#might come back and edit this to add eidolons once i figure out what to name them
shalomniscient · 7 months
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"That casino owner? She's nothing but trouble. If you ever think you're winning with her, think again—because the house always wins." - Ten Stonehearts, Topaz
◆ Name: Fafnir ◆ Title: Avaricious Embracer ◆ Owner of the Gnitaheath Casino ◆ Path: Nihility ◆ Type: Fire ◆ Rarity: 5*
Fafnir is a fanmade character in Honkai: Star Rail. The owner of one of the most famous casinos in the universe, she attracts both adoration and detestation. A Scion of Long, Fafnir has lived many long, long lives, and yet through them all, one thing remains constant: the gleam and glitter of gold is always her singular calling.
◆ Appearance Fafnir is a tall woman with short, black hair and yellow-gold eyes. There are streaks of yellow in her hair, located near the base of her horns which are gold in color, resembling a ram's horns. She also has a long, serpentine tail covered in black scales and adorned with more golden accessories.
Fafnir wears a neatly pressed, tailored black suit jacket with delicate gold embroidery on the cuffs that resemble scales, accompanied with black slacks with a similar design along their length. Below this, she wears a dark grey dress shirt, paired with a light-colored tie embroidered with gold thread. She also sports round, yellow-tinted glasses with a gold frame, and wears black, semi-palm gloves with the same golden embroidery.
◆ Combat Mechanics
Basic Attack: Buy-In
"Place your bets, please." Deal's Fire DMG equal to x% of Fafnir's ATK to an enemy.
Skill: All or Nothing
"C'mon, why don't you put some skin in the game?" Deals Fire DMG equal to x% of Fafnir's ATK to a single enemy and inflicts a Gnitaheath Marker.
Ultimate: The House Always Wins
"Looks like it's time for a payout... mine, of course." Removes 1 buffs from all enemies and deals Fire DMG equal to x% of Fafnir's ATK, and simultaneously consumes all Gnitaheath Markers on enemies, dealing an additional Fire DMG equal to x% of Fafnir's ATK. Detonation also triggers the effect of Gnitaheath Marker, but restores HP to all allies instead of only the ally at lowest HP.
Talent: Risk Premium
At each turn of an enemy who is affected by Gnitaheath Marker, the enemy takes DMG equal to x% of Fafnir's ATK. The DMG taken by the enemy is then converted into an equivalent amount HP, and is immediately transferred to an ally with the lowest HP. Gnitaheath Marker lasts for 2 turns. Gnitaheath Marker is considered a debuff. At E1: Gnitaheath Marker is consider Fire DoT.
Technique: House Edge
"Time for a blood game?" When entering battle, there is a 120% base chance of the enemy with the highest HP to be inflicted with Gnitaheath Marker.
◆ Voicelines
About Topaz...
"Little Miss Topaz, my favorite IPC agent! Her assignments bring her to my doorstep more often than not, and it is always refreshing to see her. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to convince her to step into the pit yet, unlike that colleague of hers. Hm, no matter. I quite enjoy our conversations away from the pit as well."
About Aventurine...
"Detestably card sharp, he is. He'd never take a gamble he wouldn't win—so I suppose we are two birds of a feather, in that regard."
Added to a team with Dan Heng - Imbibitor Lunae...
"My, my, a Vidyadhara? And a High Elder, no less... this will be interesting indeed."
"Sometimes, when I feel particularly bored, I like to stroll across the catwalks above the pits. There's something particularly, hm, gratifying, about watching the going-ons of the pit. Someone may be winning, and someone may be losing, but in the end... well, the true winner has been decided long before they bought in."
Chat - Heritage...
"You wish to know about my heritage as a Scion of Long? I'm afraid there isn't much to tell. Many eras ago, my first incarnation was a follower of the Permanent Lord, and was bestowed the ability shared by all Scions. Hm? Others like me? ...I must disappoint you again, for they are no longer here."
Chat - True Form
"My true form? Heh... such a bold request. How about we play a game of blackjack, and if you win, I'll indulge you."
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Developer Notes:
Fafnir is inspired by the dragon (or worm) of the same name in Germanic legend and folklore.
Fafnir's title, Avaricious Embracer, is a nod to the translation of Fafnir's name from Old Norse as 'the Embracer'.
Fafnir's color scheme is generally black/gold/yellow. The yellow-gold color of her eyes and the hints of yellow in her appearance are intended to convey her primary character trait of greed, since yellow is the representative color of greed.
Gnitaheath is the name of Fafnir's lair in the legends.
Fafnir is a Scion of Long, but not a Vidyadhara. I may expand on the lore of her 'lineage' through her stories at a later date.
Fafnir's Talent, 'Gnitaheath Marker', is named after casino markers; interest free, short-term lines of credit given to players by the casinos to encourage playing, although they are also expected to be promptly paid back.
Fafnir's true form is about the size of adult Drogon, from Game of Thrones.
Fafnir's kit is designed to be somewhat reminiscent of her character: someone who gives nothing, and only takes. I tried to give her kind of a life-steal mechanic similar to the one in PTN, though I'm not too sure how well it worked out, LOL.
I can't think of a character similar enough to how I envision Fafnir to add as a reference, and I can't draw for shit so my saving grace is once again Picrew. This isn't 1:1 how Fafnir looks like, as I picture her as having a skin tone more similar to Kaeya's (and my own), but alas, my Picrew options were limited. Nonetheless, this is the closest I can get as of now, so enjoy (?) one smug, bastard scrooge woman:
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picrew link: https://picrew.me/ja/image_maker/6324
UPDATE: my absolutely amazing showstopping talented mutual @e-hibiscus drew fafnir and it is truly THE MOST amazing thing i’ve ever seen and is 1:1 exactly how i picture fafnir in my mind, they’re a super amazing artist and writer and i’m truly honored to be their moot !!
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