#mf7 x you
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cllightning81 · 7 months ago
Summary : You need help during a race weekend and after asking everyone you could, Liam suggests you ask Max an old friend
Pairing/s: Max Fewtrell x Engineer!Single Mum!Reader, Paul Aron x Engineer!Reader (Platonic)
Appearances : Bryan Bozzi, Liam Lawson, Oscar Piastri, Lando Norris, Oliver Oakes
Warning/s : Mention of death
Word Count : 5.3k
Max Fewtrell Masterlist
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Being a race engineer was hard enough as it is, but being a race engineer with a little baby was even harder. Normally, you were able to find someone within Hitech to watch your baby girl -Aurora- but this week everyone was a little bit more busy than normal 
“You know if I wasn’t racing I’d watch Rory” Paul smiled, waving his hands at the baby in your arms 
“I know you would, Paul, but we’re on pole today, and we’re going to convert it to a win” You smiled, rubbing his shoulder 
“I want to top the championship again” You nodded with a proud smile 
“We’re going to get you there” You nodded, placing Rory down on the office floor. Going over the data from last year and the last race with Paul was not as easy as it looked because he was always getting distracted by the smallest things, including Rory, who was playing with her toys. 
It was an hour later when you were walking through the F1 paddock to meet up with Bryan, who you were helping slightly with his new role within Ferrari. Sat in the Ferrari meeting room with Rory in a sling as you talked Bryan through some basic information he’d need to know for this race about the race engineering side of things. 
“You don’t fancy babysitting, do you?” You asked Bryan as you walked out of the Ferrari garage 
“Sorry I’ve still got my performance coach jobs to do” You nodded 
“Was worth a shot anyway” You sighed 
“Hey Y/N” Liam smiled instantly, going to play with Rory like the biggest child he was. 
“Hey there, sweets. Hey, what are you saying today, hmm?” Liam asked Aurora 
“She’s asking if her favourite non-biological uncle wants to babysit her?” You asked with a smile
“Sorry Y/N/N VCARBS got me on standby cause Yuki isn’t feeling the best after his crash yesterday” You sighed with a nod 
“Well good luck if that happens” You smiled, rubbing his shoulder. Liam was your first driver when you joined Hitech, but at that point, you were still on probation and starting to learn everything. 
“Max is in the Mclaren garage though” He shrugged, and you smiled 
“Liam Lawson, you are the best. I really hope you get that seat, but I’ll keep the rest of my opinions to myself” You hugged him as he said bye to Aurora. Walking back to the F2 paddock, you searched out the old phone number you hadn’t used in a very long time. 
You and Max used to be close because he was good friends with Liam and used to hang around the Hitech garage and being the same age it was easy to get along with him. 
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You sat Aurora down on a play mat in the meeting room as you sat to work on quick information before qualifying for the day. Paul walked in a couple of minutes later, sitting down opposite you with his elbows on the table and head resting on his hands 
“Hello there, Mr Aron” You looked at him, and he smiled 
“There’s a guy here to see you” He smirked, and you frowned 
“A guy? Does this guy have a name?” You asked, glancing at Aurora to make sure she’s okay. 
“Max. That’s all he said, but it’s Norris’ friend Max. I can’t remember his last name” He shrugged, getting up and walking out
“Paul” you called, and he stuck his head in through the door 
“Tell him where I am? He knows his way about” You asked with a polite smile 
“Only cause I’ve got to listen to you” You chuckled, turning back to the data finishing up the report you were writing for Paul. There was a knock on the door, and you turned to look at it. A smile grew on your face as you spotted Max waving him in as Aurora waved her hands at the new figure. 
“Hey stranger” He smiled, and you chuckled a little 
“I’m not the stranger. You’re the one that doesn’t visit” 
“Touche” Max nodded, and you motioned him to sit down, to which he sat down next to you 
“Still focused on data, I see” You nodded
“You know I’m a sucker for some good data” You shrugged, and he nodded 
“So how are you doing?” He asked 
“Stressed but happy, I guess” You shrugged 
“How about you? Saw you’ve gained quite a few followers on twitch” You smiled, and he nodded 
“Yeah. Taking a break from racing was really the thing that I needed, and I’m glad I did it” You smiled 
“I’m glad to hear you’re doing better” You nodded as Aurora clapped her hands. You looked down at her, picking her up 
“This little cutie, why you’re stressed?” He asked as Rory grabbed his finger 
“Yeah she’s also the massive favour I need” You bit your lip, and he nodded 
“Need a babysitter?” He asked, and you nodded 
“You’re totally free to say no. I know you’ve never actually met her in person and just seen pictures on instagram, but if you could, I would be so grateful and would pay you back however you wanted” You sighed 
“Can I?” He asked, holding his arms out, and you nodded, handing her over 
“She likes attention, so as long as she’s got that she’s the happiest baby ever” you explained, and he nodded 
“I’m sorry about your boyfriend. I just know he would have been the greatest dad” You nodded with a sigh 
“She looks so much like him sometimes it hurts” Max placed a hand on your knee, gently caressing it 
“Sorry I shouldn’t have brought it up” You placed your hand on top of his gently, holding his hand 
“Do you need a babysitter all weekend?” You nodded 
“Unfortunately. I can normally find someone within the team or someone that I know, but unfortunately I’m not able to this weekend” Max nodded 
“Then I’ll watch her all weekend if you need” He smiled, and you hugged him 
“Thank you, thank you, thank you” You smiled, letting out a breath 
“But I’m taking her to the Mclaren garage tomorrow” You chuckled 
“Forget about your own past then and go to your future” You joked, and he jokingly shoved you away 
“But honestly, whatever you want in return I’ll do it” You sat back, rubbing your face in relief 
“Go on a date with me” He whispered, and you looked at him
“What?” You asked 
“I’ve been wanting to ask you for years and now that you’re due me something in return I feel like now is the perfect time to ask” He hummed with a slight smirk hidden underneath a smile 
“Fine. On Sunday as payment” You nodded, and he smiled, looking at the wall 
“You need to get ready for qualifying. I’ll wait in here with this cutie” He smiled 
“Aurora or Rory. I think you probably already knew that though” Max nodded 
“I did. I follow you on instagram and check up on you every so often” You chuckled, getting up kissing Rory’s head 
“Thank you again, Max. If she needs her diaper changed there’s diapers in my office. Same place that it used to be. She’s been fed, so she’ll be fine until after qualifying. Any other worries, please just text me. Don’t even think about crossing the pit lane” Max nodded 
“Please don’t worry about her. I promise she’ll be okay in my care. Are you okay if I call LN over, though?” He asked, and you nodded 
“Yeah it’s fine” You smiled, grabbing your pass and walking out of the meeting room. You let out a breath, knowing that you could do your job without worrying about Rory. 
