mgkxximagines · 1 year
Hi guys give me some ideas on what to write for more images 😅😅 #mgkimagine #mgkfanfic
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iluvblondeboys · 3 years
Off Stage - Colson Baker
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Colson x Female Reader Description: You surprise Colson at his show and he’s more than excited to see you.
Vibe: Straight fluff
Notes: (Y/H/T) = Your home town.
Colson left for tour four weeks ago which means you haven’t seen him in person in two weeks. Facetime and texting just isn’t the same, you miss having his arms wrapped around you every night in your shared bed and his lips on yours every morning in the kitchen.
It took a lot of thought a consideration but you decided to fly across the country to visit him, not seeing him for three weeks was just too much. You talked with Ashleigh and you guys planned everything out so you could come to his (Y/H/T) show.
You arrived in (Y/H/T) with just about 30 minutes until he would be going on stage which was perfect because that’s how far away you were from the venue.
As soon as you walked into the back door of the venue you heard the intro to Title Track playing which meant he was on stage, most likely in the pill bottle.
Ashleigh brought you over to side stage so you could watch him without him seeing you so the surprise wouldn’t get spoiled. You sat on the ground a couple feet away from the stage in awe as he did his thing.
The last song of the night was Bloody Valentine, right before the music started for the song he brought the mic to his mouth and began speaking, “So as we all know this song is about my beautiful girlfriend (Y/N), she’s been in LA while I’ve been on tour so I haven’t seen her in a month.”
The crowd began awing at Colson’s words, and so did you, you could not wait for him to come off stage so you could surprise him.
When the crowd settled down he began talking again, “I miss her a lot and we’re in her home town right now, so I was thinking we would do something a little different.” 
The crowd cheered loudly at the thought of them getting something that no other show was getting, even though they didn’t know what it was gonna be.
“Let’s get flashlights or lighters up in the sky!” Colson said as the lights in the venue began to dim. Everyone put there lights up and swayed them back and forth as Colson sat on the edge of the stage with his legs dangling while he sung the acoustic version of bloody valentine.
“Thank you guys for coming out, I love you all!” he said as he closed out the show and started to walk in your direction. After a couple seconds he realized you were standing there and he picked up his pace immensely. He was almost full sprinting over to you in mismatched doc martins.
“(Y/N/N)!” he said excitedly as he picked you up off the ground, you wrapped your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck, hugging him back tightly. 
“Hi my love” you said leaning back so you could look at him, a big smile was plastered on his face. “Hi baby” he said, putting you down. “You look beautiful” he complimented as he got a good look at you. “You look pretty handsome yourself” You replied. 
He bent down and placed a kiss on your lips before putting his mouth closer to your ear “how good?” he whispered, kissing down your neck slowly. You closed your eyes and let your head fall back, you missed the feeling of his lips on your neck so much.
After making it all the way down to your collar bone he twisted you around by your hips so that your back was pressed against his chest, feeling like you were still too far away from him he pulled you back by your hips.
“I love you angel” Colson whispered into your ear as you too just enjoyed each others presence.
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Imagine chilling and smoking with him backstage after a show when he's coming down from his high and is glowing with sweat and alcohol 🖤👅
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Sienna and Colson part 3
Word count: 5,921 (Damn Daniel!)
I sat there in shock reading Jade’s message. How does one respond to something like that? This is the same woman who kissed me and saw my bare tits not only that but she complimented them! How will I face her now? “It's Jade isn't it?” Colson asked with a smirk on his face. “Yeah.” I sighed. “What the fuck do I say?” I showed him the message. He grabbed the phone out of my hand and started typing. I was worried about what he would say. He was smiling the whole time. “Babe don't embarrass me. She's gonna think that’s shit I'm saying!” I tried to grab the phone from him, but he just moved around keeping me from getting it. “Girl after the crazy shit that went down last night, she probably feels embarrassed too.” He's right she's probably is feeling awkward too. Besides we were all consenting adults. I could handle this like a big girl. I think. He finally slide my phone over. I braced myself.
*Later that evening*  
“This steak tho. It's awesome. I'm not really keen on red meat but this hits.” We were sitting down at some fancy French restaurant. Finally I had gotten what I'd been asking for since we got here. No It wasn't the original place I had wanted, that place was booked solid but right across the street from it was this. The food was pretty good, hell it should be at these prices. Can you believe it a hundred and fifty-two dollars for a steak! That's not even including any sides but seeing as how it was our last night in Vegas might as well do it big. “Here let me try a piece.” He took the knife and cut off a huge slice of steak from my plate. As much as I wanted to, I didn't say anything after all he was paying for the whole thing. I should be grateful to have a man such as him. He’s got a lot of fucking money, a poppin ass career, he’s sexy, and has a big dick. I'm a lucky bitch to even be in his presence.  
I tapped his hand on the table. “Thanks again for that thing earlier.” He raised his brow and smirked “Babe you don't have to thank me. You can suck me off whenever you want.”  “Not the thing we did in the shower.” I smiled. “I’m talking about the thing with Jade.” I grabbed my wine glass off the table. He put his utensils down on the table and looked at me. “Oh, my bad. No problem. I've known Jade for a while now. She’s understanding. Besides she’s got to be to be Marco’s assistant.” We both laughed. I took a deep breath. “Yeah babe. I'm still fucking nervous about facing her but I'm just glad she was cool about the whole thing.” I pushed the steak around on my plate. “Babe did she ever mention her and Marco being fuck buddies? That seems odd.” “What do you mean?” He asked. “I mean they both work together it's got to be weird sleeping with the same person you work for. She made it seem like she hated working for him. Why sleep with someone you hate?” He shrugged his shoulders. “Well that's they business.” Turning his attention to his cell phone.
When Colson and I first started linking up he would always go into these rants about the industry and industry etiquette. He said that I was fresh meat and that he knew what was best for me. “These fuckers are vultures just waiting to pick at your flesh. Trying to see what they can get from you all the while pretending to be your friend. A lot of fake shit.” As things started to progress in our relationship Colson would give me a list of rules to follow when I was with him. One of the rules that he would repeat often was the ‘myb.’ Minding your business. I’d been to a handful of events and so far I hadn’t seen anything too crazy. Men would approach me and try their best pick up line. When I would reject their advances, sometimes they’d offer me drugs, camera time, basically anything to get me to say yes.  
At first, I remember thinking ‘Wow these rich guys are so persistent.’ I’d left these events feeling flattered that these men had taken a liking to me. They’d must had seen something in me that I didn't see in myself. I wasn’t the prettiest girl in the room nor was I a celebrity, so I figured that maybe I did have a certain ‘it factor’. Don't get me wrong I wouldn't have stepped out on Colson, but it felt nice to know that I could still turn heads. “Don't feel special. Like I told you your fresh meat. Any woman riding out with me ain't gonna be no weak bitch. These idiots ain’t got love for you. Remember that.” The night he said that I felt all the air leave my chest. So I wasn't special? Did I not turn heads? That insecure little girl inside of me had crept up again trying to takeover but then I remembered simply that Colson was a vet in the game. He knew the truth and was only trying to protect me.
By no means was he ‘perfect’, yes he’s got a temper along with some anger issues but that's just because being in the industry can change people and most of the time it's for the worst. Also considering how his childhood was I shouldn't hold it against him. Colson was able to accept me and all my flaws why shouldn't I be willing to go the extra distance for him. I don't want to make him sound all bad. We’ve had some happy moments together. Sometimes where we actually agreed on a few things. “And so, then I told the guy I wasn’t doing no fucking club appearance for some wack ass twenty-five. I need at least forty-five. Like bruh I've got a family to take care of. I need all my fucking money.” I hadn't noticed Colson was talking this whole time. I had been so wrapped up in my own thoughts. “Right babe.” I responded hoping he wouldn't notice that my mind had wandered off. He shook his head. “You wouldn't understand. This industry shit is all fucked.” I always tried to comfort him as best I could. “Babe don’t worry everything will be taken care of.” Fuck! Sienna is that the best you could come up with. I could sense he was getting agitated. “Hey how about we order a yummy desert?” I asked the waiter for a menu to change the subject and lighten the mood. “Well let's see here.” I looked over it. “The tiramisu looks good. They've got your favorite babe, Cheesecake.”
Once we got in the car to go back to the hotel babe didn't say much to me. He blasted music from the stereo system while smoking. Which I didn't mind much it gave me time to think about us. Think about our ‘relationship’ I'm not even sure if that’s what I could call it. I had been introduced to everyone as his ‘girl’ and a lot of people didn't even know my fucking name less I spoke up and told them. There were no formal introductions, no first name last name oh you two are so cute how’d you meet situations. “You wanna hit this?” he held out the joint to me. I took it and inhaled as far as my lungs could take which ended in a coughing fit. “You alright?” I rolled down the window a bit and nodded. Often I had wondered just what he really thought of me.  
Two a.m.
Sienna rolled around on the bed after a restless few hours of sleep. She awoke in a pitch-black room. Colson’s side of the bed was empty. No surprise to Sienna Colson rarely slept and if he did it was only for a couple of hours. She called out his name but of course no answer. She thought perhaps he’s just in some other part of the place and can't hear her. She got up to retrieve her cell off the chair and laid back down. Zero missed calls. Zero text messages. Nothing new about that. Sienna didn't have much friends and the ‘girlfriends’ she thought she had made weren't contacting her anymore for whatever reason. Colson told her that would happen. That sooner or later the women she had become cool with would distance themselves. Something about them being green. She didn't really understand it, but he usually was right about stuff like this, so she accepted it.
She had checked her social media just to see what was going on in the world. What butt hurt celeb would be going off on a troll in their comment section. What/who was trending. What fashions were trendy now. Things of that nature. In her recommendations she stumbled across a post that read ‘MGK gets lit at a Vegas nightclub.’ It had been posted 45 minutes ago. As she slid through the photos there were pictures of him arriving, inside the club, drinking and dancing, standing on top of the counter top rapping his songs. Giving a whole live performance while she was tossing and turning half the night.
“Is he serious?” I screamed into my phone hoping that somehow this was fake and that he really wasn’t at the club on our very last fucking night here! I needed a drink asap, Flung the fridge door open and picked up a random bottle of wine and drank it straight out the bottle. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Okay think bitch. I took a deep breath and sat down on the couch. I didn't call because I knew he wouldn't answer. I didn't text because I know my man, he’s probably high out of his mind flirting with every dress in the building. I had no choice but to wait for him to come home...if he came home at all. I turned on the tv in hopes it would distract me. I channel surfed for a bit and settled on the cartoon network. A little while later my phone lit up with a text message from no other than Ms. Jade. I rolled my eyes. She was the last person I wanted to talk to. I was already pissed at Colson and this bitch was going to get the wrath of how I'm feeling right now if she didn't back off! Besides what the fuck could she possibly want to talk to me about this late at night.  Jade: Hey hon. Hope you’re feeling better food poisoning is no joke :( anyways your guy is too lit lol rn. But don’t worry he’s getting to you in one piece.  
The fuck? Did this fool really lie and tell her I had food poisoning. All I could do was shake my head. Truly I had no one else to blame but myself. I chose to be in a relationship with a fucking rap artist and this was the price to pay. I paced back and forth in the living room laughing while drinking my wine. “This shit is not what I signed up for. I swear I can’t pick a good man to save my life.” I was feeling a whirlwind of emotions just then I heard the key card ding and a voice other than Colson’s on the other side of the door. Dressed in a bra and boy shorts I ran into the bedroom and threw on one of his t-shirts to cover my body. The door was opened. I just sort of stood there not sure what to expect. There was a big guy helping Colson through the door. “Ayy hey baby.” His words slurring waving at me. I rolled my eyes. The big guy helped Colson over to the couch. “Alright bro you’re home now.” He shook his head. “Need to stop all that drinking man. I can't keep holding up your tall ass every time you get drunk. I'm out.” As he was walking toward the door, I stopped him. “Hi. look, thanks for getting him home safe. Wait something for your trouble.” He put his hands up in protest. “Nope I'm doing this. Don't try and stop me.” He put his hands down. I walked over to Colson and dug in his pants pocket pulling out a wad of loose bills and threw it on the coffee table. I figure he’s drunk and high it's not like he’ll remember any of this shit tomorrow, besides he owes this guy for getting him home on one piece. A fifty-dollar bill won’t break the bank. I handed it to him and sighed. “Looks like I'll have my hands full tonight. Thanks again.” He took the crisp bill and placed it in his pants pocket. “Oh no, thank you ma'am. This fifty going towards some flowers for my wife. I should've been home by now.” we said our goodnight and I shut the door behind him.  
I looked over at Colson slumped over on the couch. I was so upset at this man I should leave his ass just like this and go back to bed. But deep down I would've felt terrible doing him like that. Sucking my teeth, I walked toward him, knelt down and pulled his boots off. “I'm fucked right now.” He laughed. “I know. You sneaked off to the club and had fun, didn’t you?” He nodded. Inside I was boiling but I kept a calm demeanor. I helped him take his jacket off and put it on the kitchen chair. I’d spotted my to-go container from earlier on the counter. Perhaps a little food would sober him up. “Okay babe open.” I tried to feed him some of the leftover fried rice, but it just ended up falling on the couch and carpet. So much for that idea. “Damn baby your skin. Its fucking soft.” His head was in my lap touching my thigh. Compliments won’t help you Colson. I rubbed his head trying to figure out how the fuck I was going to get this man in bed without breaking my back. I couldn’t let his tall ass sleep in the couch. It would've been too small for him and he already complains about neck problems. “Babe lets go to the bedroom.” I stood up and pulled him towards me trying to help him up. He stumbled off the couch. “Colson don't fall on me! Please baby be careful.” I was deathly afraid this big tall ass man would fall on top of a little five-foot one Sienna and I wouldn't have been able to lift him off me.
