#mhysa soultarot destinytarot tarot truth lies Nocturnatarot bereal  behonest
believetruth · 4 years
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Soul Card Tarot – What She Doesn’t Want You To Know.
If I told you I was truthful and honest, then you found me lying, I’d lose my credibility.
If I told you I designed my deck and then you found out I didn’t design my deck, I’d lose my credibility.
If I accused someone of copying my deck then you found out that I’m the one that actually copied other decks I’d lose my credibility.
Can you see where we are going with this?  
“It’s often the self-proclaimed honest people that end up being anything but honest.”
We are not going to self-proclaim ourselves as anything, We are just going to present the reader with facts and things to ponder to make an informed decision.
Kristine Fredheim from ‘Soul Cards Tarot’ and some of her fans are making some very hypocritical accusations of another tarot card creator, claiming that another card deck creator produced a tarot deck that is a direct and blatant copy of the Soul Deck.  
Why you ask, would we, (I write this alongside my partner) take the time to put this information together? It’s simple.  Look at what’s going on in the world right now, all the wrong-doing, all the unnecessary political hatred, prejudice and bigotry. We stand up for injustice, plain and simple, even if it revolves around our love for tarot cards.  When we see our fellow tarot community try to tarnish the name of another without being truthful and honest, it’s upsetting and should be called out.  We are calling a spade a spade. We now live in a world where lies and injustice should not be tolerated.  Collectively, my partner and I have studied tarot for over 2 decades have had over 200 decks of various forms and styles.  We have degrees in psychology, anthropology, art history and women’s studies and together we design and fabricate our own line of furniture.  Not only that, we are backers and strong supporters in the Kickstarter campaign being accused of copying “Rip Off” the Soul Deck.  More on that later.  Although very rare these days, we present this to you using logic and common sense.  And with that, no doubt, we will find people that disagree and lack the ability to use reason, common sense, and logic to form their opinion.  They only see what they want to see, are unwilling to take their blinders off and see with their eyes and not their ego.  To those accusers out there, we challenge you to use our logic against us to prove us wrong.  We know there are unjust accusations being played out only to cause harm and we have no room for that in our changing world.
Now, let’s look at the facts that I’m sure Soul Card, Kristine doesn’t want you to know about.
Kristine claims to have designed her deck.  In fact, she is not a designer and not the designer of her deck.  The designer of Kristine’s deck is Cocorrina.  On Cocorrina’s site it states that Kristine is a writer and psychic medium not a designer.  It may be Kristine’s idea to create a Tarot deck, but it wasn’t designed or created by Kristine like she claims.  Kristine no doubt had input and may have paid Cocorrina for the design, but Kristine can’t honestly say her deck is her design or creation.  Kristine is not being honest in this regard.
Now for the artwork, concept and originality of the Soul Card deck:
The top black deck is Soul Deck and the bottom deck is Nocturna by Lana Markina.
To come out and say others are copying or ripping off your deck means you had better have some really strong evidence.  Those are very strong accusations.  But the accusers have no strong evidence and clearly have done little to no research on the genesis of the Soul Deck. We will now bring your attention to some surprising similarities your beloved Soul Deck has with other decks.  I’m sure you’ll be scratching your head after you see this, and the words hypocrite, liar, fraud, will likely come to mind.  So, let’s take a look and see how unique and special Kristine’s Soul Deck really is and then ask yourself; Who’s copying who here?If you learn anything from this simple example, it’s that it is easy to see the Soul Deck is in no way setting a trend in terms of design approach.  There are several tarot decks all in a similar style. Text, text locations, composition, design language, gold on black, metallic ink, line styles, overall feeling and other aspects are all very similar.  No one can argue that.  IS SOUL DECK A COPY OF OTHER DECKS?  You be the judge.   Should Soul Deck and her fans be accusing others of copying her?  Does that make any sense?  Again we are using logic and common sense here.Now let’s look at another example: Soul Card’s Kristine Fredheim is out right accusing Lisa Santine of copying her deck design.  You’ve already seen how similar Kristine’s black Soul Deck is to others, now you be the judge in this next example:
see the 2 images of the pink colored cards.  The upper deck is the Soul Deck and the lower image is of the Destiny Deck.
