#might ask my brother if he wants to order pizza or something. gotta get up and get some broth first tho
binch-i-might-be · 6 months
I would kill a man for some fucking mcdonald's right now
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orange-imagines · 2 years
The turtles looking after a sick friend <3
A/N - *materializes in your house with some wholly random headcanons after being gone for months* my tummy hurts and I’m being so brave about it
-I’m gonna be completely honest here...the guys were a bit hesitant to get too close to you when you first came over with your Unspecified Illness. Of course they wanted to support you, but you guys go through this song and dance every time someone in the group gets sick. No one wants to pick up whatever you’ve got, so they’re going to be supportive from a safe distance until you confirm that you’re not contagious 
-Once it’s clear that you’re not about to pass this bug onto anyone else, the guys are all more than happy to cuddle up with you like usual and get you whatever you need! (read: they rock/paper/scissors for who gets the pleasure of being the errand boy, and it’s always Mikey) 
-The couch pretty much belongs to you for the entirety of your recovery process. It gives you quick access to the kitchen and bathroom should you need it, and it also gives the guys an excuse to hunker down for a few days and do nothing but watch Jupiter Jim with their friend
-“Yeah, sorry, pops. Can’t train today. Y/N’s sick, and we’ve gotta look after them”  “Yep”  “Uh huh”  “Yes, that is definitely true” 
-You have the power to veto anyone’s movie suggestions. Use it wisely, they hardly ever let anyone have it. But none of them liked seeing you huddled up on the couch looking miserable so they gave you free reign to control the TV (pick something good because they all agreed that they’d sit through it no matter what, for your sake...or pick something you know they’ll hate just to watch them try not to complain the entire time. Either way, it’ll make you feel better) 
-Mikey and Leo are the best at reading you, so they’re the most in-tune with how you’re feeling on a day-to-day basis. And because he’s so prone to losing brotherly competitions, Mikey usually ends up drawing the short straw to run errands for you (even if it just means going to the kitchen to refill your water or stepping away to order some pizza), but he doesn’t really mind! If it were one of his brothers he was looking after he might get a little ticked off, but you get a free pass, mainly because you always try to insist that you can get up and do things yourself, but are frequently outvoted 
-(It’s not like you’re dying- you don’t even feel all that bad! But the guys never like doing things themselves when they’re sick so they assume you’re the same way. Honestly, just humor them. It’s four against one) 
-Along with being the most in-tune with your mental and physical state, Mikey and Leo are the most likely to cuddle up with you for emotional support. They’ll obviously let you be if you’re not feeling up to it, but sometimes it’s really nice to be able to lean on one of them when you’re too tired to properly sit up. Neither of the mind being used as pillows! They actually love it
-While Mikey and Leo like to join you on the couch, whether that means invading your personal space by sitting on your legs or just slotting in next to you so you can have the freedom to move your limbs, Raph and Donnie are a bit less direct. Raph likes pulling up his beanbag chair to sit in front of the couch if you guys are all watching a movie together, and lets you lean on his head or shoulders if you feel like it. He’ll let you braid his mask tails too to help distract you from how shitty you’re feeling 
-Even less direct than Raph, Donnie has his own beanbag chair that he sits in a little further away. He subconsciously prioritizes your comfort whenever you’re not feeling well, and lord knows he Does Not like being touched when he’s sick unless it’s under very specific circumstances, so he’s a bit physically distant when you guys are hanging out together. You probably won’t notice if his brothers are there to keep you distracted, but if it’s just you and him it’s pretty obvious. He’ll give you affection if ask for it, though. Mostly it happens if you grab his hand while he’s walking by- he’ll just stand there and let you hold onto him and maybe mess with the gadget on his arm a bit while he goes on his phone. You’ve burned an hour doing that before (he’s got so many apps on his wrist tech, it’s kind of insane. That’s how he entertains himself during boring missions. He’s got Pong on that thing!! You didn’t even think he knew what Pong was!!!) 
-As the designated chef of the family, Mikey’s the best brother when it comes to helping you find food that you can stomach. Toast? He’s got it. Fruit? Ye ye. Saltines? Classic. Soothing herbal tea? Yep. Applesauce? Oatmeal? Rice? Check, check, and check. The kitchen is surprisingly packed with easy-to-stomach foods, and he’ll be trying his damndest to get you to eat at least a little bit at scheduled mealtimes. He also has the most awareness about what he eats around you when you’re not feeling well, and doesn’t blame you in the slightest if you feel like going off at his brothers for bringing the smell of greasy leftover pizza into the living room when you’ve got an upset stomach 
-As you may have noticed, the guys have a habit of projecting their own personal preferences onto you when you’re sick, or otherwise not feeling well. Leo likes to be given affection and be taken care of like the Special Boy he is, so that’s how he treats you. Mikey’s very similar, but he also likes when his brothers take the time to make food for him or take care of his chores when he’s sick, so that’s what he does with you. Raph and Donnie both like having distractions in the form of TV, puzzles, board games, etc., so they’ve got a huge supply of things for you to watch, solve, or fidget with to keep your mind off of things. And while Donnie isn’t as thrilled about physical contact when he’s sick, Raph doesn’t mind having someone to lean on, so he likes being that metaphorical rock for you! Whatever you happen to prefer when you’re not feeling well, you’ve got a lot of options, and the guys are all pretty good at knowing when you’ve reached your limit with their shenanigans and just need some peace and quiet. If they don’t pick up on it, just tell them you need your space for a while and they’ll go play some Skate-Ball! No hard feelings! The last thing they want to do is make you feel worse 
-Of course, that doesn’t mean they won’t make a few jokes and jabs now and then about how utterly Done you look, or how messy your appearance is, or the fact that you just slept for five hours in the middle of the day or ate the rest of their leftovers when you were alone in the kitchen two minutes ago. They’ll go easier on you the worse/more pissed off you look, especially if you’re feeling bad enough to not joke along with them, but Raph, Mikey and Leo all believe that laughter is the best medicine, so they’ll constantly be trying to get you to smile (it might turn into a competition between them if you’re really down and out. Whoever gets you to laugh first gets to pass off his chores to whoever he wants for the rest of the week. The stakes are high. You’re gonna laugh) 
-All in all, the guys love you a lot. As much as they joke around and possibly give you a headache or two, they really don’t like seeing you in pain- mental or physical. At the end of the day, they’ll do whatever it takes to help you feel better, and be super happy to see you back to your old self when you do recover! You’re their bestie. They’ve always got your back <3 
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Heeey! Can I request for the Father of Mine universe? Something along the lines of hickeys, maybe smeared lipstick all over their faces at an event, family dinner or something like that?
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“Just skip it and stay here with me,” Jason offered as he leaned against the bathroom frame, shirtless and with his arms crossed.
He had been watching Y/N get ready for at least 15 minutes.
She was currently putting on blood red lipstick that went perfectly with her black winged eyeliner.
Jason wasn’t a big lipstick guy – mostly because it prevented him from kissing his girlfriend the way he wanted to. But he couldn’t deny that it looked incredibly sexy.
“I can’t. I promised Bruce,” Y/N explained as she looked at him through the mirror.
“There will always be other charity events,” he answered with a roll of his eyes.
But he’d had enough of keeping his distance and wrapped his arms around her from behind. He started peppering kisses on her shoulders since her dress was leaving the skin completely exposed and he just couldn’t help himself.
“You know,” she began, “you could always come with me.”
Jason stopped his kissing.
“Guess that’s a no?” Y/N sighed with a shy grin.
But she didn’t really care.
Y/N understood that Jason hated these events. To be honest, she might hate them just as much. But Bruce kept asking her and she tried to go when she could. Sometimes she needed breaks and her father understood that.
Jason ignored her question and his hands started roaming heatedly across her body.
“Don’t even think about it,” Y/N warned, immediately pushing him away.
“What? I didn’t do anything,” Jason laughed innocently.
“Not yet,” she spun around and pointed at him. “But you were going to!”
“And is that so bad?” He asked with a crooked smirk.
“It is when I’m running late. And the reason I’m late is because you couldn’t keep your hands off of me an hour ago.”
Jason tilted his head and narrowed his eyes playfully. “I didn’t exactly hear any complaints…”
Y/N couldn’t stop herself from laughing and shook her head.
No, there had definitely been absolutely no complaints from her.
“I won’t be there long,” Y/N promised.
Then she brushed past him and walked into the giant walk-in closet.
Barely even glancing at all the shoes, she grabbed a pair that matched her dress.
“Can we order pizza or something when I get back? I’ll be starving.” Y/N asked mindlessly as she slipped the shoes on, using the wall to balance herself.
Jason didn’t even realize he was staring.
But how could he not?
The dress was simple. Just a little black dress. It was a charity event after all. But it fit Y/N like a glove, hugging her in all the right places.
Her heels were at least 4 inches, putting her eye level with Jason – if not a tiny bit taller. She would be above the majority of men at the event, except for probably a small handful.
“What?” Y/N asked self consciously. “Too tall?”
“No such fucking thing,” Jason quickly answered.
Y/N usually wasn’t self conscious about her height. She kind of had to get over that back in high school when she was taller than most of the boys in her grade.
But that didn’t mean she completely stopped having slip-ups. Slip-ups that involved questioning her heels or outfit.
Thankfully, Jason was quick to remedy such situations.
“You just look so beautiful,” Jason added as he stepped forward and grabbed her hips possessively.
Y/N kissed him. “Thank you.”
But she opened her mouth to give another warning.
“You’re gonna be late,” Jason spoke for her. “I know. I know.”
Y/N tried not to laugh at her boyfriends desperation as she grabbed her clutch.
“Remember: pizza!” Y/N called over her shoulder as she walked out the door.
Bruce and Damian were waiting for Y/N at the venue.
Dick and Tim skipped, going to these things less and less as they became fully grown men with lives of their own.
“Thank you for coming,” Bruce greeted as he kissed her on the cheek.
Y/N was about to turn her attention to Damian and give him a hug.
“What the hell is on your neck!?” The boy cried out before she could.
She blinked in surprise, completely unaware of what her half brother was talking about. Self-consciously, her hand went to the sides of her neck, not sure what she should be hiding.
“Can Todd not keep his hands to himself for 30 seconds?” Damian growled.
That’s when it clicked.
Y/N had a hickey on her neck.
“Damian, lower your voice,” Bruce warned his son.
Meanwhile, Y/N started feeling hot from embarrassment.
“Father, make him stop,” Damian whined.
To her surprise, Bruce cleared his throat uncomfortably. “Damian, Y/N is a grown woman in a relationship. She can do as she pleases.”
It was the right answer, but Y/N was still sweating from the embarrassment.
“If you’ll excuse me,” she quickly mumbled, before disappearing to the nearest bathroom.
But Y/N swore she heard Bruce continuing to scold Damian for his rudeness and for embarrassing her.
When she reached the bathroom, she lifted her head to see that she very much did have a hickey on her neck. It was perfectly hidden in the shadow of her jaw, which was why she hadn’t noticed it while getting ready. If she had, she would’ve put 5 layers of makeup on it to make sure her family didn’t notice.
Thankfully, she brought some cover up with her and quickly started going to work.
After 10 minutes, it was invisible and Y/N let out a sigh of relief.
She pulled out her cellphone, glaring at it as if were her boyfriend.
“You better start behaving. Damian and Bruce just found a hickey on my neck. I’m so fucking embarrassed,” Y/N texted to Jason.
“Who cares?”
Y/N rolled her eyes. Of course he’d answer with that.
“Call me old fashioned, but I’d prefer not remind my father and younger brother that I do in fact have a sex life.”
“A healthy, satisfied, and passionate sex life *,” Jason corrected.
Before she could respond, he texted again with, “Did you cover it up?”
“What a shame. Maybe it would’ve kept the spoiled rich boys away from you.”
“You’re on thin ice, Jason Todd.”
“Ooo. I love it when you use the full name. Gets me all hot and bothered.”
Y/N sighed and tossed her phone back into her clutch.
She’d given up on making Jason feel any bit of sympathy. That man would never feel guilty about showing the world how obsessed he was with her.
Jason was reading on the couch when Y/N returned home.
“Hey, beautiful,” he greeted before returning to reading his book.
“Ugh. I drank too much champagne. I have the worst headache.”
“I’ll order some pizza,” Jason offered and pulled out his phone.
Y/N sighed in relief when she took off her heels and then she collapsed on the couch, laying her head on Jason’s lap as he placed their order.
Without thinking, his free hand when to her head and started massaging it, hoping it would help with her migraine.
“Hmm,” she hummed with her eyes closed. “That feels better.”
“Order has been placed,” he confirmed.
“Thank you.”
“Arrives in 30 minutes.”
She didn’t say anything, knowing exactly where he was going with it.
“What could we possibly do with 30 minutes?” Jason teased as he inched closer to her face.
She opened her eyes and giggled up at him.
“Ya know, I heard that sex helps cure migraines…”
“Does not!” Y/N yelled out.
Before she could argue with him further, his lips shut her up real quick.
For as large as Jason was, he managed to maneuver his body very gracefully, until he was hovering above Y/N while she lay comfortably on the couch.
“You look beautiful with lipstick,” Jason said it as if it was law. “But I like it even more when I ruin it,” he added with an almost evil smirk.
It was hard for Y/N to have a clever quip when he said things like that to her.
“How about I mark you up even more?” He threatened.
“Jason…” she warned.
But they both knew Y/N was pretending to be annoyed by it – or against it. When in reality, she kind of loved how obsessed Jason was with the idea.
Just when Jason hiked Y/N's dress up and was tracing her legs, someone cleared their throat.
Jason squeezed his eyes shut in frustration and actually growled. Then he quickly lowered Y/N’s dress and tried to make her modest again.
Y/N covered her face and groaned. “Please, please, please tell me Bruce is not standing at the window right now.”
Jason smirked. “And Damian.”
Y/N pushed her boyfriend off of her and sat up to face them.
There stood Batman and Robin.
Tonight was just not her night.
“You have lipstick smeared all over you,” Damian pointed out to Jason smugly.
“I’d say one day you’d see the appeal, but I’m struggling to imagine anyone ever having that kind of interest in you,” Jason shot back.
“Jason!” Y/N scolded in a yell.
Then she quickly turned to Damian with a sympathetic look, “Dami, he didn’t mean that.”
“Yeah, I did,” Jason corrected. “What do you guys want?”
“Red Robin is missing,” Bruce stated darkly.
“So…go find him,” Jason replied.
“We need your help,” Bruce clarified.
Jason groaned and rubbed his face. “Fine. But we’re setting some fucking ground rules from now on. I’m sick of you guys invading our personal space. We have a door for a reason. Use it.”
Bruce just nodded.
Then he looked down at Damian and with a glare, got him to nod, too.
“I gotta change,” Jason told them, annoyance clear in his voice.
Y/N followed him into their bedroom, to give them a moment of privacy.
“You don’t have to be so rude,” Y/N sighed as she sat on the edge of their bed.
“They spent all night with you and now they have the balls to interrupt?” Jason shot back. “And I want my damn pizza.”
Y/N couldn’t help but laugh at him. “I promise I’ll save you some.”
Jason was in his full gear now, Red Hood helmet tucked under his arm.
He took in a deep breath, tension easing off of him as he saw how cute she was looking up from the bed at him. Her lipstick was half off her lips, but she still looked beautiful.
“Promise you’ll be careful,” her tone was nothing but serious.
“Don’t worry about me,” Jason dismissed as he leaned down at kissed her.
"And be nice to Damian."
Jason went back to the living room where Bruce and Damian waited.
“You might want to rub some of that off,” Bruce mumbled as he turned and jumped on the window.
Jason glared at Batman’s back as he reluctantly rubbed Y/N’s lipstick off his mouth with his gloved hand.
Then he looked at Damian. “Say another word about it and I'll skin you alive.”
Damian gave him a dirty look, “I’m not scared of you.”
Let me know if you liked it!!!
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imherebabycakes · 2 years
:tbh i write for fun 🤸🏾‍♀️
:oh and I’m a black woman so i might say the word nigga from time to time. if you dont like it, well…🚪🚶🏾‍♀️
:since i dont see it alot with tmtn bayverse fan fics i will be representing different ethnicities. especially black/latino/asian
:i am not a professional writer🤷🏾‍♀️
: good and bad criticism is welcomed, cuz i dont know none of yall either way so its all good , 😗
:if there is bad punctuation, please forgive me. 🙌🏾
:please enjoy and come back again😍
:i do not own tmnt. this is just for fun. everything is to go to their respective owners!!
-present day-
my name is Neptune Star Lewis and im about to tell y’all the story about how i found out that humans or “full humans” aren’t the only ones that inhabit earth. besides already being a believer in aliens thanks to the men in black movies, I always felt that there was something more out there, and i was right.
(time rewind 2018)
- neptunes pov-
i was home in the new apartment my cousin & i just moved to in Brooklyn NY
while putting boxes away , i was talking on the phone with my cousin Blaze who was at a 24 hour cvs a few blocks away picking up her prescription for an inhaler, she has asthma and was due for a refill. over the years we had some scares where she has had asthma attacks that were vary serious that resulted in her needing hospitalization from it. she’s my best cousin & friend we tell each other everything no matter what. i don’t ever have to question her loyalty, lets just say we go back like spinal cores and car seats. 
(Blaze pov)
aye tuney, (neptune’s nik name) i’m on my way back to the house now, ima hit up the corner store for some snacks do you want anything? nah im good on the junk food , but hurry yo ass up cuz I’m not putting all this stuff up by myself, my is back already starting to hurt. girl stop all that woofing, ill be home in 10-15 you big baby. ight bet….
my cousin Neptune seriously needs to take a chill pill once in a while, ever since i had my last asthma attack she’s been on my ass like stank on shit, i know she means well but damn she’s smothering me! i feel like i cant do nothing without letting her know first, she acts as if im a child. i guess that would come naturally for her being as though she’s 23 and im 19… but still she should cut me some slack. DING,DING…..diiiiing!
saved by the bell literally, i got a text from my best friend mikey,i met him 2 years ago after a potential alien invasion happened, and guess what, him and his brothers are the ones that stopped it! i know i know, hard to believe right? well not entirely. he and his 3 brothers are mutant turtles, there’s Leonardo he’s the oldest he has a more serious demeanor then its Rafael he’s all muscle and a complete jock, but he’s a sweetie pie at heart. then there’s Donatello he’s a real life genius, Albert Einstein? who det? Donatello’s intelligence is literally out of this world. and then theres my bestie Michelangelo who’s the baby out of brothers, he is emotionally intelligent, a sweet heart and will smash anyone in call of duty or mario smash bro’s. they are the most lovable selfish people i have ever met and i absolutely love them. themikester- hey blazey you wanna hang out for movie night? we got the movie aqua man. and we can order pizza & wings and i got your favorite ice cream. blaze- wassup Mikey, and thats sound good, but you know i gotta ask the warden for permission first, hopefully she gives me a pardon for tonight. themikster- damn she still ok your case huh?. blaze-yes and it’s driving me nuts,i feel like a caged bird sometimes man. themikster- well to be completely honest i can understand where she’s coming from, that last asthma attack had you in the hospital for 2 weeks, we were all so scared for you blazey! especially me. blaze- i know mikey and i get it,but tonight im busting out i don’t have any classes and im off for the weekend. so ima be there tonight! themikster- whoop whooop yess, ight call me when you’re ready tonight. blaze- ight bet
( back at the apartment)
come on tuney, ima grown ass woman, i am not a little girl anymore and i can take care of myself you know that!.
blaze, i know your grown its just i worry about you alot, im sorry if i come off like a nagging mom sometimes, but we all we got out here , so i cant help it. and you always running off to chill with these so called “friends” that i have yet to meet!! wasssup with that? we don’t keep secrets remember!!!
oh….ummm…well ummm…well when the time is right i’ll introduce you to them okay?
mmmmhhhmmm….i know you playing games , look i aint with all this secret, secret stuff ight!! your my family, my blood cousin, remember where your loyalty lies.
yea tuney, i understand no secrets…..… soooooo we cool?
like the other side of the pillow lazy….(blaze’s nik name) *laughing*
omg i hate when you call me that tuney….
bih do it look like i care? naaaah *laughing * well what time are you leaving? and are they going to bring you back home?
im leaving out at 10pm… oh…a-and i might spend the… n-night
WHAT!!…… *squints eyes* lazy, are you fucking him/them?
WHAT ? * look embarrassingly* no tuney were just friends thats it and thats all. dame!!
okay….okay, i believe you *laughing* i mean i had to ask, i haven’t seen you bring a man home at all, so i presume yo ass still a virgin, but i have noticed a difference in the way you walk them hips spreading girlfriend . well if your not fucking you definitely like or love someone….
ight,,,, ight this is getting uncomfortable…. a- and i dont like anyone.
whatever you say blaze *rolls eyes* you can deny it all you want, but i been there and done that, you got it bad cuzzo.
whatever tuney…..
even though i didn’t want to admit it, Neptune was right, im in love… not only am i in love, but its with my best friend mikey, i wanted to tell him for a while now but i didn’t wanna face possible rejection or ruin our friendship. i dont know what to do. *sigh*
(time jump10:15pm )
like clockwork Mikey and Raph met me at the man hole, 
wasssup little foot
hey raphie
why do you call me that,, you know i despise that name.
i know but i think its cute
really? well then in that case i’ll allow you, and only you to call me that…
cool, beans
hey mikster whats up
blazey, wasssup beautiful
*blushing* hi mickey
so you ready for tonight, ive been waiting to see this movie! im excited, are you?
hell yea i am
ight thing one and two, lets get outta here.
(raphs pov)
little foot is so into my brother mikey its so cute, and obvious but knowing the air head he is he probably doesn’t even realize it.
(Mikey pov)
blazey is so beautiful, her Hershey brown skin and ginger brown coily hair smells and looks so good. she’s my best friend and i love her, aww hell why am i fronting i got it bad for her, i have for a while now. SHIT
(back at the apartment)
a men in black marathon was on tonight, these was my favorite movies. i was cuddled up in my blankets on my king sized bed with some wine and popcorn. every time I watch these movies I can’t help but to think that there are aliens out here living among us or hybrid humans or something like that. I guess I’m somewhat of a conspiracy theorist, but to me i don’t need proof of their existence, i can feel it in my gut that it’s true. they are out there just living. sometimes i wonder am i one, or my cousin. ight tuney chill tf out *laughing to myself* speaking of , i told that heifer to call me when she gets to her bff house. * rolls eyes* let me call her
(blazes pov)
the move is like that, and the main character is definitely eye candy.
looking around me i notice all the boys are into the movie, raph is in the big recliner knitting what looks like another blanket, donnie, leo and ,my self are all on the couch, loe is stuffing his face with gummy bears and donnie is licking yet another pop tart. mikey was on the floor spread out on the bean bag drinking numerous sodas eating popcorn and M&Ms. and all i had was my favorite ice cream(strawberry shortcake)
about 30 minutes into the movie my phone starts ringing, startling everyone in the living room.
*simultaneous gasps*
sorry guys
no phones during the movie blaze, says leo
i know leo my bad, its my cousin
is everything okay?… donnie? says
yea i forgot to call her to let her know im ok
oh ok do you want us to pause the movie?, loe says 
nah, you guys continue ill be right back!
i step off and reluctantly answer,
dont yo me ! i told yo black ass to call me when you got there!!
i know my bad i got carried away in the fun tuney dont trip.
mmhhhmmm… what you mean fun? i thought yall was just watching movies. you sure thats all you doin over there lazy?
yes tuney,we’re just chilling
yes ight well next time call me as soon as you get there.
as i was walking back to the living room i bumped into mikey
hey blazey you okay?
yea mikey im good
oh okay well the movie is getting good, so come on
o….okay right behind you.
(neptunes pov)
I honestly don’t know what to think about Blaze‘s so called friends. or the fact that I haven’t even met them yet or the fact that they’re all boys. god i hope my baby cousin ain’t on no freaky type shit like that, not that i would shame her if she was but gah lee, just the thought.well one of these days ima get to the bottom of it all, i mean why doesn’t she trust me enough to tell me about them? im honestly proud of myself for my self control because i could’ve followed her on numerous occasions to find answers, but if i did that she’d never let me forget it. and she is grown and is entitled to her privacy.
