#mhm yup hundred percent
lilsteppybigoof · 1 year
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Posting these ones separately bc these are the most finished drawings ever. Left to right, waiter eclipse singing part of the song "Ultraluminary" from Over the Moon and looking absolutely slay and Moon is just looking pretty,,,,, pretty cool <3
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wonuism · 3 years
pairing. vocal unit x reader genre. fluff warnings. none
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WOOZI . . . he would stare at you for a moment trying to process your request. is there a reason you want to paint his nails? he’d ask you that with a clueless face and you have to actually answer first before he could let you. would want you to choose the colors for him, doesn’t care which color as long as he gets to watch you carefully and delicately paint it on his nails. he’d watched fondly at your focused state and not move an inch all while you’re applying the nail polish. soft woozi? soft woozi. compliments it right after with a small smile and waits for it to dry. he won’t particularly show it to anyone and brag about how you painted it, he’d want small moments like those stay between the two of you only. when he’s alone in the studio, typing away or doing some things, he’d see his painted nails and smile cuz he remembers you. :(
JEONGHAN . . . he would eat this up (i think?) he’s almost down to do anything with you. the type to watch your hands and how you apply the nail polish so when his polish is all dried up and okay, he can do yours. he’d choose multi-colors, each color representing how he perceive you and your relatioship. red for love? yup. your favorite color? yup. his favorite color? yup. the color of the first flower he ever gave to you? absolutely. the colors of the clothes you first wore on your first date? exactly! would hundred percent gossip while doing that, he would start acting like it’s a sleepover and possibly start playing dress up or something. he would take pics of it and post it on his instagram. *takes pic of him holding a paper cup with his nails on display* mhm this water is rly tasty! oh you like my nails? i know. me too.
JOSHUA . . . ngl this man is a hit or miss. the moment you asked him if you can paint his nails you could see the hesitation pass through his face. pls he’s always such a formal lad you truly doubt that he will agree but still decided to ask him anyway. imagine your surprise when he said yes, the way you leaped off the couch to get your nail polishes made him chuckle at your eagerness. he’ll probably fight with you on which color suits him better and one of you have to cave in or no nails will be painted that day. “you should pick a color that will match with your handmade bracelets.” his eyes would light up and he’d smile at you and agree. will tell you to paint your nails too so you can wear the bracelets he made for you and you could be twinsies. he’ll take countless pictures of you but won’t post it cuz it’s for him only to see, nobody else can see your domestic moments together cuz you’re his and only his.
DOKYEOM . . . the man was too stunned to speak. but he’d still say yes. who is he to say no to you pampering him? (not rly pampering him but he likes it when you try things on him) very indecisive when it comes to colors. does he want sexy rockstar black? or fun and cute pastel? you’ll have to put black on one hand and pastel on the other and he’ll take a look on what he likes best and once it’s all been decided, you’ll have to do it all over again. he thinks it’s sweet how you’re so patient with him. will take the chance to ask you how you’ve been and tell you about his day. he likes feeling your hands on his when you hold it to apply the polish properly. once it’s done you’ll have to warn him to not touch anything but it must’ve slip out of his head that it still needs to dry down so when he grabbed your face to give you a little smooch it transferred some of the polish to your cheeks. whoops..
SEUNGKWAN . . . the moment “nail polish” leaves your mouth he’s already saying yes. he would 100% compliment you while you’re painting his nails and make small little amazed sounds like a kid looking at a cool toy. he’ll fluster you without him even knowing it pls he just keeps complimenting your skills in painting nails without him even knowing that it’s making your heart flutter. “ah how cool i can’t believe i have a cute significant other to do this for me”, “i should show this to soonyoung when we see each other”, “oooh that’s so pretty. no wonder yours always look nice, you’re great at painting nails”. hand in marriage sir. even if it looks a little wonky, he still appreciates it cuz it’s YOU who painted it.
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notes. i tried my best T_T
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mosylufanfic · 3 years
Color My World (just paint it with your love)
For the Killervibe Gift Swap, a gift for @ava-has-a-closet-murderboard. Eventually I hope to get everyone a gift but it’s going real slow, y’all!
You see in color when you meet your soulmate AU. (Also obviously Ronnie died the first time and didn't come back as Firestorm, sorry Ronnie.)
Title from the song Color My World by Petula Clark
Color My World (just paint it with your love)
When Ronnie died, the world went grey in an instant. 
Even as Caitlin screamed his name, she knew it was hopeless. Just the same as the world had exploded with color between one blink and the next the moment she'd met him, it reversed the moment his heart stopped beating.
For years, Caitlin assumed that Cisco saw the world in the same shades of grey as she did. She knew he was friendly and flirty and went on dates, and well - he was Cisco, after all. So she always expected to see him come rushing into the cortex one day, looking around at everything and seeing the colors after having met the person he was supposed to spend his life with.
So when she walked into his lab one day to find him comparing two apparently identical swatches, it was a surprise - but it wasn't.
"Cisco!" she cried, and he whirled to face her, stuffing both swatches behind his back. "Are you seeing in color?"
"Um, I - what? No. I was - comparing - um." He sagged. "Yes."
"You met your soulmate! Who is it? When can I meet them? What's their name?" She realized he wasn't looking as excited as people usually did in that first flush of color and love. "What's wrong?"
"I haven't met anyone new."
"Well, of course you have, you're seeing in color -"
"I met them years ago."
"Years? You've been seeing color all this time? You never said anything."
He nodded. "Sorry. Yeah."
"But when? And why didn't you - why aren't you - what happened?" Dramatic, overblown scenarios raced through her head, taken from cheesy cable movies with titles like "Soulmate to a Serial Killer.”
"Nothing happened, exactly. It's - " He looked away. "They're my soulmate, but I'm not theirs."
She goggled at him. You heard about those things, of course. Small percentages. Sad stories whispered behind hands. But knowing Cisco was one of them - "How do you know?"
"They'd already met their real soulmate when I met them."
She shook her head, attempting to wrap her head around it. "Are you sure? Have you told them? Have you talked about it at all?"
"Yes, I'm a hundred percent sure."
How could the universe be this cruel? Warm, laughing, loving Cisco, to be matched with someone who wasn't matched to him. To watch from the sidelines as they built a life with someone else. 
It was almost as horribly unfair as losing your soulmate. No - no. More unfair. She'd at least had a life with Ronnie, no matter how short it had been. Cisco never had that with his soulmate, and never would. 
"Why didn't you ever say anything? I always thought - "
"Because I didn't want you looking at me exactly the way you're looking at me right this very moment. Like I just told you my puppy has cancer."
She tried to rearrange her face. "I'm just -"
"Caitlin, it's fine. It happens." He shook his head a little. "I'm sorry I kept it from you."
"Who else knows?"
"Barry. And probably Iris."
"Has he met them?" A flush of - jealousy? she didn't know what to call it - washed up her throat.
"No, he doesn't even know who they are. Just that they exist." He shrugged and tossed the swatches on to the table. "Couldn't exactly keep it from him when we were designing suits together."
She said very quietly, "Did Ronnie know?"
He shook his head hard. "No, he didn't. No. Not even a suspicion. Look, I don't talk about it because there's nothing I can do about it, and there's nothing you can do about it, either. A soulmate is a soulmate, right? Even when they're not."
She reached to put her arm around his shoulder. "Cisco - "
Gently but firmly, he shrugged her hand away. "I've come to terms with it. It's just the way things are."
She swallowed hurt. "But you've been dating. Haven't you?" He had an app on his phone, and sometimes he would take it out and swipe through photos. She'd thought it was a regular app that just set you up on dates with other people who hadn't met their soulmate yet.
"It's a different kind of app. We all know the score. Nobody's on there to meet their soulmate. Just to find a good time."
"Is it just people who are - " She floundered. There was a term for people like Cisco, but to her mind, it was nasty and rude.
He said it anyway. "Third wheels?"
She made a face. It sounded even worse now that she knew it applied to him.
"Most of us, yeah. But there's a pretty good number of people who - uh - " He looked at her sidelong. "Who lost theirs."
"Oh." She couldn't imagine seeking anyone out after Ronnie. "Really?"
"Yup. I mean, they're not dead just because - well, anyway, if you ever wanna - you know. See the app. You can."
"Thank you,” she said. “But don't try to distract me. How long has it been?"
"A few years," he said. "Look, it's just a thing about me. Like having brown eyes and vibes and a rockin' fashion sense. Can you do me a solid, as a friend?"
"Anything. Of course."
"Let's never talk about this again."
Painted into a corner, she bit her lip. "Okay. If that's what you want."
"It's what I want."
Of course, she hadn't gotten the chance to ask the question that burned the most. Who was it? Who could possibly overlook Cisco? 
But she'd promised.
She thought about it, though. She thought about it a lot, in her cold bed, in her grey house with all the colors she couldn't see anymore. At her kitchen table, set for one. When she opened up her phone and looked at the last picture Ronnie had sent her, a selfie with a particularly gigantic donut.
In black and white, of course. Like everything else, all the pictures of him had drained of color when he died. It made everything sting worse. She'd seen his face in color from the beginning, but now she couldn't remember the exact shade of his eyes or the different tones of his hair.
She didn't ask Cisco anything more, but she did go down a rabbit hole of research. One-sided soulmate was the technical term they used in social science surveys. OSS for short. She looked at reams and reams of statistics, quantitative and qualitative and longitudinal studies. Some of the OSS's said they were happy, some were depressed, some simply accepted it. Surprisingly, the stats on their overall mental well-being weren't all that different from people who were with their soulmates, or still waiting to find them. 
Some one-sided soulmates spent their lives alone. But others dated and slept with and sometimes even married others like them.
She gave into curiosity and read the research on people who'd lost soulmates. She found the stats there very much the same. A little more depression, maybe, but there were a surprising amount of people who did just as the one-sided soulmates did - dating, sleeping with, marrying people they met. 
Sometimes those people even found a second soulmate. 
When that particular revelation popped up on her screen, she dropped a full cup of coffee and completely ruined her keyboard.
The day everything changed was just a regular day at first. The Flash and Vibe were out investigating a sketchy warehouse, and Caitlin was trying not to fret while reading yet another study on people who fell outside the soulmate norm. 
"Cisco!" she cried as Barry whooshed them into the cortex, almost doubled over trying to support his weight. "What happened?"
"Got my bell rung," he slurred. "Ow, dude, ow, gentle -  "
"The guy knocked him into a concrete pillar," Barry reported, settling Cisco onto the edge of the bed. 
"No, don’t lay him down. 'll take care of him. You go get changed." As he whooshed out, she gloved up quickly and checked Cisco's pupils. They were the same size, and he denied any nausea or dizziness, but she’d still have to monitor him for signs of a concussion. She set her penlight down and gasped.
“You’re bleeding.”
He wiped his face and blood smeared across the back of his hand. “Just a bloody nose. I’ll be fine in a minute.”
She tsked and pressed a square of gauze to his nose, gently feeling its shape. It wasn’t broken. “Are your teeth okay? Your tongue?”
“Don’t lean back! Just breathe through your mouth.” After holding it a few minutes, she checked, and indeed, the blood had stopped its flow. She let him straighten up. "How's your head?"
"Could use an aspirin."
"You got it." She turned away, but before she pulled her gloves off, she looked at the blood smeared over the fingertips and soaking into the gauze.
Against the light grey of her gloves and the white of the gauze, Cisco's blood showed scarlet.
At first, she thought she’d been mistaken. It had just been the blood, not anything else.
But then the sprinkles on the ice cream he brought her the next day showed up vividly blue and pink and orange against the rich brown of the treat. And the chips and guac she shared with him the day after that were pale yellow and brilliant green. 
Color seeped back into her world a little at a time, mostly following Cisco. It was so different than before, but so wonderful at the same time. She'd forgotten how vivid red could be, how lavender was so delicate, how green was so rich. Sometimes she would just sit and stare at whatever had lit up today.
He noticed, of course. "What's wrong?" he asked one day, as the sunlight filtering through the skylights in the cortex picked out rich highlights in his hair.
She shook her head. "Nothing."
"You were staring."
"There was a - a bug on you. But it flew away," she added hastily as he swiped at his hair. 
It wasn’t like it had been with Ronnie. Then, it had been instantaneous, like a finger snap. Not this slow bloom of color, spreading outward from Cisco like watercolors soaking into paper, until every corner of the world had a different hue and shade. But Cisco wasn’t Ronnie, and she didn’t want him to be. 
She worried about it sometimes. Did this mean Ronnie hadn't been her soulmate? That she didn't love him anymore? But she knew he had, and she knew she did. She would never stop.
It was just that she was one of the lucky very few who got a second soulmate. 
And then the thought followed: what if Cisco's mystery soulmate was her?
She turned it over in her head, as carefully as an antique china plate. The facts fit. She had been with Ronnie when she and Cisco had met. She even remembered them telling him about their first meeting, over dinner or something. She struggled to remember his reaction, what he'd said or looked like, but couldn't. 
And when Ronnie had died and the color had drained from the world, she'd told him that too. 
She pressed her fingers to her eyes, watching the newly colorful starbursts behind her lids. "Oh, Cisco," she murmured to his past self. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry I never saw. I know you couldn't tell me, but I wish I'd realized you were hurting."
Watching her with Ronnie must have been torture for him. Watching her after Ronnie died - that must have been torture in a different way, her loss of color confirming every day that he wasn't her soulmate. 
But it was going to be different now. If they were soulmates, he deserved to know.
And if they weren't - 
Her stomach pitched uneasily at the thought.
Her heart thundered in her chest as she made her way down to his lab. She'd kept this secret for a month now, clasped to her chest. And he'd kept it for years. This was going to change everything,
For the better?
She hoped.
He was head and shoulders into the souped-up treadmill Barry used to test his speed, a tool box open next to him. "Hey," he called out as she came in. She never could surprise him. Was that a soulmate thing, a Vibe thing, or just a Cisco thing?
"Hi," she said brightly, almost shrilly. She swallowed  hard and perched herself on the edge of his table, wiping her sweaty palms on her favorite skirt. "What are you working on?"
"Oh, just tuning this old girl up. How about you? What brings you down here?"
"Do I have to have a reason to come down here?"
He peered at her over his shoulder. "No, but you sure look like you do."
She wiped her palms again. "I was just thinking."
"Uhoh," he said cheerfully, turning back to the treadmill.
"About your soulmate."
Although he didn't say anything, all the cheer sucked itself out of the room.
"About, um, when you met them, and how long it's been, and -"
"Caitlin," he said in a heavy voice. "You said you wouldn't talk about this anymore."
"I know, I did, but I'm just curious - "
"You promised," he said. "You made me a promise."
"I - I did - "
He straightened up again, crossing his arms, resting the greasy wrench against his shoulder. His brows loomed heavy and serious. "So why the hell are you breaking it now?"
Okay, this wasn't broaching the subject like she'd thought it would. "You should put that wrench down," she said. "You're getting grease all over that shirt."
"Subject changed appreciated, but why - "
“And I like that shirt," she said. "I like that color on you. “It’s very flattering.”
He dropped the wrench on his foot.
