#might translate this one too to have it together w the rest ive done tho idk where it would fit yet i still need to read it properly
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cubedmango · 2 years ago
BRAND NEW (actually the first and original) WIZARDSAWA CONTENT ACQUIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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gigadracky · 7 years ago
Dragon Quest of the Stars!
Hello wondering quester!
So in the coming time i will be posting up faqs how to play the Dragon Quest of the Stars/ Hoshi no Dragon Quest/ 星のドラゴンクエスト mobile app game!
Please bear with me as this is just myself working on this and it is quite of bit of content. It is my first time doing a faq/guide how to play this game so ill do my best to inform the most out of this game so that everyone can take the most out of this game and enjoy it as if you were a native japanese speaker :)!
In the mean time here are some links i have read to get you started with downloading it if you have not downloaded it yet and have been curious to try it out!
^this link will help you get started with a basic introduction of the game and its mechanics and whatnot. As you play more the mechanics does go deeper and more options will appear, so I’ll be working out the rest since there’s nowhere else online that explains any more than this :)! As far as I know, right now I think there’s no need for a VPN as I’m told its not region locked any more. But when i first played this couple years ago, around the time it first released, i had to use a VPN just to get to the character creation screen and my first dungeon, after clearing the first tutorial dungeon i didn’t have a need of a VPN.
^This link provides a list of spells and abilities translated from dragon quest series games. This can help translate some skills/spells that are part of your weapons and that you can equip to your weapons. In this game the weapons carry the skills, each weapon has one main skill you cannot unequip(but can break it down from the weapon at the cost of losing the weapon to obtain its main skill,) and have some sub slots to equip different skills/abilities/spells depending on the kind of slot and its grade/level. You have to level these skills/spells up by these special colored orbs you obtain throughout the games story/side quests and events/keys you obtain to make them stronger and more efficient/faster. you could also level these skills up by fusing the same ones together or if you have the same weapon and you fuse the same weapon to enhance it by raising its level cap, which i will get into weapon enhancement soon.
*A good advice is to have the google translate app or any other translating app you prefer that you can translate off screen caps. google translate may not be exact or perfect, but it can give you the right idea, a general idea what it means. There are skills where you wont find anywhere online, or there are objectives you want to complete to get that extra 100 gems but dont know how to achieve it(most likely you have to beat the main boss of a dungeon within a set amount of turns, or clear it without a party member dying, or using a skill finish sometimes.) I use google translate app since i havent looked out for different translating apps and ive played it for so long that i just need a few things translated here and there.
*A good tip for playing this game. Save your gems for a 10 gacha pull, which is 3000 gems. and do the map mission and clear the dungeon objectives/missions list. And play story mode, now that the first world every dungeon and place costs just 1 stamina, its soo easy to rake up on gems. Also learn which gachas are going on and choose what weapon set you want. the pull rates are pretty good, a 10 gacha pull w/armor, but sometimes youll not get what you want, sometimes you might go long without getting a certain armor set/weapon set. so i suggest skipping gachas of weapons/armors you dont want and just save up on gems. Usually the gacha events come back so youll have more of a chance to get that Zenithian Sword or the Loto/Roto Sword if you saved up 6000+ gems to do more than 1 pull then to have to try to earn these gems while these gacha events is going on. Let me tell you how it took me quite a bit to get the whole Zenithian set(specially the sword. it was the only thing i was missing for the longest and the hardest time getting. but i learned to just save up and skip gacha pulls, minus the daily free ones.)
^If you do want to pay for gems, you will have to create a google account with a japanese address. It does restrict the amount of gems you want to purchase depending on your age you answer in game, and it wont let you purchase any gems if you dont have a japanese address set to your google account. now i suggest doing this if you want to have the game updated automatically and if you want to take advantage of the passport system it offers, which has its advantages that can help you throughout the game and doesnt cost too much(600yen) you get 5 free tickets for gachas, 3 closets to set up how you want your character equipped and to switch between them, extra free dailies, auto battle function for any mode besides multiplayer modes, extra fast forwarding to make the gameplay faster besides multiplayer modes, and extra goodness for increasing your drop chances. If you had created a japanese google account and able to access the japanese play store then youur game will get automatic updates.
^I highly suggest creating a Square Enix Bridge account(japanese square enix account). Not only you can back up your data, but also youll get free 300 gems doing so. but most importantly youll be able to back up your data on any phone by just logging into it once youve linked it to your Square Enix Bridge account. Let me tell you how many phones ive switched and how glad i am by doing so when i did it. it was just to get the gems, not thinking how many phones later i will be now. if i had not done so, i wouldve lost my nice zenithian set and event gachas and event drops that i might not have the chance to get again :x plus i worked so hard to getting and strengthening my zenithian set.
Well im off for now, but i will be back as frequent as possible and adding screen caps and what not. provide more details and get into it deeper and proof read all of this and fix. Hope this is enough for the mean time!
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