#mighty leader of the moles [hook]
shallliveoninsong · 7 months
"What happened to your face?" [From Natasha for Hook! ^^]
| Injured sentences Vol 3 | @grislyintentions
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Oh darn it! She'd tried to hide her latest battle scar from Ms. Natasha but the old witch was too observant!
She may have been playing king of the hill with The Moles on a pile of geomarrow and gotten a bit too invested the game. One thing happened after another and Hook banged her forehead right into the ore.
She'd managed to conceal it pretty well under her bangs as she didn't want to get a lecture about it!
Hook pouted, trying to avoid eye contact with the doctor.
"I uh, just fell that's all!" That wasn't technically lying at least! "It's no big deal Ms. Natasha, it's just a lil bruise!"
And a bit of blood but that was gone now so Hook wouldn't mention it.
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maskednihilism · 7 months
"Mr. Sampo I'm bored! All the other Moles had something to do and my Daddy is working," Hook pouts but she knows that's out of her friends and father's control respectively. But that still meant she had no one to play with! "Can we go defeat baddies together? I know a place monsters gather!"
After all, what's a Fragmentum monster to her mighty Diggertron?
@shallliveoninsong || unprompted! || From Pitch Dark Hook the Great!
Sampo had returned as promised, but it seemed like little Hook was still bored. Oh to be young again and full of energy. The thief laughs as he reaches into his jacket.
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"Leaving our great leader alone is a crime! But don't worry, big brother Samps is here." And with a treat. A Luofu treat is handed to her, Berrypheasants skewer. Two of them in fact. He had more but the rest he'd give to her father when he would see him. Can't have her hooked on the stuff and devour them like the little gremlin she is now!
"Sure, afterwards we can have this as a treat. Lead the way, great leader!" And after their little excursion, a little chat about staying away from those monsters.
But he can't blame her, at her age he longed for adventure too.
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sharperthewriter · 5 years
14th Annual Kim Possible Fannies Awards - Chapter 1
The 14th Annual Kim Possible Fannies Awards
From the Desk of Sharper,
Hello, everyone and welcome to another installment of the traditional Kim Possible Fannies Awards. With everyone still recovering from the impact of the live-action movie, let us bask in the pomp and circumstances of the traditional awards ceremony where, who knows what surprises may be in store.
The fanfic is rated T for some strong language and a couple of obscene gestures, a bit of sexual dialogue, a drug reference, and some action violence.
Kim Possible, characters and settings, are created by Schooley and McCorkle and (c) by Disney.
Any OC I create is my own.
Chapter 1 - Kim & Ron vs. the LAM Backlash & Bullying
(July 27, 2019)
This was it.
The day before the annual KP Fannies Ceremony.
After two years on the road that also involved the kidnapping of a co-host AND the leader of a quasi-government police agency, plus an alternate dimension of the KP crew and the whole bru-ha-ha over the live-action movie, the ceremony returned to the Tri-City Convention Center in Middleton. The KP Kimmunity and the Middleton City Council agreed on a four-year deal to host the Fannies at the Convention Center. The presentation itself was going to be held at the Timothy North Memorial Theater.
Everyone was getting ready for all the glitz and glamor of the awards show, especially on which dress the grown KP women were going to wear for tomorrow's event.
At the same time however, something else had bothered the now 31-year old Kim's mind.
In fact, the infamous trip they took to South Dakota last year made their marriage stronger. It's just that they did not want to be associated with the Stoppable Family Vacation Curse, so both Kim and Ron decided to legally change the entire family's last name to put his wife's name first. This year, they had taken a trip to both Hawaii and South Carolina and did not run into any significant problems.
And yet, something else had nagged at her mind for over the last five months.
It was all the hate the LAM had been receiving over the timespan. It was like a big stress ball that Kim was squeezing really and mighty hard but it was about to pop. She didn't say anything about it at all after the February 15th premiere of the LAM. -
"Ron, all of this is getting on my nerves! UGGGGGHHHHHHH!"
"KP, calm down a bit! You're letting this whole thing get to your head!"