When the clanging and the yelping and the jumping up and down and the checking that his foot wasn't broken had all died down, he wiped his greasy fingers on a rag, getting the fingers greasier. "So," he said levelly, "you met someone. That's great. That- that's awesome. What's their name?"
Oh. She hadn't expected this.
"Cisco," she said. "It's you."
He looked up, pain filling his eyes, and probably not from his foot. "No, it's not."
"It is," she insisted. Oh, wow, she hadn't expected him to be this stubborn about it.
"No," he said. "No. You met someone and you didn't realize, that's all. I don't know why you think it's me, because we've known each other for years, and it's never been me before." His voice cracked.
She reached out to take his hands. "But it is. I've been seeing in color for a month now. Just a little at first. But now it's everywhere. And it started with you. Cisco, it's you."
He shook his head slowly. "How?"
She shrugged. “I’ve been researching. Did you know it's a whole field in social science? The study of soulmates. Amatology. It's so much more complicated then everybody thinks, Cisco. We always hear how you know in the first moment, and it's just that one person, forever, and - and that's not accurate! You can have more than one. And you know somebody for years before they become your soulmate. And that's what happened to me. With you," she added firmly.
He was pressing his lips together. "It was - " he said, then stopped. Swallowed. Took a breath. "It was the first moment with me. The first color I saw was the gold of your engagement ring."
"Oh," she breathed. 
He swallowed again. There were tears in his eyes. "I've loved you for years, Caitlin, so I need you to tell me right now. Swear to me you're sure, and you're not screwing with me, and you - " His voice sank to a whisper. "And you absolutely know I'm your soulmate."
"I'm sure," she said. "I'm not screwing with you. I absolutely know that you're my soulmate, Cisco Ramon. And you know why? Because I don’t want it to be anybody but you."
He kissed her, hard, pulling her close. She had half a thought for her meticulously selected outfit, then mentally consigned it to the rag bin and kissed her soulmate back.
When they had to come up for air, he rested his forehead against hers. "I never wanted it to be anybody but you, either," he breathed.
"Even when - Ronnie?"
He nodded. "Because he made you happy. I wanted that more than anything else."
She traced the lines of his face, the arch of his brows, the curve of his lips. Dear and familiar and beautiful. "You're going to make me happy too."
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bakugotrashpanda · 4 years
What do you Remember
Kaminari x Reader Word Count: 1944
Happy birthday to one (1) Denki Kaminari
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Kaminari says some things and doesn’t remember them the next morning.
Denki Kaminari gives you a thumbs up from the hospital bed, a loopy grin on his face. This isn’t his usual ‘I overused my quirk and just need to rest’ look. No, this is the ‘I am loopy on meds’ look. When you had gotten the call that he was in the hospital, you dropped everything and rushed over.
“You the roommate?” a nurse approaches you. With the bags under her eyes, you hope she’s nearing the end of her shift. You flash your hero ID and she checks it with people authorized to take the electric hero home.
“I’m here to take him back,” you say and look at your roommate through the glass door. “Anything I should know about?” The nurse hands you her clipboard and points to the places you need to sign.
“He’s on some pretty strong painkillers,” the nurse shrugs, “He’s going to be out of it for a while. Instructions are on the bottle, don’t let him walk for the day or else he could end up back here. Will you be able to pick him up to carry him?” She checks out your physique and you have to stop yourself from rolling your eyes. You’re a trained hero. ‘Can you lift him?’ Please. You could lift three of him without breaking a sweat.
To prove how capable you are, you walk into the room and scoop Kaminari bridal style out of the bed. The nurse raises an eyebrow but doesn’t say anything. She unhooks the last of the monitors from Kaminari and asks if you need a wheelchair to get him out.
“I’ll be fine,” you smile. Kaminari’s blown out eyes widen when you walk out of the hospital.
“I live with the best people ever!” Kaminari grins.
“Mhm, we know,” you nod. Kaminari had been rambling the entire ride home, his words a stream of unfiltered thoughts. He had already told you how pretty the trees looked when covered with blossoms. Five times. 
“And I have the best partner ever too!” Kaminari gushes as you settle him on the couch. Sero watches this with amusement from the kitchen.
After graduating from UA, the three of you had found a cheap apartment while you all figured out how to navigate the world of being full-fledged heroes.
“Yup,” you dismiss his words and focus on keeping anything and everything the man could want in the next 24 hours. His job was to stay on the couch, but knowing him, he would probably try to walk around in the next 15 minutes. “You and Sero make a great hero team.”
“Nooo, not Sero!” Kaminari frowns, “I’m dating Y/N!” You drop the TV remote in your hand and turn to face him.
“E-EXCUSE ME?” you sputter. Dating? I think I would know if I was dating someone. 
“Oh this is gonna be good,” Sero says and pulls out his phone. You can only assume he started recording Kaminari because he asks rather loudly, “Kami, can you tell me one more time who you’re dating?”
“Yeah!” Kaminari’s face lights up in delight and he props himself up on his elbows, “I’m dating Y/N! They’re super sweet and they make the best pancakes on the weekend.”
“He’s right, you do make good pancakes,” Sero interjects. You look on in mute horror, wondering what else Kaminari will say.
“An’ I love ‘em so much!” Kaminari flops back onto the couch. Maybe he could recover in his bedroom instead of the living room where Sero could harass him for more information.
“OKAY I think it’s time someone went to bed,” you say.
“No!” Sero groans, “I want to hear some more from our esteemed roommate!” The shit-eating grin pasted on his face irritates you to no end. Kaminari barely knows what he’s saying, this wouldn’t be stuff he’d normally say. Hell, he wouldn’t even say this if blackout drunk.
“Sero, turn the camera off,” you say and pick Kaminari up in another bridal style scoop. A shutter clicks and you glare at Sero. Narrowing your eyes, you have a silent conversation conveyed through looks with the black-haired man.
“Fine,” Sero says and pockets his phone.
“You’re like a Greek god,” Kaminari stares up at you in wonder.
“Yup, sure I am, Kami,” you sigh. If only the morphine could wear off faster. Maybe it would have been better to leave him in the hospital for a while longer.
“You’re super strong. Can you bench press me?” Kaminari continues, his hands trail up and down the muscles on your arms. You try to ignore how pleased you feel from the praise.
“I bet I could.”
“Yeah, don’t you want to bench press him?” Sero snickers, getting ready to pull his phone out again.
“No, and don’t you have work to get to or something?” you ask pointedly.
“Nah, who else is going to take care of Kaminari’s bathroom needs?” Sero shrugs. That had already been agreed upon. Sero would take care of bathroom things and you would be in charge of keeping him from messing up his leg even further. Sero’s idea of taking care of him would probably include taping him in place which… would that honestly be so bad?
“Fine,” you huff, “Just keep your comments to yourself.” Sero mock salutes you and starts picking up the things you placed around the couch for Kaminari.
You spend the rest of the afternoon keeping the blond entertained. For the most part it’s easy, but the few times Kaminari tries to leave the comfort of his bed, you had to coax him to stay there. Sero, true to his word, stops trying to get Kaminari to say outlandish things and ends up leaving the two of you alone. 
By ten o’clock, you’re exhausted. Your body aches to be in the comfort of your own bed, and not on a well-worn computer chair. 
“Alright, Kami,” you sigh, “No getting up now or else I’ll have to stay in here.” Kaminari shoots up in bed at your words. His eyes are wide and he almost looks… panicked?
“No, you can't do that. If Y/N sees you,” Kaminari looks around the room and his voice drops to a whisper, “They’ll think I’m cheating on them.” Cheating? What is he talking about? Does he know that I’m right in front of him? “I could never do that! I’m not a cheater. I don’t know what I’d do if they left me.” Kaminari tries to get out of bed and away from you.
As gently as possible, you push him back onto the bed. Kneeling at the side of the bed, you hold Kaminari’s hand. “Kami, Kami,” you say. Kaminari tries to yank his hand away from yours, sheer terror written on his face. “It’s me! It’s Y/N.” When you say your own name, Kaminari stops struggling and looks at you. As if seeing you for the first time, the tension in his body melts away and a goofy grin takes over his mouth.
“You’re here!” he says softly and tugs your hands towards himself. You’re pulled into an awkward position over Kaminari’s lap. Slender fingers cup your face as he pulls you into a kiss.
Your lips tingle from the brief amount of contact, but it’s an intoxicating feeling and you can’t pull away. When Kaminari releases your mouth, he sighs and flops over on the bed. Soft snores fill the room, and you’re left frozen over him wondering what the hell just happened. Your whole body feels like it’s been electrocuted, but is that from Kaminari’s quirk or your own reaction to the kiss?
“Did he go down alright?” Sero asked when you left Kaminari’s room.
“W-What?” you ask, your head still in the clouds.
“To sleep,” Sero says, “Did you have any trouble getting Kaminari to fall asleep?”
“Oh. No.” you say and robotically move towards your room, “I’m tired though. Night.”
“Good morning!” Kaminari chirps and walks out of his bedroom. It’s a bit early for him to be walking, but you don’t have the energy to tell him to sit. After the kiss last night, you don’t want to carry him anywhere and make things awkward.
“You would not believe the dreams I had!” Kaminari continues, “There was a Greek god and- What?” By now he notices you and Sero staring at him.
“Kami, what do you remember from last night?” you ask slowly.
“Uh, to be one hundred percent honest, I can’t tell what’s real and what’s my imagination,” Kaminari scratches his head nervously.
“I have some grade A entertainment for us to watch,” Sero grins.
“Don’t you dare,” you snap.
“He already said it, might as well fill him in,” Sero shrugs. Your eyes narrow and you internally beg for Sero to stop.
“Or,” you hiss, “We can let things drop and pretend it didn’t happen since he clearly doesn’t remember it.” Kaminari eyes dart between you and Sero.
“You’re making me nervous, what happened?” he asks. 
“I can’t do this,” you mutter and stomp out of the room. Sero’s voice floats through your closed bedroom door.
“Ah, c’mon! His reactions to it all are part of it!”
You bite your nails and wait to hear Kaminari’s reaction. After a minute of silence, Kaminari screeches and Sero howls with laughter. Kaminari’s voice takes on a tint of anger. You can’t hear the words being said, but you can tell it’s a tense conversation.
There’s a tentative knock on the door and Kaminari pokes his head in. A deep crimson blush covers his face.
“So, uh, I guess we need to talk?” he breaks the ice.
“Do you really feel that way about me?” you ask. Kaminari avoids your eyes and slips into your room. He stands with his back against the door, about as far away as possible from you in the small space.
“I mean, yeah…” he admits. There’s a heavy pause as he thinks of what to say next. “Look, if it’s going to make things awkward, I can crash with Mina and find another place or something. You were the one who found this apartment for us.”
“There’s one thing Sero doesn’t know about,” you say. One thing that I alone know. 
You beckon him closer. Kaminari edges forward slowly. You wait until he’s directly in front of you. Tugging his shirt towards you, he bends and his ear is next to your mouth. 
“You kissed me.” You pull him towards you and he topples on top of you. It’s reminiscent of last night, except this time you’re the one who’s going to make a move. Golden eyes meet yours as you whisper, “And I kissed you back.” Softly, you pull him into another electrifying kiss. This time you’re sure that it’s your heart and not Denki’s quirk causing the sensation. The rich, earthy scent of the ground after it rains for the first time in a long time surrounds you.
“Wait does that mean that you like me too?” Denki asks as you pull away.
“No, it means I like kissing random guys whenever I can,” you say sarcastically. Before he can say anything or take your comment seriously, you add, “Of course it means I like you!”
Denki pulls you in for another kiss. It’s slow and you greedily take as much as you can. Before lightheadedness can set in, you both break apart. 
“You know,” you say nonchalantly, “You’re not supposed to be walking for a while longer. Maybe you can stay here and we can cuddle or something?” Denki flops next to you and pulls you close.
“I think I can do that.”
A/N: instead of starting a Denki multichapter thing, I went through my WIPs and found an idea I hadn’t touched in a while :x
 @kiliakit @redbeanteax @burnedbyshoto @hisoknen @secondhand-trash @bratwritings @ttamaki @tomurasprincess @bakugous-forehead​ @jojosmilktea​
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plutowrites · 2 years
PLUTOOOO i am late to your fluffy nanamin hcs but you know what? it’s never too late for nanamin fluff. never.
on that note, i a hundred percent believe that nanamin would freak out and ask gojo, getō and higuruma for advice if he were meeting your parents for the first time. he wants it to be perfect, you know? and you can imagine the advice they give him (especially gojo—it’s basically bound to backfire, poor baby)
"it’s never too late for nanamin fluff. never." MHM YUP EXACTLY BABE. i am here with open arms for nanamin hcs and YOU x
YES omg the way it would constantly be on his mind?? the days leading up to it, the stress is just eating him up alive. he hasn't met any of his partner's parents before you so this is all new to him. the day before he meets your parents, he caves and asks gojo, geto and higuruma for advice bc surely they've been in this situation before right? idk he's just THAT nervous that he's willing to ask gojo and geto of all people sknsdkj
anyways here's what i think they'll say
Higuruma advises him to bring dessert over, something that he knows your parents will enjoy. Gojo (wanting Nanami to embarrass himself bc he thinks that's hilarious) tells him to wear his strongest cologne and to crush your dad's hand when shaking it to assert dominance, adding that fathers like to know that their kid's partner is strong and assertive. Geto, as transparent as ever, tells Nanami he is not the right person to ask at all and neither is Gojo but says "just stop being nervous dude. that's my advice." like wow!! so helpful!!!
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 5 years
Not Losing You (Part 2)
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Summary: The reader goes on a date with Dean where they talk about Dean’s good news...
Pairing: Mechanic!Dean x reader
Word Count: 7,000ish
Warnings: language, life-threatening illness, implied past sexual harassment/assault
“Hey,” said Dean that night when you got to the restaurant. He was in a gorgeous suit and you smiled, Dean looking like he was ready to jump out of his skin. “I got the best news ever this afternoon.”
“Oh yeah?” you asked, Dean humming as you went over to the bar to wait for your table.
“Oh, yeah. Also, you look beautiful,” he said, tilting his head at you. “Very beautiful.”
“Thank you, handsome,” you said, tucking your hair behind your ear. “So what’s this good news?”
“My doctor called and said they found a matching donor. She’s gonna do it. I got a chance,” he said.
“That’s great!” you said, Dean smirking at you.
“He told me who it was,” he said, biting his bottom lip. “A certain Y/N Y/L/N. He said you just signed up yesterday.”
“Well, I figured I’d sign up to be on the list. I never thought I’d get called. I certainly never thought we’d end up matching,” you said.
“No. The odds...I should play the lottery,” he said.
“How about we take an okay feeling Dean first?” you asked.
“Yeah, I can get behind that,” he said, a waiter coming over to show you to your table. 
Five minutes later you had a celebratory bottle of whiskey on the table, Dean’s face still in one of the largest smiles you’d ever seen.
“I don’t even care about having to deal with chemo for three solid weeks every day. Oh, I got my chance. I finally got my chance,” he said, pouring himself a refill.
“That part is gonna suck, huh,” you said.