And that’s what you did. Paul had a good qualifying session for both the sprint and feature race. Once that was over, you quickly rushed back to the meeting room. Max was sitting on the floor with Rory, who was giggling at him as she pulled on his beard. You chuckled, sitting down at the desk as Max looked up at you 
“She’s a little cutie, but she’s also a trouble child” You nodded with a laugh 
“Did I forget to mention that part?” You joked 
“Do you need me to stay until after the debrief?” Max asked 
“That would be really helpful, but I’m not sure that’s allowed” you replied, and he nodded 
“What if I take her for a walk? Is she due a nap?” He asked, and you nodded 
“Actually that would be really helpful. If I put her in the pram, would you be okay with taking her for a walk?” You asked 
“I wouldn’t have offered it if it wasn’t okay. I can walk her over to the F1 paddock, and you can get her from there when you’re done for the day” He suggested 
“Thank you again, Max. I really appreciate this just being sprung on you after us not talking for ages”
“For this little troublesome cutie I’d do it more often if you needed” You chuckled 
“Trust me, you won’t be saying that by Sunday night” You smiled, grabbing her pram from the side of the room before building it and putting her in it. You gave her her binkie before turning to Max. 
“Okay she should be good until I’m finished for the day” You smiled, and he nodded, walking with her just as everyone started filling the room. After debriefing, you packed up Rory’s toys and your own stuff before walking over to the F1 paddock and over to the Mclaren garage. 
“Hey Y/N” Oscar smiled, standing at his car 
“Hey Oscar. Have you seen Max?” You asked, and he pointed towards Lando’s side of the garage
“Thanks” You walked over and into the garage, smiling at the mechanics that you knew 
“There she is” Max smiled gently, rocking the pram 
“Hey babysitting, looking good on you” you joked, looking into the pram
“She makes it easy” You laughed as he let you take the pram 
“Thank you again. I’ll text you later with my meeting times and all that kind of thing” Max nodded 
“See you tomorrow” You walked out of the Mclaren garage, ready for the best sleep of your week. 
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When the next day rolled around and you were walking into the F2 paddock, you knew that Rory was going to be in safe hands and that you just had to be ready for the race ahead. 
Max was standing outside the Hitech garage leaning against one of the walls, talking to one of the mechanics he knew as Rory played with our hands strapped to your chest 
“Hey Y/N” Max smiled as you walked over 
“Hey there, Mr Babysitter” you joked
“Is the nugget ready for her big day with lots of affection?” Max asked, and you nodded 
“She sure is, but I’m gonna keep her for the morning if that’s okay” Max nodded 
“Of course it is. Want me there?” He asked 
“If you don’t mind sitting on the floor with her again” Max shook his head 
“Would be my pleasure” You smiled, leading him inside and to the meeting room that was going to be used for the day. Setting up Rory’s stuff on the floor before setting her on the floor beside Max 
“Thank you again Max” You smiled, and he nodded. Sitting down to do morning brief, Paul walked in, instantly going over to Aurora
“Hey maiustus (sweets)” Paul smiled, squishing her cheeks
“Paul please sit down, the whole team is just waiting on you” You complained and he sat down going over yesterday’s data and things that had to be done today to get a good finish in the sprint. 
Once all the other members of the team had finally left, you turned around to Rory. Paul was still sitting next to you as he scrolled through his phone, definitely avoiding his trainer but not wanting to admit it. Rory reached her arms up with a giggle as you picked her up 
“Hey little troublemaker” You kissed her head as you got up from the seat, Max, stretching his back as you chuckled at him 
“I know I said she needs attention to be happy, but you don’t have to sit on the floor with her” You smiled as he got up 
“Easier to get down to her level rather than bring her up to mine” He shrugged 
“She likes sitting on the table” you shrugged, closing the meeting room door and pulling the blinds down so that no one could see in as you heard Paul whine 
“Thought you were hiding me, but I just saw the time” You laughed, ruffling his hair as you sat down again 
“You really need to go start your warm up and do media though Paul” You sighed, feeding Rory as Paul groaned, getting up 
“Only cause I wanna win” You laughed as Max stood awkwardly 
“You can sit Fewtrell” You chuckled at his face. Poor guy was uncomfortable even being in the same room as you fed Aurora. 
“I don’t wanna make you uncomfortable” He frowned, and you shrugged 
“I’ve been doing this for the past four months with strangers. We’re not strangers. Therefore, I don’t care” you replied, looking up at him as he sat down. 
A little while later, Aurora was finished feeding, burped, and had her diaper changed before you handed her over to Max for the day who was taking her over to the Mclaren motorhome. You explained where everything in her bag was kept along with how to warm some milk up in case she needed it. Max assured you multiple times that she would be okay and that you could just come to the Mclaren garage to get her at the end of the day. 
Throughout the day, Max was subject to some teasing from Lando about his babysitting as Lando knew about his crush on you and had for many years. 
Once the race and debrief were done, you were finally able to leave the F2 paddock with Paul trailing behind you because he didn’t want to be alone again. In reality, he was hiding from the ice bath he was meant to be in, but he’d never admit that to anyone. 
“Hey Y/L/N” Andrea Stella smiled as you walked over to the Mclaren garage 
“Hey. I’m looking for Lando. Well I’m assuming he’s with Lando” You shrugged 
“Oh he’s in the hospitality with Max and a random child?” He frowned, and you nodded 
“Perfect. That’s my second born” you joked, nudging your head in Paul’s direction. Andrea laughed 
“I’m on three or so now” He joked, and you laughed 
“They learn to listen any better any time?” You asked, and he shook his head with a laugh 
“No. Never” You laughed, shaking your head 
“Damn it. Well I’m gonna find my baby and her newest babysitters” You walked off to the Mclaren hospitality with Paul trailing behind you, scrolling through his phone. You walked inside, looking about as Paul instantly walked over to Rory, picking her up off the table. You followed him over, rolling your eyes as Paul picked up his role with Rory. 
