#midnight cacao cookie
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...I don't want to see another Dark Cacao sprite for a bit. I think I might get angry.
Midnight Cacao Cookie, AKA Dark Cacao has been completed! And he was... An experience. If I consider Baneberry my golden child, Midnight is my problem child. I changed his design around so much before settling on this one, and I'm just glad he's DONE.
Transparent and sprite without fade effect below! No alt. dough color this time.
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jess-cookierun-art · 1 year
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I like this sketch so much that I’m scared that finishing it will ruin it so consider this finished
Also I can stop thinking about these two
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cuppajj · 1 month
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i like to imagine this is what every neo beast meeting is like, and the middle dude would def be fc on the rare occasion he showed up
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multifandomshell · 3 months
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Happy international Father's day.
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kittydoesthings · 25 days
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the cookie brainrot is strong. felt an urge to doodle and chose @cuppajj BAAU for my muse
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followerex · 4 months
Beast Ancients Calling Cards
Celestial Cheese Cookie Calling Card
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To Celestial Cheese Cookie, the Burning Beast of Conquest, the tyrannical sinner of Pride and Greed,
You who lost your kingdom to the destruction of the Dark Flour War, your pain does not excuse your actions.
The lives you have reduced to gold are proof of your evil actions. You were once a hero, but now you have fallen to madness. No more.
We will take your distorted desires without fail.
The Phantom Thieves of Hearts.
Dragonberry Cookie Calling Card
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To Dragonberry Cookie, the Bloodied Beast of Pride, the controlling sinner of arrogance.
You who seek to clad yourself in dragonscale no matter the cost, who have turned the Hollyberry Kingdom to a tool of your ambitions, abandoned by those who saw what you were becoming.
Though you claim to care, you seek only to control and grow in strength. You were once a hero, but those days have passed. No more.
We will take your distorted desires without fail.
The Phantom Thieves of Hearts.
Frigid Cacao Cookie Calling Card
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To Frigid Cacao Cookie, the Hollow Beast of Solitude, the quiet sinner of Sloth.
You who have turned your kingdom into an icy wasteland empty of almost all life, having once sought to protect it from the dangers of the Licorice Sea.
Your frozen heart has led to you secluding yourself from those who once followed you with true loyalty. You were once a hero, but you succumbed to darkness. No more.
We will take your distorted desires without fail.
The Phantom Thieves of Hearts.
Midnight Lily Cookie Calling Card
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To Midnight Lily Cookie, the Unseelie Beast of Sovereignty, the fae sinner of Pride and Sloth.
You have taken a kingdom of light and order and turned it into a tool for your iron-fisted reign. The kingdom you were entrusted with, to protect Earthbread.
Elder Faerie would be disappointed. You were once a hero, but you fell to malice, just differently from your other half. No more.
We will take your distorted desires without fail.
The Phantom Thieves of Hearts.
Saint Vanilla Cookie Calling Card
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To Saint Vanilla Cookie, the Tearful Beast of Penance, the ashen sinner of Pride and Delusion.
You claim to save the souls of those you cleanse, but the truth is clear to us. You are killing them, false deity, reducing them to nothing but dust on the wind.
You tell yourself you are purifying them to hide from your sin and the destruction you preach, yet all you do is lie to yourself. You were once a hero, but your mind has been warped by a corrupt light. No more.
We will take your distorted desires without fail.
The Phantom Thieves of Hearts.
Images from @sunseed-fandump, the idea of Beast Ancients from @cuppajj.
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quibbs126 · 5 days
[NEW Cursed Rarepair is here]
Can you make the fankid of..
Dark Cacao x Moonlight?
