#michele giordano
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supfag · 5 months ago
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weirdlookindog · 2 years ago
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La Setta (1991) - Italian poster
AKA The Sect
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lospeakerscorner · 4 months ago
Premio Napoli nel Cuore 2024
L’associazione Il Musicante assegna il prestigioso Premio Napoli nel Cuore 2024  al Maschio Angioino di Antonio Vitale Al Maschio Angioino sabato 7 settembre alle ore 21 si svolgerà, uno spettacolo musicale,  l’annuale appuntamento col premio Napoli nel cuore.  Il premio, già da alcuni anni,  si tiene nel bastione simbolo di Napoli ed è presentato in collaborazione col Comune di Napoli,…
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laimabynight · 8 months ago
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mariocki · 1 year ago
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Giallo a Venezia (Giallo in Venice, 1979)
"It makes no sense. It will drive me mad!"
"Don't forget, we're dealing with a madman. Crazies don't act logical."
#giallo a venezia#giallo in venice#italian cinema#mario landi#giallo film#aldo serio#leonora fani#jeff blynn#gianni dei#michele renzullo#eolo capritti#vassili karis#giancarlo del duca#mariangela giordano#giuseppe curia#luciano foti#maria mancini#berto pisano#1979#particularly sleazy giallo from the dying days of the genre‚ when dwindling cinema attendances sparked desperate moves#from filmmakers‚ particularly the inclusion of ever stronger violence and sex (up to and including hardcore porn)#this film doesn't quite get there but honestly it's not far off (i certainly wasn't expecting to see a real semi getting yanked)#the violence here comes in just a few occasional bursts but it's genuinely shocking (I'm assuming this was never exported to the uk bc if#it had been there's absolutely zero chance this wouldn't have ended up on the dpp video nasties list). director Landi puts#a great deal more effort into the rutting and the gutting than he does into anything approaching plot development or character study#in fact the mystery here (which is p much what gialli are all about) is nearly nonexistent‚ with Blynn's lead cop simply hanging around as#people get murdered and other people tell him who did it and why. he's also obsessed with eggs‚ eating them constantly throughout the film#(a weird character beat that's a bad fit with the harder edged‚ nastier tone of this film). a difficult watch in places‚ doling out truly#horrendous scenes of misogynistic violence‚ but if you can stomach it‚ Leonora Fani's intense and deeply felt performance is rewarding#and the scenery (when the camera pans up from sweaty couplings) is obviously beautiful
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inarteziogio · 2 years ago
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よしもとかよ 「日々是好日」。vol.147 ( 2024/11/20 + 11/27 )
2024   20th + 27th november  
M1 November at my door (Emma Tricca)
  M2 j'aime a nouveau (Zaz)     M3 rondo alla rumba (Sarah Willis)
  M4 falling in love again (Nana Mouskouri & Michel Legrand)     M5 sweetie pie (Giovanni Allevi)     M6 rosso amore (Filippa Giordano)     M7 warte (Annett Louisan)       M8 林檎の木の下で (おおたか静流)      