“Big time. They’ll go hard. Basically they’re gonna wipe me out so when they take healthy cells from you and give them to me, those cells become my new ones. I’ll be on medication but who gives a fuck. I went from zero percent odds to like sixty something. I will take it,” he said.
“Wait. It’s not a hundred percent?” you asked, Dean munching on a roll and shaking his head. “Why?”
“Basically, my first like, month with your new cells, I’m gonna be in a special room to lessen the odds of me getting sick. I’ll basically have no immune system so if I catch a cold, I’m dead,” he said.
“That’s not fair,” you said.
“Y/N...I mean, I’m excited, don’t get me wrong. I haven’t been this excited since last night when I got to kiss you,” he said. You smiled and he laughed. “But there’s still a lot that can go wrong. All it is is a chance. I’ll take that over nothing any day.”
“It still sucks,” you said quietly.
“Wanna make a bet?” he asked.
“Two years from tonight, I bet I’m gonna make your night,” he said.
“You’re gonna make my night?” you teased. He nodded and smirked. “What does that even mean?”
“You gonna take the bet or what?” he asked.
“Two years…” you trailed off, closing your eyes.
“Sounds like you’re disagreeing which is awesome cause loser has to make the other cookies,” he said.
“Sure,” you said, rolling your eyes. 
“So I gotta ask. Why don’t you think I won’t be able to do it? You thinking I won’t be around or you’ll have wised up by then?” he smiled.
“I think you’re the biggest flirt of a man I’ve ever met,” you said, looking across the restaurant.
“It doesn’t answer the question,” he said.
“I’ve never been in a relationship that long,” you said with a shrug.
“Me either,” he said.
“I’ve never been in one more than a few weeks and not in years,” you said, pursing your lips. “Sorry. Not a first date topic. Maybe that’s why I’m hopeless.”
“Funny. Since I met you, there’s a lot more hope in my life,” said Dean. You glanced down at your lap and he tapped his foot against yours gently. “Most people when they find out about me, that’s when they leave. For some reason, you’re not running away yet. You actually choose to stay and that makes me feel better. I don’t know why but you do and I don’t care how many boyfriends, how many dates, how many times you’ve had sex, if you even have...I don’t care about that stuff. I like you. A lot. Somehow you’re my once in a lifetime shot at beating this thing too and...I don’t think that’s a coincidence.”
“What are you saying?” you asked.
“I don’t know. Just don’t get down over your previous lack of a love life. It’s not all it’s cracked up to be...unless it’s you of course cause so far, this is awesome.”
“Casanova, you are,” you said, taking a sip of whiskey.
“You know it,” he said with a wink. “You and me? Dream team right here. Going all the way.”
“So why did you really take me to an extremely nice restaurant for our first date?” you asked.
“I wanted to,” he said softly, the teasing in his voice disappearing. “I’m not gonna be feeling good for awhile or be able to go out for months and months. I thought it’d be nice if we had a really nice date. Is it really too much?”
“Yes...and no,” you said, smiling at him, holding up your glass. “We’re celebrating after all.”
“Yeah, we are,” he said toasting your glass. “You’re out of a bad job, I have a chance again and you get to look at my adorable face all night.”
“Must you always ruin the moment?” you laughed.
“Defense mechanism. You’ll get used to it,” he said, taking another bite of his roll. “Food too. I love food.”
“What’s your favorite-“
“Pie,” he said. “Any kind of pie. We’re so getting some for dessert.”
“You like pie that much huh?”
“Almost as much as I like you,” he said.
“You ever gonna cool it with the flirting, Casanova?” you asked, leaning over and stealing the last roll from the basket.
“With you? I wouldn’t count on it.”
“Alright, what’s the damage,” you said, reaching for the bill when it came but Dean swiped it away first. “I get the whole being a gentleman thing, I do. But you are not paying for the whole dinner.”
“How exactly are you going to pay a bill that doesn’t exist?” he said. You furrowed your brow and he took out the receipt.
“Uh, we have to pay that,” you said. He rolled his eyes and showed it to you. You were a little surprised at how big it was but seeing the discount line made you tilt your head. “Zero dollars?”
“Yup. It’s my present. Some rich woman set up a fund awhile ago at the hospital for adult transplant patients. We each get one fun thing to do each year and the fund covers it. I picked our dinner if that’s okay. Not to sound cheap just...I can’t really afford a place like this on a normal day,” he said.
“You picked our first date for your once a year thing?” you asked. “Dean, you should have used it on you.”
“I did. Last year I went to a football game with my brother. I like using it to do things with people,” he smiled. “Want to go walk off our dinner?”
“Sure,” you said.
A few minutes later you were walking down the sidewalk, a light chill to the air. Dean shrugged out of his jacket and laid it on your shoulders, the two of you walking quietly for a few minutes. He bumped his hand against yours before he brushed the back of it, doing it two more times before he pulled it back.
“Shy, Dean?” you asked. His gaze was obviously on you but you didn’t look up. “You can hold my hand if you want, you know.”
“I’m not shy,” he said, taking hold of your hand, your fingers intertwining. You smiled and looked down at them, seeing Dean looking ahead.
“You’re shy when you like someone, huh,” you said. “Not the cocky flirty front.”
“Like I said, defense mechanism,” he said quietly.
“I like shy boys too,” you said. “Cocky boys that turn out to be shy are my favorite.”
“You don’t feel sorry for me?” he asked.
“Sorry for what?” you asked.
“Me. My situation. I only ask because it can happen,” he said. “Been down that road before.”
“Well, I can tell you that I’d be happier if you were healthy but no, I don’t feel sorry for you,” you said as you stopped at a corner, turning in your heels to face him. “Got it?”
“Yes, mam,” he said, smirking at you, tugging you along to walk more with him. “Warm enough?”
“Mhm,” you hummed.
“Good. So what’s-” he said, his phone going off. “Sorry about that.”
“It’s okay. You can answer,” you said. Dean smiled and pulled it out, putting it to his ear. 
“Hey, Sammy. I’m on a date so...yes I am...what do you want nerd...hey, calm down it’s not...Sam. It’s not a cure...of course I’m excited...I can manage...I said I can manage...don’t you dare call mom. Fine, you can come up some...yeah...starts Monday...alright, I’ll see you. Love ya...shut up bitch,” he said as he hung up, shaking his head. “Sorry. My little brother was returning my call was all.”
“Is he your only sibling?” you asked.
“Just us,” he said. “What about you, sweetheart?”
“Mmm,” you hummed, yawning as you leaned against Dean hours later. He had his arm over your shoulders and pulled you into his side.
“It’s late. I should get you home,” he said.
“Eh, we had fun,” you said, taking a deep breath. “You smell pretty.”
“Thank you,” he chuckled. “I’ll drive you home.”
“I thought they said you couldn’t drive?” you asked.
“Nah, I’m fine. Just right after something like that the doctors get leery,” he said as you wandered back down the sidewalk towards his car. “Rossy gave me the all clear.”
“Rossy?” you asked.
“Yeah. Dr. Ross. He hates it so naturally I call him Rossy. He calls me a smartass. I like him,” said Dean.
“Can I ask a personal question?”
“How do you deal with finding out something like that?” you asked.
“Well I’m twenty nine now. I found out when I was twenty three so I’ve had more than a few years to deal with it. I had no symptoms. It popped up in a blood test after I went in for some stitches for a cut I got at work. I was told it needed to be watched in case it started to develop into something worse which around two years ago it did. I was told about three years without a transplant and it’s starting to look that way,” he said. “I mean, what was your reaction when I told you?”
“I was surprised.”
“Yeah, that was pretty much my gut reaction too,” he chuckled. “I thought I was too young but apparently not. Then I denied it was actually happening, then I was angry and then I was upset and got more upset and more upset and then Rossy took me down to the kiddie wing of the hospital. Kind of puts it into perspective when you see that. I still had time and he told me to use it so that’s what I’m trying to do.”
“I don’t know if I could handle it,” you said, stilling when he paused at a black muscle car. “I forgot to mention your car is pretty awesome.”
“Well Baby likes you too,” he said. “Let’s get you home, sweetheart.”
“You live here?” asked Dean when he pulled up outside a house. “Like...here? No offense sweetheart but this ain’t exactly the safest part of town.”
“It’s cheap. It doesn’t bother me,” you said, giving him a smile he saw right through. 
“The apartments in my complex gotta be better than…” he trailed off when you swallowed. “What aren’t you telling me, Y/N?”
“It’s nothing,” you said, putting a hand on the door. His other one grabbed your hand though and you slumped back into the seat. 
“What’s wrong?” he asked softly.
“Can you keep a secret?” you asked.
“Anything,” he said.
“I...don’t have a house,” you said.
“Okay…” said Dean. “Then why are we here?”
“It’s abandoned. I squat here,” you said, closing your eyes. 
“Squat? Like...do you not have a home?” he asked.
“I was fired six months ago. I lost my house. I don’t…” you said, Dean staring at you. “It’s complicated. I know I lied. Sorry.”
“You’ve been staying in that house?” he asked.
“Yes,” you breathed out. “Or my car when I can’t find a place.”
“Where’s your car now?” he asked.
“Parked out back,” you said.
“Why don’t you get your car and follow me back to my place,” he said.
“Dean. I’m not going to spend the night,” you said.
“You are not sleeping in that house,” he said. “Either that or you let me pay for a hotel room.”
“Fine. Only one night.”
“Good morning,” said Dean when you woke up on his couch the next day. You remembered what had happened the night before and immediately pulled the blanket you’d been using over your face. “Oh, yes. Clearly you have disappeared and we won’t be having this conversation.”
“Can we forget that happened?” you asked, blanket being peeled back, Dean sitting on the edge of couch. He smiled and looked you over, running his hand over your head. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Can I ask you a serious question?”
“Alright,” you said.
“Monday when you were upset and pulled over. It didn’t even cross my mind until now...we were on a bridge,” he said. “Over the highway.”
“I was upset not...” you said, sitting upright and moving past him, ready to change out of his sweatshirt and into your dress and get the hell out of there.
“I didn’t say you were. I wanted to ask why you were upset that day is all,” he said. You sighed and stopped at the end of the couch, feeling Dean stand behind you. “You can tell me about your crap too. That’s part of a relationship.”
“I’m sorry but maybe this was a mistake,” you said. You finished heading into the bathroom, changing quickly. Dean was nowhere in sight when you left and you got out of there before he could try and stop you.
Monday Afternoon
“Hey,” you said, knocking on the door of Dean’s hospital room. You saw him walk out of the bathroom wearily, carrying a bin with him.
“What do you want,” he mumbled, crawling back into bed. He wrapped his blankets around himself and shivered, closing his eyes.
“Are you okay?” you asked.
“Just puking my guts out for funsies,” he said, wincing a little for a moment before he relaxed. “Chemo hits me hard is all and I asked what you wanted. I don’t need to see you, like at all.”
“Can I shut the door?” you asked.
“I don’t care. Just leave the way to the bathroom clear,” he said. You sighed as you closed the door to the room, Dean peeling open his eyes when you took a seat by the bed. “I’m not in the mood to talk.”
“Are you willing to listen?” you asked quietly. 
“Are you some kind of pathological liar?” he said, giving you a bitch face.
“I’m sorry if I hurt you,” you said. “You’re very kind and I’m...I’m not worth the trouble.”
“I’ll decide that for myself,” he said. He sat up some, shivering a little.
“I’ve been out of work since I was fired,” you said closing your eyes. “I can’t get a loan or an apartment because...my old boss keeps stopping anything I try from happening. Jobs. Places to live. I pissed him off when I said no and what happened after that...I could move to a different city but I don’t really have anywhere to go. It hits me sometimes that this is my life now and that’s what happened last Monday. I was...I was having a bad day.”
“I talk to you about the fact I’m dying yet you were too embarrassed to tell me that?” he asked.
“I know,” you said, looking down to your lap. 
“Hey,” he said. “Look at me.”
You forced your head up, Dean closing his eyes briefly before he slowly opened them.
“My baby brother, Sam, he works for one of the best law firms in town. We can talk to him and he’s gonna help you out with this dick of an ex-boss. I’d go kick his ass but I’m not really capable at the moment.”
“I understand being embarrassed, sweetheart. You have no idea. People treat you different when you tell them certain things. But you don’t have to do that with me,” he said.
“I don’t know how to trust people anymore, Dean. I’ve been on my own for so long and then that happened. I’m-”
“Human. A very pretty human,” he said gently. “People don’t want to be my friend anymore, sweetheart. They don’t talk to me. You’re the only person that’s not a doctor or my brother I’ve talked to in a week. I am the fucked up, vulnerable one in this relationship. You have bad luck. I’m-”
“Don’t call yourself fucked up,” you said, scoffing at him. “You’re kind. How is that fucked up?”
“There’s other stuff,” he said. “Stuff I’m not ready to talk about. Someday but not today.”
“Alright,” you said, grabbing his hand and resting your head on his arm.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
“I’m sorry for lying to you,” you said.
“Can we agree from now on to stop being embarrassed in front of each other?” he asked.
“Yeah,” you said. “Yeah, I can agree to that.”
“Awesome, cause I need to throw up again,” he said, quickly getting out of bed and jogging to the bathroom. You walked over and he was knelt down, shaking slightly as he caught his breath. 
“Can I get you anything?” you asked, bending over and rubbing his back, Dean sighing.
“That feels nice,” he said. “Can you go ask a nurse where the fuck my anti-nausea medicine is?”
“Okay. I’ll go get someone,” you said. You kissed his temple, Dean smiling when he looked up at you. “Is it okay that I did that?”
“Sweetheart. I have cancer, not the black plague. You can still kiss me,” he chuckled. “Until otherwise noted, okay? I’ll let you know.”
“Alright. I’ll uh, I’ll go find a nurse.”
“Sup, Dean,” said a very tall man that walked into Dean’s room a few hours later.
“Hey, Sammy,” said Dean, lowering the volume on the TV. “Sam, this is Y/N.”
“Didn’t you two break up?” asked Sam. “After your first date?”
“Nah. You must be confused,” said Dean, smiling at you. “I don’t know how she did it but somehow the nurses fear her. She got me my medicine like that.”
“You’re the marrow donor too from what Dean said,” said Sam as he took a seat in the other empty chair.
“Yeah. It’s very strange how it worked out,” you said.
“I ain’t complaining,” said Dean, getting out of bed again.
“Stomach still upset?” you asked.
“No. Nature calls,” he said, slipping inside the bathroom. Sam gave you a long look and you frowned.
“What?” you asked.
“Listen. I know who you are but I don’t care. You’re helping my brother and that’s all that matters,” he said. You blinked slowly a few times, narrowing your eyes when you took in what he said. 
“I don’t know who you think I am but I’m not it,” you said.
“You’re not the Y/N Y/L/N who worked at Borris & Longworth?” he asked.
“I used to work there but-”
“But yeah. I know who you are,” said Sam, rolling his eyes. “Why don’t you stay away from my brother. Just donate the marrow and get lost.”
“Samuel,” barked through the room, Dean’s brow furrowed as Sam spun around in his seat. “If I had the energy, I’d punch you in the face, got it?”