The time seemed to drag on as I helped him through the hall. I had to stop every couple of seconds to catch my breath and readjust. Colson may seem light but trust me he weighs a hell of a lot more than I do. I wasn't used to this. When we got to the bedroom I sat him up on the edge of the bed. I unbuckled his belt to get his pants off. “Oh shit. I'm finna get a blow.” He looked at me smiling. “No baby I'm trying to help you get comfortable. Help me I'm struggling.” He pulled his pants down to the knee waiting for me to do something. Shaking my head. I swear men are different creatures. I pulled his pants through his legs leaving them on the rug. He fell back on the bed, eyes closing. I straddled him and unbuttoned his shirt. He grabbed my ass rubbing it. I felt that big ass dick starting to stir in his boxers. “Baby when can I fuck this juicy ass. You've been holding out for too long.” My flesh was weak, but I was still pissed. Seriously now is not the time to try and get me to have anal. I put my hands on his chest. “No babe. Stop.” I looked at the clock on the nightstand. “Its four in the morning. We sleep now.” He sighed. “That's the perfect time to do the freakiest shit.” I rolled my eyes. “Yeah sure it is. Look baby it's late. I'm tired. Sleep honey.” Kissing him of the forehead I lifted off him and pulled the comforter on top of us hoping to get a few more hours of sleep.
Periodically he’d get up and go to the bathroom, sleep for a bit, hold me, watch tv, walk out onto the balcony. I was certain his hangover was creeping up on him. Shit that's what he gets for sneaking out to the club and drinking like a fish! I mean I kind of felt sorry for him every time he held me. But then I remembered he lied about me to Jade telling her I had food poisoning. Really Colson that's the best lie you could have come up with? Honestly, I wasn't sure how to get my emotions in check. And to top it all off he didn't even apologies last night to me or that kind gentleman that got him home safely.
By eight o’clock I was up and ready to take on the day. I had taken my shower got dressed in some black leggings and a Fendi crop top (courtesy of babe) and was cooking some breakfast in the kitchen. Colson was still in bed sleeping. He’d had a rough few hours fighting that hangover. He told me the worst part of it was the nausea, so I had poured him a cup of orange juice and picked up one of his joints laying around to take it to him. I walked over to his side of the bed and sat down putting the cup on the nightstand. “Goodmorning baby.” I said with a cheerfulness in my voice. His eyes squinted open. “Ah fuck. Close the fucking blinds baby, too much fucking light.” I shook my head and got up to close the blinds and shut the door making the room dark inside. I sat back down on the bed. “Are you okay?” I asked him. “Look at me, does it look like I'm okay. My stomach feels sick and don't talk so loud.” But sir you're yelling but whatever.
Okay so someone definitely has an attitude this morning. “So I got you some orange juice. Actually, I made breakfast nothing too heavy just some fried egg, toast, and oatmeal.” He thought about it for a minute. “I'll take the toast, and can you get me that bottle of iced coffee out the fridge.” I simply nodded and went to get it. When I got back, we just continued our conversation. “I found this joint laying around. I figured it might help with the nausea.” I hit it up with the lighter that was on the floor and passed it to him. “Thanks babe,” He tongue kissed me then planted another on my chin and forehead. “That’s why I keep yo pretty ass around. You always know what daddy needs." I flicked my hair back. “Yeah whatever, you say that to all ya lil hoes.” He was such a player and could sweet talk any woman he met. I knew that because well first he did it to me and second, he flirted with women when he was out with me, so I had witnessed this first hand. His charming, smooth talking ass got on my nerves I swear.  “Yeah I do but you're my favorite hoe.” He smiled at me blowing smoke out his mouth. I gave him the finger and snatched the joint out his hand. We smoked in the room talking and laughing for another twenty minutes before he got up out the bed to take a shower. “Our flight is at seven. I know that's late as fuck but I don’t have a show on Monday so shit.” He shrugged his shoulders. “Okay babe I'm gonna get my shit packed and we’ll figure out something.”
I'd realized that most of our shit was in the living room all sprawled out everywhere. Clothes on the floor, the coffee table had jars of weed and rolling papers all over it. The kitchen counter had liquor bottles and shot glasses galore. Looking around you’d think our vacay was lit and honestly looking back on everything that took place it really was though. I had cleaned up everything and had my stuff packed up an hour later. Colson was dressed and feeling much better than how he was earlier. He played music from the sound bar while he smoked some more. I joined him on the balcony outside. It was a sunny day but there was a nice breeze hitting our skin. “You’re feeling better I see.” He was dressed in a black merch shirt and a pair of grey joggers looking like a mutha fucking snack.  
“Yeah I'm at a eighty percent.” He yawned and threw his arms up to stretch. “Only a eighty baby?” I questioned. “Yeah my fuckin head just feels clouded can't think straight.” Well that’s what happens when you go out to party and drink like a fish and lie and say I have food poisoning, I just smiled. “Poor baby. Well I gotta go lay down seeing as how I have food poisoning and all.” I glanced at him and got up from the table. He grabbed my arm in attempt to stop me. “Whoa baby, I need your help with something.” He looked me up and down gawking. “Oh please! Lotion is in the bathroom. I'm sure the hub has a nice selection of videos for you to choose from.” “Why would I do that when I’ve got a real live fucking mermaid in front of me.” He pulled me onto his lap. I could feel his haed dick. I sucked my teeth. Damn him and his charming good looks. “Please baby. Just help me feel better.” He looked at me with those beautiful eyes. How could I deny him in this state?      
I dropped down to my knees and began pulling at his joggers freeing that big juicy dick from its confines. It slapped me in the face, but I liked it so much. I felt like a total slut, but it was worth it. I looked up at him and spit on his dick head twirling my tongue in all that pre-cum and saliva. He threw his head back in ecstasy. “Oh fuck. You dirty little slut.” I smiled back up at him and took that dick so deep my throat his balls were almost touching my chin. I pulled my top up exposing my breast. My nipples were hard, the cool air touching them just made them even more sensitive. I deep throated him while pinching my nipples. He looked down at me in disbelief at how deep I was taking his meat. I had practiced with bananas and popsicles for a while now so I'm just glad it was finally paying off.  
“You like that daddy?” i jacked his dick with both hands leaving a trail of spit from my mouth to that dick. He moaned. “God damn baby yes. Play with that pussy while you suck me.” I nodded and put my right hand in my leggings, my cunt was already soaking wet. Sucking dick really turns me on. I put two fingers inside myself and went to town. He reached down to play with my nipples while I had my mouth full of his cock gagging on it and loving it with my throat. “Baby that mouth is incredible.” He grunted out. Next thing I know he pulled me up and tongue kissed me then went down my neck whispering dirty things in my ear. “You are such a nasty little girl.” Kiss. “That pussy is mine.” Kiss. “I own you.” Kiss. “Soon I'm going to fuck that ass too. Just think, when you're on your period you can please me and keep me satisfied,” Kiss. “And these tits...” He left a trail of kisses from my neck to my hard nipples and started sucking and biting them. Alternating from the left to right.  
My breath quickened. I just realized how much I loved my nipples being sucked, such a turn on. He went to biting them harder it did hurt but the pleasure was amazing. I couldn't wait any longer I needed to be fucked hard and deep. My pussy was throbbing so hard I could feel my heartbeat down there. “Please fuck me.” I moaned. He put his hand in my panties rubbing my slit gently putting two fingers inside. “You’ve got the wettest cunt. I swear.” He was working those fingers inside me. I could hear my wetness sounding like someone stirring macaroni. I whined and moaned. It felt so fucking good to have something buried in my cunt. “Taste yourself.” When he pulled those fingers out of my panties, they were coated with my juices. It was so thick and creamy. I gladly sucked on them tasting myself. “Oh fuck baby what's that pussy taste like? Hmm tell me.”  
He was so amazed by me sucking those fingers I could tell my man was in pure bliss. “Mmm it tastes sweet daddy.” All this teasing was just turning me on even more I just wanted to be fucked already. “Pleasee fuck me.” I bit my lip and put a pleading look on my face. At this point was just waiting to be penetrated no matter what hole he wanted to use. I just needed to be filled up. I started playing with my pussy in front of him and licking my own juices off. He just watched me in disbelief, I'm sure he couldn't believe I was being this nasty for him outside on a hotel balcony thirty-seven floors up. Something in his eyes changed suddenly they got dark. He balled up his fist and continued watching me. I was about to suck his dick again when he picked me up and carried me into the bedroom and threw me down on the bed hard. “You little teasing bitch, I'll teach you a lesson.” I felt scared. I wasn't sure what he was going to do to me. What he was going to do to my body. He yanked my leggings and panties off in one swift motion. I sat up on my elbows to get a good view of what was going on. He spread my legs open exposing my pussy to his eyes. “I’m gonna fuck your face and you’re going to like it.” He pulled the rest of his clothes off. I smirked up at him playing with my tits. I was so ready for this.
“Wait come lay across my lap first. Crawl over to me and keep those sexy ass heels on.” I did as I was told feeling so anxious about what was going to happen next. I laid there in silence hoping he would do something to ease the aching between my legs. “I don't want you to make a sound. You’ve been such a tease with that little slut body.” He spread my ass cheeks open so he could get a good look at my pussy and asshole.“Hmm you're really fucking wet.” His thumb glided over my clit rubbing it in circles then he went up to my asshole putting my juices on it. I tensed up. “Relax baby. I’ve got something special for you.” I couldn't see what was going on behind me, but I heard what sounded like a plastic bag and something clanking with the rings in his finger. My heart was beating so fast I thought it would jump out my chest. Colson has never fully penetrated my asshole with anything besides his finger and honestly, I wasn't sure if it would hurt or not. I had watched anal porn and thought it was erotic but to actually put something back there I was too nervous.
“What's going on?” I asked knowing fully well what was about to take place.  “Shh calm down.” He rubbed my back. “You trust me Sienna?” Of course I trust you but this was all happening too soon. Vaginal is one thing but my ass was sacred. “Yes baby but I'm nervous, this feels like losing my virginity all over again. What if it hurts?” He reassured me. “It might hurt for a little while, but I promise it’ll start to feel really fucking good.” He slipped the toy in my pussy and started fucking me with it. I was so pent up with emotion I came instantly. “Yes..yes...I want it. Fuck that feels amazing.” I moaned and yelled out. “Good girl. Okay now relax.” I inhaled and felt that toy go right into my ass. “Oh god!” The feeling was odd. Definitely nothing I've ever felt before. I wasn't in as much pain as I thought I would be. Though it did sting a lot! “Fuck that looks so sexy.” He slapped me on the ass and stood me up on my feet. “Come look in the mirror baby.” He led me over to a wall mirror next to the T.V. “Oww. It stings a lot baby. Please take it out.” I groaned putting my head on his chest. He kissed me on the forehead. “Shh it's okay. Give it a few minutes to get adjusted.” I nodded.
“Suck me off while you wait.” I squat down in front of him. Trying to fight through the stinging in my asshole. He held on to the back of my head guiding me to his dick. It was glistening with pre-cum. I took all of it to the back of my throat. Gagging and slurping on it like a true queen of sucking dick. “Sienna baby...:” I looked up at him. “Ah I'm never leaving you.” He panted. “That throat is fucking gold. C'mere come sit on it.” He laid down on the bed and waited for me straddle him. I gently put the head of his dick inside and bounced up and down on it. “Yes ride that shit baby, get it.” His eyes rolled in the back of his head grabbing my ass. I went faster. “Cum for me daddy. I want your cum.” “Okay baby. How's your ass feel?” “It feels better.” The stinging was slowing starting to fade away and was replaced with a fullness and felt tight. Maybe this whole anal thing wasn't as bad as I thought. “Only better?” He moaned. “Hm I think I like it baby.” He smiled and whispered in my ear. “Can I fuck your juicy ass next time?” He kissed me and I nodded. “Mm thank you baby. I want to cum on your pretty face.” I hopped off and assumed the position my body was spent.    
After everything that took place with this crazy ass Vegas weekend I was just so glad to be back in L.A. don't get me wrong Vegas is lit but there's nothing like being back home. Marco had sent Colson a text to let him know we were welcomed back to his club and home anytime. He said and I quote “Don't worry about the couch. Things like that happen all the time.” That just made me feel even more dirtier than I already was, but Colson assured me he was just joking. Hm I had doubts. Jade facetimed me on the way to the airport. We talked everything over, and she insisted we get together soon for an all-girls trip. That she was friends with some cool down to earth women, and I agreed seeing as how I needed to make friends already. I was tired of going out either by myself or with Colson.
