#mike schmidt five nights at freddy's movie
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saulgoodwoman6 · 1 day ago
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She's real for this
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send-me-a-puffalope · 3 days ago
Do you have any FNaF 2 predictions?
Vanessa main character Vanessa main character VanessamaincharacterVanessamainchara— jk jk jk the fnaf fandom is too misogynistic to handle that /hj
I genuinely have no idea what the plot of the movie will be at alll, which makes predictions a little more difficult because I could be so far out of the ballpark that I’m not even in the same country anymore. Okay uhhh
Mike + Abby and Vanessa do not maintain contact between the first and second movie. The first time they see each other again is Mike showing up to Vanessa’s house because he sees stuff for Fazfest and she’s the only person he knows that has connections to Freddy’s.
Mike really doesn’t want to have anything to do with Freddy’s anything but Abby is once again drawn to the children’s spirits/is assigned a goal by the spirits and refuses to back down
Vanessa is less put together and doesn’t have the same peppy facade from the first movie, rather acting more on her anger and being prone to outbursts because she’s scared. Mike has to be the more positive foil to Vanessa’s terror
We get to see an actual scene of the MCI through a flashback/dream of Vanessa’s because she witnessed it
Vanessa has a lot of sympathy/has a deeper connection with the animatronics (though idk if this is gonna hold up considering we know she hits Mangle with her car)
There’s gonna be a scene that shows William being physically abusive towards Vanessa. I’m gonna take a big swing here and say he grabs her by the collar because Mike did that in the movie novel and Vanessa “shrunk back like a victim”
We’re not going to see Springtrap except maybe the end credits scene
No actual Vanny suit but a Vanny easter egg in one of Vanessa’s flashbacks
Each of the animatronics have their own like scene where they’re the main focus (Toy Chica at the science fair, Toy Freddy at Fazfest, etc) and the last one will be the Puppet (who is gonna be the Golden Freddy of the second movie and the main spirit contacting Abby through the toy speaker thingy)
Introduction to a new important character that joins the main cast for FNAF 3. Likely Henry Emily or Jeremy Fitzgerald (though he kinda has no importance or actual canon character outside of fanon so I wanna lean towards Henry)
There’s gonna be some huge reveal or small detail that sheds a lot of light on the game timeline/lore. Taking another swing here that it’s related to when and how many Freddy’s locations there are.
I think that’s all I can think of right now, i might get some eureka moment when it’s not 1 am though so I’ll come back to this perhaps maybe.
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abysstwins · 1 year ago
♡ security guards
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notes !! this is a very very (!!!) self-indulgent fic for two of our headmates , and is based off a dream one of us had a week-ish ago !
includes platonic , not oc or reader insert , system centric (traumagenic) , five nights at freddy's (not canon specific) & does not match up with the timeline or events of the movie, not beta read we die like men , also small warning for the fact i'm writing this on no sleep and endless chocolate milk . bare w me </3
a sound of pure frustration erupted from the opening to the left side of the office as nate stepped through the door.
"you good?" mike asked, spinning to face the man.
"mhmmm," nate hummed in response, taking a seat in the swivel chair beside mike's. "just can't seem to keep chica on stage. other two are more chill tonight than usual though, so that's nice..."
mike made a noise of acknowledgement as he pulled up the cameras. as suspected, bonnie and freddy remained motionless on the stage, but chica was missing.
"you check the kitchen?" mike's eyes drifted to his friend. nate nodded wordlessly.
a loud, metallic CLANG caught the two men's attention. nate's ears perked up, not unlike a curious dog's; a fact of which would make mike chuckle under any other circumstances. he instinctively rose from his seat first, subconsciously moving to stand in front of nate.
"chica?" mike called out. "you okay, kid?"
a slow, groaning mechanical noise gave mike all the information he needed.
"you fell, didn't you?" mike called out into the darkness before slamming his palm against the small button labeled 'lights', though the lettering has long begun peeling away.
nate desperately attempted--and ultimately failed--to conceal his giggles at the scene before the two of them. chica, in all her robotic glory, lay on her back on the cold floor, similar to a turtle being knocked over.
gently pushing past mike's wide shoulders, nate went to chica's aid.
"mikey, come help me, please," he called to his friend, still giggling. nate ignored the side eye chica threw his way.
"how'd you even manage that...?" mike whispered, a small smile on his lips.
once they'd finally straightened chica up once more, nate gently patted her hand. "wanna head back to the stage now?" there was a brief pause before chica turned back around and slowly treaded back to her spot.
after a few giggling fits, the two security guards headed back into the frigid, creaky office and took their seats. small conversation ensued until a comfortable silence fell over the two of them.
nate sighed dramatically before slowly rotating in circles in his chair. mike looked on affectionately, occasional chuckles leaving his lips as nate tried to build up momentum in the rusted old swivel chair.