1 hour later
(blaze pov)
that movie was so good y’all i really enjoyed it.
yea it was cool. *yarns* well im pooped im goin to bed, goodnight everyone!
night leo
night brah
goodnight leo, guys im kinda tired to,
you can sleep in my room tonight little foot, i have to finish this blanket, then i’ll probably go workout
NO!!!…iii…i mean she can sleep in my room, i cleaned up and everything.
*collectively staring at mikey*
oooookay……anyways, guys the couch is fine, im not a guest anymore remember, im good.
if you say so. well ill be in my lab if you need me.
later little foot.
30 minutes later
as many blankets that i have on the couch it’s still kind of uncomfortable sometimes, maybe I should’ve took raphs offer to sleep in his bed instead. plus its cold out here to and a little creepy
i wonder if mikey is still awake?
welp lemme find out….
( mikey’s pov)
i cannot sleep, i just keep thinking about blazey.
she’s so beautiful and smart and down to hearth. she’s perfect to me
mikey you up?
come in!!!
sup,…..ummm.y…you okay
yea its just, well… its cold and creepy out there…….can i sleep with you please!!
*screams internally*
umm yeas sure, come one
thanks mikester
omg she’s smells so damn good, and she’s so warm. god help me
umm mikey?
are you okay you seem a little stiff?
*hell no, yo fine sexy chocolate ass is in my bed, wearing booty shorts and a tank top on. i can see the nipple piercings through the shirt. omg im gonna pass out*
oh yea im fine
well then come on, cuddle with me
*i hope little mikey doesn’t get up*
nuzzled under my neck lies the woman that i am head over hills for,
about 15 minutes later, she turns around and now her big bubble ass is  against dick. god help me
*lil mikey wants out!!!! *
*twitch, twitch*
i back up from her, and what does she do?
she backs that thang back up on me, and puts my hand over her stomach. this woman is trying to kill me!
*twitch twitch*
(blaze pov)
for some reason mikey is acting weird, this ain’t The first time I’ve slept in his bed. so im confused
i drift off to sleep,but after awhile i notice that mikey moved off and away from me, so i moved closer to him, my back to his chest and i pulled his arm over me. no sooner then i do that i feel too vary hard taps on my ass.
*i know that ain’t what i think it is*
um mikey
you good
umm… y-yea im good
*tap tap*
mikey why are you touching my ass?
im sorry blazey, its my dick, when you leaned back on me you rubbed it. and i honestly cant help it
omg im sorry mikey i didn’t mean it ill go back on the couch.
okay i wont…are you okay mikey?
honestly no…n-no im not
what’s wrong, you know you can tell me anything
i know, blazey
so go ahead, im all ears
* unbeknownst to me this big star burst full of love was about to pour his heart out… to me!*
BLAZE IM IN LOVE WITH YOU ! and i have been for months now, since the first time I saw you I knew that I wanted you to be in my life whether it be friends or more.  you’re so smart,funny,kind the most importantly beautiful. and every time I see you my heart flutters. blazey you bring me to climax without sex..(2pac reference) and i love you with all my heart.
surprised at his words all my dumb ass i could say was….. woah… just woah. “really blaze”but i honestly felt the same way he did, but i didn’t get a chance to say my peace because i guess by my lack of words his confidence deteriorated & he started back tracking.
its stupid huh? to think that an ugly mutant like me would ever have a chance with a woman like you, im outtah here!!wha…. what are y….. mikey where are you going!!
away from here!!!!
ugh this man got me chasing him in the middle of the night
about five minutes later I come a section in the sewer where the guys used to play when they were younger. raph and donnie showed me this place a little while after ide met them, and as i walk a little further inside lo and behold there was my Mikey. as i approached him I noticed his face and eyes were puffy from crying. 
mikster…..i…umm…i need to say something
I already know what you’re going to say.
oh really…. well enlighten me please
yes,…..you’re gonna say “ I like you as a friend Mikey” “I would never be with an ugly monster like you” “i’d rather be with a human” “i wouldn’t be caught dead with a beat like you”
a bit annoyed at his remark, i sigh and cross my arms over my chest Mikey come on now, does that even sound like something I would say to you? thats not even my M.O
i… i don’t know blazey. im a bit emotional and confused right now
well listen up, kneeling in front of him i grab his hands and try to look him in his gorgeous sky blue eyes. but he won’t look at me at all. with a little more aggressiveness i grab his chin making him look at me. and repeat myself
i have something to say!!
*clears throat*
I LOVE YOU TO Michelangelo
he looks at me dead in my face and tears starts to form in his eyes when he says
you…you…love me?
of course i do , very much i said with a huge smile on my face. but no sooner did his tears come, they soon left his Face scrunched up in anger and he shouted at me….me!!
look ima a big boy you don’t have to pity me with lies okay!! i can take your rejection but the lying is to much for me
sitting there appalled I honestly don’t know if I wanna Kimbo slice his ass or bust out laughing at the false accusations he had of me. so me going on instinct i jump the gun and smash my lips ever so gently into his. he smelled of honey buns and tasted like milk chocolate.. gaaah leee what have i been missing. then out the cut all I feel are too big hands cuff my ass and give it a squeeze. & did i stop it???
hell tf no!!!
muttering through us kissing, all i hear is a hazy lustful mikey say, da….aamn blazeeey. i… i love you! ahh…an… deeet…..aaaass
multiple parts are definitely in the works!!! i just had to get this off my mind before i forgot
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loostssoul · 3 years
if you kissed me - Rodrick Heffley | 1.9k
Yeah yeah i know i haven't written since a million years ago. and yeah yeah i know this is my first real fanfiction i posted on tumblr. fair warning, i'm not the best writer, i honestly just do this for fun and i'm totally up to criticism because i do want to make my writing better. if this is literally inaccurate, im sorry its been like 5 years since i've read the books. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this fluff-fest that I created in the span of a few hours.
paring: rodrick x reader genre: fluff. lots of fluff
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Credits to the maker of the picture! 15 Days till the Contest | 9:42 PM, Saturday
Plick, plick, plick
My speakers were blasting so loud I almost didn’t hear the sound of pebbles hitting my window.
Plick, plick, plick
I rubbed my eyes and slammed my laptop shut, walking toward my bedroom window. Peering down, I saw a figure a few yards down from my second-story bedroom, looking back up at me. Dark brown, messy hair that stuck up around his face. A red and black flannel, black ripped jeans, and, (of course) a tee-shirt with “Loded Diper” clumsily written on it. A grin spread on his face as he saw my face come into his view, causing me to blush. Rodrick Heffley, Crossland High bad boy, and my boyfriend.
I unlocked the latch to my window and stuck my head out, taking in the cool air and letting the neighbors enjoy the music I was playing (they never did). I looked down.
“Y/N!” He whisper-yelled
“Evening, Heffley.”
“I need to tell you something!”
“What’s so important that you have to scratch my window instead of using the power of modern technology to call me?”
His mouth opened to give me a response, but nothing came out. I smirked, “Come on up.”
I opened the window wider as he climbed the trellis that lined the back of my house. I backed up to my door and locked it. Precautions, my parents liked Rodrick but they definitely wouldn’t approve of him in my room at night. I looked back and I saw him, every feature of him illuminated by the light of my room. His cheeky smile and chocolate brown eyes. He slowly closed the window and walked toward me, brushing a strand of hair out of my face. I still got butterflies whenever he touched me.
“Hey, Spiderman. What did ya climb in here to tell me?” I asked
“I got Loded Diper into a contest.”
My eyes widened, Loded Diper, my boyfriend’s rock band, wasn’t exactly known for being the best. It was mostly known for his mom’s insane dance moves during the Plainview Talent Show. But of course, i'll never say that in front of his face.
“You did?! That’s awesome Rodrick!”
“Yeah! It's a battle of the bands contest, we’re going against two other bands. I really think this is gonna be our big break!” His eyes sparkled in excitement.
His happiness was contagious, he was like a goddamn puppy. I pulled him into my arms. “I’m proud of you Rod.” I muttered and smiled into his collarbone. I felt him inhale the scent of my hair and twirl my locks around his fingers.
“Hey,” he said, breaking the hug. “I’m having practice tomorrow with the band, you wanna come?”
“Sure. I go to every practice anyway, why miss out on this one?” I shrugged.
He chuckled and looked at me. Really looked at me. That’s one of the reasons why I fell for him. It never seemed like it, but he paid attention. We’ve only been dating for 4 months, but he knew me like no one else did, and I knew that in the way he looked at me. I felt his hand cup my face, his thumb rubbing my cheek in small circles. I looked up at him, noticing how tall he was, how close he was. Was I the one who leaned in? Was he the one who leaned in? Did we just do it subconsciously? Did he want this? Was he ready? Was I ready?
The ringing of Rodrick’s phone filled the room. The daze we were trapped in was gone and we separated, our faces red. Rodrick picked up the phone, it was his mom.
“Yeah, mom? Mom...I’m in the middle of something. I’ll do laundry later, ok? Now? C’mon… Alright, fine. Bye.” He hung up. “Sorry, I gotta blast.”
“It’s fine, I’ll see you tomorrow?” I asked him as he started toward my window.
He looked back at me and planted a kiss on my forehead, the farthest we’ve ever gone with physical touch as a couple.
14 Days till the Contest | 1:22 PM, Saturday afternoon
“Should we take it from the top?”
Practice wasn’t going so well. I could feel the nervousness, the tension. Drums were slightly off beat, the guitarist’s fingers would fly to the wrong places on the fretboard, lyrics would go all over the place. The contest was two weeks away, and Loded Diper was already feeling the anxiousness. I sat on the floor of the garage, on top of a picnic blanket I found. To Rodrick’s dismay, his mom forced him to let Greg watch band practice, as a form of “brother-to-brother bonding time.” Greg sat next to me, mockingly covering his ears.
“Oh thank god, it's done.” Greg said with an immense amount of sarcasm and uncovering his ears.
Rodrick threw a crumpled-up piece of paper at his head, “Shut up.”
“Both of you, be nice.” I laughed. “I think you guys should take a break for a while, maybe shake off the nerves.”
“Good idea Y/N, 20 minute break everyone!” The lead singer said. Everyone spread out, grabbing a piece of pizza ordered earlier and laying down. Greg ran out of the garage, yelling, “I’m free!”
Rodrick stood up and began gulping down a bottle of water. He wore a black tanktop and black ripped jeans, sweat dripping down his forehead. I ran up behind him and wrapped my arms around his torso. He turned and faced me, running his hands through my hair, lost in thought.
“You ok, Rod?” I asked him.
He sighed, “nerves”
I leaned my head on his chest, “You’re gonna do great, you’ve done so many gigs in the past. Think of this as one of those!”
He smiled at me, “You know what would make me feel a lot less nervous?”
“Oh god. What?”
A really common thing Rodrick did was try to bargain a kiss on the lips from me. It's been an ongoing joke, a meaningless bit he did all the time. I’ll do my homework if you kissed me on the lips. I’ll smile in the picture if you kissed me on the lips. It still hasn’t worked.
“I might be less nervous if you kissed me on the lips.” He whispered to me.
I rolled my eyes, “If that’s what it takes then I think you’ll lose the competition.”
He let go of me and laughed, my favorite laugh. “Worth a try.” He shrugged, going off to join his bandmates and the pizza. But as I watched him smile and laugh with his friends, I lost myself. I thought about the previous night. The way we fit into each other, the closeness, the fact that was so close that I could see my reflection in his eyes.
Maybe I should just say yes.
The Day of the Contest
For the past 2 weeks, Rodrick has given me the “kiss-bargain” joke 9 times. Every time, I deflected it with sarcastic remarks, and every time I regretted not agreeing.
I sat on the front steps of my porch, waiting for Rodrick to pick me up. I regretted the jean shorts and plain black tee-shirt I had on, as a cold breeze brushed my skin. I pulled my black leather jacket on, which I painted “Loded Diper” on the back in white paint. Then, I heard it. The echo of heavy metal turned to full blast, and… the faint sound of something big getting knocked over. Oh god, they’re here. The white van with “Loded Diper” written in huge words screeched to a halt in front of my house.
The window rolled down, revealing my boyfriend and his excited grin. “Get in.”
30 minutes till Loded Diper preforms
It felt surreal to be backstage, and really exciting. Energy was flowing through the room, as all the other bands talked and played. The rest of the band members seemed excited, full of adrenaline. Except for Rodrick, he’s been nervous ever since soundcheck. His leg was bouncing,he twirled his drumsticks around, drumming them on random objects, and his eyes stared into nothing.
“Rodrick, you want me to do your eyeliner?”
“Huh?” He didn’t take his eyes away from the ground, his voice seemed far away.
I lifted a liquid eyeliner pen I had in my pocket, “Eyeliner. I just did mine, we can match!”
He lifted his head and noticed me. I had my eyeliner smudged, just like he always does during a gig. He grinned, “Yeah. Yeah sure.”
I’ve done his eyeliner many times in the past, and I loved doing it because I had to be as close to him as possible. So I hopped onto his lap, pressing myself close to him, trying to comfort him with my warmth.
“Close your eyes.” I ordered.
As I applied his eyeliner, I could feel his heartbeat against my chest. It was heavy, and fast. I’m pretty sure I would still hear it if I wasn’t as close to him as I was, even though the loud music blasting through the theatre.
He opened his eyes, and butterflies flooded my stomach. We were close. Very close. Should I do it? Should I lean in?
Rodrick probably sensed my flustered-ness. He smirked, “Cat got your tongue?”
I rolled my eyes, blushing hard. “Shut up.” I said, playfully punching him.
“5 Minutes until Loded Diper performs!” A man exclaimed to us.
Rodrick was as nervous as ever. We’ve been standing on the left wing of the stage, watching the other bands play. It felt like a bunch of Loded Diper copy-pastes. A bunch of high schoolers, weird names, very aggressive playing. But they were still pretty good. Rodrick was biting the nails of one of his hands and tapping his other hand on the wall behind him. I looked up at him and held his hand, stopping it from fidgeting. He smiled nervously.
Now or never Y/N…
“Hey, you said that if I kiss you, you won’t be as nervous. Right?”
He looked at me, wide eyed. He seemed to be trying to compute what I said.
I stood on tiptoe and put his face in my hands. It was that night all over again. Every detail of his face, of him was in full view. His eyes, his eyeliner, his scent, his lips. I leaned in.
His lips were soft against mine, but they were tense, flustered. I was terrified, It was the wrong place, the wrong time. Until I felt one hand in my hair, another on my waist, pulling me closer.
How long was the kiss? A few seconds? It felt like minutes, hours. Sparked ignited. Butterflies flew in my stomach. His scent was the only thing I smelled, his warmth was the only thing I felt. The music faded away. Everything faded away. It was just him and I. Until we broke apart, taking in deep breaths of each other. We wanted more, but Loded Diper was playing in a few seconds.
“Hey, Rodrick.”
“If you win I’ll kiss you again”
We both knew I would kiss him regardless.
I didn't edit this because editing is for wimps (just kidding be responsible and edit your work)
please like and reblog because it gives me serotonin and i need that
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
Gotham Villains x Hotel Owner!Reader || Headcanons
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Explanation / Topic: You run one of the cities dingy hotels except this one, in all of its glory, is only ever visited by bad guys. Your hotel is well known as the place rogues hide away in when they're planning or they're just out of action for a while because you refuse to give up information to the police no matter what (Its proprietor-client confidentiality! Ha ha) and you're treat them fairly (Although- on the kinder side of course)
These are the many ways they show their gratitude, no matter how small.
Character involved: Most, if not all, of Fox Gotham's rogues. Except Ra's Al Ghul because he bores me. Nevertheless, not just the Legion Horrible's like the picture might lead you to believe- that's just the picture with the most villains that I could think of.
Warnings: Probably too much fluff. I'll make a sequel to this with the less-then-pretty, nitty grotty details of this hotel too probably XD
Barbara likes to invest every now and then, "Just making sure my affairs are in order baby- gotta make sure my hidey hole's still there when I need it." but she always adds a little something for you to buy yourself 'something pretty' (Since your style is SO plain, according to her but then again who isn't plain compared to her XD). This little something is always upwards of a hundred dollars. She's such a sugar mommy you cant convince me that she isn't-
Butch (Or Cyrus Gold, or Grundy. he has too many names) has made it clear that if you ever need help, you can always call him and he'll be there. Very gangsta about it. He's such a big, tough guy but such a softy on the inside XD When he had Grundy brain, he still had some kind of tracker in his mind like dogs do that took him 'home' (To your hotel), dragging Ed along with him. He gave you a big, bone crushing hug when he got there.
Dr Strange is not allowed in as he'll steal your guests and experiment on them.
You don't know Ecco too well yet and vice versa but when she turned up with Jeremiah and Jervis- you definitely appreciated her presence more then that of Jeremiah's. You were still sore over Jerome and didn't trust this new brother. Still, you complimented the bullet in Ecco's skull, saying it was pretty cool, and now she loves you XD When she's in the neighbourhood she occasionally likes to pop in and say hello; Spread a little chaos, you know the deal.
Honestly you probably new Bridgit long before Strange forcing upon her the heat resistance thing and her becoming Firefly. She of course didn't remember you but soon *warmed* up to you after you gave her one of the few rooms with a fireplace and easily forgave her when she accidentally set the couch in her room on fire (I mean its for sure not the worst thing that has happened within these walls- no worries). She has been known to go around lighting the fireplaces for you under the pretence of having fun (Which is true) but also so that you can worry about one less thing. Firefly is also one to come chat with you if she's bored.
Fish Mooney obviously doesn't stay with you very often at all, because this lady can find better dwellings (As, no offense but your hotel is kiiiiinda dingy. What can you do about it, though? You house rogues and a lot of them don't have a lotta money) but she still absolutely appreciates what you do. She'll send bad guys that she does business with that have deeper pockets then your usual client, your way. She's also kind to you, which to me is even better honestly haha XD
Headhunter stays with you a lot when he's on business and often reminds you that you get a discount from him if you require his services. Hey, you keep him in milkshakes! He's gotta repay you somehow.
Okay, the twins. You knew Jerome first and got off to a bad start with Jeremiah due to that. Still, we aren't talking about relationships; We're talking about nice things. So moving on. Just assume that you warm up to the brainier twin.
These two are hard XD Cuz their 'good' and 'bad' sides kinda blur together as they're so unpredictable and don't really care about anyone.
Still, I can see Jerome being pretty light with you and valuing the fact that you can keep up with his banter- so he keeps you alive. You're basically his mother actually, despite the possible lack of age difference. Like, he wants to show you stuff he does and tell you about chaos he's created.
And Jeremiah honestly appreciates that you'll listen to his long speeches (You've gotten pretty good at just sitting and nodding your head and you've perfected the art of the well placed understanding noises like 'Hmm' and 'Ah!' and 'Oh dear' in your line of work)- so obviously, you're invaluable to him. Must keep you around. I mean, Ecco listens, but does she really understand? That is the question.
When he's around, Jervis is very polite and gracious. He'll duck into the kitchens after dinner and start helping you with the dishes and clear dining tables, he'll ask you how you are and mean it (Like, he'll stand there and discuss it with you), he'll try to keep Jerome from barging into your room in the early hours of the morning, etc. Just nice things like that ^^
Magpie tries not to steal from you... Haha XD Like, she'll pick up a pretty clock off a mantle piece and then go to leave with it... then realise that this is yours and go 'Oops!!' and put it back, giggling nervously.
... When she leaves you still find various items from other places in the hotel, in her room, but still. The fact that she tries is enough!
Mr Freeze is a pleasure to have around, of course!! He's quiet, he nods to you when he passes, and he's there to freeze assholes that harass you (And then take them outside so they don't melt all over your carpet). A respectful dude. He has frozen Jerome multiple times... particularly when Jervis has been unsuccessful in persuading him not to wake you up at 3 in the morning.
Ivy gets so happy whenever she sees you. Lots of hugs and telling you all about how she's been. Her energy is enough to cheer you up, and on your birthdays she always brings you a new plant that has meaning to her. Like, a sunflower for how kind you are, a Ficus for abundance, etc. Always in a pot of course, never dead. So of course, you have to take care of them but its a small price to pay for the sweetness ^^ And the not being murdered thing.
Like Mooney and Barbara, Oswald doesn't stay often due to having that mansion from his father but he remembers your kindness from when he would fall on hard times before that (And after the fact, too of course) and whenever he's making some kind of mafia deal he always ensures your and your hotels safety in the contract.
Pyg / Lazlo (I cant decide which name I like best XD) is just very polite, like Jervis. Gentlemen. Also his impressions- God. Have fun with that. He might just do your favourite Looney Tune character if he's in a good mood.
With Ed... look, if you even try with his riddles without being prompted, he'll do anything for you. It's well documented. I'm not sur about nice deeds, cuz Riddler's kind of a dick, but he'll for sure send you a birthday card every year! Christmas probably too ^^
Scarecrow: I will not spray you today. You: Gee thanks. // No but seriously, he's quiet about his gratitude but he is definitely once of the good ones ^^ Would absolutely take it upon himself to come save your ass if you got abducted.
Tabitha... well, you know how Headhunter will you get a discount if you want someone killed? Tabitha will do it for fucking free.
Hey, if you feed Victor (Zsasz), you have a friend for life. He will bring pizza and just hang out together. He is also willing to murder someone for you.
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boop-le-snoot · 4 years
BUTT-DIAL? NO, BOOTY CALL | tony stark
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explicit, 5,4k words. wrong number text, family shame & wedding drama that isn't even his and a ruined first date. despite the implications of the situation, both reader and tony are very entertained. meet-ugly series, part three.
[no y/n, no "you", no name, no reader description - race/age/body type neutral, she/her pronouns]
💚 masterlist ☀️ taglist & faq 💚
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Another sunny day spent wasted in a conference room full of boring, old, conceited chairmen. Tony Stark vehemently refused to commiserate with them, their boring speeches and blunt, straightforward thinking. Sitting through a meeting was like walking on nails barefoot: painful, pointless. Mind-numbing.
His phone beeped loudly and he reached into his pocket, pretending to not see Pepper's disapproving look. Both of them knew he was hoping for a sudden Assemble call - that would surely get him out of the meeting - but as much as he hoped, they never struck at the right time.
Except, this time it wasn't a call for assistance, and neither it was an automated spam message with Pizza Hut promo codes. Tony's eyebrows drew close and his lips upturned as he read and re-read the obvious rant written on his screen, typing up his answer before he managed to resist the morbid curiosity that was fueled by his boredom.
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Whoever it was, they were justifiably angry and the whole situation was almost too comical to be true, except he'd known people exactly like the runaway bride, selfish, greedy and stupid. He totally understood the woman's desire to just go and load up on tequila shots somewhere - so he bid her a haste farewell, all the while snickering to himself.
"It's Rogers," Tony offered in the way of explanation to a glaring Pepper, locking his phone away and settling in to continue pretending he was listening as another old, crusty white man offered his input on topics he was too much of a dinosaur to even really know about.
He couldn't stop thinking about the incident over the days, the story making him snort more times than he could count as the memory randomly crossed his mind in the lab, at the coffee pot or during dinner. So when a message came through from that very same number, the smirk snuck up onto his face before he even read its contents.
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A brief crash course in memes from Parker had turned out to be more useful than ever. Irritating Rogers with pictures got old very fast, however, in moments Tony got rendered speechless they proved to be the perfect substitute for trying to articulate all his thoughts on the matter.
Celebrity appearance, she said? More likely than one would think. The engineer had nearly doubled over in a fit of laughter when she'd texted him that; obviously, the woman had no clue who she was texting with and he decided to further indulge in his curiosity by asking for her name: Friday did the rest.
A phone number and a name, ten minutes, and all her social media were free for him to stalk. Investigate- uh, observe. With little effort, Tony found both her and her brother, the unlucky groom, and the runaway bride and even her step-dad. On paper, they all looked like average middle-class families. Nothing seemed amiss.