Both Kim and Ron Possible-Stoppable were walking down the hall of the convention center. . Ron was in a button down shirt, white tennis shoes and baggy jeans held with a belt. Thankfully for Kim, he was not showing his underwear. She was wearing her favorite dark denim baggy Club Banana overalls. It had holes in the kneecaps, but it had a cargo pocket big enough for Rufus. The left strap was hooked but she unhooked the right strap. It was dangling behind her back so that she liked it 90s style. Plus, she had a green button-down shirt. She also was wearing a gold statement necklace, giant dangling earrings,a ladies watch, two bracelets and a total of five rings, including the wedding band. Kim finalized the outfit with black sneakers.
Rufus, on the other hand, was standing on top of his owner's shoulder.
"I am so not jelly about the criticism of the LAM!" Kim countered at her husband.
"Am too!"
"Am not!"
"Am too...times infinity!" Ron snarked.
"Ughh...got me on the infinity clause!" Kim exclaimed.
"Jinx, I owe you a soda, KP!" Ron said, giving a smile to his wife.
Kim smiled back and got back to the topic at hand.
"Anyways, what pissed me off about the whole criticism starts with the little parts. First off...the look of the LAM's mission outfit!" Kim ranted.
Ron sat down on a nearby crate and began to listen to his wife's rant.
"First off...people complained about the fact that the actress was not wearing a croptop! She is 17 years of age last time I checked. That would be downright creepy! And second thought was that people were comparing it to a Halloween costume! I mean, do they even have a brain cell in that head of theirs? Hell, even I can defeat Shego in that outfit!"
"So said the person that wore croptops to school all the time!" Ron snarked. "And of course, currently owns 25 pairs of baggy overalls."
"Ron..." Kim groaned, "...fashion ideas change between 2003 and today, though I do swear by Club Banana's baggy overalls. I do think the mission pants looked very cute on the actress despite the obvious lack on the pockets."
"I tell ya, KP." Ron said while eating some of the Bueno Nacho catering at the nearby table. "Some people just think with that Dawson's Casting mentality!"
"And that, Ron, will serve as a transition to my second point about this whole criticism BS!" Kim replied, continuing on with her rant, "These so-called quote-en-quote 'fans of my show' thinking that a grown-ass 24 to 28-year old woman would play a FIFTEEN-YEAR OLD GIRL?! Does ANYONE even KNOW what teenagers even look like?!"
"I tell you, these women cannot even grasp what it is even like to be in the shoes of a teenager approaching her very first day of high school!"
Her anger became more apparent.
"The damn nerve of some people to call a teenager a 'crop-top hoe' and a 'bad bitch' really wants me to unleash all my styles of kung-fu against them and send these idiots to the hospital. That is simply a sick and wrong term to describe me and my gender, thank you very much! And this is on the poor girl's first major starring film role! I mean, can't those people just live and let live? They have the animated version that they can watch all the time on the Mouse's new stream thing coming up in November. Let the teens and young kids of THIS generation, including my own, have the LAM!"
"Maybe that was the reason why the trailer for the LAM had more than 160,000 dislikes on the interwebs." Ron said while drowning the Naco in sheer Diablo sauce. Rufus dug into the Naco.
"Getting on to point number three against the LAM backlash, Ron." Kim continued with her rant. "The whole 'me-with-a-secret-identity' thing is complete bullshit!"
"Wow, KP! I have not seen you this salty and potty-mouthed since the South Dakota trip!" Ron exclaimed. He had seen Kim utter even worse words than that during that fateful trip.
"Ron, you know my stance when it comes to this!" Kim said, "Through all of my years of high school, I neither once HAD a secret identity that only, like, two people knew nor did I belong to some secret agency where if I blew my cover I would have to be relocated to another host family! The only time I even was involved in one was because of teamups, though it felt weird working with a platypus wearing a fedora and having that mission wiped out from my memory."
"Wasn't there that one time in your show, KP...?" Ron asked.
"Oh that, Ron?" Kim said, "I remembered that you were the Fearless Ferret at the time under Timothy North, God rest his soul."
"And Mr. North offered you to be Ferret Girl." Ron said.
"But I declined stating that I don't get the whole superhero-secret-identity thing." Kim countered "I made that crystal-clear that everyone: my parents, my friends, my neighbors, hell, even the former team-mates on the Middleton High squad that I was out there saving the world from the bad guys!"
"Yet...some people just don't learn." Ron bemoaned.
