#mfn lestat
lenardslittlemeowmeow 11 months
*Rises from the grave* I'm not dead!
And I present: My Unfriendly Lenard design!
Ok so his name is Lestat and I lomve him.
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I imagine him to be the most similar to his Friendly counterpart, personality and interests wise. Except he's a total pushover. A complete welcome matt. He wouldn't know how to say "no" if his life depended on it. Which it has. Several times. How is this puppet even still alive-
When he was still in The Unfriendly Neighborhood he was the others' errand boy, test subject, messenger ("don't shoot the messenger" didn't apply there), whatever the other Unfriendlies needed. He was a prime bullying target too since he wouldn't stand up for himself. He's also very accident prone and got hurt a lot even when the others weren't doing anything to him.
When the Unfriendlies finally get to go back up to the surface, Lenard tries to teach Lestat to be more confident. Lenard isn't the best at it considering his own issues, but he tries. They both grow better at it together.
Lestat becomes pretty protective over Lenard. He has a hard time standing up for himself, but no one messes with his (pretty much) brother.
I also colourized my favorite drawing from the page!
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There's actually a backstory for this Lestat having two eyes! I totally didn't just forget that he only has one eye while drawing it and then make a backstory reason retroactively.
It's because this is him right after he got patched up by Lilianna, when he first came back to the surface. This was the first time he saw himself in a mirror since before he became unfriendly. When Lilianna was fixing his one eye, she offered to give him another one just because she could, and he accepted thinking it would be nice to have full vision.
He ended up being so overwhelmed by having full vision, and he hated how it looked so much, that he almost ripped it off again himself. Lilianna stopped him though and was like "no, I can fix it" and removed it much more carefully than he would have.
Anyways hope you enjoyed this infodump! *Sinks back into the ground*
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emo-gremlin 11 months
To celebrate Neighborhorde day I present:
(For those unaware, Lestat is Unfriendly Lenard)
Trigger warnings: Pot mentioned, Pitchfork mentioned
馃幎 A big ass stoner. Gordon has no fucking clue who keeps supplying him with pot. But, at the very least, he isn't as violent as the other puppets.
馃幎 The weakest of all unfriendly Neighbors, and also the most well behaved, even if he smells like weed all the time.
馃幎 Plays Guitar, and perfers acoustic covers of songs
馃幎 The most unaffected by caffeine products, next to Lilianna
馃幎 The kindest of the Unfriendly Neighbors, but also the biggest memelord. (He was the one that taught Norman to dab and showed Lenard CPR by Cuppcakke)
馃幎 He has a pitchfork that doubles as his cane. He has wine bottle corks on the tips of it. Like all Unfriendly Neighbors, it is his weapon of choice if necessary, but he tries to stay out of physical conflict as much as possible. Most Lestats stay to themselves for this reason in the Unfriendly Neighborhood.
馃幎 Has and will break into Gordon's room for food at night. It's become such a common occurrence that Gordon buys stuff specifically for Lestat so the puppet stays away from his food.
馃幎 His favorite shows are: super jail, The Muppet show, and Hetalia
馃幎 His favorite movies are: Strange brew, Dude where's my Car, and the cat from outer space
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tododeku-or-bust 2 years
I was in the shower and i just randomly remembered that Louis had a record of that mfn trash ass song that Lestat and his side piece recorded.....after he destroyed the first one. MEANING he procured a SECOND one of that bullshit ass mixtape for memory's sake 馃ぃ
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