do you have any major ninjago fandom pet peeves? or am i just being overly weird for having some?
No youre not weird I have many too lol
- designs for the main ninja where they're all either white or pale. Its sort of sus to me when people make kai tan(ish) but not nya. Like, why? (<- the answer is colorism. Obviously the prettly girl is pale but the angry guy is tan(ish) ). Also hate when the only tan or darkskinned one is Cole (and hes usually sort of grey).
- 'girlboss' nya where shes dumbed down to 'strong woman character' which is a thiny vieled 'shes the mom of the group' fanonization ngl. Nya is strong and capable, angry and opinionated but none of that is actually captured in the baseless trope applied to her. I see it a lot in fanon Jaya and it bugs the shit out of me.
- misako slander/hate, its literally just misogny. Barely anyone talks about Garmadon the same way.
- lava shippers who feel the need to bring up lava on geode posts. Or lava shippers who hate on geode or geo in general I find incredibly annoying. Another thing is when some of them act like lava was Ever gonna be canon like. Broski, when and where did you find evidence of that?
- fanon jay like. Entirely.
- on a similar note, fanon bruise. I hate haaate the yaoi-topification of Cole lol. I find bruise's dynamic, both platonic or romantic, fancinating and its frustrating to see them so dumbed down.
- big hater of the idea that Jay has to short or cole has to be tall or this or that.
- wu haters die by my blade. Wu's tries so fucking hard and is flawed but apparently people can't view a character in full. Whatever.
- I incredibly dislike woobified morro. Espicially when people make his actions seem less bad or less his choice in a mock way to make him seem more "redeemable." I find it funny that people can't seem to accept that their fav is a bad person and/or did bad things. Recongizing that doesn't make him any less "worthy" of redemption. That's not really how redemption works, at least in my mind.
Ok thats all I can think of rn so hating session over
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irl-morros-account · 10 months
yknow, i sometimes wonder what wouldve happened if instead of lloyd you were the green ninja
Oh, trust me, so did I.
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okami-okamiden · 1 year
Long time no see. This feels rather awkward but I'll occasionally still post anything Ōkami/Ōkamiden related that I'll make. On my main @midnightwolf96 I've posted 2 Ninjago fanarts recently and debated moving all content from here to there as well but, for now, I'll keep these wolf gods on their own blog. Ninjago has become another big comfort for me recently which is why it got me into rethinking this blog. I won't post daily anymore but I still see any and all notifications for it and it warms my heart :] here's Ammy traced from a photograph I took a while ago when visiting a place that had wolves near where I live
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She is angry, where did her son disappear to??
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emerald-cloud23 · 2 months
Admin Introduction / Pinned Post
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This is a LEGO sideblog, my main blog (from which asks & likes will come) is @midnightwolf96
Call me Emerald or Hora → Not giving out my real name
Pronouns are he/they/it
I identify as transmasc/agender & asexual
I'm older than 20 (can't believe it myself) but younger than 25
My favorite ninja are Cole, Lloyd (comfort character) & Kai (who I've dubbed 'Mineral Brothers'), though I also like Morro loads as well as Pixal as Samurai X, Akita is my favorite side character and Sora is my favorite from the new ninja
I've seen Ninjago (Pilots→DR s2pt1 + dotd & tlnm), Dreamzzz & Monkie Kid but no other Lego show as of now
My favorite ships are (in no particular order): Holly (Lloyd x Akita), Lava (Kai x Cole) & Sandstorm (Morro x Cole). I also sometimes like to look at other ships, mainly Gemstone (Plundar x Cole), Destiny (Kai x Morro) & Samurai (Pixal x Nya) but I'm not nearly as interested in them as the other 3. I'm not that serious about shipping tbh
I didn't tag everything upon originally rb'ing/posting so I'll be slowly going through my blog to tag everything with the separate characters, ships and other necessary tags for blog organizational purposes
Tags I use:
Art: #emeralds ninja art (ninjago only)
Favorite artist rb's: #emeralds fave artist rb tag!
