#mha fanodm
beybuniki · 3 months
Wich Ship would you like to become canon in MHA?
mich to be said about the fanodmization about the term “canon”, I generally don’t need any of my ships to become canon in order for them to feel like a valid readings, that being said, I could die peacefully if horikoshi confirmed that dabihawks are, indeed, scissoring during those 8 months of being coworkers
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Huehuehue your wish is my command ________________________________________
The effects would last about an hour, and in that time he couldn’t lie about anything. Whether it be a question about the kinds of foods he liked, or something more serious like his feelings toward someone or a situation. No matter how he tried to stop himself, it would be in vain. It was a quirk that quite literally forced the truth out of someone, their minds unable to process an attempt to block it before the words came out.
So when it happened, Katsuki did everything in his power to avoid everyone. Though he was confident in the fact he had no real secrets to keep, there were some feelings he didn’t need exposed to the world. 
Of course, his attempts to stay hidden didn’t work for long, and Kirishima was the first to find him sulking away in one of the far ends of the dorm. For some reason in his panic, it didn’t dawn on him to just go to his bedroom where he could have just waited out the effects of the quirk.  The gleeful red head bound over to the desperate blond, who was still struggling to keep himself hidden despite already being found, doing his best to simply ignore Kirishima as the nosy teen leaned in with a curious cocked head at Katsuki’s behavior.  “Whatcha doin’, Bakugo? You good?”  “No I’m not fucking good I’m stuck in a truth quirk and I’m freaking the fuck out.” 
Slapping his hands over his mouth, crimson eyes wide, he stared at Kirishima in terror before narrowing them, the look meaning to threaten the other boy into silence, but it had him looking more like a scared puppy than anything. 
Kirishima blinked and took in the information before glancing back at the group of kids behind him.  “Hey guys, Bakugo needs some help with something so we’ll be back in a bit.”  Waving off their curious looks and questions of what was up, Kirishima pulled Katsuki away and to his room to give them both privacy. 
Once settled, Kirishima sat cross legged on his bed, motioning for the other to follow suit; and he eventually, though reluctantly, did.  “So you can only tell the truth?” “Yeah that’s how it works dumbass.”  “Well I see it didn’t change your personality at all, that’s good.” 
Kirishima gave a sheepish smile as he stretched his arms up with a tired groan, unaware of the wandering eyes that watched his every move. 
“So how long you gonna be like that?” “An hour.”  “Gotcha. So we can just chill here until it goes away, I won’t ask anything so don’t worry bout’ it.” 
There was a slight ping of something in his chest, an odd sensation he wasn’t used to. It stood out to him for a while as he sat there in silence, simply watching his friend flip through old comic book pages. This was an opportunity he realized he wouldn’t have again. A way for him to express himself to the fullest without getting held back by his pride or ego. Realizing this was his only chance, he cleared his throat and averted his gaze while speaking.
“Shitty hair, if you got something you wanna ask, just fuckin’ do it already.” 
The breeze from the pages that fanned his face came to a halt as he turned his gaze to Katsuki, whose reddened cheeks were just barely hidden under his mess of blond hair, his head facing the ground in an attempt to further hide his embarrassment. Closing the comic and setting it off to the side, he scooted himself a bit closed to Katsuki, tilting his head to try and see what was being kept from him.
“Hey, Bakugo, look at me.” 
The sudden seriousness in Kirishima’s tone caught him off guard and his gaze shifted to meet the other teens without time to think about it. By the time he realized his mistake, he was already stuck in those sharp eyes. 
“Do you like me, Bakugo?” Right to the point. Something in Katsuki’s brain fizzled and the ping in his chest seemed to multiply until it felt like there were dozens of little buzzers going off inside of him. His mouth hung open for but a moment before he spoke, trying to silence the answer he knew there was no chance of preventing. 
What neither of them knew was that the quirk had already been in play for nearly an hour by the time Kirishima found him, and as he asked that question, the quirk had worn off, leaving Katsuki to answer completely of his own free will. 
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So I was rewatching S4 and
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LIKE LOOK AT HOW EXPRESSIVE THAT IS WHO IS THIS!?!?! hc that he spent time with Bakugo during their extra classes practicing these kinds of expressions because he wanted to look tougher 
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Chapter 2 of Where I Can’t Reach is out!!! 
Go read and leave me your awesome feedback!! 
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