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  なんだか急に晩秋になって 驚いて��るこの頃… ていうか、秋が短すぎる!と 言っているあいだに 雪の便りも聴こえてきて もう冬がそこまで迫っているんですよね…。   ぎりぎりですが 晩秋らしい話を、と思っていたところに 恒例の草花交換会で 手に入れた ユーカリのスワッグに 1cm足らずのみのむしを 数匹発見! これが、じっくり眺めていると とても不思議でおもしろくて…。 俳句などの季語になるのも 分かる気がします。   こちら富山では そう珍しい生きものでもないので 今まではあまり気にとめてはいなかったのですが、 調べてみると いくつかの自治体では 絶滅危惧種になっているのだそう。   またその生態も とてもユニーク! 蛾の幼虫ではあるのですが いわゆる羽根のある蛾の姿になるのは 雄の個体だけで、では雌はというと ずっとあのみのむしの姿のままなのだとか! また、食べる植物も 広葉樹や果樹、ということで わりと何でも食べるんだ…と(笑。   ウチにはユーカリは 植えられていないので、 代わりになる植物を とっかえひっかえ与えてみたところ ブルーベリーの葉を所望されて 目下はユーカリからブルーベリーに 移って暮らしています。   そして最大の特徴ともいえる「みの」ですが みのむしの作り出す繊維はとても強度がある 丈夫な構造だそうで 人間の世界でも研究されているのだそう! すごいな、みのむし!   ある視点からみると 害虫と呼ばれてしまうような存在ですが 絶滅が心配されていたり すごい力を秘めている存在だったり… ちいさな虫たちの世界に 今日も感心するわたしなのでした。
* * * * * * * * * * *
[日々是食べたい!… トルタ・ディ・メレ]
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  秋はおいしいものがたくさんで 毎年この時期、このコーナーは 何の話をしようか 迷ってしまうのですが、 忘れちゃいけないおいしいもののひとつが りんごです!   世界各地に おいしいりんごのお菓子が 存在するわけですが、 今回はイタリアのりんごのケーキ、 トルタ・ディ・メレをピックアップ。 ティラミスやパンナコッタと並ぶ、 イタリアのお母さんの味のひとつなんだそう。   それだからでしょうか、 同じトルタ・ディ・メレでも さまざまなレシピがあって どれもちょっとずつ違う…。 きっとそれぞれのおうちに 伝わるレシピなのでしょうね。   わたしは イタリアで暮らしている 日本人の方のレシピを 参考にしたのですが、 今までつくってみた どのりんごケーキとも違う材料と方法で、 これはどんな仕上がりになるのだろう、と ちょっとドキドキ(笑。   ですが…一口食べて これはハマる!と思いました! 食べ応えがある、しっかりした生地なので おやつだけでなく 軽い食事でもいいくらいのボリューム感。 それでもずっと食べていたいような やさしい甘さとりんごの風味に すっかりとりこに。  またひとつ、りんごをつかった お気に入りのお菓子が増えました。
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omegaremix · 10 months ago
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Omega Radio for March 14, 2022; #301.
Tyrone Davis: “In The Mood”
Edition Speciale: “Mr. Business”
G. Grant & S. Park: “Good Company”
Lalo Schifrin: “Midnight Woman”
Lee Gagnon: “Reve”
Scratch, The: “Surface Noise”
Sonny Rollins: “Caress”
Westbound Freeway: “Right Or Wrong”
Joe Sample: “In All My Wildest Dreams”
Skull Snaps: “It’s A New Day”
Blackrock: “Bad Cloud Overhead”
Frank Ricotti + Tony Hymas + Stan Sulzmann: “Morning Call”
Jades, The: “Lucky Fellow”
Manfredo Fest: “Braziliana No. 1”
Revolution Compared To What: “Go To Work”
Eric Hochberg & Andy Potter: “World Thing”
George Duke: “Seeing You”
Jean-Daniel Mercier: “Apres Noel”
Michelle Lamb: “Natural High”
Paz: “Solar Wind”
Annette Peacock: “Survival”
Hysear Don Walker: “Children Of The Night”
Airto: “Juntos”
Ian Carr’s Nucleus: “Ariadne”
Jacky Giordano: “Wafa”
Les Crane: “Friends”
Living Funk: “Fools Love”
Pat Martino: “M'Wandishi”
Peter Jacques & Quadriga: “Cancao”
Primitive: “You’re Everything To Me”
Thee Lakesiders: “Parachute”
David T. Walker: “Feeling Feeling”
Terry Callier: “Just As Long As We’re Together”
Tom Scott: “Sneakin’ In The Back”
Tracks: “Bottleneck”
Alberto Baldan Bembo: “Sweet Helen”
Fat Larry’s Band: “Down On The Avenue”
Alan Parker: “Aerial Camera”
Giovanni Civitenga & Lucia Frittoli: Dew Drop (2e Versione)“
Pepper Hellard & New Hollywood Gargoyles: “They’re Out There”
Anthony King: “Filigree Funk”
The Crusaders’ “A Ballad For Joe (Louis)”
Bonus crate-digging and sampling; jazz, fusion, soul, R&B, funk.
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aki1975 · 9 months ago
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Andrea Pozzo - Roma Sant’Ignazio di Loyola - Apoteosi di Sant’Ignazio - 1694
I conflitti religiosi che nel Cinquecento avevano visto una composizione con la Pace di Augusta in cui Carlo V aveva accettato il principio del “cuius regio eius religio” sfociano nel Seicento in due tendenze contrapposte:
- le meraviglie del Barocco e le opere della Controriforma cattolica;
- l’ampio scenario della Guerra dei Trent’Anni.
