#mike stulir
atypicalarchivist · 6 years
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Archived Item #04: Mike Stulir’s Back in Time Podcast
Hi and welcome to the inaugural post of The Atypical Archivist. My goal is to post information about some of the items I upload to the Internet Archive, so there’s a record somewhere, and so I don’t forget I’ve uploaded this.
Why is this item number four? Well, this is the fourth item set I’ve uploaded - I’ll have more information on the other three in the future.
Anyway, I picked up this set of CD-Rs on July 2011 (around the 21st, according to the photo date, anyway) at a local flea market. I found a couple of CD-Rs that mentioned Atari ST and Gemulator, so I kept digging and found all of these. I didn’t know what they would contain but I paid the money and went home. After inspecting them, it turned out that they contained at least four Atari ST CDs, one CD with Commodore 64 software, one licensed copy of Amiga Forever, one licensed copy of Gemulator 98, some random CDs with roms and “abandonware” (which is anything but abandonware), the PC Gamer Classic Game Collection, and that CD that has “BiTs” written on it.
So I backed up the CD’s contents and forgot about them until recently, when I stumbled upon them while doing some cleanup. I ripped the discs again (to ISO this time) and started looking into the BiTs disc. It contained several episodes of Mike Stulir’s Back in Time Webcast, which was one of the earliest emulation-related internet radio show. (You see, back in those days, we didn’t use the term ‘podcast’.) Of course, I couldn’t find anything about that show, because another podcast (a movie one) was using the same name and the results kept getting cluttered.
Luckily, I asked for help at MAMEWorld’s forums, and a user there pointed me to the webcast’s old website (via the Wayback Archive), where I found a ton more info including episode summaries and photos. Unfortunately, based on that episode list, we are missing four:
Episode 5 - file name would be bit051199.rm or 051199.rm (Posted on May 11th, 1999)
Sid Meier @ PhillyClassic 4 - file name would be bit-sm.mp3 (Posted on August 24, 2004)
5th Annual Funspot Tournament- file name would be bit -- FS2003.mp3 (Posted on August 24, 2004)
Howard Scott Warshaw @ PhillyClassic 5- file name would be bit-hsw.mp3 (Posted on August 24, 2004)
I asked around for help locating these files, so hopefully someone saved them and they can be posted.
Note: Most of the files currently on Archive.org are the original Real Media recordings (hey, kids! Remember RealPlayer?) which for some reason are not being converted to MP3s by the system. I’ve already asked for help at their forums, if you want to listen to them, you’ll need VLC Media Player to play them back. Unless you want to install some codec pack and this isn’t the mid 2000s anymore so why would you.
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