Monday was such a chill day I unpacked and just settled back into daily life. I cleaned up my apartment before I left so I didn't have to worry about that. My car however was a different story. I had a bad habit of leaving bags of clothes in my backseat. There were magazines everywhere, just a bunch of junk that needed to be brought inside. One of the perks of dating a celeb was that they always got goodie bags of merch whenever they went to an event. Colson would just throw all the stuff in my car and forget all about it. He didn't care about that crap anyways so I took full advantage. Just last month he got a free California king bed courtesy of some movie he was shooting as a thank you and guess what he didn't even want the damn thing! He gave it to me as a thank you for treating him right. I happily obliged.
Colson went back to his house and did whatever he does. I didn't much care for The Boulevard. I mean the name says it. People over all the fucking time day and night. It could be five in the morning and I swear folks will still be posted up kicking it. Not to mention all his bros were living there and shit is just awkward. I couldn't even walk around in a big t-shirt and panties because I never knew when one of them would just pop up while I'm fixing a bowl of cereal or some shit and Colson would not ask them to leave under any circumstances. It was thier home just as much as it was his. All I can do is respect it.  
“And then she did what!?” Slim sat forward on the couch letting Colson finish his story. “Mannn I'm telling you I had that bitch doing everything I said. Bend over, suck me, all that shit. My bitch so fire Jade even wanted a taste.” Colson stood around with a beer in hand talking. “Nigga you lucky as fuck.” Slim got up to throw his beer in the trash can shaking his head. “All I'm saying is Vegas was lit and I'm a muthafuckin player!” Colson screamed out loud. All the guys laughed. “Ayy hook me up with one of her sisters.” Slim asked. Colson shook his head and took a sip of his beer. “She’s an only child so good luck with that.” In his mind the Vegas trip was a sucess. They had spent time together, went to the club, had a lot of fucking sex. It was everything that a Vegas trip was supposed to be.  
“Bro i went to the club got so fucked my security had to drive me back to the hotel.” Colson laughed. “Shit was so crazy. All the hoes was dancing on me. Man after a few vodka shots I don't even remember what the fuck.” He sat down on the couch putting his feet up on the coffee table. “Damn all that and Sienna ain’t say shit?” “Nope.” He thought about it for a moment. “Well I don't know. She seemed cool but I can’t call it. She's so damn good at hiding her emotions sometimes.” He shrugged his shoulders. “Ah bro looks like you’ve found the female version of yourself.” Slim explained. All Colson could do was agree in silence. Sienna did have some of his characteristics.  
A/N: Ladiessssss part 3 is up. What y'all think? I wanted to focus on getting some background info on S+C but trust me there is always more to the story *Big ass smirk on my face while Birdman hands*. I’m like 80% sure I know where I want to take this couple but ya know things never end up how they start. I really hope y’all have been enjoying this series. I swear they my mf babies. <3. 
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motleymachinegun · 5 years
do you have a master list ?❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤💔❣️💕💞💓💗💖💘💝
I don’t because I don’t know how to make one and someone even sent me step by step instructions and I just couldn’t and I got aggravated and stopped trying but if you search my page for #mgkimagine or #motleycruefanfic you’ll find everything.
Sorry I suck
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My edit, if you take please give credit and LACE THE FUCK UP!
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Imagine getting snaps from him like this... Ughh I'd dieeee😩😩👅👅
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Imagine Colson can't wait to see you and snapping you his excitement.💞
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Imagine #4
~Here we go with the good stuff... smut/nsfw 
With your back against the hotel door, Kells pushes his hips into yours, grinding against you. His hands travel up your butt onto your hips. His fingers grab at your waistband. Your arms are around his neck pulling him close to you. Kissing you hard with his soft lips and warm tongue his breathing becomes heavier which turns you on. 
His hands move up your waist around to your back. When he reaches your shoulders he pulls down the straps of your top slowly. He reaches onto the wall and flicks the small light in the doorway on. His kissing slows as well and his lips detach from yours. He looks down at your chest as he pulls your top down your breasts exposing them fully. You feel the cold air rush over them which gives you goosebumps. You watch Kells as his eyes stay glued to your breasts. For a few seconds, he does nothing but look at your body.
“What?” you ask softly beginning to let your insecurities surface. 
His eyes make their way up your body to meet yours. He shakes his head, “I didn’t realize this is what you looked like under those hoodies you always wear.”
Confused because he’s definitely seen you in things other than a hoodie, like your bra because of the multiple times him or the guys have walked in on you, your hands quickly cling to your chest as you cover your boobs. “Sorry to disappoint you.” You huff as you glide past him. 
“That is not what I meant”, he stammers turning to follow you. “I never realized how hot you were before, until I saw you tonight. You have perfect tits.” He says as he raises his eyebrows.
“Pshh, thanks”, you roll your eyes, pulling your straps back up your shoulders.
“You’re fuckin perfect”, he reassures you as his hands grab your waist from behind. “I’ve only gotten to know who you are, but I want to know all of you.” he whispers in your ear as his hands pull your bikini top up your body. You let him pull it off over your head, lifting your arms to help him. Your hair has dried a bit and is now damp. Your long waves fall across your chest but the coldness from them brings the goosebumps back. With your arms at your side, you turn towards Kells. You place your hands on his tattooed chest. He kisses you hard again and pushes you towards the bed. 
You can feel the edge of the bed touch the back of your legs. Suddenly your hands are tugging at his waistband pulling them down below his v-line. His hands are playing with your breasts again. His lips detach with yours to suck on your breasts. He keeps pushing you backwards even with nowhere to step back to. You fall backwards onto the bed and he falls on top of you. He pushes himself up with his long strong arms, holding himself over you. His long dog tag necklace dangles across your bare skin as he makes your way down to your bikini bottoms. He kisses your skin lightly as he moves down your body. You pull your knees up so that they are bent, holding on to his body. 
His hands start slipping your bottoms down, you hold your butt up so that he can slip it down your cheeks. He kisses the inside of your thighs which sends shivers down your legs.
You always thought he was a one and done type of guy... or a in and out type of fuck, but he’s actually taking his time with you, almost too much time with you. You want him so bad, your core is aching for him but you let him go on. He stands up at the end of the bed as he slides the bottoms down your legs and off your feet. He throws them to the ground. Your knees still bent, you close your legs, concealing your exposed pussy from him. He’s standing above you, looking down on your naked body. 
You want him so bad and you can’t wait any longer. Your right hand squishes your own breast and glides down your stomach to your clit. Slowly you open your legs, revealing your  hand rubbing your clit. You let out a small moan.
“Come here,” you whisper, “please.” You see him lick his bottom lip. 
Kells bends down over you. You feel his hands on the inside of your thigh. He moves his hand on top of yours, pushing yours to the side so that he can rub your clit. 
“You’re so wet already,” he says as you feel his fingers glide inside you. His head bends towards your core. You can feel his warm tongue lick your clit as he pumps his fingers inside you. Your moaning becomes louder as you can feel yourself coming close. He pulls his fingers out of you and he stops licking you. He quickly pulls his swim trunks down, causing his boner to slap against his stomach. He climbs on top of you. You can feel his boner on your thigh, moving up to your core as his face meets yours. He kisses you, pushing his tongue inside your mouth. Your tongues fight over dominance as you try to push yours into his mouth, but he wins. 
His hand grabs his throbbing member and starts to rub it on your clit. Moaning you say, “don’t tease me.”
“What, you don’t like that?” he smirks. 
“No. I want you now.” you say softly, your breathing becoming heavier. 
He pushes himself into you easily as you have become even wetter from him teasing you. You moan loudly at his length. He kisses you softly as he thrusts into you slowly. A small groan escapes his mouth. 
His pace quickens as he buries his face into your neck. Your moaning becomes louder as he hits your g-spot every time he pushes into you. You wrap your legs around him. His hands squeeze your ass. You feel a sharp scratching pain on your ass cheek as he drags his nails across your butt. You moan in approval. You dig your nails into his back as you scratch down his tattoos. You see him slightly wince in pain, good pain, as you look into his eyes.
His thrusts become harder and deeper. You can hear him moan as he sucks your neck. You’re close and you know he is too. 
Just as you feel your walls clenching around him, his thrusts become sloppy as he lets out one last long moan. 
He lets himself fall on top of you as he tries to catch his breath. After a few seconds he pushes himself back up and pulls himself out of you. He moves to the side of you and lays down. You’re about to get up to go to the bathroom, but before you can he turns and kisses your cheek. You look at him and smile before climbing out of the bed.
“I like getting to know all of you.”he says as he pulls the bed sheet above his waist, covering himself. 
You turn your head back to look at him, “oh yeah?” you ask smiling. 
“Yeah, I think I want to get to know you more though.” he replies positioning his arm behind his head. He turns to you and watches you roll your eyes as you bite your lip. 
You see him smile at you before you turn the corner. You smile to yourself as you feel butterflies in your stomach.
~to be continued...
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Imagine #5
Its been three days since you and Kells slept together at the hotel. The tour was almost over. The last show is tomorrow tonight. 
You had talked to Kells, of course, for work and stuff, but not a word was said about your night together. It hurt your feelings a bit that he hadn’t tried to get to know you more like he said he would. You didn’t even really understand what he meant by that. You don’t think he wants a fuck buddy especially after telling you that you mean more than that to him, but he hasn’t tried to sleep next to you at night, or hang together with just you two, or kiss you, which you missed. Hell, he hasn’t flirted once with you which is conflicting because you don’t know whether to initiate anything or if you should leave him be. He’s hard to read. 
Its the last calm night on tour as we're on the bus traveling through the night to the next venue. Tomorrow night we will all be partying and celebrating our last show on the tour and you’ll be flying out the next day so you know this could be your last chance, at least for a while, to see if he is still interested in you. Once the tour is over, there are a few days of downtime before Kells’ schedule will pick right back up again with making music and starring in movies. 
Its about midnight and the guys are all laying in their bunks. You and Kells are the last two who are chilling on the couches in the back of the bus. You are across from him on your laptop. You’re both sitting in silence. You look up from your screen at him and see him just scrolling on his phone. You’re almost waiting for him to look up at you, but he doesn’t. You sigh and close your laptop. You set it aside and get up slowly, making your way to Kells. He still hasn’t looked up. 
You sit on the couch a couple feet away from him. You wait for him to acknowledge you but he hasn’t. You crawl towards him and just as your about to lay your head on his lap, Slim walks into the bathroom, which seems to startle Kells. He gets up quickly and stretches. 
Through a yawn, he says “I’m goin to bed dawg.” He seems to be talking to Slim. He’s completely ignored you. What the fuck? You don’t want to get upset because he might just be tired so you fight back the tears behind your eyes. You roll over on your back and call it a night too. 
Kells just got done with his last show on tour and everyone’s headed to a club to celebrate. 
The club is crazy, the music is booming and the alcohol is flowing. Everyone is having such a good time, even you. You love to dance. Kells ignoring you last night hasn’t seemed to have the biggest affect on you, but the drunker you get, the more your emotions are getting to you. 
Everyone is in the VIP section but so many girls have been invited in by the guys that you’ve lost sight of Kells. You sit down on one of the couches and sip your drink. A very tan girl with jet black hair and blue eyes plops down next to you, almost spilling her drink on you. 
Trying to yell over the music and slurring her words, she says, “Oh my god, this is crazy!”
You smile at her.
“He’s so fucking hot.” she says as she points with her pinky at Kells. He’s doing shots with some girls across from you. “Do you like work with him?”
She probably assumed that because you're the only girl in the VIP section that hasn't shoved your tits in his face. “Yeah,” you reply with a fake smile.
She spins to you quickly on the couch, clearly drunk ,”Gawd, please tell me you’ve fucked him.” 
You laugh as you look down at the ice left in your glass, “No, but even if I had, it wouldn’t mean anything.”
“But you’re so prettyyyyyy, get the fuck on it girl, I sure am”, she says as she gets up and dances towards Kells. 
You feel your stomach drop as you watch Kells wrap his arm around her. He’s falling all over the place and drinking straight out of a bottle of Ciroc vodka. The girl with black hair turns around and pushes her ass into his crotch. She starts grinding on him. 
He dances with girls all the time, it’s nothing new to you, but you do feel little betrayed. He told you he was into you. He fucked you. He saw you at your most exposed state. At this point you were just hoping he wasn’t going to take her or any other girl back to his hotel room.
You looked away for a few seconds to scan the VIP section for a bottle of vodka. You found one and poured some into your glass. When you looked back over to Kells, he was sitting in a lounge chair and the girl with the black hair was on top of him. She was sitting on his lap with her legs draped over his. They were deep in a very messy kiss. 
You had seen enough. You pulled yourself off the couch, downed all of the alcohol in your glass and tossed it onto a table. Your heels clacked against the ground as you walked away quickly. 
You caught an Uber back to the hotel. 
The next morning you woke up with a hangover. You popped a couple Advil and got your stuff together to get ready for the flight back home. 
You knocked on all the guys’ doors, waking them up. 
You all arrived at the airport. All the boys were way more hungover than you were. They looked like hell, Kells especially. You didn’t bother to see if he had brought a girl home. You barely bothered to talk to him. 
The flight was a long and quiet one. There were a couple stops along the way. You mostly tried to avoid sitting next to or having to see Kells if you didn’t have to. He hurt you and you weren’t going to get over it in a day. 
You finally arrived in Cleveland at about two in the morning. It had been a long and uncomfortable few flights. 