“Don’t date this chick is all I’m saying. She’s bad news,” said Sam.
“Oh. I see you’re a believer of bullshit too,” said Dean, sitting back on the bed, shooting Sam a dirty look. “Why don’t you act like a real lawyer and get your facts straight before you threaten someone I care about, threaten someone that may end up saving my life because she wanted to donate. Don’t turn into an asshole like those pricks you work with, Sam. Just don’t. If that’s what you are now, then just leave. I’d rather remember you the way you were.”
“You’re not dying,” said Sam.
“Yeah, Sam, I am. I started chemo and radiation will start soon and in three weeks, I have the procedure done. I have a sixty two percent shot of surviving the transplant. Sixty two is a hell of a lot better than zero. It’s not a guarantee. It’s a chance. Time is the only proof of being better I’ll have. That is all I will ever get. There is no cure or guarantee. I am dying. If you’re gonna be rude to the one person who has willingly come into my life during this, then you can go,” said Dean.
Sam was quiet, staring at his lap while Dean crossed his arms and went back to watching TV.
“Sam,” you said. “Can I talk to you outside for a minute?”
You stood and exited the room, Sam following after a moment. You wandered down the hall to the waiting area, taking a seat and resting your head in your hands.
“I know what Liam says about me,” you said. He took a seat beside you, still before he leaned forward and put his elbows on his knees.
“It’s not true, is it,” he said.
“He was the one that did those things to me,” you said, Sam wide eyed for a moment.
“Y/N. Why did you never go to the police if that’s true?”
“Because his Uncle is the commissioner. His Aunt worked at the bank my home loan was through. His family ruined my reputation in town so I can’t get a job better than a fast food place and even then, I get fired pretty randomly from those for bullshit reasons I know is him paying off people. He’s made my life a living hell. Everyone buys into it. Everyone but your brother,” you said. You took a deep breath and sighed.
“You’re saying he’s the one that sexually harassed you and...in that board room…” he said.
“Dean doesn’t know about the board room and I’d rather he not,” you said.
“Can I ask why?”
“Because it was humiliating and degrading and Dean has enough shit going on than my fucked up life. I don’t want him to worry or think about it all. He should focus on himself right now,” you said.
“You obviously are still getting to know my brother.”
“Yeah,” you said. “I honestly don’t care if you believe me or not. Do not upset your brother. Stress isn’t good for him.”
“I’m gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and believe you anyway,” said Sam.
“You were biting my head off not five minutes ago,” you said.
“...well if you’re the kind of person that wants to be with my brother given his situation, I seriously doubt you’re the kind of person who hurts someone else and then lies about it. Liam has always given me the creeps on the rare occasion I’ve met him. I’ll take your word over his,” he said.
“Thank you,” you said.
“Y/N. Thank you. For helping Dean. If I can help you with Liam, I will,” he said.
“I can’t afford a lawyer. I can’t afford anything,” you said as you stood up.
“You’re giving my brother a chance which is more than I can say I’m doing. Let me see what I can dig up,” he said.
“If you could just help it so I can get a decent job, that’s all I want,” you said.
“My fiance owns her own business. She’s looking for a second set of hands. It’s not much right now, it’s still a startup, but I can guarantee Liam can’t get you fired from that job,” he said.
“I’ll take it,” you said. “I’ll need time off in a few weeks for the transplant but-”
“Don’t worry about that. Jess wants Dean to get better too,” he said. You nodded and started to head back towards the room, Sam grunting. “Y/N. We need to sit down sometime and have a serious conversation about what exactly Liam did, what he’s still doing.”
“I know. Right now I just want to check on Dean though,” you said.
“Alright. Let me know when you’re ready to talk and we’ll do it.”
“Well look at you,” you said, smirking when you walked into Dean’s hospital room on Friday afternoon. “I like the new look.”
“A patch came out yesterday in the shower, I decided to just shave it off,” said Dean, running his hand over his head.
“Well I was hoping you wouldn’t need this yet but I brought you a present,” you said. You dug into your purse and pulled out a beanie, Dean chuckling at it.
“Thanks, sweetheart,” he said, tugging it down over his head. “No presents though. You’re on limited funds still.”
“Well the one benefit of working for such a small business is that I got paid this week,” you said.
“Really? That’s great. So you like working on Jess’ t shirt shop?” he asked.
“Actually, yeah. I’m helping clean up the business side so she can focus on her designs. She seems really happy with me so far so there’s that,” you said.
“You better still be crashing in my apartment,” he said.
“I am. I’ll get my own place real soon,” you said.
“Stay. I’m going to be in this hospital for at least a few months,” said Dean. “Another week or so and then they’ll stick me in a different room when my immune system gets pretty weak. Then a week after that, they should end up zapping me and putting your marrow in me and then I go to a different special room to hang out by myself for a long time while my immune system tries to rebuild itself. Apparently it’s got a window and telecom so I can still tell you how hot you are.”
“We have to work on your priorities,” you said, Dean scooting over on his bed. 
“Well come on, I have limited cuddle opportunities,” he said. You rolled your eyes and sat up next to him, Dean throwing his arm over your shoulders, your head resting on his chest. “That’s better.”
“How’d it go today?” you asked.
“I’m sick of it,” he said. “But I have to do it in order to kill my own immune system. It’s gonna get worse. I’m not looking forward to it.”
“What time do you have it tomorrow?” you asked.
“First thing. Why?”
“Can I come?”
“They come to my room and do it. It’s not anything special,” he said.
“Still. You spend a lot of time alone here. If you don’t mind that is,” you said.
“No, I don’t mind,” he said quietly. “I’d like it if I had some company.”
“I’ll be here,” you said. He kissed the top of your head and you smiled. “You’re so handsome.”
“No, I’m not,” he said, his cheeks flushing briefly. “Especially not anymore.”
“You have no idea how wrong you are,” you said, tilting your head and kissing his lips. He sucked in a breath, a soft smile on his face. “Very, very handsome.”
“Y/N,” he said, warm air pooling over your face.
“Yes, Dean?” you said, brushing your nose over his.
“I got this problem, you see. I think I’m starting to fall for you. But the thing is, I promised myself that if I started to do that, I’d tell you,” he said.
“Oh,” you said. 
“Yeah. Honestly, it’s too fast. Like way too fast and odds are-”
“Shut up and kiss me,” you said. Dean titled his head and you smiled, brushing your lips over his. “Do I look like I care about whatever the fuck society says is an acceptable waiting period to tell someone you like them?”
“No,” he breathed out. “Then again, we’ve never been traditional.”
He kissed you gently, putting a hand on your cheek. Just as you were starting to melt into it he broke away and sat up, coughing hard. You went up with him and rubbed his back, Dean sounding like he was hacking something up before he got his breath back.
“I can’t even kiss you without feeling like shit,” he said.
“Let’s just cuddle,” you said, pulling him back down when you thought he was ready.
“Yeah. Yeah a cuddle sounds pretty good right now.”
Two Weeks Later
“Hey,” said Sam, poking his head in your hospital room with a smile. “How’d it go?”
“Okay. I’m a little achy but they said that was expected after them taking marrow. I can go home later today but I figured Dean’s getting his first treatment this afternoon and I wanted to say hi first,” you said.
“Yeah, he sent me down to check on you, told me to wait on you hand and foot if needed,” he said with a chuckle.
“I’m good. If you could help me out of bed so I can go see Dean that’d be great,” you said. He stepped over and put an arm around you, helping you stand for a moment.
“How bad does it hurt?” asked Sam.
“Not really. Dean’s the one I’m concerned about,” you said, Sam carrying most of your weight as you started to head out.
“You know that whole Liam thing…” said Sam. “I looked into it this week.”
“And I brought it to my old law school professor. I don’t trust anyone else at my firm. He says you have a major case. Like, Liam himself is fucked but so is a lot of his family that covered stuff up for him or paid people off. He says there are really good odds that you can be paid damages for everything you’ve gone through and the missed work and the house and all of it. He’ll work it pro bono he said if this is the road you want to go down,” said Sam.
“I can’t keep living my life with him destroying so much of it. Things are looking up for me and I can’t worry about him anymore,” you said.
“Alright. I’ll keep working it then,” said Sam. He was quiet as you made your way upstairs to the special room Dean had been staying in the past few days. He was weak and they needed to minimize his chance of catching anything. “Hey, jailbird. I brought you a visitor.”
“Hey, sweetheart,” said Dean, better looking than you were expecting. “You okay?”
“Yeah. Hip’s a little sore but I’ll survive,” you said with a smile, Sam setting you down in the seat by the window. “You nervous?”
“Nah. I’m ready for it,” he said with a smile. “If this is the last conscious conversation we have, I got to say, I really regret never getting to have a proper makeout session with you.”
“Always the flirt,” you said, Dean chuckling quietly. “Dean.”
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. I got a pretty good reason to keep living. I got to make you fall in love with me afterall,” he teased.
“I’m gonna be right here in this chair with Sam and Jess when you wake up, okay?” you said.
“You three are gonna sit in the same chair?” he giggled. 
“You’ll be fine, Winchester,” you said, Dean smiling softly. “You want anything for when you wake up?”
“Can you make sure I get an extra blanket in here?” he asked.
“Sure thing, babe,” you said, spotting Dr. Ross come down the hall. “Alright, Dean. Here goes nothing.”
One Week Later
“What does that mean,” said Sam, the both of you scowling in the waiting area just outside the room Dean was recovering in. “He was fine yesterday.”
“His white cell count was rising but it started to taper off last night and this morning’s test showed he’s down again,” he said.
“It means Dean’s body isn’t building it’s own marrow back up from mine,” you said. “Right?”
“In layman’s terms, he’s not adapting as well to the new marrow as we hoped for. He needs that to build up his immune system which without one...it’s a death sentence,” he said.
“Take more,” you said.
“Take more what?” asked Dr. Ross.
“Of my marrow,” you said. He closed his eyes and you stood up. “I’m fine. Take more and give it to him.”
“Marrow is a cell like anything else in your body. You need a certain amount. Think of it like blood donation. You can only donate so much blood before it’s problematic for the donor. I’m sorry but your body needs more time to regenerate what was taken,” he said.
“Take. One. More,” you said, Dr. Ross raising his chin. “My body can handle it. I’ll stay in the hospital a few days or however long to recover but just take it. All three of us know I’m the only one that can do it and odds are if he doesn’t get more, he dies. So just take one more damn sample. Please.”
“One more sample,” said Dr. Ross. “If we’re doing this, we need to do this now, understand?”
“Don’t worry about work,” said Sam. “Jess is cool with it. It’s fine. Whatever we gotta do to help Dean, we’ll do it.”
“You will need to rest in bed. No walking around, no visiting Dean after this. I will strap you down if I have to. Have I made myself clear?” said Dr. Ross.
“Yes. Anything to help Dean out, even a little.”
“Hi,” said Jess when you woke up that evening. She was munching on some pasta and offered you some before you shook your head. “Sam’s with Dean so I figured I’d keep an eye on you.”
“I feel like shit,” you said, reaching for some water before she handed it to you.
“Dean’s numbers bounced back to where they’re supposed to be at this point,” she said.
“Good,” you breathed out, closing your eyes again.
“So while the boys are away, I got a slight business proposal for ya,” she said.
“Jess, I’m too tired to think about work,” you said. “I wrote instructions in the spreadsheet.”
“No, not work work. You’re really smart, way smarter than I’ll ever be at the business stuff. I was wondering if instead of me being in charge you’d want to be partners,” she said. 
“Partners?” you asked, opening your eyes.
“Yeah. 50/50. You do more work than I do nowadays. It’s not the most money in the world but I think together we could really do something big, like expand and do even local stuff, not just online,” she said.
“What’s the catch?” you asked. “I don’t have any money to put in right now.”
“I know. We don’t need more money right now. I could really use your help though. You know how to sell stuff and plan and budget. I could really use you,” she said.
“Alright,” you said with a nod and a smile. “Deal.”
“Awesome. Now try some of this fettuccini, it’s amazing.”
“Hey, Dr. Ross,” you said, wearily opening your eyes late that night after Jess and Sam had gone home. “How’s Dean?”
“Stable. Not out of the woods yet,” he said, looking over your chart.
“He would have died without the extra transplant, wouldn’t he,” you said.
“The odds weren’t in his favor. We took a larger sampling than before which is why you may be feeling a bit run down. You can’t give again no matter what happens with Dean, not for a few months at least,” he said. “Is that clear?”
“Yes,” you said. “What do you think Dean’s chances are?”
“You’re not a family member so technically I shouldn’t even be talking to you about this,” he said.
“Rossy,” you said, the doctor smirking for a moment.
“I’d say he has a fifty percent chance of keeping his numbers building. If he makes it through that and to the fourth week, I think it goes up a little. The next year will be the most telling. He could have a completely normal life after this. He needs to survive the next few days first though,” he said.
“So there’s a fifty percent chance of that?” you asked. Dr. Ross pursed his lips and glanced down. “Worse?”
“The need for the second injection...it doesn’t bode well,” he said. 
“Give me a number.”
“I’d say he’s got a 50% chance of deteriorating again. If that happens...it’s unlikely he can recover from it,” he said. You nodded, Dr. Ross setting your chart back down but he paused by the end of the bed. 
“His numbers are starting to go down again, aren’t they.”
“They stopped building from earlier in the evening. It’s not a good sign. Odds are...would you like to go see him?” he asked. You nodded and he helped you into a wheelchair, pushing you to the elevators before you took off on Dean’s floor, stopping outside the window, Dean barely awake.
“Hey. There’s my gorgeous girl,” he said, closing his eyes. “I’m kinda tired sweetheart if that’s okay.”
“It’s okay. You can go to sleep, Dean. I’ll be right here,” you said. He gave a small nod and you saw his heartbeat slow on the monitor, Dr. Ross telling you he was fast asleep. “Thanks for letting me talk to him again. How fast...if his numbers drop...how fast will it...”
“Probably sometime tomorrow,” he said. “Could be a little longer. We don’t know anything yet but it’s not looking good. Tonight will be very telling.”
“Can I stay here for a while?” you asked, your bottom lip quivering.
“Yes. Just let a nurse know when you want to go back,” he said before he turned to go. “Y/N. You gave him a chance...and some happiness. That’s more than he ever wanted.”
“He deserves better,” you said.
“Most people do,” he said as he walked away. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. Going back to your room would be the easy thing to do.
You released the air in your lungs and tried to get comfortable before you decided to sit through what was going to be the longest night of your life.
A/N: Read Part 3 here!
