#mickey and mason dalton
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Hi Bestie!
I saw this on Instagram and thought it would make for a fun ask.
Your LI says, "If you could have me for 24 hours and I couldn't say no, what would we do?"
How does your MC respond?
That’s Amore
Book: TNA
Type: Social Media Edits
Summary: Emma organizes a trip to Italy for her husband Sam, their kids, her best friend Jenny, Robin, Sofia and Addison.
A/N: Thanks so much for this ask @cariantha it was so much fun to make these edits 🩷 Love you bestie 🩷
Sidenote: All events happened after TNA 3 was over.

#That's Amore#Sam Dalton#Emma Dalton#Mickey Dalton#Mason Dalton#Addison Dalton#Sofia Russo#Robin Flores#Jenny#The Nanny Affair 3#choicesficwriterscreation#cfwc
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Somewhere Else
Book: The Nanny Affair, Book 3
Word Count: ~4730 (I haven't written TNA in a loooong time... I had a lot to say)
Song Inspo: "Paris" by Taylor Swift
Summary: Brynn (MC) reminisces about her whirlwind of a wedding day that was filled with jitters and professions of love.
Warning: a little language; fluff; bits of angst
AN: This is my submission for @moodmusicmonday's the Luck of the Draw! I'm not exactly a Swiftie, but this was so much fun, gleaning inspo from a song I otherwise would never have known! Thank you to whoever sent it, and to my amazing counter-part @sfb123 (who... I don't know if y'all know this, but she has been running MMM for most--if not all--of 2023): thank you for hosting this event, sister! You did a GREAT job!
A/N 2: These characters, some of the plot and even some of the dialogue belong to our friends at Pixelberry! Not truly preread or beta'd, so please excuse my errors!
"... tonight on ET, we have the wedding exclusive of billionaire bachelor Samuel Dalton and his nanny-turned-fiancée Brynn Schuyler–"
The glow of the screen flickers to black before hosting a new picture.
"... I'm here with the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mason Dalton. Seeing your son at the altar like that, tell us –"
The soft click of a button changes to another channel.
"...the two are pictured here before they scurried off to an undisclosed location, some believe they are still here in Mexico–"
He turns off the television before tossing the remote onto the coffee table in our suite. He pulls his phone out of his pocket, running an anxious hand through his thick, chestnut waves. No doubt, he's staring at dozens of missed calls and unanswered texts.
I don't know if it was the turning of the bathroom doorknob, or if he could hear my nervous, labored breathing, but he abruptly stops, dropping his phone as he fixes his hungry gaze to me. A crooked smile forms as he devours me with his dark eyes, the flecks of copper reflecting in the candlelight.
Butterflies evade my belly as I stand before him, wearing nothing but the white shirt from his tux. I fidget with the cuffs of the long sleeves as they keep falling past my hands. I can feel him watching my body, an innocent awe etching across his face.
"I hope you don't mind me borrowing your shirt." I blush, averting my eyes as the oversized cotton material slouches off of my sunkissed shoulder, exposing my bare skin. "I don't exactly have anything else–"
"It's perfect," he croons softly. He stalks closer to me, his hands finding mine. "You really think I wanted to see you a moment longer in that dress?" He chuckles, the warmth in his tone exhilarating my senses.
We fall into a comfortable silence, our eyes locked on one another.
We're finally here.
Him. And me. Forever.
Earlier that day
“...So as I look to our… to our–” I pause from my neurotic pacing, glancing down at my notes before quickly darting my eyes away once again. I wrote my wedding vows weeks ago, and had no problem memorizing them. But something about today… something is freaking me out.
“So as I look to our future, I vow to… I vow to, um… Damnit!” I hold up my vows again, but with my clumsy, nervous fingers, I accidentally drop the index cards. “Shit! Shit!” I try to catch them as each one floats into various directions all over the floor, some of them finding their way underneath the furniture of my bridal dressing room suite. With a heavy sigh, I crawl on my knees, attempting to reach the ones that fell under the coffee table.
“Happy wedding day–!”
I jump. The sudden chirp of my best friend's voice causes the back of my skull to meet the glass table with an abrupt thud followed by a tearful groan. "Ow!" I fall forward, my face finding the ornate rug as my fingers shield my now-aching head.
"Brynn!" Jenny panics, seeing my body now splayed on the floor. Aditya helps me up, assisting me to a nearby chaise lounge. Marisol fills a tea towel with ice before applying it to the back of my head with care. Jenny plops down next to me, biting her nail in worry. "What were you doing down there?"
I force a cordial smile, holding up a single note card. "Vows," I mutter, the small gesture making me wince from the surge of pain.
"Ahh! Your vows!" Jenny squeals at a higher decibel than normal. "You're finally a blushing bride! Can you believe it?"
"I… I can't believe it." My eyes widen in shock. I'm trying to match my best friend's enthusiasm, but I'm starting to wonder if I'm missing the bride gene. You know; the one that makes you giggle like a schoolgirl at even the dumbest jokes and cry happy, pretty tears at everything bridal.
Me? I think I'm about to hurl.
Jenny grabs my hand, admiring my engagement ring yet again. I blame her pregnancy hormones, and her desire to be locked down with someone. No doubt, she'd prefer Aditya, but at this point, I think she'll take anyone.
"Mrs. Samuel J. Dalton," Jenny singsongs, letting go of my fingers. She clasps her hands dreamily with a far-off daze in her bronze eyes.
I stare back down at the heavy rock on my finger, my arm growing fatigue under its weight. The glint from the sun catches the cut diamond just right, casting blinding fractals in my eyes. I hiss from the abrupt intrusion of bright light to my vision.
Mrs. Samuel J. Dalton, I repeat to myself. "I'm… I'm getting married," I state matter-of-factly as a catch my reflection in the floor-length mirror. "I'm… getting…" my voice becomes softer, more hoarse as I stand to look closer at myself. "I'm marrying Sam Dalton…" I can't seem to catch my breath as I watch my bridal party pop open a bottle of chilled champagne–and a bottle of sparkling grape juice. My voice grows louder, anxious. And terrified. "I'm marrying Sam Dalton… today!"
"Yes!" Jenny celebrates passing me a flute, "isn't this awesome?" She cheers with my glass before I watch the others lift their drinks in my honor. And everyone seems to freeze, staring at me to say something.
Truth is… I have no words. Oh God, what is happening?
"It's… awesome," I choke out, hoping my bright smile will convince them. And convince me. I quickly down the entire glass.
“I’m so excited for you and Sam," Jenny continues to gloat.
"Me and Sam." I take a deep cleansing breath. Right. Eye on the prize, Brynn. Me and Sam. It's just you and Sam. It's just you… and…
“So how’re you holding up?" Marisol takes a seat on a couch, crossing her legs nonchalantly. "I remember I was an absolute wreck at my wedding. Any pre-wedding jitters?”
Jenny chuckles, waving her hand in the air as if the mention of nerves is preposterous. "Jitters? This gal has been dreaming about this day since she met the hottie."
Aditya snickers. He saunters up close to Jenny, wrapping his arms around her waist before taking a sip of his bubbly drink.
I glance around the room, everyone's attention stuck on me. Damnit, I know I'm the bride and today is about me. But does everyone have to be staring at me like that, like I've given them a new hope in love, that love does conquer all, that Sam and I are their new favorite fairy tale?
"Right, Brynn?" Jenny prompts when I stay silent, nodding her head.
“I… feel like I’ve never been more ready for anything." I take a deep cleansing breath before curling my lips into a bright grin. "No jitters. No doubts.”
Jenny claps her hands, bouncing on the balls of her feet. “Then let’s get you to the altar–starting with your dress!”
The dress… my wedding dress… right…
My cell phone rings, the chime breaking us both from the haze of the day. I had put it on Do Not Disturb when we left the ceremony, save for a few numbers. I had a sneaking suspicion of who it was.
And I don't care.
He smirks, nodding over his shoulder. "You gonna get that?"
I step forward, sliding my hands up the firm planes of his chest until I intertwine my fingers behind his neck. I shake my head. "Nothing could be more important than being here with you, being us."
Slipping his arms around my waist, he tenderly presses his forehead to mine. He nuzzles his nose flesh to my skin, eliciting a soft moan from my lips. His mouth is a breath away from discovering my own… when my phone rings again.
He smirks, chuckling at the annoyance and slightly pulling away.
"Damnit," I mutter.
He kisses my temple. "Go ahead," he encourages, "it'll be like ripping off a band-aid." He teasingly spanks my ass. "And then I'll kiss it and make it better."