Everyone’s on their way to Kells’ house to meet with Ashleigh (MGK’s manager) before they make their way back to their houses. 
“Feels fuckin good to be home.” Kells says as he drops his bags on the floor. 
Ashleigh is waiting in the kitchen for everyone. She goes over Kells’ schedule for the next couple months. Once she’s finished everyone heads home. Kells heads upstairs and you stay around to talk with Ashleigh. She heads out once you’ve finished. You stick around to type out the schedule. You’re always losing loose papers and you need to stay organized so you can stay on track and keep Kells on time. 
You’re sitting on the couch typing. You can feel your eyes getting heavy. You’re trying to fight the heaviness but you give in and fall asleep. 
You’ve been sleeping for a couple hours. You’re eyes flutter open. You look around and see that it’s about four a.m. You get up and head to the kitchen for some water. You close the fridge, making a loud click.
“Jesus,” Kells says leaning over the banister. He starts walking down the stairs.”I thought everyone was gone.” 
 “I fell asleep. I’m gonna head home though.” You have an apartment in Cleveland and with not being there for a few months, you’ve been missing your bed. 
“No, it’s fuckin four in the morning, just stay here,” he shakes his head as he adjusts the band of his sweatpants. He’s shirtless and his hair is messy. You must’ve woken him up. 
“Uhhh,” unsure of what to say you stall. “I’m ... I’d just rather sleep in my own bed, but thanks.” You’re having trouble looking him in the eye because when you do, you just picture him with his tongue down that girl’s throat. 
“You can sleep in my bed.” 
You look at him, you can’t believe he said that. “No”
“Why not? It’s comfy.” he scoots out a bar-stool from under the island’s bar. 
You huff and slam your water bottle on the counter. “I’m sleeping in your bed, but I’m sleeping alone.” 
“That wasn’t the deal” he chuckles.
“Well fight me for it then,” you say sarcastically but with attitude as you walk around the island. You scoop up one of your bags and head upstairs to his room. 
You close the bedroom door and pull your shirt over your head and undo your bra. You slip your jeans off and dig around your bag for your pajamas. 
“Shit,” you whisper to yourself. You grabbed the wrong bag. You look around his room for something to throw on. You see the t-shirt he was wearing today. You throw it over your head. It smells like him and hangs down below your butt cheeks on you. Smelling him angered you. You didn’t want to smell like him all night. You needed your own clothes.
You step out of his bedroom door and peek over the balcony of the stairs. You don’t see him so you trot down the stairs quickly towards your bags. You find your other suitcase with clothes and bend down to dig through it. 
You hear the toilet flush and Kells walks out of the bathroom that’s behind you. 
You quickly realize your ass is exposed, “fuck”, you stand up quickly with a pile of clothes in your hand. 
“What’s up”, he says as he walks past you. 
He turns around towards you. “You look good in my clothes.” 
“I grabbed the wrong bag,” you scoff as you avoid eye contact with him and turn towards the stairs. 
“Don’t know why you can’t change here, It’s not like I haven’t seen it.”
You stop and look him in the eye. You’ve become so annoyed with him lately because he seems to be playing you. You’ve been holding in your feelings for a couple days now and it’s too much to hold in. 
“Fine.” You turn towards him and drop your clothes on the ground. Quickly, you rip his shirt over your head, leaving you standing in front of him in just your thong. You throw his shirt at him roughly. You bend down, swipe your clothes off the ground and pull your shirt onto your head and down your body. You slip your thong from your hips down your legs. You kick it to the side and pull your favorite velvet shorts up your legs. 
“What did I do?” he asks, seemingly confused and holding his shirt. 
“More like what you didn’t do,” you reply sternly.
“What?” He replies quickly. 
You roll your eyes, “ever since we fucked you’ve just been avoiding me, pretending like it didn’t happen, even though YOU said you were into me. Like yeah, I’m a little confused because you made it seem like you wanted something but I guess you didn’t”
“It was the end of the tour, we’re all fuckin tired.” He argues.
“Okay but you’ll barely look at me. You said I wasn’t just a fuck for you but that must be what you tell all the sluts you sleep with to get in their pants.”
He throws his hands in air,” you weren’t! What the fuck you trynna say? That I used you or played you? Nahh, I told you some personal shit. I told you I was feeling you after this heartbreak I didn’t think I’d get over. I’m fucking sorry for not wanting to rush into it.” He’s using his hands a lot, like he normally does when he’s mad. 
“Don’t fucking pretend like I've been the only girl on your mind. What about last night, huh? I bet you brought that girl back. You seemed to be feeling her, more specifically her mouth with your tongue.”
Kells looks confused again,”but she didn’t mean anything.That’s the difference between you.”
“Okay, but if I did wouldn’t you think that I probably didn’t want to see you all over some girl right in front of me?”
“Ya know what, fuck this.” He says as he heads to the stairs.”
“I don’t know what you want me to say,” he says as he stops a couple steps above you. He turns towards you, “You really think I would’ve played you? You?” He motions to you with his hands. “We work together, I wouldn’t want to fuck that up, that shit is awkward and fucked up. You’re not just some random girl. I do like you. What more do you want me to say?”
Your voice gets louder and higher as he still hasn’t denied sleeping with the Kardashian look-alike from the club. “I don’t know?” You say sarcastically. “Tell me you haven’t fucked somebody else since you slept with me! That’s what I want to hear, because then I’ll believe you.” 
He takes a deep breath as he looks down, he slowly looks up at you and says calmly. “I haven’t been with anyone else since that night with you. Anything else you want me to tell you?”
Your heart starts beating faster as relief washes over you, but you still need to clear something up. “It’s... I-”, you look down at your feet, “I just thought what we had was really nice, I enjoyed it.” You look back up at him. “And that night on the bus, I really wanted to just be close to you, not even sex, and you,” your voice getting quieter, “you just blew me off and it hurt my feelings. It made me feel like you’d changed your mind about me.”
There is silence as you’re waiting for him to answer. 
“I didn’t mean to make it seem like that.” He rubs his forehead and pulls his hands through his hair, clearly a little stressed. He lets out a sigh. 
“What?” You ask him quietly.
He looks into your eyes, “I didn’t want the guys to see.”
“I’m sorry, but they really like you and with my reputation, I don’t want them to think I’m gonna hurt you. It’d be like fucking their sister or something. They wouldn’t let me”.
You let out a small laugh, “I agree.”
Caught off guard, “what??”
“I don’t want them to know either.” 
“Yeah,” you sigh as you move up a couple steps so that you are eye level with him. “I don’t want them to worry I might break your heart.” You say sarcastically, smiling.
“You’ll never break my heart.”
“Oh, so you think I’m gonna stick around?”
“I got you on lock.”
You laugh, "I don’t know about that. 
“I do.” He says as he kisses you sweetly on the lips.”You know you want a piece of this,” he says as he opens his arms and points to himself. He turns to walk up the rest of the stairs. 
You follow him. 
He turns to watch you coming up the stairs. He leans over the railing to the side of the steps with his forearms bearing his weight. When you reach the top of the steps he stands up straight and you walk to him. He turns to you. 
Softly, he says looking straight into your eyes and placing his hands on your waist, “see, I told you.”
You slowly start kissing each other, fighting over dominance with your tongues softly. You let his tongue win. You feel it’s warmness move around your mouth softly. As he pulls his mouth away from yours you suck on his tongue as it slips out of your mouth. Before he pulls his tongue away completely you bite it softly and release it slowly. His hands pull you into him gently. He’s being very sweet. You take in the taste of him and he seems to be content with just enjoying yours rather than trying to rip your clothes off. Your hands are around his back. 
His hand slips down your velvet shorts to squeeze your ass. He is still kissing you softly. Your hand moves around his waist to the front of his stomach. You slowly and teasingly slither your fingers into the waistband of his briefs, tugging at them, you let your hand slide into them. You feel his throbbing boner and start stroking it softly.
Your legs squeeze together as feeling him grow, makes you wet. Your lips release from his and your forehead drops into the crook of his neck as you let out a breathy moan. Still rubbing and stroking his boner, you lift your head to whisper in his ear, “I love that I can make your dick hard, but it makes me want you so bad.” That was enough for him.
Rather than saying anything, he just grabs your arms and waist and spins you around so that your stomach is up against the railing of the balcony. He pushes your back down so that you are bent over. He pulls your waist back into his. You take a step back so that your arms are resting on the banister. He pulls his sweats and briefs down exposing his hard dick. He grabs both sides of your shorts and pulls them down to your ankles. His fingers glide down your ass from behind and slips them between your wet folds. 
“I can see you’re ready for me baby.” He slaps your ass cheek making it jiggle to his liking. 
He positions himself at your entrance. He slowly enters you, gliding deeper and deeper inside you until you feel his pelvis against you. You whimper in pleasure. He starts thrusting quick and hard, hitting your g-spot with every one. You are unable to control your moans as they are loud and long. The pleasure is so intense that you have become close so quickly and apparently so has he. You hear him groaning and breathing heavy behind you. You scream in pleasure as you feel your walls clench around him as your legs start to buckle underneath you. Kells continues thrusting hard, causing the most euphoric orgasm you’ve ever had. You feel a warm liquid inside you as his thrusting becomes slower. He lets out a moan of satisfaction and release. The thrusting stops and he pulls out of you. You remain bent over at the railing trying to catch your breath. A loud hard slap against your ass cheek leaves a red mark as he clearly couldn’t help himself. 
You stand up slowly, turning to watch him walk to the bathroom. You kick the shorts off from around your ankles and slip the shirt over your head and follow him. When you get to the bathroom, you see him turning on the water in the shower. He turns to see you standing in the doorway naked. You watch him as his eyes scan your body from top to bottom. You pass by him to feel the shower water, it is hot like you prefer it so you step into the stream of water. Steam has already started to fill the bathroom. You let the water run down your face and through your hair. Kells steps in behind you. 
You can feel him against your back. You pull your head out of the water and step back into him. He lays his arms around you from behind. While he's still holding you, you turn to face him and you wrap your arms around his waist, holding him tight. 
His warm damp skin feels so good to rest your cheek on. He lays his cheek on top of your head. Your bare skin against each other and his strong arms around you makes you feel warm and protected. You don’t let go of each other. You both say nothing and just listen to the sound of the running water. 
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Imagine #3
(continuation of #1 and #2)
Kells had just kissed you, something you had been waiting for all night, but didn't actually expect to happen. You are both standing in the calm pool water staring at each other. His big hands and long fingers are still intertwined in your hair and resting on your cheeks. After a few seconds, he finally speaks, “Is this okay?” He releases his hands from your face and they fall to his side.
“I don’t know, I guess,” you reply unsure of what to say. Butterflies dance in your stomach as your nerves take over. A small smile escapes your lips as you look down. 
His face moves towards yours again and his lips lock quickly with yours. He kisses you hard and his hands wrap around you and slide down your back, under the water, and onto your butt. He slides his hands under your bikini bottoms and squeezes your soft ass cheeks. He then slides his hands down the back of your thighs and lifts you up. You wrap your arms around his neck as you wrap your legs around his waist. You run your wet hands through his dry air as his tongue explores your mouth. 
Suddenly the lights shut off, making the entire room almost pitch black, except from the light coming through the glass pool door. Your lips quickly separate. 
“Pool is closed, it’s after four, that was the deal. The cleaners have to come in the morning.” An older lady, probably mid 40′s, says standing in the doorway. “Out,” she motions towards the hall.  
You let your legs fall quickly and you let go of his neck. Kells turns around. “Sorry”, you say with a small smile as you make your way out of the pool. The time must have gotten away from you and you both were too busy to notice the lady come in and shut the lights off. You’re slightly embarrassed but the butterflies still inside you have made you feel more excited than anything. 
You both make your way out of the pool, Kells behind you, probably staring at your ass as you climb up the steps. You pull your bikini bottoms back around your butt cheeks since Kells moved them to expose you more to him. You both grab a towel and your room keys and head out of the pool house. Your heart races as you’re left to wonder if he wants to take you back to his room. 
You hear the older lady mumble something as you both walk through the door past her. You and Kells look at each other and laugh, both assuming she had something to say about you two hooking up in the pool, as you make your way to the elevator.
You wrap your towel around your body and tuck it into your bikini top as you wait. Kells swings his around his neck and lets it hang. The silence between you two has become awkward so you let your eyes wander around the hotel lobby, trying to avoid Kells’ gaze. The girl at the front desk is chewing gum sloppily and popping bubbles. Besides that, there is no other noise in the lobby. Maybe he won’t bring you back to his room after all. This elevator is taking forever.
“Fucking cold in here.” He says as he shifts his stance and leans up against the wall. 
“Yeah,” you say awkwardly, looking down at your cold feet, freezing from the cold tile. You look up at the elevator floor number dial and cross your arms as your wet skin makes you shiver. 
“You good?” he asks you. 
You finally look up at him. “Yeah, it’s just kind of awkward now”, you answer. 
The elevator finally opens up with a ding. You move first through the doors after seeing that it’s empty. Kells follows and stands in the corner behind you. The door closes. Seconds later you feel his body pressed up against yours. His hands grab your shoulders from behind. They glide down to your hands, interlocking with your fingers. He brings your hands up to your chest. His fingers softly let go of yours. He grabs your breasts and rubs them softly. You can feel his warm breath on your neck as he starts to kiss behind your ear. You let out a small breathy moan as your head rolls back into him. He unwraps your towel and lets it fall to the ground. You can feel his bulge growing as it pushes into your back. 
