#mf? just. pulled out the match book he'd gotten from the bagel place
multifandomhoodies · 1 year
my work partner and i are both younger siblings and that. has some kind of impact on a lot of our interactions. i asked him to move the truck forward the other day and he hit me with the whiniest bitchiest NO!!! >:( i've heard out of him and i was just like. bRO? he moved it anyways he was literally going to but like. i was like. mf that's some younger sibling shit.
he got baja blast the other day from taco bell and i was like?? where's mine? you went to taco bell and you didn't get me any?? and he was like. no. you didn't bring me any when you had it. anyways so i wound up having to take the truck for a bit and he was like "don't drink my baja blast." and i got back and told him i drank it all. when we were leaving for the day and he finally had a sip of it he said it tasted like someone had spit in it and i told him i put leaf humus in it
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