was pregnant with eliza.” michael smiled and kissed her forehead, again. “you were so beautiful in that moment...my new wife- the love of my life- was pregnant. with my baby. you were so beautiful. and somehow you defied the odds, and each day got more and more beautiful.” she looked up with him and smiled, leaning up to kiss him softly on the lips. her lips were soft and reminded him of home. he got glimpses of him coming home from a hard day of work and him just kissing her and cuddling her before they ate dinner as a family and put their children to bed. mike never missed a bedtime story, and if he did, he would video chat and read one to the children. he often spoke of a prince and princess who had two young children called john john and eliza. the sergeant always managed to weave them in as characters in the stories. “i love you, mikey…” he smiled down at his beloved wife. “i love you too, squishy.” squishy was a nickname he gave her after the first time they watched finding nemo. he had joked that she was his squishy. and since then, he always called her that. especially during their more intimate moments. cecily looked up at him and went to say something, but she looked as if she had blanked. 
suddenly she let out a loud scream and the monitors she was attached to went crazy. the doctors ran in, her father-in-law having stepped out to grab them. the doctors started scrambling around her. mike went white, himself, and held onto her hand tightly, kissing the back of it. “look at me, squish...you gotta keep your eyes on me.” she looked towards him, but it was if she was in a daze. “daddy…” cecily looked behind mike and saw her father. he smiled down at her for the first time since 1999. “hello, baby… sorry i’m late.” her father walked around and took the hand mike wasn’t holding. “i knew you would come…” john junior loved his child. since her birth, she was the joy of his life. even after he died, she was a daddy’s girl. “i wouldn’t miss it for the world, baby. sorry we’re late.” cecily looked at him confused. “we…?” suddenly other people were in the room. both her grandparents, her great uncle bobby, and the person she least expected: her mother. cecily had a strange relationship with her mother. eliza, who died giving birth to cecilia, had never been able to be the mother she wanted to. she and john junior had been trying for months and months before cecily came along. but it was worth it to her if it meant her beloved child was healthy. her mother, carolyn, who was standing besides her father, was mostly her stepmother.  “hi baby…” cecily let out a sob. “mama...hi…” fear ran through mike’s body. his beloved wife was seeing people that weren’t there, and people had passed. the doctors were still swarming her. the blood kept coming and didn’t seem to stop. this very problem is what killed her mother. “it’s not your time yet, cuddlebug…” her father told her. “we’re here to help you… you need to take deep breaths.” cecily nodded and did so. “i miss you, daddy…” john smiled softly, a tear falling down his cheek. “i miss you too, baby...but remember, i’m always with you. and you named your son after me…?” cecily smiled weakly and nodded. suddenly, a scream rang out through the hospital room. the doctors kept removing cloths they had used to try and get some of the blood that now coated the bed she laid in. the pain rang through her, as she let out another scream of pain. mike kept whispering sweet words to her. and when he wasn’t, her father was. cecily knew she had to make it, not just for her father, but mike, and their children. she had done everything she could to avoid the children from going through the sorrow that cecily had. she let out one last scream before a tiny cry erupted into existence. their child was here. cecily let out a painful sob and leaned into her husband. the baby was taken to make sure it was okay, while the doctors looked over the kennedy. they knew they had to save her, not just for the child that was just born, but with the media. this girl was america’s crown jewel. and if they lost her, their image would never be able to be repaired. the doctors started to give her blood, and it seemed to help her. and soon, she stopped bleeding. “i love you, daddy…” john smiled and kissed her hands. “i love you, too...we gotta go...but know we’re never far. just look up at the moon, and know we are in the unknown. and one day- you will go into the unknown, and we will be together again. all of us.” and as soon as they came, they were gone. cecily smiled and kissed her husband, even though she was still rather weak. soon, a doctor brought their newborn and placed it on cecily’s chest. “meet your baby boy..and girl…” the doctor said before leaving the room. cecily let out a sob of happiness as her husband practically clung to her. she had been so weak she didn’t notice she had given birth to twins. “i love you, cecelia.” cecily beamed up at her husband. “i love you more, michael.” a knock came from the open door and her cousin, jack, their children, and mike’s squad walked in with gifts and balloons. “congratulations!” they all said as jack placed eliza and john john on the bed with their mother. “be careful, kiddies. mama just had your baby brother and sister.” mike told his children, still being terrified his wife would get hurt worse. the children watched their new brother in utter awe. “what’s their names…?” their oldest child asked softly. “their names...are cassiopeia grace and edward francis. we’ll call them cassie and teddy.” cecily looked up at her husband, also in awe of their little family. she was in paradise. 
hey, guys! i hope you guys like this chapter! i know it is a little darker than the other chapters, but i wanted to include her family that we wouldn’t normally be able to see! i love you all! make sure to wash your hands and wear your mask. 
xoxo, gracie
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