mia-zer0 · 2 years
Fireside Chat
Starter for @miahaneul
He was actually feeling sore after capture the flag, which surprised him considering it was just a game rather than an actual mission. Not that he hadn’t gone all out…okay yeah it made a bit of sense, he thought. Eying suspiciously almost everyone around him, he admonishes himself for not finding any potential rats within their bunch, the idea of traitors amongst them scratching like a terrible itch in the back of his mind. 
There was someone he was thinking of…a potential issue rather than one that would have been an issue during the previous mission, but an issue all the same. As he looked at her sitting alone a little ways from the bonfire, he wondered if others felt the same. Maybe she had nothing to hide, maybe she was like him. 
Sero saw himself awkwardly standing in the natural walkway of people and felt heat in his face from the perceived embarrassment before walking forward with his plate of food. He wasn’t going to learn anything from her by standing there awkwardly. 
He takes the seat by her, not really asking for permission as he does. His demeanor is relaxed but proper, and he takes the time to at least get a bite in of food and swallow it before speaking. 
“Must be strange being the new person twice.”
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miaremy · 2 years
⇜ little by little ⇝
jj, as usual, still has too many questions and not enough answers. usually, they're about mundane, unimportant things, for example: what is the exact weight of a propeller sturdy enough to lift a pig into the sky? has there ever been a case of a demon dog? is it too late to find out who the zodiac killer was?
a more important question, and the one most present in his mind these days: what the hell happened to me out there?
maybe he has some answers. he has more than he did a few months ago, at least, but he thinks he has some extra questions now too. whatever happened to him is related to kaiser, surely; he doesn't think seeing him would've caused such visceral dread that he threw up if he didn't have some unfathomably terrible memory with him. he doesn't think he would've had new dreams of that same white room-- with bright lights, trapped, and the muffled voices --if kaiser didn't have something to do with it. he doesn't think he would hate the med wing and balk at the mere mention of meia's science labs if it wasn't all connected.
so, he was probably kaiser's science experiment. that's one answer. it comes with more questions, too, though: is he why i lost my memories? was it an accident? did they erase them so i wouldn't remember what they did to me? do they have my memories in a jar somewhere in their creepy lab? will i ever know the truth?
maybe he's better off not knowing. people have told him that before, and maybe they're right. jj doesn't necessarily do what's best for him all the time, though; there's a lot he'll sacrifice in his pursuit for knowledge, and maybe all he'll unlock is misery and more trauma alongside his memories. maybe, this feeling that he is missing a part of himself-- that he isn't truly himself without his memories --will give way to a him he doesn't like.
there's a lot he doesn't know, and he hates that.
there's someone new that knows a lot, though, mainly because she can leaf through other people's brains. well, she's not really new, apparently; she's just essentially back from the dead, and she's already the new leader of team crow. jj finds how much meia trusts her interesting; he finds her interesting, so he decides he'll find her himself-- in person, face to face.
he has to think, if i were someone that could hear everyone else's thoughts all the time where would i be? somewhere quiet, probably, away from people so he could hear himself think. he looks around some other places, then sets his sights on the roof. he's seen her around a little bit, he thinks, so he's pretty sure he recognizes her when he arrives.
"hey," he calls. "you're the new telepath on the block, right?" maybe he should engage in some small talk, or exercise good manners, but he decides to cut to the chase. "you see, you can hear people's thoughts or whatever, and i'm missing some. memories, to be more specific. i don't particularly know where they went but i'm wondering if they're still in there--" he taps the side of his head with a finger, "-- at all. would you be able to tell that if you dig around in my brain?" that's what's most important, but he remembers he forgot something else that's far less significant, but still important. "oh, i'm jj by the way."
↪ @miahaneul​
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meiakrp · 2 years
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Agent Luna is enhanced and has been appointed leader of CROW 
ACTION REQUIRED ;  Please follow and welcome your fellow agent.
While hanging around in an area you are not authorized to be in, you overhear vital information that a higher up should hear. This would also mean admitting you were in the wrong place. What do you do? Be honest.
haneul considers the question quietly, her expression thoughtful as she muses over the dilemma in her head. first of all, there are very few places that she does not have the clearance to go. secondly, her enhancement can often be difficult to control, feeding thoughts and snatches into her mind without her permission. there’d been a time when she’d almost gained control over it, although it’s hard to say whether it had really been control when there had been so few people around her to learn to tune out.
ever since she had returned to meia, the thoughts that flood her mind are mostly things that she staunchly tries to ignore, to tune out, to dismiss — but there are so many voices that it’s been incredibly difficult to sort through her own thoughts, let alone all the other thoughts that have been flooding her consciousness. it’s difficult to to pick individual thoughts of the jumble if she isn’t actively focusing on them to begin with.
but if — if she were to hear something that is absolutely vital for her to alert her superiors or at least her peers, there would be no hesitation in her mind. more than anyone else, she understands the dangers that a security breach or vital information could grow to become. this kind of information cannot be left to stew, not when it threatens the safety of everyone at meia. consequences be damned, if she gets in trouble for having been where she was — the safety of everyone is more important than her own personal reputation.