It didn't mean anything, but Tony caught himself thinking about the woman. Perhaps it might have been the mischievous gleem in her eyes that was easily spotted in every picture or perhaps the raunchy sense of humour not much different from his own. Pretty, witty and smart - what's there not to like?
"So that's why you've been going around, smiling like a middle-schooler with a crush," Natasha's voice whisper-shouted in Tony's ear as the spy discreetly peered over his shoulder into his phone. He had the chat pulled up, debating on starting a casual conversation-
"Jesus Christ, Romanoff, somebody needs to put a bell on you," Tony snapped, startled, pressing the button to lock his phone immediately.
"Uhuh," The redhead replied, side-eyeing a snickering Barnes. "Who is she?"
Tony rubbed his face, feeling the beginnings of a blush starting to creep in. He felt like he was caught doing something he wasn't supposed to and the rest of the team acting like children wasn't helping the matter. "I got a butt-dial text about some wedding drama. Some chick's brother's fiance was fucking her own stepdad and ditched the wedding for her old man."
Stunned silence settled briefly into the room as Romanoff's eyes widened and Barnes choked on his orange juice. Serves him right, Tony thought, and continued his coffee-making process in quiet irritation.
"Wait, wait, hold on," Wilson half-laughed half-yelled. "You gotta spill the tea, man, this sounds too good to be true. Stories like that just don't fall into your hands."
With a sigh, he recounted the woman's story and read the texts aloud, silencing his snickering enough to be able to keep a straight face - but not for long, Rogers decided it was the time for another one of his Captain America Is Disappointed In You speeches and Tony himself couldn't even disagree.
Now that he thought about it, he came off as a kind of asshole. She and her family was going through something traumatic and he went and treated it like free entertainment. Which, to be fair, it was, but she didn't deserve to be treated like a circus clown. She actually seemed like a good sister and friend.
"Just text her," Natasha rolled her eyes at him, grabbing the coffee pot out of his frozen hand. "You're not Steve, you can keep a decent conversation via text."
Being compared to Steve and his pre-historic messaging habits really did a number on Tony's ego; the eyeroll he gave Romanoff was truly out of this world, all but teleporting him to his lab where he tried to find a way to approach the woman without coming off as incredibly creepy, as if the fact that he'd stalked her on social media didn't already put him firmly into the weirdo category.
Most likely, Tony would have spent many many days on overthinking before just grabbing one of his suits to make a truly impressive landing on her small balcony downtown; thankfully, fate had intervened and saved him from making another epic mistake. He'd made a note to ask Thor about it sometime, settling down with his tablet and popcorn bowl to watch TV on the team's movie night.
Or, more precisely, Tony settled in to watch the drama unfold as the various members of the team fought tooth and nail for the film that they wanted to watch. He never cared about it much, dozing off halfway through most of them - his teammates had the worst taste in movies - so he didn't bother joining the scuffle except when it was Peter's turn to pick. For obvious reasons.
"If you can't decide I'm gonna have someone else pick a movie," Natasha rolled her eyes, equally fed up with fully grown adults acting like spoiled toddlers.
With a stutter of his breath, Tony's hand reached for his phone as he had an Idea.
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Seconds tickled as the "typing..." bubble appeared and disappeared multiple times. She must think he's just a thirsty frat boy; Tony's brow furrowed, but the curiosity was far too strong in him. Something about her vibe, her feisty nature captivated him and kept him thinking about her.
The agreement came as a surprise. In the two minutes the woman had spent thinking up her answer, Tony prepared himself to be rebuffed gently, or, worst case, be called a creep. But no - she agreed, but not before vehemently insisting that if he would end up being a creepy serial killer, she would haunt his ass for the remainder of his life.
Friday couldn't come soon enough. Tony spent most of the day loitering between his lab and the penthouse, glancing at his phone every now and then to make sure she wouldn't cancel on him last minute. The engineer wanted to see the witty, no-filter-having woman in the flesh.
And see her, he did. He'd pulled up in front of the hole-in-the wall Ramen&Bar place Clint had been raving about weeks prior - contrary to popular belief, Tony was perfectly fine with going to places that didn't have Michelin stars - and leaned against the door of his Audi R8, eyes immediately taking note of the figure calmly walking down the street, head tilted down where she was typing up a reply to him.
Tony smirked as she lifted her face up to see him, mouth immediately falling open. The shock was obvious; it lasted mere seconds until her shoulders dropped and she sighed almost... In disappointment. He frowned.
"I jinxed it, didn't I? Here's my celebrity appearance," The laugh was a little nervous and quite sardonic. "Hi, Tony, nice to finally see you."
He smiled, unsure, quipping back easily. "Let's face it, I'm not the worst famous Tony out there." Opening the door of the building for the woman, she stepped in eagerly enough, eyes immediately falling on the bartender and the few dimly lit tables in the back.
"Not by any means," She turned towards him, walking backwards. Tony met her stare; it was just like he'd imagined it to be, curious, mischievous and a little daring. She didn't even attempt to play subtle, raking over him from head to toe. "Not at all, I think," She gave another teasing smile, finally turning around, addressing the bartender and rattling off her order without as much as looking at the menu.
Tony couldn't stop staring. He was aware it was creepy, she was aware of his clever brown eyes barely paying attention to their surroundings or the beer or the food. The woman just quirked an eyebrow every time she caught him. His curiosity couldn't wait any more. "Why aren't you freaking out?" He blurted out, cursing himself out almost immediately after the words left his mouth.
"My almost-sister-in-law was fucking her own stepdad," The woman deadpanned. "I ran out of fucks to give, sorry." She thoughtfully chewed her food, briefly looking to the side. "Not to sound like an asshole, but don't you have enough people fawning over you? Doesn't it get old?"
Tony nodded, choosing to stay silent on the matter besides offering an amicable, "That's valid."
The mischief lit up again in her eyes. "You look taller on TV," She snorted, immediately falling into a fit of laughter at his face full of outrage. He sputtered, muttering something about audacity of some people, which made her only laugh harder. "Here's a pro tip from my 4'11 bestie: when someone calls you short, you snarl at them and say you're fun-sized. She swears by it," The woman remarked conversationally, grinning a two hundred watt smile.
Tony was glad at least someone was enjoying their little... Date. "And you know all about fun, don't you?" He aimed for grumpy; it came out as teasing. His famous smirk made a return appearance as he watched her throat bob.
The atmosphere between them had changed at some point; the same old routine of teasing and dancing around each other, but this time, Tony all but purred in satisfaction, finally meeting someone who was an even match to his wit and charm.
"I do," She replied with that cocky confidence, her devil eyes lighting up, lingering on his face. "Got a problem with that?"
The plate was pushed away, napkin falling into the food carelessly as he gestured for the waiter to bring the check. "As a scientist, I cannot confirm whether a theory is true until I have direct evidence," The bullshit flowed easily from his mouth, but the woman appeared to be amused by it - for a change. "M'fraid I'm gonna need that evidence," His fingers drummed on the table, impatiently, inches away from her hand.
"Of course, Mr. Stark," Her voice dropped, she was fully aware of what she was doing by calling him that. That, and those deep, magnetic eyes made Tony's trousers feel a little too tight for comfort.
His phone rang loudly, dissipating the atmosphere they had created with a shrill noise. Captain Cockblock struck again.
Fumbling fingers, Tony tapped the green icon, shooting an apologetic look to the woman. "Rogers, there better be another alien invasion or I'm revoking your phone privileges," The woman chortled, taking a sip of her beer, trying hard not to seem like she was listening in and failing spectacularly at it. "Today, out of all days? Can't Strange fill in for me?" The engineer palmed his face, running a hand through his neatly done-up hair. It would be covered in soot and sweat in an hour anyways. "Fine, I'll be there in twenty minutes. Romanoff better be hauling Barton's lazy ass out of Bed-Stuy." With a frown, Tony poked the red icon and stuffed the phone back in his pocket, looking for all and all, like an angry adolescent.
The woman, however, didn't indicate any signs of displeasure. Her hand timidly reached out for his, giving it a brief squeeze. "Go, save the world, Mr. Stark," Her smile was sympathetic. They both stood up at the same time, Tony watching her incredulously as the woman untied a scrap of red fabric from around her neck and placed it around his wrist, tying the fabric with a loose but, frankly, pretty knot. "I like that bandanna, would be a shame if you didn't return it," She explained, shrugging her shoulders.
Tony snorted, fondly rolling his eyes, before beelining for the door, activating his Iron Man suit on the way out. Turning around before take off, he noticed her throw a couple of crumpled bills to the server who was too busy ogling him.
He forgot to pay for dinner, Tony realized as he made his way to the other part of the city. Well, fuck, he would definitely have to see her again.
An alien invasion during her first good date in ages - scribble, scribble, sigh. She couldn't do much more than that - just as she thought her string of bad luck had ended, the world turned around and flipped her a juicy bird, all but laughing straight in her face. Like that already wasn't enough, oh no, she groused as she spied the debris and random abandoned cars on her way home - it looked like some portion of the battle had been close to her home and only the sheer mental exhaustion that resulted from her life being turned upside down during the last month prevented her from having a full-on freak-out in the middle of the eerily quiet street.
Truly, the fucks she had to give had been expired.
The gloomy mood was interrupted by a cry - for help or of outrage, she didn't know, but the kindness in her, the very values she'd been raised with didn't allow her just to walk by, and with another resigned sigh, she tucked the nice blouse she'd put on for the date under her warm sweater and set off in the direction of the sound, finding the culprit in little under a couple of minutes.
Freeing the trapped civilian wasn't easy but, thankfully, neither it required super-strength or any kind of heavy machinery. The man thanked her and with him in tow, both of them set off to inspect nearby nooks and crannies. Logic won that day - if there's was one person, there could be more.
Hours later, sweaty, sore and bruised, the woman greedily chugged the water bottle someone had passed onto her as the amount of medics and firefighters had finally reached the threshold of when her help wasn't needed anymore. While her date and his colleagues fought whatever nasty that thought NYC was a sandbox battleground for their amusement, the woman found herself helping out with retrieval & evacuation of the civilians that didn't make it out of the neighborhood before the heat of the fight reached it. There were no deaths registered as of then and deep inside, she felt proud, knowing that she had contributed to the statistic at least a little.
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Her phone was dying, her body was covered in dirt and scratches from head to toe and the bruises were beginning to ache. Tony's worry-worting was cute but the tiredness overcame her, making her brain sluggish and her demeanor short, so she hastily pocketed the phone, trailing over to the closest man in uniform she could spot.
"Sir?" She addressed him, eyeing the unfamiliar logo on his jacket. "Can I go, please?" She pointed to the yellow tape surrounding the makeshift medical station.
"I'm going to have to see your ID first," He replied apologetically, tapping away on his tablet.
With a sigh, she dug through her purse, giving it to him and using the brief moment of respite to smooth back her hair and dust off her clothing. There was a cloud of concrete and dirt surrounding her.
"I'm afraid I can't let you go just yet, Mr. Stark left strict instructions for you to be picked up by him personally," The agent gave the ID back with a suspicious glint in his eye.
"Oh c'mon," The annoyed whine escaped her lips before she registered it. "It was our first date," She offered to the puzzled agent, only succeeding in making him lean back and inspect her with a raised eyebrow. "Bye," She replied none too kindly, walking off to find a place to sit down.
The time passed in a strange way. The aches and pains and exhaustion made it stop, and if someone would have asked her, she wouldn't know how much of it has passed until her eyes reluctantly cracked open at the sound of a familiar voice, coming to see a pair of expensive shoes covered in dust. At least she wasn't the only one that looked like she'd taken a roll through someone's gritty attic.
"Morning, you Tasmanian Devil," Tony sounded jovial, all things considered.
"Hello to you too, Tin Can," The woman greeted him on par, without missing a beat.
"Now, now," He offered her his hand, which she took gratefully, before pulling her to her feet. "I come with peace offerings. Your building is under quarantine and I've got a perfectly good bed and a shower with thirty settings on it at my place. Whatcha say?"
She only pretended to think about it. Her reply was haste. "I don't make a habit of going into strange dudes' towers but I'll make an exception this once." A shower and a bed sounded heavenly.
Finally getting the chance to look at him, Tony appeared to be unhurt but equally exhausted and dirty. A few scrapes on his face and arms, he was missing his blazer, and had a weary tone to his face. Some parts of his Iron Suit were still on him - like the chest plate - but besides that, he was whole. The red of the bandanna she gave him was equally dirty but still neatly tied around his wrist, just like she left it.
"How's your relationship with heights?" He asked her and all she could do was blink, watching curiously as his body was enveloped by the red and gold, crawling over his skin like a swarm of shiny termites. That was all the warning she got before the metal arms - quite literally - sweeped her off her feet. "Faster this way," She could hear the nonchalant shrug in the metallic voice coming from the helmet. "Now hold on."
Awe and fear culminated inside the woman but the weariness had long since surpassed comfortable levels and all she did was give a weak nod and close her eyes as Tony lifted off, gusts of wind making her skin break out in goosebumps and her hair stand up wildly on her head. During the short trip her eyes fluttered open only once just to close back up immediately - all she saw were clouds, white and fluffy, like marshmallows, and the shining beacons of NYC skyscrapers somewhere far away.
The paralyzing anxiety fully dissipated only when her feet found purchase on the tiled floors, Tony's arms never ceasing to support her swaying frame until the breaths she took were her own and not the result of her fluttering heart and muted panic. "You with me, Wonder Woman?"
"Yes, Weird Science," She mumbled. "Thanks for the heads up," The annoyance had to find a way out and that it did.
"You're welcome," The cocky smirk returned to Tony's face as his suit receded, leaving him barefoot, dirty jeans and a torn tee. He stretched with a sweet groan, gesturing towards the door. "Friday will direct you towards the showers. Feel free to grab a t-shirt from the closet."
The woman nodded, too awestruck by the man and his hospitality, eyes darting all over the tastefully decorated room, the expensive knick-knacks scattered everywhere, the absolutely enormous sloppily made bed. Tony Stark liked to live luxuriously - even the shower was a state of the art technological wonder.
Dirty pants and dusty blouse went flying somewhere in the back of the bathroom as the woman stood up on her tippy toes, reaching for the sky, stretching her sore muscles. The glass wall of the shower had began to fog up from the hot water. The knock went barely noticed by the woman who jumped as Tony's voice startled her out of her daydream.
"Forgot I ran out of towels here..." He trailed off, voice dropping as he spotted her only in her underwear. She turned, responding with a lopsided grin, spying the stack of fluffy grey in his arms, the arc reactor in the middle of his bare chest. He smirked, "Damn. Can I join you?" Giving her what only could be described as a respectful once-over.
Tired as she was, her sense of humour and wit didn't go down for a much needed nap just yet. "I don't know, you tell me. Can you?" Turning back around, the woman made a short show of unclasping her bra and tossing it in the general vicinity of her dirty clothing pile. She'd worn a cute matching set of undies that day and the fact didn't go over Tony's head, she was sure.
The door clicked shut just as she raised her face to the stream of water, feeling calmer with each second, muscles relaxing themselves as the hot stream washed away the dirt and the dust off her body.
"And I thought this evening was ruined," Tony's voice insinuated from behind her. A hand reached for the soap, his body heat scorching compared to the steaming water. He stayed just a few inches away, enough to feel him, enough for her body to respond and crave more. "It's nice to be wrong for a change. Refreshing."
The woman hummed, reaching up to run her fingers through her wet, knotted hair. "First decent evening in ages. I wasn't gonna let some uninvited Predator knock-offs ruin it for me," She was more than a little peeved at the space invaders interrupting her nice date. Tony was a great conversationalist, it was easy to talk to him and he had a brilliant sense of humour. Not to mention the obvious, he was easy on the eyes.
"That's the spirit," The voice was closer now, almost in her ear. Even though her eyes were closed, the woman was aware he was reaching for something, letting him butt her hands out of the way to lather her hair, scrubbing at her scalp meticulously, until the sounds that left her mouth bordered on embarrassing. Once that was done, Tony moved onto her body, running his hands over her back, the outside of her hips. "M'not stepping over, am I?" He asked quietly, touch faltering every time he brushed over a scrape or a bruise.
"No, you're doing great, Tony," It wasn't exactly conventional - sharing a very intimate shower after an interrupted first date, but then again, nothing about this man was conventional and her life had already been turned upside down no less than twice recently. The woman didn't lie, the gentle, caring touch felt soothing.
Arching her back, she lifted her arms to repay him with the same, raking her fingers through his hair, leaning into the shudder that ran throughout his body. It was nice to bask in whatever they had going on, so the motion to face him was almost reluctant. Water droplets stuck to his eyelashes and his eyes were tired but not in a way that suggested he'd kick her out first chance.
Their kiss was sweet, slow, like they already were familiar with each other in a special way. The woman tugged on his lip with her teeth - such was her character - and he pressed closer to her, raising a hand to hold the side of her face. In muted curiosity, she couldn't help but wonder if there ever had been someone that waited for him once his battles were over.
Tony's eyelashes, the very same that had no business being this long on a man, fluttered against her cheek as they stood under the shower, letting water wash away the day.
"I've always wanted to kiss in the rain, like they do in the movies. This is the closest I've gotten," She whispered, gently kneading the arch of his shoulders. "Feels better than it looks, to be honest."
Tony snorted, reaching for the knob to turn it off. "Cheesy," He teased her, wrapping a warm, fluffy towel around her body. Both people made quick work of drying themselves, exiting the fogged up bathroom, making way into the bedroom, padding soft on the carpet and falling down on the bed carelessly.
"I'm the queen of cheesy one-liners," The woman raised her eyebrows, scooting under the sheets next to Tony who opened his arms wide, a smirk on his face. She didn't give him the chance to reply, slotting her lips over his instead and groaning as their heated bodies once again rested against each other.
She ran her hands over Tony's defined pecs, glossing over the arc reactor, raked nails over his tummy, eating up the sighs leaving his mouth at the gesture. He was a beautiful man, she wasn't going to lie to herself. The warmth that settled low in her belly grew, spreading throughout her limbs and temporarily overshadowing the exhaustion.
The engineer, too, was quite excited - his erection poked her hip - and content to be steered to her wishes by the hand in his hair. Groans and sighs left his moist, parted lips as his eagerness bled into his hands, grip firm and steady on the panting woman's hips.
Adrenaline did something to her body, caused it to ache sweetly, a hunger to be satisfied only by a lover's touch. And touch she did; her mouth tasted him, alternating sucking gentle marks onto his throat and nibbling on the skin stretched thinly over his collarbones. Tony's sighs grew in depth and volume with every silent action of worship.
No inch of his body was left untouched, the woman was an all-hands-on-deck kind of lover, happily making her way down until soft lips wrapped around the crown of his cock, making his hips arch into it, hands fisted in the soft white sheets. "You devil," Tony gasped out, limbs turning to jelly, watching the woman all but devour his cock.
She popped off minutely, a trail of sticky saliva running down her chin, sticking to his glistening cock. "The power of Christ compels me?" With a smirk, her tongue trailed from his balls to the very tip, paying extra attention to the frenulum, making Tony shudder and gasp out an embarrassed laugh.
"Uh-uh," Stripped of his usual snark, he was but a man at her mercy.
"It's not very compelling," The predatory stretch of her lips widened as she took mercy on him, giving his cock a few slow tugs with her hand. Her mouth, her hand and his cock were dripping. "Gonna let me do all the legwork, Mr. Stark?" She sat up straighter, inadvertently drawing his eyes to the apex of her thighs where the woman's sex glistened in the dim light, lips swollen and inviting.
It sounded like she was mocking him, teasing him, egging him into a lustful frenzy none of them had the energy for but craved anyway. Tony Stark wasn't the one to back down from a fair challenge so he relented, flipping them over with ease, landing between her spread legs, eyes drawn to the momentary bounce of her breasts. Tony wasted no time in suckling a hard nipple into his mouth, humming in response to her choked-off moan of surprise.
"Tony," Her body arched into his touch, tender skin hot under the callouses on his fingertips.
"Yes, demon, dear?" A lopsided grin and laughter in his eyes preceded the wet stripe Tony licked down to her navel. "Wasn't there something about not telling demons your name? Guess you have power over me now," He trailed off cheekily, soft breaths puffing over her mound.
The woman bit her lip, peering down to rake a hand through Tony's hair, snagging a fistful to gently steer him towards her pussy. Tony's smile was one of satisfaction as he obediently followed her silent order, nosing along the line of her cunt, dipping his tongue to run slow, sloppy lines through the soaked folds.
"Fuck," She mumbled, spreading her legs without shame. "Yeah, right there," Her fingers turned white at the agility of Tony's tongue on her clit. He was swift and relentless in pursuit of the spots that made her moan and clench around nothing. The moisture of her sex soaked his goatee but he couldn't care less.
He growled when she attempted to withdraw, wrapping his muscular arms around her thighs to keep her still for his pleasure, wringing noises that increased in volume with every stroke of his tongue on her sex.
"Tony- please, Tony, I'm gonna-" The warning was brief; her back arched as a broken moan found its way past her moist, parted lips, her pussy spasmed, dripping all over his face and the sheets.
The engineer hid his smile against her thigh, discreetly wiping the obscene amounts of moisture she produced. It wasn't very long until her hands, slightly shaky, were tugging him upwards to meet his face in a rushed, graceless kiss. There was an equal lack of finesse in the glide of his erection along her sex.
"Okay?" He mumbled into her ear, lining himself up with her fluttering cunt.
"Please," She gasped, her hands pushing his hips onto her, eagerly lifting up to accept the sweet intrusion.
There was a quiet stutter in both of their breathing, hearts thudding against their ribs as he finally bottomed out, the thickness of him nestled snugly inside the rippling muscle. The pace he started out was agonizingly slow and inexplicably sweet, neither of them wanting to end their coupling prematurely but not being able to hold back the need that consumed them both.
"Fuck, you're so good to me," Tony's mumbling was overshadowed by the slick sounds coming from the place they were joined. "Gonna fill up this pretty pussy."
The woman keened at the idea, digging her nails into his ass, pulling him further into her.
"You'd like that?" He picked up the pace, blunt tip of his cock catching up with the tail end of her previous orgasm and re-lighting the fire in her belly anew.
"Yeah, Tony, please," No trace of the previous coyness in her voice, the woman was more than ready to beg, murder and steal to feel the man come undone in her arms.
It didn't take long, not with the adrenaline making their blood sing and the chemistry they shared. The brutal pace of Tony's hips quickly grew sloppy and erratic, the tightening of her inner muscles egging him on. He chased his release with deep, powerful thrusts that had the bedsheets rustle pitifully and beads of clear swear drip down his forehead.
As soon as her body arched once more, Tony let go of his control, slotting himself deeply into her spasming heat, cock throbbing as he painted her insides white with his seed, groaning incomprehensible compliments and profanities through his teeth. Chest heaving, the engineer couldn't do much more but let himself carefully fall onto her chest, aftershocks making him twitch when the woman began running a gentle hand through his hair.
"We're doing this again," He decided, still breathless but already a step ahead. She laughed.
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Tony Stark taglist: @pilloclock @mikariell95 @letsby @sleep-i-ness @toomanyrobins @mostly-marvel-musings @persephonehemingway @downeyreads @schemefrenzy @lillsxd @slothspaghettiwrites @bluecrazedandbeautiful
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debbiechanclub · 3 years
Know You Better Now (BTOOT sequel), Part 2
Probably not the best idea to drop this right after Extreme Rules, but I can’t wait because 😭 And that’s all I’m gonna say. Thank you for reading, and please enjoy!
Know You Better Now
Part: 2/?
Pairing: Kenny Omega x OFC x TBD 👀
Word count: 3.4k
Warnings: Language, ANGST
Find more of my fics here.
Tag squad: @galacticstat @hotyeehawman @hdbngsprnva @kingswitchblade @bec0m @betsy-bradock @heelchampbucks @linziland13 @librathepheonix13 @gabbynorth98 @exe-babymox-exe @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @brokenglassslippers @rocca09 @meteora-fc @kawaiikels @adriii-omega @thatgirlforever5 @sugar-melts-mo-fo
“Did you see the look on PAC’s face when he realized Alex broke up the pin? He was so-ho-ho piiiissed.”