With a soft raspy voice, he whispers in your ear, “I had to wait until we were alone. I almost couldn’t.” His hands run up your stomach to your breasts again... You thought he was a butt guy but he can’t seem to leave your boobs alone. You let his hands slide underneath your bikini top fabric as his cold fingers massage your breasts again. You can feel the elevator stop but it isn’t your guys’ floor. You lift your head up and the doors open. Kells looks up and quickly takes his hands off you. A young couple, clearly drunk, stumbles into the elevator, holding each other up.
You and Kells move back together into the corner. You look down at the towel in front of you. You awkwardly clear your throat as you bend down and swipe it off the floor. As you stand up, Kells’ hand closest to the wall squeezes your ass cheek. It catches you by surprise and you let out a gasp. You look over to the couple worried that they saw, only to see them giggling at each other. 
“They’re wasted, they probably don’t even know we’re here.” Kells whispers in your ear. His hand moves from your ass around your waist down the front of your bikini bottoms. He doesn’t get far before you swing your hips to the side, releasing his hands from your bottoms. You spin around and take a step back to keep him from rubbing against you, even though it feels so good. Of course, he’s smiling with that perfect smile and you can’t help but bite your lip.The elevator dings and opens up again to your guys’ floor. As you start to turn around you see him pull the towel off his shoulders to hold it in front of his boner. 
He follows you out. You take a right off the elevator as that’s where your room is. The elevator closes, sending the drunk couple out of sight. Kells comes up behind you and grabs your waist, pulling you into him.
“Where you going?” He asks as he pushes his boner into you again. He bites your ear and you spin around to face him. 
His arms try to grab your hands and pull you close but you pull back. Smiling you say, “to my room, where are you going?”
“Don’t you want to come to mine?” he says walking towards you as you walk backwards, still facing him and holding his hands. 
“Kells,” you say looking down but still trying to be flirty enough to not let him down, “we work together, don’t you think this is going to be awkward tomorrow morning when we have to wake up and go back to just being co-workers?” 
“Co-workers? I thought we were friends?”
“Friends?” Your face becomes serious as you realize he probably just wants to be friends who fuck sometimes. You let go of his hands.
Realizing your attitude change he tries to save himself, “I mean, maybe I don’t want to be just friends. Somehow, lately I’ve been so into you and I don’t know how this could happen so fast after Halsey (because let’s be honest, we all know she’s the one who broke his heart and the inspo for some of his Bloom songs). 
“It’s been months Kells, but I know you’re still not over her. You bring back a girl almost every night. My point is that we work together so if I’m just another fuck for you, I can’t go through with this.” At this point you both have stopped walking and are still in the middle of the hallway. “Like trust me I would if I didn’t have to wake up tomorrow and go back to the reality of us just being ‘friends’” you say using your fingers to add air quotes. “You’re more to me than just a fuck.” You turn around to continue to walk to your room. 
Kells stands there for a couple seconds almost contemplating whether to come after you. You reach your door and open it with the key, as you push it open Kells jogs towards you and blocks your door. 
“Y/N you’re not just a fuck to me either. If you were I would’ve tried to get with you a long time ago but I respect the shit out of you.” 
“You just don’t give up.”
“No, not when there’s something I want right in front of me.” His hand grabs your face and he steps towards you. “I want you,” he says as he kisses you sweetly. He pulls his lips from yours and you’re left staring into each other’s eyes. You can feel his hand start to let go of your face and you quickly push your lips back into his while pushing your body against his so that his back pushes open the door. You both stumble backwards into your room as you continue pushing him further. The door closes behind you and Kells pushes his weight against you overpowering you. Your back hits the closed door and he starts to suck on your neck. His hands haven’t left your ass since you kissed him back.
“I love your ass”, he whispers between each suck to your neck. 
“Yeah.” He replies quickly. 
~To be continued (I’ll save the good stuff for Imagine #4 so this one doesn’t get too long) ;) 
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Imagine #8
The first couple days of your guys' deal was easy. You went home to your apartment and did some work for a while then went out for dinner with Kells, the guys, and some other people from the tour. It was a celebratory dinner for the end of the tour. You interacted with Kells but you didn't feel any sexual urges come over you. He must not have either as he wasn't trying to take you home afterwards. You slept in your own bed, which you missed so much. The second day he was working in the studio with the guys so you didnt see him at all. He had been messaging you though. He woke you up with a good morning text and you guys just had a casual convo all day.
It was the third day and Kells had an interview with a local radio station. You had to be at his house because you had to ride with him there. As you walked in he was still in his breifs wandering around the kitchen. Somehow you felt nothing as he was supposed to be ready and you we're annoyed that he was going to be late.
After the interview he went to the studio with the guys and you went home. You thought he would've caved by now but he hasn't even been flirty which wasn't against the rules. You hope he is still interested in you... Just four more days and you'll find out.
It's the fourth day. You, Kells, and the guys have to fly to L.A. for an appearance. As you get to the private airport, the guys are already talking about partying tonight. You've learned to always pack for a party. It's basically a necessity with this crew. You all climb onto the private jet. You take a seat at the back of the plane and Kells plops down in the seat right next to you which catches you by surprise.
Quickly the plane starts moving and you know you're going to be in the sky soon. You hate flying. You've obviously gotten used to it with all the times you go back and forth from places but it still makes you nervous. Taking off is your least favorite part. You grab Kells' hand as your heart beats faster.
Kells doesn't seem taken by surprise that you held his hand. He's still deep in a convo with the guys but he obviously noticed. The plane is rising and you can feel your stomach turning. You squeeze his hand harder and grab his upper arm with your other hand. He stops mid sentence and turns to you and sees your discomfort.
"Awe shit, I forget you hate flying", he says and turns his body towards you. You say nothing to try to keep from possibly throwing up from the rising plane and nervousness. "Nothing's gonna happen". You still say nothing as you lean the side of your head down onto his shoulder, still squeezing his hand.
Finally, the take off is over, the plane is in the air, and it's done rising. You feel relief wash over you and let your hands relax so that you're no longer squeezing his hand.
Kells kisses the top of your head, "see it's all good now babe".
You lift your head from his shoulder and look at him. "Yeah but we still have to land and that's almost as bad", you whine. You grab the blanket you always carry from your duffel throw it over your legs and grab Kells' hand again. He didn't seem to mind.
"I can make you forget you're even on a plane." He kisses your lips. 
“Oh yeah?” you ask sarcastically. “How?” You think you know what he has in mind but you want him to be the one who caves. 
He looks at you and wipes his lips with his thumb. He cocks a little smile and whispers, “come to the back with me”. You smile and say nothing. you can see him realizing he almost lost the bet.“Wait, I ain’t giving in,” he pleads, “you don’t know what I was gonna do.” 
You laugh, “mhhmm, I know exactly what was going through your head.” 
“Nahh, we sittin right here the rest of the flight. You can hold my hand but I guess you wanna be miserable the whole flight.” He looks away from you and adjusts in his seat.
“It’s only a two hour flight I think I’ll be fine.” You keep smiling because you love that he can’t resist you. He looks let down. 
The flight is almost over and it’s about to land. You and Kells hadn’t really said a word to each other during the rest of the flight. He was too busy talking with the guys and you dozed off on his shoulder off and on. You could feel your stomach turning again as the plane descended. You sat up straight and squeezed his hand and laid your head back with your eyes closed. You can feel your heart race again so you try to breathe slowly. Suddenly you feel a warm hand glide down the loose joggers you were wearing. Your eyes shoot open and see Kells' hand slipping under the blanket. It's the evening so the inside of the plane is fairly dark plus you two are in the back of the plane. Your free hand grabs his hand and tries to stop it from going further into your pants.
He pushes his lips into your neck and whispers, "let me, baby".
You give in and let his hand slide under your thong. His long fingers slip inside your folds and begin rubbing your clit. You let out a breathy moan. You look to see if the guys heard but notice that most are wearing headphones.
He continues running his fingers in circles over your core and occasionally pushes a finger inside you. You exchange sloppy kisses as he tries to cover your moans. The plane lands on the runway and you see the guys take their headphones off and start to get their stuff together. You pull Kells' hand out of your pants and push him away from you. As you do, he pushes the fingers with your fluid, into your mouth. You suck them lightly before he pulls them out. You notice you have his saliva from his kisses on your chin so you wipe it away with your sleeve just before Dub turns towards you two.
You all exit the plane. Kells walks behind you from the plane to the Uber with his hand around your waist. He leans close to you and whispers softly, "how did you taste?"
You feel your cheeks turn pink as you smile and roll your eyes.
Kells' appearance is tomorrow morning and the guys came with so that they could go out to the clubs tonight. You arrive at the hotel.
"So I actually got us a room together. I booked it before we made this little deal." You laughed, "do you want me to get you a separate room?" You asked Kells.
"Nahh, it's fine." He shakes this head as he grabs your bag and heads towards the elevator.
You all start getting ready for the clubs. As you both are changing Kells asks, "so I lose right? Now I gotta take you shopping or something?"
You sigh as you pull your hoodie over your head, "noo, I mean we technically didn't have sex right? We should just keep going until our week is up. It's only three days." You insist.
"Alright, since it did make you forget about the plane landing... Like I said it would." He jokes. "It was for medical reasons or whatever" he says as he lights up the joint hanging out of his mouth.
"Exactly," you say as you realize he's watching you about to take your pants off. You grab your dress and change in the bathroom. His eyes follow you, his eyes begging you not to hide your body from his view. "No teasing remember" you smile as you close the door.
You all enter the club that's bumping with music and people. You always get a VIP area or else the people get too crazy and it's not fun anymore. You follow the guys and Kells to the dancefloor to make your way to the VIP section for you. You were following closely behind, but you quickly lost sight of him. You stop and try to figure out where you're headed, as you got turned around looking for Kells. You're short so you have a hard time seeing over people... And pushing them. You feel a hand grab yours from behind you and pull you towards them. It's Kells. He turns and makes his way to the VIP table as you follow from behind, never letting go of your hand. Granted all of these people are either wasted or high, this is the first time he's held your hand in public. It's giving you butterflies and a big smile washes over your face.
Finally you both make it to the VIP area where the guys have already made themselves comfortable. Kells pulls you in front of him and follows you through the ropes with his hand on your lower back. You guide him to the couch farthest against the wall. The couches are set up in a U shape and you want to be able to see the dancefloor. He sits down as he orders some bottles of Ciroc and Patron. You start to sit next to him but he quickly pulls your waist towards him so your butt falls onto his lap. You laugh and position yourself so you're sideways on his legs and swing your arm over his head. He lays his arm across your legs and slides his hand around to your ass. He squeezes it tight and pecks your neck lightly.
"You look amazing tonight." His breath tickles your ear.
"Awe, you're so sweet." You flirt, "thank you" you smile. You look down at your super simple silk deep red dress which has a long slit up to your waist and the neck dives down below your breasts.
"Kells we starting with some shots, come on Y/N." Slim yells from the booth next to us.
You swing your legs off of Kells and walk to the table in the middle that's lined with the bottles he ordered. You pour yourself a double shot of Patrón as the guys gather around and pour themselves some alcohol. You cheers each other and down your drink. 
You all have mainly been drinking straight alcohol, your favorite way to get drunk because soda or mixed drinks make your stomach hurt. You’re all feeling good really fast. The guys have started inviting some girls in. Everyone’s having a good time. A couple girls walk up to our section from the dance floor and you watch them pleading with the bouncer to let them in. It’s fairly dark in the building, aside from the lights flickering and moving above the dance floor but you recognize one of them. You walk up to them. 
“Oh my gosh, hi!”, you stumble to them with open arms and hug them over the rope once you’ve realized that you recognize all three. There are some fans who make it to a lot of shows and events, that you and the guys remember every time. These girls were at EST Fest last year. You remember them well because the guys invited them to drink and smoke on Kells’ bus after the Dome concert. They were super nice, hardcore fans who tried to make it to every show of his on tour. You definitely talked with them a lot more than Kells did. You actually got all of their snap chats. “How did you know we’d be here?” you ask excitedly. 
“We didn’t!” the blonde with her hair in a ponytail yells over the music. “We came here for his event tomorrow. We were just at the club across the street and some girls said MGK was here.” 
“Do you guys wanna come in and have some drinks with us?” you point back to the table filled with alcohol. 
“Yeah sure!”, they all nod in unison. 
The bouncer unhooks the rope and lets them in. Kells is standing in the corner talking to the guys. You lead them towards him. “Look who I found”, you say to Kells as you motion to them behind you. 
“Aww shit,” he smiles and makes his way to you. He hugs them one by one, which doesn’t bother you, because they’re fans of course, but also because at EST Fest, they didn’t seem very interested in sleeping with Kells. You’re pretty sure two of them had boyfriends and the other was super shy. “How are you?” he asks them. He still cares so much about his fans, which is something you admire so much about him. You let them talk as you turn to the alcohol table behind you and pour yourself more patron. Most people aren’t fans of tequila so you grab a bottle of pineapple Ciroc and turn back towards the girls.
