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snippydippy · 1 month ago
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Will probably cave and decide to fully color this at some point, but for now!! Silly Midaval drawing based on some RP shenanigans between @king-midas-fortnite and @valeria-fortnite He hates Nolan so much lmao
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king-midas-fortnite · 2 days ago
Valeria cries and Midas' head hangs again, eyes shut. His mind splits in two; the first wants to take his anger and run with it as he's always done. Tell her that tears cannot take back what's been spit, and to leave him. It would be what he's used to.
The other, much newer but nonetheless loud, just...doesn't want to fight anymore. He wants to tell her that it's alright, that he understands. They can talk through this. It would be unusual. But then again, his relationship with Valeria hasn't been routine from the start.
He opens his eyes again a second later, gazing at the surface of his desk as it gleams under the lights in his office. Evidently he'd lost the fight with his touch while in thought. The slacks had been spared the transmutation, clutched between the fingers of the prosthetic his daughter had made using the metal from Hades' own chains.
He doesn't care about the desk. It had been replaced a handful of times, and could be again. Valeria could not.
The sound of her crying fills the silence while he stares at his reflection. If the image were clearer, he could have made out the redness that had started in his own eyes.
He takes a breath and speaks quietly, careful as though raising his voice could tear their frayed connection.
"I know, αγάπη μου. I know you didn't mean..."
He trails off, and there is something in his heart that questions if he really does know. A nagging sense of doubt fostered by her denial of his betterment that said, 'This could be a trick. A means to make me bend, to make me soft and malleable like molten gold that she can wrap around her fiery finger.'
He silences the thought, and pushes himself up to stand and walk back around his desk to her. There is still an ache running through his arms, so he will not risk touching her with his bare hand, which he holds in a loose fist behind his back. Instead, he reaches forward with his sharper replacement. Careful of the gilded claws, he tucks hair behind Valeria's ear. Their body gives off a heat his gauntlet can't feel while it cups their cheek, but the rest of him can.
"I can't lose you, Φοῖνιξ. Not over this. Not because of someone I'm not. I don't just keep you around...I need you. You've carved a position in my life that can't be filled by someone else.
I'm sorry, Valeria. Nothing that boy said reflects how I feel now. Please believe that I am not him."
✨Congratulations, Your Majesty!✨
You have made it through your youthful curse. The Prince will be sent home, and the King will return. Hopefully, you have learned something from this.
✨Welcome back, King Midas.✨
The Prince entered the King's office with a sudden push to the door. He was aggravated and just wanted to dig through his future self's affects to see if he could find anything useful towards sending him home.
However, he saw Valeria sitting at the desk when he opened the door, and his shoulders slumped. He was in no mood to have another back and forth with anyone, no matter how beautiful. However, again, she could be helpful. If he could manage to play this conversation right.
He closed the door behind him and stepped to the desk, taking off the crown from his head and setting it in front of her, "Valeria, I'd very much like to go home. The version of me you all think so highly of must have something that can help with that in this desk. So if you wouldn't mind letting me where you are, I'm going to look through it."
He didn't like the look she gave him, but just as Valeria went to speak, she and everything else seemed to freeze in place.
He then heard a voice coming from everywhere, expressing congratulations and a return to home.
"Oh, thank the Gods!" He shouted before there was a flash of light that came from his own body--
--When the Prince opened his eyes, he found himself staring into another set. One gold, and one white. They were his eyes, only...older. Tired, dark underneath, and obviously angry.
"You have made quite the mess for me to clean up." King Midas said to him.
The Prince blinked, taking in the dark tattoos wrapping around his neck and disappearing under his clothes, the scar cutting down from his forehead across his eye, and his hair. Longer than the statue, but still far too short. The Prince cleared his throat, "The company you keep should learn how to speak with royalty. Have you no respect for your own title--"
"Enough." Midas put a hand up to silence him, the Prince's eyes quickly scrutinizing the gold covering it, "You make a mockery of it, you have insulted people I care a great deal for, and have thoroughly embarrassed me. I am so very glad to have outgrown you."
They glared at each other a moment before the Prince, just as the King made a move to step, said, "Do you...do you have any advice for me? Before I go back?"
Midas paused, eyeing the other again before sighing, "No. You aren't going to remember any of this anyway."
"How could you possibly know that?"
"I just do, alright? I don't have the patience to explain, but whatever it was that put this curse on us...it would never be so kind as to give me the opportunity to fix my mistakes. No...you're going to go back with no memory of being here. Nothing I say to you now is going to matter."
"Then..." The Prince shifted where he stood, eyes locked onto the gold covering the other’s skin, "Say it anyway."
Midas looked at the young man with deep sorrow. Regret, guilt, anguish, all mixed together in his mind as two gold eyes stared hungrily at the precious metal covering him.
He reached forward, gilded hands gently taking the Prince's shoulders, "Be satisfied. Recognize that what you have...your life, your love, your future daughter, they are all enough. Please, please do not throw it all away for power or wealth. Appreciate everything."