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I finally got off my ass and drew him, so finally, this is Midnight Choco Cookie
I say all that because I have had his backstory figured out for probably over a year at this point, I just never got around to drawing his design
Okay, so basically the story of Midnight Choco’s origin is that Dark Cacao Cookie had wished for a child (MC is supposed to be older than Dark Choco, so Cacao doesn’t have a kid yet at this point). Moonlight heard his wish, and felt moved by his sincerity, so she decided to grant that wish and then created and sent Midnight Choco down to him from the stars
Moonlight and Dark Cacao aren’t together in this universe, it’s just that due to making Midnight with her magic, he’s also got some of her dough in there too. She’s basically more like a magic donor
Midnight Choco here is a warrior in the World of Dreams, and he spends his days battling nightmares, whether they come to harm train passengers or the individual Cookies having those dreams. And in the latter case, he usually tries to talk with and help those Cookies overcome those fears. He’s basically like Princess Luna in Friendship is Magic
He’s got some sort of helmet and also moniker for his nightmare fighting talents, but I haven’t really figured out what those are yet, so just know he has them. He’s incredibly powerful and a skilled fighter, but he’s also a very kind and sweet soul, just wanting to help those with the power he wields
However, not all is well with Midnight Choco. As far as he’s aware, he’s merely a construction of the Dream World to protect itself, like many others that inhabit and maintain it. He never leaves the Dream World. Not only that, but he has no real memory of having any sort of family. He feels some form of connection with the Slumbering Moon, but has never quite traveled to meet her
The truth of Midnight Choco is that he has in fact, been in a coma for the past 25-30 years of his life, slumbering within the walls of the Black Citadel
He grew up with his father, being raised in the Black Citadel and learning the ways of the sword from him. His extraordinary origins and seeming connection with the stars also led to him having quite an amount of stories surrounding him, being “the prince born from the stars, gifted to the king from the heavens itself”, among other things
When he was a teenager, Dark Choco was baked, and he got along pretty well with his little brother, for what time they had together
But then a couple years later, one night, Midnight Choco went to sleep, but never woke up. That following day it was assumed he had simply overslept, but as the day, and inevitably following days went on, it became increasingly concerning. He was still alive, and seemingly fine, but he wouldn’t wake up. Dark Cacao tried methods both physical and magical, but nothing could be done. The circumstances were made even more confusing by the fact that no one knew what caused it, because there was no trace of any poison or curses in his body, or anything strange that had happened recently, Midnight simply went to sleep and didn’t wake up
He has stayed this way ever since, and Dark Cacao has him kept in a room under constant watch, should someone attack him or if he potentially wakes up. He visits him often
What actually happened to Midnight Choco is that he accidentally awakened his power to go into the World of Dreams, and in the process of doing so, since he had done it incorrectly, gave himself amnesia, basically starting his life over in the Dream World and becoming the fighter of nightmares he is today, and subsequently believing he comes from the World of Dreams
He can in fact, break this spell and wake back up in the real world, but he doesn’t know he has this ability, nor does he believe he comes from the real world, so he wouldn’t go looking for a way to access this power. Though perhaps one day, he’ll learn the truth and wake up
He’s met both his father and his brother within their dreams and nightmares, but neither parties really recognize each other, due to dream weirdness and Midnight’s knight attire covering his face. He is semi aware of what’s been going on in the Dark Cacao Kingdom, like Dark Choco’s banishment, Caramel Arrow, Affogato and the like, but it’s basically been pieced together from the secondhand dream accounts, and due to his amnesia he doesn’t feel much personal connection to these events for himself, he just knows some of what’s going on in the real world
And I think that’s about it on Midnight Choco’s character. Wow I really did have a lot to say. Well, on to design things
So I got the name Midnight Choco from an ice cream flavor that I think I’ve seen around. It’s mostly because it’s chocolate and has night connections, but it works
Midnight chocolate ice cream:
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So I admit, he doesn’t look as great as I have been hoping he would, but he has a design now, so I should just be happy with that
I admit, I didn’t really know what I was doing with his armor, I was just kind of trying to make it look good. The feet may not be great though. ToA Dark Choco ended up being a good reference for me
I originally wasn’t going to have gold, but all the saturated dark blues were getting too much, so it breaks up the colors
His sword is supposed to be like a clock hand. I originally drew it for Dusk Choco, but I thought it might look cooler on Midnight, since he’s the one descended from a Legendary and all. But it was a matter of copy/paste, so I don’t know how good it looks on him. But drawing a weapon was the main reason I put off drawing him, so it’s fine I suppose
I really wanted to add some gold gradient to the pants, but it just never looked right, so they have to stay just plain. Though I did change them and subsequently his hair to be a dark purple, so it looks a bit better
I honestly don’t really know what to say in this section. He may not be my best, but he at least has a design, and it isn’t the worst thing ever, so it’s fine
And yeah, that’s Midnight Choco. I think I’m too attached to him honestly, I want fanfiction of him. But yeah, I hope you enjoy him yourselves
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nostalgik-ai · 3 months
3am doodle
Not canon just a what if in 3am lol
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Mold cookie has no filter when talking lol
Im gonna go and sleep now honk honk shoo🥱
(The Beast Ancient design is from @cuppajj and so is the au)
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skyler1290 · 2 months
(Beast Ancients AU belongs to @cuppajj )
(Also, if you're reading this, I love your AU so much. You're an amazing person, and I hope you feel good today /gen! If you don't like the AU or feel uncomfortable with it, just comment it. I'll take it down immediately.)
