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STARSCREAM ( Voyager ) *Armada* Generations LEGACY
In una linea celebrativa come Legacy, sarebbe stato sconfortante l’assenza dei protagonisti del primo capitolo della celebre Trilogia di Unicron, Armada, visto che l'altr'anno ne è pure caduto il 20ennale, ma per fortuna così non è, ed ad aprire le danze ci pensa il caro vecchio STARSCREAM della serie del 2002, un personaggio diverso dallo storico Astrum cui siamo abituati, e per questo entrato nel cuore di una fetta dei fan dell'epoca.
Oddio, personalmente però no, il suo essere un Dinobot BW dei poverissimi non mi ha mai attratto, devo dirlo, apprezzando di più la versione dei fumetti Dreamwave dov'era semplicemente un gran bastardo, ma ho sempre avuto un debole per la rielaborazione del design del classico G1 in questo suo omaggio, con richiami estetici come le ali sulle spalle, ed il muso del jet al centro del torso del ROBOT, così come cromaticamente tendeva più al rosso che non al grigio, con il nero a moderare il tutto.
E appunto la somiglianza col G1 era talmente ben citata che già ai tempi del suo precedente aggiornamento per Generations Thrillin 30 nei fumetti IDW passava come un semplice aggiornamento estetico dello Starscream "G1" di quelle storie. Peccato solo che quel giocattolo, per quanto bello, fosse solo un Deluxe, e quindi ben venga questa nuova versione Voyager, anche se come massa un po' impallidisce rispetto a quella del Mega / Voyager originale, che era più semplice e giocattoloso, e con tanto di elettronica, ma ... beh, erano pur sempre altri tempi!
Già il Deluxe GenT30 migliorava non poco l'originale, grazie all'alta posabilità, compresa quella delle ali, e la possibilità di abbassare lungo la schiena i razzoni sulle spalle, tutte cose che ha pure questo Legacy Voyager, con in più anche la rotazione del bacino ed altre correzioni, come dei pannelli su avambracci e polpacci a coprire quei vuoti che invece avevano i suoi predecessori. Al Legacy qui insomma manca solo la rotazione dei polsi e sarebbe perfetto, ma già così non ci si può lamentare.
Se il GenT30 un po' aggiornava il look, con i razzi / lanciamissili e le ali più... "stilose", il nostro Legacy è più fedele all'originale come forme, ma a modo suo risulta un ibrido fra il personaggio del cartone ed il Deluxe, a livello cromatico, dato che da una parte copia alcune cose viste nello Starscream in tv, tipo le ali senza le strisce nere sui timoni o con le strisce rosse sui polsi, dall'altro la parte superiore del torso è tutta rossa e le gambe tutte nere, senza parti grigie in più... vabbe dai, diciamo che ci hanno provato, almeno. ^^'
Interessante il dettaglio delle alette ai lati della cabina di pilotaggio che si possono piegare verso l'interno, così come il modulo sulla schiena che sorregge i lanciamissili, che come dicevo può rimanere a riposo lungo la schiena, ma per somigliare all'originale del 2002 si possono alzare e posizionare fra testa e spalle, con il pannello rosso del retro dell'aereo che può ritornare ad adagiarsi lungo la schiena, fissandovisi e rivelando un foro per armi. Certo a questo punto, potevano fare davvero il classico 31 dopo il 30, e permettere ai cannoni che rimangono rivolti all'indietro di ripiegarsi a metà verso la schiena, per togliere del tutto l'ingombro che provocano, ma vabbè, se non li si vuole fra i piedi si abbassa tutto il modulo e amen.
Niente male anche la scultura della faccia, che pare davvero ben ricalcata su quella del personaggio dei cartoni, mentre ovviamente i lanciamissili non sparano missili a molla come le precedenti incarnazioni ( ma vi si possono mettere i soliti effetti di spari ed esplosioni ), ma è omessa pure la gimmick dell'ala sinistra che diventava una spada, dispiegandosi... ma poco male, che senza dover rovinare l'estetica del robot, la spada con quella forma c'è di suo come accessorio, anche se è un pezzo unico non trasformabile.
E l'altro accessorio del nostro è un'altra spada, ma non una qualsiasi, dato che è ricalcata nella forma della mitica Star Saber, l'arma formata originariamente dai 3 Minicon dell'Air Defense Team: davvero carina come citazione, però fa sentire la mancanza del vero accessorio degno di questo nome di tutti giocattoli che si fregiano del suffisso Armada, ovvero un Minicon!