Let’s be honest here. About the only things these two decks have in common is they are both printed in a color tone primarily in the red color spectrum.  Soul Deck is a single pink color with gold foil lines. The Destiny Deck is multi toned with distinctly different tonality including blue and deep burgundy color tones and also uses gold foil details. These decks are distinctly different not like the black cards above using the exact same black and gold foil as other cards. Soul Deck is very simple with single line drawings always straight down the center of the card leaving lots of empty space around the art.  Destiny Deck is much more complex and intricate.  The Destiny art occupies much of the card’s area, using different color hues. The Soul deck is strictly made up of gold foil lines.  The Destiny art uses both gold foil details and different inks for the line work. Destiny’s art is further defined with subtle background shapes, and color shades adding design intelligence to the deck. Destiny Deck has a common thread between each card, that is the moon phases, something that aligns all human spirits together.  Every card in the Destiny Deck was created by one person, Lisa Santine.  Santine didn’t come up with an idea and then hire a graphic designer to do the design.  These are all things the Soul deck does not have. Yet, the Soul Deck is claiming to have some superiority complex and accusing Destiny to be a copy of the Soul Deck.  Both decks have text, a border, and a floral motif on the back of the card.  But to blatantly accuse Lisa Santine of copying the Soul Deck is a sign of insecurity and weakness.  It’s fair to say they are similar and maybe even related in some way, but a copy? – Come on!!  Using logic and reason, where’s the evidence of copying.Tarot uses common symbology: cups, swords, pentacles, wands etc.  If my sword is long with a handle and yours is long with a handle is that a copy? If I Google the shape of a pentacle and see that they all look the same, does it mean someone is copying me if I see another pentacle on another card?Speaking personally, in the decades we have studied and embraced the world of Tarot, we both agree that the Destiny Deck stands head and shoulders above the vast majority of decks we have seen and collected.  Although a 2D card, there is a level of depth and understanding of the tarot realm we have never seen.  This is a deck we admire like no other and it’s still in the funding stage and hasn’t reached our hands yet.  The energy coming from the design is extremely powerful and speaks to us in a way very few things can.Having designed and fabricated furniture for many years we create something truly special to us every day. From time to time we see another piece that has similarities to our furniture.  What do we do when we see that?  We smile and know that in some way we helped shape and inspire another loved soul also creating furniture or perhaps that person was inspired by the same love energy that inspired us.I encourage Kristine Fredheim and her fans to do some “Soul” searching and ask, who’s doing the copying here?  Why is her black deck so similar to other black decks?  Then she should ask herself why she feels it’s important to try to tarnish the name of a lovely spirit in our tarot community. Does she have a right to claim all light red decks as hers and her unique creation?  Does she have the right to claim decks with a flower motif her own?  Does she have the right to claim decks that have a pentacle in the center of the card hers? The answer is, no, she doesn’t.  Countless decks have these same characteristics and are part of the tarot zeitgeist. Kristine, you are only hurting yourself when you try to hurt and tarnish someone else’s name or when you enable your fans to do the same.  If you are looking for approval you should have it by now.  Your deck is liked by many no matter how similar it looks to other decks.  You’ve had success with your deck designed by Cocorrina.  You should feel content in knowing you have a card deck that’s been well received.  Now let the rest of the tarot community prosper from their relentless creative efforts and don’t let your insecurities get the best of you. Seeing first-hand how “similar” Kristine Fredheim’s black Soul Card deck is to others and then knowing that she and her fans are accusing others of copying her should be a clear sign as to the type of person behind the Soul Deck.
Be true to yourself and be guided by your heart.
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