So... a fun fact about me is that I make up way too many ideas for my own good. A bit too many. And I happened to imagine an AU of the Beast Ancients AU, which is basically fanfiction, once you think about it.
So, I remember the creator of the AU stating that there probably wouldn't be any heroes to come after the beasts, so I imagined up an AU of my own where that does happen.
And the heroes are their own children.
Boom boom bam, plot twist /j.
None of them are OCs, by the way. Instead, they're canon cookies I've chosen that would be their children in this AU, but aren't their children in the actual storyline (except Dark Choco).
Yea... I'm making it work. Basically, here's the parents and children:
Frigid Cacao = Dark Choco
Saint Vanilla = Kouign-Amann
Celestial Cheese = Stormbringer (she's a demigoddess in this AU. I'll explain it all if this AU gets @cuppajj 's approval)
Dragonberry = Raspberry
Midnight Lily = Mercurial Knight
So, basically, the witches are basically done with the cookies. They're like: "Oh my gosh. Why is this happening again? We're way too lazy to trap them into a tree like what we did with the last beasts. So instead, let's recruit their mentally ill teenage children to defeat them for us! Let's give them souljams and make them immortal. Seems like a good idea!"
Also, the children will be in their late teens in this AU (they're chronologically adults, but mentally and physically they are teens), it's a long story.
Here are the souljams (by the way, they'd all be two colors, just to press on the fact that these are new souljams and not fragments of old ones anymore. Though, they do connect to the past ones in concept):
Dark Choco = Balance (connects to Truth)
Kouign-Amann = Ambition (connects to Passion)
Stormbringer = Will (connects to Resolution)
Raspberry = Loyalty (connects to Freedom in an opposite like way)
Mercurial Knight = Detachment (connects to Abundance in an opposite like way)
Yes. My brain's a bit crazy. I don't know how I got these ideas, either. I can't tell if they're genuinely good or horrid.
If this AU gets the green light, unfortunately you aren't going to get any art or drawings. This is because I can't draw to save my life. So this AU will have to drive off of pure writing. 😭
But I'm not diving too deep into the AU for now since I want to make sure the creator is ok with this stuff.
P.S. = The old beasts are already defeated, but their powers and souljams are locked away, so the ancients beasts can't use them.
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makothedorito · 3 months
My crk ocs, if they were in the Beast Ancients AU.
Beast Ancients AU is by @cuppajj go check them out its super awesome (plz lmk if i got anything wrong, this is predominatly being written from memory))
Hawthorn Cookie, Odollam Cookie, Belladonna Cookie and the rest of the Faerie Kingdom of Thorns- Fallen
After Midnight Lily took power as the new ruler of the Silver Faerie Kingdom, she had set her sights on having the entirety of Beast-Yeast under her control. And that meant conquering the other Faerie Kingdoms and bringing war to Beast-Yeast, unheard of since Shadow MIlk and co. were sealed away in the Silver Tree. And the Plant Faerie Kingdoms were the first to fall, with Midnight Lily's Chlorokinesis easily taking control of the Plant Faeries and bending their bodies to their will, and after a futile attempt at a rebellion lead by Nightshade Cookie and Odollam at her right hand, the mighty Faerie Kingdom Of Thorns and its dangerous Poison Plant Faeries fell to Midnight Lily's forces, and made an example to all other Faeries who dare defy Midnight Lily, Forcing each and every poison plant faerie to be in control of their own mind, yet in bodies they have no control over. now Odollam cookie waits in eternal torment as his body is used against his will, biding his time and hiding the secrets he was entrusted with, in the hopes that something, or someone will come...
