#might be overkill 😆
thesmallmeggles · 4 months
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Credit to @psychangels for this Tiermaker list
//Image Description: a Tiermaker list. Top row box reads "What's Your Body Count?" + Logo.
Second row box reads: Assumes You're Talking About Lovers. In Category: Peppermint, Macaron, and Mimosa
Third row box reads: Assumes You're Talking About Murder. In Category: QA-1MIL, Kale, and Rekka
Fourth row box reads: "I Only Have One Body?" In Category: Chai, CNMN, and Korsica
Fifth row box reads: Says "30" But Doesn't Elaborate. In Category: Zanzo and Roxanne
Last row bow reads: *Confused Shape Shifter Noises* In Category: Roquefort//
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reashot · 2 years
For @notmaplemable feat. Wolf Faunus Ruby.
Vet Visit
Curled up in her own bed and under her blanket while sipping a cup of hot cocoa. Ruby Rose let out a content sigh while wagging her fluffy tail...
Ruby: Ahhh.... This is the life. All snugged up inside my bed watching anime in my scroll while drinking hot cocoa. And with the air conditioner in full blast. Nothing could ruin this moment for me. Absolutely nothing. 😁
Yang: Hey Sis! It's time for your daily check up with the vet.
Ruby: Ruh-roh. It's time for me to make my exit.
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Ruby after hearing the word she dreaded the most. Decided to escape through her window. But when she opens the window and sticks her neck out. Her neck is suddenly grabbed by a catcher pole from seemingly out off nowhere.
Summer: I knew you would try to escape from here. Oh Ruby, try to at least be more creative with your escape attempt. 😔
Ruby: Mom please don't sent me to the Vet. I'm not even sick. 😷
Summer: No can do Ruby. You know that an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. 😌
Yang: Hey mom, did you catch her?
Summer: I got her. Tell Tai to warm up the engine. We are going to the Vet. 😇
Ruby: No! Please save me sis! 😵
Yang: I'm sorry Rubs. But remember it's for your own good. Now be a good girl and please get into the pet carrier.
Ruby: What. No! It's embarrassing to be seen in that. 😠
Summer: If you didn't try to escape every time we go into the vet then we won't have to resort to this sort of method everytime. 😑
Ruby: *sniffs* Okay... I will be a good girl. So please don't put me in there. 😢
Summer: *Release Ruby* Good girl. Now go to the Car and wait for us. ☺
Defeated Ruby slowly leaves her room in and get into the family's car. Along the way she didn't say anything even when she finally arrive at the hospital.
Ruby: Please dad don't let me go inside. I promise I'll be good from now on. *cute puppy wolf eyes* 🥺
Tai: *visible pain* I'm sorry Ruby but a routine check up is important. We don't want you to get sick, okay.
Summer: That's right dear. We only wants the best for Ruby. 😉
Yang: Oh I'm so gonna share this video with everyone.
Ruby: I hate you Yang. 👿
Announcer: Ruby Rose the vet will see you now.
Tai: That's us Ruby c'mon.
Ruby: No! I won't go in! 😫
Yang: C'mon Rubes just go inside you're embarrassing us.
Ruby: Good! Because I refuse to go in without a fight. 😩
Tai: C'mon Ruby please get inside. I'll buy you ice cream after this.
Ruby: No! I will not go in. Not even for choco strawberry double scoop sundae. 😤
Summer: Young lady if you don't go in there right now. I will erase all your save game data from your scroll. 😐
Yang: Wow mom. Overkill much?
Ruby: You monster! You wouldn't dare! 😨
Summer: Try me. 😈
Ruby: Hhhh..... Fine! You win. You monster. 😭
Tai: Uhh that's great honey. But can we go meet the vet, now?
The entire family then all go in together with Ruby. To make sure she didn't try to escape. Again.
Nurse: Rose-Xiao Long family I'm afraid that the usual veterinarian will not be attending.
Ruby: Yes! We can go back home now. 😆
Nurse: Fortunately we have someone on standby. But I have to tell you that he is rather young.
