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privwrites · 1 year ago
Unexpected reunion
Mihawk x female reader (OS)
from the One Piece live adaptation
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Watched the One Piece live adaption and completely fell for Dracule Mihawk. So I had to write a one shot for him. Enjoy!
wordcount: 1875 words
tw: implied age gap, but y/n isn't a minor!, mentions of violence, sorry I'm new to tws- i will add more more with time if necessary
(english isn't my first language, this os isn't beta-read)
Day in, day out, you've endured this wretched ship's hold. The creaking sway of the gas lamps robbed you of sleep, and the chains on your wrists didn't make it any more pleasant. The sunny daylight could only be seen through the narrow gaps in the ship's deck above you. A week ago, the Marines separated you from your crew and captured you—a severe blow, or at least that's what the Marines thought. Yet, you had more experience at sea than your relatively young age would suggest. So, you waited out your days in the Marine cell, always accompanied by the squeaking of the gas lamp and the gentle waves of the ship.
One morning, a jolt woke you from your sleep. You sat up. The anchor must have been dropped on the bottom of the sea! You must be in shallower waters. Immediately, you heard footsteps on the wooden stairs above you, and moments later, several Marines dragged you out of your cell. "You're being relocated! Let's see how merciful the Admiral will be to you!" one of them sneered. Annoyed, you sighed. The arrogance of the Marines had always bothered you. If only the eight soldiers accompanying you knew that you could take them all down with a few moves. Yet, you had your reasons to hold back.
The glaring daylight greeted you as you were led from a Marine ship to a significantly larger one. Remarkably larger… Yes, this was definitely an admiral's ship. Suspiciously, you surveyed the crew of the ship, but none of the faces seemed familiar. However silly they all looked in their white uniforms. Some of them stared at you with fascination. It was a rarity to encounter a female pirate, especially one with your reputation. "Take the wench to her new cell!" one of the officers shouted. Before you had time to look around more, you found yourself in that very cell. At least this one had a small window in the ship's wooden wall. However, this time, thick barred iron rods enclosed you. "Out of the frying pan, into the fire," you muttered. But this cell had an additional thin straw mat for sleeping, and behind a wooden wall, there was a bucket of water with linen for freshening up.
This night, you couldn't sleep for a long time. Instead, you watched the stars in the sky through the small window. Your patience, which you had at the beginning of your captivity, had diminished. How lovely it would be to be able to be out under the open sky again...
And so it happened that you were lying awake again one night when you suddenly heard footsteps in the dark room in front of you. The light of the gas lamp was not enough to fully discern the entire room in the darkness. You stared intently into the darkness in front of you. "What do we have here? A pirate captured by the Marines?" a too familiar deep male voice cut through the darkness. Into the light of the gas lamp, on the other side of the bars, stepped - "Mihawk," you realized with a start, jumping up.
The gas lamp's light danced on the distinctive features of the feared warlord and the skin of his free, muscular upper body shimmered in the moonlight. He hadn't aged a day. "It's been a long time since we last saw each other," you said coldly, "and I didn't think it would be in the belly of a Marines ship this time." Mihawk seemed undeterred. "Well, only one of us is behind bars." He assessed you from head to toe. Your hair had grown longer, but it still had the same beautiful shine as back then. However, captivity had visibly taken a toll on you. Your skin was paler, and your clothing partially torn. "How long have they had you in captivity?" he asked, an unreadable expression on his face. "Why do you want to know?" you retorted, "Why should I tell someone who seems to be making common cause with the Marines lately!" This, too, left Mihawk unimpressed. "I occasionally work for the World Government, not the Marines, darling. And only when it suits me." The tone in Mihawk's voice allowed no further contradiction. "So tell me, y/n, how did you end up in this situation?" He pointed to the iron bars that separated you. For a while, you remained silent. The sound of the waves could be heard all the way down here in the ship's hold, as the ship gently rocked.