He could see in the Prince's eyes a desire to pull back. He knew there must have been an intensity to his own gaze that would make the younger man uncomfortable. However, the Prince did not pull away. Instead, he swallowed hard, and he seemed to steel himself. He nodded somberly.
Midas did not want to let him go. Part of him thought, horrifyingly, that killing him would prevent every mistake he ever made. But, it would also prevent everything else. Every friendship, every love, every accomplishment and joy. Jules, Valeria, Tina, Marigold...all of it.
He slid his hands from the prince's shoulders, nodding himself. Both of them took the step to pass each other, both stepped towards the lights that would take them home.
King Midas stopped just before reaching his. Looking over his shoulder, he saw his younger self reach for the light, and disappear. He hadn't looked back. Of course not. Deciding not to look back, not to reflect...That was always his problem.
Not anymore.
The King turned to the light once more, and next found himself snapping open his eyes in his office. Valeria sat in front of him at his desk, his crown on its surface. He picked it up with hands covered in gold, and replaced it on his head.
“I’m back, φοίνικα μου.”
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midavapartments-blog · 5 years ago
Holiday Apartments In Croatia
Are you planning to book the best Holiday Apartments in Croatia for your vacation trip? MIDAV Apartments provides you exclusive offers and services with superb facilities at a lower price than a hotel. Click @ http://www.midavapartments.com/
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gronglegrowth · 4 years ago
Fabricant Names from SSE
Adaira Twoanninanninanonanonan
Addunidi Onanninanthirtan
Alendu Thirtansixan
Andalara Fivantwoansevan
Arelas Ninaninaninaninan
Ashahulu Fourantwentansixan
Ashanabi Sixtanfouransixtan
Asserbas Twoanninanfouran
Assudiraplit Twelvansixan
Thindo Fivanfouransevantwoan
Sarendas Fouranthreeansevan
Dram Eightansevansixan
Berend Ninanninantwoan
Biznoan Eightaneightan
Bongond Fouranninanfivan
Mels Fivanfouranthreeanonan
Shuldrus Fourantwoanonanonan
Nethre Onantwoanthreean
Arver Ninaneightaneightanonan
Solan Sevan
Loban Twoanonan
Cronhi Twoanonan
Dalam Eightansixanninan
Dalam Sevanninaneigtan
Dalave Threeanfivanthreean
Damaran Sevanfivanthreeanzeroan
Demnev Fivanfivaneightan
Dissam Onansevantanfivan
Dun-Ilu Twentanonanseventan
Eno Twoanthreeansixanfivan
Ethasour Sixanninanfouranonan
Favala Onanfivanthreean
Fedaves Fivanthreeansevan
Fefan Onantwoan
Lelanuve Sixantwoanonanfouran
Gadave Sixanninanthirtanfouran
Garena Fivanzeroanfouran
Novo Fouranfouran
Gharanis Fouranfouran
Komov Sixantwoanzeroanonan
Onan Onanonanonanonan
Teladi Fouranzeroanonan
Touvil Twoan
Arman Nintansixtanninan
Teraoan Tenan
Vougan Tenan
Gilnith Fouranninanfouran
Hainnabi Twoanthreeanthrean
Hairarap Sixaneightthreean
Hlarar Sevantanzeroan
Indalara Twoanthreeanonan
Ineriab Sixansixanninan
Kausamsi Fourantwoaneightan
Kokorahn Sixanthreeanonan
Kuteba Fivanonantwoanninan
Indala Sixanonanninanninan
Llaala Twoanthreeaneightan
Llaram Sixanzeroanfouran
Maelasi Elevansixanfivan
Maessa Fourantwoanfivan
Mantiti Sixtanthreeanfivan
Mibdinab Threeanfivaneightan
Midaves Twoanfivaneightanfivan
Mirshamammu Threeanfouran
Muldyn Onanfivanfivanfivan
Munbeb Twoanninanninantwoan
Nibarr Thirtansixansixan
Obo Twoan
Raram Twoanthirtaneightan
Rilamus Onanonansevan
Roganz Sixsixantwoan
Rothalnim Ninantwoansevan
Sendal Ninansixtantwoan
Sendalas Twoanzeroansixanfivan
Shand Onanfouranzeroanonan
Goren Threeanthreeansixan
Ilvel Threeanthreeanfouran
Hloval Fiveaneightansevan
Dralval Twoanfouranfivantwoan
Gopan Tenantwoan
Steliar Sixansevantenan
Yokeuran Onanninanthreean
Sodoan Nintannintan
Hlevui Sevansixaneightan
Midnav Sevansevanthreeantwoan
Boltanu Sixanfivantwoanfouran
Manos Sevaneightanonantwoan
Telbari Eightansixanninan
Gothren Zeroantwoanfivanfiftan
Arendu Fivansixaneightan
Otheri Ninanzeroanfouran
Ulanov Fivantwoan
Silenia Sixanfivaneightan
Nobak Fourantwoanonan
Arelvam Sevaneightanonantwoan
Govo Twoan
Sothani Fifteeansixan
Bongond Fouranninanfivaneightan
Brarayni Fouranfivanonanfouran
Cylben Twoanfivanfivansixan
Tovas Twofivanthreean
Loose Legs Merli
Headless Herli
Armless Ana
Subenemu Nintanfourtansevan
Tadali Fouranonansixan
Tadave Sevanfivan
Giles Fouranthreeanfouran
Arelvam Sevaneightanzeroan