“Come on girls, lets do some shots.” They turn to you and you hand them some empty glasses and start pouring. You do a few shots with them. You’ve become unstable as you stumble a little bit. 
(Song of your choice that you love to dance to) comes on and the girl with short brown hair whines, “Uhhhh, I love this song.”
“Me too”, you and the girls say almost in unison.
“We gotta go dance, come on,” the brown haired girl grabs your hand and pulls you towards the dance floor. Her friends follow. You push your way inside the crowd a bit and start moving your hips to the beat. All four of you are feeling the music and the alcohol and barely notice the people around you. The song comes to an end way too quickly but you all want to stay and dance. 
You’ve been dancing for what feels like ten minutes, but was really about an hour. You need more to drink as you realize your glass has been empty for a while. “I’m gonna get more”, you hold your glass up to them and shake it. “do you want more?” The girls nod and follow you out of the crowd. You lead them to the VIP section and the bouncer opens up the rope for you guys. You don’t see Kells. You grab the bottle of Patron and fill your glass as you lean towards Slim “Where’s Kells?”
“Uhh bathroom,” he says quickly as he looks up to you. You can see how drunk he is and you laugh. You’re very drunk too.
You turn as you put the bottle down to see where the girls are. They’re on the couch behind you. The shy one with the wavy brown hair took her heels off. You make your way towards them and plop down at the end of the couch. Their glasses are full as well and you’re all laughing with each other. You see a couple girls sitting on the couch next to you. They both have light blonde hair and a perfect tan, but they don’t look related. They’re not all over any of the guys like the other girls in the VIP section, so you assume they’re there for the free alcohol. It wouldn’t be the first time. 
You see Kells coming back from the bathroom. He walks through the ropes and grabs his glass from the table in the middle, he’s stumbling a little. He makes eye contact with you and he smiles at you. You smile back. The girls you’re with don’t seem to notice which is probably a good thing. You don’t want them to make a big deal of it. Kells pours himself a drink. As he does, the two blonde girls on the couch next to you get up and make their way to Kells who is laughing with the guys now. The taller one with a light pink skin tight dress moves herself between Kells, faces him and holds her hand on his chest. Kells doesn’t seem to notice but he doesn’t push her away. You feel your stomach drop. 
“We’re gonna go back out!” the blonde with the ponytail sitting next to you yells over the music. 
“You go, I’m gonna sit for a bit,” you respond to them as they get up and go back to the dance floor. You want to watch and see what Kells does with the blonde who seems to have called dibs on him. You watch for a little bit. You see Kells try to reach for another bottle, but he has to reach over her, which seems to annoy him. He’s barely acknowledged that she’s there. Maybe he’s just being nice. You can’t figure it out or make sense of it but you continue to watch. 
He tries to walk towards one of the couches. He quickly turns out of her grip and walks away from her. You stand up and walk towards him as she follows right at his heels. He sits down at one end of the couch and she plops right down next to him. Her friend scoots over to block you from sitting down with them. Her friend obviously noticed you while she still hasn’t. You walk right up to Kells with your drink in your hand. To your surprise, he held his hand out for yours. You place your hand in his and he pulls you into him. You sit down on his lap. You watch the girl scoot away a bit and turn towards you and Kells.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” she has a British accent which catches you by surprise. “Can you not see that I’m here with him?” 
You laugh and shake your head, “He’s not interested” you say sweetly. You become so sarcastic when you’re drunk and mad. 
“Obviously he is, or he wouldn’t have let us in here. How did you even get in here with that cheap dress?” 
All you do is laugh because your dress was definitely not cheap, which only upsets the girl more. You look at Kells who is content with just letting you handle it. 
“You can’t just come up here and sit on his lap when he’s with someone else.” She stammers as she pulls the top of her dress up.
“That’s so disrespectful”, her friend chimes in. She has a British accent too. “You should just leave.” 
You watch as Kells tries to hide his smile. “Whoever let you in here must like cheap tits,” you laugh. 
“Excuse me? You need to go, no one wants you here, get the fuck out!” the girl in the pink dress yells as she points to the rope where the bouncer is standing. She’s getting heated. 
Unfazed you turn your attention to Kells, you ask quietly, “what time is it?” 
He looks at his watch, “almost two, we have to get up early”. 
You look back at the girls who are clearly upset. You swing your legs off Kells and start to stand up. “Well I’m gonna go, you two have fun here, since this is now the stripper section” you laugh as you stumble over your words a little bit. Kells gets up behind you. The two blonde girls shoot up with him. He’s both startled and annoyed that they haven’t gotten the hint. He puts his hand around your waist and starts walking you towards the exit.
“Wait where are you going?” Both of the blondes follow you both. The one in the pink dress puts her hand around Kells’ arm and rushes so that she’s in front of you both. She sees his arm around you and lets go of his arm. “You’re seriously taking her home? Over me? She’s just a fucking groupie. I’m a model!” Her voice gets higher and louder. 
Kells hates the term groupie. You can see him starting to get mad. “Dude, no matter how hot you think you are, nobody likes a bitch! How can you say I’m here with you? I’ve been trying to get away from you all night. If Dub let you in why the fuck are you following me around?” He uses his hands a lot when he’s angry. “You shouldn’t even be in here if you’re gonna act like that. I came with her, you need to respect that and get the fuck over it. There’s all these people here”, he says as he motions to the dance floor, “go find someone else. Damn.” Kells snaps at the girl as you both walk out of the VIP section. The blondes say nothing and stop in their tracks as they watch you walk out together hand in hand. 
You both make it out of the Club and get into an Uber back to the hotel. You slide in next to him and he puts his arm around you. “She really wanted you,” you slur as the alcohol flows through your system. 
“Man, I couldn’t get her away from me.” 
You roll your eyes, “yeah you really tried hard to keep her away.” 
“Dude, Dub let them in but they came right up to me and wanted me to have a threesome.” he laughs. “I was like nah, why don’t you ask Dub, and they just like never left my fuckin side.”
You laugh too, “are you serious? Another threesome. You should’ve taken it,” you joke, “since we can’t fuck for a few days.” You were joking but you also don’t want to seem overprotective especially since you’re not official. 
Kells looks you in the eye before he kisses you hard. He tastes like alcohol, but his lips are soft and warm. The car comes to a stop as it pulls up to the hotel. Your lips separate and you step out of the car. You both walk inside and enter the elevator, stumbling along the way. The elevator ride goes quickly and you make your way down the hall to your room. 
You open the door and he follows behind you. You turn the lamp on in the corner and you see Kells start to take his clothes off. You turn away from him and start to take your jewelry and heels off. 
“Can you unzip my dress?” you ask softly. He comes up behind you and you feel his hands on your back. Once it’s unzipped he pulls your straps down your shoulders slowly and slides your dress down your hips. You’re left in your strapless bra and lacy thong. You step out of your dress and turn to see that Kells has taken his shirt off and is left in his black jeans, which are undone. Before you say anything, he leans down and kisses you. He wraps his arms around your waist and lifts you up. You wrap your legs around him. You pull your lips away from his. “What are you doing?” you say. 
He kisses your neck roughly, “I’m fucking you tonight,” he says. 
“What about the deal?” you say through a breathy moan. 
“Fuck the deal, I’ll buy you whatever you want. I can’t wait any longer. I need you.” 
“So you lose?” you smile. 
“I didn’t lose anything, your sexy ass is going to be in my bed tonight.” He groans as he squeezes your ass cheeks and walks you over to the bed. 
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Sienna and Colson part 2
Word count: 4,573
Once we stepped inside the club was packed. There were people everywhere I looked. The music was pumping so loud I'm surprised the windows didn’t shatter. Colson took my hand and we made our way through the crowd. There was a big winding staircase that looked as if it was made of glass. I must admit I was impressed. Though I really didn't want to be here the club was spectacular to look at. There was a bouncer at the bottom of the steps checking ID’s before he let anyone go upstairs.  
“Whoa pal need to see if your names on the list here. ID please.” Babe looked as if he was offended at the bouncer questioning him. Colson patted his pockets. “Bruh I ain't got no ID. Look I'm MGK I was invited here by the owner.” The bouncer takes a step back at stares at him. “Oh, fuck my bad bro.” “Ay no worries. You're just doing your job.” They dap each other up. “Hey man after all I should've known it was you. You're the only 6’4 nigga in the spot.” He laughs.  
Thank goodness there isn't as many people in the VIP as I thought there was. I noticed there was a small crowd of about 25 people on the right side of the lounge while the left side occupied a bar and a few tables. “Ayy Colson get your ass over here man. We've been waiting on you.” A man from the crowd yelled. Colson nodded back and we paced forward. “What the fuck is up Kells? I feel like it's been a while man.” They dapped each other up. “Oh shit man same ol same ol but hey I'm here.” The man nodded and looked at me. “Who’s this beauty you have with you?” I smiled and reached out my hand to shake his. “This is my girl Sienna.” He took my hand and kissed it. “Pleasure meeting you. I'm Marco. I worked with Kells on a few albums. Look I'm sorry to pull you away from a romantic evening but this is the grand opening of my club and I just had to have this fool here to bring some life to the joint. I hope you're not upset.” I grin. “Oh no not at all.” I lie. “This is a special night for you Marco. Grand openings only happen once.” Of course I couldn't tell Marco how I really felt. As upset as I was with Colson I would never seek to publicly embarrass him in from of his friends.  
As soon as we sit down amongst the group of people, I see all types of different alcohols on the table, a few beers, tonic waters, shot glasses, ice buckets with champagne bottles. “Babe you want some champagne? Like you said, ‘Grand openings only happen once.’” He mimics my voice and laughs. I roll my eyes. “Oh shut up Colson. I was just being nice and yes I do want some.” He pours some into a wine glass almost overflowing it. “Damn Colson not that much. I don't need all that.” He smiles. I know that smile too well. He's up to something I just can't figure out what exactly.
Colson must have said hi to a dozen people so far. The lounge is starting to become more and more crowded. I sat back and nurse my drink and just watch my baby do his thing. I never wanted to be one of those overbearing girlfriends to anyone and especially not Colson considering the type of lifestyle he lives this just comes along with the territory. I’ve accepted it. Even when the ladies that come up to our area, speak to him and give him a hug I don't trip about it. I completely understand, hell I'd fan girl too.
After taking pictures with the group of girls Colson sits back down on the couch and lights up a joint. “You okay baby?” He glances over at me. I nod. He looks at my wine glass noticing it’s almost empty. “Hey, you want to do a shot together?” I'm already loaded but hey you only live once right. “Um okay.” He blows the weed smoke over my head and picks up the two shot glasses. “I'm thinking tequila but what do you want babe.” I look down at the array of liquor on the table in front of us. I guess I had taken so long to answer that he had already had the two shots poured and ready to go. He picked them up and handed the glass to me. “Okay sexy lady on three. One...two...three.” I downed my shot. Lord this has got to be the strongest drink I've had so far tonight.
Sienna awakes several hours later to the sound of birds chirping and a television going on in my background. Her head is pounding. She opens her eyes and looks around at the unfamiliar surroundings not exactly sure where she is. “This can’t be the hotel room.” She thought. “Where the fuck am I? Where is Colson?” Her mind starts to race. She sits up slowly off the bed. “Fuck. My head is pounding.” She looks around the room. Her purse is hanging on the door knob. Her phone is on the nightstand next to a bottle of water. She stands up to try and retrieve it when she hears the faucet running in the bathroom next to her. She calls out “Colson babe is that you?” He finishes washing his hands and opens the door with a huge grin on his face. Sienna takes a sigh of relief.  
“Why are you smiling like that? And where the hell are we?!” Sienna grabs the water off the nightstand and sits back down on the bed. Colson starts laughing and lays down next to her. “So you really don't remember last night at all?” He asked. She opens the water bottle and takes a sip. “Yes! I remember. We went to the club um we saw..what's his name..Marco. I had a drink and I meet that girl Jade. Right. Right?” Colson answered. “That’s kinda right.” Sienna just starred. “What do you mean ‘kinda right’?” “Well yeah we did all that, but something happened.” “You're damn right something did happen. We never made it to the restaurant Colson.” Sienna said flatly. “Hey don't blame that shit on me. I tried to get you to go but you insisted we stay.” She took another sip of her water.  
“What the hell are you talking about? I didn't even want to go to that club in the first place.” Colson lit up the joint that was tucked behind his ear. “Wow you really don't remember anything.” Sienna touched her head. “Fuck, my head. Well I don't know how we ended up here.” Sienna looked down and saw she was dressed in a long silk nightgown. “And what the hell do I have on and where are my clothes?” Sienna was beginning to feel like she was losing her mind. She didn't remember taking off her clothes nor did she remember putting on some silk gown. So what the fuck. Colson sat up and handed her two pills off the nightstand. “For the headache.” “Thanks babe.” She swallowed them down with the water. “Let's go and get some lunch and then I'll explain everything. You don't yell at me when I get you food.”
I got dressed as quick as my headache would allow. I needed food asap and babe was right when he buys me food I be so sweet and nice to him, besides I'm owed this. We never made it to the restaurant last night. Why on earth would I insist we stay at the club when I didn't even want to be in there in the first place it just doesn't make sense. The pain pills did start to ease my head soon after I took them. I tried to remember any detail that would piece last night together but I couldn't.
