#michael townsend x fem!y/n
whousestypewriters · 3 months
you know you love me - m.t x reader
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pairing: michael townsend x fem!reader
requested: yes / no
warnings: swearing :)
a/n: as i said im breaking out of this slump so BOOM! two fics in a row
taglist: @reminiscentreader, @ravenclawdirectioner, @zenikswaffleshop, @off-to-the-r4ces, @lxvebelle
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when michael had suggested that you two go in a date for your anniversary you had agreed. when michael had suggested he plan the date for the anniversary you had reluctantly agreed.
right now?
you're regretting it.
"michael," you say entering the room. "what the fuck is this?"
"its your very own personal shop," the little shit says grinning widely. he's crouching in front of a upturned plastic box with a lopsided sign and his scrawly handwriting covering it. packets of food and pillows are thrown around the room creating an absolute mess.
"my own shop?"
"yes. your own shop. and after you visit 'michael's magical museum of food' you can make your way over to the 'comfort express' and watch a movie with your favorite human..."
"AND THEN! we're going to make pasta and cake." he proudly puts his hands on his hips, seemingly unaware of the - or very much aware just choosing to ignore it - mess he made. "whatdoyouthink?" he rushes out still grinning. "and don't say you don't love it i can read your emotions."
you give him a knowing look. "can you tell what this emotion is?"
he studies your face for a second. "yes. you're super happy about my anniversary date plan and you love me even more." he taps his brain. "see i told you."
sighing you drop you bag at the door and make you way to his little shop. "alright lets do this." you look at the options he has smushed onto the box and feel a wave of love at the boy giving you a sales pitch on each snack. he's chosen your favorite snacks.
"i'll take one of everything!" you declare after he finishes trying to sell you a clearly overpriced packet of candy.
"alright, that'll be..." he pretends to add that into his cardboard cash register and then turns back to you. "one kiss."
"really? wow thats super cheap!"
"you're right, i'm sorry. it's five kisses."
"nuh uh uhh," you tut. "you can't go back now. one kiss."
"just let me have this."
"fine two."
"deal." michael extends his hand to shake and the second you grab it he's pulls you down into a soft kiss. you've been with michael for a year now and he still makes you breathless every time you kiss him.
when you pull apart he grins. "thats one down, i'm saving the next one for later." he stands up to gather the snacks but ends up making the sign fall down. "oh noo! not my sign!" he pouts for two seconds before he grabs you hand and the snacks and launches onto the bed.
"for tonights movie we shall be watching tangled."
grinning you shuffle closer to him as he sets up a little semi-circle of snacks around you and leans back to let you rest your head on his chest.
you both stay that way for most of the movie, eating and laughing with each other until around halfway, when michael presses a kiss onto your head and whispers. "happy anniversary, baby. i love you."
you smile peacefully, "love you too."
"even if i trash your room trying to be cute?"
"no definitely not then. in fact i hate anyone who does that."
"you know you love me."
"yeah i do," you sigh smiling.
"even when i leave your room looking like a dump?" he asks again.
"even then michael."
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a/n pt2: hehe hope you liked it (im going to bed now lolol its now 11:40pm so yeah)
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