Beraren Sevanthreeanfouran
Gthan Fivanfivantwoanonan
Serial Ninaneightan
Verlza Fivanfivantwoan
Tedyne Twofivanfivanfivan
Yiddlan Fourantwoansixan
Diamondbreaker Dedave
Ulevz Ninaneightansixanfouran
Balam Twelvantwelvan
Sidnai Sixan
Loubsaran Eightaneightannan
Gearsculpter Sera
Bazdan Twoanthreeansevan
Morgan Fivansevaneightanninan
Azromo Sixantwoanonanfivan
Lleuvzan Tenanfouranthreean
Flovan Ninanninan
Ligemei Sixansixantwoanninan
Anasour Twoan
Nostran Twoanzeroanonantwoan
Terli Nintanonan
Irtel Nintanthreean
Bildammu Onan
Vaden Twoan
Llaalam Threean
Shogzan Fouranonanonanninan
Lawran Twotwoanthreeantenan
Fovan Sixan
Mazli Sevaneightantwoantenan
Bavalia Twoaneightansixansevan
Trainer Forv Eightaneightan
Vilerui Tenantenan
Vabadan Eightantwoanfouran
Tokeuri Tenantwoanfouran
Ninan Ninanninanninan
Godo Ninan
Fovoi Eightan
Thobi Onanonantwoanthreean
Tubiba Fivtanthirtan
Ulenus Elevanfourtaneightan
Ulenusu Threeanninanfivan
Uradas Fouranfouranninan
Uvirith Twentanninansevan
Uvulas Threean
Vabdas Fourtanthreeaneightan
Vervyn Onanfouranthreean
Zababa Threeansevanonan
Zababa Twoansevanninan
Zainnabi Threeanonanfouran
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mchwx · 4 years ago
Hazardous Weather Outlook for McHenry Co., IL
<pre>FLUS43 KLOT 042048 HWOLOT Hazardous Weather Outlook National Weather Service Chicago/Romeoville IL 348 PM CDT Sun Apr 4 2021 Winnebago-Boone-McHenry-Lake IL-Ogle-Lee-De Kalb-Kane-DuPage- La Salle-Kendall-Grundy-Kankakee-Livingston-Iroquois-Ford- Northern Cook-Central Cook-Southern Cook-Northern Will- Southern Will-Eastern Will-Lake IN-Porter-Newton-Jasper-Benton- 348 PM CDT Sun Apr 4 2021 /448 PM EDT Sun Apr 4 2021/ This Hazardous Weather Outlook is for portions of North Central Illinois...Northeast Illinois and Northwest Indiana. .DAY ONE...Tonight. Weather hazards expected... Elevated Fire Weather Risk. Limited Thunderstorm Risk late tonight. DISCUSSION... Elevated fire danger exists this afternoon for areas mainly northwest of Interstate 55. There is a slight chance for showers and thunderstorms toward morning north of I-90. .DAYS TWO THROUGH SEVEN...Monday through Saturday. Monday... Limited Thunderstorm Risk. Elevated Fire Weather Risk. Tuesday through Thursday... Limited Thunderstorm Risk. DISCUSSION: Low relative humidity combined with gusty winds will result in an elevated fire danger Monday afternoon for areas along and south of Interstate 80. .SPOTTER INFORMATION STATEMENT... Spotter activation will not be necessary through tonight. GENERAL STORM MOTION OF THE DAY: Moving toward the east southeast at 25 mph. </pre> https://wxn.io/mIDAV ------------------------------------------------ (c) Copyleft 2020 WxNotify. All wrongs reserved. You may unsubscribe from WxNotify e-mails by going to https://wxnotify.com/signin.html and removing the corresponding alert. from Blogger https://ift.tt/3t2K8iN via IFTTT
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wakeupdancing · 8 years ago
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snippydippy · 6 days ago
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Silly doodle of our fave lil' poly
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midavapartments-blog · 5 years ago
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midavapartments-blog · 5 years ago
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midavapartments-blog · 5 years ago
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midavapartments-blog · 5 years ago
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midavapartments-blog · 5 years ago
Midav Apartments provides a couple with everything they want in a Holiday House For Rent in Croatia. From kitchen with dishwasher, to wifi, TV, balcony, calm bedroom, own entrance, and locked parking area is what you get. Hurry up to check for bookings before the places fill up fast. We are just here http://www.midavapartments.com/ #HolidayHouseForRent #HolidayApartments #HolidayAccomodation
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midavapartments-blog · 5 years ago
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midavapartments-blog · 5 years ago
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midavapartments-blog · 5 years ago
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midavapartments-blog · 5 years ago
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