#might remake this into stickers later because it amuses me
namethief · 2 years
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Love letter
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joy-trovato · 6 years
“how did you climb up my roof? my house is two stories.” (I'm thinking fluff, but tbh whatever you have muse for works for me
„How didyou climb up my roood? My house is two stories high.” Satine’s face reflected amixture of shock and worry to which Joy could only respond with a sheepishsmile: “I was bored and brought cookies?” She could feel the cold wind lick ather cheeks as her hands clung onto the window frame to steady her position asshe awkwardly hang off the house wall. Joy had always been an impulsive person;reacting on instinct without contemplating the consequences all too much. Itwas a perfectly usable excuse to explain why she would turn up at Satine’shouse at 3 am, nose red from the cold, eyes shining in a mixture of almost madexcitement and slight panic. She did, however not reveal the bout of anxietyshe had been going through and that she needed someone to distract her beforeshe would run holes into the floor of her room. Satine was the first personthat had shot into her mind and, while knowing it was a tad selfish to expectSatine to give up precious hours of sleep for her without even knowing the realreason of it, she had sifted through her cupboard reaching for the pack oftreats she always kept for Satine to rummage through whenever she came over andbegan the short walk to the Harris house, footsteps followed by silverymoonlight.
As shearrived at the household Joy contemplated for a moment of just turning aroundat the sight of the dark windows and glow in the dark stickers shining througha few, painting a soothing scenery she did not want to disturb. Yet the thoughtof returning home all on her own reinvoked the tightening sensation in her gutthat made shivers run down her spine and her breath quicken until it waspainful.
Joy had notthought about how to contact Satine though. Mr. Harris liked Joy fairly enoughand without doubt, but she couldn’t imagine that anyone in the house wouldappreciate her disrupting their sleep at 3 am. Looking back on it, Joy had toadmit that this had been the point, where the remaining functioning cells of herbrain seemed to have given up as well. For instead of using her phone thatrested comfortably in the pocket of her pants she took one look at the firm ivyframing the house and the next moment she found herself  climbing it, relishing in the strain it tookon her arms and the way it made her heart pump blood through her veins fasterthan it had done before until she  washigh enough to knock on Satine’s window glad to see faint light shine through theheavy curtains.
“Twostories, Joy. Two stories!” Her voice was still full of disbelief and Joycouldn’t blame her. There were after all few things less expectable than yourfriend’s face at 3 am hovering too many metres in the air. “Your ivy is verysturdy.” Joy chuckled finding amusement in the situation and in the comfort ofSatine’s presence already feeling the icy grip on her lungs loosen. It didn’ttake long for Satine to join in: “Get your little butt in here, before you fallto your death you idiot.” The teasing made Joy’s insides lighten up, uncurlingthe tight ball her organs had tried to form. She wasn’t sure whether it was theadrenaline from climbing two stories up without any safety or the calmingfamiliarity, but as she climbed into the room through the small space she feltat peace again.
“Thank youfor letting me and my little butt in. We appreciate it greatly.” Nudging Satine’sshoulder with her own joy moved straight onto the bed falling into it as if shewere home:  “So- what have you been upto?” “You mean before I almost died of a heart attack, because somebody knockedon my window?” “Exactly.” Sending her a cheshire cat smirk Joy busied herselfwith petting Kismet who had run up to her without hesitation.
“Not muchto be honest. Mostly revising and getting distracted by this little furball.”Satine sent  her dog a playful glarecausing Joy to giggle glancing around the room while crossing her legsbeforefalling back fully into the cushions stretching her limbs. “Too muchstudying isn’t good for you anyway. He is just trying to help.” “Might be, butit’s terribly inconvenient  at times.”Joy felt the bed move as Satine set down next to her bending a little over soshe could look Joy into the eyes: “Why are you here though?” “I told you I was-““Yah and I don’t believe you.” Satine’s voice was gentle, but firm slight worryglinting in her eyes: “Not even you are as spontaneous.” As joy tried to avoidher friend’s gaze she was, not for the first time, reminded of her own mother.Shrinking under it Joy shrugged succumbing to it at last: “Don’t really knowwhy. Just didn’t feel good and didn’t want to be alone.” Satine nodded softlyknowing better than to prod any further than that and instead reached for theabandoned cookies nibbling on one: “You want to talk about it?” A hesitantshake of her head later Joy found herself tucked into Satine’s side as theopening scene to one of the worst movies Joy had ever seen began playing onSatine’s laptop. “then we don’t have to talk. Let’s just watch this. I haveheard it’s ridiculous.” It was a weird hobby Joy had taken a liking to watchingbad movies and remaking on horrid acting or the less than thought through plot.
“Thank youSatine. I know you would probably much rather be sleeping.” “Anything for youjoy. Besides- you brought me cookies. Just please.” The hand that had begun tothread through  ginger hairabsentmindedly paused: “Don’t climb up my house again. You scared the shit out ofme. Do you even know how dangerous that is?” Joy’s chuckle echoed through theroom giving Satine no particular answer before returning their attention to thescreen Satine’s hand still running soothing circles through Joy’s hair, Joysnow relaxed voice remarking every now and then causing the other to grin orgiggle.
Joy fellinto a lazy daze sometimes still unable to believe that she had found a placeto be welcomed so willingly without any questions asked that made her feel safeand secure. Unable to voice that out to her best friend though she merelyleaned more into the touch breathing contently until it lulled them both tosleep.
As the sunrose and light beams peered through the window none of the girls stirred and asmr. harris walked up to wake Satine a part of him was not even surprised to findJoy curled into Satine’s side and instead of commenting anything he merelywhistled and went down to add another plate to the breakfast table.
Two weekslater
“Joy!” “What?They did not believe that I could do it. I had to show them.” “Stop climbing upmy roof!”
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