Ruby: (Oh no just my luck... And I bet him being young just mean being slightly younger than my dad. 😏)
Jaune: Hi my name is Jaune Arc. I'll be the one doing the checking for... Miss Ruby Rose I presume.
Ruby: (hubba, hubba. He can play doctor with me anytime.)
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Jaune: So I received Ruby's file from her last visit. She a half-wolf faunus, in her early teen and have no record of sickness the last time she's in.
Summer: Yes as you can see my little Ruby is the perfect picture of health. And we would like to keep that way this time too. 😊
Ruby: (he's so dreamy) 🫠💕💕💕💕
Tai: *feeling concerned that her daughter might have feeling for the blonde teenager*
Jaune: Excellent then let us proceed. Now miss Ruby can you take off your clothes?
Ruby: As you command. Master. 😋 *proceeds to strips everything*
Tai: Ruby!?
Jaune: *hides his face* Just the outer top please and you can keep your undershirt on!
Ruby: Oh phoey... 😟
Tai bottles up his emotion seeing her baby daughter obviously smitten with the boy. And seeing him touching her body under the excuse of checking her condition does not help with it one bit.
Jaune: Well everything seems to be okay. There's nothing to worry about.
Ruby: *moan~* (Yes touch me more pls 🥴) *wags tail*
Tai: Good then just write us the bill and we will be on our way. C'mon Ruby let's go!
Yang: You heard the man sis.
Ruby: But, but I could be sick. In fact I think I have one of those virus that are in the news lately. *cough* *cough* I think I might have to stay a bit longer. 🤢
Tai: Nice try Ruby but the vet just said you're fine.
Jaune: Well... We can have her stay overnight if we're still not sure. And don't worry the insurance also cover this.
Ruby: Staying Overnight? But Mr. Arc we just met. 😍
Jaune: Please just call me Jaune. I mean we're around the same age after all.
Summer: Ohhh look our little girl is in love. Maybe we should let her stay the night. Who knows maybe that Jaune boy will mate with Ruby and gives us bunch of cubs. ❤
Tai: Summer!
Yang: Mom!
Jaune: Mrs. Rose!
Ruby: Me! 😝
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Do you think that it's kind of funny sometimes that some people justify the heroes actions and their whole deal basically, by saying how desperate and final the situation is?
As if AFO the demon lord wasn't getting clowned on almost every chapter by B tier/formerly A tier heroes and a bunch of teenagers, even before Machia arrived?
Even if he's not really losing exactly, at the rate he's rewinding, even if he left the battle right now he'd probably be toddler AFO before getting near where shigaraki and deku are. 😆
We're told the stakes are high by the heroes (while they don't even acknowledge that the things they're doing are a little sketchy) but it honestly feels like the story itself is showing us the opposite, do you think?
Exactly. I don't understand how people haven't gotten yet how AFO is a loser.
For all the numerous advantages the heroes have from every angle, I keep hearing people acting like this war is still close because AFO is still a danger, or saying "oh but they had to brainwash prisoners because AFO is so deadly." AFO is so smart, and unpredictable, and also Madara/Aizen levels of unbeatably powerful you know.
The same AFO that abandoned 2 armies to send a handful of assassins after Deku one-at-a-time, and then when he got caught in a trap, warped all that was left of Tomura's army into that trap so they could get jumped together. A Trap he fell for because all Might & his other enemies from over the years find him very predictable, same reason they also met with his attacks on Jaku & Central Hospital. And within that trap he is getting his ass beat so bad, he may have already lost as you've pointed out. Because sure, he's strong enough to beat anyone not on All Might's level in a 1v1. He could beat Hawks, Endeavor, Tokoyami, or Isana. But all of them? Plus a hundred heroes more still? Nah, taking away Machia's bodily autonomy was overkill.
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The only way AFO seems smart anymore is that he knows to rely on the abilities and hearts of villains more capable than him like Spinner, Toga, & Shigaraki to do all the hard parts for him. And boy are they carrying this war far more than the "danger" AFO presents.