We drove to the restaurant in silence not because I was upset with him but because no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't figure out what in the hell happened last night and I just hoped I didn't embarrass my baby. We preferred to keep things low key and wanted to stay out of TMZ headlines. I have no desire to be on display like some zoo animal and Colson already goes through enough with the press. I didn't want to add to his worries.  
He requested that we sit somewhere private and quiet, he knew I had a headache and wanted me to be as comfortable as possible. We placed our orders and waited for our drinks to arrive. I wanted something hot so I got a cup of tea with extra lemon. Colson ordered a large iced coffee. I checked the time on my phone and saw it was eleven thirty-four. I caught a glimpse of myself in the reflection of the phone. Dear lord I looked like I had been out all night partying. My hair was up in a ponytail my makeup was practically gone except for the liquid lipstick that held up nicely. I looked over at Colson. Even with bags under his eyes he was still looking as handsome as ever.  
I snapped out of my thoughts to remind myself that he never took me out to the restaurant last night. I should be seething, shouldn't I? I turn my attention back to him. “Whose apartment were we at?” I asked “Marco’s” He said looking at me with that grin on his face. My brows furrowed. “Huh? Babe be straight with me. You've never lied to me before let's not start today.” He takes a deep breath. “It's fact. See after the club we ended up at Marco’s for the after party.” “After party? I don't understand.” He laughs. “Babe you are so cute when you're drunk.” He leans in closer to me. “And a nasty little slut for daddy.” He flicks out his tongue and smiles. Just then the waiter comes back with our drinks. “Okay I got a hot tea with extra lemon and an iced coffee.” He placed the drinks on the table. “Your order should be ready in just a few. Do you need anything else?” “No thank you.” I replied.
“Just start from the top. Last thing I remember I was talking to that girl Jade.” I opened two packs of sugar for my tea and added a lemon before stirring it. Colson took a sip of his coffee. “Okay so after we took that tequila shot Jade came and sat next to you. Y’all was talking about something and then….
“I love your shoes girl those are fly fly.” Sienna looks down at the woman's shoes. She looked over at Sienna. “These old things.” She laughed. “But thanks girl. What's your name?” Sienna put her shot glass on the table. “I'm Sienna.” She held out her hand. “I'm Jade.” They greeted each other. “So Sienna who you here with?” Sienna was hesitant to answer. She didn't want to talk her personal business with a stranger.” Jade must have felt she hesitant to answer. “Girl I'm not trying to get all up in your business. Look I understand. After all it is Vegas, ya know what happens here stays here.” They both laughed. “Well I’m here with that guy in the blue shirt.” Jade pointed to the guy talking to the bartender. Sienna was too drunk to see who jade was even talking about. She just nodded in agreement.
Sienna noticed that the woman talking to her was gorgeous. She had to be a model or something. Her makeup was beat for the gods, her skin flawless, and perfect teeth to match. Even though they had just met she was taking a liking to Jade. They talked for what seemed like hours about everything under the sun. “Yeah I travel a lot for work and it's not so much because I want to but job requirements and such. I mean even tonight is a work thing.” Jade shook her head. “I’d just love to take a fucking night off but noo my boss the big baby needs me every step of the way. ‘Jade I need this Jade I need that.’ Ugh I wish I could tell him where he can stick his demands and to fuck off.”  
Sienna laughed “Girl you are so funny.” Jade just smiled. “No really I've enjoyed our convo. What's your number? Not to be weird or anything like that but you seem like a really cool chick and I haven't made much friends out here in Vegas..actually any friends for that matter but I'd love for us to link up whenever I'm in town. Jade just looked at Sienna. “Wait I'm not gay or anything like that Jade. Don't get me wrong you are beautiful but I'm not trying to suck on your nipples or no crazy shit like that.” Jade continued looking at her. Sienna burst out in laughter. “Okay I'm a little tipsy and I know I probably sound crazy as fuck. Look I know we just met, and I hope I'm not imposing.” Sienna took a deep breath and thought “Way to go Sienna you just scared her off. You'll never make friends at the rate you're going.” Jade laughed and said “Girl whatever you are drinking pour me some of that shit. You are too lit right now.”  
Colson was interrupted when the waiter brought their food. “I've got a turkey sandwich on rye bread with garden vegetables.” Sienna raised her hand. “That's me.” “And I've got a cup of chicken soup with extra rice.” He put the orders down on the table along with some extra napkins. “Y’all need anything else?” He asked. “Nah we good.” Colson responded. Sienna shifted in her seat getting impatient. “Could you just get to the point?” She was on pins and needles. She needed to find out what the fuck she did last night and this fool was taking forever and a day just to get to the damn point! “Okay aight. So when I was ready to leave you were really drunk…”
“Babe lets go to eat now.” Colson could tell Sienna was bent back from drinking too much. He was ready to get to the restaurant so he could keep his promise and wouldn't have to hear her bitching about it the next day. It was going on 10.30 and they had been at the club for a while and he was ready to go. He helped her up from the couch and held onto her. “Babe we’re leaving.” Sienna looked around the lounge. “But the party has just started. I've made a friend. A beautiful, kind friend. She so awesome you have to meet her.” Sienna yelled over the loud music.  
“Jade! I want you to meet someone.” Jade walked over and greeted Colson. “Well well well it is a small world.” Sienna was confused. “You two know each other?” Colson spoke up. “Yeah. That's Marco’s assistant. Jade how’ve you been?” “Oh the usual. So this is the handsome man you've brought with you tonight? Ya know it's good to see you out with a cool ass chick Colson. Sienna is the sweetest.” Jade finished off the rest of the drink in her glass. “Looks like y'all are headed out. If your down Marco’s having an after party at his. It’ll just be a few close friends of ours and you know Marco considers you family Colson. I just thought I'd ask.” He was going to decline the offer, but Sienna slurred a “Yes Jade we’d love to. The night is young.” and flung her arms up in drunken bliss. Colson couldn't believe it. She didn't even want to go to the club and now she was ready to party all night.
“I can't believe I said that. Well that’s it I'm never drinking again.” Sienna chewed on her veggies, “So we went to the afterparty or?” Colson shook his head. “Oh yeah we went alright.”
When Colson and Sienna got to the apartment there were already a few familiar faces he knew. Marco. “Glad y’all decided to come. I didn't want to ask. Your girl seemed upset.” Colson shrugged. “Well she got drunk and wanted to be here. Her crazy ass.” He shook his head. Sienna and Jade were talking and dancing to the music. Sienna was just happy to have another girl to talk to and Jade was glad to not have to deal with Marco tonight.
A little while later people were starting to say their goodbyes. Everyone except Sienna and Colson. Sienna was having so much fun and wasn't ready to leave just yet. “Wow its 2 am Already time just flew.” Marco said sitting down on the sofa in his apartment. “Marco, Jade tonight was so fun. Thanks for having me.” They both nodded in agreement. “Oh no worries. We enjoyed having you all here.” Jade sat on the arm of the couch next to Sienna. Everyone was sitting down with a drink in their hand.
“Fuck man let’s roll up.” Colson sat up and pulled some rolling papers out his pants pocket. “Alright bruh be right back.” Marco got up and went into the bedroom and came out moments later with a zip lock bag of at least an ounce of weed. He poured the contents onto the coffee table. The aroma of the weed hit everybody's nostrils. “Damn gotta love dank.” Jade added. “I'll toast to that.” Sienna held up her drink and tossed it back.  
I wasn't a big weed smoker but after a night of partying and meeting some cool people why not? And besides I was sorta hoping it would help with my impending hangover that was sure to kick my ass in the morning. Along with the fact that I hadn't really eaten anything all damn day maybe it would sober me up. We all just talked and vibed to the music while smoking. Soon there was three joints being passed around in rotation between all four of us. I had found my way to Colson’s lap. And while I didn't feel the effects of being drunk like I had before I did feel so fucking high like I was looking down at the apartment from space.
“Baby, I love you my little vanilla cupcake. Let me suck your dick.” I said it loud enough. I'm sure everyone heard me. I got down on my knees and started pulling at his belt trying to get it loose. He looked shocked and put his hand over mine to stop me from taking his belt off. “Whoa baby I like that feisty shit but we ain't alone girl.” I looked back at Marco and Jade. “Well if the girl wants to do her thing then who are we to stop her.” Marco kicked up his feet on the coffee table and put his hands behind his head grinning. “Ha very funny. No way in hell I'd let you watch my girl suck me off. Now if Jade wants to stay then.” Colson nodded towards her.  
“Who me? No thanks. I mean you're cool and all Colson but I don't see you in that light. But however,” Jade walks over to me drops down to her knees and kisses me dead in the mouth. Like some deep open mouth tongue kissing action. I can't say I was that surprised because all throughout the night she would brush up against me and after a couple of those ‘accidental’ brush ups I figured she had taken a liking to me. I'd never kissed a woman before, so it was an experience to remember. Plus, Jade was a great kisser. Marco and Colson cheered us on. Smh men. “Fuck that’s hot.” Colson added. Jade got up and walked into the back bedroom with Marco following right behind. As soon as I heard the door shut I asked Colson “Wow that was...um what the fuck just happened.”
“You know what happened and that shit was sexy as fuck.” He pulled me up to his lap and we began making out. We struggled to pull my arms through my dress and down to my waist. I took my bra off and flung it across the room. “Shh baby I hear something.” I couldn't help but to laugh. “Me too. Looks like were not the only ones having fun.” We could hear Marco and Jade’s moans coming from the bedroom and they weren't being quiet about it which I could understand. This is his apartment after all. “Is it bad I'm feeling more turned on by that.” Cause it was kind of like watching porn but live action. Colson kissed my neck “No not at all sweetness.”  
I couldn't wait any longer to have that big dick in my throat I got back down on my knees. His pants were already undone. I pulled that dick out of his boxers it was so hard I just wanted to soothe it with the warmth of my mouth. I kissed the tip and his precum coated my lips. I licked it off my lips and sucked on the tip of it. “God damn baby.” He moaned. Like music to my ears. I really wanted to snatch his soul through his dick so I put it all the way in the back of my throat and bobbed my head up and down. I could tell my pussy was super wet. I could feel it all the way on the inside of my thighs.  
He was moaning so much I was sure he would cum at any minute. “Fuck baby stop. I'm gonna cum.” So of course I didn't stop I went faster just swallowing his whole dick. I wasn't a pro or anything I just really wanted to suck his dick like a good little hoe. He had to literally pull me up off him. I smiled. “What I’d do baby?” He didn't answer just threw me on the couch face down pulling my knees up behind, me pulled my dress over my ass and even though we were fucking on somebody else's furniture in somebody else's apartment this just felt right ya know. He pulled my panties down. “You fucking mermaid. You’re wet as fuck.” Of course I'm wet. Jade tongue kissed me and I just sucked your dick it’d be a crime if I wasn't.
Without warning he shoved his whole entire dick inside me. I wasn't ready. I took a deep breath and tried to pace myself. “Oh yess daddy. Fuck that pussy.” I could hear that ‘stirring macaroni’ noises coming from my pussy. Fuck, I really am a mermaid. “That pussy is so tight and wet.” Colson smacked my ass. He pounded my insides with that big vanilla dick. I wasn't sure if I would pass out from pure bliss. I put my arm behind me touching his thigh hoping he would slow down. He held onto my wrist. While it felt incredible to have a big dick rearranging my guts I had felt a small twinge of pain every time he would go deep. “It feel good baby?” “Yess.” I responded. “Does it hurt?” “Yes sir.” I moaned.
I knew I was cumming soon. Yes I was in pain but lordt it was a good type of pain. We could still hear Jade and Marco in the other room. I could’ve came from just that but having my man fucking me on somebody else's furniture while I was high as a kite just took me over the edge. “Cum on my dick you fucking slut.” God, he knows what dirty talk does to me. I came so hard I saw stars and then at that exact moment he put his thumb in my little asshole. Fuck I think I love this man. I wasn't a fan of anal sex, or was I?? His thumb felt good but I wasn't sure about his whole dick in there.
“Finish me off.” He pulled me down off the couch on my knees. I sucked and twirled my tongue around his shaft taking him deep in my throat. I could feel he was close. I jacked his dick while sucking on the head. “Oh fuck baby I'm gonna cum in your fucking mouth. Just keep sucking.” I did as I was told. He shot his babies right inside my mouth some of it hit my lips. I swallowed every drop proudly and kept sucking. “Damn, you little slut. I love that mouth.” He said grunting. I licked the rest of it off my lips and got up to kiss him. “That was amazing daddy. I needed that.” He nodded in agreement. I got up and pulled a water bottle out the fridge. My legs felt like jelly but I managed.  
I took a sip of the water just then Jade came out the room wearing a long silk robe. “Wow you two are like some fucking rabbits.” She grabbed two water bottles out the fridge. “Oh girl you're showing.” I didn't understand what she was saying till I looked down. My fucking my tits were on full display. Great. “Shit my bad. I forgot.” She laughed. “No prob and besides you've got perfect tits don't ever be ashamed. Hey hold on I've got something for you.” She ran back into the room and came back out with a nightgown. “You can wear this. Just something a bit more comfortable to sleep in.” I took the nightgown and gave her a hug. My boobs pressed up against hers. I was slightly embarrassed about her seeing my breast, but I figured Jade knows how it is. She would understand. “Goodnight you two. You're more than welcome to stay in the guest room. Its late, y’all too drunk to drive anyways.” She was right. It would be foolish to get out and drive in our condition.