Nick could barely finish speaking before he emitted a laugh that sounded more like an asthmatic wheeze, and everyone else joined in, the boisterous boom bouncing off the walls of The Elite locker room and making Alex’s ears ring. She’d never felt so out of place.
“He looked like an angry gremlin,” Karl piled on. He contorted his face and hands and made everyone guffaw and bark even louder. Alex rolled her eyes. Out of all of them, Karl annoyed her the most.
“Yeah, that was quick thinking, Alex,” Matt said. “I knew you wouldn’t let us down.”
He sent her a crooked, shit-eating grin. Had he not tacked on that last part, it might have been half a compliment. But he knew exactly what he was doing—and Alex did not have the patience for it.
“Us? Last time I checked, Kenny is the AEW Champion, not The Elite.”
The room went dead silent. Matt’s smirk vanished.
“Don’t act like you know anything about The Elite,” he bit. “You’ve been here all of two seconds. We were selling out the Tokyo Dome when you were still working bingo halls.”
“Whoa!” Kenny interjected. “Watch who the hell you’re talking to like that, Matt.”
The atmosphere went from shocked to tense; palpable. Matt’s jaw flexed, obviously embarrassed to have been put in his place in front of the boys. Alex smirked. He deserved it.
Kenny sighed into the quiet. “Alright, you know what? Everyone out.”
“What?” Gallows balked. “We gotta celebrate your big win, man—”
Don cut him off. “You heard what he said, everyone out!”
He herded them all toward the exit, and other than a few side-eyes and under-breath comments, they went without argument. It was the first time Alex had ever been thankful for Don to step in.
The door fell closed, and Alex and Kenny were left alone. His eyes were much softer than they’d been just a few seconds before.
“Are you alright?”
She nodded. “Yeah. It’ll take a lot more than that for Matt to get to me.”
“I know, but he shouldn’t have said it at all. It was out of line.”
“It’s Matt. What do you expect?” she returned. It made Kenny purse his lips in disappointment.
“He’s not out to get you, Alex. He’s just protective of his friends.”
Her eyes darkened. “Is there a reason he thinks he needs to protect you from me?”
He breathed out in frustration. “Come on, that’s not what I said.”
“Then what are you saying?”
“I’m saying that I wish you two would get along.”
Alex stubbornly crossed her arms and looked across the room. This wasn’t the first time he’d said that to her. She knew it wouldn’t be the last.
“Hey.” Kenny gently gripped her shoulders, and she looked back up at him. “I want you to feel like you’re a part of the group, Alex. And I know right now you don’t,” he quickly added before she could interject. “But give it time. You’ve been at home working on getting healthy, and the boys just want to be sure that you’re a team player. Which… I’m pretty sure you proved you are tonight.”
She lightly sucked her teeth. “I did that for you, not—”
“I know,” softly interrupted. “But any of them would have done the same thing.”
Alex rocked back on her heels and turned her eyes down to her shoes. She understood where Kenny was coming from, one thousand percent. But she didn’t think she should have to prove herself to “the boys.” And truthfully… she didn’t want to be a part of The Elite, either.
But she also didn’t want to get into an argument with Kenny, so she just let it go. “Well, thank you for putting Matt in his place,” she said. She wrapped her arms around his waist and drew herself close to him. “I’ll do my best to get along with him so long as he’s not an ass to me.”
“That’s all I want,” Kenny returned, and he placed a kiss on her lips that was perhaps meant to be short and sweet, but neither of them pulled away. He brought his hands to either side of her face, and she pressed her fingers into his back as she lightly sucked on his bottom lip. He smirked against her mouth. “You want to get in the shower with me?”
She pecked his lips again. “No.”
He pulled back in surprise. “Why not?”
“Because. I look way too good right now to ruin it.”
He flashed a crooked grin. She already knew exactly what he was thinking.
“Fine. I’ll just ruin it when we get home.”
* * * * * * * * * *
Alex had honestly hoped Kenny would ruin it when they got home. But unfortunately, they didn’t go home alone; Matt, Nick, and Don went with them. At least the Good Brothers had decided they’d rather go drink at the hotel bar.
“So, have you officially moved in yet, Alex?”
Nick smirked at her from across the kitchen island, his mouth full of pizza. They’d ordered some “late night celebratory pies,” as Kenny had put it, but Alex didn’t have much of an appetite. She didn’t dignify Nick with a response either, instead just pursing her lips and taking a sip of the red wine she’d poured herself. As if he wouldn’t have already known if she’d officially moved in; he was one of Kenny’s best friends.
“Shit, I forget that she doesn’t ‘officially’ live here,” Kenny commented, making air quotes around the word. “It already feels like you do. Isn’t most of your stuff here?”
“Most of my clothes are,” she answered. “But I still have an entire house full of stuff in Virginia.”
“Wasn’t your cousin interested in potentially buying from you?”
She shrugged a shoulder. “I suppose. She asked me if I was thinking about selling, but we haven’t discussed it.”
“Well… maybe you should.”
He sent her a grin. She chewed the inside of her lip. “Maybe,” she returned, and took another sip of wine.
“Speaking of official,” Don segued. “Is Alex officially with us now?”
Alex stiffened. She didn’t at all appreciate that Don had spoken as if she wasn’t standing right there. But she couldn’t really answer him, either.
“Come on, why wouldn’t she be?” Kenny returned.
“Because tonight was the first time she’s been on AEW programming in what—nine months?” He fixed Alex with his beady eyes and finally addressed her directly. “People still think of you as part of Best Friends. And even though you broke up that pin in Kenny’s interest, the fact of the matter is that you technically helped Orange, too.”
“What?” Kenny let out a loud, disbelieving laugh. “Don’t be ridiculous, Don! She would have done the exact same thing if it had been Orange going for the pin instead of PAC.”
“Would she?” Matt challenged. He glanced at Alex. “Would you?”
Kenny’s eyes widened at him. “Really, Matt?” he charged—but Alex spoke up.
“No, if they’re so concerned about it, then I’ll tell them.” She leaned forward on the island and looked Matt dead in the eye. “Of course I would have done the exact same thing if it had been Orange going for the pin instead of PAC. And you know why? Because I was out there in Kenny’s corner tonight, and tonight was the first time in months that I’ve seen or even spoken to Orange or any of the others. So no, I’m not a part of Best Friends anymore.”
It hurt to finally say that out loud; but it wasn’t anything Alex hadn’t already known deep down. She’d known it as soon as Kris had popped out of that claw machine a month ago… maybe even sooner. And their behavior toward her that night—Trent’s behavior—had only proven it.
Kenny wrapped an arm around her waist and placed a kiss on the side of her head. Matt, meanwhile, said nothing. It seemed she’d finally shut him up—for now.
Don nodded. “That’s all I need to hear.”
Alex shifted. Somehow, she doubted that.
“Well, now that that’s out of the way,” Nick interjected. “Do you guys have any ice cream?”
“Jesus, Nick,” Matt breathed; but Kenny perked up.
“We do, actually. Alex has turned me onto Blue Bell.” He started for the freezer. “Do you want some, baby? We still have mint chocolate chip.”
Alex shook her head. “No. I’m actually gonna head upstairs; I’m exhausted.”
Part of her knew that, by going to bed, she was only inviting them to talk about her more. But she didn’t care. Matt could spew whatever bullshit he wanted; Kenny knew where she stood, and that was all that mattered.
He nodded. “Okay. I’m honestly not far behind you.”
She put her wine glass in the sink and gave him a kiss on the way out of the kitchen. Her legs were tired as she climbed the stairs to their bedroom. Our bedroom, she realized she thought of it as, not Kenny’s bedroom. She wasn’t sure when she’d made that switch, but she was hyper-aware of it now after Kenny’s comment just a few minutes before. But just the thought of selling her house stressed her out; she had enough on her plate as it was, and she didn’t want to give any of it any more of her energy for the rest of the night—
But she got a text just as she crossed into the bedroom. She sighed and pulled her phone from the back pocket of her jeans—and stopped when she saw the screen.
It was from Trent.
I’m sorry about what I said tonight. I just didn’t know how to react.
Alex’s brow lowered as she read the message. She knew Trent, and something in her gut told her that he hadn’t sent that on his own. No; Kris had probably beat him over the head until he’d relented. He would have been better off not sending anything at all.
She purposefully opened the text so that he would get the “read” notification, and then she locked her phone, tossed it onto the bed, and went into the bathroom to do her nighttime routine. If there was one thing she definitely would not give any more of her energy to, it was that.
* * * * * * * * * *
The Dynamite following Double Or Nothing wasn’t until Friday, so Alex had nearly an entire week to mentally prepare herself. She needed the extra time. Because, in the interest of “publicly clearing up any confusion” about where her loyalties lied, Don had booked her a sit-down interview with Excalibur.
She’d been furious when he’d told her. So had Kenny—he’d set it up behind both their backs. But of course, Don had talked him down and convinced him that it was “the right move.” Afterward, Kenny had profusely apologized to her; but she’d just told him to forget it. She’d do the damn interview. She wanted to speak her mind.
But now that she was sitting across from Excalibur in one of the backstage areas at Daily’s Place, she felt like she might vomit.
He spoke to the camera as he opened up the interview. “I’m sitting here with Alex Hawthorne, who made a surprise return after a nine-month absence at Double Or Nothing this past Sunday… and before we get into the interview, Alex, I just want to say welcome back. You were gone rehabbing a shoulder injury, and you’ve clearly come back in fighting shape. I think we all did a double-take when you walked out with Kenny Omega on Sunday.”
Alex felt herself relax a bit. It felt good to be acknowledged. She hadn’t felt that in a while. “Thank you, Excalibur, I appreciate that. It feels good to be back, and I have come back in fighting shape—not just physically, but mentally, as well. When I found out that my shoulder needed surgery, it was a bitter pill to swallow. And I’m not gonna lie; I struggled with it at first. But I distinctly remember waking up in that post-op room after surgery, and I realized right then and there that I could either let this injury drag me down, or I could use it as an opportunity to come back even better than before. And I promise you—and the entire AEW women’s division—that this isn’t the same Alex Hawthorne who competed in that ring nine months ago.”
Excalibur nodded. “Which begs the question: when can we expect you back in the ring?”
She breathed out. “Soon,” she nodded, her tone determined. “I still have some work to do, but it’ll be soon.”
“And we all look forward to it,” he said. “But you mentioned that you’re not the same Alex Hawthorne you were nine months ago. We’re used to seeing you at ringside in support of Best Friends… however, you returned in Kenny Omega’s corner for the AEW World Championship match at Double or Nothing, a match that also included Orange Cassidy. Is it safe to say that this new and improved Alex Hawthorne has moved on from Best Friends?”
Alex’s heart jumped into her throat. There it was, the million-dollar question, the reason for this entire interview, and if she didn’t know any better, she’d think Don had fed that line directly to Excalibur. But he didn’t like Don any more than she did—and she needed to give an answer. So, she did.
“It’s safe to say that, yeah.”
Her stomach churned and she looked down at her hands in her lap. It was out there now. She couldn’t take it back.
“Well, I have to ask,” Excalibur started, and she flicked her eyes back up at him. “You interfered in the match on Sunday and most likely prevented PAC from winning the AEW World Championship. But you also prevented Orange from taking the pin. Is there no part of you that did that for him?”
Alex’s brow lowered. First Don, and now this? Why was everyone so confused about her motive? “No. I did that for Ken—”
“Who cares who ya did it for!”
She was abruptly cut off by an angry, distinctly accented voice, and then PAC unexpectedly stalked into the interview area. He fixed Alex with a wild-eyed glare. “It’s like Excalibur said… you cost me the AEW World Championship.”
Alex leaned away from him in her chair as he moved closer. The entire sight of him was jarring, that ubiquitous scowl of his contorting his face, his dark, wet hair dripping water down his bare chest. She looked him over in confusion. Why was he already in his gear, ready to go? He and Penta had a match that night against the Young Bucks, but the show didn’t start for another two hours.
Excalibur tried to intervene. “PAC, we’re doing an interview here—”
But PAC just talked over him. “I know you’ve been gone a long time, Alex. And I have to admit, you do look good. So, here’s a bit of advice: instead of interfering in his matches, why don’t ya stick to being Kenny Omega’s arm candy.”
Alex’s eyes darkened. Suddenly, all her surprise turned to anger. “Arm candy?”
“You heard me,” he spat.
“Do you even own regular clothes? Or do you just live in your gear dripping wet like you emerged from the Atlantic Ocean?”
“Hey, PAC!”
Another person interrupted then, and Alex and PAC both looked over to find the Young Bucks, Brandon Cutler, and the Good Brothers stalking toward them. But it wasn’t just them. They had Rey Fenix—and it looked like he’d already been jumped.
Matt smirked. “Did you lose something?”
PAC growled in his throat. He charged toward them—but they dumped Fenix to the floor and retreated, laughing as they did. Nick held up his hands. “We’re saving our energy for the match tonight!”
PAC let them go, choosing instead to help his friend. Meanwhile, Alex jumped up and ran after them—the interview was over.
“Hey!” They all turned to look back at her, but her focus was zeroed in on Matt. This was his doing, she knew it. “What the fuck did you do that for?”
He scoffed. “To send a message, obviously. Come on, Alex… I thought you were with us now?”
He flashed another crooked smirk, and then they all started off again, patting each other on the back and hyping the Bucks up for the match that night. And Alex just stood and watched them go, all the while realizing that she was with them now—and she’d all but said it for the entire world to hear.
* * * * * * * * * *
“You ready to head home?”
Alex looked up at Kenny, re-emerging from her thoughts. She nodded. “Please.”
He gave her a sympathetic smile and held out his hand, and she took it and let him pull her up and lead her out of the locker room. It was the end of the night, and she’d been ready to head home before a single match had even been contested.
To her great surprise, Dynamite had started off by airing the footage of her interview. Alex had barely been able to watch, knowing what was coming, what she’d said. But when it was all said and done, it didn’t even feel like it was about her anymore. The interview had led right into the tag match between the Young Bucks and PAC and Penta—the story became the Super Elite’s attack on Fenix, not her return. And Alex wasn’t sure if she was more relieved that they’d distracted from the fact that she’d basically disowned Best Friends, or more angered that they’d taken away from everything else she’d said.
“I am ready to just relax and spend the weekend alone with you,” Kenny said as they walked down the hall. He grinned at her. “I told everyone to lose my number.”
Alex returned his smile, and Kenny lifted the back of her hand to his lips; but she barely noticed as he kissed her. She was too distracted by the group of people who had appeared in the corridor.
Best Friends. All of them. And it didn’t take long for Trent to say something.
“Where’re you going, Alex? Kris has a Dark match. Oh, wait—that’s right. You’ve moved on from us.”
“Dude,” Kris chastised and lightly smacked his shoulder. “Don’t.”
Kenny scoffed. “I’d listen to your alien friend, Trent.”
“No one was talking to you,” Orange returned.
Kenny narrowed his eyes at him. Alex squeezed his hand in protest; the last thing she needed was for him to go on one of his power trips. Thankfully, he let it go.
“I’ve already taken care of you, so I won’t embarrass you in front of your friends,” he dismissed. “Come on,” he said, and he started to pull Alex past them; but Trent just couldn’t keep his mouth shut.
“Was that you giving that interview? Or were Kenny and Don pulling the strings on your mouth?”
“Fuck, Greg,” Chuck breathed—but Alex spoke over him.
“Was that you who sent that text Sunday night, or did one of them make you send it?”
She glared a hole through Trent, unwavering and angry, waiting for him to say something for himself. Anything. But he just bit down on his jaw, silent. Alex scoffed. It was just as she’d suspected.
“What text?” Kenny asked in confusion. Alex didn’t take her eyes off Trent as she answered.
“Trent sent me a text after Double Or Nothing apologizing for being a dick to me before your match. He said he ‘just didn’t know how to react’ to seeing me.”
“I didn’t know how to react,” Trent fired back.
“Oh, so it was just the apology that was bullshit, then.”
He breathed out and looked stubbornly away, nothing to say again. And as she continued to stare at him, Alex realized that she wasn’t surprised or even hurt by his reaction. Instead, she was vindicated in everything she’d been feeling.
Her gaze sharpened. “But since you asked so nicely; yeah, that was me giving that interview, one hundred percent. And you have no room to be angry about it, Trent, because whether you want to admit it or not, you all moved on from me months ago.”
Chuck’s brow furrowed in confusion. In hurt. “What? Alex—”
“Save it,” Kenny cut him off. “Good luck in your match, Kris,” he added, and then he tugged on Alex’s hand, and she turned and went with him, ignoring the way her sinuses burned.
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alecmagnuslwb · 3 years
Giving Home a Heartbeat - @doubleredweek Day 7
Read on AO3
Jason’s pretty sure that somewhere underneath all these boxes is the house they bought, he’s just not quite sure where.
“Jay Jay, Daddy stopped picking up boxes and sat down, so I’m picking up the slack!” Lian shouts over the distinct scraping sound of cardboard. Jason turns and there she is walking backwards her tiny hands pulling a box along that’s practically the same size as her not even breaking a sweat. Sometimes Jason thinks they really need to ask Jade about any superhuman abilities she might be hiding that could have been passed down.
Jason shakes his head and walks over to her lifting the box and sitting it over with the rest of the living room Jenga stack of cardboard boxes that is their life.
“Good work princess,” Jason says ruffling her hair as she sidles up next to him looking at all the boxes with a much more gleeful look on her face than the one he’s sporting.
“I am not slacking,” Roy shouts with a struggling groan. Jason turns back to the door watching as Roy takes a step through with three heavy boxes precariously stacked on top of one another in his arms blockading Roy’s body almost entirely from view. Jason rushes over to his side taking the highest one revealing Roy’s head his messy hair dripping with sweat and poking out wildly from underneath his backwards cap.
“These are the last ones and I just didn’t want to make numerous trips,” he grunts shifting the boxes in his arms. “Dick and Babs are taking the truck back and sweetly said they will not be coming back to help us unpack.” Jason rolls his eyes eight siblings, one younger than them aunt, two pseudo sisters-in-laws, a literal space traveling brother-in-law, three parental figures and one grandfatherly figure between the two of them and not one of them stuck around long enough to put all these boxes through the front door.
“We don’t know exactly how you want everything set up,” Connor had justified as he and Kyle started floating up into the sky and away as soon as the truck was full as if Jason, Roy and especially Lian wouldn’t happily boss them around with instructions of where to place things.
Stephanie, Tim and Damian even had the audacity to eat half the moving day pizza on their own, pick up one box together and then disappear. Teamwork Steph had called it before high fiving Roy and running after her boyfriend. Chaotic bisexuals Roy had sighed as they sped away on her motorcycle Damian already long gone slipping off like a silent shadow in the mid-day.
At least Roy and Jason hadn’t had to pay for the pizza they got one shared slice of, after twenty minutes of arguing about who should pay Oliver and Bruce had settled on splitting. Though knowing Bruce Jason would bet he added on a bigger tip when Ollie’s back was turned just to spite him.
“Do you think the Aqua Family treat each other this way?” Jason says watching as Lian tosses a small box up on the still covered in plastic couch and starts tearing at the tape.
“I bet they swim across the seven seas and happily move their family’s underwater décor without complaint,” Roy says as he slips behind Jason resting his chin on Jason’s shoulder. Together they survey the room with the knowledge that every other room in the house looks much the same, a labyrinth of boxes. It’s gonna take them weeks to unpack all the stuff from the workshop alone.
“I know we don’t know her as well as my dad and Bruce, but do you think if we put in a call to Zatanna she’d just,” Roy says flicking his hands around Jason’s waist in a pale comparison to the intricate patterns Jason’s seen her do in battle. “Ya know, poof and we’re unpacked.”
“I don’t think that’s gonna happen,” Jason sighs. Lian has fully opened the box now pulling out item after item that definitely all belong in the kitchen not on their living room couch.
Roy faux cries burying his face in Jason’s neck sadly. Jason reaches up a hand only slightly condescendingly patting at Roy’s head.
“Alright, we gotta start somewhere. Lian’s room is the priority, you and I have slept on far more uncomfortable things than a plastic wrapped couch,” he says, they’ve already got a start in there anyways thanks to Alfred the only member of their families who’s not an ingrate setting up her pink and green matching bed, bookshelf, desk and wall shelves without even being asked. Jason survey’s the room eyes falling over to the kitchen. “I’d say we shoot for finishing the kitchen tonight too, but we can always just order takeout again.”
“More pizza!” Lian squeals in delight twirling a bundle of measuring cups around and around in one hand.
“No, we’ll get something else,” Roy says and Lian’s face drops just a little. “Something with lots of vegetables, like Thai maybe.” She perks back up at that.
“As long as I don’t have to eat peas,” she grumbles trading the measuring cups out for a ladle she taps delightedly on the boxes flap.
“Fine, no peas,” Jason says slipping away from Roy and grabbing the box Lian has been playing around with as she shouts triumphantly about the lack of peas in her future. He tosses the things she’s taken out of the box back in and slides it onto the kitchen counter to deal with later.
“Go to your room and start unpacking the boxes labeled books first okay,” Roy says lifting her up from the couch her legs sticking to the plastic as he does and settling her feet on the ground. “Put some on the lower shelves, but don’t try to reach the high shelves without Jay or I’s help okay?”
Lian nods furiously skittering off clapping her hands in joy, her light up Scooby Doo shoes going wild with every step.
“Promise, Daddy!” she shouts as she hightails it up the stairs and turns the corner sharply. A light thud earns their attention as soon as she disappears from sight followed by silence.
“Lian?” Jason shouts after her already braced to rush the stairs if she doesn’t respond instantly. Roy does the same.
“I’m okay, I just kicked a box over!” she shouts back and they both breathe a sigh of relief. “And it knocked over two more!” she says with utter delight causing them both to chuckle.
“If we want to get this house done before she’s out of high school, we’re gonna need to send her for an archery range day with grandpa tomorrow,” Roy says walking over to Jason. He hops up onto the kitchen island kicking his feet out back and forth.
“And maybe an ice cream day with aunt Emiko the day after that, just in case,” Jason adds on as he settles himself between Roy’s dangling legs his back to Roy’s front. Roy wraps his arms back around him, placing his chin back where it had been in the living room.
They both gaze out across the rooms, across their home, across what it will be in a few days’ time. Jason never thought he’d call Star City home, hell he never thought he’d get out of the Narrows, but here he is a homeowner with a man he fully intends to keep for the rest of his life and a little girl he considers his daughter.
“It’s gonna look great when it’s all set up,” Roy says nuzzling his face softly to Jason’s temple. “The perfect mix of superhero chic and parents of a five-year-old who only occasionally cleans up after herself.”
“An interior designers dream,” Jason chuckles leaning back further into Roy’s arms.
“Jade’s gonna hate it,” Roy laughs.
“Oh god, I’ll fly Alfred out to help me clean just to be sure it’s spotless when the time comes. When does she get back from South America?”
“The fourteenth, she’s taking Lian for the week, remember?” Roy says pressing a quick kiss to Jason’s jaw. The fourteenth, that’s plenty of time to make it look it’s best to at least cut her sly judgements in half.
They’re quiet for a while comfortably listening to the rustling sound of Lian tearing tape off of boxes above them. She’s probably gonna be wrapped in it by the time they get up here.
“We own a house,” Jason says breaking the comfortable quiet still stunned by the fact they’ve made it here. Six years ago he walked away from Roy, the worst mistake he’s ever made, and somehow impossibly when he came crawling back Roy welcomed him with open arms and now they’re here. It feels almost too good to be true.
Roy nods and Jason can feel his smile against his neck.
“Your stuck with me now Jaybird,” he chuckles and Jason pulls Roy’s arms around him tighter, happily stuck. They bask in each other’s arms a little longer when the sound of tape gets louder and more prominent followed by a giggle and comical ‘oops’ from Lian.
“We better go help her before she mummifies herself in packing tape,” Roy chuckles slipping out from behind Jason and making his way to the stairs taking them two at a time. Jason hangs back for a moment just looking one last time at the space in front of him, looking at their home before following the sounds of tape being unwrapped from clothes and the laughter of the two most important people in his world.