At this point, Paul was like Rory’s big brother, and there was nothing you could do to stop how much he actually loved your little girl. You took another picture as you leaned against the chair Max was sitting in, smiling at Lando, and Oscar was sitting opposite him. 
“Hey. Looked like a good race” Max smiled up at you as you nodded 
“Hey. It was a very good race considering the pit stop errors” You shrugged, and he nodded 
“How was Aurora?” You asked him, looking over at Paul and Aurora
“Think I’ve got a bald spot in my beard now. However, apart from that, she was an angel” Max shrugged, showing you a picture of Rory sitting in Lando’s car. You chuckled 
“If she looked tiny in the F2 cars, she looked even smaller in that F1 car” You chuckled, and he laughed 
“You in a rush out of here?” Max asked, and you shook your head 
“Nope. I do need to stop by and see Liam, though. Wish him luck for tomorrow” You shrugged, and Max pulled out the seat next to him, and you sat down
“Still wouldn’t move up to F1?” Oscar asked, and you looked over at Rory and Paul, who were sat on the floor 
“I think if Paul was to move up, then I would, but only with Paul, he actually listens to me” You glared at Max, who shrugged 
“I wasn’t your driver. I was just there to annoy you” Max shrugged, and you rolled your eyes. Over the next half an hour, you spoke with Lando, Max, and Oscar, but Lando and Oscar soon had to go get ready for qualifying, so it was just you and Max. Paul was rocking Aurora to sleep as you watched him with a tilt of your head. 
“I keep losing my daughter to my driver” You chuckled, getting up
“Same time tomorrow?” Max asked, and you nodded
“Only if you’re still okay with looking after her for another day” You rested a hand on the back of his seat. Max was doing you a favour, and you didn’t want to push him to do something he wasn’t completely comfortable with. 
“Yeah, of course I’m okay with it. Actually I’m more than okay with it because I get something out of this as well” He smiled looking up at you to the outside world it looked like he was deadly in love but to yourself it just looked like Max was happy.
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Sunday was always a busy day. However, this weekend just felt like it was an even busier day. Sat in your office, Aurora sat in her pram asleep as you sat with your headphones in going over some basic work you didn’t hear Max come in. 
He stood next to you, gently pushing a piece of hair out of your face as you sat back in your seat, looking up at him when you felt his presence standing next to you. You smiled up to him, taking your headphones off 
“Morning” He smiled, taking the pen out of your hand and placing it down on the table 
“Hey. Didn’t hear you come in” You hummed, looking up at him after following his actions with the pen 
“That’s because you were so caught up in your work that you didn’t hear anything, including Paul” You frowned, looking at the time. You hadn’t missed any meetings or events that you were due to be at. 
“It’s fine he just wanted to see if you wanted anything to eat” You nodded slightly 
“I had breakfast before coming here” You looked at the time again as Max sat down next to you 
“I’m gonna take Aurora a walk around the paddock then into Mclaren, and I was thinking that you could always come watch the F1 race with me from there?” He offered, and you nodded 
“I quite like the sound of that” You smiled, tilting your head slightly 
“And I was thinking about our date” He started, and you quickly interrupted him 
“Can we do it back home? My flight out of here is tonight, and I can’t get it changed unless I pay for it and after” You paused, glancing over at Rory 
“Let me worry about that. I’m the one that asked you out on the date, so I’ll worry about that” He smiled, gently resting his hand on top of yours. 
“So how’s the little darling today?” He asked, looking over at Aurora’s pram. 
“She’s quite sleepy today, so bonus for you, I guess. However, it's just because she’s starting to teeth, so she might get a little fussy or bite you” You shrugged, and he nodded, getting up just as Paul and his trainer walked in Paul was clearly in a mood about something as you raised your eyebrows. 
Max played with your hair as he stood behind you, and you couldn’t help but smile a little. He used to do that when Liam was your driver a few years ago. It’s like to this day even after limited contact, he still knew when you were hiding your stress 
“He won’t let me have a chocolate bagel” Paul huffed, throwing himself down on the chair Max was previously in as you looked at his trainer who shrugged 
“Too many carbs before a race. Especially when it’s half an hour away. I suggested alternatives, but that wasn’t good enough” The man just shrugged before turning and walking out the room, clearly not wanting to have this fight again
“Paul, we've been over this. You can’t come expecting me to solve your carb problem. I’ve already snuck you enough this weekend as it is. Why don’t you have a smoothie? I know you’re just bored, which is why you’re eating” Paul gave you a look as if you’d just suggested murdering his whole family. 
“You can get me and Max one while you’re there” you suggested, knowing that Paul would do anything for anyone else if offered the opportunity, so Paul got up and left the room again. You looked up at Max the top of your head resting against his stomach 
“I know I asked you on a date and agreed to babysit your child, but have I ever told you how good you look doing your job?” He asked, and you raised a brow thinking about it 
“I believe you may have back when I was a taken woman” You shrugged with a slight smirk 
“You’re trouble, you know that?” He asked as you tilted your head to the side a little, turning around to fully face him 
“Me? Never? That’s all Aurora, and she doesn’t even get it from me” you joked, and he laughed, looking down at you. You couldn’t help but smile up at him. 
“How long does it take for Paul to get some smoothies?” Max asked, and you shrugged
“No idea? In a rush to go somewhere?” You questioned, and he shook his head 
“No. Was just wondering” You nodded, turning back to the data, and he sighed, sitting down 
“You’re not going to stop, are you?” He questioned 
“Nope. I am not. I need to get this finished before the race starts” You sighed as he moved your hands away from the laptop and shut the lid, forcing you to look at him 
“If I was to kiss you right now, would it stop stressing out about the data?” He asked as your eyes widened
“What did you just ask?” You questioned 
“Sorry. I shouldn’t have said that out loud. I didn’t mean to say that out loud” He panicked as you turned to fully face him, leaning forward in your seat 
You looked into his eyes, trying to see any kind of emotion behind them to make sure what he was saying was actually true. You got up out of your seat, taking his hand and giving him a slight pull-up as you did. Max stood up, standing in front of you 
“Sorry. I really didn’t mean to say that” You leaned up, pressing your lips against his with a slight smile. Max froze for a second before kissing you back. One hand resting on the small of your back as the other stayed in your own. 