“Promise?” I snicker, enjoying his hands on me, but reality quickly sets in. My eyes flutter close as my heart begins to pound like a drum in my chest. Just face the music…
I walk over to grab my phone, peering at the screen. I cinch my eyes closed again before swiping to answer the call.
"Oh, thank God!" Jenny shouts through my speaker. "When you weren't answering, I just assumed the worst–"
"Jenny, I–"
"You guys just left," she nervously titters, "no goodbyes or anything. We went to your room, and–"
"Listen, I can't stay long. But everything is okay. Better, actually. And we're safe. We found another place to stay... You know? Get away from the chaos and the press." I chew on the inside of my mouth. "Can you… tell Moma that?"
"Yeah, of course, but Brynny… are you–"
"Jenny, stop. I promise, I will tell you everything when we get back from our trip. Okay?" My best friend doesn't respond right away, and I'm not sure if my answers satisfy her genuine curiosity.
"I… I just want to make sure you're happy."
I look at the beautiful man sitting on the edge of the bed, resting his elbows on his knees. And suddenly, I am overwhelmed with feelings of joy as I see our future play out in front of me. With our kids. The business. With each other. And it all finally seems so perfectly clear.
"Jen," my eyes sting with pricks of tears, "I've never been happier."
Earlier that day…
"Brynn! Brynn!"
Startled, I spin around to see my favorite boys bounding around the foyer. "Whoa, whoa, you guys–" They crash into my arms as I bend down to catch them. I pepper kisses into their handsome curls, breathing in their scent that always feels like home. Gosh, my boys…
Mickey stands tall with his arms behind his back. “Miss Naya told us to give you this!” He pulls out my bouquet of fresh roses, a bountiful collection of gorgeous creams and soft pale pinks. "Tada!"
My breath hitches, taken aback by how absolutely dreamy everything has turned out. This wedding… it… it's really happening. I take the bouquet, the sweet floral notes dancing around me before I turn to look at two pairs of glittering eyes.
"It's almost as pretty as you, Brynn," Mason pushes his glasses up his nose.
"Just like a princess," Mickey chimes in.
“You two look pretty sharp yourselves,” I wink, adjusting Mason’s bowtie before fixing a wayward curl behind Mickey’s ear. "Do you have the rings like we practiced?"
The twins nod their heads in unison, pulling out the velvet boxes. "I promise we won't drop them," Mickey flashes a worried glance.
"Baby," I cup his freckled cheek, "you're going to do just fine." I place my hand on Mason's shoulder. "Both of you."
"Do we have to call you 'Mom' after you marry Dad?" Mason innocently questions.
Mom. The word hits like a brick in the pit of my stomach. I'm going to be someone's mother… not just one person, but I'm going to be a mother of two…
And this is no surprise to me. Afterall, Mickey and Mason are the entire reason I even met this family. I've only known the Daltons for less than a year, and yet, I have been one of the only mother figures in their young lives. When I agreed to marry Sam, it was a package deal.
God, I love them so much. They have given me so much joy, even on days I didn't think I was going to make it. Between the incessant fights and the scandals, these two precious boys have seen me and loved me for me. They were my family long before… well, long before Sam and me…
I can't imagine living a day without a joke or a prank from those two… but being their actual mother? Making sure these two boys grow into successful men?
"Well?" Mickey prompts for an answer to his brother's question.
I pull them both into a tight hug. "You two can call me whatever you want. The most important thing you need to know is I will always be here for you two."
"And Dad," Mickey teases, grinning.
"Right, Brynn?" Mason tugs on my elbow.
"Miss Schuyler," a deep, familiar voice resonates through the waiting area, tearing me from my conversation with the boys. "You are absolutely ravishing, my dear."
"Oh, Mr. Carter, you old dog," I blush as the tall, older gentleman dressed in a neatly pressed tux approaches us. I embrace him tightly as he gives me a chaste kiss on the cheek.
"Well, let me take a look at you," he gleefully laughs, taking me by the hand. He twirls me in a circle, the skirt of my dress flouncing out like a dream. Carter playfully whistles. "Enchanting," he grins, his gray eyes twinkling as his voice grows softer. "You remind me so much of my Evelyn on our wedding day."
My eyes glisten at the mention of his wife. Unfortunately, she couldn't be with us today. Carter says that she has her 'good days and bad days,' I sense the latter outweighs the former, but still the way he speaks of his wife of forty years is precious, the envy of my dreams and future.
I offer him a kind smile, trying to blink back the tears, but I can feel my face begin to flush.
Suddenly, the gentle crescendo of music coming from the chapel notifies us that it's time for the ceremony to start. Carter and I give the boys one more glance, reminding them to walk slowly and to smile. Mickey and Mason hear their cue, and just like we rehearsed, they begin their trek to the altar.
And now... I'm next.
Carter begins to leave to sneak back into his seat, but I grab him by his arm. I start to fidget with the boutonnière on his lapels. "Mr. Carter, I… I… did you maybe… I don't know–"
He takes my hands in his, calming my trembling fingers. "Miss Schuyler, take a deep breath."
I follow his directions, taking a deep gulp of air. "Jitters, right?" I exhale, fanning myself with my hand. "Perfectly normal, right?"
Carter kindly nods, guiding me slowly to the entrance. "When you step in there, find Mr. Dalton's eyes, and you stay focused on them. That's what helped on our wedding day."
"So you were nervous, too?" I glance down the aisle, noticing the twins are halfway to their spots. I quickly step back, my eyes fluttering closed. "And that helped you?"
He curls his lips endearingly. "It helped Evelyn."
"Really?" My eyes widen. "How?
He smirks as he recalls the memory. "We came from different families, you know? And because of that, she was terrified on what was supposed to be the best day of our lives. Seeking the approval of her parents, her family, even some of her friends… It was a lot of pressure on her."
"Gosh, that must've been hard."
"It was," he nods, "but, she said that on that day, she found my eyes… and they said everything that she needed to know."
My heart swoons at the thought. "She saw the love in your eyes?"
Carter coyly shakes his head. He must see my confusion because he gives a deep, hearty laugh. "You are a treasure, Miss Schuyler, just like my Evelyn. A man that loves you will look at you as such, not with greed over what he's getting… but with fear because he sees how much he has to lose; he realizes he would be wrecked, completely devastated without you."
An overwhelming sense of calm washes over me.
Find his eyes…
You are a treasure…
He sees how much he has to lose…
I squeeze Carter's hands, pulling him into one last embrace. "Thank you so much," my voice hitches.
He nods affectionately. "You feel ready?" He helps me adjust my veil.
"Almost." I bite my lip, stifling a mischievous grin. "Mr. Carter, do you mind… walking me down the aisle?"
The most handsome smile sweeps across his face as he buttons the jacket of his tux. With his eyes glittering down at me, he offers me his arm. "It would be my honor."
"Is everyone freaking out?" He chuckles, extending his arm for me to take his hand.
I end the call, tossing my phone across the room. "I… don't care," I snicker. "Probably." Slipping my fingers into his palm, he pulls me to his side, my body crashing into him. We both tumble back onto the bed, our grunts turning into boisterous laughter, filling our room.
As our bellies begin to ache and we quiet down, I roll off of him, laying down next to him. We stare at the ceiling, falling into a comfortable silence… that is until I notice him pointing at the textured surface above us.
"What are you doing?"
He chuckles. "When I was little, I used to dream of traveling the world. I tried using my grandpa's old world atlas to map out the perfect trip, and…" He titters, shaking his head with embarrassment, "I can't believe I'm telling you this."
"No," I roll onto my side, resting my hand on his chest. "I love it–I love this." I kiss his shoulder. "Keep going."
He rests his hand on mine, softly drawing circles with his thumb. "We had old popcorn ceilings," he chuckles, "kinda like this textured stuff, and so… I'd imagine it was my own world map. And at night, I would plan my–" he deepens his voice like the narrator of a movie trailer, "--international escape."
"Ooooo, show me, James Bond."
I start to giggle as he takes my hand in the air with his, his fingers curling around mine to extend my pointer finger. "Well, over here is us right now in Puerto Vallarta… and…" he moves our hands together, "up here is New York." He starts to blush, shrugging his shoulders.
"How about–" I guide our fingers to another spot, "--London?"
He chuckles. "I'll pack my knickers," he jokes in a British accent.
"And then Paris," I move our hands again.
"Oui oui, mon chéri," he jokes in his poor attempt to sound French, making me bust out into more titters. He guides us once more. "How about Venice?" He points to another area on the ceiling, his voice growing softer. "Or Athens? Or Bali? Hong Kong?"