"My crew and I were lured into an ambush by the Marines. Then they captured me," you explained. Mihawk's eyes seemed to glow in the darkness, and his gaze pierced on you. "Captured, I see," Mihawk replied and took a step towards you. He was dangerously close, as if the bars between you didn't exist. You had to gulp. That wasn't the whole truth. But what did it matter to him? You had your own plan to escape this prison! And Mihawk had been gone too long for you to trust him now. "The feared pirate y/n allows to be locked up by ordinary Marines. I had hoped I trained you better." The second sentence angered you. "What do you know about me? You just disappeared!" Now there was a reaction on the pirate's face, and he furrowed his eyebrows. "I had my reasons to disappear back then." - "You left me behind!" you hissed. The Warlord's chest rose and fell faster. No one but you was capable of unsettling him. "I had a mission to fulfill, and I would never have involved you! I protected you, even if your stubbornness prevents you from seeing it." You stared at him. Mihawk had been your mentor many years ago. He had taken you in after finding you in a village destroyed by pirates. He was the reason why you were as skilled in swordsmanship as no other pirate but him. Until one day, he had suddenly disappeared, and you were left to fend for yourself. That was many years ago. "And all those years, I watched over you, y/n. You've become a formidable pirate." He assessed you again. But this time, it wasn't an appraising look, rather - an admiring one. You didn't know how to respond. Mihawk continued, "So it surprises me even more that you're still behind bars." He placed a hand on the iron bars that separated you. How should you act in this situation? Briefly, you listened to make sure no one else was on the corridors, then you straightened your shoulders. "The Marines did indeed surprise us with an ambush. But that's not all." Mihawk's gaze lingered on your lips. "I'm listening," he replied. You continued, "Before they could completely destroy our ships, I let myself be captured. I pretended as if they had defeated me in battle to protect the rest of my crew." The corners of the powerful Warlord's mouth twitched upwards. "In case of my capture, there has always been a plan for liberation. This plan involves a lot of preparation so that the Marine ship here is taken down simultaneously. Therefore, I have to wait in my cell until my crew arrives." - "Well, that sounds much more like the girl I trained," Mihawk said.
You already knew he wasn't a man of many words. Still, it almost sounded like a compliment. "As much as I appreciate your plan, y/n, you will come with me now. We don't have time to wait for your crew. None other than Garp himself is the vice-admiral on this ship." You wanted to protest when the Warlord shattered the lock of your cell with a single clean stroke. "I will wait for them!" you insisted. But Mihawk grabbed your arm and pulled you towards the ship's deck. His grip on your arm was far too strong for you to break free. He had always been much stronger than you. Mihawk pulled you up the stairs, and upon reaching the deck. A murmur ran through the rows of Marines who worked the night shift. Mihawk didn't even have to draw his sword. No one dared to attack him. He let his piercing gaze wander over the Marines. "Let it be clear, none of you will ever dare to harm y/n again. She is under my protection, and I will kill anyone who even touches her." Angrily, you stepped on Mihawk's foot. He rolled his eyes and added, "And the same goes for her crew." You nodded in satisfaction. The faces of the marines, on the other hand, reflected their fear of the warlord. Unconcerned, Mihawk walked with you to the railing and jumped onto his pirate ship, which was next to the Marine ship. In contrast to his usually much smaller ship, this one was quite large and stately. Yet you two were the only ones on it. Once on the other deck, Mihawk only needed to split the wind with his sword, and immediately, your ship sailed away from the Marines. For a the rest of the night you said nothing, but you could feel Mihawk's gaze on you as you stood at the railing. You reflected on the recent events and especially what Mihawk had told you about his disappearance. The Marine ship one the horizon was barely visible in the moonlight. You sailed many miles away from the their ship that night, until the first rays of the warm morning sun reflected in the gentle waves of the sea. A warm breeze played with your hair. Suddenly, you felt Mihawk coming towards you. He put something in your hand. It was a Den Den Mushi. You looked at him in surprise. He said nothing, but you understood him anyway. Immediately, you called your crew and told them about your involuntary rescue. You heard relieved sighs on the other end of the line. Then Mihawk himself suddenly took the Den Den Mushi and said to your crew, "There is no need for you to pick up y/n. I will bring her to your ship myself. Expect us in fourteen days." Before you could say anything else to your crew, Mihawk hung up. "What's wrong with you?? You could just split the wind fourteen times, and we would be much faster!" you snapped. Mihawk now stood directly in front of you, considerably taller than you. Calmly, he looked at you. Your skin had regained its rosy glow, and your eyes sparkled at him angrily. Now you looked much more like the girl he had taken in back then. "Well, my dear," he brushed a strand behind your ear, "Despite your daring plan, captivity by the Marines was dangerous for you." You wanted to retort, but he had drawn you into his gaze as if in a spell. "All those years, I left you alone. That was too long. In the next fourteen days, I will make it up to you." What exactly he meant by that, you didn't know. Honestly, you didn't care. Because a warm, unknown feeling enveloped your heart, and a smile played on your lips. And it felt like even fourteen days with the Warlord wouldn't be enough...
uggh, I wanna write an entire fanfiction for him so badly. Hope you enjoyed it. This was my first post on tumblr, be gentle with me please :D also can we please talk about how hot Bogard is? He slayed his short screentime.
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