“Ew” Paul groaned loudly before there were a couple of thuds and the door slamming. You pulled back, looking over Max’s shoulder to see Paul covering his eyes outside. You couldn’t help but laugh a little 
“I get a life for the moment, and that’s how he reacts” Max laughed as you rested your head on his shoulder as he rested his own on your head. You waved Paul in through the window as Max rubbed your back. You couldn’t help but laugh a little again as Paul walked back in carefully 
“Warning next time, come on. With Rora in here as well?!” He exclaimed. You rolled your eyes as he picked Aurora, shielding her face from who knows what. Only he’ll ever know because it’s not a question that you were planning on asking him anytime soon. 
“I got your normal and for Max, I just guessed” Paul pointed towards the smoothies on the table 
“Thank you. Now, will you please put Rory back down and go warm up. I promise you can cuddle her after the race. Promise” You smiled, and he nodded, placing her down and walking out as you sat back down, turning to look at Max 
“Well if Paul’s away getting ready, I guess I have to let you get ready” He smiled, looking into the pram at Aurora. 
“Same as yesterday, but I’ve left a bottle in her bag. You just need to warm it up a little bit” you explained, and he nodded slightly 
“How do I do that?” He asked, and you chuckled, walking over 
“So take the plastic cover off ,obviously, then just put it in the microwave for like thirty seconds but make sure that it’s lukewarm on the inside of your wrist” Max’s head quickly turned around at that and you rolled your eyes with a laugh 
“It’s just formula, Max. Don’t worry, I just pre-made it for you” Max nodded, picking up her blanket and placing it over the handle of the pram. 
“Okay. We should be okay. If need be, I can text you, yeah?” He asked, and you nodded 
“Of course you can. Oh, and in the diaper bag next to her bottle there’s a little something for you” You smiled, leaning into the pram and pressing a kiss to Aurora’s head. 
“We’ll be good,” Max nodded with some kind of fake courage. You smiled 
“Be good for Maxie hmm” You kissed the babies head before standing up again and taking the few steps over to Max, who smiled down at you as you rested your chin on his chest 
“Don’t worry. Go do your job. We’ll be watching, or I will. The little muffin will probably be sleeping” You grinned, standing up on your tiptoes just a little to kiss him. You grabbed your computer before walking out of your office and out to the garage. 
“Did you get my email?” Oliver asked, and you nodded 
“I did. Congratulations. You’ll do good in F1” You smiled, shaking his hand as a congratulations 
“Thank you. There will be an email coming your way soon, no doubt” You couldn’t help but frown at that as Oliver walked away. Getting everything set up for Paul’s race both in the garage and the pit wall before the pre race mechanical stuff happened while you just sat there waiting.
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Max did keep sending you pictures throughout the race that you couldn’t help but smile at when the notification kept coming through. Paul’s race went brilliantly as good as it could possibly get as Paul won. After the podium, you got yourself changed out of the wet Hitech uniform as Paul decided to pour the last of the champagne over your head during the pictures.
 You packed up everything after the debrief and headed over to the Mclaren hospitality again. It currently felt like you were never away from that place. As you walked through the paddock, you couldn’t help but still wonder what Oliver meant by there will be an email for you soon. It really did worry you a bit. 
You smiled at the woman standing outside the hospitality before walking in and spotting Max sitting in the corner with Aurora asleep in his arms all cuddled up. You couldn’t help but smile as you sat down on the couch next to him 
“Oh how I wish I could fall asleep like that” You sighed, and he chuckled 
“She’s been out for about twenty minutes. I gave her her bottle and she just fell asleep” You nodded 
“Sounds about right” You smiled, looking down at her. Her cheek pressed against Max’s chest as her tiny hand held onto one of his fingers. You couldn’t help but take a picture as you watched them. 
“Race went really well” Max grinned as you looked at him 
“It went really well. I’m so proud” you beamed. Eyes flicking down to Aurora 
“Do you want me to take her? She’s okay if you want to put her down in the pram” You frowned, knowing how easy it is to get a dead arm while holding her 
“She’s okay. I’m actually enjoying the cuddles rather than her pulling my beard out” You chuckled, caressing her cheek. 
“You still want to stay to watch the race?” He asked, tilting his head so he could see you better
“Yeah that would be nice” You grinned, getting more comfortable on the couch, knowing that Max wasn’t planning on moving to watch the race by the way he was sitting. Max smiled down at you, looking at your emails 
“Oliver said there’d be an email coming my way soon. Now I can’t stop looking at my emails” You sighed 
“Oliver Oakes?” Max questioned, and you nodded 
“Any idea what it was about?” Max asked, and you shook your head 
“Honestly, I have no idea. As long as I’m not being fired” You shrugged, and he nodded 
“I’d comfort you, but your daughter has stolen both my hands” You laughed 
“There’s worse ways for you to have your hands stolen” you replied 
“Guess that’s true” He smiled 
You sat for the next two hours with Max in the Mclaren hospitality watching the Formula One race. It was an experience you’d never actually forget. Not even just because you were sitting in the F1 paddock but because Max’s reactions to something so tiny were so large. 
As you were walking out the paddock with Aurora in her pram, Max walked next to you while Lando and Oscar trailed behind Max, turned his head to look at you
“I sent you an email during the race with the details for our date and for after it” You frowned 
“After it?” You asked, and he nodded 
“Got you on the flight with Lando and I so you could spend another night here” He explained 
“You didn’t have to do that” you replied 
“I know I didn’t have to, but I saw the perfect place for a date here. Couldn’t let it go to waste” He smiled
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Coming Soon
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cllightning81 · 7 months ago
Max Fewtrell
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Favour - You need help during a race weekend and after asking everyone you could, Liam suggests you ask Max an old friend
34 notes · View notes
cllightning81 · 7 months ago
Max Fewtrell Fic
So this Max fic....