I brush my nose against his stubbled cheek, whispering in his ear. "And then where?"
He turns towards me, the warmth of his chocolate gaze fluttering to my hungry lips as he places my hand back on his chest. "To the moon and stars?" The air around us begins to crackle, the electricity igniting our nerves as I feel my heart begin to race. I bite my lip, feeling a rosy swirl dance across my cheeks. "Anywhere. Somewhere else. With you."
I can feel his heartbeat thrum hard against my fingertips, the excitement feeding my desire for him.
I love him.
His large hand intimately caresses mine… but then he stops, looking down at my fingers. Feeling the abrupt disconnect, I follow his gaze and quickly notice he's fidgeting with something.
My ring.
Earlier that day…
I thought I knew what I wanted for my wedding day, but in this very moment as Pachelbel's Canon in D romantically announces my arrival, I am overcome with so much emotion as I look around the room. This is everything I ever wanted: to be surrounded by love. My breath shutters as I try to blink away my tears. This… this is absolutely perfect.
Carter pats my hand gripping tightly to his arm as he walks me graciously down the aisle. "There he is," he whispers to me, "look at him."
Sam. He's as handsome as ever in his gray suit and petal pink tie. His eyes twinkle, roaming my body as I draw closer to the altar. He offers me that charming Dalton smile, and everything seems to fade away.
It's just you and me, baby… Finally… after everything you put me through– I mean--that we've gone through…
I can do this... I can do this... I can–
Without warning, Sam gradually turns towards his groomsmen. One of his old fraternity brother's has made some kind of comment, causing some of them to crack up. During my procession.
Sam seems to be responding to the joke or comment. He subtly leans over, but after a few seconds, some of the men snicker, covering their faces and Sam chuckles into his fist, feigning a coughing fit.
It's fine, I tell myself.
Getting himself under control, Sam looks back to me with a mischievous glint in his eye before winking at me.
It was just a joke– an inside joke perhaps. Probably to help with his own nerves. It--it's fine. Everything is fine.
Just… stay with me, Sam. Please stay. I need to see your–
The twins lean up against their dad as he rests his hands on their shoulders. Together, they all watch me with doting glances… that is until one of the velvet boxes accidentally falls out of Mickey’s pocket. In a panic, he bends over to grab the small package, carelessly backing into his brother Mason, knocking off his glasses.
Giving me a crooked smile and shrugging his shoulders, Sam takes a knee to help the boys out, causing endearing chuckles from the audience.
Those two rascals…
I begin to admire my little mess of a family-to-be… until the small hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. My pulse, without explanation, begins to race as a bead of sweat courses down the slope of my back.
Something doesn't feel right.
I can't help, but feel… as crazy as it sounds, like there's another pair of eyes on me. Of course, I realize I have over two-hundred guests watching me as I finish my march down the aisle, but this? This isn't the same. This stare… it's different. It's piercing, and intimate. And I feel… seen. Exposed. Preyed.
Looking behind Sam's crouched physique, a pair of deep, chestnut eyes feast on my every move. But rather than being filled with adoration or even his typical lust, there's a hint of sadness in them, as if they're watching a funeral procession rather than a wedding.
And for the first time today, my heart flutters as a fire kindles in my belly.
I make it to the altar, Carter placing my petite hand in my groom's grasp. I can feel the desire in Sam's eyes wandering across my body. He gives my fingers a squeeze, giving me another adoring wink… but I can't stop looking at him.
Focus, Brynn. Just focus…
Naya gives us a cordial smile before taking the microphone to begin. "Dearly beloved friends and family, we've gathered here today…"
It's no use. I can feel the bile rise in the back of my throat as the room begins to spin. Is it getting hot in here? Or are there just too many people?
As Naya continues, I look back to those haunting eyes, that look of betrayal, that look of devastation… and Carter's words begin to replay in my mind. 'A man that loves you will look at you… with fear because he sees how much he has to lose; he realizes he would be wrecked… without you."
Oh my God… I never noticed this before but… he loves me.
"... speak now," Naya bellows, "or... forever hold your–"
"Wait!" Fuck! What did I just do? The entire congregation starts to quietly murmur amongst one another. Sam clears his throat, his eyebrows furrowing as he adjusts his collar. "I–I'm sorry to interrupt, but… I just… I have a question, and I…" I sigh. "I can't do this–I can't get married unless… I need the answer."
A hush falls over the room, concerned looks are glued on me.
I should just shut up, and go along with this. Isn't that what I've been doing for the past several months anyway with the promise of a happily ever after? Does fairy tale magically happen after we say, 'I do?'
No. In my heart, I know this is the right thing to do. For me.
"Robin?" More whispers erupt behind me as Sam turns back to look at his best man, a pained confusion etching on his handsome features. "Several weeks ago, we pretended to be the wait staff in a restaurant… to, uh… witness a date." Sam raises an eyebrow, looking between Robin and me. "I asked you a question at the beginning of the night. Do you… do you remember my question?"
Robin coyly pushes his fists into his slacks, nodding his head. He exhales heavily, his nose rosy pink with unshed emotion.
My vision blurs as hot streams pour down my cheeks, but my attention doesn't leave Robin. "You… you answered, 'Sure. Sometimes…'" A lump forms in my throat, my timbre growing hoarse. "Tell me, Robin… if I asked you that same question right now, what–what would your answer be?" I choke out a sob, wiping my face with the back of my hands.
He just stares at me. Lost. Dumbfounded. Embarrassed.
I know this wasn't exactly the most opportune time to talk about this, but I also knew this would be our last time to talk about it. Damnit, maybe I was wrong. Carter was wrong. My jitters and my awful gut feeling… wrong.
I look at Sam, his jaw ticking in anger. And he has every right to be. I've made a fool of him, of us.
But I could've sworn I saw something…
"Sorry, everyone," Sam kindly addresses the audience, "we have a case of the wedding day jitters." He fakes a bright smile, the crowd tittering and cooing. At me. Like I'm a joke. Again. Sam takes my hand, but he refuses to even look at me now.
Will he ever take me seriously? I... I don't want to get married like this.
Sam clears his throat, nodding to Naya to continue. "Let's try this again," she chuckles, "we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of–"
"I lied," Robin blurts out, inviting the chaos to continue amongst the guests. He steps forward, pushing himself in front of Sam. "Brynn, you asked me if I ever thought about us–" Gasps and whispers crescendo in the room as Robin takes my hands into his. "And I told you… what I thought you wanted to hear. I mean, for Christ's sake, you swore you were in love with..." The corner of his mouth curls, his eyes bearing it all before me. "I knew better," he mumbles, falling into nervous titters, squeezing tightly to my fingers. "The truth is… Brynn Schuyler... Hell, of course, I think about us. All of the time. I dream of you as my bride. As my wife. As the mother to my children… I've never stopped thinking about us since the moment I first met you–"
Screams erupt as family members and friends jump to their feet. Naya attempts to holler through her microphone to restore order, but it's too late. Our guests that have come to attend a beautiful, romantic wedding have turned into an ugly, angry mob.
I get lost in the shuffle, unable to recognize anyone around me. My name is being screamed in several directions by several different voices, but it's no use. Terrified, I glance around, looking for a way to safety as everything crumbles around me.
Suddenly, a large hand grabs mine, pulling me through the vocal crowd. As we finally make it to the back of the sanctuary, his lips graze my ear. "Do you trust me?"
A rush of exhilaration floods my veins as my natural smile returns. Are you kidding me? With all my heart.
I nod.
"Don't look back, baby," he chuckles, tucking my arm under his. "Run!"
"Do you mind, Miss Schuyler?" He smirks, grabbing my engagement ring on my hand.
I roll my lips, trying to hide my smile as I tilt my head side-to-side. "Not at all, Mr. Flores. Please."
Robin slips the jewelry off of my finger before pressing his lips to my now bare knuckle. It was so simple, yet the gesture so intimate; I was finally free.
This man…
Pulling me into his arms, he tosses the ring over his shoulder, an abrupt clink hitting the wall. With his handsome crooked smile, he leans towards me. "Don't worry," he chuckles, "I made him buy the insurance."
"Robin!" I squeal before our mouths meet in a tender kiss.
"What?" He pulls back, cupping my cheek. "I had a feeling."
"A feeling?" I snicker, raising an eyebrow. "That it wasn't going to work out?"
"Ehh, more .." He brushes his thumb across my lips, a serious expression growing across his face. "That you were the one. For me."