‘i would tell the head agents, no matter the reprimand i’d face for having been in the wrong place,’ her answer should be of no surprise — after all, her reliability at seaside and the loyalty she had demonstrated to meia when founded had been one of the reasons cited for her to be sent out on the retrieval mission to begin with.
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miahelios · 2 years
you were never gone
reunion with @miahaneul
the walk from the temporary debriefing room to the isolation wing was the longest walk that daesu has ever done. his legs sort of feel like led as he pushes them to carry him to the closed door. he isn’t too sure what he is going to find on the other side of the door. will she know me? will she be the same? is it really her? the thoughts cloud his mind and its only as he gets closer that he remembers she would hear all of them. she would know he was coming. 
keep an eye on her reactions, they had told him. as if the news of his fiancé being back wasn’t the only thing that buzzed in his mind the entire rest of the meeting. he knows what they want from him. they need him to get a read on a currently suspicious agent. confirm once and for all it’s her and she hasn’t been corrupted by the outside world. it’s hard to be completely unbiased when he knows who it is. the only thing keeping him calm is the thought of the kids who has only just been set free of the medic wing. of the spitfire boy probably causing a scene somewhere unaware of the news that awaits him once daesu gets done here. 
his hands hovers just before the door knowing it would take no effort to slide it open and step inside. his heart feels like its racing from his chest. his mind focused one thing now. 
the door opens easily, the room before him is what he expected to see. his eyes land on the bed in the room and the girl in the middle of that bed. it’s like time stops and refocuses once more. everything becomes colorful again as cliche as it sounds but thats what daesu feels. 
“haneul..” he breathes her name for the first time in what feels like years--and probably has been. the sound like honey on his tongue and it takes him two steps to cross over to her. the mission is in his mind, yes, but right now he is not agent helios no, right now he is yang daesu. fiancé of song haneul. right now he wants to focus on her. 
“it’s you.. it’s really you.” he reaches with shaky hands, hesitating just before her. almost afraid that this is a illusion and if he were to try and touch she would vanish right before him. 
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ashmia · 2 years
helping hand
event starter for @miahaneul​
the hot sun scorches through the sky and beats down on all the agents. but despite its best efforts, the cool breeze keeps them from over heating to much. nevermind the fact most everyone in the area is soaked by the water gun matches--even if they hadn’t taken part. a splash zone at the side of the arena. 
ash had just taken a breather in side when through lace covered eyes she spotted a familiar figure sitting near the large front windows. “haneul?” she calls out, approaching her team leader with a frown on her face. wondering internally if something was wrong. she knows the older agent hasn’t been out of the medic wing for very long. perhaps the weeks events have take a tole on her. as team medic, and as a medic in general, it falls to ash to make sure the older is okay.
even if it mean taking a trip to the medic wing today with haneul in toll. “are you feeling alright?” her hand hovers over the pouch on her hip. even though its team training week, she still kept her medic gear on her. at least some of it. 
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miahelios · 2 years
eyes on me || au
 the blaring alarms and red lights flashing through the structure were dizzying. people screaming and trying to escape as a flock of pteranodon’s flood the tourists and workers alike. daesu had just enough time to begin ushering people into the “safety” of the interior. his eyes only on one person though. she’d not been near him when the alarm system went off but he knew where he saw her last. 
“get inside! down to the lower decks!” he shouts, working with some of the other security to try and get the civilians out of range. he knew there would be an escape boat at the edge of the island but getting there would be a whole other issue.
besides, he wouldn’t be leaving without her. 
“take over--i have to find someone!” he pushes through the crowd, jumping onto a tipped over sign to scale up onto a higher level of the compound. his boots slam into the metal as he takes off down the hall. the weight of the tranquilizer gun in his hands a comforting one though it would be little help against the jurassic birds above them all. “haneul!” he calls out over the terror. a single goal in mind. 
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miahelios · 2 years
day on the town || au
“we’ll be arriving soon, ma’am.” daesu’s voice breaks through the quiet of the car. they’d been moving smoothly through traffic for the better half of an hour to get back to the company's headquarters and in that whole time daesu had not attempted to make any small talk. a strange thing for someone who normally can talk a whole lot. despite his job just being a bodyguard for miss haneul, he had also made it a personal goal to befriend her. 
and befriending someone means you have to talk to them. in all his time being at her side he had found plenty of moments to talk with her. small talk, curious inquires, teasing her when he can. he’s a professional, yes, but he’s also a kind person at heart. and he sees something in her. 
he can also see how she over works herself. 
normally he would have just followed through with the requirement to take her back to the company but today he has taken a bit of a detour. hoping she would be too distracted to check out the windows--or that the tinted glass would provide enough of a shade to not show the obvious difference the streets he was going down. until it was too late--which, at this point is kind of it. the car pulling to a park in a wide alleyway that was very much not the under ground parking garage of the company.  “destination reached.” 
now to see her reaction. 
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