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ash-writies · 3 years
Nothing But Tongues and Teeth
A/n: This took a lot longer to write than I thought, about 2k words of angst, I hate writing serious moments but here I am :/ also happy father's day
Bolin X GN!Reader
There you were, seated across the table from a man whose name you didn’t even know. Your parents sat beside you and talked with him. Their words didn’t form into sentences as they hit your ears. Suddenly there was a hand on your shoulder.
“Have fun you two,” your mother called, her voice as sweet as honey to the untrained ear. Although you heard her truly, her venomous voice chiming like bells. What she meant was, “don’t mess this up.”
“So, y/n-” the man started. Before he could even finish his thought he caught your glare.
“There is nothing you can give me,” you began, keeping a porcelain smile on your face, “I’ve grown a mouth so sharp and cruel it’s all that I can give to you, my dear~” Venom hung in those last two words. He froze like a man caught in the path of a cobra, the snake ready to strike at any minute. You knew the severity of your words, if he left and never saw you again your parents would be unhappy. Anything was better than this though. Better than wasting your life serving a man who’d never truly care about you
“Excuse me?” the nameless man asked, mostly in confusion. His green eyes were fixed on your face, looking for something.
“I didn’t stutter,” you said, sipping from the drink placed in front of you. His eyes flickered from your eyes to your lips for a moment.
“I’m Bolin,” he introduced himself, “I reckon you didn’t know that before?” An amused smile spread across his face. His smile was way different from the other smiles you saw. His smile stretched across his lips and infected his cheeks, it caused the lights in his eyes to dance, it even introduced its happiness to his eyebrows.
“Whatever,” you began, “I’m not marrying you and that’s it!” Your voice was stern and true. You caught a flicker of doubt taint his face, and for a moment you felt bad. Then the moment was gone.
“I don’t think that’s up to you,” he said coolly and leaned back in his chair.
“I’m not going to be the perfect housewife that you want,” you tried to counter, “and when you come in quick to steal a kiss my teeth will only cut your lips, my dear~” You leaned in after those words left your mouth.
He frowned, “I don’t need a housewife first of all. Secondly, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.” You paused and took in what he said. If he didn’t want to control you then what was the point of this? Was this just some manipulation thing?
“I know that you mean so well, but I am not a vessel for your ‘good intents’”
“You’re right, but I still want to marry you,” He said, smiling at you. Everything was a blur after that. As soon as he finished his sentence, your parents returned to you both. They heard his last sentence and were more than happy to start discussing wedding plans.
As your wedding day came closer and closer, it felt that more and more was out of your hands. Most of your belongings were taken and packed up so it would be easy to move them right after your wedding. Your mother was quite the control freak throughout the whole process. Not that you cared, you didn’t want anything to do with this whole wedding ordeal anyway.
Finally the day of the wedding came, you looked stunning, and if this Bolin fella was there you bet he’d tell you.
“You look amazing,” a voice that sounded like his rang through the air. You sighed, thinking that it was bad luck to see your fiancé before the wedding or something.
“It’s not too late to call off the wedding you know, you said standing up. Time was dragging by at such a slow pace before he spoke,
“I don’t know why I would do such a thing.” He laughed, crossing his arms.
“You don’t know much about me, I will only break your pretty things, and I will only wring you dry of everything.” You walked towards him until your faces were only inches apart.
“But if you’re fine with that, you can be mine like that,” you looked at his lips and back at his eyes. There was something off in his eyes, you didn’t know if it was a good thing but that didn’t matter. You walked past him and continued down the hall to where your mother was waiting.
“Honey, let me fix your hair,” She sang, rushing to you. You sighed and let her pull the strand away from your face. “ I can’t believe my baby’s getting married!”
“You were the one who set this whole thing up,” you muttered, hoping she didn’t hear you.
“Good thing too!” she cheered, “if you’d have done this it would’ve definitely been a disaster. You sigh, not even bothering with a response.
The wedding goes on with blurs of tears and hollers. Colors void of saturation, voices void of emotions, and embraces void of warmth were all that flooded your memory of that joyous day. After that, days of moving your stuff to his place, days of your childhood being up-rooted and discarded, days of memories saying goodbye and being laid to rest. Once the movers left you and Bolin sat on the couch, you were a noticeable distance away from him.
He was the first to speak, “what do you want to eat y/n?” His voice was small and fragile.
“Anything really,” you shrugged, you didn’t do most of the moving so it didn’t really matter.
“How about some pizza then?” He exclaimed, jumping up and grabbed his phone and ordered some. You both ate in awkward silence.
“Let's unpack together,” he said once you were both done eating, trying to lift the mood.
“Sure,” you muttered. You both started on the living room which, for now, only consisted of a couch and a tv that sat on the floor. The first thing you both agreed on doing was building the ikea furniture. Whenever he saw you were getting frustrated he’d add in a joke or do something silly. At first you didn’t notice but after you’d accidentally skipped a step and he said, “this screw stupid won’t in go” that gave away his whole plan. The attempts after that were still kinda funny though.
Before bed he made moves trying to get closer to you. Moves that you tried to ignore at first but you couldn’t stop your outburst, “Abandon all your stupid dreams about the person I could’ve been,” you hesitated before adding in, “my dear~” in the same cynical voice you always say it in. The only good thing that came out of that was that he left you alone for the night.
For a while after that you tried your best to avoid him even though he kept trying to get to know you.
“Why won’t you talk to me?” he whine-asked.
“Because in the night I know you burn with feelings I cannot return,” you answered, momentarily forgetting you were supposed to be ignoring him.
“Why can’t you return them?” he asked normally this time.
You pressed your lips together, “my parents had an arranged marriage and never fell in love, why should I have to?” he shrugged with a dumbfounded look on his face and you left before he could say something that’d make you want to completely confide in him. You ignored him and the way your face heated up for a bit longer. A month has passed since the wedding, and Bolin was desperate to get to know you, bothering you every hour of the day.
“What did you do today?” He asked
“Nothing really,” you lied, your daily life was rather eventful to make sure you never spent a moment resting unless it was planned.
“We should spend some time together sometime,” he suggested.
“You gotta know that this won’t last! Desperation will erase the fact: I’m keeping all of the answers in my cigarette box!” you said, for some reason. You didn’t even know why and you wanted to take it back as soon as you said it. Especially because of the look on his face. Which looked like a kicked puppy.
“If you need space I’ll give you some,” he started standing up, “but I won’t let you speak to me like that.” He was upset, rightfully. He went to your shared room and shut the door. You sat there for a minute. You put your head in your hands for a minute and thought about what you said. You didn’t want to take it back because then he’d want to stay with you. But would it really be bad to have him by your side? Just when you thought you couldn’t feel more conflicted he stepped out of the room with his duffel bag for gym full. Your heart sank but somehow you were comforted with the thought that you knew this was going to happen.
“I’m not leaving forever,” he said, reading your face, “just for a while so you can sort yourself out.
You rolled your eyes, “ You might as well never come back.”
“Why do you feel that way?” he stepped towards you.
“Why do you feel so entitled to me?”
He paused, The answer’s in the second before the other shoe drops,” y/n, I’m not- this was never about that- remember how you said, ‘if you’re blind to that’ well, I’m fine with that,”
You were so torn you were crying, “I will ruin you! I will poison all your happy thoughts, I will love you like the ashes in her cigarette box!” While tears streamed down your cheeks he just looked at you.
“‘Her’?” he asked. You felt your face heat up as he kept walking towards you. Once he reached you he dropped his bag and wrapped his arms around you. “What is going through your head?” he asked.
You let out a choked sob, “why did you marry me?”
“Mostly for the money, but because I thought you’d be a fun person”
You chuckled, “the money?”
“Me and my brother weren’t well off,” he started, “I just wanted to make it so I could support him. Though it’s awful to use someone-”
You cut him off, “here I was thinking you had bad intentions,”
“You never answered my questions,” he swiftly changed the subject and your smile faded.
“I had a really nice dad who loved my mother,” you began, “she loved him too. One day he left, died, all without word or warning. Then my grandparents set my mother up and the next time we weren’t so lucky. There, that was the first question. My mother was distant after her first husband’s death. So yeah”
You really wanted it to end there and Bolin must’ve caught on somehow because he changed the topic again. “So since I’m fine with your many flaws, we can be together?” he said, your head still pressed against his chest.
You laughed, “yeah,”
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rodeoxqueen · 4 years
Stuck Thinking About You-Dante/Reader
TheLastCrusader Requested: Dante or Vergil gets immobilized in some embarrassing or inconvenient way during a job and then (Y/N) pays them company until they can be freed. How about they have a crush on (Y/N) and they don't know it is returned until the end?
Vergil’s Part: Coming Soon. 
Read it on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28187496
Warnings: Fluff, Romantic Comedy, Taking Care of The Twins, Vulnerability, Breaking the Fourth Wall, Characters Call Out The Writer for Her Lazy Writing
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Dante was the Legendary Devil Hunter, a tried and true hunter with the might of hundreds of men. And here he was, paralyzed by a venomous demon. During a hunt, it had a lucky shot and hit him with a dart. It would have killed a normal man three times over, causing the victim to lose muscle function and die. Since Dante was not a normal man, his body would metabolize the poison in due time. It’s just too bad he was stuck in his current form, arms to his side and stiff. He was lucky to be able to talk anyway. 
Nero had laughed at his predicament and dragged him back to the van by the boots, throwing him onto the spare seat like a sack of potatoes. His brother had smugly walked alongside his son, entertained by how Dante complained about his now immobilized situation. 
“Laugh it up. When I can move again, I’ll be kicking your asses.” Dante threatened, face down on the cushion with his sword strapped to his back. He sounded muffled and Nero laughed at him again. 
“Wait until (Y/N) found out you got shot in the butt by a demon.” Nero jeered. Dante groaned. 
Oh God forbid you found out, his crush. The gorgeous and funny (Y/N). He’d be a laughingstock. 
You had been working on the Devil May Cry paperwork when the red devil was carried in looking like a cardboard cut out of himself. The red devil was incredibly displeased and had a sour look on his face. 
Nero and Vergil dropped him onto a couch, dusting themselves off and high-fiving. 
“What happened to Dante?” You ask, seeing how Dante was unnaturally still. 
“My brother was unluckily poisoned. The toxins shall wear off soon, although he will be stuck like this for the meanwhile.” 
You see Dante attempt to move with his grunts and groans, yet to no avail. 
“Yeah, he’s gonna have to wait for it to wear off. You should’ve seen him, he gets jabbed and he just drops like a dead body!” Nero wiped a tear of laughter off his face. 
“Anyways, I gotta go back to Fortuna. Call me when he’s back to normal.” Vergil nodded as his son left the door. 
He turned his gaze to you. 
“I am going to retire to my room. Please let me know when he can move again.” He said as he exited the first floor. 
You put your hands on your hips seeing the devil still face down on the couch. 
“Yeah?” He said, slightly muted by the cushion. 
“Are you alright?” 
“Can’t move. Stuck.” 
“..Do you want some help?” 
“Nah, I’m alright.” 
“Well, are you sure?” 
“Yeah, don’t worry about me. I’m fine.” 
There was a pause. You could hear Dante trying to breathe with the leather of the couch right up on his nose. 
“Would you like to be face up?” 
Dante stopped for a moment. 
“Yes.” You grinned, getting up from your seat to help out the red devil. Rolling up the sleeves of your sweater, you began by pulling on his side at the innermost of the sofa. You grunted as you put all your might on him. 
He was literally built like a brick house, and he sure as hell weighed like one. You broke a sweat getting him to be perpendicular to the couch before gravity helped out and you tipped him over. He fell back on the couch with a resounding thump. 
“Thanks (Y/N).” He flashed his charming grin, a bit of a struggle as his face muscles were slightly numb.  
You smiled at him. You saw how his veins were slightly darker, and he was quite pale. His body must be working overtime to detox itself. 
“Do you want anything while you’re trapped like this?” He made an effort to try to shrug. 
“I’m good.” Dante was not good. He was freaking out. You were used to touching him, punching him when he said a joke too cheesy, and those grazing touches he’d freak out internally over. You had such nice hands. His side where you pulled him up had tingled. 
You made your way back to the desk, Dante’s eyes on your rear. 
You went back to work, typing up reports, and examining payments from clients. Music played from your headphones, leaving Dante in silence. 
The sounds of you typing, scratching down notes on a notebook, and humming lull him to sleep. Maybe when he wakes up, he’ll be up and running again. 
You were half an hour into your work when you heard snores. Looking up, you see that the younger Sparda twin was fast asleep, probably sleeping off the toxins. An endeared smile crept up your face, seeing how at peace he was. 
Dante was an attractive guy, he was nice and funny. He seemed to always want to hang out with you and make you laugh. What a nice half-demon who was your boss. 
The veins around his neck seemed to pulse, forcing the blood to withdraw the demonic toxins within it. 
You admired the white-haired male, before going back to the papers. 
Dante woke up a few hours later. 
He tried to stretch, only to find his limbs were still stuck to his sides. 
“Ah shit.” He mumbled, yawning. His jaw popped in several places and he tried turning his head to see you. 
You answered the phone tucked by your ear as you rapidly typed out more reports. 
Once you had hung up the phone, you saw that the sleeping man had awakened. 
“Hey, Dante. You’re up. How are you feeling?” Dante sighed.
“Still can’t move.” You frowned. Even with his metabolism? 
“Aw, that sucks.” 
“Is that all my paperwork?” Dante asked, seeing the mountain of papers on the table. You slapped the yellowed papers. 
“This bad boy can fit so many missing payments.” You joked, quoting a car commercial you saw. Dante rolled his eyes. 
“Yeah, let’s all make fun of Dante.” He said. 
You went back to check a few things. Dante peered at the clock. Crap, he always forgets to fix that clock. It’s been 4 o’clock for three months now. 
Dante coughed. He hadn’t had a sip of anything for hours now and napping always made him wake up with a desert-dry throat. He also wanted to rub his eyes but once again, can’t move. 
There was a knock on the door. You grabbed your wallet and got to the door. An amazing smell hit Dante’s nose. 
You came back into his line of sight when you came back with a plastic bag
“You hungry?” You asked, opening the box of pizza you had ordered. You hummed with approval when you saw no olives. 
“Meh, not really.” 
Just when Dante wanted to be low-key, his stomach made the loudest noise. It was like a damn whale call. Mind you, he was starving after his nap. He flushed with embarrassment but tried to play it off. 
You laughed. You made your way over to Dante. 
“It’s fine, I got enough for the two of us.” Setting the pizza box on the ground, you sat next to his still paralyzed form. 
“Oh man, you totally didn’t have to-” His stomach made a louder noise at the amplified smell of baked goods. 
You laughed at his expression. 
“It’s not like I can just move and take a slice right now.” He groaned. His eyes widened when you held up a fork of sliced pizza. You absolute angel. 
“I know.” You winked. 
“Now say ah..” You teased. He smirked, opening his mouth to be fed. 
Dante felt the warm cheesy culinary creation hit his tastebuds. He reveled in the lack of olives, something he always got on his slices whenever he ordered. 
You helped yourself to your own slices between feeding Dante. 
He swallowed wrong, and coughed. He had already hid his dry throat from you, not wanting to be needy. He continued coughing like a madman. A straw hit his lip and he simply sipped it, doing whatever he could to counter his fit. 
The familiar sweetness of cola soothed him and he let out a small burp.
“My bad.” He smiled as you laughed. His eyes darted to the can of soda you put back on the floor. Holy shit. You were drinking out of that. You gave him your straw. You were cool sharing drinks with him. That was an indirect kiss. Dante was ready to implode. Before you could notice his shock, he quickly made a diversion. 
“Where did you order this? It’s a lot better than the place I order at.” He asked after another forkful. You shrugged. 
“It was this new place that recently opened up. It’s close where I live. Thought I’d spice things up a bit and pick a new joint.” 
“Have you been there before?” 
You shook your head no. 
“Yeah, I haven’t. This was my first time ordering there.” Maybe next time Dante could take you there. 
“Feeling bold aren’t we?” You asked smugly at his mumbled sentence. Shit. He did not mean to say that out loud. 
“Uh. Yeah. I am.” He sputtered. You chuckled at the devil’s sudden bashfulnes. 
Dante wished he knew when to shut up. This was one of the times he wished he could. 
“Yeah. I like you a lot. You’re really nice to me, you’re real good looking too. This is totally not how I wanted to ask you out but here I am. This is really awkward for me. You can totally say no. I’m not going to be mad. I’m also your boss so that might be weird-” 
“Tell you what-” You quickly gave him another piece of pizza. 
“Once you can move again, I’ll take you on that offer.” You winked. Dante almost choked again. 
“I like you too, if you haven’t noticed.” You added, looking away for a moment. 
He laughed. You angel. 
Once the slices were cleared and the drink finished, you cleaned up. Dante saw through the window a completely dark night. 
“Whoa. It’s super late. Are you sure you want to go out that late?” Dante asked, genuinely worried. 
You shrugged. 
“I mean, it’s not too bad. I don’t live that far-” 
“I can teleport you home.” Vergil called from the stairs. The older twin came down with his book in hand. 
“Oh Vergil. Nice to see you again. I saved you a couple slices of pizza.” You pointed to the box that lied on Dante’s desk. 
“No need. Although the gesture was very kind of you.” Vergil quickly took out the Yamato, slashing through dimensions.
“Well this is oddly convenient plot-wise. Totally lazy writing. The writer definitely gave up with the conclusion. This is outrageously well-timed.” You said, hands on your hips. Vergil gave you a look.
“Anyways. I’ll see you soon. Call me when you’re back to normal.” You say to Dante. He winks at you and makes a click noise with his mouth. He’d do the finger guns too but again, he can’t freaking move. 
You left promptly, waving at Dante and thanking Vergil. 
The older twin turns around to see his shameless brother. 
“So, how long were you upstairs waiting for her to leave?” 
“Too long. I’m surprised she took overtime just to take care of your sorry self.” 
“I’m the one with a hot date, Mr. I Got Laid Once.” 
His brother scowled. 
“If it were not for the fact that you are not a fair match in your current condition, I would have slaughtered you by now.” The Yamato was pointed in his direction and Dante blew a raspberry at him. 
“I’m going to bed. You can stay on the couch, you dolt.” Vergil snipped, going back up the stairs. The lights were shut off, leaving Dante in darkness. 
Dante smirked, closing his eyes. He can’t wait to wake up tomorrow and plan out a date with you.
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cherishingstydia · 3 years
The 5 times Eddie almost told Buck he loved him and the one time he did (bonus points if it was during a call and Buck was being reckless again)
Eddie couldn’t help but smile. He was spending his evening with his two favorite people Chris and Buck. He’d never had a friend like, Buck probably because he’s never been completely in love with any of his other friends. He tried to play it off like it’s nothing, but he can’t keep pretending. Not when Buck makes it impossible not to love him.
He just watches the way Buck is with Chris and it makes him love him just that much more. Eddie is sure he’s never felt this way before. He’s been in love obviously, but something about this feels so different.
He nervous. He wants to tell him. He wants him to know, but confessing your love anytime is scary, but he really can’t do this now. Not with Chris right in the room that would be a mistake, and he might not be quite ready for the confession yet. He’s not even sure what to say. He needs more that just ‘I love you’ Buck deserves to know just how much love he’s got for him.
“I can hear you thinking from over here.” Buck grinned. “You ok?”
“Yeah I was just thinking how hungry I’m getting. I think I’ll order some dinner for us. Pizza sound good?”
“Pizza always sounds good.” Buck grinned.
“You sure you’re alright? You look like you’re hiding something.”
Damnit Buck knows him too well.
“I promise I’m great. This is the perfect way to spend an evening. Who could ask for anything more?”
“If you say so Eds.” Buck grinned as he softly patted Eddies shoulder before returning to the couch with Chris.
Eddies heart was full. He loves this man so much.
Hours later the apartment was quiet. Chris was in bed and Eddie and Buck were just having some beers on the couch. Ok maybe it doesn’t have to be the perfect words. He’s not great with words but maybe they’ll just come to him.
“Hey Buck.”
“Yeah.” Buck said looking back with those beautiful blue eyes.
“I....I was wondering if you just wanted to crash on the couch. It’s late and you’ve had some drinks I think it’s a good idea. That way you don’t have to wait to sober up and you can just sleep.”
“Yeah thanks man.” Buck smiled
Ok so that was a fail....but there will be other nights. Other nights to tell him exactly how he feels and it will give him sometime with the whole speech. To really get the point across of just what he means.
Buck really knew how to drive Eddie wild. In the best possible way. This man was perfect in every way and the fact that anyone would be the one to end a relationship with him is baffling to Eddie.
Bucks so considerate. Eddie casually mentioned he was helping fix some things at Abuelas on their day off and Buck just showed up to help.
“You didn’t have to do this.” Eddie smiled.
“Well the sooner it’s done the sooner we can hang out. Plus I’m happy to help.”
“You’re too good of a person. Making the rest of us look bad.” Eddie smiled.
“I’m just trying to help.”
“I was trying to compliment you. You’re amazing Buck. Seriously. I just I...I am so lucky to have a friend like you.”
Ok fail. Definitely shouldn’t friend zone the person you’re trying to confess your love for, but it’s ok there will be other times. Besides your abuelas front lawn probably isn’t the most romantic situation for confessing your love.
A long busy shift was nearing its end. Eddie sat with Buck close to his side. Both of them exhausted. Everyone else was in the bunk room or showers so it was just the two of them.
Bucks head gently rested on Eddies shoulder.
“Sorry.” Buck yawned.
“It’s ok. You can stay like this.” Eddie smiled.
“Thanks Eds.” Buck said practically nuzzling Eddies neck.
“Hey Buck.”
“So I’ve been thinking a lot lately and trying to find the perfect way to say this, but truth is I don’t think there is a perfect way. So I’m just gonna say it and hope you don’t hate me.” Eddie said letting out a deep breath. “I love you.”
Silence filled the room. Oh no oh no this was a mistake a big mistake.
“I’m sorry I shouldn’t have said it. Please can we go back.”
Still no reply.
Eddie looked down at Buck who was completely knocked out on his shoulder. Ok so he didn’t hear it that’s a relief that he wasn’t ignoring it or freaked out.
They sat like that maybe 20 minutes before he felt Buck jump.
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to.” Buck said sitting up.
“It’s ok.” Eddie smiled.
Why do so many songs make him think of Buck? He’s got it bad and it seems like the only songs on the radio are ones that he really relates to.
The car ride is pretty quiet. Chris is in the back distracted by whatever he’s playing on his tablet and the silence is so comfortable, but it just feels so real so domestic like they’re together. Like he could just reach over and grab Bucks hand.
The music especially with Buck singing along definitely wasn’t helping.
🎶“Oh, you're the best friend that I ever had
I've been with you such a long time
You're my sunshine and I want you to know
That my feelings are true
I really love you
Oh, you're my best friend” 🎶
Eddie glanced in the rear view mirror. Chris had his headphones on. Eddie let out a deep breath eyes darting to Buck.
“Hey uh Buck.”
“Yeah.” Buck smiled that smile that literally makes him melt.
“So I’ve been thinking about this...well more can’t even get it out of my head, but ok...Buck I....I think that I want to get Chris a pet. Maybe a hamster.”
“I’m getting a hamster!” Chris squealed.
“Oh ok. Awesome.” Buck nodded. “You sure that’s all it seemed serious.”
“Yeah that’s it.”
Ok so no confession and now Chris is probably getting a pet...great.
Eddie was worried. Abuela had fallen and he didn’t know what was wrong. He wasn’t sure if it was just a fall or if she’d have any injuries. He wanted to rush to the hospital, but Pepa was already there and they only wanted patients having one person there at a time.
Eddie got the call exactly the call he was hoping and praying for. Abuela was fine. Apart from some bruising there was nothing severe.
He grabbed Buck and hugged he was so relieved. He loved Bucks hugs. Recently he’d noticed Buck always tucks his head in when he hugs him. Like he’s trying to get as close as possible and Eddie absolutely loves it.