It's currently 3k words long and I'm no where near finished...
Are ya'll wanting it as one really long fic or a series or shorter chapters?
Probably like 1k or so a chapter?
There's also appearances from
Paul Aron Lando Norris Oscar Piastri Liam Lawson and more to come probably
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lnchicagosreads · 7 months ago
Shamless reblog tbh
Summary : You need help during a race weekend and after asking everyone you could, Liam suggests you ask Max an old friend
Pairing/s: Max Fewtrell x Engineer!Single Mum!Reader, Paul Aron x Engineer!Reader (Platonic)
Appearances : Bryan Bozzi, Liam Lawson, Oscar Piastri, Lando Norris, Oliver Oakes
Warning/s : Mention of death
Word Count : 5.3k
Max Fewtrell Masterlist
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Being a race engineer was hard enough as it is, but being a race engineer with a little baby was even harder. Normally, you were able to find someone within Hitech to watch your baby girl -Aurora- but this week everyone was a little bit more busy than normal 
“You know if I wasn’t racing I’d watch Rory” Paul smiled, waving his hands at the baby in your arms 
“I know you would, Paul, but we’re on pole today, and we’re going to convert it to a win” You smiled, rubbing his shoulder 
“I want to top the championship again” You nodded with a proud smile 
“We’re going to get you there” You nodded, placing Rory down on the office floor. Going over the data from last year and the last race with Paul was not as easy as it looked because he was always getting distracted by the smallest things, including Rory, who was playing with her toys. 
It was an hour later when you were walking through the F1 paddock to meet up with Bryan, who you were helping slightly with his new role within Ferrari. Sat in the Ferrari meeting room with Rory in a sling as you talked Bryan through some basic information he’d need to know for this race about the race engineering side of things. 
“You don’t fancy babysitting, do you?” You asked Bryan as you walked out of the Ferrari garage 
“Sorry I’ve still got my performance coach jobs to do” You nodded 
“Was worth a shot anyway” You sighed 
“Hey Y/N” Liam smiled instantly, going to play with Rory like the biggest child he was. 
“Hey there, sweets. Hey, what are you saying today, hmm?” Liam asked Aurora 
“She’s asking if her favourite non-biological uncle wants to babysit her?” You asked with a smile
“Sorry Y/N/N VCARBS got me on standby cause Yuki isn’t feeling the best after his crash yesterday” You sighed with a nod 
“Well good luck if that happens” You smiled, rubbing his shoulder. Liam was your first driver when you joined Hitech, but at that point, you were still on probation and starting to learn everything. 
“Max is in the Mclaren garage though” He shrugged, and you smiled 
“Liam Lawson, you are the best. I really hope you get that seat, but I’ll keep the rest of my opinions to myself” You hugged him as he said bye to Aurora. Walking back to the F2 paddock, you searched out the old phone number you hadn’t used in a very long time. 
You and Max used to be close because he was good friends with Liam and used to hang around the Hitech garage and being the same age it was easy to get along with him. 
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You sat Aurora down on a play mat in the meeting room as you sat to work on quick information before qualifying for the day. Paul walked in a couple of minutes later, sitting down opposite you with his elbows on the table and head resting on his hands 
“Hello there, Mr Aron” You looked at him, and he smiled 
“There’s a guy here to see you” He smirked, and you frowned 
“A guy? Does this guy have a name?” You asked, glancing at Aurora to make sure she’s okay. 
“Max. That’s all he said, but it’s Norris’ friend Max. I can’t remember his last name” He shrugged, getting up and walking out
“Paul” you called, and he stuck his head in through the door 
“Tell him where I am? He knows his way about” You asked with a polite smile 
“Only cause I’ve got to listen to you” You chuckled, turning back to the data finishing up the report you were writing for Paul. There was a knock on the door, and you turned to look at it. A smile grew on your face as you spotted Max waving him in as Aurora waved her hands at the new figure. 
“Hey stranger” He smiled, and you chuckled a little 
“I’m not the stranger. You’re the one that doesn’t visit” 
“Touche” Max nodded, and you motioned him to sit down, to which he sat down next to you 
“Still focused on data, I see” You nodded
“You know I’m a sucker for some good data” You shrugged, and he nodded 
“So how are you doing?” He asked 
“Stressed but happy, I guess” You shrugged 
“How about you? Saw you’ve gained quite a few followers on twitch” You smiled, and he nodded 
“Yeah. Taking a break from racing was really the thing that I needed, and I’m glad I did it” You smiled 
“I’m glad to hear you’re doing better” You nodded as Aurora clapped her hands. You looked down at her, picking her up 
“This little cutie, why you’re stressed?” He asked as Rory grabbed his finger 
“Yeah she’s also the massive favour I need” You bit your lip, and he nodded 
“Need a babysitter?” He asked, and you nodded 
“You’re totally free to say no. I know you’ve never actually met her in person and just seen pictures on instagram, but if you could, I would be so grateful and would pay you back however you wanted” You sighed 
“Can I?” He asked, holding his arms out, and you nodded, handing her over 
“She likes attention, so as long as she’s got that she’s the happiest baby ever” you explained, and he nodded 
“I’m sorry about your boyfriend. I just know he would have been the greatest dad” You nodded with a sigh 
“She looks so much like him sometimes it hurts” Max placed a hand on your knee, gently caressing it 
“Sorry I shouldn’t have brought it up” You placed your hand on top of his gently, holding his hand 
“Do you need a babysitter all weekend?” You nodded 
“Unfortunately. I can normally find someone within the team or someone that I know, but unfortunately I’m not able to this weekend” Max nodded 
“Then I’ll watch her all weekend if you need” He smiled, and you hugged him 
“Thank you, thank you, thank you” You smiled, letting out a breath 
“But I’m taking her to the Mclaren garage tomorrow” You chuckled 
“Forget about your own past then and go to your future” You joked, and he jokingly shoved you away 
“But honestly, whatever you want in return I’ll do it” You sat back, rubbing your face in relief 
“Go on a date with me” He whispered, and you looked at him
“What?” You asked 
“I’ve been wanting to ask you for years and now that you’re due me something in return I feel like now is the perfect time to ask” He hummed with a slight smirk hidden underneath a smile 
“Fine. On Sunday as payment” You nodded, and he smiled, looking at the wall 
“You need to get ready for qualifying. I’ll wait in here with this cutie” He smiled 
“Aurora or Rory. I think you probably already knew that though” Max nodded 
“I did. I follow you on instagram and check up on you every so often” You chuckled, getting up kissing Rory’s head 
“Thank you again, Max. If she needs her diaper changed there’s diapers in my office. Same place that it used to be. She’s been fed, so she’ll be fine until after qualifying. Any other worries, please just text me. Don’t even think about crossing the pit lane” Max nodded 
“Please don’t worry about her. I promise she’ll be okay in my care. Are you okay if I call LN over, though?” He asked, and you nodded 
“Yeah it’s fine” You smiled, grabbing your pass and walking out of the meeting room. You let out a breath, knowing that you could do your job without worrying about Rory. 
