#might be up tomorrow but i might also be too busy with re2 tho
“Is Any of This Real... or Not?”: Exploring the Possibility that Kingdom Hearts is Set in a Meta-Reality, Pt. 3
Part 1     Part 2
In the previous part, I explained how one of the final scenes from Sora’s story in Dream Drop Distance suggests that the events of the Kingdom Hearts are entrapped in a meta-reality or a video game/simulation. This scene being the one where we see many falling Soras (in a pose similar to the Game Over screen) and a scene where Mickey glitches out into the next area. 
I then posed these questions:
But why do we have Continues in video games anyways? Because the video game has a particular path and narrative it wants you to follow. A story the player must uncover. This must happen in a particular way. In the way it was fated to happen; the way it was prophesied to happen. Like in the Book of Prophecies. Is the series just contained within the Book of Prophecies? How does that work?
To answer these questions, let’s look at Jiminy’s Journal again. 
Data-Sora visits the worlds of Real Sora’s journey in a specific order, because that is how it is written in the Journal and thus, Data-Sora is trapped in that path and cannot deviate from it. Similarly, Sora must progress through Pooh’s story by collecting the Torn Pages in a particular sequence. He cannot just find the last page and call it a day. The book has a particular format or fate it compels its characters to adhere to. The Book of Prophecies is no different. The Master of Masters is quick to remind Ira that what is fated to happen, what is written in that book, must come to pass no matter what. The foretellers believe their actions will stop this fate, but it only accelerates it in an Oedipean conundrum.  
Furthermore, we have confirmation from KHUX that the story of Data Worlds cannot be overwritten after they are made and remain “fixed”. The “Darkness” figure who speaks to Maleficent tells us this. This would confirm that whatever is written is fated to happen.
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We even have characters who directly compare Jiminy’s Journal and the Book of Prophecies. In Re:Coded, Maleficent is interested in the Journal because she believes it may have some connection to the Book of Prophecies. Ironically, Pete even calls such a proposition at first “fairy tale stuff”, like the Age of Fairy Tales.
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Even more interesting about this comparison between the Book of Prophecies and Jiminy's Journal is that both serve to record the same timeline of events. Both are seemingly a record of Sora’s journeys. Sora and the other protagonists like Ven, Aqua, Terra, etc., but mostly Sora’s. Could the Book of Prophecies just be Jiminy’s Journal or an advanced version of it? Maybe the Book of Prophecies is a compendium of all the records (or books as they are shown in the DDD opening like I mentioned in Part 2) from the 8 games so far? They both have similar operations and data from worlds visited throughout the series so this proposal would not be too far-fetched. Perhaps the Master of Masters just used this information and rewrote it into the Book of Prophecies. That would, however, negate the necessity of the Gazing Eye, to supposedly see the events of the future. For all we know though, the Gazing Eye could have just been the Master of Masters way of just making sure things were occurring as they should be and not necessarily a way for him to based his writings in the Book of Prophecies.
Let’s go back to KHUX. Again, we know there are crafted worlds that are based on the Book of Prophecies. Moreover, the Dandelions are strictly monitoring these Data Worlds, in order to ensure no one remembers the Keyblade War.
I stated before that every Data World has a sort of author and a controller. Xehanort seems to be in control of all the events of the series, but he didn’t write the Book of Prophecies, nor does it seem he has possession of it. If he did have this book, he wouldn’t need the use of vessels to experience all the events of the series, as the Book of Prophecies would tell him everything he would need to know. The controller of the Data Worlds created by the Book of Prophecies would then have to be the person who wrote the Book of Prophecies himself, the Master of Masters. The ultimate puppetmaster of the series and the constructor and conductor of the reality of the series, the catalyst of all the events so far and even into the future.
This would also seemingly explain the disembodied voice from Kingdom Hearts 1. The Master of Masters may have a special interest in Sora because he is a boy who follows his heart. In other words, Sora’s heart is his “guiding key”. (Refer to this post) As I mention in that post, following your heart would coincide with following fate and thus fulfilling the Book of Prophecies or the script he has prepared for the characters of the series.
But why would Sora have weird thoughts caused by the simulation anyway? We’ll have to look at Re: Coded again. Particularly at the end where Data Sora wanders around Castle Oblivion and meets a hooded Riku. (Which I’ll discuss in Part 4)
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