Thank you so much for your support! Every like, comment and reblog means the world to me! 🖤
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#the nanny affair#the nanny affair book 3#the nanny affair fanfic#choices tna#choices tna book 3#choices tna fanfic#tna fanfic#tna fanfiction#choices tna fanfiction#m!sam dalton#sam dalton#choices sam dalton#m!robin flores#robin flores#choices robin flores#sam dalton x mc#robin flores x mc#mickey dalton#mason dalton
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⚾️A Day at the Ballpark ⚾️
I've been sitting on this incredible artwork by Ainna, since March! Shameful I know!!
In honor of the halfway point in the MLB season and the All-Star Game approaching (GO HALOS) I thought I'd share it FINALLY!!
To be fair, I was going to write a piece for their family outing as it comes to play in another story.. but as you know time and other things push it back.
The Castro/Dalton's time at the Ballpark will be written.
In the meantime, look how awesome it came out. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
*their choice in teams are highly questionable. 🤣🤣
#the nanny affair#choices tna#marie castro x sam dalton#sam x marie#the dalton's team choices are questionable#mason and mickey#choices stories you play#choices art#choices the nanny affair
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Who and What I Write For!!!
If a Fandom/Character is Bolded, that means requests for them are Open. If it is not bolded, they are closed. Thank you!
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger
George Weasley
Fred Weasley
Cedric Diggory
Seamus Finnigan
Draco Malfoy
Oliver Wood
Remus Lupin (Marauders Era)
James Potter (Marauders Era)
Sirius Black (Marauders Era)
Regulus Black (Marauders Era)
Lily Evans (Marauders Era)
Marlene McKinnon (Marauders Era)
Mary MacDonald (Marauders Era)
Fear Street
Simon Kalivoda
Kate Schmidt
Tommy Slater
Nightwing Killer
Ziggy Berman
Nick Goode
Solomon Goode
Mad Thomas
Richie Tozier (young and old)
Bill Denbrough (young and old)
Stanley Uris (young and old)
Ben Hanscom (young and old)
Eddie Kaspbrak (young)
Beverly Marsh (young)
Mike Hanlon (young)
Peter Parker (MCU)
Peter Parker (TASM)
^ frat!peter… iykyk
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Wanda Maximoff
Natasha Romanoff
Sam Wilson
Bruce Banner
Tony Stark
Scott Lang
Sidney Prescott
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Randy Meeks
Dewey Riley
Tatum Riley
Derek Feldman
Mickey Altieri
Roman Bridger
Kirby Reed
Charlie Walker
Tara Carpenter
Wes Hicks
Chad Martin-Meeks
Mindy Martin-Meeks
Richie Kirsch
Amber Freeman
Anika Kayoko
Ethan Landry
Back to the Future
Marty McFly
George Mcfly
The Breakfast Club
Andrew Clark
Brian Johnson
John Bender
Claire Standish
Allison Reynolds
Stand By Me
Teddy Duchamp
Chris Chambers
Dead Poets Society
Neil Perry
Charlie Dalton
Todd Anderson
Knox Overstreet
Steven Meeks
Gerard Pitts
Richard Cameron
Chris Noel
Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure
Bill Preston Esquire
Ted Logan
Billy The Kid
The Hunger Games
Peeta Mellark
Finnick Odair
Johanna Mason
TV Shows
The Walking Dead
Rick Grimes
Daryl Dixon
Carl Grimes
Glenn Rhee
Negan Smith
Rosita Espinosa
Tara Chambler
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson
Mike Wheeler
Dustin Henderson
Lucas Sinclair
Max Mayfield
Robin Buckley
Jonathan Byers
Billy Hargrove
Ginny and Georgia
Marcus Baker
Abby Littman
Hunter Chen
Lip Gallagher
Carl Gallagher
Video Games
Jimmy Hopkins
Gary Smith
Petey Kowalski
The Last of Us
Joel Miller
Ellie Williams
Abby Anderson
Red Dead Redemption
Arthur Morgan
John Marston
Durch van der Linde (1899)
Jack Marston (1911 and 1914)
Sean Macguire
Karen Jones
Charles Smith
Javier Escuella
Detroit: Become Human
Life Is Strange
Chloe Price (specifically BTS)
Nathan Prescott
Warren Graham
Sean Diaz
Daniel Diaz (older obvi)
Steph Gingrich
Ryan Lucan
Hogwarts Legacy
Sebastian Sallow
Ominis Gaunt
Gareth Weasley
Leander Prewett
TellTale’s The Walking Dead
Miscellaneous 80s Characters
Edgar Frog
Allen Frog
Sam Emerson
Johnny Cade
Ponyboy Curtis
Sodapop Curtis
Dally Winston
Ferris Bueller
Egon Spengler
Peter Venkman
Alex P. Keaton
Miscellaneous Non-80s Characters
Harley Quinn
Peter Kavinsky
Donnie Darko
Detective David Loki
Homer Hickam
Beck Oliver
Jade West
Rodrick Heffley
#request#imagines#x reader#life is strange#80s movies#stranger things#it#the walking dead#twdg#red dead redemption#detroit become human#the breakfast club#ferris bueller#the last of us#ginny and georgia#shameless#harry potter#hogwarts legacy#ghostbusters#bully#the hunger games#bill and ted#back to the future#dead poets society#stand by me#scream#marvel#fear street#rodrick heffley#bucky barnes x reader
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howdy! my name is charles. i'm 30. he/him pronouns. this is my multimuse blog.
i've done many rounds on tumblr, decided i was done, and was (as the prophecy declares) dragged back by friends. so this blog is going to be extremely private. i promise it's nothing personal if i don't follow back or don't interact: i'm tired and have a more than full time job and made this blog mostly to write with my friends.
that being said i suppose the biggest rule is just don't be a dick!
DNI: if you're under 21. it's just weird of me to interact with younglings.
below the cut is my muse list because i am incapable of being chill about how many muses i have.
THE 100 - john murphy - bellamy blake
GLEE - finn hudson - sam evans - artie abrams
TED LASSO - roy kent - jamie tartt - ted lasso
DEGRASSI - craig manning - spinner mason - eli goldsworthy DEAD POETS SOCIETY - charlie dalton
RENT - mark cohen
DEAD OF SUMMER - drew reeves
IT (BOOK BASED) - richie tozier (fcs: seth green, caleb landry jones, alan tudyk) - stanley uris (fcs: wyatt oleff, timothee chalamet, andy bean) - bill denbrough ( fcs: jaeden martell, tanner buchanan, james mcavoy)
FAKES - trystan smith
RESIDENT EVIL - leon s. kennedy - luis sera - carlos oliveira
HATCHETFIELD - paul matthews - ted spankoffski - peter spankoffski - ethan green - richie lipschitz - max jagerman -wiggog y'wrath (wiggly)
COBRA KAI - robby keene - demetri alexopoulos
LOST - james 'sawyer' ford - hugo 'hurley' reyes - sayid jarrah
THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY - klaus hargreeves
HAPPY DEATH DAY - carter davis
STICK IT - haley graham
CHALLENGERS - art donaldson - patrick zweig
PANIC - dodge mason (show based, inspo taken from book) - bishop moore (inspo taken from show & book)
BOTTOMS - hazel callahan
SAW - adam stanheight - mark hoffman
SHAMELESS (US) - mickey milkovich
SPECTACULAR! nikko alexander
ATTACK ON TITAN reiner braun levi ackerman
ORIGINAL CHARACTERS - mace runebe my bg3 tav. mace is a half elf druid who also leveled in rogue. his choices followed a mostly good playthrough with a couple little deviations. he was a street urchin and then a pirate before falling into the life of an adventurer. - arlo kapadia an oc inspired by the song 27 by fall out boy. for arlo i actually have two google docs here and here that lay out everything you need to know about him. - percival 'percy' frank. a medium who left home because of a murder in his family and travels around investigating spooky situations for money. all of his information can be found here. trigger warning for murder of a parent (by the other parent).

EXCLUSIVES: i never really participated in exclusives before this blog but since the idea is to keep things small and manageable, here they are.
@ghoulsplay - claire redfield, eli moskowitz, miguel diaz, tommy oliver, trini gomez, courtney lane, ben hanscom, lucy gray baird @soulcost - lae'zel, steph gingrich, ada wong, jill valentine, kim possible @anxietytold - ray hall, lip gallagher, haley james scott
#muse list.#pinned post.#basically: if you have any questions just ask!#for murphy i have an extensive list of aus i can throw him into and can easily throw him into more#for everyone else we're goin on vibes baybee
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Sent by anonymous
'Reason #1573739403 to hate Sam Dalton: using the twins for the proposal was manipulative as fuck'
#sam dalton#mickey dalton#mason dalton#mickey and mason dalton#the nanny affair#tna#choices the nanny affair#choices tna#the nanny affair 2#tna 2#choices the nanny affair 2#choices tna 2#choices#playchoices#choices stories you play#confessions#mod kamie
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the fact that you didn’t have to pay diamonds to do that prank on sofia...