And that’s what you did. Paul had a good qualifying session for both the sprint and feature race. Once that was over, you quickly rushed back to the meeting room. Max was sitting on the floor with Rory, who was giggling at him as she pulled on his beard. You chuckled, sitting down at the desk as Max looked up at you 
“She’s a little cutie, but she’s also a trouble child” You nodded with a laugh 
“Did I forget to mention that part?” You joked 
“Do you need me to stay until after the debrief?” Max asked 
“That would be really helpful, but I’m not sure that’s allowed” you replied, and he nodded 
“What if I take her for a walk? Is she due a nap?” He asked, and you nodded 
“Actually that would be really helpful. If I put her in the pram, would you be okay with taking her for a walk?” You asked 
“I wouldn’t have offered it if it wasn’t okay. I can walk her over to the F1 paddock, and you can get her from there when you’re done for the day” He suggested 
“Thank you again, Max. I really appreciate this just being sprung on you after us not talking for ages”
“For this little troublesome cutie I’d do it more often if you needed” You chuckled 
“Trust me, you won’t be saying that by Sunday night” You smiled, grabbing her pram from the side of the room before building it and putting her in it. You gave her her binkie before turning to Max. 
“Okay she should be good until I’m finished for the day” You smiled, and he nodded, walking with her just as everyone started filling the room. After debriefing, you packed up Rory’s toys and your own stuff before walking over to the F1 paddock and over to the Mclaren garage. 
“Hey Y/N” Oscar smiled, standing at his car 
“Hey Oscar. Have you seen Max?” You asked, and he pointed towards Lando’s side of the garage
“Thanks” You walked over and into the garage, smiling at the mechanics that you knew 
“There she is” Max smiled gently, rocking the pram 
“Hey babysitting, looking good on you” you joked, looking into the pram
“She makes it easy” You laughed as he let you take the pram 
“Thank you again. I’ll text you later with my meeting times and all that kind of thing” Max nodded 
“See you tomorrow” You walked out of the Mclaren garage, ready for the best sleep of your week. 
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When the next day rolled around and you were walking into the F2 paddock, you knew that Rory was going to be in safe hands and that you just had to be ready for the race ahead. 
Max was standing outside the Hitech garage leaning against one of the walls, talking to one of the mechanics he knew as Rory played with our hands strapped to your chest 
“Hey Y/N” Max smiled as you walked over 
“Hey there, Mr Babysitter” you joked
“Is the nugget ready for her big day with lots of affection?” Max asked, and you nodded 
“She sure is, but I’m gonna keep her for the morning if that’s okay” Max nodded 
“Of course it is. Want me there?” He asked 
“If you don’t mind sitting on the floor with her again” Max shook his head 
“Would be my pleasure” You smiled, leading him inside and to the meeting room that was going to be used for the day. Setting up Rory’s stuff on the floor before setting her on the floor beside Max 
“Thank you again Max” You smiled, and he nodded. Sitting down to do morning brief, Paul walked in, instantly going over to Aurora
“Hey maiustus (sweets)” Paul smiled, squishing her cheeks
“Paul please sit down, the whole team is just waiting on you” You complained and he sat down going over yesterday’s data and things that had to be done today to get a good finish in the sprint. 
Once all the other members of the team had finally left, you turned around to Rory. Paul was still sitting next to you as he scrolled through his phone, definitely avoiding his trainer but not wanting to admit it. Rory reached her arms up with a giggle as you picked her up 
“Hey little troublemaker” You kissed her head as you got up from the seat, Max, stretching his back as you chuckled at him 
“I know I said she needs attention to be happy, but you don’t have to sit on the floor with her” You smiled as he got up 
“Easier to get down to her level rather than bring her up to mine” He shrugged 
“She likes sitting on the table” you shrugged, closing the meeting room door and pulling the blinds down so that no one could see in as you heard Paul whine 
“Thought you were hiding me, but I just saw the time” You laughed, ruffling his hair as you sat down again 
“You really need to go start your warm up and do media though Paul” You sighed, feeding Rory as Paul groaned, getting up 
“Only cause I wanna win” You laughed as Max stood awkwardly 
“You can sit Fewtrell” You chuckled at his face. Poor guy was uncomfortable even being in the same room as you fed Aurora. 
“I don’t wanna make you uncomfortable” He frowned, and you shrugged 
“I’ve been doing this for the past four months with strangers. We’re not strangers. Therefore, I don’t care” you replied, looking up at him as he sat down. 
A little while later, Aurora was finished feeding, burped, and had her diaper changed before you handed her over to Max for the day who was taking her over to the Mclaren motorhome. You explained where everything in her bag was kept along with how to warm some milk up in case she needed it. Max assured you multiple times that she would be okay and that you could just come to the Mclaren garage to get her at the end of the day. 
Throughout the day, Max was subject to some teasing from Lando about his babysitting as Lando knew about his crush on you and had for many years. 
Once the race and debrief were done, you were finally able to leave the F2 paddock with Paul trailing behind you because he didn’t want to be alone again. In reality, he was hiding from the ice bath he was meant to be in, but he’d never admit that to anyone. 