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theskyeandsea · 4 years
A Little Melon-choly || Orion & Skylar
Location: The Common & Skylar’s Apartment
TW List: Chronic Illness and Abuse Mentions
Notes: Just happy fun times at the farmer’s market! calcifires Today at 2:44 PM watermelons wouldnt be in season in Maine but YA KNOW swampfoxx Today at 2:45 PM Listen they're vampire watermelons so its DIFFERENT
The farmer’s market. It wasn’t exactly Orion’s style, but Orion had been sent off by the family to grab groceries. Since he was spending more time at home than usual due to the whole sun not rising ordeal, he was available to be sent off for errands. This seemed like a purposeful ploy. His mom was constantly on him to cut out all the soda and snack foods that he indulged in. So she made up a list and sent him off with strict instructions to return so she could start dinner. Admittedly, he preferred this over being forced to ride along with his parents to something like this. He was happy to hear that she had other plans. So instead, Orion found himself moving from cart to cart, smiling awkwardly at each vendor as he marked his mom’s list off one by one. As he fell into the groove of it, he was almost able to forget how cold it was outside, but every now and then a breeze would blow through and he would get the painful reminder. He shuddered, rubbing at his arms to create some friction against the long sleeves. Unsurprisingly, the list was in order with the setup of the farmer’s market. His mom was way too prepared. He was practically done with his list, only two things left when he spotted a familiar face. From the looks, she spotted him too. His heart immediately began to race, and Orion’s breathing get heavier and faster. He should probably just keep walking on. Give her some space. Clearly she wanted nothing to do with him. He didn’t blame her. But the two were close enough now that it would have been even worse to not saying anything at all. “Uh…. hey there.” He mumbled nervously and waved, “How’s it going?” This couldn’t get any more awkward.
While Skylar didn’t typically go to the farmers market, she figured that it was about time for her to get out of the house and do something, anything to stave off the impending bout of… seal symptoms. The endless night was wearing thin on her and it would be for the best if she went outside, got some fresh air, and talked to some people. So, she took one of her reusable grocery bags and headed out to look at a bunch of produce that she really couldn’t eat. The nice thing about the farmer’s market was that it meant a lot of people were out and about, with plenty of floodlights to spare. Safety and numbers meant the little bottle of holy water in her pocket would probably go unused. She’d started keeping some on her ever since Nic had dropped off his ridiculous shipment of holy water at her apartment. If he thought things were dangerous now, she was going to listen to that advice. Walking from stall to stall, Skylar smiled politely as she looked at the bundles of vegetables and things that she… couldn’t eat. This wasn’t one of her better ideas. As she looked over a few of the stalls, her eyes locked with someone familiar-- her breath caught in the back of her throat. Rio. As he walked up, Skylar’s back straightened and she stared at the weird fruits in the stall in front of them. “Hi. It’s going.” She said stiffly, “What about you?” She asked, not looking him in the eye.
Well this was definitely awkward. Orion should have listened to his gut and skipped the stand. He needed a few things from the same stall that Skylar was currently at. He figured it was better to get the pleasantries out of the way now. As awkward as this was, Orion felt it would be more awkward to just remain silent and continue to run into each other throughout the market. So Orion would bite the bullet and just say hello. What was the worst that could happen? “That’s good. Or well.. It’s alright. I guess.” He muttered, readjusting the hat on his head. He didn’t normally wear baseball caps, but the brim helped to hide the fading black eye. Not that he had much to hide about it. The story behind how he got it was more embarrassing than incriminating. “But uh I’m fine. I uh- didn’t know you shopped here often.” The translation? He didn’t know she could eat any of this stuff. But maybe in smaller doses and if paired with enough meat she would be fine. From what Orion had learned, Selkies were mostly carnivores. “Sorry- I am just here to grab a few things. Then I’ll be out of your hair.
“Mhm.” Skylar hummed, her lips pressed tightly together as she stared at the fruit in front of her. Wow, they looked really weird… like she didn’t normally pay attention to how fruits and vegetables looked, but these definitely seemed a bit odd? She couldn’t quite put her finger on why they seemed odd. Glancing over at Rio, she saw the way he shifted the hat on his head, and her eyes widened as she saw the slight discoloration around his eye. Gasping, she dropped her cold facade and stared at them. “Are you okay? What happened to you?” She asked, glossing over his pleasantries. They both knew that she didn’t belong here, in the farmers market. They didn’t really need to beat around the bush. “No, you’re fine. I’m just looking anyways.” She said, the words earning her a scowl from one of the vendors not far away.
Orion was all too aware how Skylar could barely make eye contact with him. She was focusing way too hard on the fruits on the stand, apparently trying anything to avoid looking over at Rio. He understood why. It was best now to just swoop in awkwardly next to her, grab the selection of fruits and then disappear and stop bothering her. But unfortunately, Skylar risked a glance at him and noticed the eye. “What? Oh, this?” Orion laughed nervously, pointing at the bruise and wincing slightly at the pain. He tried to keep a calm and collected demeanor. At the end of the day, it legitimately wasn’t that serious of an injury. “Yeah I’m fine. Seriously. I didn’t even get it in a cool way.” He admitted, readjusting his baseball cap again more on reflex than anything else, “I uh- tripped…. Down a hill.” He shrugged, “And I realize that sounds fake. But like legitimately. I was with someone who could vouch for me. I was walking backwards and I tripped and rolled down a hill and smacked my face against a tree root.” He started laughing, for real this time at the hilarity of his own ineptitude, “Pretty lame, right?” He moved closer in her direction, careful to move slowly. “Right, right. Sorry. It’s not my business anyways. I just gotta grab a few things.”
“Are you sure? That sounds…” Skylar’s voice petered off before she could finish the thought, but Rio had already answered the question. It sounded like a convenient story, but the way he was laughing seemed like it was real? Maybe? Glancing at his body language, she pursed her lips-- she wasn’t familiar enough with him to get a good enough read on him just yet, but he seemed like he was telling the truth. And, if their experiences at the failed anime night was anything to go off of, he wasn’t a terribly calm liar. “No problem, I’ll get out of your way.” She said, walking away from the stand. But, before she left, Skylar stopped and looked at some particularly odd items in the stall. For one thing… what were watermelons doing here? It was March, watermelons couldn’t be in season yet. For another-- “Uh, Rio…” She said, eyes widening as the fruit appeared to move and shudder. “You should get away from there.” Before he could respond, Skylar watched as the watermelon began to growl and rolled menacingly out of the stand. “Shit!”
Skylar didn’t seem to believe Orion, but he could hardly blame her. It wasn’t like Rio had a squeaky clean image of honesty to go off of. His entire life had been spent lying. Honesty was definitely a virtue of his. “Trust me, it was way more embarrassing in person than it is telling the story, and that’s saying something. I ran into this guy in the woods and we were attacked by this… I don’t know.” Okay that part was partially a lie, but Skylar had been freaked out enough during anime night. He didn’t need to go into detail on the vampire creature that had attacked them. “And I freaked out and fell down the hill.” There we go, full story out. “Oh- Sorry I didn’t mean you had to like leave or-” But Skylar was already walking away. Orion sighed and cursed himself for being so. Dang. awkward. But all he could do was try to shake it off and grab what he needed from the stand. But then he heard Skylar’s voice again, shakingly saying his name. He glanced over, seeing her staring pretty uneasily at a group of watermelon. “I can’t imagine that would be very good right now. Not in March.” But then he noticed it, the thing moved. And… did it just growl at Skylar? “Holy-” He began only to be interrupted when the watermelon began rolling towards Skylar. And along with that, it looked like more started to wake up as well. He eyed Skylar nervously, “Uh Skylar I think we should go. I don’t really need zucchini that badly anyways.”
“Yup, one hundred percent.” Skylar nodded, backing away. But, as she started to move away from the stall, another watermelon, then another, began to fall off the stall and roll towards her. Oh god. Why was this happening, why did this sort of thing always happen to her? Before she could continue her mental pity party, one of the watermelons lunged at her, the widest part opening up to reveal rows of teeth and a bright red center that seemed to be almost… bloody? “No, no, no, no, no!” She shrieked, running away from farmers market, pursued by a small fleet of rolling watermelons that followed her across the open grass of The Common. “Rio! What are these things?” She shouted over her shoulder, hoping that he was still with her. She hadn’t really bothered to check to see if he was running behind her, what with the awful watermelons hot on her heels. 
Orion followed quickly behind Skylar. The things weren’t incredibly fast, but there were a lot of them. And they seemed to come pouring out from other booths to join the group. Others around the market were screaming, the collective noises stinging at his ear drums as they all flooded against his senses at once. Curse hunter senses. He shut his eyes tightly and tried to find some way to drown at the noises, but that only succeeded to distract him long enough that he lost his footing and fell forward, crashing into the grass and rolling. He pushed himself back up pretty quickly, but had noticed a distance growing between himself and Skylar. And some of those things were still following right behind her. He began running again, “I- I don’t know!” He screamed over to Skylar. That was the worst part of all this. He didn’t know what they were. Or where they come from. Only that they seemed to have fangs and clearly had a thing for humans and seemed to have red spots dripping from their centers. Was it blood? The smell of the food from the farmer’s market made it too hard to narrow down any particular scent. And he was too busy running to stop and touch the red liquid for himself. “Where’s your car? We need to get somewhere safe!”
Why were there always weird, terrible things trying to eat her or drown her or just kill her? Skylar didn’t have much time to dwell on the thought as she continued to run away from the rapidly rolling watermelons. And this time, it wasn’t even something that could legitimately be called scary-- these were just watermelons with giant flipping teeth. “You don’t know?” She shrieked, incredulous. He knew about selkies but he didn’t know about demon fruit? Great, just gr-- One of the vampires snapped at her pant leg, tearing a chunk of fabric from the cuff of her jeans. Stumbling forward, she did her best to keep her balance and continue running. Jesus. This sucked, this sucked, all of this sucked. “My car? It’s-- it’s over there!” She said, point to where her Honda Civic was parked across the way of the Common. “Run!”
Orion hated not knowing what these things were. He didn’t like not knowing things in general, but it seemed especially bad when those things he didn’t know about tried to kill him. “I- It’s not something that-” What was Orion trying to say there? He couldn’t tell Skylar that his family only made him study things that they wanted him to kill. That’s where all of his former knowledge came from after all. Since then, Orion has been studying what he could at the Scribe Headquarters but fruit wasn’t exactly something that he had been trying to read about. Apparently he should have been. “I didn’t know fruit could attack people!” He yelled again, eying the watermelon open itself up, exposing fangs and chomping down at Skylar’s leg. Orion’s heart jumped and he gasped before realizing that it had only gotten her pants and not her leg. He breathed a short sigh of relief and eyed the area where she pointed towards where her car was. He veered towards that direction, heading off towards the car when his foot caught into something on the ground. Maybe a hole, maybe a bump. It didn’t matter much. Only that he could feel his ankle twist and he fell forward. He raised his arms to try to cushion the fall, but his elbows hit the ground hard and he rolled forward. His face, down in the grass, the next thing he felt was a searing pain in his arm. He yelled out, looking up to find his right arm with a watermelon biting into it, and hard. Blood poured from his arm and his jacket was torn. Orion’s fist clenched as he cried out in pain and he pulled his left arm free from under his body. With one strong blow, Orion brought his fist down onto the watermelon and crushed it entirely, watermelon guts and presumably Orion’s blood splattering off from it. Orion pulled his injured arm free and pushed himself away. His breath catching in his throat as he processed the pain. It was a watermelon. It doesn’t matter that he crushed it. He hadn’t murdered a freaking watermelon. “Keep running!” Orion yelled, hoping that Skylar wasn’t going to try to help him. He pushed up again and began running towards the car again, cradling his injured arm in the other. 
Her heart was pounding in her ears, her lungs felt like they were going to explode out of her chest, and she honestly felt sick to her stomach from the combination of adrenaline and running. Panting heavily, Skylar was dimly aware of the loud thump behind her, but she thought it was just one of the watermelons-- maybe it had decided to stop chasing after them? But then she heard Rio’s yell of pain. Looking over her shoulder, she was startled to see a watermelon latched onto his arm, fangs embedded into his flesh. But, what caught her even more off guard was when Rio brought his hand down and obliterated the watermelon. Chunks of watermelon flesh and possibly real flesh soaked the ground. Before she could comment on it, Rio had already gotten back up to his feet and was running her way again. Bolting to the car, she grabbed her keys from her pocket and clicked the unlock button, the lights flashing to alert her that the car was open. Throwing open the side door for Rio, she jumped in the drivers seat, slamming her door shut. A heavy thud slammed into her car door as a watermelon threw itself into against the metal. “Get in, get in, get in!” She said to the man, as she jammed her car keys in the ignition. 
All Orion could think about was the pain shooting through his arm. He tried to ignore it, as his feet hit the pavement and drew closer and closer to Skylar’s car. The pain was temporary. He was luckier than many. His arm would bleed for now, but it would quickly slow down. And before long the only evidence that he was ever injured in the first place would be dried blood and a torn hoodie. He ran towards the car, a watermelon rolling smashing into the door as Skylar jumped in. They were surrounding the driver’s side now, and Orion leaped, hitting the trunk of the car and siding over it, and throwing the door open. He pulled his hoodie over his head and used it to wrap around his bleeding arm, careful to avoid dripping any in Skylar’s car. He didn’t speak for a long moment while he tried to regain his breath, but finally looked over at Skylar. “Thank you. Oh god. What the heck were those things?”
As soon as Rio was inside, Skylar threw the car into drive and pressed the gas pedal, urging her Honda Civic down the road. Her front tire smacked into something that gave with a loud popping noise-- she must have squished one of the weird watermelon things? Glancing back in her rear view, she saw that Rio was clutching his arm into his chest. “I-- I have no idea. Demon watermelons? Evil, cannibal watermelons?” She guessed, adrenaline still coursing through her veins as she tried to calm her nerves. Checking the road behind her, Skylar was relieved to see that no rogue watermelons were chasing after them. At least there was that. As she took another look back at Rio, she noticed… scars. Lots of scars, bruises, some faded, others fresh, covering his arms. Those couldn’t have been from just now, right? Pushing the thoughts from her mind, she focused on the road in front of her. “Are you okay? Did they get you? Do you want me to take you to the hospital? Or, I-- I’ve got a first aid kit at my apartment, would that be enough?” She offered, hoping Rio would take the offer for help. That wound couldn’t be good.
Orion was trying to hold back tears from falling down his face. The last thing he needed to do was cry in front of Skylar too. Hadn’t he caused enough stress in her life? He thought after all these years that he would have at least built up a tolerance to pain, but apparently that wasn’t true. The only thing that helped him get his mind off of it was theorizing about the watermelons. “I wonder if they were watermelons at all.” Could they have been some kind of shape shifters? It didn’t seem likely. Watermelons may have been a good disguise at a farmer’s market initially, but it hardly seemed effective to stay in that form while hunting prey. It seemed more likely that Skylar was right. They were some kind of cannibalistic watermelon. Which begged another question. Were they alive? That… thing that Orion had smashed. Had it been alive? “I mean- they obviously were watermelon I just… I don’t know. I wish I knew.” He had been staring up at the roof of the car, his eyes closed as he tried to not dwell on the pain or the situation. He heard Skylar asking about his arm, the concern apparent in her voice. Or maybe it was just fear. Maybe it was just wishful thinking on Orion’s part. “Huh? Oh no. This is fine. He didn’t bite very deep. It’s just a surface wound.” Orion lied. But he had no other choice. He couldn’t let Skylar try to treat him or take him to the hospital. How would he explain it when the bite marks closed by the end of the night? “I just wrapped it to make sure that I didn’t bleed on your car.” Orion forced laughter, trying to make himself sound more light hearted than he felt. He raised his hand into a thumbs up towards her to prove just how great he was. It wasn’t until that moment that he realized what he had done when he took the hoodie off to stop the bleeding. His arms. His scars. Out in public. He quickly moved to bury his free arm under the wrapped on, trying to hide as much of it as possible. “You can just uh- drop me off. If you could. I don’t want to inconvenience you.”