This hug is unlike their other hugs it’s lingering, but in the best way. Eddies made no effort to pull away, but neither did Buck.
Eddie turned his head slightly towards Buck.
“Hey um can we talk I’ve kinda been meaning to tell you this for awhile now.” Eddie said.
“Yeah sure.” Buck said.
They made their way to the couch. This is it he’s gonna do it.
Eddie let out a deep breath and just as he was gonna say it he was so close. His phone rang. It was Carla and Chris needed him so he had to go.
“Um raincheck. I gotta go.” Eddie sighed.
“Yeah raincheck.” Buck smiled.
Buck was so reckless. It came from a good place. Wanting to help, but one of these days he’s not gonna be ok, he’s gonna get hurt or even worse killed.
Eddie wouldn’t even look at him the whole ride back to the station.
“Everything ok?”
“You don’t care about getting hurt, but you know how I’ll feel? I’ll be devastated and if you die I will literally go out of my fucking mind.
“Are mad at me? I was just trying to help.”
“Yes I’m mad. I’m furious that you thought you needed to play hero, but that deep care you have for everyone is one of the many reasons I love you” Eddie said unintentionally and definitely at a higher volume than intended, which apparently everyone heard because they all stared.
“You....love me?”
Eddie nodded.
“Like...like a brother?” Buck whispered.
“Definitely not like a brother. Because I am in love with you Buck. Have been for some time now.” Eddie said surging forward and finally kissing Buck.
Well one things for sure this definitely wasn’t a private moment. Everyone heard, everyone saw, but at this point he didn’t even care.
Silence filled the entire room. Everyone was staring, Buck was looking back with a look Eddie couldn’t identify.
“I’m sorry.” Eddie said fleeing once it all sunk in.
“So that’s it? You get to tell me how you feel, but I can’t tell you how I feel? Buck said following Eddie to a more private hallway.
“You can tell me you love me but just run away and don’t let me do the same?”
“What are you saying?”
“I’m saying I love you too.”
It’s not like Eddie was sure Buck would say it back, but imagining and actually hearing it are two very different things.
“You do?”
“I do. I’ve wanted to tell you so many times. I’ve even thought you were gonna tell me, but you never did, and I kinda lost my nerve.”
“I tried. I tried so many times, but either I felt like it wasn’t the right time, or something just came up. I don’t know I was so worried about it being perfect and then I just accidentally announced it to everyone.”
“So would you like to get some dinner tonight?” Buck smiled.
“I’d love too.” Eddie smiled.
“Man you’re really throwing the L word around.” Buck teased.
“Shut up.” Eddie smiled before kissing Buck again.
“Ok big guy let’s save some of that for tonight.” Buck smiled. “Rule one none of this at work...no matter how good it is.”
“Man if you life my kissing just wait until we do more.” Eddie winked.
Bucks face was bright red. Eddie left a quick peck on his cheek.
“Its gonna be awhile. I think we should take this slow.” Eddie said.
“Me too.” Buck smiled.
Eddie had meant it. He really had, but that was before the date, before he saw how good Buck looked. Making out in the back of Bucks jeep wasn’t the plan.
“I thought we were going slow.” Buck panted.
“Buck we’ve been fighting this for years. We’ve been taking it slow enough. I know I love you. I know we belong together. If you want to I’d really like to take this back to my place.” Eddie smiled.
“Let’s go.” Buck said hopping in the front seat.
Eddie jumped out climbing into the passenger seat. They really didn’t talk much on the way back to Eddies.
Eddie could tell Buck was nervous.
“Hey we don’t have to do anything. I might have got carried away.”
“No it’s not that....Um Eddie....I um I’ve never done this before....I mean with a guy.”
“Hey it’s ok. Neither have I....If you want we can figure this out together. Wether that’s now, months from now, our wedding night I don’t care I’ll wait as long as you want.”
“Wedding night. Don’t ya know first dates a little soon to be talking marriage.” Buck laughed.
“I shouldn’t have said that.”
“Hey it’s ok. You are my forever. I know there’s no one else for me. So someday I know we’ll be getting married.”
“Why don’t you just sleep over and we can make out a little more. Then figure out the rest along the way...whenever that may be.
“I like that idea.” Buck smiled.
They made their way to Eddies room, and Eddie fell asleep with Buck in his arms just like he always wanted.
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kurlyfrasier · 4 years
Little Piggy
Hello, can you do a fic were Bayverse Raph and his S.O get into a fight and he hurts her feelings and Raph go to her house to apologize? Please, I love your writing ❤️
A/N: The above is my very first request ever! I was so excited about it! and so very nervous I have the feeling the ‘fight’ isn’t quite as...idk...horrible? as you were hoping for, but I still hope you like it! :D @samyp05 Also, I assumed you wanted Raph and Reader to be in a relationship already. Although, now that I’m reading it again, I could have started them out as ‘friends’ (teehee)... BUT I liked how this turned out for the most part (: ENJOY!
p.s. I’m glad you asked for Bayverse cuz...he’s basically the only one I write lol
Warnings: non-graphic bullying/mentions of bullying. Writer took liberties of a couple of reader’s favorite things/skills/hobbies but nothing major...hopefully
Word Count: 1429
I was heaving, eyes blazed with fury, fists clenched at my sides to keep myself from slapping the daylights out of my so-called boyfriend. He was being such a freaking jerk.
First, it was my favorite pizza toppings. Okay, so they might be considered weird, but honestly? What’s better than my favorite foods in one?
Then, it was my music. So what if rock wasn’t my favorite?
My sad video-gaming skills. Of course I’m terrible, idiot. That was my first time playing the game!
My favorite movie. Okay, so the best movie ever made might not be his speed. Would it really kill him to watch it with me?
My favorite color. Just because it isn’t red doesn’t mean I don’t love it; it’s just…a new favorite that he doesn’t know about, is all.
And so many other stupid little things.
But now. Now, he was making fun of my laugh. He called me ‘little piggy’.
That stupid, red bandana-wearing, mutant freak!
“I can’t control how I laugh, Raphael,” I seethed through clenched teeth.
“But it’s funny-”
“It’s not funny,” I deadpanned.
Flashes of all the popular kids in school flew through my mind. Their perfect, snortless laughing. Their oinking in my face. Their leftover food from lunch dumped on my head. Their mean little notes they left in my locker. The pigs they drew on my face in permanent marker when I fell asleep on the bus. School was not a safe place, no matter how much parents think it may be.
“Okay,” he chuckled, moving his toothpick from one corner of his mouth to the other with his tongue. “I don’t see wha’ the big deal is, Sweets.”
“The deal, Raph, is that I’m going home,” I fumed, turning away to walk out of the lair before shouting over my shoulder. “And I’m not sure if I’m ever coming back.”
“Wait! Whaddya mean yer not comin’ back?” He shouted, his steps heavy as he quickly caught up to me.
“Really?” I spun around to face him, yanking my arm out of his gentle hold. “For someone who isn’t accepted by the world for reasons he can’t control; he sure is quick to make fun of the things his significant other can’t control about themself.”
“Come on Y/n,” he groaned, sounding exasperated. “I was jus’ teasin’. Ya know that.”
“Raph,” I put a hand on my hip and glared up at him. “I’m fed up with all of your so-called teasing. That’s all you ever do-”
“Ya nevah seemed ta care before-”
“Shut it!” I put a palm up, signalling silence as frustrated tears started to prick at my eyes. “I deserve cuddles and hugs and kisses and my choice of pizza toppings! I’m going home. Don’t follow me.”
“I said don’t, Raph,” I sighed- my sad attempt at keeping the tears at bay before he saw. “I’ll be fine. Besides, it’s daylight. Wouldn’t want you to be seen.”
Raph watched you walk down the tunnel, heart shattering, until he couldn’t hear your footsteps anymore and stomped to his makeshift gym, ignoring his brothers’ stares. He needed to hit something- hard. He didn’t understand what had you in such a tiff.
So he teased you about your laugh. So what?
He had always teased you about every little thing. You were always such a good sport about it all. It was one of the many reasons he fell for you.
Thump-thump, whack!
What was so different about your cute little snort. It was adorable to his ears. He couldn’t help but say something about it. It’s not a big deal, right? You never got so upset about his teasing before.
Whack! Thunk-whack!
Your reaction said otherwise, though. The light in your e/c eyes disappeared as if he blew the candle out himself. Your carefree smile slipped away like it was never there in the first place.
Thunk-thunk. Whack! Thump.
Then you were gone. Threatening to never return and he couldn’t live with that. Especially since you were fine until-
Until he called you ‘little piggy’. He groaned, realizing the nickname was what hit a nerve. He checked the time on his phone, also hoping to see a message from you. There was nothing and only a couple of hours had gone by. There were still a few more to go until it got dark. Restless, he paced the lair, taking extra care to avoid his brothers’ gazes- and Master Splinter’s. Definitely Master Splinter’s. He always knew the best way to make Raph feel infinitely worse about his stupidity without actually saying anything.
Deciding that pacing was getting him nowhere, Raph left the lair. Questions of where he was going shouted after him. He ignored them, thinking only of you. He had to apologize. He needed to see you. He had to convince you to come back. If he didn’t-
Well, Raph didn’t want to think about that.
He didn’t care that there was still two hours left until the sun set. He needed to see you. Needed to hug you, kiss you, cuddle up in bed with you and watch your favorite movie together. The one he secretly loved, but would never admit. Maybe even order a pizza with all of your favorite toppings that should be illegal to add on it.
Finally, after a long fifteen minutes of jumping rooftop to rooftop, Raph landed on your apartment building with a loud thud. He winced at the sound, hoping whoever lived directly below didn’t hear anything. Taking a deep breath, he climbed down the fire escape to your window.
It was closed.
That simple fact broke the fragile remains of his heart. Although, the sun was still out. Maybe you didn’t open your window for him until the sun set? It was a sliver of hope and he grabbed onto it for all he was worth as he peeped through your window.
You laid in bed, watching the very movie he hoped to watch with you tonight. He sighed, wondering if he shouldn’t have come. The thought slipped away the moment he caught sight of the kleenexes surrounding you. He hoped they were there due to allergies, but knew better.
Tentatively, Raph tapped on your window, holding his breath. If you wouldn’t speak to him tonight, he didn’t know what he would do. Just the thought of you storming away earlier that day had his chest aching and vision blurring.
“What are you doing! Get in here before someone sees you, idiot!”
Idiot. Accurate as it may be, right now he didn’t know if the word was a good or bad thing as he squeezed through the window. Still, the sound of your voice allowed him to breathe again.
“Y/n,” he stated hoarsely as you sat on your bed, looking exhausted.
“Yeah, Raph?” You asked after a long moment, looking up at him, waiting.
“I’m sorry. I won’t call ya little piggy-”
You flinched at the words.
“Sorry, I won’t say it again. I didn’t know it would upset ya so much,” he sighed, rubbing a hand over his head, taking a small step toward you now that the hard part was over, and continued in a rush. “And we can watch yer favorite movie anytime ya want. And eat yer weird pizza. And-”
“Play video games in the lair without you taking over?”
“And listen to my favorite music?”
“Yeah, Swee’heart. Anything ya want. Just please,” his voice cracked as he took another small step closer, those green eyes boring into your own. “Please, don’t leave me.”
“Okay,” you whispered, still staring up at him.
“Yeah?” His heart soared, feeling lighter as you glued its broken pieces back into place.
You nodded, eyes flicking around your room as if you were searching for something.
“Ya gonna tell me why it botha’ed ya so much?” Raph took care to make himself sound curious, but all he really wanted were the details of who he needed to knock some sense into. He had never seen you so distraught before and he didn’t like it. Nobody messed with those he loved without facing his fists.
Your head shook, eyes tightly closed in an attempt to block the memories away.
“Okay, okay,” you were snatched off your bed and into a pair of strong arms, holding you close as he whispered in your ear. “Ya don’t gotta tell me today.”
You nodded, unable to voice your thanks.
“Whaddya say we order yer pizza, cuddle up in yer bed, and start this movie over?”
A/N: Bullies = not cool. People have feelings so DON’T DO IT. Think before you say and do things, people, it really is not that difficult.
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marlborodean · 3 years
spn quotes: season three
i’m collecting a bunch of quotes from the show! my favorite lines, good points of characterization, etc. all organized by episode and character, and with timestamps!
w/ncest shippers get lost
season one. two.
[Bobby: So we're eating bacon cheeseburgers for breakfast, are we?] Well, sold my soul, got a year to live. I ain't sweating the cholesterol. (07:04)
[Tamara: I'm heading back to that bar.] I'll go with her. [Sam: It's suicide, Dean!] So what? I'm dead already! (21:27)
[Envy: You really think you're better than me. Which one of you can cast the first stone? Huh? What about you, Dean? You're practically a walking billboard of gluttony and lust.] (24:46)
[Sam: Think she's gonna be alright?] No. Definitely not. (34:18)
[Sam: What, you got some kind of death wish or something?] It's not like that. [Then what's it like, Dean?] Sam— [Please. Tell me.] We trap the crossroads demon, trick it, try to welch our way out of the deal in any way, you die. Okay? You die. Those are the terms, there's no way out of it. If you try to find a way, so help me God, I'm gonna stop you. [How could you make that deal, Dean?] 'Cause I couldn't live with you dead. Couldn't do it. [So what, now I live and you die?] That's the general idea, yeah. [Yeah, well, you're a hypocrite, Dean. How did you feel when Dad sold his soul for you? 'Cause I was there. I remember. You were twisted and broken. And now you go and do the same thing. To me. What you did was selfish.] Yeah, you're right. It was selfish. But I'm okay with that. [I'm not.] Tough. After everything I've done for this family, I think I'm entitled. Truth is, I'm tired, Sam. I don't know, it's like there's a light at the end of the tunnel. [It's hellfire, Dean!] Whatever. You're alive, I feel good for the first time in a long time. I got a year to live, Sam, I'd like to make the most of it. So what do you say we kill some evil sons of bitches and we raise a little hell. Huh? (37:12)
Look. If we're going down, we're going down together, alright? (27:09)
[Pride: And you...are Sam Winchester. That's right, I've heard of ya. We've all heard of ya. The prodigy, the boy king. Looking at you now, I gotta tell ya.... Don't believe the hype. You think I'm gonna bow to a cut-rate, piss-poor human like you? I have my pride, after all. And now with your yellow-eyed friend dead, I guess I don't really have to do a damn thing now, do I? You're fair game now, boy, and it's open season.] (31:51)
You know what? I've had it. I've been bending over backwards trying to be nice to you, and...I don't care anymore. [Dean: That didn't last long.] Yeah, well, you know what? I've been busting my ass trying to keep you alive, Dean, and you act like you couldn't care less. What, you got some kind of death wish or something? (36:56)
[Dean: I couldn't live with you dead. Couldn't do it.] So what, now I live and you die? [That's the general idea, yeah.] Yeah, well, you're a hypocrite, Dean. How did you feel when Dad sold his soul for you? 'Cause I was there. I remember. You were twisted and broken. And now you go and do the same thing. To me. What you did was selfish. (37:44)
Greed: We're not sins, man. We are natural, human instinct. And you can repress and deny us all you want, but the truth is, you are just animals. Horny, greedy, hungry, violent animals. And you know what? You'll be slaughtered like animals, too. (25:32)
[Lisa: You can relax.] Good. [I swear you look disappointed.] Yeah, I don't know. It's weird, you know, your life. I mean, this house and kid. It's not my life, never will be. Some stuff happened to me recently, uh.... Anyway, a guy in my situation—you start to think, you know, "I'm gonna be gone one day, and what am I leaving behind besides a car?" [I don't know. Ben may not be your kid, but he wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for you. That's a lot, if you ask me.] You know, just for the record, you got a great kid. I would've been proud to be his dad. (26:18)
[Ruby: All I know is that it's about you.] What? [Don't you get it, Sam? It's all about you. What happened to your mom, what happened to her friends—they're trying to cover up what he did to you. And I want to help you figure it out.] Why would you want to help me? [I have my reasons. Not all demons are the same, Sam. Not all of us want the same thing. Me? I want to help you from time to time. That's all. And if you let me, there's something in it for you.] What could you possibly— [I could help you save your brother.] (40:40)
Just Dad. You know, him and his secrets. We spent all this time with the guy and it's like we barely even know the man. (06:20)
Oh wow! It's my first sawed-off. I made it myself. Sixth grade. (07:59)
That's what killed your friend. My brother here is next. And who knows how many more innocent people after that. Now, if you don't help us stop this thing, then that puts those deaths on your head. Now, I can read people. And I get it. You're a thief and a scumbag. That's fine. But you're not a killer. Are you? (22:46)
So you know the truth about what's really going on out there and this is what you decide to do with it? You become a thief? [Bela: I procure unique items for a select clientele.] Yeah. A thief. (29:46)
So you're only after yourself, huh? It's all about number one? [Bela: Being a hunter is so much more noble? A bunch of obsessed, revenge-driven sociopaths trying to save a world that can't be saved.] Well, aren't you a glass half-full. [We're all going to Hell, Dean. Might as well enjoy the ride.] I actually agree with you there. (31:30)
The hell is wrong with you?! You don't just go around shooting people like that! (36:04)
[Dean: She knows what your weakness is. It's me.] (03:32)
[Dean: You're okay, right? I mean, you're feeling okay?] Yes, I'm fine! Why are you always asking me that? (04:04)
No way! That's my division championship soccer trophy. I can't believe he kept this! [Dean: It was probably the closest you ever came to being a boy.] (07:45)
[Casey: Lose something?] All you demons have such smart mouths. [It's a gift.] Yeah. Well, let's see if you're smiling when I send your ass back to Hell. [Without your little exorcism book? Hey, go ahead.] Spiritus immunde. Ungo— [Having a little trouble there, sport?] Spiritus immunde, undolara. Pasonitote.... [Nice try, but I think you just ordered a pizza. Guess you should've paid more attention in Latin class.] I don't know what you're smiling about. You're not going anywhere. [And, apparently, neither are you.] Yeah, but I got somebody coming for me, and uh, he did pay attention in class. (20:02)
[Casey: You Winchester boys are famous. Not Lohan famous, but, you know.] Well. That's...flattering. I'll be sure to let Sam know when he gets here. (20:58)
So demons take over. I thought the meek shall inherit the earth. [Casey: Oh, according to your Bible. It's only a book, Dean.] Not everyone would agree. [Because it's God's book? Do you believe in God, Dean? I'd be surprised if you did.] I don't know. I'd like to. (24:59)
[Casey: You're alright, Dean. The others don't describe you that way. But, you know, you're...you're likable.] A demon likes me. Sorry, I don't know how to respond to that. (29:34)
[Casey: That deal you made to save Sam—a lot of others would mock you for it, think it was weak or stupid. I don't.] It's been kind of liberating, actually. I mean, what's the point in worrying about a future when you don't have one, huh? [Still, a year to live. You're not scared?] No. [Not even a little?] Of course not. (29:50)
Oh God. Uh. I'm sorry. That's—just—I think this was just a minor misunderstanding? yeah, okay, um. How 'bout I just—I just leave, 'cause—I'll take these—okay, I'll, uh, I'll leave this for, uh...you, uh...have a nice day? (17:20)
[Dean: Yeah, but I got somebody coming for me, and uh, he did pay attention in class.] [Casey: Oh, right, Sam. Everyone says he's the brains of the outfit.] [Everyone?] [Sure! You Winchester boys are famous. Not Lohan famous, but, you know.] (20:46)
Yeah, I like being able to help people. [Father Gil: Ever think about doing anything else?] Like what? [Hm. Anything. You seem like a pretty smart kid. Somehow I see you out in front of the pack. You could do some great things.] I don't know. I like what I'm doing, I guess. [Well, it's your life. Does, um, Dean?] Yeah, Dean. [Does he find trouble often?] Yeah. Yeah, Dean finds his fair share. [Hm. Well, it's a good thing he has you. His brother's keeper.] (30:32)
[Ruby: You're gonna have to do things that go against that gentle nature of yours. There'll be collateral damage, but it has to be done.] Well, I don't have to like it. [No. You wouldn't be Sam if you did.] (39:24)
Casey: You don't get it. All you gotta do is nudge humans in the right direction. Some whiskey here, a hooker there, and they'll walk right into hell with big, fat smiles on their faces. Your kind is corrupt, Dean. Weak. Our will's stronger. That's why we'll win. (23:55)
Casey: What, you think humans have an exclusive on a higher power? [Dean: You have a God?] Sure. His name's Lucifer. [You mean the Devil?] Your word, not ours. "Lucifer" actually means "light bringer." Look it up. Once he was the most beautiful of all God's angels. But God demanded that he bow down before man, and when he refused, God banished him. Tell me, Dean. How do you like bowing before lesser creatures? [Lucifer's really real?] Well, no one's actually seen him, but they say that he made us into what we are, and they say that he'll return. [Oh yeah? And, uh, you believe that?] I've got faith. [Hm.] So, you see? Is my kind really all that different than yours? [Well, except that, uh, demons are evil.] And humans are such a lovable bunch. (26:39)
Casey: [Hell] is a pit of despair. Why do you think we want to come here? (28:02)
Casey: Sam was supposed to be the grand poo-bah and lead the big army, but he hasn't exactly stepped up to the plate, has he? [Dean: Thank God for that.] Again with God. You think this is a good thing? Now you've got chaos, a war without a front, hundreds of demons all jockeying for power, all fighting for the crown, most of them gunning for your brother. (32:22)
[Sam: I don't understand, Dean, why not?] Because I said so. [We got the Colt now.] Sam— [We can summon the crossroads demon—] We're not summoning anything. [—pull the gun on her, and force her to let you out of the deal!] We don't even know if that'll work! [Well then, we'll just shoot her! If she dies, the deal goes away!] We don't know if that will work either, Sam! All you're pitching me right now are a bunch of "if's" and "maybe's," and that's not good enough! Because if we screw with this deal, you die! [And if we don't screw with it, you die!] Sam, enough! I'm not gonna have this conversation! [Why, because you said so?] Yes, because I said so! [Well, you're not Dad!] No, but I am the oldest. And I'm doing what's best. You gotta let this go, you understand me? (03:46)
[Sam: Is that what you want me to do, Dean? Just let you go?] (33:26)
[Kyle: Those were my brothers. This guy, he killed my brothers. How would you feel?] Can't imagine anything worse. (06:34)
Look, Callie is killing people. She's angry. She's desperate because nobody will listen to her. So you have to listen to her. Please. Listen to your daughter. (29:28)
[Crossroads Demon: Aren't you tired of cleaning up Dean's messes? Of dealing with that broken psyche of his? Aren't you tired of being bossed around like a snot-nosed little brother? You're stronger than Dean. You're better than him.] Watch your mouth. [Admit it—you're here going through the motions, but truth is, you'll be a tiny bit relieved when he's gone.] Shut up. [No more desperate, sloppy, needy Dean. You can finally be free.] I said, shut up. [Huh. Doth protest too much, if you ask me.] (37:15)
Somebody stole my car?! [Sam: Hey hey hey, calm down.] I am calmed down! Somebody stole my— *nearly has a heart attack* (08:15)
[Bela: He can't be saved in time, and you know it.] Yeah, well, see, we have souls, so we're gonna try. (12:39)
Hey, Bela, how did you get like this, huh? What, did Daddy not give you enough hugs or something? [Bela: I don't know. Your Daddy not give you enough? Don't you dare look down your nose at me. You're no better than I am.] We help people. [Come on. You do this out of vengeance and obsession. You're a stone's throw from being a serial killer.] (12:57)
This is an uncrashable party without Gert's invitation, so— [Sam: We can crash anything, Dean.] Yeah, I know, but this is easier and it's a lot more entertaining. (21:57)
I'm thinking. [Bela: Don't strain yourself. Interesting, how the legend is so much more than the man.] (23:12)
Screw you. [Bela: Very Oscar Wilde.] (24:32)
So ponying up ten grand is easier for you than a simple thank you? You're so damaged. [Bela: Takes one to know one.] (38:08)
Hey, listen, I've been doing some thinking. Um...I want you to know I understand why you did it. I understand why you went after the crossroads demon. You know, situation was reversed, I guess I'd have done the same thing. I mean, I'm not blind. I see what you're going through with this whole deal. Me going away and all that. But you're gonna be okay. [Sam: You think so?] Yeah, you'll keep hunting. You know, you'll live your life. You're stronger than me. You are! You are, you'll get over it. But I want you to know I'm sorry, I'm sorry for...putting you through all this, I am. (38:56)