Bittersweet Choco Cookie - Alive
(this bit was actually inspired a bit off of a dream i had)
Bittersweet Choco had no doubts that Dark Cacao, er- Frigid Cacao Cookie was the sole reason why the frostbite didn't reach the Black Citadel and the inhabitants inside it. for most of the time, life had continued as normal, until the absences of Crunchy Chip and Caramel Arrow, after Caramel Arrow got struck by the frost, and the two of them disappeared without a trace, and the atmosphere of the Black Citadel took a turn for the colder as the questions brewed under the surface. What happened to the cookies outside the citadel? Where's Caramel Arrow and Crunchy Chip? Bitter Bean? Eventually, the questions took ahold of Bittersweet Choco, and, under the assumption she remained unseen, fled through the Tomb of Blades in an attempt to find out the truth. Only once she laid eyes on the frozen wasteland that was once her kingdom bordering the licorice sea, did Bittersweet Choco realize the full extent of the frostbite, was caught and taken to Frigid Cacao cookie, who turned the exact frostbite he supposedly had saved Bittersweet Choco and the rest of the dwellers of the citadel from, against his own daughter, wrapping around her up to her throat threating to consume her fully in the unnatural ice that he controlled, but for what reason Bittersweet Choco could not understand she was spared, left cold and numb, a permanent ring of frostbite around her throat silencing both her voice, reason or no, and any possibility of stepping outside the Black Citadel ever again.
and for my other ocs whom i don't have such a big description for what happens to them:
Vanilla Buttercream Cookie, Spicy Margarine Cookie, Cinnamon Sugar Cookie and Caramel: Alive, in hiding with Royal Tarte Tatin Cookie and the others.
Vanilla Swirl Cookie- alive, in hiding under the name of Valley Lily Cookie, as she was never re-discovered by Gingerbrave and co. and reunited with the Forest Faerie cookies, hiding away in the deepest depths of Beast-Yeast holding onto the hope that the secret she entrusted Odollam Cookie with is still unbroken, and that neither The Saint or The Midnight Soverign seek her out...
Bitter Bean Cookie- unknown
with his frozen stronghold seemingly having been run over by Frigid Cacao's permafrost, it is unknown if Bitter Bean, with his own powers of Cryokinesis has held off the permafrost enough to flee, or if he had succumbed to the very power he had been sworn to watch over as an Ancient Guardian.
Cheese Cinder Cookie - Alive
Having been awakened by Celestial Cheese Cookie from his slumber at the heart of his volcano, had struck a deal with Celestial Cheese, that in turn for helping her conquest of Earthbread and the growth of her kingdom, that he is taken to Burning Spice Cookie to take his power.
Caramelized Raspberry Cookie - Alive
Having seen what Dragonberry has become and the sheer strength she is capable of, Caramelized Raspberry willingly joined her old friend as her right (or left) hand. Its only a matter of time before The Warrior and the Phoenix King meet on the battlefield...
Strawberry Jam Cookie - Alive-ish. Still stuck in the damned sword with all his Hatred, Strawberry Jam has been trying to seed words of dissent and infighting in the Black Citadel, and after his most disastrous attempt with the princess, he's still stuck there, with his hate, trying to plan his freedom.
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jess-cookierun-art · 1 year
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Out for a drink
When you’re Hollyberrian and you don’t even like the juice except for your Cacaoian twin sister
Sunset Cacao Cookie enjoys the juice while Duskberry Cookie prefers tea
Redrew that one scene in the Crème Republic where Hollyberry and Dark Cacao went out for a drink but it’s with their grandchildren
Original image
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cuppajj · 4 months
All I've Ever Wanted - Beast Ancients AU
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avian-hearts · 8 months
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hi <3 casually loafs on your lap and doesn't move for the next something hours
[ s/i on the left uses any pronouns, f/o on the right uses he/him ]
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gritsandbrits · 2 years
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I cannot for the life of me draw canon characters BUT I enjoyed drawing them anyways. So this is them at their wedding! As Dark Cacao citizens are known to be simple I tried to make their garments simple too with just enough to make it festive. It's been such a treat coming up with a different outfit for Cacao. And his expressions too he isn't used to intimate contact! 😂
Also some lore: cookies who marry deities such as Ancients or dragons often develop powers and in some cases, change their name to suit their newfound status. After "Berry Maiden" married him she was crowned "Midnight Royale."
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juniaships · 2 years
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I found a dollmaker for historical korean fashion on doll divine and well...😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬
This is the darkest shade it had. The outfits are pretty but wholly inaccurate to Dark Cacao and Midnight Royale's skin tone. I know Cacao don't have a beard but i just add that to make him older. For Midnight's i had two outfits cuz i liked both combos.
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makerofmadness · 5 months
ovenbreak update dropped and I am already so goddamn mentally ill but I can't even share any of it because I'm at school again with the crappy after hours WiFi god fxcking dammit I can't even post screenshots until tomorrow and I'll have to wait through classes fxck
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