Capisco che l'avessero omesso nel Deluxe ( anche se l'HotShot del 25ennale l'aveva... ), ma è un peccato non vedere la piccola auto da F1 Swindle, e sopratutto non è neanche il massimo che questo modello non abbia spine per Minicon: visto che comunque hanno fatto recentemente i Micromaster in stile Targetmaster durante le prime due linee di War for Cybertron, speriamo che recuperino i Minicon degli Armada in un'altra maniera, insomma, che sarebbe davvero un'occasione mancata non celebrarli degnamente nelle loro forme complete.
La TRASFORMAZIONE è uguale a quella del modello originale del 2002, con il muso del jet che si alza dal torso, le gambe che si ripiegano lateralmente spostandosi all'indietro col bacino, e le braccia che si accovacciano sotto le ali. Da sottolineare i due pannelli che coprono le ginocchia che vanno a richiudersi dando massa al retro del velivolo.
Il JET anche qui è assai fedele all'iconico classico, con un design più aerodinamico e meno goffo del giocattolo originale, anche se però non ha neanche i carrelli d'atterraggio retrattili come invece aveva il GenT30. Per quanto il robot sia alto quanto un Voyager medio, e uguale per altezza al suo omonimo G1nesco di Earthrise, come velivolo invece non regge tanto il confronto, risultando più piccolo, anche se va detto che la trasformazione è più compatta rispetto all'Astrum classico.
Le spade accessori possono sistermarsi sotto le ali, e grazie alle else sembrare quasi dei laser aggiuntivi. Ovviamente anche nell’aereo funziona la “gimmick” dei razzi che si ribaltano in avanti diventando lanciamissili, ma ribadendo senza meccanismi a molla, o magari altri fori in più magari ai lati per potervi sistemare altre armi o che.
Per il resto poco da dire, dato che l'aero è bello, la trasormazione niente male e sopratutto il robot un'ottima versione moderna dello Starscream della serie del 2002, anche se monco del Minicon, restando quindi nell'attesa e nella speranza che ripeschino i piccoli robot da accomunare ai loro compagni più grandi per celebrare al meglio questa serie che a modo suo ha fatto la storia del brand.
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#transformers#starscream#armada#generations#voyager#decepticon#unicron trilogy#distructor#legends of the microns#micron densetsu#legacy#habro#review#recensione
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The FUCK do you mean Roy Mustang's Sub va for the 03 anime voice OPTIMUS PRIME or Convoy I guess as he's being Called at least in Armada (or in JP anyway)
#Chou Robot Seimeitai Transformers Micron Densetsu#Transformers Armada#fma#BRUH#holy shit#optimus prime#convoy transformers#roy mustang
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Contrary to popular belief... Micron Densetsu (TV version) suffered from the same animations errors as Armada. They were then fixed for the DVD version...
...Most of the time, at least. Because:
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I thought Starscream used watashi in Japanese
Sunbow Starscream uses ore and ore-sama (when he's being Like That) and from the top of my head I am sure that's also the case for All Spark and Go! Go! If there's a G1 Starscream that uses watashi, I don't know.
But I looked it up and Starscream Japanese wikipedia page has a quote under Micron Densetsu (Armada) where Starscream indeed uses watashi: 「あなたは、私にとって、最高の戦士」 (To me, you are the best warrior).
Now I haven't watched any version of Armada, but this isn't quite G1 Starscream, it's my understandin that he is far more noble, honest and way less full of himself. Even this article says that he admits when someone is stronger than him and doesn't try to defeat people with tricks. In that case, a change of pronouns makes sense since ore can denote arrogance and it definitively does in G1 Starscream's case (in All Spark, it's even written in katakana for emphasis). But again, I haven't watched it, so I can say if the use of watashi in this series is meant to come as professional like Optimus or what (or if he even uses it all the time).
It also mentions that in Galaxy Force (Cybertron) Starscream uses watashi and sometimes ore. This is not G1 Starscream nor Armada Starscream (Cybertron was made a sequel to Armada and Energon in English, but the original Galaxy Force was meant as its own continuity) and I am even less familiar with him so I can't comment, but the article calls him ruthless, ambitious and obsessed with obtaining power (sounds like usual).
The article also points out that he uses ore in Prime. And that's all I'm getting about personal pronouns on this article from a quick search. I don't feel like looking more, but if you want me to check a specific piece of media I could try.