“Hey Y/L/N” Andrea Stella smiled as you walked over to the Mclaren garage 
“Hey. I’m looking for Lando. Well I’m assuming he’s with Lando” You shrugged 
“Oh he’s in the hospitality with Max and a random child?” He frowned, and you nodded 
“Perfect. That’s my second born” you joked, nudging your head in Paul’s direction. Andrea laughed 
“I’m on three or so now” He joked, and you laughed 
“They learn to listen any better any time?” You asked, and he shook his head with a laugh 
“No. Never” You laughed, shaking your head 
“Damn it. Well I’m gonna find my baby and her newest babysitters” You walked off to the Mclaren hospitality with Paul trailing behind you, scrolling through his phone. You walked inside, looking about as Paul instantly walked over to Rory, picking her up off the table. You followed him over, rolling your eyes as Paul picked up his role with Rory. 
At this point, Paul was like Rory’s big brother, and there was nothing you could do to stop how much he actually loved your little girl. You took another picture as you leaned against the chair Max was sitting in, smiling at Lando, and Oscar was sitting opposite him. 
“Hey. Looked like a good race” Max smiled up at you as you nodded 
“Hey. It was a very good race considering the pit stop errors” You shrugged, and he nodded 
“How was Aurora?” You asked him, looking over at Paul and Aurora
“Think I’ve got a bald spot in my beard now. However, apart from that, she was an angel” Max shrugged, showing you a picture of Rory sitting in Lando’s car. You chuckled 
“If she looked tiny in the F2 cars, she looked even smaller in that F1 car” You chuckled, and he laughed 
“You in a rush out of here?” Max asked, and you shook your head 
“Nope. I do need to stop by and see Liam, though. Wish him luck for tomorrow” You shrugged, and Max pulled out the seat next to him, and you sat down
“Still wouldn’t move up to F1?” Oscar asked, and you looked over at Rory and Paul, who were sat on the floor 
“I think if Paul was to move up, then I would, but only with Paul, he actually listens to me” You glared at Max, who shrugged 
“I wasn’t your driver. I was just there to annoy you” Max shrugged, and you rolled your eyes. Over the next half an hour, you spoke with Lando, Max, and Oscar, but Lando and Oscar soon had to go get ready for qualifying, so it was just you and Max. Paul was rocking Aurora to sleep as you watched him with a tilt of your head. 
“I keep losing my daughter to my driver” You chuckled, getting up
“Same time tomorrow?” Max asked, and you nodded
“Only if you’re still okay with looking after her for another day” You rested a hand on the back of his seat. Max was doing you a favour, and you didn’t want to push him to do something he wasn’t completely comfortable with. 
“Yeah, of course I’m okay with it. Actually I’m more than okay with it because I get something out of this as well” He smiled looking up at you to the outside world it looked like he was deadly in love but to yourself it just looked like Max was happy.
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Sunday was always a busy day. However, this weekend just felt like it was an even busier day. Sat in your office, Aurora sat in her pram asleep as you sat with your headphones in going over some basic work you didn’t hear Max come in. 
He stood next to you, gently pushing a piece of hair out of your face as you sat back in your seat, looking up at him when you felt his presence standing next to you. You smiled up to him, taking your headphones off 
“Morning” He smiled, taking the pen out of your hand and placing it down on the table 
“Hey. Didn’t hear you come in” You hummed, looking up at him after following his actions with the pen 
“That’s because you were so caught up in your work that you didn’t hear anything, including Paul” You frowned, looking at the time. You hadn’t missed any meetings or events that you were due to be at. 
“It’s fine he just wanted to see if you wanted anything to eat” You nodded slightly 
“I had breakfast before coming here” You looked at the time again as Max sat down next to you 
“I’m gonna take Aurora a walk around the paddock then into Mclaren, and I was thinking that you could always come watch the F1 race with me from there?” He offered, and you nodded 
“I quite like the sound of that” You smiled, tilting your head slightly 
“And I was thinking about our date” He started, and you quickly interrupted him 
“Can we do it back home? My flight out of here is tonight, and I can’t get it changed unless I pay for it and after” You paused, glancing over at Rory 
“Let me worry about that. I’m the one that asked you out on the date, so I’ll worry about that” He smiled, gently resting his hand on top of yours. 
“So how’s the little darling today?” He asked, looking over at Aurora’s pram. 
“She’s quite sleepy today, so bonus for you, I guess. However, it's just because she’s starting to teeth, so she might get a little fussy or bite you” You shrugged, and he nodded, getting up just as Paul and his trainer walked in Paul was clearly in a mood about something as you raised your eyebrows. 
Max played with your hair as he stood behind you, and you couldn’t help but smile a little. He used to do that when Liam was your driver a few years ago. It’s like to this day even after limited contact, he still knew when you were hiding your stress 
“He won’t let me have a chocolate bagel” Paul huffed, throwing himself down on the chair Max was previously in as you looked at his trainer who shrugged 
“Too many carbs before a race. Especially when it’s half an hour away. I suggested alternatives, but that wasn’t good enough” The man just shrugged before turning and walking out the room, clearly not wanting to have this fight again
“Paul, we've been over this. You can’t come expecting me to solve your carb problem. I’ve already snuck you enough this weekend as it is. Why don’t you have a smoothie? I know you’re just bored, which is why you’re eating” Paul gave you a look as if you’d just suggested murdering his whole family. 
“You can get me and Max one while you’re there” you suggested, knowing that Paul would do anything for anyone else if offered the opportunity, so Paul got up and left the room again. You looked up at Max the top of your head resting against his stomach 
“I know I asked you on a date and agreed to babysit your child, but have I ever told you how good you look doing your job?” He asked, and you raised a brow thinking about it 
“I believe you may have back when I was a taken woman” You shrugged with a slight smirk 
“You’re trouble, you know that?” He asked as you tilted your head to the side a little, turning around to fully face him 
“Me? Never? That’s all Aurora, and she doesn’t even get it from me” you joked, and he laughed, looking down at you. You couldn’t help but smile up at him. 