La Guerra dei Trent’Anni può essere riassunta lungo queste tappe:
- 1594 - Enrico IV Borbone, convertendosi al Cattolicesimo, Re di Francia
- 1598 - Morte di Filippo II
- 1603 - Morte di Elisabetta I
- 1618 - i rappresentanti dell’imperatore cattolico Ferdinando II d’Asburgo, che cerca di creare uno stato moderno, vengono defenestrati dai protestanti boemi
- 1620 - Sacro Macello dei protestanti in Valtellina
- 1624 - Richelieu Primo Ministro
- 1628 - il generale boemo Wallenstein, al servizio degli Asburgo, sconfigge l’esercito danese
- 1631 - il candidato francese al Ducato di Mantova e del Monferrato Carlo I Gonzaga - Nevers prevale, anche grazie all’abilità diplomatica di Mazzarino, sul candidato sostenuto dagli Asburgo di Spagna e dai Savoia dopo la guerra del Monferrato in cui dilaga la peste raccontata nei Promessi Sposi. Nello stesso anno l’Impero saccheggia Magdeburgo, città alleata degli Svedesi
- 1642 - Mazzarino succede a Richelieu
- 1643 - i Francesi, guidate dal Duca d’Enghien (poi Principe di Condè) sconfiggono gli Spagnoli a Rocroi. Luigi XIV Borbone Re di Francia
- 1648 - Pace di Westfalia. Fine del conflitto in cui si profila la leadership francese sull’Europa: gli Asburgo si concentrano sui possedimenti propri (Austria e Ungheria) anziché sull’Impero;
- 1649 - Carlo I Stuart decapitato in Inghilterra
Il Seicento, secolo in Italia di decadenza politica ed economica, è però anche il secolo di Carlo e Federico Borromeo e del Barocco ispirato dalla Controriforma i cui eventi principali sono:
- 1534 - Alessandro Farnese, fratello di Giulia, amante di Alessandro VI Borgia, eletto Papa Paolo III. Approvazione della Compagnia di Gesù
- 1542 - Paolo III istituisce l’Inquisizione
- 1545 - Concilio di Trento: accentramento del potere papale, importanza delle opere e non solo della grazia, formazione del clero, impegno pastorale
- 1566 - Michele Ghislieri eletto Papa Pio V, il Papa che raccoglie la Lega che vince a Lepanto nel 1571
- 1572 - Il bolognese Ugo Boncompagni eletto Papa Gregorio XIII, promotore non solo del calendario gregoriano, ma anche di importanti iniziative religiose, pastorali e culturali. Nel 1580 viene inaugurato il Quirinale
- 1589 - Fontana del Mosè sotto il pontificato di Sisto V che fa erigere obelischi e migliorare il tessuto urbanistico dell’Urbe: è il modello della “Ecclesia triumphans” dopo il contrasto alle eresie dei decenni precedenti
- 1592 - Clemente VIII Aldobrandini Papa
- 1600 - Cappella Contarelli a San Luigi dei Francesi (Caravaggio). Giordano Bruno al rogo a Campo dei Fiori, decapitata Beatrice Cenci
- 1605 - Camillo Borghese eletto Papa Paolo V. Cappella Cerasi in Santa Maria del Popolo (Caravaggio)
- 1612 - Carlo Maderno inaugura la nuova facciata di San Pietro
- 1623 - Maffeo Barberini eletto Papa Urbano VIII
- 1626 - Baldacchino di San Pietro (Bernini)
- 1633 - Abiura di Galileo
- 1651 - grazie alla mediazione di Olimpia Maidalchini, Innocenzo X Pamphili affida al Bernini la Fontana dei Fiumi che completa Piazza Navona
- 1652 - Estasi di Santa Teresa a Santa Maria della Vittoria (Bernini)
- 1655 - Fabio Chigi eletto Papa Alessandro VII
- 1657 - Colonnato di San Pietro (Bernini)
- 1660 - Sant’Ivo alla Sapienza (Borromini)
- 1667 - Oratorio dei Filippini (Borromini), Santa Maria della Pace (Pietro da Cortona)
Terminato lo slancio mecenatistico dei pontefici, l’Apoteosi di Sant’Ignazio con la finta cupola commissionata ad Andrea Pozzo dai Gesuiti segna nel 1694 la fine del Barocco a Roma.
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Phantom of Venice Art ID
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Rio dei Mendicanti and the Scuola di San Marco by Bernardo Bellotto, 1738. Hanging in Nancy's room at the Ca' Nascosta and it's the wall painting behind Enrico at the Casa dei Giochi.