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Sega Mega Drive - Raiden Densetsu (Raiden Trad)
Title: Raiden Densetsu / 雷電伝説
Developer: Seibu Kaihatsu / Beyond Interactive / T's Music
Publisher: Micronet Co. Ltd.
Release date: 6 July 1991
Catalogue No.: T-22043
Genre: Vertical Shooter
Early vertical shooters like Xevious (1983) tended to be slow and methodical. Modern vertical shooters tend to be insanely fast with missiles raining down the screen. That's all well and good, but in the 90s the genre hit the sweet spot in its evolution. I can't believe it took me so long to snag this terrific game. As one of the earlier Mega Drive titles that boasted 8 megabits of memory in a single cartridge Raiden Densetsu programmed by Micronet compensates for its lack of pizzazz with nearly flawless gameplay. I actually first played this game on the Super Famicom and looking back at it now I actually regret the fact I played the Super Famicom version first because it was butchered thanks to Micronics who are usually poor developers. Despite the astonishing degree of chaos you can unleash, I never detected any slow-down. Something I can't say about the Super Famicom version, I'm afraid to admit. You'll be dodging missiles from all directions, but by far your biggest enemy is hesitation. The key to this game is getting into a rhythm! Before you get started, however, I would recommend setting the difficulty to normal (easy is the default) and turning rapid-fire on (your thumb will thank you). Continues are available so even uncoordinated players can get a peek at advanced stages. The sound effects are only average, but the upbeat soundtrack is quite good. Raiden Densetsu may not appear to be much on the surface, but the more you play, the more you realize what an expertly crafted shooter it really is. While the FM synth recreations of the arcade tunes are well-done here, I don't know but I remember seeing gameplay clips of the FM Towns version and boy did the FM Towns version blow me away with its CD soundtrack. There is also a Play Station port of the original arcade which was released as part of the "Raiden Project" disc. But hey, at least it is actually far better than the Atari Jaguar version. (^O^)
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Kaguya Hime Densetsu
©️ Micronics 1988
Image sourced from refuge.tokyo
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No idea if I'll actually stick with Transformers Armada/Micron Densetsu beyond a little nostalgic revisit, but holy SHIT are the opening and ending themes good. Had both of these on loop for the past two days.
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Transformers Legacy Evolution Armada Universe Falcia
A lot of people have been asking for more Mini-Cons in Legacy, but I don’t think many of those people are going to be clamoring for this
#maccadam#digibash#falcia#transformers armada#linkage#micron legend#mini con#minicon#micron densetsu#unique digital entities#i probably could have colored needlenose's targetmasters like other linkage characters#but this is my first digibash in months so i didnt want to get distracted with unnecessary details
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Transformers x YugiohDM - Crossover
Wishshipping YugiMuto
Transformers Animated x YugiohDM - Crossover
Transformers Prime x YugiohDM - Crossover
Transformers Micron Densetsu x YugiohDM - Crossover
Transformers Robots in Disguise x YugiohDM - Crossover
Transformers Cybertron x YugiohDM- Crossover
Transformers Earhspark x YugiohDM - Crossover
I never shared this here oops. Sketched out Yugi and Jounouchi as transformers for funsies. Yugi-bot and Wheeler lol.
#Transformers#Transformation#YugiohDM#Yugioh#Wishshipping#YugiMuto#AIBO#YugiAIBO#TransformersYugiohDM#TransformationYugiohDM#Transformers Yugioh#TransformationYugioh#YugiohDMCrossover#YugiohCrossover#TransformersCrossover#TransformationCrossover
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Can't sleep so here's a tiny fanfic:
Many years after the Unicron Battles, Starscream and Alexis are catching up.
A: "There's one thing I always wanted to ask you."
S: "What's that?"
A: "Why exactly did you sacrifice yourself?"
His gaze drifted away for a short moment and a gentle smile crossed his lips.
S: "I did it for you."
A: "For me!?"
S: "Yeah, because you're my friend."
He grinned wider seeing her surprise. She was as shocked as he once was.
S: "That means we have to help each other."
She smiled back with tears in her eyes, "oh, Starscream," throwing her arms around him in a hug.
Not even he could stop a tear from rolling down his cheek.