“If they weren’t watermelon at all? What, like some kind of magic illusion?” Skylar asked, trying to process what that could mean. Whatever it was, it had felt pretty real to her, between with her ripped pant leg and Rio’s arm. Those were some pretty scary illusions if they weren’t real. “It’s, it’s okay. I mean, I don’t know any of this at all. I just-- I’m just trying to figure things out.” She said, taking a deep breath in an attempt to calm herself. As she spun the wheel in a less than controlled turn, she realized her hands were slick with slime. Grimacing, she wiped her palms on her jeans. They were already ruined, she might as well. “If it’s just a surface wound, why are you wrapping your arm like that? I’m not-- I’m not going to just ditch you.” She said, shaking her head. “At least let me get some neosporin and a bandage on it. Please?” Skylar asked, making eye contact with him through the rearview mirror, hoping that it would convince him. Ultimately, if he said no, she would let him leave. But… as much as she hated what Rio had done, she didn’t hate him. She just hated the way he’d gone about things. She wasn’t going to punish him, that wasn’t who she was. “It’s your choice, but, please, Rio. Let me help.”
“No- no. I think they were definitely real.” Orion answered Skylar, still trying to theorize. Pull anything from his brain that may help him connect some dots and determine what those things actually were. But between the pain and his arm and the now near panic attack that may or may not be building up in him, nothing was coming to mind. He wasn’t good under pressure, never has been. “You deserve your answers. Whatever they are. I’d like to help.” He tried to find a moment of peace within this conversation. But right now he was stuck. He needed to get out of this car, to make up some excuse to get away. But he didn’t want to push Skylar any farther away than he already had. He just wished that he could be normal. So that none of this was an issue in the first place. “Yeah- F-fine. But I don’t want to bleed all over your apartment.” She didn’t mention the scars. Honestly, he didn’t know which was more awkward. But he was pretty sure he would prefer it if they never spoke about it. “I’m sorry. If I hadn’t tripped this wouldn’t have been an issue.”
“Mmmmmmm.” Skylar hummed, tapping her hands anxiously against the steering wheel. Now that she was away from the watermelons, that she’d had the chance to catch her breath, her shoulders began to shudder, slight shivers running down her spine. Nope, nope, no. This was fine, this was okay, this was… it was gonna be okay. When Rio relented, she let out a sigh and nodded. They could go back to her place, get his arm treated, and then she could freak out. No freaking out right now, nope, nope. She was going to be calm. She didn’t even get hurt, Rio was the one who’d been hurt. “It’s not your fault, none of this is your fault.” She said as she pulled down the road to her apartment. Zipping through the parking lot, she pulled in and shut off the car, hurrying out to open the door for him. Her fingers slipped off the door handle on the first time, still covered in slime, but she managed to get the door open on the second try. Hoping he didn’t comment on that, she nodded. “C’mon, let’s get inside. I think my roommate’s at work, so we should be okay.” She said, praying that was the case. She didn’t need to deal with more questions…
Orion didn’t realize that they had arrived at Skylar’s until he heard the passenger side door being opened. He perked up immediately, realizing it was Skylar opening the door for him. He had blacked out? That seemed a bit over the top, considering Orion was plenty familiar with pain. Though he didn’t have a lot of experience with being bitten by a watermelon. His vision was blurry at first and he had to force himself to move so that he could see again. He climbed out of the car, mumbling a “Thanks” to Skylar and eyeing the slime on the car handle. Despite how fuzzy he felt, his hunter senses were working overtime to keep him aware. He could hear the slime dripping from the handle onto the pavement. “Cool. Cool.” He nodded, following Skylar inside. He remembered her place, almost fondly. It had been at least. At the beginning. He followed behind Skylar, following closely behind to make sure that he didn’t stray anywhere she didn’t want him. He owed that much to her.
When Rio stepped out of the back of the car, Skylar’s eyebrows knitted together in concern. He didn’t look good-- how much had he bled? Looking at the sweatshirt wrapped around his arm, she saw that there was quite a lot of blood. Much more than he’d let on. Oh god. How was he even standing? “Here, wait.” She said, lifting his good arm over her shoulder. He was a little shorter than her, but that made it easier for her to help him up the stairs to her apartment. Just one step at a time. Her keys were already in her hand and she managed to fit them in the lock on the first time. At least she had that going for her right now. Moving inside, she shut the door with her foot before walking Rio over to one of the chairs in the kitchen. “Sit tight, okay. The first aid kit is in the bathroom. Give a shout if you start to feel, um… worse?” She asked before hurrying down the hall. 
The second she stepped inside, Skylar let out a shuddering breath, shoulders shaking. Rio had gotten hurt. Rio was badly hurt. This was, this was the first time since the Karkinoid attack on the beach that she’d seen one of her friends get hurt like this. And that had happened far away from her-- she hadn’t fully seen everything that had happened to Remmy. Gripping the basin of the sink, Skylar stared at the drain, trying to steady herself. “This is fine, this is fine, this is fine.” She mumbled to herself. Except none of this felt fine. Splashing some cold water on her face, Skylar looked up in the mirror, catching sight of the exhausted, strained young woman that stared back at her. Had she always looked this tired? Or was this just the toll White Crest had taken on her. She swallowed thickly before grabbing the first aid kit from the cabinet. Walking back into the kitchen, she offered a tense smile. “Hey, how are you doing?”
Orion didn’t argue when Skylar stepped in to help guide him into her home.  It was pathetic, how he was acting. It was an arm wound, it was hardly anything that serious. It hadn’t even hurt that badly when it first happened, though he may have adrenaline to thank for that. His family would be laughing at him if they knew. Oh god. The thought of his parents reminded him that he was out in public, with a short sleeve shirt on. That wasn’t good. But there was nothing to do about it now. The damage had been done. Skylar had seen them, and Orion needed to figure out what he was going to say when the time came. 
He fell into the chair that Skylar offered and rested his injured arm on the kitchen table. After Skylar left, Orion pressed his forehead against the kitchen table and stared at the darkness that remained between himself and the wood. The tear dripped from his eyes before he could think to stop them. It wasn’t much, just a few stray tears. But it was enough to force him to start sniffling and it was enough to embarrass himself to death. He could hear the water running in the bathroom, could hear that Skylar was talking to herself, though he tried to force himself against listening to the words. Eventually, he heard the water stop and Skylar making her way back into the kitchen. When she asked how he was, he raised his good arm up and gave a thumbs up as an answer. When he could manage it, he finally sat back up and looked at Skylar. “I’m super fantastic. I don’t want to get blood on your kitchen.”
When Skylar saw the tears that had trailed down his cheeks, her heart broke for him. He was just as overwhelmed by this as she was, wasn’t he? And there wasn’t anything she could really do to help. “Mhmmmm. Well, do you mind taking the sweatshirt off? I don’t really know about first aid, but I know that you should clean a wound out just so it doesn’t get infected.” She said as she opened up the first aid kit. Her hands were shaking as she undid the latches, but she did her best not to let the slight tremors show. Pulling out a couple alcohol swabs, the neosporin, and a roll of bandages, she set them on the kitchen table and waited for him patiently. Now that they were face to face, she could see that the scars and injuries that covered his skin were more than she’d initially noticed. What… what had happened to him? 
Orion immediately used his free hand to wipe away any tears from his face. If he survived today and didn’t die from embarrassment it would be a miracle. “Oh. Right. Of course.” He smiled, slowly unwrapping the sweatshirt from his arm. He grimaced as the blood made it stick to his skin, and he had to peel it from his skin. In hindsight, the wound already seemed to look marginally better than it had when it first happened, a sign that the healing had already started. But this was fine. It was still bad enough that Skylar could treat it, wrap it up and then Orion could leave and no one would be the wiser when the thing healed before the weekend. Especially since he was never leaving the house again without making sure he had a long sleeve shirt under the hoodie. Or two. Once the arm was completely exposed, Orion looked up at the ceiling and shut his eyes. If he didn’t focus on the pain, maybe it wouldn’t hurt so badly. “I promise I won’t whine too much. Do whatever you need.” He mumbled, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. The alcohol burned like no other, but Orion gritted his teeth and tried not to make a noise. When he felt like he needed a distraction, he spoke. “Can I ask you a question?” He prefaced, before leading into it. “What causes the uh- the slime. Do you always do that? Or does something else cause it?”
Watching as he unwound the sweatshirt back, Skyler winced at the sight of the bite mark-- it wasn’t as bad as she’d thought it would be, though, which was a relief. If it was any worse, she’d insist on driving him to the hospital, or at least urgent care. Taking the alcohol wipes, she began to dab around the wound, cleaning off the blood and doing her best to make the process as quick as possible. She’d seen nurses do things like this before, when her sister had taken a bad spill during cheer practice and had needed to be patched up. “No, no, you’re fine. I’m just sorry that you got hurt.” She said, hoping that talking would help him through the pain. Setting aside the alcohol wipes, she opened the tube of Neosporin and spread a layer on some gauze before pressing it gently over the wound. “Oh. Um,” She hesitated for a moment. She still didn’t trust Rio, not fully. But… how could she really say that when he was here, bleeding in her kitchen, after having been bitten up by some cannibal watermelon? “It happens when I get nervous. Or scared. And when I need to change.” She said, not looking at him as she unwrapped the bandage and began to wind it around his arm. 
This was better than going to a hospital, Orion could at least confirm that. They would want to take IV’s and that meant needles in his arms which meant questions. He would take this over that any day. Honestly, the scariest part of today was that Orion dropped the groceries he was supposed to be picking up for his mom. How was he going to explain that? “Thanks, but obviously not your fault. I’m just clumsy.” He shrugged, jumping at a particularly ill placed dab of alcohol that really stung at one of the bite marks. “Sorry, sorry. It just stung.” He listened to Skylar explain the situation to him. Well, the first two definitely made sense. Considering the situation. “Right. That makes sense.” He nodded his head, longer than needed, because he was awkward. “I uh- I read that you can get sick right? If you don’t change?” He asked again. He was genuinely curious, though considering their history maybe this wasn’t the best topic of conversation. “Sorry- sorry. None of my business. We can change the subject.”
“Don’t blame yourself. It’s not anyone’s fault. Except for the crazy guy who was selling evil watermelons.” Skylar said with a shake of her head. Why were those things even out at the farmer’s market anyway? When he jolted at the sting of alcohol, she backed off immediately. But, he seemed okay over all? She continued to clumsily wrap the wound, her fingers unused to the task. Medical stuff wasn’t her forte. If anything, she’d usually been the one receiving treatment. Getting tested by specialists and seeing doctors and having them try and figure out what was wrong with her. When really… the only thing wrong with her was that her parents weren’t telling the truth. At Rio’s question, Skylar’s lips pursed together in a thin line and she focused on tying off the bandage. “Mhm. That’s what happens, apparently.” She said. She didn’t want to think about this right now, but if he was bringing it up… If his research could tell him this much, maybe he could help her figure out a way to be normal. How to undo this… situation.
Skylar brought up a good point. Orion had to wonder how those things showed up at the farmer’s market in the first place. She had to be right- someone brought those things there on purpose. Did someone… grow those things? Had they brought them there with the sole purpose of setting them free on unsuspecting bystanders like Orion and Skylar? And Orion shouldn’t have been unsuspecting- he knows about the supernatural. He should have known about what those things were. If he was a real Scribe, he would have known. Orion understood that look that Skylar had. The two seemed to feel similarly about themselves. The hatred of what they were. He just wished Skylar didn’t feel that way about herself. He would need to do more research. Maybe the more he learned about Selkies, the more he could teach Skylar. In turn she would stop hating what she was. Maybe. “Well… seriously I can’t thank you enough for doing this for me. I can help clean up and then I promise to get out of your hair.”
“It’s okay. I’m happy to help, when I can.” Skylar said, gesturing to the sloppily wrapped bandage. “I’m not… good at this kind of first aid stuff, but maybe I should take some classes or something. With how often people are getting hurt, it might not be a bad idea.” She said with a sigh. The adrenaline had faded from her body and it had left her exhausted. Tiredness seeped into her bones and she was on her last legs. Slumping back in her chair, Skylar rested her head in her hands. “You don’t need to do anything, you’re good, honestly. I can get this stuff taken care of by myself.” She said with a weary smile. She’d get it all figured out, she’d handle the mess, and then she’d take a nice long shower and go to bed. It wasn’t even technically night time yet, but she just needed this day to be over.
Orion laughed, though there wasn’t much humor in it, “Yeah, well. We shouldn’t have to be good at first aid stuff. If this town would just give us a break every now and again.” His arm still hurt, though he had to admit that it felt better now that it had been cleaned and wasn’t wrapped in a sweatshirt. “But I may be able to show you a few things. I’m not an expert or anything, but my dad’s a doctor. He’s shown me a few things.” Not many things that he ever wanted to see or do again, but the first aid may come in handy. At least long enough to get someone to a hospital. He couldn’t tell if Skyar didn’t want to burden Rio or if she wanted him gone. Rio didn’t blame her of course, it was just hard to tell. He pushed himself up from the kitchen table. “I wouldn’t mind or anything but.. I get it. I can head out.” He stood there for a moment longer. Something puzzled him. She really wasn’t going to ask about the scars? It was driving him crazy, the unknown. Skylar had seen them. What was she thinking? He was heading towards the door, ready to escape when he couldn’t take it anymore. “I’m trying to learn self defense.” The lie came to him way easier than it should have, but then again Rio was also trying to be prepared when it came to stuff like this. “With… this town I thought it would be good. Clearly I’m not very good at it right now.”
“Mm. It’d be nice if it would…” Skylar sighed. “But, it seems like it’s just been one thing after another. First weird blood puddles, then fish rain, then the giant lobsters and the stupid chest on the beach with the eyeball in it. And now endless night time.” She shook her head. How were all of these things that had happened? How were any of these things she’d just said real? Her life had turned into some crazy fantasy novel and she honestly just wanted it to go back to normal. “Really? You don’t need to do that, I might just sign up for like… a Red Cross class or something.” She said, shaking her head. As she slumped back in her chair, Skylar stared listlessly in front of her. She wasn’t actually looking at anything, not intentionally. But, when Rio blurted out words, she realized that it probably looked like she’d been staring at him. At his arms. “Huh? Oh. Okay. That’s cool.” She said, slightly confused by his sudden outburst.