Writing: #emeralds writing
Answered asks: #food for asks
Questions or thoughts I have about things: #useless ramble
Screenshots I collect of Cole, Lloyd & Kai together: #mineral brothers
AUs & Fanfics:
Deathbringers (wip, currently writing & designing everything)
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Please do not talk to me about Harumi. She makes my skin crawl. :] Also, stay away from me if you genuinely ship her with Lloyd. Thanks. :))
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This should be everything. If anything is left unanswered don't be afraid of sending an ask or message to me.
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most sane person about cole ninjago, morro ninjago & sandstorm in this fandom
anyways, do you have clear refs of pony cole/morro for no specific reason?👀 i may have lost your pony art of them in my 4k+ album in my phone and i hate digging through it-
Im completely sane. What do you Mean.
Also yes i do!!!
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My ponies <3
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favorite realm & favorite serpentine for the ask thing!! idk im too stupid to find the emojis rn
ah dont worry!! My favorite realm ....I haven't really thought about it. The departed realm maybe, just because it's such a open sandbox that I can fuck around with lol. As for my favorite serpentine? Skales or Aspheera.
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these two images from the nagazine i got yesterday gave me nightmares when i went to bed so now im torturing more people with them. i hope you appreciate.. llama cole? or whatever 👍
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absolutelynotsanebaby · 2 months
mr party pooper (cole) for the ask game! teehee✨
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I got a cole one already but I figured I'd a ghost cole version. Its all the same but the marks are little "^^' ghosties instead <3
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absolutelynotsanebaby · 3 months
i hope you like scheduled reblogs that happen in 5 minute intervals and take multiple hours <3 because you're the next person in my 'fave artist rb tag' spam
MAKAANAKQOQOQM AKAN i do NOT mind i will be waiting with apperciation :)!
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absolutelynotsanebaby · 2 months
oh my god why did you name cole lilou in your villain au. is it bc of his parents' names? lily + lou = lilou.. idk if u mentioned this somewhere before, i just woke up at 4am because i had a cat foot pressing into my left hand with all her might for the past 15 minutes
I did!!!! Li(lly)lou!!! he chose it himself, too.
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went into the sandstorm tag to see the most popular stuff and the first thing i saw was one of your posts with 666 notes,,
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cursed ghost love brings cursed number
Omg thats funny whwhjwjwkwkww
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absolutelynotsanebaby · 2 months
is it allowed to use your art for spotify playlist covers?👉👈 i don't necessarily have a sandstorm playlist or any songs that fit the two of them but. there's one sandstorm drawing from you that i am just. severely ill about. i usually have all my playlists privated so no one but me would see..👉👈
Yes!! Go ahead!!!
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absolutelynotsanebaby · 3 months
umm. why does cole give off pookie vibes (especially the teeny tiny one you draw sometimes!! plushie sized. *puts him in pocket*)
Nzkakalakamqkakak hes so bite-sized, itty bitty even
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absolutelynotsanebaby · 3 months
do you (kind of) see yourself in any specific character(s)?
Well, obviously i see myself in cole if you couldnt tell ajalaklalaoaoak. I also feel this way about nya, shes very relateble. Im trying to think of nom-ninjago charas but nothings coming to mind spefically
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absolutelynotsanebaby · 2 months
my tumblr enjoys showing me ur blog with 1 of 2 different profile pics anytime i see smth from u
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KAKABWOWN im a shape shifter. Im shape shifting. Youll never know what to expect
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ask game !!!
💥- I already answered this one and said the bruise fight ToE and the fight between Cole and vangelis but...what's another. um. SEABOUND that was cool as shit.
👨‍🌾- favorite side character.... hm I think villain's qualify in a different category so maybe Vania or Ronin.
⛩️- I love a LOT of the locations in ninjago I'm not sure I could name just one! I really like the forest Zane was from, I like snowy settings. Yang's temple is another fav. Shintaro is so cool. The original monastery <3
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