pioneer-over-c · 1 year
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Bridal Aideen/Midir duo design! Aideen is taking part in a friendly tournament at the Askran bridal festival to see how much she remembers from her time in knight training. She's accompanied by her own loyal knight Midir, who's ready to wholeheartedly support her in this new venture. The duo is a bow cav because... knights
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in the country that that future arc is taking place in - midaine - magic is strictly forbidden and if youre capable of magic youll get, like, killed or have your tongue cut out and youll be sent to the coal mines
aster cant go because hes super obviously magic but the others are able to sneak their way in
so xavi let me make a temporary pc for that arc thats a midaine native and i have the added benefit of knowing wtf is going on there especially wrt that last post
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quranreadalong · 6 years
#88, Surah 15
Abraham has received news that he’s gonna be a daddy to Isaac, but the angels have some other information to share with him. In 15:58, they inform him that Allah has sent them to a “guilty folk”, meaning all the residents of Sodom, excepting Lot’s family (but that excludes his wife, who will also be killed, which is bad. In the Genesis version, his wife’s “sin” involves looking back at Sodom; in some rabbinical commentary written before 500 AD, though, his wife wishes to turn them away the angels and tells the evil residents of Sodom that they’re in Lot’s house. Mohammed perhaps heard this version of the story).
We bypass surah 11′s story of Abraham begging them to reconsider and instead the angels go straight to Sodom, coming across Lot, who doesn’t know who they are. Neutral. The angels inform him that “we bring thee that concerning which they keep disputing” (meaning Allah’s punishment, which is, again, bad) and that they are telling the truth. They order him and his family to leave the city at night and never look back, because the city would be destroyed the next day (bad yet again).
The people of Sodom hear about Lot’s strange (and apparently hot) visitors and come to see them. Lot, who knows that the Sodomites are huge homos, tells them to back off and not shame him by assaulting his guests, which is fine and neutral.
Undeterred, the Sodomites remind Lot that he’s forbidden from keeping guests away from the population. Realizing that conversing with these hoes is pointless, Lot tells them to just assault his daughters instead of his guests, if they absolutely must assault someone. Very bad!!!
While they were distracted by all of this excitement, Allah kills them all the next day, with a rain of brimstone, as the angels promised. Bad. (Now I know someone’s gonna read this and say “ohh but they were rapists so it’s okay!”. No! The entire city barring Lot’s household gets killed, not just the rapists, because they are big fat homos, as we’ve seen.)
Well, that was a happy story, as always. 15:75 tells us that the story of Sodom is a sign (or a warning) for modern-day people, who pass by the ruins of the destroyed city on the trade route. Believers should take the story seriously. Whatever... neutral.
(No one has ever identified the actual ruins of Sodom and Gomorrah, if they ever existed in the first place; the relationship between the city and Israel’s Mount Sodom is unclear. Judging by the above, though, there was some location on the route between Mecca and Byzantine Syria that people thought was Sodom. It may have been related to this Byzantine monastery called the “Sanctuary of Saint Lot” on the Jordanian side of the Dead Sea. The timeline would fit, anyway.)
They should also take the story of the people of “the wood” (evidently a reference to Shuiab’s people, who apparently lived along the northeastern shore of the Red Sea, around the Tabouk area) seriously, as they were also destroyed and the ruins of the Midain are also still on the road to Syria. Again, no one has identified these ruins, and no one knows for sure where the city was supposed to be. Regardless, the same fate befell the people of Hegra/Al-Hijr/Madain Saleh, who refused to listen to Allah’s messengers:
And they used to hew out dwellings from the hills, (wherein they dwelt) secure. But the (Awful) Cry overtook them at the morning hour, And that which they were wont to count as gain availed them not. 
Well, that’s pleasant and bad. Let’s leave it there for today and finish the surah tomorrow.
NEXT TIME: Grammatical confusion!!!
The Quran Read-Along: Day 88
Ayat: 27
Good: 0
Neutral: 17 (15:58-59, 15:61-62. 15:64-65, 15:67-70, 15:72, 15:75-80)
Bad: 10 (15:60, 15:63, 15:66, 15:71, 15:73-74, 15:81-84)
Kuffar hell counter: 0
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