Orion just nodded along as Skylar rattled off each thing that had happened in town just since the beginning of the year. It was a long list… one that he hadn’t realized just how heavy the last few months had been until she listed it all together in one neat bullet pointed sentence. “Wow. Yeah. When you say it that way it almost sounds like the town’s not normal.” He tried for a nervous smile. Considering their situation it wasn’t exactly time for jokes, but Ricky had helped Rio see that some light heartedness was good in dark situations. If only Rio’s jokes didn’t fall so flat so often. He supposed that he lacked the confidence. “I mean I’m obviously not an expert or anything. I’m not a pre-med major like my sister. I mean I was. That was my original plan. But I changed course. Sorry that’s not important.” He shook his head, backtracking, “Red Cross is definitely more qualified to teach you this stuff. But the basics I have down pretty well.” Skylar seemed confused by Rio’s outburst which was… peculiar. Had she really planned on not asking him about it? If so, he had practically outed himself which was embarrassing. “I- uh. Sorry. I just saw you looking and didn’t want you to think that I uh like… did it to myself or something. So… okay. Sorry. I can leave now.”
“Definitely not normal.” Skylar echoed, the joke in his voice lost to her. All of the energy she’d been able to muster had been drained from her in the last hour, which made just sitting up a chore. And it was difficult to try and parse together Rio’s words, even with her hearing aids. “Mhm. I think I’ll look into the Red Cross. Thanks, though.” She said with a small smile. As he continued to talk, Skylar realized that he thought she’d been oggling his arms, staring at him-- she hadn’t meant to. She just hadn’t realized that she was even staring off like that. “Oh, I’m sorry. I’m--” She shook her head, “I’m just really tired. I was zoning out there.” As Rio offered to leave, a minor feeling of relief made its way through the haze of exhaustion. “That’d be… for the best.” She said with a nod. The second he left, Skylar flopped down face first in bed. Rolling over, she mumbled into her pillow, “I hate farmers markets.”
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dragonindigo245 · 5 years
Project [REDACTED]
Heyo!!! This is a WIP story I'm doing with the amazing @pawton-meowity! Hope you enjoy! The odd numbered chapters will be posted on their Tumblr while the even ones will be on mine. Feel free to request to be added to the tag list for updates! Thanks! 💙🖤💙
Tw: Remus being Remus, blood
Chapter 6: P.O.V of Remus
“Oh! Remus! Heya kiddo!”
I turned my attention away from my fidget cube and turned my head towards the voice. Patton was next to the bench I was sprawled across with a smile on his face.
“Hey Daddy-o! I assumed you would be in your classes learning about all the ways you can kill someone!” I cheerfully replied. He made a noise of discomfort and sat at the end of the bench I didn’t take up.
“Well I was in class learning about how to HELP people but it let out early. I have around ten to fifteen minutes to hang out.”
“You know you’ll have to teach me about weak points and stuff. It is rather interesting. You could probably kill someone in a hundred different ways!!!”
“The fuck?!?” I exclaimed. Patton was probably thinking the same thing without the colorful language.
I didn’t have to wonder for long until a fucking bird flopped down on my head. The odds of that had to be ridiculously low.
Patton screamed and jumped up, freaking out about the bird. Honestly what was the big deal even? It’s a bird?? Actually… we could make it a rotisserie bird...
“OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS WHAT THE FUDGE STRIPE?!?” Patton finally managed to say. Good to know he can say actual words again.
“I know! We’re so lucky to have a bird land on me!” I said while grabbing the bird from the tip of its wing. It screeched, unfortunately not dead yet, and wiggled around.
“REMUS! DON’T JUST HOLD IT LIKE THAT!” Patton scolded. He took the bird from my clutches and held it like a puppy.
“Aww but Patton! I want it!”
“Then you should learn to take care of a bird before you get one!”
“What? I already know how to prepare it. It needs to be dead fi-”
Patton stared at me in shock. Okay… that’s fair. Patton dismissed it with a sigh and turned his attention to the bird. It was a little brown feathered bird that left its feathers all over the place in distress. Shame… could have made a good meal.
“Well if you’re not going to eat it then what’s the point?” I rebutted.
He sighed again and held the bird close to his chest. “Help it, obviously!” Patton said with a small smile.
He reached for his right sleeve but his fingers didn’t quite make it before I sprang forward.
“Don’t risk it on a bird you idiot!” I said in a low and threatening voice. He didn’t seem to have a visual reaction to my threat besides looking back at the bird.
“But Remus! It’s a hurt little robin! I know I don’t have a grip on my po-”
“Don’t talk about it either you fucking moron! What did we say about their eyes being everywhere?” I growled.
I must have shifted slightly because my position from when I sprang forward because I fell off the bench with a yelp of surprise. I hit the concrete mostly unharmed but on the way down I bit my tongue hard. Why does this only happen to me?
“Excuse me gentlemen.” Welp that cut me out of the picture. Whoever that is isn’t talking to me.
“Oh! Hello… sir!” Patton nervously answered. Okay maybe they were talking to us.
I looked up before flinging myself backwards. A burn bro. They eyed me before turning to Patton.
“I didn’t mean to intrude but you said something about risking something on a bird? What did you mean by that?” They asked casually like they weren’t here to kidnap Patton.
“He meant wasting his time asshole. Stop sneaking around like a Scooby Doo villain.” I spat.
“Hey R... shut the fuck up. You are of no use with your mush for brains.” They growled back.
“Whoa hey can we just calm down? Surely we can just have a calm, quiet conversation?” Patton attempted.
The guy cleared his throat and nodded. “Ah yes. My apologies. That was highly unprofessional of me. May I ask what the risk was in helping the bird?”
Patton smiled an extremely fake smile and shrugged. “Oh well there’s absolutely no risk whatsoever. It’s just a bird that we are going to help very normally.” What in the god damn fuck Patton. You have single handedly screwed us.
“Mhm… say may I ask your first and last name?” They asked.
Fuck. Damn. Shit. Ass.
“Uhhh welllllll… my name is…. Burnnnnnnnnnnie Robinnnnnnson. Burnie Robinson.”
“Are you sure about that?”
“ABSOLUTELY! A hundred and one percent!!! Burnie Moral Robinson at your service!”
What. The. Fuck.
“Okay… Burnie. Where is your dorms?”
“I’M NOT ALLOWED TO ANSWER THAT Haha! You see here it’s kinda private information and I SURE AS HEAVEN DON’T KNOW YOU!!! Stranger danger and all that!!”
“Okay that’s fair… have a good afternoon Burnie.”
Holy shit that worked. OH MY SATAN THAT WORKED!!!!
The burn bro walked away suspiciously BUT STILL WALKED AWAY!!
“Oh my goodness that worked…” Patton said baffled. “I got away with that? I actually got away with that.”
“Yeah you did for now! You have landed us in hot water! They are going to keep asking you questions until they get who they’re looking for! All for a BIRD!”
“... but it’s a baby…”
I groaned and put a hand up to my mouth, remembering the blood still floating around in there.
“It’s not a baby. Babies are little gross mini humans. That is a feathered, walking lump of meat. How are you even attached to it?”
“Because it’s CUTE!”
I spat out a bit of blood from my mouth so I could reply but Patton screamed once more.
“Wait someone’s bleeding?” Logan yelled from behind me. He was far away from us still but within hearing distance.
I sighed and grabbed my fidget cube that was now on the floor. “I’m fine. I cannot understand how you two are so… considerate. HEY! You two should pork!!!” I exclaimed.
Logan and Patton exchanged looks of confusion.
“What does protein have to do with a person’s well being? Logan said while joining his side.
“Protein is an important factor in a diet, you know that Logan.” Patton chimed in, “But cows are too cute to eat!”
“Yes Patton, we all know you’re vegetarian, but pork is a pig based product, not a cow based product…” Logan sighed.
“PIGS ARE CUTE TOO!” Patton exclaimed. I shook my head as the two glasses gays were totally missing the context of my joke.
“You two are so innocent… I meant you should TOTALLY FUCK.” When I clarified my original statement’s meaning, the two stared at me for a moment. Logan’s face showed slight shock but mostly confusion, while Patton went red as the blood I just spat onto the ground. Patton couldn’t make eye contact with either of us but after a moment, Logan was able to regain his composure and fix his glasses.
“Remus… I don’t believe that is how an optimal courtship should be conducted. Not that I have much experience in that department… but I assume you don’t either if that is how you approach people.”
“Oh, so you’re a virgin,” I cackled, then looked back at Patton and his bird, “then I assume you are too?”
Patton said nothing, just gently pet the bird.
“Patton, just ignore him.” Logan sighed, rolling his eyes at me.
“Okay… that sounds like… like a good plan. I’ll see you later Logy…” Patton squeaked and hurried off, the bird still clutched in his hands.
Now all that remained was the fucking nerd. Nah he’s boring. I’m getting outta here.
“Welp goodbye glasses gay! Enjoy your night with Patton!” I winked with the last word and ran off, leaving a Windows error in Logan’s place.
I skipped off to go back inside the college however the halls were flooded. Trying to find the others would be like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Good thing I found a needle in a haystack before.
I pulled open the door and inserted myself into the crowds of people. Most of the students were polite and didn’t do what I did… push my way around people. I didn’t slide by anyone but straight up, or as Logan and Patton should do, gay up, decided to ram into them. Most people flung themselves out of my path as best as they could at least.
I spotted the top of Virgil’s purple hair and ducked around to reach him. He was close to the bathrooms so that helps our situation.
I reached him and before Virgil had a say in the matter I pulled him into the bathrooms. Surprisingly, nobody was in here besides us two.
“What the fuck Remus?” Virgil asked colorfully.
“Shush! This is important! They’re here!”
“Jesus Christ Remus, you don’t mean-”
“Yup. Burn bro. Patton and I just had a run in. By the way, don’t ever ask Patton to lie about anything.”
“Okay cool. Can we get back to the part where THEY are HERE on SCHOOL GROUNDS?!? What even happened? Wait are you bleeding?”
“Why is everyone obsessing over that? I’m fine! Just hit the pavement.”
“So they didn’t hit you… right? I swear to god they better not have.”
“No! All they did was almost catch Patton-”
“Yup. That’s a downside. They are skeptical at least. Hey at least Patton’s in danger and not already captured!”
“You say that like it’s a good thing! Jesus fucking Christ I need to get to Patton!”
Before I could say anything else Virgil ran out of the bathrooms.
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zoraclover777 · 7 years
House Hunting. (Vol. 1)
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(Vol. 2)
Couple: Steve Harrington x reader
Warnings: ghosties
Requested: lmao noooo
Summary: In which, the kids, and Steve, invite you to explore a haunted house.
AN: LiSTEN, this has been in my head for a while ok and y'all seem to like my Steve Harrington work so, let’s start, yo. By the way, let me know if you want a part two????? Huh???? HUH???
A knock echoed in your ears and you took a slow bite out of your bagel as you hoped they went away, but the knocking only became more urgent and you rolled your eyes, walking to the door.
Voices made you arch your brow as you listened, multiple tones making you tilt your head, confused on how many people could be at your door at this time of night.
’Dude, we barely know—’
’Steve, shut your mouth, we’re inviting her. She’s into all this kind of ghost—’
’Which aren’t real, by the way, Dustin.’
’AnyWaYS, she likes all this shit, okay? Y/N has all kind of ghost shit, like—’
You opened the door, one hand on the knob and the other holding the bagel and you stared at the group, furrowing your brows slightly.
“What do I owe the pleasure of being visited by Steve Harrington, the babysitter, and the five kids, he babysits, at—” Turning around, you strained your neck to look at the clock before turning back to them, “—ten seventeen p.m on a Saturday night?”
“Houses.” Mike finished, smiling at Lucas before looking at you.
“Okay, well, I only know little Max there, and I’m going to be three hundred percent honest and say she didn’t throw my name out there, so, which one of you shit heads did?”
A small hand raised up and you followed it down to its owner, Dustin smiling proudly. Smacking yourself in the forehead mentally, remembering he asked for your help on a project months ago and you sighed.
“Right, Dustin. The kid that needed an A in science, for something not science related. What’s up?”
“Wait,” Will spoke out, head turning to Dustin. “You got an A on a project for Science, that wasn’t even—”
“Yes, Will. Anyways, Y/N, your EVP recorder, bring it. And that one camera with the fancy night vision thing.” He said, excitedly, clapping his hands together.
“Fine, only because I want to prove that ghosts are real to Mr. I don’t believe in anything except basketball and girls.” Turning around, you could hear the scoff coming out of his mouth and you smirked.
Shining your flashlight on the old building, you shined it in Steve’s face, making him squint as he turned away. “Don’t break the damn camera, Harrington. If you get creeped out, give it to me, don’t just drop it.”
Quickly, you flashed the light on Mike, Lucas, and Dustin, grinning slightly as you spoke, “So, the history of this place?”
“In 1734 a boy by the name of Daniel Mit—Mi—Michelle?”
“Mitchell, Dustin, that says, here give me that. In 1834, a boy by the name of Daniel Mitchell was brutally attacked when trying to defend himself from intruders on Saturday, September 23rd, but sadly passed away when— oh, gross, Mike, here.”
“But sadly passed away when one of the strangers tied a rope around his neck, suffocating him slowly before—uh, ew.”
Max grabbed the paper before rolling her eyes and finding where he had left off. “Before gutting the fifteen year old boy and hanging him from the ceiling fan.” She flipped the paper around to reveal an empty page on the back, making her furrow her brows.
“Guys, there’s no indication that this place is—”
Dustin pulled out another piece of paper and smiled, unfolding it before reading. “In 1931, two homeless men went to seek shelter where fifteen year old Daniel Mitchell had been murdered, but they would call the police two hours later about things being thrown, doors being slammed, and hearing voices speaking to them to leave. The officers—”
“Alright, alright, I get the idea of it. You believe this place is haunted because of some article—” You stopped when the front door swung open and your eyes immediately looked into the doorway, finding nothing, or anyone, in sight.
“Oooookay, that was strange.” Steve said, head turning to you.
"Did you get that?"
Breathing in, you looked at the kids before turning back to the house. “Okay, one quick EVP session, and we’re gone.”
One had turned in to five, and you were sitting next to Max and Steve, raising an eyebrow as you listened to the last tape.
Lucas’s voice spoke, “Is anybody here with us?”
Silence filled your ears as you all listened and you sighed, shutting off your recorder before taking the tape out and replacing it. “Okay, guys, this is the last one we recorded. If there’s nothing on here, we’re going home.”
The click of the cassette being played filled the room and you closed your eyes, listening intently.
“Hey, ghosties—”
Immediately, you pause the tape, turning to Steve, throwing your arms up. “Dude—”
“To be fair, I don’t believe in them.” He pointed out, crossing his legs and smiling, shifting the camera over a little.
“To be fair, we literally went through hell for two years, Steve.” Will said, placing his hands in the pocket of his hoodie.
“Dammit.” Steve said, waving his hand as if to tell you to continue the tape, and you pressed the play button in satisfaction.
“—so, I’m going to ask questions, you’ll answer, I guess. Is anybody here?”
Silence. And then a small voice, “Yes.”
“Man, what the—”
“Steve, sh!”
“When did you die here?”
There was a small sliver of silence before it answered, “18…34.”
“Is this Daniel Mitchell?”
No answer was spoken before Steve asked the next question, “Are you friendly?” Static interfered, making the next answer hard to hear, but you rewind the tape before pressing play again and getting closer.