#whyamijustnowcomingupwiththis#alexis#alexis thi dang#transformers#armada#starscream#transformers armada#starscream armada#tf armada#micron densetsu#micron legend#fanfic#short story#inspiredbytheshow
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Micron Densetsu Starscream with the characters from the Cloud universe. (An official text story)
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Jetfire and Optimus Prime for Rare Pair August: Day 24 :D ~
#transformers#maccadam#jetfire#optimus prime#convoy#armada#micron densetsu#unicron trilogy#transformer art#bey's art
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a duo of Bastards
#Poly's Dumb#poly scribbles#thrust#sideways#transformers#transformers armada#micron densetsu#unicron trilogy#tf#mecha
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Transformers: Armada Has Given Some Of The Best Original Names G1 Did Not Have
Transformers: Armada (which is the dubbed version of Transformers: Micron Legend), like most English dubbed anime shows back in the day (or even recently, depending on the dub), is filled with many flaws; there were so many errors that made the G1 Transformers show much more careful with the editing in comparison. However, despite such flaws, Armada and the other following dubbed shows like Energon (the dubbed version of Superlink) and Cybertron (the dubbed version of Cybertron) have many advantages, as well; many including introducing Transformers anime shows to the mainstream public and many anime fans and Transformers fans get the opportunity to see the original versions of these shows, having their own universe with different styles of the Transformers, and giving off original names that G1 did not really consider much sooner, or at all.
The one advantage I will be focusing on for this post is the names of Armada characters (and possibly Energon and/or Cybertron characters) that originated from the Unicron Trilogy that would also be really good for the G1 universe/s and if the 1980′s TV show were to introduce more characters along with extending more episodes. Here are some of the names that came to mind:
- Hot Shot (either with the solid Armada mold or with some Cybertron features with the Armada mold like how Animated did, except it would be for G1; although, there was already a Hot Shot before Armada but after G1, but Hot Shot is most well-known first by Armada)
- Demolishor (the first idea that came to mind would be another Triple Changer like Astrotrain and Blitzwing; one other alt-mode I thought for him would be a fighter jet like an F-14 Tomcat or any other plane that is not an F-15 Eagle like the Seekers along with the double-turrent tank)
- Sideways (perhaps as an Insecticon)
- Cyclonus (except the name would be Cyclone, especially since there is already a Cyclonus in G1 who looks a little more like G1 Galvatron rather than the eccentric helicopter many Unicron Trilogy fans know and like)
- Tidal Wave (would be like the Decepticon equivalent to Omega Supreme)
- Spacewarp (who only appeared in the Dreamwave comics and the toyline, but it still counts, I believe)
- High Wire (the Mini-con Rad has; although, would G1 High Wire be an Autobot, Decepticon, or a Mini-con in the G1 universe?)
- Any other name from a Mini-con that did not originate from G1 (they can be Autobots, Decepticons, or even Mini-cons in their G1 styles)
Like Armada, Micron Legend also had a few original names that G1 did not consider; some of them include Doubleface, who is called Sideways in Armada; and Cyberhawk, who is called Laserbeak (a character name that originated from the G1 show).
Although, if the characters in Armada were in the style of G1 and/or were to appear in what I call “missing episodes” (fanfiction or other fan media that adds canon stories as if they were part of the TV show or movie), would they be considered original characters, fan characters, or semicanon characters, or some other term to describe these types of characters?
Anyways, while Armada has had many flaws and even a few hatedoms from people who despise dubbed anime shows, it does have many advantages like introducing names not originally from G1, but would be great for G1. Personally, I believe the original anime, Micron Legend, is better, but I can give Armada credit for such creativity for a different universe of the same transforming giant sentient Mecha robot franchise many of us know and love.
At some point in the future, I may do an Energon/Superlink post with the same concepts next; stay tuned.
#transformers#transformers: armada#transformers armada#armada names#original names#armada names for g1#transformers: micron legend#transformers: micron densetsu#armada#micron densetsu#original names from armada#advantage to dubbed shows#transformers names#armada characters in g1 styles#g1 style#transformers ideas#both micron legend and armada have g1 callbacks#generation one names from unicron trilogy characters#micron legend#super robot lifeform transformers: legend of the microns#super robot lifeform transformers#transformers generation one#possible g1 names from later universes#armada is not the worst show but it is not the best either#that said armada is one of the most underrated transformers universes in the whole transformers fandom (micron legend is more underrated)#giant sentient mecha robot franchise
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I had to do this because no one else would
#popteamepic#pop team epic#poptepipic#transformers armada#micron densetsu#red alert#hot shot#my art#digital art#popuko#pipimi
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Kept you waiting, huh?
Armada Convoy, now in RED or DEAD varieties
#maccadam#digibash#transformers armada#optimus prime#wonderfest#transformers legends#micron legend#micron densetsu#unique digital entities#my kingdom for a domestic release
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