#my rights#the nanny affair#sam x mc#sam dalton#sofia russo#mickey and mason#choices#choices play#mickey and mason dalton
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Let’s look at the positive here.
WE GET TO SEE SOME OF OUR FAVOURITE TWINS MORE IN TNA 2. Which let’s be honest, is why a lot of us will be playing it. How can we say no to those adorable boys 💕🥺
#choices stories you play#playchoices#pixelberry studios#pb the nanny affair#mickey and mason dalton#mason and mickey#tna mason#tna mickey
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The Long Goodbye...
Rating: Mature
Warning: Intimacy, the feeling of loss
Word Count: 3500 approximately
The Long Goodbye…
It was time…
He wasn’t ready, although he thought he would be…
Boys, get your scarves, Dahlia and I are going to take you on a stroll through Central Park, and then we are taking a trip together to visit someone special to you that you haven’t met yet. Saying “special” cut like a heated knife through his heart, but it would not take away from the fact that he is someone special to them, as he was to their mother… another bitter fact that Sam had come to accept. It had taken him time, but he knew that brooding over the fact wouldn’t change a single ounce of the truth that had burned in his mind and heart for some time now.
He had given him time to adjust to his request for his sons, but would that time ever be enough? No way that it could ever be. Although they were not his biological sons, they had made him the man he was today. For if they had not been born, he would never have found it within himself to care more about his own life… It had been their births that grounded him. Watching the pain ripping through Alina as she so bravely pushed each one into the waiting hands of a very proud father, eventually cutting their cords after the desired time she’d ask them to wait… the last moments they would be totally dependent on her alone for their survival finally showed Sam exactly what he had been taking for granted.
Looking back on it made things bittersweet. How could the best memories of his life be stained with untruth? But he wouldn’t allow any deception to taint his relationship with his boys, until they could no longer reside with him he would give them his all. So, today would start their long goodbye… Mini trips to fun locations and a walk down memory lane, ending in the very place he’d discovered his wife in the arms of none other than their true father.
Sighing, Dahlia takes his hand and pulls him into a tight hug. “We will get through this, Sam. It won’t be easy, but we will. This doesn’t truly have to be goodbye. I don’t see that you could be kept out of their lives after raising them to be such fine young boys. Their brilliance and love of life is all because of you. Yes, Alina had her share in giving them love early on, but after… Well, love, that was all you!” He bends and rests his chin atop her head, steadying his anxiety in her firm hold of him. She always did have a way of calming the worst storms brewing within him. “Let’s go, we have a lot of activities ahead of us, and our boys are anxious… “
Once at the park, the boys inquired about every scientific thing that they could think of, from the color change in the leaves, to the contrasting landscape, to why they seemed to react differently to the cool weather… Dahlia had on a wool trench, while Sam just had a knit sweater and scarf thrown over his neck and shoulders, but a thin turtleneck was the only protection against the chilling breeze. The boys both had on their fleece lined jackets with hats, scarves and gloves.
It was fascinating to listen to Dahlia explain the body’s mechanisms for regulating body temperature, the boys eagerly giving their own examples, missing the heated looks between the two adults whose bodies were joined at the sides, arms wrapped around each other like anchors to keep them both from losing themselves in these moments… How would their days be without the energy and life the boys brought throughout their days?
Thoughts were broken as they came across a cart vendor selling the most alluring scented hot drinks and pastries. Answering before the boys’ excitement could settle enough to ask, they followed the boys at a much slower pace to the smiling older gentleman who was reciprocating the smiles plastered on the boys’ faces. As they animatedly discussed which sweets would be best and to see if they could get away with more than one, Dahlia held a quick conversation with Sam which ended in a sweet kiss caught by the boys just as it was ending. “Eewwww, more kissing!”
“That’s what love looks like, young men, now… what can I get for you?” This man reminded them of Carter once they gave a closer look, but maybe it was just his gentle nature that made them think of him. “Well boys, since we grossed you out just now, I’m sure you won’t want anything but a hot drink, right?” Sam teased them, knowing that they’d plead for more and it would divert them from witnessing their mature actions. As they protested, Dahlia nudged Sam to give in just this once and let them have their pick of things to their delight. After drinks and goodies were purchased, their walk continued until they reached the pond and park benches.
“Your dad and I will sit here while you two explore this area in front of us, but stay in sight, okay.” The boys head straight for the carousel, and once on, chase each other around it until they find just the right spot. As the carousel turns, intermittently waving and calling out to the boys, Dahlia turns to Sam with puzzlement over his distant expression. “Do we get to discuss more about this? I still don’t know who this mysterious father could even be.”
He finally turns to look at her with tearful eyes. “I know it’s asking a lot, but I don’t think it’s something that I can discuss right now. I just want to fully enjoy the remainder of our days together as a complete family. I will explain more on the last leg of our vacation. I am, however, anxious to meet your sister! Is she anything like you?”
“Way to deflect from unwanted conversation, mister… but, not so much. Riley and I are two very different people. Although, she did marry my brother-in-law not truly knowing anything about him… That is similar to us, but I knew a lot about you… You just didn’t see that knowing everything about me would change things. But to add more, Riley carried a lot of the responsibility for me. Our parents traveled for work and were hardly ever present in my life. My Grandma Addie was my lifeline… but after she passed on, it was pretty much Riley. I went off to college at an early age, and Riley eventually went off to medical school but left to pursue “anything different” to quote her directly. She was pretty much a professional student, but our grandmother always told us that you can’t ever have too many degrees behind your name. Life played out a lot differently for me, but I do have my Master’s in Chemistry, Bachelors in Biochemistry and Psychology.”
Sam barely heard much of what Dahlia was saying, eyes flicking between her and the carousel, taking in how excited and carefree the twins were. This had never been his childhood, groomed from an early age to be in the public eye, from his grandfather’s prominent status to his father’s need to surpass the image of his father. He couldn’t help reliving the day of their birth, changing their diapers for the first time when handling them both on his own… a bet he’d made with confidence to his wife that he could handle the task alone and with precision, but two blowouts proved otherwise. He didn’t think something so small could hold so much, but they did, and it was like a competition brewing between them already, or their first ever prank. His memory of dropping them off for their first day of school brings a smile to his face, but is quickly interrupted by the boys’ screaming as they played tag after having gotten off the carousel and playfully raced back towards the two of them.
Standing, he reaches for her hand with a sad smile which causes her to pause, but she offers him her hand. Pulling her into him for a tight hug, he kisses just behind her ear as he whispers, “I love you, you know that?” As she leans to try to guess his mood, he kisses her on the lips quickly before taking her hands and kissing them before interlacing their fingers together so that they could continue their evening of fun. Each feels Mickey and Mason slide up against their exposed sides, simultaneously ruffling their hair as the boys protest, “Where to next, Dahlia?” She looks at Sam and says, “You boys up to pillaging and plundering a castle?”
“There’s a real castle?”
“Yes, in the center of Central Park. We have to fight off other pirates as we climb to the top. We’ll need to get to the lookout to search for the potential locations the treasure has been buried. Race you there!”
“Ugh, dad! Dahlia’s too fast! Catch her!” He can’t help falling into the feeling of family and gives chase, hearing the boys yell, “faster, faster, she is getting away!” Gaining on her quickly with his long strides, he catches her at the waist and spins her around. As he begins to lower her to the ground, the boys join in hugging her waist and laughing, “You’re fast, but not faster than dad!”
“Yeah, duh!!! Do you see those long legs! That’s why I needed the headstart! But… since you don’t know the way, my little admirals, you’ll just have to stay close and follow me!” His heart pangs with knowing these are the final moments with his family in this way. He is so thankful that Dahlia is taking charge of this adventure in his stead because he is slowly crumbling inside and fighting hard not to fall weak in front of the boys.
How had he taken them for granted all of this time … allowing their grandparents the better part of their time? Arm draped around her shoulder, he quietly thanks her for all that she is doing today and he shows his gratitude later when they are alone, kissing the top of her head. She isn’t used to seeing Sam in such a vulnerable state and begins to worry about him. She won’t probe him further about it now, just keep the boys occupied to give him this bit of instant relief.