“How long does it take for Paul to get some smoothies?” Max asked, and you shrugged
“No idea? In a rush to go somewhere?” You questioned, and he shook his head 
“No. Was just wondering” You nodded, turning back to the data, and he sighed, sitting down 
“You’re not going to stop, are you?” He questioned 
“Nope. I am not. I need to get this finished before the race starts” You sighed as he moved your hands away from the laptop and shut the lid, forcing you to look at him 
“If I was to kiss you right now, would it stop stressing out about the data?” He asked as your eyes widened
“What did you just ask?” You questioned 
“Sorry. I shouldn’t have said that out loud. I didn’t mean to say that out loud” He panicked as you turned to fully face him, leaning forward in your seat 
You looked into his eyes, trying to see any kind of emotion behind them to make sure what he was saying was actually true. You got up out of your seat, taking his hand and giving him a slight pull-up as you did. Max stood up, standing in front of you 
“Sorry. I really didn’t mean to say that” You leaned up, pressing your lips against his with a slight smile. Max froze for a second before kissing you back. One hand resting on the small of your back as the other stayed in your own. 
“Ew” Paul groaned loudly before there were a couple of thuds and the door slamming. You pulled back, looking over Max’s shoulder to see Paul covering his eyes outside. You couldn’t help but laugh a little 
“I get a life for the moment, and that’s how he reacts” Max laughed as you rested your head on his shoulder as he rested his own on your head. You waved Paul in through the window as Max rubbed your back. You couldn’t help but laugh a little again as Paul walked back in carefully 
“Warning next time, come on. With Rora in here as well?!” He exclaimed. You rolled your eyes as he picked Aurora, shielding her face from who knows what. Only he’ll ever know because it’s not a question that you were planning on asking him anytime soon. 
“I got your normal and for Max, I just guessed” Paul pointed towards the smoothies on the table 
“Thank you. Now, will you please put Rory back down and go warm up. I promise you can cuddle her after the race. Promise” You smiled, and he nodded, placing her down and walking out as you sat back down, turning to look at Max 
“Well if Paul’s away getting ready, I guess I have to let you get ready” He smiled, looking into the pram at Aurora. 
“Same as yesterday, but I’ve left a bottle in her bag. You just need to warm it up a little bit” you explained, and he nodded slightly 
“How do I do that?” He asked, and you chuckled, walking over 
“So take the plastic cover off ,obviously, then just put it in the microwave for like thirty seconds but make sure that it’s lukewarm on the inside of your wrist” Max’s head quickly turned around at that and you rolled your eyes with a laugh 
“It’s just formula, Max. Don’t worry, I just pre-made it for you” Max nodded, picking up her blanket and placing it over the handle of the pram. 
“Okay. We should be okay. If need be, I can text you, yeah?” He asked, and you nodded 
“Of course you can. Oh, and in the diaper bag next to her bottle there’s a little something for you” You smiled, leaning into the pram and pressing a kiss to Aurora’s head. 
“We’ll be good,” Max nodded with some kind of fake courage. You smiled 
“Be good for Maxie hmm” You kissed the babies head before standing up again and taking the few steps over to Max, who smiled down at you as you rested your chin on his chest 
“Don’t worry. Go do your job. We’ll be watching, or I will. The little muffin will probably be sleeping” You grinned, standing up on your tiptoes just a little to kiss him. You grabbed your computer before walking out of your office and out to the garage. 
“Did you get my email?” Oliver asked, and you nodded 
“I did. Congratulations. You’ll do good in F1” You smiled, shaking his hand as a congratulations 
“Thank you. There will be an email coming your way soon, no doubt” You couldn’t help but frown at that as Oliver walked away. Getting everything set up for Paul’s race both in the garage and the pit wall before the pre race mechanical stuff happened while you just sat there waiting.
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Max did keep sending you pictures throughout the race that you couldn’t help but smile at when the notification kept coming through. Paul’s race went brilliantly as good as it could possibly get as Paul won. After the podium, you got yourself changed out of the wet Hitech uniform as Paul decided to pour the last of the champagne over your head during the pictures.
 You packed up everything after the debrief and headed over to the Mclaren hospitality again. It currently felt like you were never away from that place. As you walked through the paddock, you couldn’t help but still wonder what Oliver meant by there will be an email for you soon. It really did worry you a bit. 
You smiled at the woman standing outside the hospitality before walking in and spotting Max sitting in the corner with Aurora asleep in his arms all cuddled up. You couldn’t help but smile as you sat down on the couch next to him 
“Oh how I wish I could fall asleep like that” You sighed, and he chuckled 
“She’s been out for about twenty minutes. I gave her her bottle and she just fell asleep” You nodded 
“Sounds about right” You smiled, looking down at her. Her cheek pressed against Max’s chest as her tiny hand held onto one of his fingers. You couldn’t help but take a picture as you watched them. 
“Race went really well” Max grinned as you looked at him 
“It went really well. I’m so proud” you beamed. Eyes flicking down to Aurora 
“Do you want me to take her? She’s okay if you want to put her down in the pram” You frowned, knowing how easy it is to get a dead arm while holding her 
“She’s okay. I’m actually enjoying the cuddles rather than her pulling my beard out” You chuckled, caressing her cheek. 
“You still want to stay to watch the race?” He asked, tilting his head so he could see you better
“Yeah that would be nice” You grinned, getting more comfortable on the couch, knowing that Max wasn’t planning on moving to watch the race by the way he was sitting. Max smiled down at you, looking at your emails 
“Oliver said there’d be an email coming my way soon. Now I can’t stop looking at my emails” You sighed 
“Oliver Oakes?” Max questioned, and you nodded 
“Any idea what it was about?” Max asked, and you shook your head 
“Honestly, I have no idea. As long as I’m not being fired” You shrugged, and he nodded 
“I’d comfort you, but your daughter has stolen both my hands” You laughed 
“There’s worse ways for you to have your hands stolen” you replied 
“Guess that’s true” He smiled 
You sat for the next two hours with Max in the Mclaren hospitality watching the Formula One race. It was an experience you’d never actually forget. Not even just because you were sitting in the F1 paddock but because Max’s reactions to something so tiny were so large. 
As you were walking out the paddock with Aurora in her pram, Max walked next to you while Lando and Oscar trailed behind Max, turned his head to look at you
“I sent you an email during the race with the details for our date and for after it” You frowned 
“After it?” You asked, and he nodded 
“Got you on the flight with Lando and I so you could spend another night here” He explained 
“You didn’t have to do that” you replied 
“I know I didn’t have to, but I saw the perfect place for a date here. Couldn’t let it go to waste” He smiled
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Coming Soon
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