"Ugh...and don't even get me started on point number four...THE worst thing of the whole LAM criticism! In actuality, I don't even call it criticism...it is so in the territory of bullying! Again, as I have stated before, the Kim actress was 16 (now 17) when she did the movie! And they bully the poor girl on all her social media sites such as Flitter, InstaPic, and AddressBook! The other thing that annoys the hell out of me is the whole 'my childhood is ruined' shit every time something is rebooted! No, their childhood isn't ruined. They had a childhood, like we did, and it lasted a good while until we got to adulthood!"
"And for those people that have the nerve...the damn audacity...to actually post hateful comments such as killing herself? In my eyes, I do not consider some of them to be 'fans of my show' " Kim replied with air quotes around 'fans of my show" with her fingers. "To me, they should be arrested by the police and sent to jail!"
Taking a deep breath, the redhead added, "My show was supposed to teach kids about friendship and kindness. And in my eyes, the Kim LAM actress is a perfect repesentation of...well...me! She took on those hateful comments with messages of positivity. THAT in all honesty, represents THE true Kim Possible spirit that has been exhibited by some of our good fans in the past, such as the late CPNeb and the late Commander Argus. I loved it! You loved it! Our kids loved it!"
Rufus nodded his head in agreement, belching out what remnants of the Naco there was.
"Even Rufus, the mole rat who did become CGI, loved it! If they are going to target the KP LAM actress, they'll have to get through me first!"
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shallliveoninsong · 13 days
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◇ While others would be scared or at the very least nervous traveling so far from home Hook is super eager and never seems to suffer from the difficult culture shock that Luka does. It really goes to show how adventurous and curious she is about the world beyond Jarilo.
She definitely wants to have all sorts of adventures across the cosmos when she grows up!
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shallliveoninsong · 21 days
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"What's the saying? I plead--I choose silence? Yeah, that. I choose silence."
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shallliveoninsong · 7 months
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◇ I may have added these two. Though I will say given Hook's age she will mostly be around for shortform threads, asks, and shenanigans. Traumatizing my characters over and over is a-ok unless they are a smol bean then they must never be hurt in the slightest, I don't make the rules ;)
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shallliveoninsong · 1 month
👩‍🎨 my most creative muses - traincarsandstars
Multi-Muse Starter Meme | @traincarsandstars
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"And then this can be the front door," she said propping up a trashcan lid at the entrance to the makeshift fort.
"Over here is the kitchen," she gestures to a crate with some rocks on it as 'plates'. "Oh, oh, and we could build up some stairs up the side of this pile of metal and it wold look neat!"
Yes, Hook took fort building very seriously. And in a place like the Underworld one had to get creative when playing house, leading her to use all sorts of unorthodox things as stand-ins for the real thing.
"Haul in some snow and I can make you a lounge chair out of it too!"
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shallliveoninsong · 2 months
there's more to the story that you're not saying. (but this is for his daughter hook)
PROMPTS FOR CHECK INS | @draconicfool
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"No..." she lied, like a liar.
A pause.
"Okay fine, it's just I don't see the point in most of what Miss Natasha teaches us in school. What's the point of learning the water cycle or whatever else? I dunno, I think school should cover more of things we actually do ever day. Like mining geomarrow or something."
And that's why she tried to get out of class so much.
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shallliveoninsong · 3 months
|| @iceswords | SC
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"Hey! You wanna play hide and seek?" Hook asked, wasting no time with introductions.
She didn't recognize the older boy but they only had three people right now, which wasn't enough for a good game, so she didn't mind outsourcing for another player.
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shallliveoninsong · 3 months
🎼 A song that reminds me of my muse’s vibes for jy and also hook I'm doubling up
✧✦⭒ SONG ASSOCIATIONS | @draconicfool
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◇ For some reason it's tough for me to find songs that suit him in his entirety. So, it's time to cherrypick and break up into multiple aspects!
Next Up Forever gives vibes of his young Cloud Knight days, when he's yet to make his mark on the world despite wanting to yet also being worried that he'll reach his peak and plateau out shortly after.
Do or Die fits the vibes of his younger years with the HCQ, their glorious feats and call to action to fight the Abundance no matter the cost. They may die, but the story goes on.
For the Weight of Us encapsulates the deep sadness that runs through him about all he's lost. But he's still trying to be brave.
