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bearholdingashark · 8 months ago
Time Present and Time Past (Rare As A Glimmer Of A Comet In The Sky) Ch. 9
[A time travel Ludarklina fix-it by @midwinterspringwrites and me]
Rated E for smut.
A confrontation and a resolution.
Moodboard by @midwinterspringwrites
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politicalmamaduck · 1 year ago
WIP tag meme
I was tagged by the lovely @midwinterspringwrites, thank you so much!
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I'm going to break this up into original works and fanfic for just the things I've worked on this calendar year:
Original works:
an ember and the ells
inklings challenge 2023
Between Stars and Sky
not Reylo book
Midnight in the Undead City
hope and despair
dragon book
evil queen retelling
thy will be done
am I not here? I, who am your mother?
I shall tag, and anyone please feel welcome to play along: @bonnetsed, @eachlittlebird, @america-oreosandkitkats, @the-reylo-void, @apisa-b, @southsidestory!
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redbelles · 1 year ago
Hello! 7 and 8 for the fic ask game, please!
7. any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of?
the star wars trilogies all have very different attitudes toward the force when you really dig into it, and i'm deeply proud of the work i did to stitch those attitudes together into something resembling a coherent whole for build a ladder to the stars
also, proud of myself for making uh,,,,, literally any of the "five lives robert baratheon never lived" in the clouds will form a crown even somewhat plausible
8. what song would make a great fic (to either write or read)?
anyone who's taken a look at my AO3 can see i'm a sucker for hozier songs, and i've been lucky enough to receive some hozier-inspired fics (!!!), but i also froth at the mouth about bruce springsteen, so i'm going to say backstreets or this particular version of racing in the street. i'll cut myself off there because honestly i have way too many feelings about springsteen songs. it's fine, i'm fine, we're all fine here, thank you—
send me some fic asks!
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van1lla-v1lla1n · 1 year ago
So, femme hiker/gargoyle? I'm intrigued!
ask re: this ask game
yes!!! this is from some historically flavored monsterfuckery stories i've been working on (no idea what i'll do with them since they're not fic but i've decided i'll figure that out later).
the protagonist of this one is a young woman who's reluctantly entering ~spinsterhood~ while stuck on the family estate with her unsettlingly watchful mother. (i'd originally conceptualized this story in a more modern setting but historical felt juicier when i started drafting.)
here's an excerpt:
Marta had not yet found the distance into the woods at which she could scream and no one back at the house could hear her.
One would think in all this land, in a house the size of theirs, one might somewhere find some semblance of privacy.
Marta could select a book from the library in the house’s west wing and her mother could appear hours later in another hall and ask her why she’d chosen it. Was there something on her mind that beckoned that book to her, something Mother ought to know about?
After nights when Marta was plagued with dreams she would not later remember, her mother—whose bedroom was six doors down—would ask her at breakfast why she had slept so fitfully, tossing and turning so. Would she like a sleeping draught the next night to calm her?
When Marta returned from her constitutional each afternoon, her mother would frown frightfully, her eyebrows tilting at an angle befitting the most melodramatic theatrical mask. “It’s so frightening for you out there, my sweet. Every day you scream. Why do you insist on going?”
“Only a snake, Mother,” she would say, though the thing that frightened her most, the thing that made her scream loudest, was her mother’s omnipresence. The only knowledge Marta had held safe and secret from Mother was her gnawing rage—and even that she feared her mother saw in glimpses. Sometimes a mirroring petty hatred would rear itself in her mother’s hackles when Marta disobeyed her, and Marta was always ill at ease anticipating a conflagration that never quite caught.
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ncarnesir · 2 months ago
Secret Love Song
This is a very self indulgent piece i wrote as a gift to @midwinterspringwrites for the Discord event of Secret Sankta 2024.
I'm not really the kind to write no power AU, but I followed the muse and that's where it leads. It's probably the fluffiest thing I ever wrote.
For a change, Alina is the one who's a total simp for Aleksander in this story 🤭, but he quickly catches up don't worry!