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2. Entrance to the Grand Canal and Santa Maria della Salute, Venice by Michele Marieschi, 1740. Painted on the wall in the main room of the Ca' Nascosta.
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3. The Landing Place by Hubert Robert, 1787/88. Hanging to the left of the stairs in the main room at the Ca' Nascosta.
4. The Fountains by Hubert Robert, 1787/88. Hanging in the main room at the Ca' Nascosta, above Helena's desk.
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5. The Rialto Bridge from the South by Canaletto, c.1735. Hanging in Nancy's room at the Ca'.
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6. Fresco from the Gallery of the Palazzo Medici Riccardi in Florence (possibly titled 'the Allegory of Prudence') by Luca Giordano, 1684-86. The cover of Prudence Rutherford's memoirs as seen in the outro letter.
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daweyt · 2 years ago
what's on your tbr pile ? i need recommendations and to discover new books what do u have ?
*(note that some of these were originally written in french so in french will i read them)
Georges Bataille, “Erotism: Death and Sensuality”*
Georges Bataille, “Literature and Evil”*
Michel Leiris, “Mirror of Tauromachy”*
Brandon R. Grafius, “Text and Terror: Monster Theory and the Hebrew Bible”
Ryan S. Higgins, “The Good, the God, and the Ugly: The Role of the Beloved Monster in the Ancient Near East and the Hebrew Bible”
Timothy Beal, “Religion and Its Monsters”
Heraclitus, “The Cosmic Fragments”
Martin Heidegger, “Heraclitus Seminar”
Paula Findlen, “Athanasius Kircher: The Last Man Who Knew Everything”
Giordano Bruno, “Cause, Principle and Unity and Essays on Magic”
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schizografia · 1 year ago
Era solito bestemmiare in carcere, dissero concordi i suoi compagni di prigionia all’Inquisitore; tutti però ribadirono, in modo altrettanto concorde, un punto che appare decisivo, quando si leggono quelle dichiarazioni: affermava – disse Celestino – «che Christo è un cane becco fottuto can» e «che chi governava questo mondo era un traditore, perché non lo sapeva governar bene».Sulla stessa linea si mosse Francesco Vaia: «Gl’ho sentito dire “potta di Cristo”, e con colera diceva che chi governava questo mondo era un traditore». Gli stessi temi, e le stesse parole, che ritornano nella deposizione di Graziano, come al solito in modo più articolato: «Ha proferito in diverse occasioni, mentre è stato prigione, biasteme molto horrende e più di venticinque volte ha fatto con i pugni fichi al Cielo, dicendo: “Piglia, can tristo, becco fottuto”, et alle volte la notte, subito ch’era svegliato, biastemava horrendissimamente, chiamando Christo con le soddette parole, et alle volte soggiongeva che Dio era un traditore, perché non governava bene il mondo». Era un quadro già chiaro, al quale Matteo de Silvestris aggiunse il tocco finale: «L’ho sentito biastemare atrocemente “potta di Christo, puttana di Dio, Christo can becco” et altre parole sporche, e l’ho veduto fare le fiche in Cielo mentre nominava Christo».
Michele Ciliberto, Il sapiente furore. Vita di Giordano Bruno
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tastytoesandsoles · 23 days ago
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laimabynight · 2 years ago
Original Character Masterlist ♡
Count:98 Systems:34 Active:9
Vampire: The Masquerade
Camilla 'Georgia' Soledad, Brujah (x)
Vendelín Rusizka, Toreador (x)
Anastasia della Giordano, Tzimisce (x)
Devon Rowe, Malkavian (x)
Salvador Dolorosa, Brujah (x)
Kuriyama Tomoe, Banu Haqim (x)
Angelina Cruz, Lasombra (x)
Raffaele Giovanni, Giovanni (x)
Eugen Radetzky, Nosferatu (x)