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◇ I know it's stealing a theme from one character to another, but Iris' theme from DGS really has similar vibes, even though Hook is far less well-behaved!
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shallliveoninsong · 4 months
@ofpossessedtails cont. from [X]!
Hook snapped her head back from peering at the odd creature at his outburst. She wasn't scared, Tail still looked too cute in her eyes for that. But she didn't expect for him to have such a deep voice or such an attitude!
Hook's face scrunched up in thought at Huohuo's explanation.
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"So... he's kind of like one of those illusions made by Fragmentum Corrosion? Sometimes on Belebog, people say they see and hear people who have been long gone... But Mr. Tail doesn't look like a person."
And he uses people like batteries? So he was kind of like a robot?
"Wait, if Heeli--he... whatever you said-- are dangerous how come you get one?" she pouted.
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shallliveoninsong · 4 months
[ INTERCEPT ] //Either Dan Heng with Sushang or Caelus with Hook, dealer's choice xD
REASONS TO CARRY SOMEONE. [ INTERCEPT ]: sender picks up and carries the receiver out of the room because they're angry and on the brink of engaging in a fight with someone. | @starlighttrain
It took her a moment to understand what had even happened. As she was advancing on some jackass to teach him some respect and the next thing she knew she was halfway into being whisked out the door. By Dan Heng of all people.
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"Hey--! Dan Heng! Let me at 'em!" she protested. Man, he really was stronger than he looked if he could carry her. She had heard about it, but seeing was believing.
"You know that jerk was asking for it!"
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"He stole from Daddy! Let me go Big Brother! That man deserves a punch from Diggertron to the face!" Hook screamed.
She screamed, kicked her little feet and was doing anything to squirm out of the trailblazer's hold.
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shallliveoninsong · 4 months
“just thought i’d give you a heads up.” To Hook!
THE EMPEROR'S NEW GROOVE (2000) PROMPTS | @ofpossessedtails
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Hook just giggled at the warning, giving a wave to Mr. Tail. There's no way she could be frightened of such a cute creature!
"Thanks! I've never seen anything like him, but he's so cute! Where'd you get him? Can I get one?"
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shallliveoninsong · 5 months
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"I wonder when those IP... whoever people are gonna throw another Atherium Wars tournament. I hope soon! I gotta win back my title from the Trailblazer!"
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shallliveoninsong · 5 months
"Tell me everything." - From Natasha to Hook!
| tell me meme | @grislyintentions
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"And the bad guys were all like 'NOOO we don't stand a chance against the Moles!' And we were all like, bam! Boom! Hiya!"
Hook dramatically reenacted the fight moves from the battle as she recounted the tale. Whether what she was talking about was a real event and she had (again) been involving the Moles in something more dangerous than they should be or if this was mostly make-believe was anyone's guess.
"Then they were like 'WE SURRENDERRR!' and Julian and I decided to spare them this time. But warned them if they ever come around again the Moles won't hold back next time!
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shallliveoninsong · 6 months
does your muse get "hangry" when they haven't eaten in a while? // when your muse wakes up in the morning, do they remember their dreams, or completely forget them? // does your muse play a musical instrument? did they play one at some point?// ( for, whoever you want, as per usual )
IN-DEPTH HEADCANON QUESTIONS | @aluckiicoin does your muse get "hangry" when they haven't eaten in a while?
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◇ Hook absolutely does. She gets very fussy and more argumentative and bossy than usual. Don't take it personally, she is just hungey. Feed her and she will settle down!
when your muse wakes up in the morning, do they remember their dreams, or completely forget them?
◇ Perhaps it has to do with the psychic(?) empathetic(?) powers the Reader developed over time, but they always remember their dreams. No matter matter how weird or horrible. They keep most of them to themselves, however. No use in burdening others with them.
Jing Yuan usually forgets them unless they are very bad ones or he lies still after awakening and takes several minutes to commit them to memory before moving.
does your muse play a musical instrument? did they play one at some point?
◇ The Reader asked the Lone Minstrel to teach them how to play his lute. They managed to learn some basics but due to the Nightwings' quest, they didn't get any further than that. They did enjoy singing along with Tariq, however. They must have a pretty decent voice given that no one else in the wagon complained.
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