"you're going to make yourself dizzy, and you'll fall, nate," mike laughed.
"no i won't. gravity's no match for me."
"ohhh, uh huh, sure," mike said, rolling his eyes with a grin. his eyes drifted to the analogue clock, the ticking a welcome and familiar sound after the many, many months working this job. "it's almost six, we should probably do a once over before we clock out for the night."
"oh, yeah, let's just-" nate came to a sudden stop before letting his legs fall from the crossed position he was previously sitting in. almost as soon as his shoes touched the cold tiles, he immediately lost balance and would have had a nasty fall had mike not jumped up just in time to grab him.
"gravity is no match for you, huh?" mike chuckled out, full blown laughter following once nate pushed his face away with his palm.
"thanks for catching me," nate laughed as he slowly regained his balance.
"anytime. want me to piggyback you?" the taller man offered, a grin erupting on his face. nate agreed, albeit reluctantly before he threw the straps of his bag over his shoulders and awaited the green light to climb onto mike's back.
after climbing onto the back of the taller man, nate rested his chin on the top of mike's fluffy, messy hair. "thanks for carrying me, didn't realize i'd get bested by gravity that easily."
mike laughed at nate's confession as he treaded out of the security office, turning off the lights as he went. they both made their way across the floors of the old, worn-down restaurant. clearing every room and making sure all animatronics were in their spots, mike continued on to the lobby of the long shut down diner until the glass of the front doors revealed the stunning view of the budding sunrise.
"almost there, kiddo," mike mumbled to nate, who sleepily hummed in response. once they exited the creaky doors, mike lifted nate's legs a bit higher on his waist before hooking his arms under the man's knees and locking the padlock, securing the chains protecting the front doors.
"lend me your keys, i'll drive, okay?"
"m'kay..." nate slid his hand into his jean pocket before dropping his keys into mike's out-stretched palm. mike moved to gently place nate into the passenger seat, watching as nate essentially curled up in his seat. he shut the door and slid into the drivers seat, cranking the car and making sure nate was buckled up. he couldn't help the laugh that escaped as nate attempted--albeit incoherently--to piece together the words to form a 'thank you'.
the drive itself was near silent, save for the occasional bump in the road causing a deep 'thump' noise. mike decided, no questions asked, to let nate crash at his place while he slept. the door opened and mike was greeted with the sight of abby long asleep on the couch, her sketchbook messily discarded on the table. her soft snores made her brother smile as he traipsed up the stairs until he stood in front of his bedroom door.
carefully placing nate under the weighted blankets on his bed, mike lazily pulled the covers over him before haphazardly plopping down beside him, the coolness of his pillow a welcome luxury from the awkward sitting position he had to maintain during work.
swiftly drifting into sleep, mike smiled as he felt nate's hand slowly grasp onto the worn fabric of mike's hoodie.
hii i'm sorry this is random and pretty short .. things have been hectic for us but more specifically for me since i've been front stuck so soooo much :( just wanted to write something kinda comfy after these past few weeks </3
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chloesimaginationthings · 5 months ago
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Leaked scene from the FNAF 2 movie…
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okayxairen · 1 year ago
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Another parallel I’ve found, could be a coincidence but it’s really cool nontheless!!
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possiblyk9 · 1 year ago
I had too...
whistle baby whistle baby
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mushramoo · 1 year ago
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i love them all dearly btw
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froggieetmblr · 1 year ago
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Hi fnaf movie dump but it’s mostly bonnie and abby
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captainsaltypear · 1 year ago
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this. this is what happened in that scene right
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artificialalienn · 1 year ago
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Vanessa stop scaring the shit out of Micheal challenge
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kkurensia · 1 year ago
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i love it when a fnaf character is named michael and has a dead brother
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i love them both so much no one gets them like i do
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everestentertainments · 1 year ago
best part of the FNAF movie was that Josh Hutcherson was having the WORST time of his life. dude was stressed out the entire runtime. the only reason why he got the security job was because his job counselor just so happened to be the guy who murdered his little brother. Vanessa kept lore-dumping to him but he wasn't getting it because he was running on like 2 hours of sleep. his b-plot was his aunt trying to ruin his life. ghost children tried to murder him multiple times. he almost touched a springlock suit. the climax was him getting beat up by a guy in a fursuit. Golden Freddy manifested in his house. it was awesome 10/10.
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fnafluffy · 1 year ago
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really enjoyed their expressions in this shot staring at freddy
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aresonist · 1 year ago
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chloesimaginationthings · 7 months ago
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Happy 10th anniversary to FNAF!!
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antlergrave · 1 year ago
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