“Are you friendly?”
Static before a low, growling voice spoke, “No.”
Quickly, you pressed stop and stood up, grabbing a strap of your backpack. “Time to leave, now. No questions, just get up and walk out.” You said gently, turning your flashlight on as you watched everyone stand up.
“What’s the big deal, anyways? None of this is real, all of that can be explained—” A crash interrupted Steve, making you all look up before there was another crash, directly in front of your group.
Turning your head, you were suddenly pushed to the floor, making you drop your flashlight and gasp at the force. Groaning, you sat up and looked around at everyone in the group, confused as you pushed the camera out of your face.
“Okay, now, that can’t be explained.” The brown eyed teen said, lending a hand out to you and you grabbed it, letting him help you off the floor.
“Don’t react, just leave.” Eyes locked onto Max’s and she nodded as she grabbed the door handle, opening the front door before it was slammed shut, her hand being ripped away from it.
Breathing out, you looked at the group before closing your eyes slowly and grabbing the recorder out of the side pocket of your backpack. “Looks like we have one more EVP to record, guys.” You opened it, flipping the tape around before pressing record.
“Listen, you’ve been messing with us, so tell us what you want, and we’ll be out of your hair.”
You waited a moment before you spoke again, “You said you weren’t friendly, so we’re trying to leave, so you can have your space—”
“Yeah, oh, ghost.” Steve spoke sarcastically, camera facing towards you and you rolled your eyes before looking around.
“Can we leave?” Is the final question you’d ask, before pressing stop and rewinding the tape, taking a deep breath as you pressed play.
“Listen, you’ve been messing with us, so tell us what you want, and we’ll be out of your hair.”
Silence hit all your ears before a loud voice answered, “New body.”
Swallowing hard, you listened. “You said you weren’t friendly, so we’re trying to leave, so you can have your space—”
“Yeah, oh, ghost.”
“You’re next, Steve.”
Eyes widening, you looked up at the male and he was already staring at you, paler than normal and the next question was asked, “Can we leave?”
The tape stopped and suddenly, the front door slammed open, the room filling with a manic laughter that fit no one’s voice and you all ran out. You ran until you hit the street before you turned back, gasping for breath as one hand was on your chest, feeling your heart beat go crazy and your other hand held Steve’s, gripping tightly.
“Do you—”
Before Mike could finish his sentence, your eyes locked onto the figure in the window, waving at you and the kids, eyes focused on Steve. “Yeah, I do.”
“Mhm.” Lucas and Max hummed, turning away from the house.
“Yup.” Dustin said, body stiff.
“Oh, yeah.” Will said, turning around to face the other two kids as a distraction.
“It’s staring right at me.” Steve said, eyes locked onto the figures as he held tightly onto your hand and his fingertips became white. The camera was still held tightly in his hand, facing towards the window.
“Come on, guys, let’s go home. Now.” The group would immediately follow you back to the neighbourhood, not making a sound or even questioning what had happened in that house.
Steve handed the camera to you and you watched him pile the kids in his car, smiling when he waved as he left.
Talking about it would be for another day.
AN: i love ghosts and ghouls and demons so like, yeah, this was on my mind and LEMME KNOW IF YOU WANNA PART TWO KIDS GOODNIGHT.
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5hfanfiction · 7 years
Falling Over - Chapter 41
“How are her newly updated charts?” Dr. Shepard asks, receiving a thumbs up from the nurse at the monitor station looking over the clipboard that Lauren assumes holds ‘the charts’. 
“Okay perfect, Lauren you have the contact information for me and Grey incase you need some follow up stuff, and I have your contact in case vice versa,” she continues with a grin as she ushers for the few nurses to give them a few moments in closing. 
“It’s been a long road but I finally have the pleasure to say adieu,” the doctor smiles brightly and Camila squeezes Lauren’s hand excitedly in her own, sitting up in bed to prepare for take off. 
“Now you have to go and get your meds by tomorrow - they’ll be at the CVS near your place, Lauren already gave me the address - because you’re on a double dosage, but once you start on your own you’ll want to be backpacking Tylenol and Advil, and then taking whatever green eyes over there makes your take,” Dr. Shepard finishes, checking the chart one more time before nodding to herself then sharing a smile with the girls. 
Amelia Shepard had been the doctor on the case since the night Camila was brought in (along with Meredith Grey to make sure her organs were all healthy but she’d been there less than the prior). 
She’d had to run the scans on her head to see if this was going to be a coma or if it was death, and she was the one to bring Lauren the good news that Camila was completely fine, just recovering from the ghost explosion shit.  
Amelia had been there once a week, sometimes more, to run checkups and occasionally just to keep the raven haired girl company when nobody else was in. They weren’t like close, but Lauren did form a bond with the woman. They were definitely friendly and Amelia had been there for some of the worst days so she had to have some idea of how happy the girls were. 
Not to mention she was probably thrilled herself. Lauren knew some about Amelia’s back story when it came to medical stuff and it turned out that Amelia was one of the first surgeons to believe the “bat shit crazy ghost people”. 
She’d only been in her first few years of pre medical training when the news spiked, but she knew in her gut that it was legit and after officially mastering neuro surgery she took another few years to learn what it took to help people in Camila’s situation survive. 
Since she was one of the first people to really take it seriously in the profession, she was proud in moments like this where she got to see how happy the outcomes of her works could make people. She knew that what she was doing made a difference and it made all the work and stress totally worth it. (AN buy Worth It on iTunes)
She also figured out easily based on how much time Lauren spent by Camila’s bedside that she was a little bit more than just the younger girl’s paranormal doctor. 
So yeah, she was insanely happy for not only Camila, but the both of them. 
“I’ll give you privacy to change and I’ll be right back with a chair,” Amelia smiles as she watches the couple move to follow orders, rolling her eyes when Camila reacts, “don’t make that face it’s mandatory to give you a chair just until we make it al the way to your car, then you can walk all you want,” she teases and Camila playfully groans in response making Lauren giggle and Dr. Shepard roll her eyes playfully. 
Camila had been clumsy as ever when she first got out of her bed, but she was determined to seem stable. Lauren hovered over close enough that Camila never landed on the ground, but she refused any help. Which is why, well it makes sense that she really doesn’t want a wheelchair to exit. 
“Okay, let’s get you out of this… elephant gown,” Lauren says once Amelia has exited and shut the door behind her. 
“You don’t sound as excited as you should to finally see me naked again,” Camila teases as she props herself up on the bed, leaning on her arm so that Lauren can untie the back of it, fighting back a chuckle. 
“Camz no offense but this is going to be torture,” Lauren speaks up and blushes lightly as she guides the gown past Camila’s shoulders and lets it drop to the floor. “Like we have two ish minutes before Shepard comes back in so this is like… god I missed your ass,” Lauren sighs as she lets her gaze flutter down. 
“Mhm,” Camila smirks and looks over her shoulder to see Lauren’s gaze focused on her body. “Can I have some clothes please? It’s chilly in here,” she continues in a teasing tone and Lauren snaps out of her staring to meet smirking eyes before blushing and reaching for the pile of clothes she brought. 
“I brought you my stuff, since I remembered you always used to take my stuff and, well yeah,” Lauren explains, Camila smiling softly at how cute her girlfriend is before slowly reaching her arms above her head to allow Lauren to slip the shirt over her head. 
“Hmm, smells like you,” Camila notes quietly, Lauren humming in response as she bends down to pull the sweats around her feet. “Ah,” Camila yelps and turns her head to see a grinning Lauren knelt behind her. “Did you just bite my butt?”
“Sorry couldn’t help it,” Lauren grins, pressing a soft kiss to where she bit. Camila considers swatting at her head but decides Lauren’s too cute to swat at. 
Lauren pulls up Camila’s sweats which are really her sweats and rises again to pull Camila into a soft hug from behind. “Hey Camz? I love you,” she whispers gently into her ear, placing a kiss against her cheek.
“I love you and I love hearing you say that,” Camila replies, interlocking her fingers with the older girls then bending her neck back to connect their lips, letting the kiss linger for a moment before spinning to face her to connect their lips more passionately. 
Lauren moans quietly against her lips and is about to lick at Camila’s bottom lip before they’re broken up by a cleared throat. 
“Hey hoes you wanna take a break until you’re back in your own settlement? Shepard made me come in because she knew something like this was going to be going on and, god, I gotta say that that lady is smart because sure enough here you are,” Dinah rants with a smirk on her face. 
“Ha ha, Dinah,” Lauren replies, sticking her tongue out at the girl like the eight year old she really is. 
“DJ I’ve been asleep for months, you’re lucky you didn’t walk in on me mounting  girl,” Camila says back making Lauren go red and Dinah let out a bark of laughter. 
“You guys ready to go?” Amelia breaks in, entering the room pushing a wheel chair ahead of you.
The girls nod, Dinah still chuckling and Lauren still bright red but guiding Camila over to the chair nonetheless. Once she helps Camila into the seat she slipped flip flops onto the other girls feet making her laugh and then hopped up to take over pushing the chair for her.  
“So can we get Wendy’s on the way home?” Camila asks once they’re making their way down the hall. “I’ve been craving a four for four since forever ago.”
“Are you being legit?” Amelia asks with a dumbfounded look, walking next to the wheelchair and eyeing the girls like their crazy when Lauren looks to be considering it and Camila just shrugs. 
“I’m like a hundred percent down with Wendy’s that shit sounds too bomb right now,” Dinah agrees with an enthusiastic nod.
“You do realize your diet for the week is like my most emphasized important thing, right?” Amelia says with raised eyebrows, smiling at the trio who seem to not realize what they’re saying wrong. Well Dinah and Camila at least on that part, Lauren just seems too whipped to say no to Wendy’s.
“Fine, fine, how about just some nuggets?” Camila asks after a moment of thinking it over. 
“Hell bitch I don’t need any dieting, have you seen me? Mila, you can get a salad or something but now that four for fours have been brought up-”
“You guys will be going home - directly home with no stops, Lauren you’re driving now that I know I can’t trust Ms. Hansen to do so,” Shepard cuts in and the raven haired girl chuckles while the other two blush at being 'reprimanded’ by a doctor. 
The rest of the walk down to the elevator is filled with small jokes between Dinah and Amelia who surprisingly have a similar sense of humor and banter enough to fill the walk. 
Lauren’s been in this elevator countless times but it’s actually kind of nice with Camila in front of her, holding onto her hand lightly on her shoulder. It’s a quick way to the rest of the door but once they make it there, the look on Camila’s face at the idea of breathing fresh air is enough to make Lauren just as excited. 
“So this is where we split up for now,” Dr. Shepard begins once they make it to the main lobby. “I’ll have someone call you to remind you of your follow up but as of right now it’s next friday.”
“Thank you so much,” Lauren says and before she can not seem soft she pulls Amelia into a tight hug. “I know it’s your job and all but I rely appreciate everything you did for her, for us,” she continues and Dr. Shepard smiles back once they pull away.
“Hey it’s my pleasure, it is my job but as cheesy as it sounds it’s more than that to me,” she replies and reaches to shake Camila’s hand in parting, not wanting to bend over to hug her. “I’ll see you guys soon, okay? Don’t do anything I wouldn’t,” she winks playfully and both girls laugh and blush at the insinuation and Shepard takes her cue to leave. 
“Ready?” Lauren asks as she grips the handles to Camila’s wheelchair again.
“Yup, ready as ever,” Camila replies with a smile, shifting her wait eagerly to try to get Lauren to get a move on it. 
The three girls make their way to Lauren’s car which is parked in its usual spot, Camila eagerly hopping up and making a show of the one step from the chair into the car, since she hasn’t fully walked too much yet. 
The ride back is full of catching up, mainly Dinah ranting about how much Lucy tortures her as a roommate and “damn Walz she seems like a great friend to you but sometimes she steals my sodas and - well no they are originally hers but that’s not what matters,” and then complaining about classes and how finals are coming up. 
Camila is kind of relieved that she doesn’t have to take them yet, but the whole having to repeat a whole year sucks ass since she was so close to finals after the first semester. The whole point of having Lauren come in to help at all was so Camila could try her shot at a normal life, but she supposes another four years with no ghost problems at all will be worth the set back. 
“Well this is my stop off, I’ll see you guys for dinner or something, yeah?” Dinah asks as she pulls herself out of the car. “Don’t have too much fun before then,” she winks jokingly making the other girls chuckle before shutting the door to Lauren’s car and making her way to her own dorm. 
“You miss this place?” Lauren asks, braking the silence once they start driving towards their own lot. 
“Well technically I wasn’t able to miss it for the majority of that time, but like, it definitely feels like forever,” Camila answers with a shrug. “I missed it in this past week alone though to be honest. Don’t get me wrong I love family and friends and stuff but I missed being able to relax, and that’s hard to do at a hospital with swarms of people wanting to tell you they missed you.
"And I probably sound insanely selfish and all but-”
“You don’t Camz,” Lauren reassures, reaching across the console to grip the smaller girls hand, squeezing it softly. “You sound completely normal, I think anyone would feel overwhelmed by it, and need a break.”
“I don’t even need a break I just… I need to feel a little normal for a few,” Camila sighs and plays with Lauren’s fingers as the older girl pulls into the lot finally and parks, making no move to get out of the car though so they can finish the conversation. “Like ever since you confirmed that - that all the shit is finally over, that I can finally be normal, I’ve been needing something that feels normal, and the walls of a hospital aren’t really.”
“As long as you don’t need a break from me,” Lauren jokes and Camila squints and smiles at her shaking her head playfully.
“Never in a billion years,” Camila jokes back and finally pushes open the car door after Lauren hits unlock. 
A few days after Camila had woken up they did the final tests to make sure that Dorothy was gone. 
Lauren had known that there wasn’t always certainty in these types of things. Sometimes people would wake up from their coma with no changes. It would take some time, maybe a few days, maybe a few months, sometime even a few years, but the ghost could come back. 
In the beginning of research on paranormal stuff, people didn’t know too much about this, it was either that the victim was fine, or the victim was visited by another ghost in the future. A lot of times, people even though it was a new ghost, they’d assume that it worked and think that this victim just and bad luck. In reality the original exorcism just hadn’t fully worked. 
Over hers of researching more into this people found more accurate ways to rid someone of a haunting so it became less likely, but they also figured out how to double check that it actually worked. 
It was a long process. Not long in comparison to the actual haunting in the slightest, but it was six hours of tedious tests and annoying retests because they had to be sure. 
It was worth it when Lauren and Zayn were able to conclude that Camila Cabello was ghost free. 
She was done, it was done, and they could finally have a little while of peace. 
Of course Lauren would have to go back to work eventually, but after taking cases usually the professional could apply for time off and usually it was assumed that they would take at least a year in addition to it. Obviously Camila was exhausted after everything, made clear by her coma, but Lauren was exhausted too, especially after months of pacing around Camila’s room and barely sleeping because she was so worried. 
At the moment though, with Camila back in her hold and at least a few promised months of peace, doing more work was the furthest thing from her mind. 
Short but yeah I have AP tests and shit so I wanted to get this up
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