[Sam: That's the whole problem in the first place. I don't want you to worry about me, Dean. I want you to worry about you. I want you to give a crap that you're dying.] (39:52)
[Dean: It was a stupid friggin' risk, you shouldn't have done it.] I shouldn't have done it? You're my brother. No matter what you do, I'm gonna try to save you, and I'm sure as hell not gonna apologize for it, alright? (04:32)
[Dean: Can I shoot her?] Not in public. (09:55)
[Dean: You can't save everybody, Sam.] Yeah, right. S—so, what? You feel better now or what? [No, not really.] Yeah, me neither. [You gotta under—] Just lately I feel like I can't save anybody. (16:24)
[Dean: I can't believe she got another one over on us.] You. [What?] I mean—I mean, she got one over on you, not us. [Thank you, Sam. Very helpful. (31:12)
[Dean: You're gonna be okay.] You think so? [Yeah, you'll keep hunting. You know, you'll live your life. You're stronger than me. You are! You are, you'll get over it. But I want you to know I'm sorry, I'm sorry for...putting you through all this, I am.] You know what, Dean? Go screw yourself. [What?] I don't want an apology from you. And by the way, I'm a big boy now, I can take care of myself. [Oh, well, excuse me.] So would you please quit worrying about me? I mean, that's the whole problem in the first place. I don't want you to worry about me, Dean. I want you to worry about you. I want you to give a crap that you're dying. (39:20)
[Sam: What'd you do, Bela?] Bela: You wouldn't understand. No one did. Nevermind. I'll just do what I've always done. I'll deal with it myself. [Dean: You do realize you just sold the only thing that could save your life.] I'm aware. (34:01)
[Sam: There you are!] Yeah. Sorry, I stopped for a slice. [Nice move back there, Dean, running right at the weapons.] Well, what can I say? I'm a badass. (14:02)
I want you to stay out of harm's way. I'll take care of it. [Sam: Well, Dean, you're not going by yourself. You're gonna get yourself killed!] Just another day at the office. It's a massively dangerous day at the office. [So what, you're the guy with nothing to lose now, huh? Oh, wait. Let me guess. Because uh.... It's because you're already dead, right?] If the shoe fits. [You know what, man? I'm sick and tired of your old, stupid kamikaze trip.] Whoa, whoa. Kamikaze? I'm more like a ninja. [That's not funny.] It's a little funny. [No, it's not.] What do you want me to do, Sam? Huh? Sit around all day writing sad poems about how I'm gonna die? You know what? I got one. Let's see. What rhymes with "Shut up, Sam"? [Dude. Drop the attitude, Dean. Quit turning everything into a punch line. And you know something else? Stop trying to act like you're not afraid.] I'm not. [You're lying! And you may as well drop it 'cause I can see right through you.] You got no idea what you're talking about. [Yeah, I do. You're scared, Dean. You're scared because your year is running out and you're still going to Hell and you're freaked.] And how do you know that? [Because I know you!] Really? [Yeah, because I've been following you around my entire life! I mean, I've been looking up to since I was four, Dean—studying you, trying to be just like my big brother. So yeah, I know you. Better than anyone else in the entire world. And this is exactly how you act when you're terrified. And I mean, I can't blame you. It's just....] What? [It's just, I wish you would drop the show and be my brother again, 'cause.... Just 'cause.] (28:16)
That's my job, right? Show my little brother the ropes? (39:01)
[Dean: And how do you know that?] Because I know you! [Really?] Yeah, because I've been following you around my entire life! I mean, I've been looking up to since I was four, Dean—studying you, trying to be just like my big brother. So yeah, I know you. Better than anyone else in the entire world. And this is exactly how you act when you're terrified. And I mean, I can't blame you. It's just.... [What?] It's just, I wish you would drop the show and be my brother again, 'cause.... Just 'cause. (29:17)
[Gordon: You're right. I'm a bloodthirsty killer.] Don't talk about it like you don't have a choice. [I don't.] Yes, you do, Gordon. (34:03)
Gordon: We're the same now, you and me. I know how it is, walking around with something evil inside you. It's just too bad you won't do the right thing and kill yourself. I'm gonna! As soon as I'm done with you. Two last good deeds: killing you, and killing myself. (34:56)
Santa doesn't have a brother. There is no Santa. [Sam: Yeah, I know. You're the one who told me that in the first place, remember?] (04:57)
Hey, speaking of, we should have one this year. [Sam: Have one what?] A Christmas! [No, thanks.] No, we'll get a tree, a little Boston Market—just like when we were little. [Dean, those weren't exactly Hallmark memories for me, you know?] What are you talking about? We had some great Christmases! [Whose childhood are you talking about?] Oh, come on, Sam. [No! Just...no.] Alright, Grinch. (05:43)
[Sam: I'm old enough, Dean. You can tell me the truth.] You don't wanna know the truth. Believe me. [Is that why we never talk about...Mom?] Shut up! Don't you ever talk about Mom! Ever! (07:32)
Why are you the boy that hates Christmas? [Sam: Dean—] I mean, I admit it, we had a few bumpy holidays when we were kids. [Bumpy?] That was then! We'll do it right this year. (10:24)
Remember that wreath Dad brought home thy one year? [Sam: You mean the one he stole from like, a liquor store?] Yeah, it was a bunch of empty beer cans. That thing was great. I bet if I looked around hard enough, I could probably find one just like it. (18:30)
[Sam: Alright. Dude. What's going on with you?] What? [I mean, since when are you Bing Crosby all of a sudden? Why do you want to do Christmas so bad?] Why are you so against it? I mean, were your childhood memories that traumatic? [No, that has nothing to do with it.] Then what? [I mean, I just—I don't get it. I—you haven't talked about Christmas in years.] Well, yeah? This is my last year. (18:47)
We have the coolest dad in the world. He's a superhero. [Sam: He is?] Yeah. Monsters are real. Dad fights 'em. He's fighting them right now. [But Dad said the monsters under my bed weren't real.] That's 'cause he'd already checked under there. (21:20)
[Dean: Santa doesn't have a brother. There is no Santa.] Yeah, I know. You're the one who told me that in the first place, remember? (04:57)
[Dean: Hey, speaking of, we should have one this year.] Have one what? [A Christmas!] No, thanks. [No, we'll get a tree, a little Boston Market—just like when we were little.] Dean, those weren't exactly Hallmark memories for me, you know? [What are you talking about? We had some great Christmases!] Whose childhood are you talking about? [Oh, come on, Sam.] No! Just...no. (05:43)
Alright. Dude. What's going on with you? [Dean: What?] I mean, since when are you Bing Crosby all of a sudden? Why do you want to do Christmas so bad? [Why are you so against it? I mean, were your childhood memories that traumatic?] No, that has nothing to do with it. [Then what?] I mean, I just—I don't get it. I—you haven't talked about Christmas in years. [Well, yeah? This is my last year.] I know. That's why I can't. [What do you mean?] I mean, I can't just sit around, drinking eggnog, pretending everything's okay, when I know next Christmas you'll be dead. I just can't. (18:47)
[Edward: You, mister, better show us a little respect.] Or what? You'll eat us? (29:29)
Here. Take this. [Dean: No. No, that's for Dad.] Dad lied to me. I want you to have it. [You sure?] I'm sure. (37:02)
I hate witches. They're always spewing their bodily fluids everywhere. [Sam: Pretty much.] It's creepy, you know, it's downright unsanitary! (05:05)
[Ruby: Why are you even a part of this conversation?] Oh, I don't know, maybe because he's my brother, you black-eyed skank! [Oh, right, right! And you care about your brother so much. That's why you're checking out in a few months, leaving him all alone?] Shut up. [At least let me try and save him since you won't be here to do it anymore.] I said shut up! (19:22)
It tasted like ass. (24:36)
So all of them? Every damn demon, they were all human once? [Ruby: Everyone I've ever met.] Well, they sure don't act like it. [Most of them have forgotten what it means, or even that they were. That's what happens when you go to Hell, Dean. That's what Hell is: forgetting what you are.] Philosophy lesson from a demon. I'll pass, thanks. [It's not philosophy. It's not a metaphor. There's a real fire in the pit, agonies you can't even imagine.] No, I saw Hellraiser. I get the gist. [Actually, they got that pretty close, except for all the custom leather. The answer is yes, by the way.] Sorry? [Yes, the same thing will happen to you. It might take centuries, but sooner or later, Hell will burn away your humanity. Every Hell-bound soul, everyone turns into someone else. Turns you into us, so yeah—yeah, you can count on it.] There's no way of saving me from the pit, is there? [No.] (35:42)
They need to be stopped. [Dean: Stopped like, stopped? They're human, Sam.] They're murderers. (17:49)
[Dean: Are you feeling okay?] Why are you always asking me that? [Because you're taking advice from a demon, for starters. And by the way, you seem less and less worried about offing people, you know. It used to eat you up inside.] Yeah? And what has that gotten me? [Nothing, but it's just what you're supposed to do, okay? We're supposed to drive in the freaking car and freaking argue about this stuff! You know, you go on about the sanctity of life and all that crap.] Wait, so you're mad because I'm starting to agree with you? [No, I'm not mad! I'm—I'm...I'm worried, Sam, because you're not acting like yourself.] Yeah, you're right, I'm not! I don't have a choice! (20:45)
Look, Dean, you're leaving, right? And I gotta stay here in this crap hole of a world. Alone. So the way I see it, if I'm gonna make it, if I'm gonna fight this war after you're gone, then I gotta change. [Change into what?] Into you. I got to be more like you. (21:25)
Can I get a whiskey? Double, neat. [I'm serious, Dean.] No, you're drunk. [I mean, where you're going, what you're gonna become. I can't stop it. I'm starting to think maybe even Ruby can't stop it. But really, the thing is, no one can save you.] What I've been telling you. [No, that's not what I mean. I mean, no one can save you because you don't want to be saved. I mean, how can you care so little about yourself? What's wrong with you?] (03:16)
You gotta snap out of this now. You gotta snap out of this now! You're not gonna die. I'm not gonna let you die. I'm not gonna let you die, you're like a father to me. You gotta believe me, please! [Bobby: I'm breathing?] Yes! Now take control of it! (22:30)
Great! Well, I'm just gonna go blow my brains out now! (25:59)
Well, aren't you a handsome son of a gun. [Nightmare Dean: We need to talk.] I get it, I get it. I'm my own worst nightmare. That it, huh? Kinda like the Superman III junkyard scene—a little mano y mano with myself? [Joke all you want, smartass, but you can't lie to me. I know the truth. I know how dead you are inside, how worthless you feel. I know how you look into a mirror, and hate what you see.] Sorry, pal. It's not gonna work. You're not real. [Sure I am. I'm you.] I don't think so. 'Cause see, this is my siesta. Not yours. All I gotta do is snap my fingers, and you go bye-bye. [I'm not going anywhere. Neither are you. Like I said, we need to talk.] (30:37)
[Nightmare Dean: I mean, you're going to Hell, and you won't lift a finger to stop it. Talk about low self-esteem! Then again, I guess it's not much of a life worth saving, now, is it?] Come on, Dean, come on, wake up. [I mean, after all, you've got nothing outside of Sam. You are nothing. You're as mindless and obedient as an attack dog.] That's not true. [No? What are the things that you want? What are the things that you dream? I mean, your car—that's Dad's. Your favorite leather jacket—Dad's. Your music—Dad's. Do you even have an original thought? No. No, all there is, is "Watch out for Sammy. Look after your brother, boy!" You can still hear your Dad's voice in your head, can't you? Clear as a bell.] Just shut up. [I mean, think about it. All he ever did was train you, boss you around. But Sam—Sam, he doted on. Sam, he loved.] I mean it, I'm getting angry. [Dad knew who you really were. A good soldier and nothing else. Daddy's blunt little instrument. Your own father didn't care whether you lived or died. Why should you?] Son of a bitch! My father was an obsessed bastard! All that crap he dumped on me about protecting Sam—that was his crap! He's the one who couldn't protect his family! He's the one who let Mom die! Who wasn't there for Sam! I always was! It wasn't fair! I didn't deserve what he put on me, and I don't deserve to go to Hell! (33:21)
[Nightmare Demon Dean: You can't escape me, Dean. You're gonna die. And this? This is what you're gonna become! (35:32)
The thing is...I don't want to die. I don't want to go to Hell. [Sam: Alright. Yeah. We'll find a way to save you.] Okay, good. (38:40)
[Dean: There you are. What are you doing?] Having a drink. [It's 2:00 in the afternoon. Drinking whiskey?] I drink whiskey all the time.] No you don't. [What's the big deal? You get sloppy in bars. You hit on chicks all the time. Why can't I?] It's kinda slim pickings around here. What's going on with you?] (02:50)
I tried, Dean. [Dean: To do what?] To save you. [Can I get a whiskey? Double, neat.] I'm serious, Dean. [No, you're drunk.] I mean, where you're going, what you're gonna become. I can't stop it. I'm starting to think maybe even Ruby can't stop it. But really, the thing is, no one can save you. [What I've been telling you.] No, that's not what I mean. I mean, no one can save you because you don't want to be saved. I mean, how can you care so little about yourself? What's wrong with you? (03:16)
[Dean: The thing is...I don't want to die. I don't want to go to Hell.] Alright. Yeah. We'll find a way to save you. (38:40)
Jeremy: You know what that's like? Not to be able to dream? You never rest, not really. It's like being awake for 15 years. [Sam: And let me guess. That's makes you go crazy.] I just want to be left alone. I just want to dream. (32:32)
[Sam: Twice now, I've watched you die. And I can't. I won't do it again, okay? And you're just gonna have to believe me. Please.] Alright. I still think you're nuts, but...okay. Whatever this is, we'll figure it out. (11:44)
Wait, did he.... [Sam: Yesterday, yeah.] And? [And what?] Did it look cool like in the movies? [You peed yourself.] Of course I peed myself. A man gets hit by a car, you think he has full control of his bladder? Come on! (13:05)
Twice now, I've watched you die. And I can't. I won't do it again, okay? And you're just gonna have to believe me. Please. (11:44)
[Gabriel: How long will it take you to realize you can't save your brother, no matter what?] (26:17)
[Bobby: Call me, Sam. We can find it together. No one man should take something like this on alone. You hear me?] (30:17)
[Bobby: I thought you'd back down from killing a man.] Well, you thought wrong. Leave the stuff, I'll do it myself. [I told you, I'm not gonna let you kill anyone—] It's none of your damn business what I do! (32:11)
[Gabriel: Let me tell ya. Whoever said Dean was the dysfunctional one has never seen you with a sharp object in your hands.] (34:50)
[Gabriel: Sam, there's a lesson here that I've been trying to drill into that freakish, Cro-Magnon skull of yours.] Lesson? What lesson? [This obsession to save Dean? The way you two keep sacrificing yourselves for each other? Nothing good comes out of it. Just blood and pain. Dean's your weakness. The bad guys know it, too. He's gonna be the death of you, Sam. Sometimes you just gotta let people go.] He's my brother. [Yup. And like it or not, this is what life's gonna be like without him.] Please, just.... Please. [I swear, it's like talking to a brick wall.] (35:36)
Gabriel!Bobby: You and Dean, you...you boys are the closest thing I have to family. (32:18)
[Henriksen: Sorry, Dean. Truth is, your daddy brainwashed you with all that devil talk and no doubt touched you in a bad place.] (08:20)
It's kind of wild, right? I mean, it's like they're coming right for us. They've never done that before. It's like we got a contract on us. Think it's because we're so awesome? I think it's 'cause we're so awesome. (16:37)
[Henriksen: Can you guys beat it? Can you win?] Honestly, I think the world's gonna end bloody. But it doesn't mean we shouldn't fight. We do have choices. I choose to go down swingin'. [Plus you got nothing to go home to but your brother.] Yeah. (26:00)
[Ruby: This spell is very specific. It calls for a person of virtue.] I got virtue. [Nice try. You're not a virgin.] Nobody's a virgin! No. No way. You're kidding me, r—? You're— [Nancy: What? It's a choice, okay?] Wh— S—so you've never—not even once? I mean, not even.... Wow! (29:18)
Please tell me you're not actually considering this. We're talking about holding down a girl and cutting out her heart. [Sam: And we're also talking about 30 people out there, Dean—innocent people, who are all gonna die, along with everyone in here.] It doesn't mean that we throw away the rulebook and stop acting like humans. I'm not gonna let that demon kill some nice, sweet, innocent girl who hasn't even been laid. I mean, look, if that's how you win wars, then I don't want to win. [Then what? What do we do, Dean?] I got a plan. I'm not saying it's a good one, I'm not even saying that it'll work, but it sure as hell beats killing a virgin. (31:25)
*Dean gets shot.* Alright, don't be such a wuss. (13:54)
[Dean: Who sent 'em?] [Ruby: You didn't tell Dean? Wow, I'm surprised.] [Tell me what?] [There's a big new up-and-comer. Real pied piper.] [Who is he?] [Not he. Her. Her name is Lilith.] [Lilith?] [And she really, really wants Sam's intestines on a stick. Guess she sees him as competition.] [You knew about this? Well, gee, Sam, is there anything else I should know?] (27:32)
So you're just gonna leave? [Ruby: Hey! I was gonna kill myself to help you win. I'm not gonna stand here and watch you lose. And I'm disappointed, because I tried. I really did. But clearly, I bet on the wrong horse.] (32:30)
Alright, seriously, does looking at this nightmare through that camera make you feel better or something? I mean.... [Maggie: Um, I, uh.... Well, yeah. Uh, yeah, I think so.] Oh. (19:31)
[Sam: World just isn't ready for the Ghostfacers.] That's too bad. I kind of liked the show. [Had its moments.] (40:29)
Yeah! I mean, it's bizarre how y'all are able to, uh, to honor Corbett's memory while grossly exploiting the manner of his death. Well done. [Dean: Yeah, it's a real tight rope you're walking.] (38:56)
Well, um, our experience—you know what you get when you show the world the truth? [Dean: A straitjacket. Or a punch in the face. Sometimes both.] (39:08)
Harry: Ed.... You gotta go be gay for that poor dead intern. You gotta send him into the light. (32:54)
Ed: Gay love can pierce through the veil of death and save the day. (37:15)
[Sam: So you two were talking a case?] No, we were actually talking about our feelings and then our favorite boy bands. Yeah, we're talking a case! (04:22)
What if it really is Dad? What happens if he calls back? [Sam: What do you mean?] What do I say? (15:28)
[John: Dean, how could you do it?] Do what? [Sell your soul.] I was looking after Sammy, like you told me to. [I never wanted this, never. You're my boy. I love you. I can't watch you go go Hell, Dean.] I'm sorry. I don't know how to stop it. (18:18)
The man is dead, and you're still butting heads with the guy! [Sam: That's not what this is about.] Then what is it? [The fact is, we got no hard proof here, Dean! After everything, you're still just going on blind faith!] Yeah! Well, maybe! You know, maybe that's all I got, okay? (23:16)
I wanted to believe so badly that there was a way out of this. I mean, I'm staring down the barrel at this thing. You know, Hell. For real, forever, and I'm just.... [Sam: Yeah.] I'm scared, Sam. I'm really scared. [I know.] I guess I was willing to believe anything. You know, last act of a desperate man. [There's nothing wrong with having hope, you know?] Hope doesn't get you jack squat. I can't expect Dad to show up with some miracle at the last minute. I can't expect anybody to, you know. And the only person that can get me out of this thing is me. [Sam: And me.] "And me?" [What?] Deep revelation, having a real moment here, that's what you come back with? "And me?" [Do you want a poem?] Moment's gone. (38:07)
[Dean: Wow, you know, you'd think a Stanford education and a high school hookup rate of 0.0 would produce better results than that.] Hilarious. (16:03)
There's nothing wrong with having hope, you know. [Dean: Hope doesn't get you jack squat. I can't expect Dad to show up with some miracle at the last minute. I can't expect anybody to, you know? And the only person that can get me out of this thing is me.] And me. ["And me?"] What? [Deep revelation, having a real moment here, and that's what you come back with? "And me?"] Do you want a poem? [Moment's gone.] (38:46)
[Rufus: You know, I don't even bother drinking unless it's this stuff. Nectar of the gods, I'm telling you.] Yeah, it's a nice change, you know. Most of my whiskey comes from a plastic jug. (18:08)
[Rufus: I know ain't no peashooter gonna save you.] What makes you so sure? ['Cause that's the job, kid. Even if you manage to scrape out of this one, there's just gonna be something else down the road. Folks like us, there ain't no happy ending. We all got it coming.] (19:05)
[Rufus: You do her ear?] Hey, man, I'll try anything once, but I don't know, that sounds uncomfortable. (21:24)
[Bela: You're not the cold-blooded type.] You mean like you? That's true. See, I couldn't imagine killing my own parents. (28:20)
Look, this is simple. [Sam: Simple?] To me, it is, okay? Black or white—human, not human. (36:39)
[Dean: Are you coming or not?] I'm staying here. [No, you're not. Because I'm not gonna let you wander out in the woods alone to track some organ-stealing freak.] You're not gonna let me? [No, I'm not gonna let you.] How are you gonna stop me? (15:12)
[Bobby: Ain’t you just bringing down the room?] Well, it’s a gift. [Sam: I’m sorry, so then, what are we supposed to do, Dean?] Look, just ‘cause I gotta die doesn’t mean you have to, okay? We—either we go in smart, or we don’t go in at all. (05:01)
[Sam: Then give me another option, Dean. I mean, tell me what else!] [Bobby: Sam’s right—] No! Damn it! Just no. We are not gonna make the same mistakes all over again. You guys want to save me, find something else. (05:42)
Oh, I knew you’d show up. ‘Cause I knew Sam wouldn’t listen! But you’re not gonna teach him anything. You understand me? Over my dead body. (10:29)
[Ruby: So you’re just too stupid to live, is that it? Then fine! You deserve hell! And I wish I could be there, Dean. I wish I could smell the flesh sizzle off your bones. I wish I could be there to hear you scream!] And I wish you’d shut your piehole, but we don’t always get what we want. (12:25)
Sam, we are not gonna make the same mistake all over again. [Sam: You said that, but what does that even mean?] Don’t you see a pattern here? Dad’s deal, my deal, now this? I mean, every time one of us is—is up the creek, the other is begging to sell their soul. That’s all this is, man. Ruby’s just jerking your chain down the road. You know what it’s paved with, and you know where it’s going. (13:43)
Sammy, all I’m saying is that you’re my weak spot. You are. And I’m yours. [Sam: You don’t mean that. We’re—we’re family.] I know. And those evil sons of bitches know it, too. I mean, what we’ll do for each other, you know, how far we’ll go, they’re using that against us. [So, what, we just stop looking out for each other?] No, we stop being martyrs, man. We stop spreading it for these demons. We take this knife, and we go after Lilith our way, the way Dad taught us to. And if we go down, uh…then we go down swinging. What do you think? [I think you totally should’ve been jamming “Eye of the Tiger” right there.] Oh, bite me. I totally rehearsed that speech, too. (14:39)
[Sam: You know, if this doesn’t, uh…. If this doesn’t go the way we want, I want you to know that—] No, no no no no no no. [No what?] You’re not gonna bust out the misty goodbye speech, okay? I mean, if this is my last day on Earth, I do not want it to be socially awkward. (19:54)
[Sam: I’m not gonna let you go to Hell, Dean!] Yes, you are! Yes, you are. I’m sorry. I mean, this is all my fault. I know that. But what you’re doing, it’s not gonna save me. It’s only gonna kill you. [Then what am I supposed to do?] Keep fighting. Take care of my wheels. Sam, remember what Dad taught you, okay? And remember what I taught you. (32:36)
We’re gonna get this done. I don’t care what it takes, Dean. You’re not gonna go to Hell. I’m not gonna let you. I swear. Everything’s gonna be okay. (03:21)
[Ruby: Sam, you’ve got some God-given talent. Well, not God-given, but you get the gist.] All that psychic crap? That’s gone ever since Yellow Eyes died. [Not gone. Dormant. And not just visions, either. Why do you think Lilith’s so scared of you?] Right. She’s scared of me. (09:06)
[Ruby: You don’t like being different. You hate the way Dean looks at you sometimes, like you’re some sort of sideshow freak.] (09:50)
What are you afraid’s gonna happen? This is me. I can handle it. And if it’ll save you— [Dean: Why even risk it?] Because you’re my brother. And because you did the same thing for me. [I know. And look how that turned out. All I’m saying…. Sammy, all I’m saying is that you’re my weak spot. You are. And I’m yours.] You don’t mean that. We’re—we’re family. [I know. And those evil sons of bitches know it, too. I mean, what we’ll do for each other, you know, how far we’ll go, they’re using that against us.] So, what, we just stop looking out for each other? [No, we stop being martyrs, man. We stop spreading it for these demons. We take this knife, and we go after Lilith our way, the way Dad taught us to. And if we go down, uh…then we go down swinging. What do you think?] I think you totally should’ve been jamming “Eye of the Tiger” right there. (14:11)
There’s got to be something. There’s got to be some way. What—whatever it is, I’ll do it! Don’t—Dean! I’m not gonna let you go to Hell, Dean! (32:32)
[Dean: This is about me and Sam, okay? This isn’t your fight.] Bobby: The hell it isn’t! Family don’t end with blood, boy. (18:50)
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maggyme13 · 4 years
The Alpha next door (3/?)