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Art on the moodboard is from Lucife56
Chapters: 10/10
Fandom: Shadow and Bone (TV), The Grisha Trilogy - Leigh Bardugo
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: The Darkling | Aleksander Morozova/Alina Starkov, David Kostyk/Genya Safin
Characters: The Darkling | Aleksander Morozova, Alina Starkov, Ilya Morozova, Mal Oretsev, David Kostyk, Genya Safin, Original Children of The Darkling | Luda, Nikolai Lantsov, General Zlatan (Shadow and Bone TV)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Alternate Universe - Arranged Marriage, Shu Princess Alina Starkov, Half-Shu Alina Starkov, Prince Mal Oretsev, Prince The Darkling | Aleksander Morozova, Tsar Ilya Morozova, Alina Starkov Loves The Darkling | Aleksander Morozova, Widowed The Darkling | Aleksander Morozova, Soft The Darkling | Aleksander Morozova, Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Age Difference, Competence Kink, Self-Indulgent, Bit of meh politics, Arranged Marriage, Waltzing, horse riding, Mal Oretsev Being an Asshole, extremely cute toddler, Mention of Luda dying during childbirth, kind of Lizard brain Alina Starkov, David and Genya being cute as a side piece, David is Alina's cousin
Series: Part 6 of DDS Events 2024
Alina Kir-Taban Starkov is the only niece of the Shu Han Empress and is betrothed to Tsar Ilya Morozova's grandson and heir apparent as a condition of an alliance treaty between the two countries. But truth be told, Alina has forever been besotted to another Ravkan Prince after meeting him as a young girl. And all she dreams of now is for the chance to see him again, even if she has to get married to achieve that.
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darklinaserver · 1 year ago
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Secret Sankta Countdown: Day 5
Of Clockwork and Sunlight, or Aleksander Morozova's Surprise Encounter by @midwinterspringwrites
“Of Clockwork and Sunlight, or Aleksander Morozova’s Surprise Encounter” by midwinterspring is an entry from last year that serves steampunk AU vibes in a Ravka that is Victorian inspired, with Grisha powers and a Grisha-run country. 
So when Aleksander, grandson of tsar Ilya, needs his camera repaired, he stumbles upon the Starkov’s shop and hopes to be helped. And here he not only discovers that they can indeed help him, but also something more than he expected!
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ludarklina-fan-spot · 1 year ago
Because Lucy griffiths is gigging at The Hotel Cafe again my Lusander brain is going a bit cray, cray.
What a band this would be @midwinterspringwrites & @bearholdingashark
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Jessie gif by @ladylrbloom
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andrinanightshade1 · 1 year ago
Writing Patterns
Thanks to @midwinterspringwrites for the tag :)
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted/updated) fics and see if there’s a pattern!
Come on sweetheart - it's past your bedtime.
The Christmas tree lights blinked in the corner, catching the glitter on the baubles sagging on the branches. 
In Boone, Mellie Logan was always the first to hear any gossip.
Rey and her armful of lab books clatter to the ground as another body slams into her. 
His bed was suddenly too large, too empty. 
Today, the calendar mocks him—promising him a day wrought with fading hope and piercing agony.
“Rey…” he chokes on my name. 
Rose-scented steam fills Rey’s lungs as she strips her gown. 
Cold, sharp air fills Rey’s lungs— strangely frigid for May.
Sadie was the first one to spot her—leaning over the railings of the old paddle steamer and squealing excitedly.
Hmmm, looks like I enjoy an em dash!
Tagging anyone else who wants to play :)
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Me actually doing a tag game??? I love them but I always forget. Thanks for the tag!
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No pressure tags: @politicalmamaduck @midwinterspringwrites @andrinanightshade1
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This says so much about me and idk if any of it is good 😅
Tagging @elizaviento @aveimperator40k @callivich @thewayofthetrashcompactor @flowerslut
Blank board below cut!
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bearholdingashark · 9 months ago
Time Present and Time Past (Rare As The Glimmer Of A Comet In The Sky) Ch. 5
[A time travel Ludarklina fix-it by @midwinterspringwrites and me]
Rated E for eventual smut.