Finally making it to the top spiral of the castle’s tower, they make a dramatic scene of spotting creatures and pirate ships sailing towards them in the icy lake below. “We can’t let them get our treasure, Admiral Mason!” “No chance of that, Admiral Mickey! We have Dahlia and dad to fight them off for us!” Sam makes a display of suiting up in armor and weaponry as Dahlia fires shots from the imaginary cannons and yells back for Sam to man the bow chaser. Brandishing his cutlass, he screams out pirate jargon and then throws grenades as he runs to the cannon to finally sink the closest ships. Celebrating in triumph, they all perform a signature dance move and fall down in a fit of laughter.
Once hydrated, they move on throughout Central Park, making their way back towards Hyland Planetarium, the place where Dahlia had taken them on her first attempt at babysitting them for Sam. This would be another painful moment, unable to be hidden. “Dad, why are you so sad?”
Both boys rush to take a hand, somberly gazing up into his eyes awaiting some response.
Every Breath You Take… Aaron Krause link2
Sam pulls them into a tight side hug, reassuring them that he isn’t sad (a blatant understatement, but a little white lie told to not dampen their moods), but just remembering their happiest moments together (not a lie, but a mask for what he truly feels). As they make their way to their preferred row of seating, the lights begin to lower. After calling out as many of the ones they recognized in competition, the boys noticed a new set they had never seen before, a mirror image representing identical twins. Sam had arranged for the boys to have their own constellations named after them, so that no matter where they were in the world, as long as they were looking up at the starry night sky, there would always be a constant reminder of how much he loved them even though they may be apart.
“Wow, dad! You really had them named after us?”
“I sure did! I even bought you an advanced telescope so that you can help to discover more… even if they can’t be documented, you boys can have the pleasure of writing your own worlds in the stars above.” Dahlia leaned in close as Sam lifted his arm for her to cuddle into him.The tears in her eyes were apparent, but the boys didn’t catch on due to their excitement of air tracing their very own constellations. Dahlia remembers the exact evening Sam discussed the idea with his mother when they visited her for dinner, and slowly the pieces begin to stitch together. This is what had motivated all of these unexpected yet sentimental acts from Sam.
Vivian had discussed having their ceiling mimic this exact view with Liam, and he’d agreed to have the renovations completed by the time of their arrival. She made sure that he knew the things the boys were accustomed to and had already begun shipping things unable to be found in Cordonia out of her need to have some control in this unfortunate situation. Liam was beyond grateful for every bit of information he had been privy to because this was already going to be a major change… one, not even he could be sure that Riley or Cordonia would be openly receptive to.
One last car ride with Carter… this time, both sit up front, after a dare made by Mickey that Mason wouldn’t be able to convince Sam to allow this to ever happen, and if by some rare chance he did, he would stop teasing him about the bedwetting prank he’d pulled on him, never mentioning it again to anyone. He’d teased Mason long and hard over this, making sure to tell anyone that would listen to his comedic rantings, so there was no way that Mason wouldn’t give this a try. To Mickey’s disbelief, all Mason had to do was ask and Sam gave in with a gentle smile, rustling his curls saying, “Just this once!”
His strength had completely faltered, and there was no way that he would be able to thwart the onslaught of questions the boys would have given on the journey home. They wouldn’t continue to believe that he was the nostalgic father he’d previously explained their prior concerns away with. The moment the town car began its designated route to the airport, Sam sank down into Dahlia’s lap, his head heavy and eyes brimming with the unshed tears he had been willing away the entire day.
As she gently stroked his beard, she softly pleaded for him to talk to her. Knowing the details may allow her to comfort him better, but he delays the conversation by planting kisses on her inner thigh through her clothing, moving to place a kiss on her mound before easing his way up to kiss her with such a needy force that she abandons any and all conversation. Unfastening the button with a mere hook of his finger and quickly dragging the zipper down, he buries his face in her crotch, teasing her clit as his hands squeeze her thighs… slowly dragging her forward to allow him better access.
“Sam, I love the way you feel right now, but what about the partition?” Only stopping to lean backward to lock the window access to the back of the town car, he turns and eyes her with such adoration in his eyes that she feels her wetness increasing.
It will take at least an hour to reach the private hanger, where Sam’s plane has been prepped for him to take his family up for the first leg of their air travel. He’s never taken the boys up but feels that this would be the perfect way to ease them into the much longer flight ahead of them. What better way to show his boys how cool their dad is? Their dad…
Desperately needing to get out of his head, he gave her only one instruction, “Don’t make a sound!” The roughness in his kiss suffocated any spurning her mind insisted upon knowing that the boys could potentially hear or see her intimate behavior, soft whispers and cries escaping her. When Sam desired comfort in this way, she knew that whatever was grating on his mind would unravel through the most intense touch he could offer her, and she could barely contain her anxiety to absorb every ounce of feeling that he would pour into her.
He thought that this was finally smothering the feeling of abandonment that haunted him, but her repetitive whisper, “Oh, baby!”, would remind him of the words that escaped Alina’s mouth as he held her, nestled in his lap with each new baby boy held secure in her arms as he firmly surrounded hers… “Oh baby, look how peaceful and beautiful they are!” The push and pull between reality and memory almost proved to be overwhelming, but he would soon remedy this.
Taking her faster would cause her words to falter, only allowing room for her to attempt catching her breath while moaning her elation, but this would only set him back to square one, answering questions he wanted to avoid. Lapping the remnants remaining of her first orgasm, he unbuttons his shirt, hurriedly ripping it from his torso just before leaning back on his knees to unbuckle his belt.
Dahlia is already upright on her knees in front of him, unzipping his pants and freeing his pulsing erection, straddling it before he’s even removed the belt completely. A pointless idea now abandoned, he steadies her thighs in his grip as she grinds on him, kissing him with as much passionate energy as she felt coursing through her just moments ago. She feels so damned good taking him as he sits idle, enjoying the feel of her using him to bring a climax and hard release that has her trembling around him, embracing him as she pants so heavily that syncope is near.
Sam is still so conflicted in his heart that his release is stunted each time he is on the brink. Only taking complete control will allow him to escape everything consuming him. Dahlia has no recovery time. Sam lifts her and crawls forward pinning her sideways on the seat as he drives into her hard and fast at first, but slows to give him more time. Both watch as he slowly sheaths himself fully within her, withdrawing at the same pace but lifting upward to intensify the feel of him against her clenching walls.
Stretching her each time as his excitement floods into a near-painful hardness, he finally knows that the time has come to empty all thoughts as he forces himself into her not pulling away any longer but pushing with a deep grind that has her clawing and gripping his arms as he hovers close to her. The buildup to their release becomes so powerful there’s a tightness in his chest and he is almost unable to breathe. One arm holds her tightly against him just below her shoulder blades as his other hand cups her ass, lifting her into his deep strokes, whispering for her to get ready, he’s about to flood her.
She holds tightly around his neck as his grind forces her upward, burying her head until she feels she may scream. “Kiss me, Sam!” He can’t have her talking loudly or screaming. She audibly pouts at his withdrawal, her body now torturously aching to be filled. Unable to protest because Sam repositions and fills her mouth instead, “Take it!” He stretches over her and begins to kiss and suck her orgasm from her as she does him, both grinding wildly against each other’s faces.
Release !!! Finally, a delicious release drowned in barely audible hissing and shivering moans… “Mmmmhm, Sam!!” It takes everything within him to remain silent, but he has to maintain this restraint… The boys can’t know why he so freely agreed to Mason’s request, although this wasn’t necessarily the primary reason. Lazily readjusting themselves and their clothing, “Talk later?” Yawning, her only reply, “Mmmm…” Reaching into the console to retrieve a light fragranced cologne bottle, he squirts a few sprays onto their clothing to mask their adult activities before relaxing back into the seat and holding Dahlia against him as they await arrival at the hanger.
Was this long goodbye truly the best idea? Sure, it gives him more time, but it would still come to an end with the same result… letting go… How the hell was he supposed to do this?