AN: Here is the third part. I hope it is easy to read, with all the convo in here,
So here it is! I hope you enjoy^^
Warnings: I don´t think so
Wordcount: around 2.5k
Part 2
The Alpha had left for his house soon after, but not without saving his number in her phone and checking the security of her house.
It was just afternoon the next day when she saw her car being parked in her driveway by the Alpha. A tow-truck was parked in the street.
“All good. Tires are new and I checked the whole engine.”, he rumbled handing over her keys.
“Thank you-”, she smiled, only now realizing she did not even know his name.
“Happy.”, he frowned in a way that showed he had just realized the same thing.
“I wanted to make some cake. Do you want some?”, she asked tensely. Overnight Millie had accepted her fate and planned to make the best out of her situation. First thing was to get to know the Alpha more.
“Either lemon or chocolate.”, she added.
“I take what I get.”, he answered with a smile tucking at his lips. His animal was pleased his chosen Mate wanted to care for him.
“Thank you for bringing my car over. I could have come and got it myself.”
“Had to do a test-ride either way. I will come over after work.”, he shrugged and waved goodbye.
In the end, she decided to make a chocolate cake, one of her favorites, and couldn´t resist eating a piece when it was still warm.
For dinner, she would eat leftovers from the day prior and Millie was just finished when the sound of an approaching motorcycle reached her ears.
“Here. I made a chocolate-cake. This is your half. I hope you like it.”, she smiled upon opening the door, “Do you want to come in?”
“No. Have to go back to the clubhouse. Thanks for the cake.”, and with that, he was gone again with the cake secured in one of his saddle-bags.
The night was quiet and as much as she felt refreshed, that much she felt alone. She had awoken alone.
During the day, she caught herself checking if the Alpha had returned to his house. But he would not return for another four days.
And with every passing day, she felt more and more restless.
On the fourth day, she could not think straight. Three times she had to restart the commission she was working on. During lunch, she nearly cut off her finger trying to cook.
Well, takeout it is. There is no way I will risk losing a digit over food.
Deciding to order a large pizza tonno, some salad, and garlic bread she dialed the Pizzeria and readied the table.
Leftovers would be breakfast for the next day.
Nice food´s here!
Taking the money plus tip out of her wallet, she almost danced to the door.
“Thank you, you can kee-”, she beamed, “-p the rest. ...Happy?”
There in front of her stood the Alpha next door with her order on hand and a pointy look on her face.
“You are back… P-please, come in. How have you been? Other than angry I mean.”
“Told you to call if you need anything.”, he rumbled.
“Yes. My apologies. I did not think that included takeout as well.”, the Omega mumbled immediately looking to the floor, “I won´t do it again.”
A deep sigh left his chest.
“Where do you want the food?”
“Living-room please.”, she whispered making room for him to pass, only to follow at once.
His warm scent spread through her nose, lungs, and veins, clearing her foggy head in just minutes. She felt relieved and a contempt  Purr left her chest.
A purr that did not get unnoticed by the Alpha.
“Missed me?”, he chuckled interested and Millie answered even before he had finished his question.
“Yes!”, she blushed, “I mean. It was strange. Nothing felt right. I could not think straight. Had to restart my commission three times today. Couldn´t sleep well either.”
“Mhm, sounds like with-drawl to me.”
“Maybe. Never had one.”, she mused,” But for now I am hungry. Do you want to stay and join me? I ordered enough for three days or two people.”
“Then take a seat. We can watch TV if you like. Or talk.”
“TV´s fine.”
“Alright. I have some coke, sprite, or beer.”, she offered from the kitchen.
“Thought as much. I bought a twelve-pack with different types.”, she explained offering two different bottles for him to chose. A stout and a light. He took the stout.
“Happy to hear. What do you want to watch?”
“Don´t care.”, he shrugged.
“Me neither. Comedy?”
And so they ate and watched a movie together.
In the end, Millie had leaned against his side and started to drift off into a slumber.
“You want me to leave?”, the Alpha asked when he noticed her state, even though his animal did not want to do so. Neither did he want the Omega to feel uneasy.
But it was already too late for the question, for she was already too deep in the dream world. He moved her, trying to wake her up, but nothing happened.
The next time she awoke her pillow was moving and making a sound.
Must have left the TV on.
That is not the TV
Sitting up with a start, she almost fell of the coach if it wasn´t for the Alpha´s arm around her back.
“I am sorry.”, she squeaked and he laughed.
“For someone who did not want me to let me go yesterday, you sure can´t get away fast enough today.”
His exclamation got her eyes huge in shock and cheeks red in embarrassment.
“I am so sorry. I hope I did not keep you from something important.”
“Just work.”, he grumbled, “Already took care of it.”
 “I will call them and apologize.”, she spoke already looking for her phone.
“Omega, stop.”, he growled, “I said I already took care of it! So leave it!”
His tone and the unknown situation made her freeze in submission, “I am sorry. How long was I asleep?”
“Sixteen hours.”, he mumbled, “Couldn´t wake you up. Decided to let you sleep. Looked like you needed it.”
“I- I could not sleep well the last nights. Guess you being here helped. Thank you.”
“Is fine. Tonight will be long enough.”, he hummed.
“Oh. Today is Friday, right?”
“Then I think I will head out to the supermarket. Get some chips, popcorn, some soda and maybe chocolate. I am in the mood for a long movie-night.”
Can´t sleep either way probably. 
“What movies?”
“Tolkien-verse or Harry Potter. Don´t know yet. Whatever I am in the mood in tonight for. You can join me later if you want.”
“Can´t we have guests at the clubhouse.”, he almost sighed. 
“Alright. Can I go shopping on my own or do you want to join me?”, Millie asked not wanting to go against his will, again.
“I -”, he started but was interrupted by the ringing of his phone,” -Yeah? Not your concern where I am. Took the day off. Listen Tragger… What do you want?- Fine. Be there in two hours. -then tell that Gemma as well. - I don´t care!”, he growled.
“You have to go?”
“Yes, go shopping. Call if anything happens.”, Happy ordered.
“Sure. I can keep you updated. Send you a message when I am at the market, on my way back, and home.”, Millie stated,” Do you need anything ?”
“M´fine.”, he rumbled.
“I can make you something to eat before you need to go. I can only offer you cereal and toast at the moment though.”, she offered, “And I should have some coffee as well.”
 “Thank you.”, the Alpha nodded in approval and she got up from her seat with a warm feeling, while feeling cold at the same time.
“Toast or cereal?”
“Toast´s fine.”
“Peanut-butter, cheese or sausage? Should be able to get some scrambled eggs with bacon ready as well if you like.”, she called out while leaning half into her refrigerator and squealed when he suddenly answered from right behind her.
“Coffee and toast is fine.”, he stated before laughing,” Sorry.”
“F-fine. I just did not hear you moving.”, she breathed with a hammering heart in her chest, “So coffee and toast it is.”
The man of Meyham was not happy about being forced to help prepare the clubhouse for the visiting charter. That was the prospect's and croweaters' job after all. But seeing that he had stored a few of his weapons and ´toys´ in one of the spare rooms, he cleaned that room without any fuss.
“So, where have you been this morning?”, Tragger asked with an amusing smirk,” Does not sound like you calling in work. What were you doing? Or should I ask: Who were you doing?”
“Shut it Tragger! You are too noisy for your good.”
“I say that shy neighbor of yours. The one you went over and beyond to get the car ready.”, he continued, ducking out of the way in case the other Aloha would throw the knife he held in his hands.
“I said shut it!”, Happy growled instead,” And keep it shut!”
“So I am right. You were with your Omega neighbor. Got a bit possessive over her? Hey, not the first Alpha who does. Though you might let the others know. Heard a few of the others talk about that shy Omega whose tires got sliced.
“Just telling ya. Gotta go though… Gemma asked for my help a while back and I want to piss her off as much as I want to piss off you.”
Happy was still thinking about what his brothers had just told him when his phone informed him about an incoming message.
* I am at the Store*, he read and smiled.
* Good. Be careful*, he answered.
* Sure, will do!*
The next message came nearly one and a half hours later: * On my way home now! Got you some more beer*
* Thank you.*
“Got a good message, brother?”, the Scotsman cheered beside him.
“And what if?”
“Ah, I don´t want to get on yer bad side. Ya just seem different since yer rut.”
“If you´re sure. I am fine with that. Just checking in.”
“Mrmh. Bobby in charge of the BBQ again?”, he asked instead of answering the Beta.
“Yes, Gemma prepared the meat with Tara´s help. Are you hungry?”, Chibs laughed.
“Just ask one of the girls to fix ya a sandwich. They missed ya and were pretty broken when Tig returned claiming you were in rut and did not need their help.”
Happy just shrugged hearing that. He could not care less about their hurt feelings. His animal was only interested in one female now and felt disgusted by the thought of eating something a croweater had prepared.
Their scents had turned foul in his nose since his last rut.
“maybe.”, he nodded and left for the kitchen to see if he could find something in the fridge. He was followed by his brother´s eyes who shook his head in amusement.
He knew why his brother acted that way, he had once acted like that as well.
“Mr. Happy. What can I do for you?”, Chucky asked once the former had entered the kitchen.
“Looking for food. Is there any?”
“Yes. There are some bagels left. I will prepare you some.”
Happy had just gotten handed the bagel by Chucky, when the last-most important message- arrived on his phone.
*Back home. Just putting away the groceries. And then trying to choose a movie.* 
*Let me know what you chose.*
*Why? Want to join me later? But sure. I just hope I can stay awake. *
* maybe*, he chuckled when answering her. Maybe once his brothers are dead-ass drunk, he can leave. But that would mean he had to stay sober as well. At least sober enough to ride.
The evening promised to become fun.
In the end, Millie decided to watch the Tolkien Hexalogy with fresh popcorn, soda, and self-made chocolate-covered fruits. 
 She had just finished the second Hobbit-movie and was preparing a huge portion of fries with salad when an uneasy feeling crept up her spine.
That was weird- Why am I feeling like this all of the sudden?
Unbeknownst to her did that have to do with an ego-hurt Alpha spying on her house, deciding if it was safe for him to enter.
No one had dared to deny him before and then that bitch had caused him to be dominated by another alpha. Like he was a weak Beta or even an Omega.
He knew the other Alpha had been around the house a lot, his scent lingered in the air when he had scoped it out earlier, so, smart as he was, he covered his scent with some cheap perfume. 
 He wanted revenge for the beat-up he received, though he knew he would not be able to beat the Alpha, he would be able to beat that Omega. Like that, he would get his revenge on both of them.
The Alpha had even brought a jammer to keep her from calling for aid.
Feeling the uneasiness to grow with every passing second, Millie walked around her house to see if the windows and doors were closed and locked. They were. But the feeling did not leave.
I should call Happy, right? He said to call him if something feels off. Right?
 Taking her phone, she realized immediately there was no service.
Strange! Still have a cable one in the kitchen though. Hope he still picks up though.
He indeed did after a few seconds that felt like minutes, but he did not say a word when he did.
“Happy? It´s me, Millie. I have this strange feeling and now my cell won´t work. You told me to call when something is up- I think. Sorry if I am interrupting your party”, she explained, nervously playing with the phone-cable.
“Stay in the kitchen and keep the doors locked!”, the Alpha finally answered and at once ended the call.
“Okay.”, she breathed her answer nonetheless and did what he had said.
Standing there, she waited for the rumble of a motorcycle to reach her ears, and only five minutes later the sound of several closed in.
Part 4
AN: so, what do you think? What is going to happen next?
REBLOGS and comments are appreciated:)Thank you very much.
:@jadepc@pacifyhxlsey @thankyoukarenclifford @thankyouforanonymity  @punkrockhufflefluff @scarletraine @buckycaptspideypool  @markusstraya @graveyard-groupie @markusstrayya @randomgirlkensy @the-soulofdevil@marshyrebelcloud
Alpha next door:
@wiccanmetallicrose @gloriousqueenjellyfish @peterfrauchen @anni1607
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91percentpynch · 4 years
the cut that always bleeds - kevaaron au pt 3
kejerejean stans? this one is for you. no seriously this one is out of jean‘s point of view? cuz honestly i love that hoe so much. as always get your tissues ready guys. this is actually kinda long? and a mess? and no one beta read it so if there are mistakes or it doesn‘t make sense i‘m sorry!! this is not that sad? tw: mention of murder, mention of physically hurting someone, mention of stabbing, mention of the nest, mention of trauma
check this out to find the other parts:)
Jean has always been a light sleeper. He had to be in order to survive the horrors of Evermore.
So naturally the sobs - as silent as they might have been - woke him up. His eyes opened at once, he sat straight up. Almost automatically he got to his feet and left the room to get to Kevin.
After all, comforting Kevin was like breathing to him.
Jeremy followed Jean, because he would always follow Jean. Jeremy was like a moth and Jean was the light. Wherever he went Jer would follow.
So they went to Kevin‘s room. The striker laid in his bed, curled up, phone in his hand, uncontrollable sobs escaping his mouth.
„I see you took the call this time“, Jean said, surprisingly gentle.
„I wanted to end it. I wanted to have a clear cut. So tell me, why does the cut still bleed?“, Kevin whispered, his voice barely audible.
„Because it‘s a cut that always bleeds“, Jeremy told Kevin as he came closer, carefully and ever so gentle placing his hands on the other boy‘s back.
„He said he wants me to come back to him“, Kevin whispered while holding onto himself as if to try to stop himself from falling apart. „He told me he misses me. That he only gets high when he misses me“
It was quiet in the dark room, shadows were dancing, just as Aaron and Kevin used to dance in the dead of night underneath the night sky.
„You did the right thing Kev“, Jean replied in French while he got into the Bed behind Kevin. Just like they used to do in the Nest.
When Kevin was in his arms he began to hum a French lullaby into his ear.
Jeremy joined them after a second of admiring his beautiful boyfriend and the broken boy in his arms.
„Dude, do you want something? Hot coca? A special Knoxian hug? Us to get Andrew to gut that bastard? Wait, hold on. I forgot. Twin brother. Well, I can gut him for you? Andrew and this is a word by word quote told be once ‚You‘re like a little unicorn in a world full of wolfs with razor sharp teeths, learn to gut the wolfs, stay safe‘, so he taught me how to stab someone? Yeah okay that is not the topic right now, I can still gut Aaron though. I mean Andrew would try to hurt me, but then again I‘m his best friend so he does not have the rights to gut me, right?“, Jeremy offered him a toothy grin, while his hand wandred to his neck rubbing it nervously.
„Can you please not gut him? First of all: Andrew already tried to choke me once when Josten was in danger and I told them where he was, cause apparently yOu DoN‘t KeEp ThOsE tHiNgS tO yOuRsElF yOu FuCkInG mOrOn. I think you do keep those things to yourself if the other option is to get fucking murdered by the mafia??? But what do I know, am I right? After all I‘m just a narcistic, Exy-obsessed asshole without a personality. Bonus I have anxiety, panic attacks, probably depression and I‘m unlovable“, Kevin mumbled into his pillow, the voices of the other foxes, of the other teams inside of his head.
„Did they tell you that?“, Jeremy asked, not quite able to hide the sadness and pain in his voice.
„Doesn‘t eveyone think that?“, Kevin asked. „I mean I think they tend to forget that the woman who gave birth to me, the last woman who geniuely loved me besides maybe Abby, invented the job. I think they tend to forget that the fucking mafia killed her when they found out I‘m not theirs by nature, so the only solution was apparently fucking murder. Then they kidnapped me, brainwashed and tortured me to the point where all I knew was Exy. Oh and maybe they also tend to forget that Ravens were only ever allowed to do Exy, if you were privilegded enough sleep, and do more Exy“
„Kevin you are so much more than that“, Jean whispered into Kevin‘s ear while pressing him against his chest. Just as they used to do in the Nest. „I might be mad at you, because you left me alone with those psychopaths. I used to think you didn‘t care about me. But you were just like me, okay with less scars and less you know. However I cannot say I wouldn‘t have done the same. I understand you now, Kevin. And please, please stop saying those things. And now let us cuddle you and let Jer go through his ridiculous post break-up list. We‘re gonna cuddle you and all you have to do is trying to fall asleep. Used to help me when I was alone at USC. Could only sleep properly when someone held me. Well, Jeremy. Tomorrow we‘ll shove unhealthy food down your throat and watch Downton Abbey or whatever those historcial dramas you love so much are called. While stroking your hand or whatever you‘re into big boy. Afterwards we‘ll take the dogs out and force you to watch the fucking sunset. And I‘ll hold your fucking hand“
Kevin supposed the middle of the night was the time of long lost truths. „Okay“, he mumbled while he moved closer to Jean. Replacing his smell with Jean‘s. It took him a while to fall asleep but he managed.
At the same time Jeremy said „Mi amor, I love you, I really do, but that was literally the most romantic thing you said in the past two years? That is way more romantic than ANY date you ever planned for me? Rude? The audacity?“
„Moi soleil, you don‘t have the ‚cult kidnapped me and tortured me‘ card you can pull, you get the bonus treatmeant of any other people. Besides I literally have matching tattoos with you? I drew you like multiply times? I wrote like a dozen poems and at LEAST one short story? I wrote you a fucking lullaby? You have no right to complain right now, or you‘ll loose your kissing privileges and I give them to Kevin“
„Eww gross“, Kevin mumbled.
„I don‘t remeber you saying that back in the Nest“, Jean replied, poking his cheek.
Kevin didn‘t have the energy to answer. It was a long day. Sleep could have him for the day. Death’s little sister might claim him for the night.
This night he dreamed about Aaron. Strong arms around his waist. Golden eyes locking with smaragd ones. They were on some lonely beach, kissing lazily while the water kissed their feet. It was a beautiful day. Not as beautiful as Aaron, but then again nothing would ever be as beautiful as this specific piece of art. Everything was alright. Everything was good. Why couldn‘t it be the real Aaron and the real Kevin on that beach.
At about noon Kevin woke up to a drooling Jeremy on his stomach and the smell of waffles and soft French swearing in the kitchen. Softly Kevin woke Jeremy up.
„Sorry I always end up on weird angles and drooling on random guys. Jean used to get so mad when I fell asleep in his lap. But you can‘t take him serious when he looks with you with heart eyes trying to be Mad, can you? Anyways we should probably go to him and help him? Oh wait hold on a hot second there. I‘m banned from the kitche, so we can sleep? Right? Right?“
„I hate to break this to you Jer, but it‘s noon. So, no we cannot sleep. You can choose my clothes, though. I know you love going through my stuff and playing dress the doll, Kevin Day edition“, Kevin almost smiled at Jeremy, when he looked up at him pouting.
Then he remembered another blonde boy, pouting at him when he told him no. Another constellation of freckles around another, straight, perfect nose. Sinful lips softly turned up, trying to look mad. Hazel eyes instead of ocean blue ones. Messy blonde curles, instead of soft badly dyed ginger ones. Strong arms instead of lean ones covered in flower tattoos. God, Kevin missed his Aaron.
No, not his. Not anymore
„Okay, but you have to wear to fab outfit I‘ll throw in your face“, Jeremy gave him another easy, toothy grin.
Slowly the other boy got out of bed and went over to the cabet. Slowly Jer went through Kevin‘s cloths. After a while he slowly turned around, holding a jersey that is obviously by far too small for Kevin in front of his face. „What is that? Why do you still have his jersey? Babe, you gotta get rid of that, rather sooner than later“
Jeremy had the weird habit of calling his friends babe, baby, dude or bro. Before Jean he called his boyfriends bro or dude as well, but Jean was so confused by it he quickly stopped doing it.
„First of all: I‘m a weak ass bitch, it smelled of it. And secondly maybe I wanna stab it once I‘m over the phase where I‘m like madly missing him?. I‘d just put it into a pillow, stab at it like a maniac and then set it on fire. I didn‘t grow up with a psychopath as my supposed best friend for nothing Jer“
„Okay? Well I got your clothes. And you‘ll look amazing, cause it‘s the FOX ONSIE I GOT YOU!!! I‘ll wear my onsie as well, and I‘ll force Jean to wear his one as well!! Much fun!! Much wholesome!!“
So that‘s how Kevin Day, queen of Exy, landed sandwiched between his childhood crush and long life crush on their couch, watching Downton Abbey with a plate of waffles on his lap. This was nice. He might had actually enjoyed it, if this wasn‘t his and Aaron‘s show. They used to watch it, cry over it together, make out while watching it.
Thank God didn‘t actually touch him while watching Downton Abbey, he was good at daydreaming. Kevin would just had preteneded that it was Aaron and he thought him breathing Aaron‘s name was the last thing any of them needed today.
After their Downton Abbey marathon they ordered pizza, against Kevin‘s better judgement. Another traditon Kevin shared with Aaron. At finals Aaron would often forget to eat and Kevin was too big of a mess to be bothered to cook so he would end up ordering something every single day and feeding it Aaron while he studied on the floor. Occasionally he would earn a soft kiss, growing hungrier when the night grew darker. God Kevin missed the soft lips on his own.
Kevin would have enjoyed the beach, wouldn‘t he be dressed in a fox onsie, holding hands with a 6“5 guy who looked like he both could and would kill you in a unicorn onsie holding two tiny dogs in his other hand and with a 5“4 dude in a matching unicorn onsie with two dogs that were almost bigger than him.
At least this didn‘t remind him on Aaron.
Well, actually. The way the ocean softly kissed the sand, reminded him of his dream. And of the endless trips to the beach, sleeping in the car, Aaron on top of him. Lazy kisses and warm hugs. It was the first place Aaron took Kevin after their rehab. It was the first night they spent together, as sober men. Well, not sober per se. But drunk and high on each others love. It might had been the most painful memory of the day. God he missed those strong arms around his waist.
Nontheless the pain got less, he felt almost numb. Kevin liked feeling numb. Nothing hurt when you feel numb.
The sunset was beautiful. It reminded him of golden hairs, freckles standing against golden skin, soft lips at his ears, his neck, the corner of his lips.
„Aaron you‘re supposed to look at the sunset, you shithead“, Kevin used to smile down at him. „But I‘m already looking at the most beautfiul thing this world has to offer“, Aaron replied smoothly, locking eyes with Kevin.
When the moon took the place of his long lost lover they decided to go back.
It was safe to say that no one dared to think that someone would wait for them there. Especially not the one person they tried to avoid by all means the entire day.
„You said to stop calling. Never mentioned face to face conversations“, a husky voice said. And Kevin‘s world stopped.
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