Moodboard by @midwinterspringwrites.
Read on AO3.
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politicalmamaduck · 1 year ago
Hello! I'm curious about your "not Reylo book" WIP.
Dear @midwinterspringwrites,
Thank you so very much for the ask and for tagging me in the WIP tag game in the first place!
@apisa-b asked about my Not Reylo book as well!
I haven't written very much yet--just over 1200 words--but here's a snippet:
Her dreams did not haunt her with the valiant dead, those she killed and those she lost. No, her dreams haunted her with something with which she had much less practice, and therefore was harder to ignore.  A dark haired man entwined with her in her bed. She was on fire, but it was not the fire of battle frenzy. It was the fire of being desperate for more. More touches, more kisses, more friction. She moaned rather than screamed as his fingers teased her, entered her. His tongue licked away the sweat from her throat before he whispered “You’re mine, Princess,” into her ear.
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goatsandgangsters · 1 year ago
WIP Tag Game
tagged by @midwinterspringwrites and @bearholdingashark 💜 Thank you for tagging me! Tbh this is one of my favorite writing memes, so I’m always in the mood! 
I’m starting to pull myself out of the writing slump that I’ve been in since this summer. Between moving, unpacking, mentally adjusting to Newness, and my job being shitty, my creative brain juices have been… minimal. BUT I started three entire new fics this week, so I think my staycation helped! 
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
additional rule I add for myself: I only include docs I've edited sometime in the last year. bc I have way more WIPs than this, but this keeps things more present/less unruly.
down bad for dominikolai
amnesia au
yurkling lol
dominikolai ep 6 hurtcomfort
sun summoner nikolai 
the gangster au I'm not writing but could as a flex
handcuff lessons
succession theme intensifies 
that kazolai I owe kara 
S&S Waltz
Maud Blyth, Terror
roleplay but they're bad at it
christmas fic 
ghost elsie chats 
more ghost elsie feelings why not
Tagging: @meyerlansky, @mercutiotakethewheel, @esssteee, @zizygy, @itsnotunfinisheditsmystyle, @hosseinis, @chaotic-tired-bastard, @malewife-darkling (and if anyone else is a fan of this meme, consider this an open invite!)
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van1lla-v1lla1n · 1 year ago
WIP Tag Game
tagged by @etoilesombre
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
max/anne hurt/comfort
jopson/irving 50s office au
hartnell/tozer but it's hartcroft (one-sided)
hickey/goodsir alaska naturalist au
westward trail
femme hiker/gargoyle
tagging @midwinterspringwrites @unnecessaryligatures @jopzer @ferylcheryl @ivorycloudscape @fireferns @snippedhazard (slash whoever wants to do this!)
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bearholdingashark · 10 months ago
Time Present and Time Past (Rare As The Glimmer Of A Comet In The Sky) Ch. 4
[A time travel Ludarklina fix-it by @midwinterspringwrites and me]
Rated E for eventual smut.
Moodboard by @midwinterspringwrites.
Read on AO3.
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bearholdingashark · 10 months ago
Out of Context WIPs
I was tagged by @goatsandgangsters and thank you for that because this is such a fun idea!
RULES: summarise your WIPs badly and let people vote on they'd most like to read! (No min number of WIPs, I'm doing this many because I have too many ideas and tumblr wouldn't let me do any more choices 😅)
(Not an official rule, but stealing from @goatsandgangsters: I'll do a sprinto for the winning fic!)
I tag @midwinterspringwrites @scrapbirdy @fiora-miriel @eighteenqs @ahopelessromanticwritersworld (but only if you want to!) and anyone else who wants to!! (and tag me if you make posts because I wanna see what your options are and vote!)
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bearholdingashark · 9 months ago
Time Present and Time Past (Rare As The Glimmer Of A Comet In The Sky) Ch. 7
[A time travel Ludarklina fix-it by @midwinterspringwrites and me]
Rated E for smut.
Moodboard by @midwinterspringwrites.
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