Though the fact he still treats them like pawns means that doesn't work out for him in particular much either.
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Last note but can we take a brief moment to mention his paradoxical plan to have Tomura's will take OFA, because his will wasn't strong enough for that, but then he expected to overpower Tomura's will? How did he think that would work? I swear, I know I like to rag on him as a character and do think most of his faults are intentional, but this in particular feels like a way in which his writing itself has faltered since his introduction. Flanderized him into the most diabolical moron ever.
Once again, AFO is a loser.
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catboymansion · 2 years
👀👀 I'm curious about the costuming in not me?
(cracking knuckles) let's get into it.
So the main thing I learned in college is:
Costuming is Storytelling.
Costumes should blend into the character themselves, creating a story of where this person has been and where they are going and should be coherent with the directing and acting choices. They should be invisible.
Unless the script specifically uses costumes as symbolic pieces.
The most obvious example of this in Not Me the Series are the button scenes:
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I actually used a somewhat similar device in a show I designed so when I saw these I said OH BITCH so we're using SYMBOLS HUH
These are not only important because they're a part of each other's costumes, but because they're part of each other's ARMOR.
Why armor?
Obviously the costumes in Not Me pull very heavily from classic street punk style. And the first rule of punk style is that your vest is your battle gear. It's what you go to protests in, it's a declaration of war, it's a billboard of all you fight for and exactly who you fight against. That's where they get Black's forever vest right:
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I'm weird. I'm a weirdo. You ever see me without this stupid vest on?
But it's boring. It's uninspired. No patches, no paint, NOTHING. It doesn't tell a story. It's a bland facade of what he's supposed to represent. Now this scene:
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Look at the colors!! The DIY portions! THE PAINTED DENIM! A lot more distressing and customizing went into these pieces, and it goes a long way to humanizing their characters in this moment.
So now we've established that the costumes in Not Me are supposed to be symbols, and we're not supposed to take things at face value. So let's talk about Him...
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I'm weird. I'm a weirdo. You ever see me without this stupid shirt...
Obviously Yok is a walking billboard for Boy Who Dreams of a Life Bigger Than This.
I LOVE his tattoos, even if they're repetitive (crows and also the kanji for crow is a little overkill my man)
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They're a one for one symbol of his hunger for freedom.
Which is why I HATE Black's tattoo.
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What even is that. It's so boring. I'm fully aware that blackwork bars often have symbology attached to them, but the usual meanings make no sense for him to me. Also we couldn't get that bar around his whole arm? Even just a few more inches? For me?
All in all, I am both impressed and confused by the costuming in this show. Why are side characters so richly symbolic, but the main characters are like blank slates? Why use an eagle button when birds are so obviously associated with Yok, not Sean? Why is the BEAUTIFUL street art in this show not also reflected in the clothing? Why doesn't Sean have a back patch done up by Namo?
What I will stand by, and what I will defend to the death in this and any other show is
Limited. Wardrobe.
These people are poor, literally on the run from the law, and living in a car garage or a run down apartment. When I say your battle vest is your battle vest, it's your ONE. You do not lose it, you do not let anyone touch it or borrow it or take it.
(I used to sew patches on vests for biker gangs at my old job and they would refuse to leave the shop while I worked. But that's a whole other storytime)
So when Sean and White exchange buttons, they're exchanged pieces that have never EVER left their person. These are pieces of their souls.
(White might not have gotten it in the moment, but Sean certainly did.)
I've rambled enough, and I hope anyone else found this interesting. Sorry for the essay reply, but i did warn you in those tags 😆 If yall want me to do a silly little analysis of any other BL, let me know 😊 I love crossing my interests.
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heyhellohihowareyou · 2 years
Why Cheer Up Time! was just lovely (Part 2)
(Part 1)
The somber start was nice. Especially with how the first part ended.
I’m always up for Okano having more screentime.
I’m VERY up for Maehara having more screentime.
Okano’s a cutie and I will always stand by that!
Okay so, I love how soft both Maehara’s and Okano’s VAs sound. Really sets the episode.