Margarita D'aureville, Follower of Set (x)
Killian Darkwater, Thin-Blood (x)
René Debussy, City Gangrel (x)
Sister Mirona, Caitiff ( )
Jack Ramiro, Gangrel (x)
Pavlo Stepanovych Makarenko, Brujah ( )
Werner Henkel, Human (x)
Audrey Cordelia Redmond, Ghul ( )
Werewolf: The Apocalypse
Jana Mirtschin, Silent Strider (x)
Ljudmila Nikolaewa Sokolova, Silver Fang (x)
Mage: The Ascension
Yvonne Ebert, Verbana (x)
Dungeons & Dragons
Markus Abdiel, Human Monk/Barbarian (x)
Oriana Vylmythe, Eladrin Archfey Warlock (x)
Ladislava von Koldov, Human Undead Warlock (x)
Dorryen Whitestone, Half-Elf Wild Magic Sorcerer ( )
Hatake Yuka, Half-Elf Swaschbuckler Rogue (x)
Beladrin Halhadamorir, Wood Elf Ranger (x)
Tamar Balabanian, Tiefling Champion Fighter (x)
Thames Donahue, Human Undying Warlock (x)
Rhiannon Evenbraid, Firbolg Circle of Land Druid (x)
Das Schwarze Auge
Najara al Kira ibn Sajida, Aranian Majuna (x)
Zidanja Walsareff, Bornlandian Adventurer (x)
Call of Cthulhu
Helena 'Harvey' Fountain, Artist (x)
Weston McNamara, Journalist (x)
Else von Sydow, Scientist (x)
Walter E. Harlan, Private Investigator (x)
Lord Ernest of Somersetshire, Noble (x)
Karl Eduard Nauditt / Karol Edward Naumowicz, Thug (x)
Eli Wilkinson, Missionary (x)
Joan Olson, Law Student (x)
María Ascunción Leguizamo, Nature Boy (x)
Vito Massarelli, Gangster Boss (x)
Michail Andrejowitsch Achmerow, Political Commissar (x)
Hearts of Wulin
Ruan Qingshan, Little Brother (x)
Lín Xiǎo Dān, Wanderer (x)
Gjest Solheim, Queen (x)
Salem Lotte Harlan, Heir (x)
Jordan Bennett, Seraphim (x)
Michelle Bader, Siren ( )
Elvis Stalten, Witch (x)
Nathan Garcia, Mortal (x)
Moby Liberman, Mimikry (x)
Miranda Kean, Werewolf (x)
Amber Magdalene Dawson, Mortal ( )
Arcane Codex
Yatoth dex Selkasha, Morai Cleric (x)
Saya, Kitsugo Noble (x)
Schatten über Volgorod
Ser Ilya Lynnhardt of the Blue Iris, Human Knight (x)
Benoît Vaillancourt, Human Occultist (x)
Cresentia 'Senta' Läufer, Human Model (x)
Rodion Mihail von Blankenheim-Lebedjev, Human Noble (x)
Mircea Eliadescu, Undead Warlord (x)
Pasión de las Pasiones
Fernanda Salazar, La Belleza (x)
Pallantia, Aquilonian Mercenary (x)
Shadow of the Demon Lord
Zinnober, Changeling Magician (x)
For The Queen
Mitena, Inventor (x)
Kasmeer Valorante, Florist/Magician (x)
Htut, Tiger Keeper (x)
Shiverin' Shelley, Pirate (x)
Nicola Snyder, Reporter (x)
Hank Cox, Fraudster (x)
Rippers Resurrected
Ashkara Kathat, Warrior Princess (x)
Annotto Crowley, Bat Cultist (x)
Vespuccio, Envoy (x)
Estragon Heller (x)
Devil, Aim For Me
Tennessee Dixon, Pamphleteer (x)
Solaris Tarkovisk, Human Cleric (x)
Marquis Donatien Jaques de l'Ostrove, Elf Swashbuckler ( )
Revain 'Petals-Swirling-Around-Body', Bard ( )
Magic School
Ulysses Elevander, Ravenclaw (x)
The Spirit Of '77
Tiago 'Tuco Velocidad' Garrido, The Good Old Boy (x)
One Last Job
Donna Wang, The Driver (x)
Paige DeLuca, The Medic (x)
Electric Bastionland
Dr. Ichabod Bellagamba, Cryptohistorian (x)
Nourin/Moitreyee, Witch (x)
Blanca von Hallberg, Noblewoman (x)
Endymiodes, Spartan Warrior (x)
Sofia Casagrande, La Esposa (x)
City of Mist
Bethany 'Bassie' LaRue, Bastet (x)
Parisa Keshmiri, Gilgamesch (x)
Olga Klockar, Doctor (x)
Kuzma Vitalijovych Bojchuck, Soldier (x)
Draven Schwarzschatten, Cleric (x)
How To Be A Hero
Clementine Sybil Montgomery, Heiress (x)
Edda 'Die Bärin vom Odewald', Swordswoman (x)
Fantasy Forge
Xylenea Octava, Intergalactic Reality Starlet (x)
GUL, Burned Hacker (x)
Fabula Ultima
Yanagi Yoru, Ambitious Assassin (x)
Court of Blades
Pater Sebastiano Fioravanti, Priest (x)
A Game of (Vampiric) Love
Gideon Montesquieu, Count of Sommerset ( )
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gennarocapodanno · 5 months ago
