#mhhh sheit these boys are hard
messedupessy · 6 years
Hm.. Underfell Gaster, SwapfellRed Grillby, and G!Papyrus? >:3c
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Mhhh fyuck this one is even harder Grassy why u do this gjgjekgege 
but uhhh I would marry G!Papyrus, I do not have a take on him myself and neither do i plan to, but he is usually uh what’s the word the way ppl usually write/draw him is him been a total gentleman and a good boi so yeah marriage material rightthere ye
Uhhh fudge I don’t want anything to do with the other two at all, my UF Gaster is a total shithead and ugh while my sf Grillby aka Lord Carnation got a screw loose grjeughuighkjg
But mhhh sheit guess I would fuck Lord Carnation he is very pretty after all and get drunk with uf gaster even tho it will prolly result in my very untimely demise jgkerghiu4ghkjger, tho Lord Carnation might end up killing me too so there is no winner there pfft
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