Koro being a snoop. I really shouldn’t be surprised.
Cutie Okano.
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Yes, it is in fact canon Maehara absolutely excels at Karaoke because of course
WAAAAAAAH Okano’s adorable! 🥹💕
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Gosh, this episode is so so wholesome hopefully nothing could ruin-
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GODDAMMIT! Can’t we just have a wholesome episode 😞
Okajima the dumbass
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And she sticks the backflip!
“You’ve trampled on a maidens heart!” - Hazama
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Maehara: “He’s right but being scolded by a peeping tom doesn’t really seem convincing.”
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Nagisa being late to the party
Hazama: “It’s complicated, but anyway Maehara is in the wrong.” Per usual.
Maehara being desperate as hell.
Okano: “You got some nerve telling me what to do like some playmaker in soccer!”
Poor Nagisa getting bonked by a chair 😅
Nagisa being late to the party
Maehara: “Milady Okano, regarding what we discussed earlier, may I have some-” Oh he pulled out the Milady. He’s REALLY desperate then.
Maehara: “Sliding kick! Ouch! That grazed me! I beg of you-”
Look, I find it honestly hilarious to see him this way 😆
Maehara being a literal dog
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Now comes the part that makes me really enjoy this part of the OVA
But first we gotta get Maehara pissing Okano the hell off. Per usual 😅
Shoujo Maehara
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Okay now time for the actual sweet part…
“And do you really think I’d bother memorizing a girl’s favorite karaoke songs so I could sing along If I wasn’t actually interested in her?” - Maehara
*Heart clench*
And of course Maehara himself has to ruin it
How he survives this? I have zero clue.
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Isogai: “Good grief. Maehara is no different from his usual self.” Yeah that’s tru- WAIT WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU!?
And of course we gotta end it off with Koro getting his ass kicked.
Nagisa: “I want to be a teacher like Koro-sensei…Is what I thought at first. But, I’m kind of losing my confidence in that.” That’s fair.
Okay so, I need to get something off my chest but I freaking love this OVA. Might be overkill but I’d say this would be in my top ten for AC episodes (I need to make a list. We all know what’s first though 😗) I wouldn’t say this was the thing that made Maehara officially my second place ikemen (which is above Asano 😆) but it definitely played a role in that factor. I’d say this OVA did him good probably even better than the retaliation arc.
I love how goofy he is in this episode and I loved that one genuine scene he had with Okano. At first I wished Okano would have genuinely given Maehara the chocolates instead of being tricked to. But, now that I think about it, I’m okay with the way things turned out. He used information that he knew about her, proving that he does know her well enough and also said things that he knew that would piss her off enough to do her Koro-sensei knife trick and receive the chocolate from her. It makes sense really. And afterwards he goes on and says how he willingly went and memorized Okano’s favorite karaoke songs just so he could sing along with her. He didn’t have to do that. There’s no telling that he’d get that opportunity but he went and memorized her songs anyways.
Maehara can be an oblivious bastard and fuck things up but when it comes to the people he does in fact care about, you bet your ass it’s genuine!
I wanna say more, but this post is getting too long. I’ll go back to my corner now. Bye bye!
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Just thinking that Billy, the only ever person who broke away from and resisted the MF’s control, could actually still be linked to the MF and maybe control it/spy on it, having all sorts of abilities that would help the gang destroying it.
Plus if the MF is linked to Vecna then so is Billy.
The potential of storytelling if his character comes back with Rhodes abilities is just so exciting. at this point and with all the clues you pointed out, I cannot believe he isn’t coming back in vol 2.
It’s just too big
It's certainly possible! Imagine Billy and Will, who also has True Sight, working together once everyone's back in Hawkins. Like... if Billy really has a form of the same power, the writing needs to remark on the link and make us notice it.
Right now, I'm more inclined to think Billy has El's abilities. And if he does, it might be overkill to give him True Sight too 😆 We'll see!
Ultimately though, I agree - there's simply too much evidence for his return. I've never been more confident about it in my life lol
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