#mfs will really do this shit but noooo dykes are just hysterical bitches if they feel insecure and worthless because most women incl her-
adhderall · 1 day
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💀💀💀💀💀💀 fuck all the way off to hell bro "omg you're being judgemental!!!!1!1" nah that's a COMPLETELY normal way to feel. I bet osa women wouldn't like it if their man was like "yeah I can only get off to men and you don't turn me on at all sorry xoxo still love you though" you'd call him a closeted gay and tell him to fuck off. but when it's lesbians suddenly we have to put up with it or we're ~biphobic~ ................... yeah nah fuck outta here
me when internalized lesbophobia (homophobia + misogyny tbh it's basically ingrained into us that we're inferior partners to males lol) isn't PC
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