She headed back to the room. Colson laughed. I handed him the water bottle. “What's so funny?” I asked. “Jade saw all of your tits on full display. She def wants to eat your pussy baby.” I pulled my clothes off and put on the nightgown pondering what he had said. “Well maybe but the way she and Marco sounded in there I'm not sure I could I compete.” We sat back on the couch and smoked more weed. We watched TV and talked about the whole night.  
I was in shock as Colson explained everything to me in full detail. I didn't remember doing any of this and not only that but I had done some really freaky shit. I folded my arms and looked down at my phone. “Baby don't feel embarrassed. It was hot. The thought of you and Jade going at it. I could definitely go for something like that I mean only if you were comfortable with it.” He explained. Just then my phone buzzed with a text message from ‘sweetie pie Jade’ I don’t even remember saving her number as that but whatever. ‘I haven't had that much since forever. You're welcomed back whenever. Why’d y’all leave in such a hurry?’ 
A/N: As always a labor of love <3. So far this has got to be my favorite chapter and its only the second part of the story lol. I have so much more in store for this couple. S+C stay cute. Please don’t be shy. Let me know what you think. I've been getting so much love on my first part. THANK YOU. After a 4,500+ word count I’m tidee. Enjoy.
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My first imagine with Sienna and Colson.
Word count: 2,446
Cutie pies S+C <3
Sienna stared out of the plane window just as it was taking off. Contemplating this whole “baecation” as her friends had described it. It's not that she didn't want to spend time with Colson it was just that well, she had suggested something a little more quiet and inconspicuous like the Hamptons which was agreed on at first but of course knowing Colson he just had to have some type of wild atmosphere. “Babe it’ll be better than the Hamptons. I mean c’mon does that place even have clubs.” he laughed. Sienna snapped out of her thoughts and turned toward Colson. “Colson you know I love spending time with you but Vegas out of all the places to go? Like it's going to be turn up central for you this whole weekend and I…” Colson put his finger on Sienna's lips. “Girl I promise you it’ll be fine. I mean yeah we might turn up for a few hours, well it is Vegas after all but nothing too crazy.” Sienna nodded and laughed “Yeah I think I'm being a bit paranoid is all.” They gave a peck on the lips and Colson pulled his sleeping mask down over his eyes and fell asleep shortly after.  
They were flying in from New York and after such a long day it's no shock that they would both want some shut eye but no matter how hard Sienna tried to sleep she just couldn't shake the feeling of Vegas of all places and it's not that she thought Vegas was a bad place but Colson mixed in with the nightlife and her tagging along spells W-I-L-D S-H-I-T.  This would be a weekend of them getting to know each other on a deeper level and Sienna just wasn't sure it would happen with all the distractions.  
When they finally touched down it was going on 3 o’clock and Sienna just wanted to get to the hotel room, take a shower, get dressed up all cute and go have dinner at one of those expensive restaurants Colson had promised. Sienna wasn't really used to dining out at fancy restaurants so this would be a treat for her. “Babes did you have a good nap on the flight? I couldn't sleep a wink with all that turbulence.” Sienna lied. She really couldn't sleep thinking about how this ‘baecation’ might turn out. “It was ight. They don't make those seats comfortable for tall guys. I always end up with my neck bothering me.” They had finally made their way to the car waiting to pick them up. “Well I could give you a massage later.” she smirked. “Oh hell yeah baby. I need all that.” Colson whispered in her ear and gently bit her lobe. God this man could make any woman weak in the knees.  
It was about 3.45 when they finally checked into the hotel room. Traffic was a beast and of course Sienna just had to lose her sunglasses, either way she was just glad to finally be checked in and able to take that shower she had been wanting. Sienna sat down on the bed face up and began checking her phone to see if any of her girls had sent her any words of encouragement. “These hoes ain’t even checked to see if I made my flight safe.” She put her phone on the dresser and walked into the bathroom. “Towels..check, soap...check. Okay looks like I'm good ta go.” Just as Sienna was shutting the bathroom door Colson walked into the bedroom. She could hear him on the phone talking with someone. “I know but I promised my girl nothing too crazy…..yeah yeah fool but we might come out to a spot for a lil bit…..ha yeah okay ight.” Sienna turned around as if she wasn't just eavesdropping.
The bathroom had become filled with steam from the hot shower Sienna was taking. She had been in there for a while. Just letting the water hit all of her back and legs. There’s just something about a nice hot shower to bask in. Colson’s speakers were playing music so loud Sienna could hear it from inside the bathroom. “Ay hurry up girl you been in there too damn long. It don't take all that.” Colson yelled over the music. Sienna shook her head. “Whatever Colson.” Sienna yelled back.  
With the plush towel wrapped around her she sat down on the bed putting lotion on her feet. Colson walked into the room with two drinks in his hand. “Here drink this it'll relax you.” Colson handed her the glass and she gulped it down with no questions asked. “Oh god Colson that burned like fuck! What the hell did you give me?” He laughed. “Just a rum and coke..well a fuck ton of rum and a splash of coke. Hurry up and get dressed we need to be at the restaurant at 7.30.” Sienna looked over at her phone. “Babe it's only a little after 4 I think we’ll make it on time.” Sienna took off her towel and began rubbing the lotion on her stomach. Colson took a sip of his drink. “Girl you owe me a full body massage.” He reached out a touched her. “Stoopp boy and first of all it was a neck massage and second that isn’t until later.” Colson placed his drink on the nightstand, walked over to Sienna towering over her he grabbed her head and kissed her. She could taste the rum on his lips. “Lay down on the bed and don't make a sound.” “But Col..” “Shhh do what daddy tells you.”  
Fuck. He knows I can't resist when he gets all dominant like that. I don't care what anybody says women love when a man can take charge, especially in the bedroom. It's such a turn on. As I lay on the bed naked Colson turns off all the lights in the bedroom. It is basically pitch black except for the glimmer of the Vegas lights that shine in through the window but then again even that isn't enough to really see that well. I look up at the beige wall not making a sound not really sure what's going to happen next. I hear glasses tinkering and something be poured into a glass. Colson finally walks back over to me. “Baby have another drink.” I start to mutter a “one is enough Colson” but he stops me. “Ah I want you to relax. Drink.” He holds the glass up to my lips and I do just that. I didn't want any arguing this weekend, so I do as I'm told.  
He removes the cup from my lips and walks away. Err what the fuck game is this? I lay back down, there is a silence in the room I laid there for what felt like ages but was probably just a few minutes. I start to feel the effects of the alcohol my head swimming, the blurriness of the room, that warm feeling inside. I'm such a lightweight. Suddenly I feel my thighs being spread open and Colson’s face buried in my cunt. “Oh, fuck baby I have to admit I wasn't expecting this.” It was the truth. I mean I wasn't expecting anything until later tonight, but this is amazing. Colson never said much but that tongue did all the talking for him.  
He started by kissing the inside of my thigh forcefully grabbing my ass. I was already on cloud nine when he began flicking my clit with his expert tongue stopping every few seconds to put that tongue in my cunt. Oh fuck yes. I think I love this man. Like really. He didn't try to rush my orgasm. He patiently made out with her. Kissing every fold and slurping my juices like a champ. The only sounds in the room were my moans and that wet pussy. I'm a juicy bitch though.  
“Oh fuck that's so good baby. Yeah suck that clit you fucking sexy motherfucker.” I had so many cuss words come out while he was eating me. I really couldn't help it. I could feel the orgasm start to build up in the pit of my stomach. “Colson don't stop babe its almost there.” I moan out. He starts flicking my clit faster. How the fuck does he do that. Either way I love it so so much. “Oh yes that's it daddy!” The orgasm washes over me like pure bliss. Just when I think it's over he pushes two fingers inside me while simultaneously sucking my clit. Oh fuck. I think I went blind for a sec. Damn this man must be from another planet. He can do no wrong in my eyes. I can feel myself starting to cum again. “That tongue is everything Colson. I swear you're the best babe.”  
My body shutters as my orgasm ruptures again. Out of nowhere I feel his finger in my ass. Which makes me cum even harder. Oh damn you Colson! Although we have discussed anal stuff briefly it was very much unexpected that he would do that. I think I liked it. Oh lordt what is happening to me. I laid on the bed wore out from those back to back orgasms. I'm exhausted from all of that. I suddenly didn't want to go out anymore I just wanted sleep.  
Colson turns on the light and clears his throat. “Ay we gotta go in like 20 minutes. Get dressed.” He picks up his drink off the nightstand and takes a swig before leaving out the room. Whoa like what the fuck just happened...he just swallows my whole entire pussy and leaves out the room?? In addition to being confused my vag is just sopping wet. I’m horny and wanting to be bent over and fucked hard like a true slut, oh god Sienna calm down. I take a couple deep breaths and start getting dressed.
Colson walks onto the balcony to have a smoke while he waits for Sienna to get dressed. “Fucking cancer sticks.” Colson lights it up and takes a drag. Overlooking the skyline, he plays some music from his phone to pass the time. 10 minutes turn into 20 and 20 turns into 45 minutes. “This girl better be ready we running late as fuck.” He grabs his phone and walks back into the bedroom. “You got to be ready we gotta go.”  
Sienna is dressed in a tight leather dress that stops just above her knees. Hair on fleek. Makeup on fleek. Looking like a snack. “Damn Colson calm down I'm ready I just need to put my shoes on.” She grabs her heels from the corner of the room and throws them on the bed. She walks along the room as if she's looking for something. Colson looks through his imessages not paying her any mind. “Babe have you seen my purse? I could've sworn I left it on the dresser.” Colson takes an annoyed sigh. “Are you serious right now? We don't have time for this. Damn.” Sienna sucks her teeth. “Hush Colson. Whenever you lose your weed or sum shit I always help you look for it.” He nods. “True true.” He looks under the bed hoping that she would just find her purse like yesterday. “K I found it. It was in the bathroom. Okay now I just have to put my heels on then when can go.” Sienna sits down on the bed to put her shoes on. “Nah we gotta go. You just gon have to put them shits on in the car.” He can't be serious.
Sienna and Colson walk through the hotel lobby with Sienna’s heels in his hand. Sienna was trying not to get anything stuck in her foot from walking barefoot through the lobby. Colson was too preoccupied with his phone conversation to notice the funny looks they got; besides he wouldn’t have cared anyways. How embarrassing. I hate walking barefoot in public. Sienna sighed.
We finally make it to the car but only after I walked on the dirty pavement. God knows what's on the ground. Colson revs the engine and starts to put out of the parking space. “Colson seat belt.” He looks over at me not hearing a word I said. Lord. “Put your belt on.” He’s still on the phone, though not doing much talking I hear a “Mhm” and a “yeah” occasionally. Aww that's my Colson he's such a romantic.
The whole ride to the restaurant Colson is on the phone and no he’s not talking to another woman I'm sure of that and yes I'm starting to get annoyed. Like dude this is supposed to be special time with just the two of us. I take a deep breath. The car stops. “Colson this doesn't look like the restaurant I saw on google maps maybe the gps took us the wrong way. I’ll fix it.” He stops me. “Nah babe we’re at the right place.” I look out the window. I'm pretty sure this is not the restaurant. Like a thousand percent sure this isn't it. “But th…” he turns toward me. “Don't be mad baby.” I start to protest. “Okay okay look you remember when I was on the phone right?” How can I forget, you were on it the whole fucking way over here! “Yeah.” I say flatly. “Well that was one of the producers I linked up with a few months ago.” I smack my teeth, oh yeah now he knows I'm definity pissed.
“What does that have to do with me?” His phone rings and he looks at it before putting it on silent. “Okay I'll just get to the point then, he just opened up a new nightclub and I sort of promised him I would come through.” “Colson how could you?! This is supposed to be a special time for us. Woww you really don't give a fuck.” I throw my hands up in defeat. “Babe please, look we’ll only be in there for a few minutes. I just want to show face and after that I'm out. No bigge.” I cross my arms and look out the window. “Yeah whatever.” He turns my head towards him. “That's my baby.” He kisses me and somehow the kisses just turn into a full-blown tongue kiss. On one hand I'm annoyed but on the other hand this is the same man that just gave me two orgasms back to back. I really can't stand his 6’4, vanilla sexy ass. It's amazing the things men can get away with when they're fucking thier woman right.  
A/N: I hope ya’ll liked it. yes very lengthy but it was such a labor of love though. Like I really had so much fun with this especially with it being my first and all. S and Colson be too cute tho. I would really like to take this couple further. y'all came out with such support for me to do this. THANK YOU. As a woman who loves to write and also read ff I’m not afraid to write how I feel. My mind just goes so much that this is a good outlet for everything. Please consider sticking with me on this ff train I will surly have some amazing things written for you ladies in the MGK/Colson Baker fandom. xoxo.
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Imagines & fanfic
Would anyone be interested if i were to start writing MGK/COLSON BAKER fanfiction?? I was thinking It would be something fun to do for the summer. Let cha girl know. Im a pretty good writer when i put my mind to it. And I know the ladies in the fandom want more mgk smut sooooo😉 I’d be more than happy to oblige you all 💜 .
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Imagine how sweet and softly Kells will kiss you after making love to you.
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