{To be continued...}
#the long goodbye#becoming mrs. dalton#secretaryunpaid#choices fanfiction#choices fandom#choices the nanny affair#tna fanfic#tna fandom#sam x mc#samuel dalton#dahlia schuyler#mickey dalton#mason dalton#intimacy
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Mc actually became a wife…
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Sins of the Father
Summary: Mason Dalton was bred to be at the top of the game, but finding a sturdy foothold is proving more challenging than he initially thought. With pressure mounting from all sides, an unforeseen event could be the catalyst he needs to cement his legacy. Warnings: General Mature Content. Anxiety Disorders. Mentions/Use of Prescribed Substances Word Count:
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Mason Dalton leaned heavily on the counter in front of him. The ringing in his ears was incessant and he could feel his chest getting tighter with every breath he took. Just outside the door, dinner was still in full swing. The sounds of laughter and chatter drifting from the dining room were muffled by the heavy wooden door, and Mason couldn't be more thankful for the reprieve. Around him the tiled walls had begun to spin and the ringing in his ears had grown louder. He gripped the counter's edge until his knuckles turned white and forced air in and out of his tightening lungs. With great effort he pried a shaking hand from its place on the counter and began frantically searching his pockets. Goddammit. Where had he left them? He knew better than to go anywhere without his prescription, but each pat of his pockets turned up nothing.
Just when he'd become resigned to his inevitable meeting with the bathroom floor, the door swung open and a wave of fresh air washed into the room. His wife, Vivian, stood in the doorway, her eyebrows drawn with concern.
"Close the door." His voice came out sounding strangled and small.
Vivian stepped inside the small bathroom and closed the door behind her. "Here. I figured you needed these."
She popped open the small clutch bag in her hands and produced an orange pill bottle.
Mason quickly took it. He fumbled in his attempt to get the white cap off, but in seconds had two of the tiny pills in his hand. He tossed them in his mouth and leaned down over the sink, drinking water straight from the faucet.
Mason gave a single nod in response. The pills needed time to work, but just knowing that he had them in his system provided some relief. He moved over an inch as Vivian came to stand next to him at the counter.
She picked up one of the neatly folded hand towels and ran it under the faucet stream.
"You shouldn't let your father rattle you like that." She touched the damp towel to his temple. "He's just looking to shake your confidence."
"I know that." Mason's eyes drifted away from Vivian's face to the shimmering necklace resting around her neck. Clear cut diamonds. A family heirloom from his mother's mother, given to her as a gift on their wedding day. It was meant to be a symbol of his love for her, a reminder. But as of late it had become a statement piece worn simply to spite his mother. Not that he could blame her.
He forced his eyes back to hers. "Trust me, I've known the man my entire life."
"So, let's come up with a plan." Vivian had sat the towel aside and was now working on straightening his tie.
He swatted her away and made the adjustments himself. "I have a plan. Dalton Enterprises is a success in the making. The third quarter earnings report will show that. All I need to do is keep him satisfied until I have something to throw in his face."
"But you can't do that if you're having panic attacks in the washroom."
Mason shot her a look and her returning gaze was steady. He hated when she looked at him like that. Like he was fragile. He was a CEO. A Dalton, dammit. He didn't need to be coddled. Sympathy and pity were not things he desired. That was her wheelhouse.
Vivian sighed. "All I'm saying is, you can lean on me. We're a team, remember?"
"Leaning on you is like leaning on a house of cards. Especially considering the past four years." Vivian looked like she'd been struck and that alone should have told Mason to stop, but instead he added, "Or have you forgotten your own prescribed cocktail?"
The silence that followed made the small room feel even more cramped. Mason studiously avoided taking in his wife's expression, pretending to fuss over his shirt cuffs, before finally clearing his throat.
"We need to go back. We've been gone too long."
Not waiting for a response, Mason gave himself a once over in the mirror before plucking his pill bottle off the counter. He began to put it into his pocket out of habit, but then paused.
"Hold these for me. I don't want-"
"I know. You don't want them rattling in your pocket." Vivian snapped up the bottle from his hand and dropped it in her clutch. "You already told me earlier this evening." Her tone was clipped.
A beat passed between them.
"Thank you." His voice was quiet.
He risked a quick peek in her direction and found her expression cool and impassive. She gave a small, formal nod before turning on her heels and striding from the bathroom.
Mason followed a second later. His longer strides allowed him to close the distance easily. He reached out and gently touched her arm, causing her to pause in her tracks. She turned toward him, her face an emotionless mask in the dimly lit hallway.
"Let's go in together." His voice was low so that only she could hear. They were just paces now from the dining room and the voices of the others could be easily heard.
Mason was loath to depend on anyone for comfort. It was one of the few things his father had taught him that he'd taken in stride. But hearing the man's ostentatious chatter even here at this distance had him longing for support.
He offered Vivian his arm and hoped that she would concede even with the mood he'd put her in.
She took it without so much as a glance up at him. He supposed he was grateful for that. Without seeing the contempt in her eyes, he could at least pretend he had an ally in the room.
They began walking again, side by side.
#DaddyDalton#the nanny affair#choices#sam dalton#mason dalton#mickey dalton#vivian dalton#sins of the father#robin flores#sofia russo#palo russo#tony russo#jordan le#addison dalton
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Once (5/5)

**This story takes place before it was revealed that Addison would come back/is alive **
Book: The Nanny Affair & Open Heart Crossover AU
Characters involved: Sam Dalton (M!MC), Ethan Ramsey (M!MC) and Vivian Dalton (F!MC)
Part V of V / Miniseries
Words: 1,900+
Rating: Mature
TW: Cancer, character death, mental illness
Summary: It’s weeks after Addis funeral. Sam and the boys settle in a bit, when Sam gets a surprise.
A/N: This is in honor of my friend Mira who died from ovarian cancer. May you rest in peace 💜

I was finished at work and got Carter to drive me home while reading through an email I got from Ethan.
I smile even though it’s been a month since Addie‘s funeral.
And it still feels so fresh in my mind.
Thankfully the boys don’t remember too much of that sad day, which turned into a less sad day with my new friend Ethan Ramsey and my brother Robin.
We got pretty drunk, but nobody bothered us. So we kept talking about everything and nothing.
I finished reading through the email that Ethan replied to and put my phone in my pocket to look outside the car window. Seeing all the streets and alleys pass me by while driving through New York.
I mentioned to Ethan, I’d love to go on a little family trip with the boys. Just to relax a bit. So it would be nice to spend some time in Boston. I even asked him if it would be right to visit him in Boston and bring along Mason and Mickey. He was excited and dare I say it a little smile played on his lips.
A contented smile tugs at my own lips.
We haven’t done any family trips in a long while. So this would be the perfect opportunity.
The car slows down and I realize we’ve arrived at the apartment complex.
Carter clears his throat as if nervous.
I smile softly at Carter. He’s a good man. I always respected him a lot.
”Thank you, Carter. Have a safe trip home.“
He turns around to look at me.
”You can take the day off if you’d like. I’ll drive home to my parent's place to pick up the boys.“
Carter smiles and nods.
”Very well Mr. Dalton. Have a safe trip.“
”Thank you, Carter.“
I get out of the car and walk towards the apartment. I pass the front desk. When Marvin‘s voice holds me back.
”Mr. Dalton!“
I stop and walk towards him.
He’s in his twenties and works here part-time to earn some money for his college tuition.
”Hello Marvin. How’s it going? How’s college?“
I ask as I shake his hand.
He grins and shoves his caramel-brown hair to the side. His green eyes lit up at my question.
”Oh thanks for asking Sir. It’s a lot. But I’ll have a study session with some friends later. Cramming for a test that’s coming up. I’d never thought college would be this difficult. But I like the challenge.“
I smile.
”That’s good to hear. Keep studying. And you’ll see it’ll pay up.“
I wink and he grins.
”Was there a package or something for me?“ I was thinking maybe it was something that Addie ordered.
I’ve had to unsubscribe from some of the magazines she subscribed to.
He scratches his head and then he seems to remember.
”Oh right. This was delivered for you this morning.“
He hands me a small mint-colored envelope.
With my name and home address written in beautiful calligraphy on it.
Curious who could be sending me a letter. Most people text or write an email these days.
I take the envelope and smile at Marvin.
”Thank you, Marvin. I’ll be heading upstairs and then I’ll be at my parent's to pick up the twins. So I won’t be at home later.“
Marvin grins at me.
”Sure thing Mr. Dalton. Have a safe trip. And send your love to your parents and your twins.“
I smile. A genuine one this time. One that wasn’t forced out of me because I was trying to bring joy to my face even though I didn’t feel too much of it in the last couple of weeks. The twins are keeping me sane and happy these days.
”I will. And good luck with your test. I know you’ll do just fine.“
He grins.
”Thanks, Mr. Dalton.“
I wave goodbye and Marvin takes a seat at the desk.
While I ride in the elevator I wonder who’s sent me a letter. I ponder over that question when I get into my apartment and get a change of clothes for something less office formal.
