comfy-animewriter · 4 months
It's the beat! Soulmate Au!
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Info: You are 10 and 16 in some parts of the story! e/c means eye color and Y/N means Your Name and L/N means your last name! f/c means your favorite color!
Warning: Soulmates! Izukuxreader! Fluff! Cuteness!
A/N This is also my first one-shot so please be nice! I don't really know much about oneshots so I am trying my best!
In a world of soulmates. You wanted to meet yours, you were dying to know ever since you were little. Once you turned double digits which was 10. You were ecstatic. You could listen to your soulmate sing, and he could listen to you sing. It was a very traditional way of course but that was the only way you could hear his voice.
~~~~~10 Years old in your life~~~~~
“It’s the beat, working up the street! Jumping jack front to baaaack!” You hear a boy’s voice sing. It sounded so sweet like buttermilk and soft like a feather tickling the back of your neck. Your eyes go wide as you sit there in a daze on your bed just listening to him.
“My soulmate sounds like this!” You exclaim, the faint sound of his voice in the background. You run your fingers through your hair, the softness of it causing some anxiousness to go away. You get up from your bed and you lightly sing the song along. Your voice carries out as you mumble and stumble over your tongue. The words barely escape your lips mid-sentence through a verse.
“It's the beat-” You hear your soulmate say as you quickly cut him off knowing this part of the song. Your little heart fills with happiness as you part your lips, “-working up the street! Jumping jack front to baaack!” You smile through your braces laughing.
You are ten, a big girl, with a soulmate. You hear his singing voice that sounds so soft, sweet, and happy. You don’t know if he can hear yours but you assume so by singing along with him.
Soon you will be older and little do you know you will meet him.
~~~~~16 years old in your life~~~~
You run your fingers against the brick walls, the roughness running against your hot skin. The cold to it, slowly heating it down. You smile as your heart flutters with happiness. You hear his voice again. You hear him every once in a while sing but it has been at least 4 months since you heard his voice through your sweet ears.
Singing nothing behind the stolen words of songs that you know of. You listen to him sing as you join in, “I’m unstoppable, I’m a porsche with no brakes! I’m invisible, yeah, I win every single game!” His voice goes quiet as you wonder why he stopped.
You gloom in sadness as you sing the song again, you continue to walk to school. You love photography so you go to Zumanii High. You love how the pictures you take slip off the camera. The way you can use anything at any time and it turns into a loving photograph. You could seize it into anything you want just by taking a photo, and you could save it by bending your camera in angles, the lighting. You just loved it.
You continue to run your fingers on the brick wall as you sing unstoppable like crazy, “Break down, only alone I will cry out loud. You’ll never see what's hiding out!” You sing out as you hear your soulmate sing again.
“Hiding out deep down! Yeah, yeah.” He sings softly and quietly. He sounds so hesitant singing that line like his voice was quivering. 
Out of nowhere you feel a tap on your shoulder. Your breath hitches in the back of your throat and your e/c orbs go wide and you flinch quickly turning around. You meet green eyes that are filled with happiness, nervousness, but friendlessness overpowers it all gleaming into your sight of vision. Green messy hair that looks very tousled, but somehow soft. It is fluffy with waves in it gliding onto the ends that stick up in awkward angles but you liked how it looks. A round face and diamond freckles with round eyes you see, in front of you. 
His lips part slightly as he says something that makes your breath go in the back of your throat. “I know, I’ve heard to let  your feelings show. Is the only way to make friendships grow, But I’m too afraid now.” He sings, his voice quivering mid-verse as the words slide off his tongue. You softly smile, his butter-sweet voice again. Face to face with you now.
You see him swallow as he looks at you with a nervous smile, and his hand rubs the back of his neck. “I-Im I-Izuku M-Midoriya!” He says quickly stuttering out the words from his mouth. The mouth that sang those lyrics to you for 6 whole years. When you felt alone you heard his voice.
“Y/N! Y/N L/N!” You smile at him proudly. Your heart beats faster and your own nervous smile appears on your lips. You look down at the ground unable to meet his green irises or even acknowledge his gaze.
“So, you're the one that was singing throughout my life?” He smiles softly and he looks like a wreck now. His cheeks dust off with a slight pink hue. “Yeah I am, nice to meet you Midoriya!” You gleam at him. His green eyes are still friendly as he then says, “Izuku.”
“Wait! What!” You say quickly cut off guard. Izuku laughs at your confused voice, and face. His cheeks are still slightly pink as your face brightens up a little. It slowly cools off and you both have pink cheeks. Awkward glances at each other as you then say, “Well, I am on my way to school-”
“I can walk you!” He insists still nervous. He smiles lightly taking your hand in his and walking you. “What school do you go to?” He asks you as you both turn down a corner. “Zumanii.” You smile he sees your backpack on your shoulders before he asks, “I can take that if you want!” He says his breath working it’s way back in his voice.
“Well, then Izuku thank you.” You give him your backpack and his face turns into a tired one. He drops it and you laugh slightly your hand now released from his. He tries to pick it up once more and he does so like it was nothing!
“Wait how!” You ask as you walk beside him still. “I used to train with All Might. I can lift a backpack with photography stuff.” He smiles brightly mentioning the High School you go to. He must know.
“You go to UA don’t you.” You ask slightly as you already know the answer. He nods his head and you slump your back at him, “Are you going to make fun of me?” You ask as you stand up straight still walking. Your steps pacing to your school. “No, I like photography not as much as you though” He smiles lightly. Your f/c backpack is now on his shoulders and you shrug off his statement.
Once you two have a little bit of awkwardness and slight nervous smiles mixed in with laughs like a recipe for a cookie. Izuku when you get to your High School you stop by the gate, and he hands you your backpack. “Well, here you go.” He softly smiles still, his cheeks slightly red and a nervous look panics over his adorable face.
“Well, if you can do you think you can-” You start off, your words cut off by his, “I’ll pick you up! What time is it over!?” Izuku asks quickly, nervousness laced into the mix of words. “This afternoon.” You smile he nods before declaring, “I’ll pick you up at 12:20!” He smiles before laughing. You laugh awkwardly too, this was your soulmate you met, and he seems very nice and considerate already.
You quickly press a quick kiss on his cheek before you run off. In the distance, you hear him mutter and stutter uncertain and inaudible words under his breath, his face steaming with red as his nervous smile is now happy. Still very red though. Your cheeks tint a little and you run up the stairs of your school waving bye in his view.
Your soulmate was Izuku Midoriya. The one’s voice you have listened to ever since you longed to hear it. His voice, his eyes, and just him alone you get to see for the rest of your life.
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