Vomero: l’arroganza dei barettari non fermerà la processione per San Gennaro. Il Comune può e deve revocare le concessioni. Intervenga la magistratura
Un nuovo appello al sindaco Gaetano Manfredi e al prefetto Michele di Bari Via Luca Giordano, invasa da gazebo             Gennaro Capodanno, presidente del Comitato Valori collinari, già presidente della Circoscrizione Vomero, risponde a muso duro ai titolari dei pubblici esercizi che hanno invaso le strade del quartiere collinare, segnatamente i tratti pedonali di via Scarlatti e di via Luca…
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ulkaralakbarova · 6 months ago
In 1982, André Bamberski learns about the death of his 14 year-old daughter, Kalinka, while she was on vacation with her mother and stepfather in Germany. Convinced that Kalinka’s death was not an accident, Bamberski begins to investigate. A botched autopsy report raises his suspicions and leads him to accuse Kalinka’s stepfather, Dr Dieter Krombach, as the murderer. Unable to indict Krombach in Germany, Bamberski attempts to take the trial to France, where he will dedicate his life to Kalinka’s justice and the imprisonment of Krombach. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: André Bamberski: Daniel Auteuil Doctor Dieter Krombach: Sebastian Koch Dany: Marie-Josée Croze Cécile: Christelle Cornil Kalinka (6 years old): Lila-Rose Gilberti Kalinka (14 years old): Emma Besson Robert: Christian Kmiotek Maître Gibault: Serge Feuillard Father of André: Fred Personne Mother of André: Thérèse Roussel Pierre (20 years old): Tom Hudson Pierre (12 years old): Antoine Milhaud Pierre (4 years old): Timéo Bolland Bamberski’s assistant: Natalie Beder Boris: Nicolas Planchais Investigating judge: Valérie Even Policeman Scheidegg: Johannes Oliver Hamm Investigating judge: Florence d’Azémar Investigating judge: Stanislas Stanic Investigating judge: Catherine Davenier Bailiff: Alain Beigel President of the Paris court: Patrick Zimmermann Advocate General: Guillaume Briat Clerk: Marie Vernalde General producer: Luc Gentil Director of criminal affairs: Geoffroy Boutan Assistant of criminal affairs: Patrick Hauthier Secretary: Anne-Cécile Crapie Secretary: Véronique Dossetto Forensic pathologist: Jean-Pol Brissart Policeman: Loïc Risser Entrepreneur: Michel Gomes German lawyer: Jürgen Zwingel President of the Kempten court: Fritz Hammer Eva: Emma Drogunova German journalist: Susanne Schmidt Young German saleswoman: Charlotte Krenz German doctor: Wolfgang Pissors German policeman: Christophe Bizet Serbian kidnapper: Pierre Bourel Lawyer in court: Jan Oliver Schroeder Clerk (uncredited): Audrey Quoturi Film Crew: Original Music Composer: Nicolas Errèra Dialogue: Julien Rappeneau Producer: Cyril Colbeau-Justin Producer: Jean-Baptiste Dupont Producer: Nadia Khamlichi Producer: Adrian Politowski Set Decoration: Barbara Bernhard Editor: Valérie Deseine Executive Producer: David Giordano Dialogue: Vincent Garenq Sound Mixer: Jean-Pierre Duret Executive Producer: Bernie Stampfer Producer: Gilles Waterkeyn Costume Design: Marie-Laure Lasson Director of Photography: Renaud Chassaing Foley Artist: Philippe van Leer Production Design: François Abelanet Executive Producer: Frantz Richard Supervising Sound Editor: Pascal Villard Script Supervisor: Yannick Charles Set Decoration: Delphine De Casanove Producer: Hugo Bergson-Vuillaume Casting: David Bertrand Hairstylist: Laurent Bozzi Key Makeup Artist: Hugues Lavau Hairstylist: Nadine Hermand First Assistant Director: François Domange Production Manager: Laurent Sivot Producer: Philipp Kreuzer Set Decoration: Jessica Labet Producer: Roland Schaffner Dialogue Editor: Sabrina Felgueiras Movie Reviews:
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