As I pick up my car keys I walk by the picture of Addison and hold up the picture frame.
We went skydiving that day.
That’s when the picture was taken. Her blonde hair is blowing into her face, but she‘s got the biggest smile on her face.
We had a lot of fun that day. Even though Addi was terrified at first, that fear settled pretty soon and then she screamed »I want to do this again.«
I grin at the memory all the while to my car and then on the drive over to my parent's house. I get there and my mom opens the wide doors.
”Sam. You made it.“
She hugs me and I lean down to hug her back.
She smiles and pats my cheek gently, making me feel as if I’m 12 again. Instead of 36. I smile at her and she gestures for me to come inside.
”Come on in. The twins just fell asleep after running around the garden all day. Playing action hero. Whatever that means.“ She grins and I chuckle.
”Sounds like Mason and Mickey.“
I walk in after my mom and she guides me to the garden where she set up a nice late lunch.
”Mom! You didn’t have to go to any trouble.“
She turns and grins, her steps not even faltering.
”I didn’t do this for you, Samuel. I was hungry too. So it was me being indulgent.“
I sit down in one of the comfy dark grey garden chairs. While I let the beautiful and warm sunshine caress my face.
Before my mom can sit down her phone rings and she sighs.
”Pray that this is your father. Who I hope has a good excuse for interrupting our lunch. Because I'm starving.“
I grin.
”Should I wait for you?“ I ask my mom who holds her phone to her ear.
She shakes her head. And walks away to take her call.
I dig in and remember how nostalgic this feels to have lunch at my parent's place.
Then something pokes me. That’s when I remembered I’d forgotten about the letter.
I put down my fork and took out the mint-colored envelope to open it and read what was inside.
When I open it I almost let it fall to the floor.
It’s a letter from Addi.
I lean back in my chair. Shivering despite the sunshine outside.
When I look at the letter again I start to read it.
while I’m sitting here, letting the sunshine caress my face and just letting all thoughts drift away, enjoying the here and now, I wanted to tell you something.
No. I wanted to put it in writing. Because I feel that you need to read this for yourself.
Thank you. From the bottom of my heart. I know I can be difficult sometimes.
You laughed at that I know you did, don’t deny it.
I interrupt reading the letter to let out a surprised laugh. Then I continue reading Addis' letter. Even now that she’s gone she still makes me laugh.
You never let me walk alone. Always being there for me. Especially in those last months. For that, I will always be grateful.
The time I spent with you, was the most beautiful time of my life. I will always keep those memories close to my heart. From the moment we met, I knew. You are the one for me (cheesy I know, but it’s true).
Never letting me forget I’m more than a spoiled rich girl, who had it easy. Even though that’s not true at all. People just never bothered to take a peek behind the curtains.
You though? You were different, Sam.
I thought to myself back then, who’s this hot guy asking me out? What is it he wants? To get laid? Or is it more than just some hot sex? Gosh, this sounds weird even in writing. Please ignore my embarrassing moment.
Back to what I was trying to say.
You were so nice and charming. Flirting with me all the time. (You thought you were so subtle with those little gifts and compliments here and there? I’ll let you in on something. You weren’t. But I think I loved you already.)
These past few months…were…difficult, painful, and overwhelming. When I got diagnosed I…just sat there… in that doctor’s office not knowing what to do. Should I cry? Or should I scream? But I know I wouldn’t have solved anything by that.
Sam, I know you were trying your best with me, with Mickey and Mason. Your work? Trying to juggle all of it?
Shouldering everything on your own, never asking for help. And I just made it worse by being stubborn and difficult.
Please know that I’m sorry. I never meant to hurt you the way I most likely did. I hope that you can forgive me someday.
I’m not trying to guilt-trip you or wrestle out an apology.
I want you to forgive yourself. To stop being so hard on yourself.
You deserve everything good this world has to offer.
Don’t mourn me too long. (I was told widowers are hot) shake your head all you want, but you know it’s true.
I even went so far as to make you a little bucket list:
Kiss (and tell)
Be adventurous
Do things that are out of your comfort zone (and no I don’t mean just skydiving)
Hook up (even in weird places)
Get married (you always looked way too hot in a suit, though it looks better on the floor anyway)
Go to a strip club (Stop rolling your eyes at me)
Do crazy experiments with the boys :) (make a mess of the kitchen)
But most important of all don’t shut yourself off from love.
When it comes knocking, open the door. Let yourself be surprised. Don’t let me be the one to hold you back. You know I always wanted to see you happy.
I’ll be watching over my three favorite boys.
When I finished reading the letter I just sat there with tears in my eyes and held the letter close to my heart because I had the strange feeling I could conjure her into existence one more time by holding the letter as close to my heart as I could.
And just like that my pain and my sorrow were lifted a little.
It’s as if Addi knew all the right words to say to me. Knowing exactly what would help me move on a bit easier.
”Oh Addi. You surprise me as always. But there’s nothing to forgive. I promise I’ll take care of the boys and I might even find a nice woman who I can share my life and love with. Someday.“
I know that when the right person stumbles into my life I’ll know. And with Addis' blessing, I won’t feel like I’m cheating or disrespecting her memory.
I will always love and cherish what we had. But I know she’s in a better place. Free of any pain. Only filled with love and joy. Watching over us.
I get up from the table and look up at the sky, shielding my eyes from the glaring sun.
I know it sounds stupid, but it’s as if I can hear Addis's laughter and I smile. The pain in my heart lessened a bit.
And I know things will be okay. Mason, Mickey, and I will be alright.

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After celebrating M&M's birthday in today's TNA chapter (and with that ending!), how do I not share this amazing fanart I got a few weeks back? Towards the end of the summer, I had the opportunity to meet and commission the very talented @/lizbyart (Check her out on IG). I shared with her my idea, based off of my fic The Home Team, and y'all...
Not only is she incredibly gifted (the emotion and the love shared between Brynn and the twins is so palpable, so visceral! 🥰), but she is a joy to work with, keeping me in the know the entire time and making sure I was happy with her progress.
And our fun didn't stop there! We were featured last week by Choices for Fan Art Friday on IG and FB, which was a fun little treat!
Thanks, Liz, for being so amazing, bringing my story to life! Aaaaaand I can't forget @rookiemartin! You are the one that inspired this idea! Thanks, love! 💜
🚨 This is a paid commission; please do not copy or alter any aspect of this art without permission.🚨
An excerpt from The Home Team:
“Mickey?” She yells out, spinning around in the area, “Mickey?” The crowd begins to thin out a path, increasing Brynn’s visibility as she glances around the corridor.
And there he is, holding the hand of a police officer, large tears streaming down his red cheeks. “Mickey!” Brynn screams in relief. Hearing his name, Mickey instantly turns his head towards the familiar voice; finally locking eyes on Brynn, he let’s go of the cop and runs frantically to her, his arms outstretched.
Mickey collides with Brynn as she instantly sweeps him up in her arms, holding him tightly to her chest. She feels his tiny, terrified body relaxing into her embrace, his whimpers melting into her comfort. Combing the sweaty curls off the back of his neck from under his cap, she gently rocks him lovingly. “Shhhh… Mommy’s here, baby. Mommy’s right here.”
Tagging my Permas and TNA peeps!
@21-wishes @alj4890 @angelasscribbles @ao719 @charlotteg234 @harleybeaumont @issabees @kingliam2019 @mainstreetreader @mom2000aggie @neotericthemis @nikirennie87 @peonierose @tessa-liam
@annfg8 @bisexualdisasteracd @rookiemartin @sfb123
#the nanny affair#the nanny affair book 3#choices tna#chocies tna 3#choices tna book 3#fanart#tna fanart#choices fanart#art commissions#tna commission#mickey and mason dalton#sam dalton#sam dalton x mc
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The need to see this for myself was strong, so I messaged PB and the response looks like a generic one for now.
Please let it be in the hands of some ACTUAL FANS of TNA

Because there is never enough Sam Dalton, Mason and Mickey and Robin!! And because this is Sam’s POV there should be more Robin 😉
Would there be information in the upcoming newsletter?? I want to know
tagging: @peonierose @cariantha @dont-stop-reading @txemrn (I know you’ve seen somethings and your excitement has me excited)
#the nanny affair#the dalton affair#choices stories you play#Sam please come back to us#I don’t care I want more TNA
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Yes baby, your mom meant sleepovers 😭
(I like it when you pick you want your LI to be female, it automatically makes everyone a lesbian 🤣🤣🤣)
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I really didn’t anticipate the best part of the nanny affair for me being Mason and Mickey
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