#mhhh this thing is writing itself (lie)
urwendii · 1 year
If I write the istar!Mairon thing I might self indulge so much bc the possibilities of uncorrupted Mairon are SO GOOD (pun intended)
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Day 20 : Fingertips - Isaac ‘Zack’ Foster
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“Hey, Zack...?” I called out randomly, putting down my phone on the pillow next to me, looking out at the beautiful moon. “Hmm? What’s the matter, Kitten?” he called out from the couch where he was playing on my PS Vita. “Do you...Remember when we met?” I asked in a soft voice. “Ehhh? What’s with that stupid question? Of course I remember! With all that shit going on, it’d be hard not to.” he laughed, not even batting an eye as he was playing Corpse Party and enjoying all the torturous scenes. “Well...Yeah, I know that. It’s just...Would you have ever expected you’d end up like this? Like...How you are now? ‘Cause I wasn’t.” I hummed slightly, not averting my gaze from the shining orb. “What’s with you all of a sudden? Don’t tell me you miss me chasing you around with my scythe?” he averted the console slightly so he could catch a glimpse of me. “Haha, no, nothing of the sort. I can live without that. It’s just...It kinda feels too good to be true, in some way. You get me? Like it’s all just a dream and when I wake up...I’m gonna be back to the shallow world, surrounded by shallow people and liars.” I confessed with a sigh. “Mhhh...I guess I get ya. But who cares about the others? We’re doing fine the way we are now, right? You work all day, I have fun killing. Perfect synergy, ‘aight?” Zack chuckled, putting aside the console completely and getting in a sitting position. “Hey, at least I got you to learn reading and writing. That’s a plus. I mean, look at you, playing video games on my console and barely asking me for word definitions. I’m proud of you, you know?” I shift my gaze from the moon, to him, but before I knew it, he was next to me, towering over me with his trademark smirk. “Are you trying to imply something, Kitten~?” he tilted his head slightly, inching his head closer to me. “I mean...Nothing that you don’t know. Just that I love you and I’m glad I got to meet you, despite the circumstances. When you were taken away by the police...I thought I’d never get to see you again. But here you are, never breaking any promise. I don’t get how you could ever even claim that you’d be a monster...When out there, there are people with so much less humanity than you, and yet, adored by so many.” I reach my hands to cup his bandaged face, but the widening of his eyes and the rosy tint from his cheeks couldn’t escape my detail-oriented eyes. “Wh-What the hell are you saying? Y’know I hate it when you get cheesy and whatever! Sh-Shut up already!” he got flustered, making me chuckle slightly. “You know you’re super adorable when you get embarrassed, right?” And besides, I know you actually LOVE it when I say things like this, you’re just too flustered to admit it.” I got up, putting my arms around his torso and rolling to the side with him, so I could hug him on the bed, stroking his hair. “Wh-What’s with you today...? You’re like...Never in moods like this. I bet if it was me who did this to you, you’d react the same.” he huffed, looking away. “Well...You’re not wrong, I guess.” I hummed in amusement, taking my free hand and putting our palms together. “Huh...Your hand is so little compared to mine.” he muttered, looking sort of in awe. “Yeah...It is. You’d think after 5 years of piano lessons, I’d have longer, slender fingers.” I joked in a lower voice, smiling softly. “You’re so small and frail and full of emotions. Y’know I could kill you with my bare hands, right? I don’t need my scythe or my knife for that. I could twist your neck like a dove’s and you’ll be dead instantly.” he frowned, still looking at our hands. “Yeah. I know that that.” I nodded slightly, my serene smile never fading. “Then why are you still here with me? Why aren’t you running away or handing me over to the police? I’m just a no good killer with a stupidly cliche childhood. What’s so special at me that someone like you...Beautiful, super smart, talented and kind...Would stay with me, waste her time to teach me how to live in this world normally, and...And even love me?” he asked, his voice rough and angry at himself. “Because you have something special in your heart that the rest of these idiots don’t, and will never have.” I explained, intertwining my fingers with his. “Do you know what I’m talking about?” I pressed on. “I’m a wild idiot who likes to smash stuff like the Hulk?” he chuckled, making me grin at his words. “I mean, that’s a huge part of your charm, but I wasn’t talking only about that. I wasn’t talking about your soft heart. It feels gratefulness, it feels love, it feels compassion, it feels innocence and...And you are always genuine to yourself. That’s a kind of passion that most people don’t have. And I admire that in you so much. Many times I feel like I don’t know who I am...Like...I’m just acting. Like I’m not myself. That I’m...Merely threading my tale around different people like a chameleon changes colours to protect itself. So, when I’m around you, I finally feel like I am the real me. The real Katrina, not just a lie that I make up to get benefits. And I really appreciate that at you. I feel at ease when I’m with you. So, Zack...Thank you for staying by my side all this time.” I grin at him, my gaze tenderly shifting to look at his eyes.
His eyes widened and his mouth opened slightly in shock, speechless, not having a clue what to say anymore. He looked down slightly, before getting up and taking off his hoodie, and with it, the bandages from his face and body, letting his upper body bare, his burns visible.
“Look at me now. You still love me? Even like this? When I look like this?” he looked down at me with a self deprecating look, but I said nothing, instead, got up and kissed him lovingly, my fingers gently caressing his body. “You hate liars, Zack, and frankly, so do I, despite being a liar myself, sort of. But do you really think some burns on your flesh are going to keep me away from you? Because that’s not true. I bet they still hurt sometime, despite being old scars...And I’m really sorry you had to go through that. But regardless of anything...Yeah, Zack. I do still love you. As long my our hearts are still beating, so will my love for you.” I could see his eyes watering up slightly, before shaking his head so I won’t see it. “You’re really something else, aren’t you, Kat?...Will you say that again, please?” he muttered softly, barely able too meet my gaze. “I will say it as often as you like me to say it. I love you, Zack. I love you so much and I will never stop loving you.” I confess once again, as he put his arms around me and hugged me tightly to him, feeling his heartbeats, so fast, like a rabbits. “I...I love you too, Kat. So much. Y’know I’m not lying, right?” he confessed in a voice barely above a whisper, my eyes closing, letting the warmth of his embrace engulf me. “Of course I do, Zack.” I say, my hug tightening slightly.
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